Merchant Chiw'ia Trim.x 'of Emmavillo spoilt a few hours in town Mouciuy. Mrs. Kuth 8wo)it? Hpciit, a day or two among friends in town last week. Mr. .1. S. Hill, near Gem wan a ! pleasant caller at this oflice while in town Monday. Dr. and Jlr.s. waitzwelderof Needmore took dinner at t!io j Washington House last Friday. Miss May Mason of Hancock i is visiting iu the home of her un-' cle, Frank Mason, at this place.! , , , , ..larmges nowadays beg1Us ! with courting and froqnon'ly i viius wiiii uivorct: courting. . . ,. Dr. Justus Sincxon's wife and children, Horace and Justus, Jr., of Philadelphia are guests of Mrs M. R Trout. Ilev. William Anthony will preach in McConnellsdalochun-h Sunday morning and Sunday evening August 10th. Miss Katie S. Fore spent last Thursday afternoon at the Jioi ie of Mrs. William Ounuells, at Knobsvillo. Mrs. C. K. Spangler and her aunt, Mrs. Shaferof l'hilade!j;hia spent Saturday alternoon at Daa iel E. Fore's. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Carbau. h j thoroughly. The graduates of and daughter ifjoldie and son Nr r-1 this school teach well because ris spent Sunday afternoon at ,').! they themselves have been well E. Fore's. i taught. If you are interested in Mrs. S. D. Stevuiis and daugh- Normal School education write ter Grace of Chambersburg a-e I u I)r- ('- M. D. Fxikles, Shipi)eiis Kpending this week with h jr burn. I'!'-, for a catalogue of tlie mother, Mrs. L. E. Harris. ! ehool of vhich he is principal. Mr. E. E. Snyder a salesman I Wholesale Arresls. for S. D. Stevens in Chambers-j Fl)Ul.l(,f;n voun,, mcn of (,d. burg spent a few days on this f(jrd ,md vicinily-were arrcsU,d of the inouutam last week. n tlc c,,Iirg0 ()f di8turbinff the Tho appearance of Mrs. M. A. j public peace, the prosecutor be Thompson's residence on Hustling J.J. D.illard, who was con Water street has been much in-j ducting a dance at Island Park, proved by new siciiug and a coat Wolfsburg, where tho defend of paint. ! ants by their rowdyism greatly Miss Mary McClosif.y has been i annoyed those who were present, elected to the departmnet of Hn-j- j All of the boys but one acknowl lish and History in the Hi;.h , edged tliai, they had violated the School at Newton, N J. School j law and each paid tho tine and opens in September. cost which amounted to $5.50. t mi -. An artist if. .-out. f .,int. m. plied by John Selsor has add d much to the appearance of Mr. Margaret Henry's house on Wal nut street. Mr. James C. McK'ee of Whips Covo dropped in to see us while in town last week and pushed his subscription well along through I'M) I. Misses Olive aud Esther (Ireea land of Braddock. i'a.. we-e guests at the Hagle Hotel, Fort 1 Littleton, from Tuesday uutill Thursday of last week. Misses Nellie and Jessie Nace of Chambersburg are. spending this mouth in McConuollsburg and are registered at the Wash ington House. Maj. Frank W. Hess and fami ly of San Diego, Ca!., who have been visiting his sister, Mrs. Robert Uiil of Greenmount, Ad ams county, are now stopping in Gettysburg for awhile. Miss Sadie Si pes of Allegheny, Pa., aud her sister Miss Myrtle Sipes of New Castle, Pa., are spending their annual summer vacation with their parents, Ex Sheriff and Mrs. D. V. Sipes, near town. Mr. John Oaltes, an expert lightning slinger in charge of oe of tho offices of the P it E rail road, is spending part of his sui i mor vacation with his uncle, M. 11. Shat'fner, in this place. Mr. Frank StoulTer and wife of Chambersburg came over to this place last Saturday. Mr. Stouf fer returned Sunday, and Mrs. StoulTer will remain a week at the Washington House. Mr. Oliver Hill, secretary of the Hethel school board, called to advance his subscription to the 'News" while In town the other day. His face was badly swollen from the effects of an. abscessed tooth. The Mercersburg Journal says: "A pleasant visitor on Saturday was Mr. I. P. Hendershot, of Ayr tow d ship, "Fulton county. Mr. Hendershot intends moving to this side of the mountain in the spring, having bought a proper ty in the Corner. He is now look ing around for a tract of timber land." MILLINERY. We still liavu a few JIaU and Trim tilings which we will clcme out below cent. Come and see, and be convinced that you can got hata as low aa 20 Cents. Mjch, A. F. IJTTL.K. MW COLKT HOUSI: At Ciiatnb.T- Ijci j Orin to the Public last Thursday fiv i.niii. i Lnst Thursday being the ty-ninth anniversary of the burn- hig of Chain bersburg by the Con-: federates under McCausluiul, the now Franklin County Court' """S,J w thrown open to t'lOj 1111,1 Wils v'td nd spoetud by thousands. T(!,,M"T' WIW in M:,'' "-'"-am' cost about sr.:,,..-, "ic-build.njr was rebuilt all but ! the walN. The court room is pro- nounccd (jn,; of Uiu filj(Ml ; ,p. . ' 'i-'.w. i uv I if uuu uiu I f - . ':"';i wibii copoi.'i , hiui ii eon- j croto Wlllk lms Veen ,lid about j the whole building. This is the I fourUl 0ourt House the citv l,as i u ... . r i .-oo 1 Alter the reception all tiio couu- ! ty officers held a banquet at Ilo- j tel McK'inloy in honor of the ! event. Shippenshiirg Normal School. Every student recommended by the faculty of the Shippens- burg Normal School to the State Board of Examination passed a ! creditable examination. This in- i jdicittos that the work in tho I classes nf this school is done very young man who aeinanded a hearing was accommodated on Wednesday and found guitly. He had to pay 10.70 line and costs. NEARLY F0RFL1TS HIS UPE A runaway almost ending fatal ly, started a horrible ulcer on the leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove III. For four years it defied all doctors and all remedies. But Bucklon's Arnica Salvo had no trouble to cure him. Equally good for 1)Ur"s' 1,1 uisL's sldn ;ptious pnes. -.jc ai an arug stores. liussel S. Garland, son of G. N. Garland, formerly of Thomp son township is visiting relatives in this county. Mr. Garland was recently discharged from the United States Marine Corps, in which ho served for six years, six months and twenty days. In February 191, when the Maine was blown up in Havana harbor, ho was ordered in Key West and was one of the first to land on Cuban soil at the outbreak of the war. He also served over three years in the Philippines and China. Shlppcnsburg State Normal School. If you desire to prepare for a successful career as a teacher you should write to Dr. Ci. M. D. Eckels of Shippeusburg, Pa., for the new catalogue of tho Ship pensburg Normal School. Tbis is one of the best training schools for teachers in tho state. Those who hold the diploma of this in stitution are authorized to teach in any district of this common wealth without further examina tion. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative JJromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure. E. V. Grove's signature is on each box- 2ric. Mr. and Mrs. John (J, Ewing j oi inciting reoK township were pleasant callers at this office last Friday. John cut with a scythe and put a war into the mow twnn. I ty-two loads of hay this harvest. He didn't say they were four horso loads, but that is a good record,, even if they were one horse loads. ' Picnic. . A picnic aud festival will be held near Webster Mills, Satur day, August IS, beginning at 10 o'clock. There will bo a ound of good music. a,good floor, and re fresh men ts. Joh W, Bain, proprietor. HO UOHININO KM I S. A Silcnllflc Joirnnl Suvj ihe Stroke '.imics From (iriiind flu.l nut I'rom wlou J I The cause of dcnlh by lirhtning ! lis tho sudden absorption of the; I electric current. When a thuu i der cloud which is liighjy charged , with M)sitive electricity hangs over a certain place the earth be- i ueath it becomes abnormally ! fharired with the iuv':i t,i v elee- I trie current, r.nd a man, direetlv beneath comes also under tli'sin Ihience. If a discharge takes place from the cloud above the restoration of tho equilibrium will be sudden and violent, or in HUlUfl, LOO l-H.'iiW . i; I. U I l til L '. ...... . !,.. 4 i , . ... , ! f'" W1 1 "sh up to j J01" .tho t"'lt"? d. lmssmg ihh l'i ! wlll('h "'ijwratos the twocurror.ts if it be an animate thing, wili do so with such force as to produce almost invariably instant death. According to this aivrson is real ly "struck" by the grout, d cur-! rent and not by the forked fury! from above at all. EAT ALL YOU WANT. j Persons troubled with indigos-1 tion or dyspepsia can i fit a;' they ! want if they take KoJol Dyspep- sia Cure. This remedy prepares ' the stomach for the reception. rt.. i ten tion, digestion and assiinii-i- ; tion ot all of the wholesome food ! that may bo eaten, and enables the digestive organs to transform the same into the kinds of blood that gives health and strength. Sold at Trout's drugstore. Turkcys Will he Scarce. A well-known poultry rai.v 11.- forms us that there wii! bu n shortage of turkeys till.-, fall and winter. The turkey crcp year was very .short. ivd conse quently fewer turkeys were kept over winter than usual. This spring was a particularly hard one on young turkeys on account of the very heavy rains. Young turkeys cannot stand very n.uch dampness, therefore the number lost was very great and even few er will be raised this year. It is also thought tiiat chickens will be scarcer than heretofore, as they have been affected, though in a less degree, by the wet weather. MYSTERI01S CIRCUMSTANCE. One was pale and sallow tiie other fresh and rosy. Whence the difference? Shu who is blush ing with health uses Dr. Kiny's N-w Eife Pills to maintain it, py gently arousing the lazy organs 1 they compel good digestion ar.d i head off constipation, 'i'ry them, j Only 2"ic, at all druggists. SORE SHOULDERS OP HORsrs. Heavy work season of the farm ! always occasions galled or so.-e ' shoulders on work liorses. Here i is a simple and cheap wny to pre-, ven t thi s : Talce an ord i nn ry s j pad and cover the surface next to the shoulder with white soft oil cloth. Ue very careful t have it put on very smooth, without any wrinkles or lumps on its surface. The cover is put on by neatly sewing it with strong thread, so that it will not become displaced. The trouble with the horse's shoulders in this respect is caus ed by sweating, and as the oilcloth presents a cool, dry surface and does not hold dampness as loathei or cloth does, it prevents the j shoulders from becoming sore iu almost every instance Farmer. -Midland Some F.mcliah Kitchen Maxims. Not to wash plates nnd dishes soon after using makes work. Spare noither soda nor hot wa ter in washing up greasy urti-1 files. j Dirty saucepans tilled with hot ' . t .1 . . ! water oegin in mem- selves. Wash a saucepan v.oll. but cleau a frying pan with a; nf br(il(1 Never put the handles of knives into hot water. i Four nothing hut water down ; the sink. HOME TOR SALE, ami two Lotk A House uml two l,ot with out- liuilifingH and Htulilo 21x35, all iinik-r evrfillnnt rfinuli. This propnty would milt to open uf,,m -it'Uc:U'd to oxtimioo such Hotel and I.lvery; or a good locution 1 packages and report, if writing for a physician. Will soil at a bar- j Is found, to the dupartnjeot olli gain, and moving to tho City U reason I n)aiSi Tno uext tll(J BOni(J,.H U(nv i"i M3IIIUK. vii ui oiiurfiks Mas. Hkv. 1'.. Shokmakkh, lludtontown. I'a. Subscnbo for the News and do ! It to day. Only one dollar. Facts Worth Knowing. I'ar .Mii'mri Wajroiis, Nurtvys and I inrrclcs, ltuniiboutH, Furm I'tf Milk-Wnjrous, Toi Sprlng-warrons, Hinders, Mowers, liny inki-s, !ivr cliillr-il, ;iyrin:tno and Winnl uliilled plows, Wood mid Steel frutne Ikutowh. (MMviiijr Machines with 4 drawers, drop head, iruaranteod for ten v'ihw, for ft). Tin; YI,eeer k Wilson Sewlnir Miiehlne Is the I mii: f(,i :n . i,;il:ir. Don't fail to see it before buying. I'"- MeiidijiiiirtiT.s for Oi ain drills - stock n Iwu.vs on hand. I I, I);.- 1 ! i';m -! Mo. k In the count V In biniles nnd fnrm liimln. ' 1 "' M;' roi;ds tnv riylit -unl priees rh;lit. floods rljjlit hero ami wii; lie heie !o tell you that I n triv e just lis mtieh for your inc. .iev .is .my rle.'i'i.r m the County. I'.. I,, . one and si e me or write to mo belore luiyiije. 3 . J . GOP4ERER. 'icConnellsburg, Pa, i.lim.MIn Wild,! :nr Suli:. nii-e of 'i!:e l;iv:o!-ili jOd :-;::'e 'h. .: p. See A. M. Skviu.k, .Mi;Co!.noll.-.bur,.;, Pa W a nt Kt i. - -1 (r- ii i chickon.s at 10 '.';!'s;i H and 'tv'i) o'o.en eggs .!'., J! f , t' a .lo.on. Ct.AV M, Ti:r"o Sprites Pa. 0wUA.N,ji()V:. ('iii.i' ..'r':!ii(i 'nl.y K'ail- ; M'ii i ! rsi ' ;'.!!. i ' , rl 'oi- sin I'leven ! ( .'coil ii ( ; rove, J. vi?. their lino Friday A'jrust j lay- A.-: bury I i. ud P !.. :'.:'-i:rsi,,i! (.s good to re- re i.,itii Set.)., 1st. !!in::, i:ii;)'i .e vi'i sold l',,r t.rain No. I, i'':;; .'' v i'fS.;y :t s. '!.) A. M. i n live. .J. i ,il.e ').(". l ,v ' ill "''Ul: J .T in. i :: .;. TOO i i;::.0NAL. Vol ! county ex 'i ,y on nit j'jiiiit r ,v!;o has been puy -to a iiiiiiisier's so tii e ti'iie. The ! lie Vi illtli took a s to hear bis di'- (.);;. clial:.'l ;i. t;.;it if our toll.- -eei io! ibg iittenlion I'iint' r for othf"' Siih(i;iT eoi;;:h; oi' ; r .r.ji sire ha pj iVm : h.- in !a vied t'ovt, the ;i in: 1 1 .'i Miser.;t."i. It i (.'Veivi'il g(Ml for his t'.'.M: I'lev i .nsly tor- !. " .-! net- then .i ' a 'ij'l'itt f is ' merited witii dev the youthful tvpo ht.'s been "up in the air" wonderin;: if the text j wjs a pei soutil rt ference. His i friends tell him it looks that wav. HITI'M t'H.I. !.( ASI RC. The pi!i-5 that p.'ti.'ni. iii their ai-tion nnd pious o;t iu effect are P,,u lM I-"Ul,! "ivl; PV..- V. Pinout uf Al "');:! :r'' hi!;., otH;- Sniidl as 'no'v-gn.i;! i! , or any other pill il.-; :".' i t ink t '.''as it tin! tne .':!iit!!el,i)hii!inass i I evei' took aud ;Ut 1h same tune it eificted me pleusai.tly. Little I'krly Kisers 1 '' t-'i'i'v an d Sold lU '' "s li rui' "i"rc. i'l.HLRT SMITH ARIfliS'(EI). A.". i' u desperate light'ibort Smith of Puck Valley, who en J. P. Shearer's More in Cumberland, Md., a few days ago in broad daylight, held up the clerk, Charles Gleiohuiari, then escaped wit! i two tine revolvers, wai aties'ed in that city last Wednesday, lie had one revol ver with him. Smith was identi fied by Oli -ichmati and also con fessed. AUer tin' robbery Smith went to Little Orleans, ?.1d , where his ' friend, S'.ias Miller, lived. Later j both returned to Cumberland. Here Smith ;is.;d Miller to com municate with his sweetheart. j Miller whs h r rested for abetting the crime, but was only held us a witness, i i.e suy Smith tried to iret several persons to go with him anil rob the Hancock bank. It is also allcircd that Smith wanf- d to waylay and rob the Oueen City P.rick nnd Tile ''"in f' 'W master, and rob a (1., ... I. - ..I. . A ... II., 1 . . a uhui.,i mon seuo. xie is a son oi i I'l'e late Solomon Smith, Puck v atiMV. Sinill. held it) default of ?iJ',!i hiiil. hAV RE IMOM-SUSO TO k'.OW.. It ma i'Ue resting' to somej v. ho havt; l-i'iiil 111 "hist a ''W 1 words'1 n 1 paper or men-handise umilcd nt ; the lower rules to friends. iilui .1 i.,.. ,,.. .. cointuou that ijostuiaftters have will he a visit from tho deputy Unitod StutoB nmrshal wiih 11 warrant for arrest, uud tho result of having to pay a tine of $2' ni;d ! th.' co.t of tho action Administrator's Notice. I'M Hit nf Ii-ivlc! Miirtz ilpcoiised Let''!--, of inlptihlMrut'.on. on the pstute of Oitvid Mini, lute o: Llak UK Creek : town-hip (lenei-ert. hnvinir liceti Kmntefl hv the IWlMer of Will-of Kuituu county to the mih- -enlier. w I'ose rotnltlee iiililreN Is burri-ou-ville. rulleii enuniy. !n.. nil person who ure Inili hted t.i the s;i:il e-'ute will pleime maUe pn nient iitnl ii'o-e l.nvii-iif oliitms will present t heir. In II, S. tiANIKt.S, AiliiilniHtrutor. June ;!), l!m.T Administrator's Notice. e!ie -t r:i : ii i-i nil I ii . lellie: I i- herehv i-iven that letters of uilinlti h ive heen -riii.teit tnlhe iinderNtifneil es; 'ite ol John H. Dlvelliisg lute of .vr:l;i;i l-'iilion eounty. ltt.. ileeens- 'I. , i pet Miii- hio inif iMiilnis mrulnst Kiiiil es- " ii nre.sent I hem properly HiithcntleittRil f T Set Meilielit. tl'il tlhl-t? IIWiuK the HIIDie Will rie e ei.ll iinrl ellle. KM.IOTT DIVKI.H1SS. Administrnliir. .1 l'V In .1. iirfonlsliuiv. ltt. lilvorce Notice. I'ebr i ii n ! o. Hi I'l-niiih I In the Court of -Oiinmiin I'leiiM of eifiiutli I s'ninin eonnlv. Pn No. I .Mm y T , Urns lu Oi-orec. 'I hi' in i:i.',su:iietl. l-er. tippo'nted by the , u.;es ..I 0" I . ii-l ..f Ciiiikh ill l'le;is. (if Fill : in oil. mi v. ii t..kf ti'siiimiiiy. uijil return the -..lie. lei elder vvil h it leiMiit of the prucei'tl I ir li.'lui-e line, iinil lMMiiliiion of the ease, to tne eiiurt In tne uliove stated ease, hereby i ve- m iiee Hint he will sit for the ncrform i ;iee nt his duties at his ortlee In MeConnells l uri.'. I n . on I'Viiluy. Auuust if. low. lit 10 i niiicl; A.M..WI111U 11 nd w here all pintles Id t :( I' ll in.ny iitti'inl If they see proper S. W. KIRK, Master. l .llt M I'Olf SAI.Ii. -iViiuiei! i.i.e ii, lie e:;si of MeOonnelltdiurir. I'i... eye'iilintf ti Loudon pilie. eoritulnr.ip ACUKS. A I.AIHih NKW HANK 1IAK.V, I. lately lieen ail.ied co II, u Impioveinenls. '1 he 1 .1 1 Hi !s iu!ii:.r::n:v iidupted (or stui'k pur 1 ",l '. 'i.ii 'ii 1hi1!1iI t.n li;rins lo -Itit lir i. Hi - t he ii'.v in r IIAMKI. f.ll.llKUT. I'hiitiiiier.sliurif. Ca. . u ishin;,- tu vl-iL the premises inquire W it NI'XSON loCoriiieiIs-.iurif. Pu. ORCHARD GROVE Prices. Side Moat 12c. I'e-S I Sutter J.nril Slimililcr iii:i Tn lluiv Kio. lie. 14o. 12o. 1;V. "k;. old I'uultry !lc. Young " i;Jc. Clo tu Herkstrpsser's for Haw HIJo I'li-lt-luocrs i, I. j, J. in., all lfintrths. 12 uml 'is (. , r ilibm- drill and duck for l!nj.'e;y Tops ami Wiitron Covers. riii'i:in; fur Knyines AUUORA tho lie.-t Unit tno murkot ulfords, nnd the Itotnnl Asbestos for ehest imcking. Hoii't you need it complete 8-duy clock ifl !i "j; sumo with an alarm $2.40. Lemons for the hot days. I 'ure Corn Starch 1 lb., pjickuge iio. 1 lb., run (if Iloyul Unking Powder .Vic. v7. L. BERKSTRESSER, Manager. t VOU NEED ABUGGY t HOW DOES THIS STRIKE YOU? J X A Bran New Falling Top Buggy -with Full Leather 1 X Trimming, Spring Cushion X aud Baek, Thousand" Mile X Axle, A fJ;ade Wheels, Pat- X X eut Shaft Couplers and Fine- X ly Finished throughout for 1 ONLY $50. liurge Stock to select rotn. I am also handling Hand- X made Buggies and Wagons. W. It. Evans, J IIustontowD,'Pa. 1 Harness! Harness! WALKKK MANUFACTURING CO. Fanncttsburg, Pa,, 'ril,'n liuiul, uud will iimkii to ordur ... .w.rVv ... n iijuu 1 inn IllUllllf r, Team Harness, & Bucjgy Harness. any style and price. . Nets, Whips, A' is., at Uholesale and Ketuil. Special attention to Repair Work. S. Elmer Walker. Proprietor. JOHNSTON'S JOHNSTON'S JOHNSTON'S Johnston Lawns fie, a belter one nt 8c, and a beautiful lino of all colors nt 10c. A lino of the most attractive Mousscllnes nt lflc, white lawn 8, 10 nnd 12c. HIack nnd colored Serges for skirts, and all tho latest novelties in Shirt waist-suit poods. LOTHING Men's nnd boys' work shirts 25, 39 and 50c. Dress shirts fancy nrnllpeg 25, 48 and H.09. Overalls and work pants 25, 40, 48 nnd 75c. rtoys' dress pants 25c. Men's dress pants 1.00, 1.:5, 1."5, $2.25, J2.75. Chll dren's suits 80c, 1.00, $1.25, $1.75, $2.00, $2.75. Men's suits Black and Fifrured Nobby Clothing, ffunrnnteed In making:, $2.40, $.'U)0, $5 , $i) 50 $7.75, $9, $10. STRAW HATS Boys' straw hats 5, 8, 15, 25c. Men's straw hats 8, 10, 25, 35, 15, 75, $1. $1.50. Mon'g and boyg Wool ond Fur Hats 50, 75, $1.00, f 1.25, $1.50. Shoes Children's 15, 25, 35, 48c. Misses' 50, 75, $1., $1.50. Ladies' Patent Ox ford and Opera Slippers $1.25, $1.40 Ladles' dress shoes 8c, $1.25, $1.60, $1.75, $2.50. Men's work shoes $1.00, 1.18, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00. Men's dress shoes $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50. Men's Patent Leather $1.50, $2, $2.75, $3.50, Carpets and Mattings Carpots at 25, 35 and 50c. Straw Matting 12, 15, 17, 20, 25c. Lace Cur tains 3i. 4il, 75, $1. Curtain poles complete with fixtures, 8 aud 10c. Do You Want to Save Money? Do You? Then call and examine our stock of Hardware be fore buying. You have here the Largest Stock, of Hardware In the ' County to select from, We will name you a few of our many bargains : One t8-tooth spring harrow left we will sell at cost. Steel monkey wrenches 6-in., 19c, 8 in. 21c, 10-in. 25c, and 12-inch, 30c. Job lot nickel plated ratchet braces, 10-in. sweep, 50c. Steel crowbars, 60 to 90c Manure forks On tario 32 cts, Bachelor 40 and 45c. Hand saws 35, 45, 75, $1.20, $1.40, $1.60. Horse nails 10, 11, and 14 cts, a lb. Grain rakes 20 and 22c Machine Oil 18 and 25c per gallon. Iron and steel tire at the lowest cash prices. Blacksmith's supplies at the lowest prices. Head quarters for low prices on high grade Hardware of all kinds, prices always the lowest. . TERMS STRICTLY CASH. R. S. PATTERSON, McConnellsburg, Pa. Pour doors east of the Telegraph Office. firnvk Fnr CLAY PARK'S THREE SPRINGS, PA Table Oil-Cloth. Strictly first grade at 1.75 per roll of 12 yards. Men's Ready made suits at 13.98 to li".00 each. Dlioyg Heady made suits at tl.r0 to 7.00. Drop Head SEWING at (13 75 agents get $05.00 for the same Machine. Syracuse Hill Side Plows with STOVES AND RANGES 14.00 to 1134.00 each fully guaranteed, Carets at 14 cts pur yard.' Kggs for Uutohluy. White Ply- Write for Hardware, Wire, ... Harness Glass, Cedar Tubs, Churns, Wagons, Uugglos, Paints and Oils, Implements, Mattings We have lartre orders to fill week and will pay the highest We want your trade J. K JOHNSTON, ; McConnellsburg, Pa. thfl bast Innnv I - Ticking faced horse collars at 00 cts each. White Lead (ii cts per tti. Wire Nails at $2.75 per keg. Lightning Washing Machines at 3.25 each. Ball Bearing MACHINES wheel at 8..r0 Syracuse Furrow Plows with wheel and Jointer $10. 1 mouth Hocks, the great winter layers. 15 eggs for 60 cts. ' !( Prices on f Dress Goods, Groceries, Ladles Trimmed Hats, Flour, Men's Hats, Feed, Boys' Hats Seed Oats, Shoos, Garden Seeds, on Eces and Poultrv everv price either cash or trade. '