The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, August 05, 1903, Image 7

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Elaborate Ceremonies 'Carefully
Carried Out at tho Demise of the J'iil!..-.
Supreme Pontiff Reasons for Ex-
ceptton in the Case of Plus IX. njliip
n'C the death of the Tope n
curious nnd elaborate .cere
nion.T, which Is the protrtli
of iinm;- centuries, tens
rlctl out with cure to the
utmost dctnil. l'nrt of this
tpremony mny be -sold to be the statute
Inw of the C'nthdllc Church nt froiili a
crisis, nnd pnrt 'Ih an elaborate cudo
it rules trUlch lins become common
Inw liy t"Up .precedents of past similar
The prescribed ceremonies, which tip-
tons to the law t,f the church, dale
back to Octolier 1, 15(;2. with the m
itltutlon Inx'ti'sondls of This IV. This
ronstltutlon -was extended by Gregory
K1V., November iri,lfl21, in his Aetert.l
Pntris, nnilbotl, received Amplification
jy Gregory tu his bull, Pecct Ronmn
im rontlflcem, IssupO March 12, HU2.
This last-named Instrument was fur
ther supplemented by (Clement XII. In
41s Apostolntus overrun, October 14.
1732. As to the matters of customary
procedure not found In 1hls code, many
ure very nnelrnt, nnd historians are
not agreed ns to their ourco or their
When It is nntlctpatod That the Tope
W about to die. thn first net Is for the
decretory of State to corrvey the In
formation to the Dean of tho College
it iCnrdlnals, who Tiroeeed Immedlnte
"y with his colleagues trim mny be
present nt ltome t tlie papal residence.
8y order of the. Cardlnnl-Vlcar prayers
ireiilirocted to be offered In nil Cntlio
He churches, nnd ns n rule tlie diplo
matic corps is oftlelnlly notified. If
!he physicians In Attendance Judge
3eatn to be nt hand the household of
the rpe and the Cardinals r sum
Boned to his bedside. The Pope's con
fessor nnd the Cardinal Grand renl
tentlary receive his Inst confession,
md the ncrnment of extreme tinrfion
s ndmlnwtcred by the Tope's snerls
'nn, nnAngURtlnhin monk. If the pbys
cnl condition warrants the Tope re
ntes the Trldentine profession of faltli
ind receives the Brand absolution from
the grand penitentiary. It Is the be
lief of the Catholic Church that while
the Tope Is Christ's vlceregent on
nrth, holding by Ills sift the keys of
nearer! and hell as regards others, he
jlmsclf must receive absolution nnd
insolation on the level with the hum
blest saint of the Catholic communion.
After this ceremony the Pope may
leclnre his dying counsel nnd desires
:oncernlng his successor, and the fu
:ure policy of the church, which, how
ver, have no binding nuthority. Tho
?acristati then recites the commendn
:loa prayers, "Depart, Chrlstinn soul,"
?te. As the last moment approaches
Jie Franciscan friars, who ore peni
tentiaries of Ft. Peter's, chant the peni
tential psalms, nnd nt the demise the
Secretary of State Immediately noti
fies the Cardinal Chamberlain, who by
law Is the executive of the Tnpal Gov
irnment nd Interim. . This official,
ilothed In a violet robe and accom
panied by the prelates of the chamber,
nters the room of the dead. The face
)f the corpse Is covered with a white
llotli, nnd while the penitentiaries con
:luue their chanting of the offices of tho
lead tho Cardinal Chamberlain kneels
m n velvet pillow nnd offers n silent
prayer. Itising, the white cloth is re
lioved by the attendants, and he
itrikes the forehead of the dead three
times with a silver hammer, repeating
t each stroke the baptismal name of
;he corpse, and then turning to those
present says, "The Pope is indeed
lead." All kneeling, he recites the "De
Profundls" with the prayer of absolu
tion, and sprinkles the corpse with
holy water. The master of tho cham
ber then approaches nnd takes from
the finger of the dead Pope the Fish-n-mnn's
Ring, the special symbol of
authority, nnd hands it to the Cham
berlain. The ceremonies at the death
bed are concluded by the reading by n
prothonotnry of the formal record of
the decease of the Todo required by
both ecclesiastical and civil law.
From the presence of the corpse the
Chamberlain now proceeds to another
ipartmeut and there announces to the
assembled officials of various order
the news of the Pope's death. Orders
are issued at the same time for the
notification of tho cardinals and for
tho conclave. While these official
iutles are being performed the body
9f the Pope Is prepared for the funeral
rites. It is first embalmed, the viscera
being placed In a marble urn and con
reyed at once to the baseineut of St.
Peter's Cathedral. When the embalm
ing Is completed the corpse Is clothed
In full pupal vestments nnd exhibited
to all In the Vatican. It Is then re
moved for the night to the Slstlne
Chapel, and on the next to St. Peter's.
!ts final destination, where It is placed
an a large catafalque about which
twelve tapers of yellow wax are light
ed. For nine successive days high
mass Is suns each day while the dead
Popo llct In state, tho last three days
being known a tho "great funeral
services," and on the ninth day the
eulogy over the dead is pronounced.
The proTlsional burial takes place on
tho third dny after the conclusion of
these obsequies.
These burial rltei prescribed by law
or tradition were not observed in the
:aso of the death of Fius IX. There
were serious fenri of popular tumult,
and owing to existing political coali
tions there wns some apprehension
that the Italian Government might In
terfere with the obsequies. The body
3f Plus IX. was therefore moved at
once ud by night to St. Peter's. The
obsequies lasted but eight days, and
the burial took place on the fourth day
after the conclusion of the obsequies.
This departure from ancient custom
nd law .created much discussion and
aurprlsc, some going so far a to ques
tion tho validity of the election of Leo
Mil. on this account. There Is Both'
Ing, however, In the prcseut state of
Italy to warrant any depaarture from
tlmc-'ioiiored procedure.
At entombment on the third
Any after the public ceremonies, ilia
relative of the Pop?, the cardinal
created by the dead Tope, bis Immedl
ate household nud the cbamberlulu
ere present, although, case are not
wanilug of ft wider invitation. The
monk". :f St. IYter ffinn hi )irocf;p!n
nml Ringing flio "Mlsci'oro" tlie cortege
pnRo through tho rtile iinve of tlir
oiitlicdr.'il :to the thwe of sepulture.
Hpre follow a long, tcilious nml mlti
uto corrinonlnl, tho recital of the jinr
tlculnr of which wnuKl lie wenrlsomp.
The burial aorvlqc emU'cl, the liod.v It
lowered Into Its temporary lTstlng
place until 'the pcruinwuit ninugolcuti)
enn be prepared.
Maryland Mny 1'iui I.utt -to 1'rntilhlt .line on Clnme.
Thp Maryland (!nme nnd Fish Pro
tective Association, will likely bring
before the next Legislature, a bill to
prohibit tho rise of repeating shotguns.
These guns are known as pnmp guns,
and their cnrinlts claim that In tli
hands of experts ithey are most dc
etrnctlve of game, especially of par
trldges in tho enfty season. The move
tnent lias been drawn to the attention
of lu-puty Game Warden Itolert Gil
bert, formerly Game Warden, nnd one
of most influential and netlr pro
tector .of game In this section of the
country.. Sir. Gilbert nys:
"The movement to prohibit the use
of pump guns will l.e brought up fot
discussion at the nest meeting of the
Protective Association. We are op
posed to any agency that would load
to the greater destruction of garnet
but I caiimit, of course, say anything
ns to what official action thp associa
tion will tfce In the matter. Those
who have begun tlie move to prohibit
the use of the pump gun are influen
tial men, nud believe they can push
through the law they desire, especially
ns they lelleve tlie country members of
the Legislature nre naturally antag
onistic to the pump gun.
"Tho use of these guns has become
prevalent, and there Is much property
right Involved. If tho action should
be taken. It would probably be the
most bitter contest ever waged before
the Maryland Legislature over game.
In addition to the tradespeople Inter
ested the pump gun would undoubted
ly develop many defenders among its
"We arc greatly disappointed at the
Ill-success of our plan to have one of
the boats of the State fishery force
kept In commission to protect tlie fish
of the bay and tributaries, nnd to com
pel the carrying out of the fish laws.
The Stnte spends much money nnnunl
ly for tho propagation of fish, and wo
contend that tho protection of tho fish
Is just as Importnnt ns their propaga
tion, and that a boat could be kept in
commission at practically no cost to the
State treasury.
"While there are thousands of hook-and-line
fishermen nil over the Stnte,
It is astonishing how apathetic some
of them arc to do anything but tall:
for the protection of the fish. The
most satisfactory development of years
Is that the commercial fishermen are
now seeing the need of protection, and
we are receiving co-operation from
quarters least expected."
ClilU'lc X, In Exile,
It appears that tho last royal occv
pant of llulyrood palace, Edinburgh,
previous to tho visit of King Edward
tho other day was Charles X. of
Franco, after ho had been driven Into
exile in 1830. "My father," writes a
well-known Scotch baronet, "was nt
that time n schoolboy of twelve or thir
teen, and I .have often heard him
speak of the fat and fallen monarch,
who was an object of much, interest
to the good folk of the Scottish capital.
He used to amuse himself sometimes
with a Tery mild species of sport,
which consisted in sauntering round
the slope of Arthur's seat armed with
a gun in quest of sparrows, fine-lies
nnd other small game of the kind. -The
little barefooted city arabo (prototypes
of Crockett's Cleg Kelly) used to ac
company him on these excursions In
considerable numbers. Ills majesty
was shortsighted, scant of breath and
far from alert, and my father used tu
Imitate the way In which one or other
of the urchins, on spying a bird with
in range, would shriek out the news:
'HI, King! hi. King! there's aultuut
one for ye. uhoot, man, shoot!"
Projections on Mars.
Trofessor Barnard consider the ear
ly supposition that the white polar
caps of Mar are accumulations of
snow to be a good as :.ny theory since
put forward, and point out that they
cannot bo of any great depth or they
would not be melted so quickly; they
are probably a thin sheeting corres
ponding with the winter snow which
extends to our own mid-latitudes and
quickly disappear with the approach
of summer. On some occasions por
tlons of the cap were temporarily hid
den, and there was good reason to sup
pose that the obscuration wa pro
duced by something of the nature of
clouds, though the atmosphere seem
to be much less dense thun our owq.
The roost striking phenomenon, how
ever, wa a projection from the edge
of the cap, visible at tho same point
lu 1802 m:d 181)4, which wa loft be
hied as a bright strip a the cap dimin
ished In size. This Is probably a range
of mountain, nnd was found to have
been previously observed by Mitchell
In 1845, and also by Green, who gave
the same explanation. Knowledge, '
ChlneM Paper Centuries Old.
It has long- been known that paper
wa first mad In China, and wa In
troduced In Europe (Germany) In 1100.
Bven Hedln. on hi last Asiatic trip
discovered fragment of Chinese paper
that were 1050 year old. Illmly, of
Wiesbaden, the expert in old Chinese,
la engaged in deciphering the wrltiug
on this paper.
Older Than the Chrittlaa Era.
Some workmen, while dlggiug grave
at Wendcn, Suffrou-Waldeu, Kugland,
unearthed a very rudely decorated
cinerary urn, containing a quantity of
dark earth mixed apparently with th
cremated remain of a human being.
The uru Is probably 2000 year ol ud
of CuHls erlsai. , .
A.r. Chnpet Provost, n well-known
surgeon, of Rle Janeiro, Itrn.ll, has an
nounced, after making extensive ex
periments, that he has no doubt of tlwj
success of the .new serum cure for
H:luiu poisoning.
The Institute of France has decided
to .divide the Ix-mrousse prize of $10,
iMKl into four parw. one part to jso to
ward the maintenance of the Journul
des Savant, the second to the pnbhVH
,fim of Iho memoirs of Richelieu, tho
third to the publication of the works of
Llebnlti! nud tho fourth to experiment
ing lu .electricity.
The Ferrocarril Central del Pent Is
the highest railway lisi tho world. In
eight hours it takes passenger from
the tropics to tho snows nt nit
altitude nearly equal to .the top of Mont
Hlanc, the highest summit In Europe.
It cost tMo.oiHUioO to Iwilld this road.
In oiio plac It was found necessary to
drain a river by means of n tunnel uud
use Its dry bed for the tracks.
The peach Is nn Asiatic product, the
Vang-le-k!ang country being the home
of this fruit. The Chinese have always
been familiar with the peach from ear
liest records. In the Celestial kingdom
the peach blossom Is used In ceremon
ials, something after the manner of the
orange blossoms among ourselves. Tho
Department of Agriculture has had an
agent In that section of China studying
the early history and evolution of this
Some time ago Professor Darwin, of
.Cambridge, pointed out that If n tor
revolved on Its axis with a certaiu ve
locity tho star would tend to divide into
two and the form it would take before
complete separation would be that of a
dumb-bell, or rather two pears joined
top to top. This deduction was purely
theoretical. Muring the past two years
an examination of tho light changes of
some recently discovered variable stars
reveals this very condition of things.
A new use has been found for tele
irnpli wires. Dr. I.aska. a Polish me
teorologist, hns studied the humming
lound they emit occasionally, and has
found that it is not caused by the wind,
is commonly supposed. Eydnm's ob
icrvations, extending . over several
rears, show that these sounds always
' Monk "Say, Jttmbloiuo, why the knot
Elephant "Well, Monk, I'll tell you.
to forget the toa of hay for dessert."
Indicate the approach of rain, snow or
a storm, and Lnska inclines to the be
lief that they are In some way caused
by terrestrial vibration Induced by
meteorological changes.
An old sen captain, who lost his ship
on tho Virginia const many years ugo,
has since devoted his time to thn per
fecting of n new life boat. His device
consist of a round shell made from
light steel plate, surrounded by n cork
belt. The Interior is divided Into n
number of compartments of fresh
water, food nnd general supplies such
as would be needed by shipwrecked
men. It is claimed this globe ran
never be swamped, and that It will
pas safely over bars nnd breakers
where no lifeboat could live. It ha ac
commodation for sixteen persons, and
1 equipped with sails and rudder, so
that it may be navigated with perfect
certainty. It I to be tested by a naval
The Jeunp Expedition.
The Jessup Expedition, sent out by
the American Museum of Natural His
tory, to investigate the native tribes
of Northeastern Asia, has completed
Its field work, and collected about
20,000 specimeus of household articles,
dress, ornaments, tools and weapons,
such a have never before been found.
The explorations extended from the
Columbia River around the North Tn
clflc coast to the Amur River, lu Asia.
Close similarity was found In the char
acteristics of the American and Si
berian tribes. Indicating a common
origin at some remote past time.
A White Blackberry.
A fruit grower of Santa ltosu, Cali
fornia, lias succeeded In producing
a perfectly white blackberry. It Is
rs white a snow, and 1 so transpar
ent that the seeds may be seen hi
tide the ripe fruit. The berries are
tweet and tender Just a much o as
the very flnet blackberries and the
teed are quite small. This new spe
cies wa produced from the well
known Lawton berry; It 1 called the
riaest of Mario Aquaria.
iho new physiological laboratory
tnd marine aquarium jW completed
(or Professor Jacques Locb at the Uni
versity of California Is regarded by
(Xpert a tho finest of It kind In the
world. Rudolph Spivckle gave t-o,-200
for the building, and no exueuse
la been spared in it equipments:'; "
Our. Budcet
of Humor,.
Tltr Port's mlsninil
The popt worked the whole ninht long,
Itnt could nut lind the metre.
To put hi ihiMiglits in rhylhniie lino
Anil moke hi" theme the sweeter.
At last it weim-d to come to him,
"My mnw! h, glml to prrret her."
All's, 'twas bnt tlie paiMtiH man.
And you bi.l lie found the meter.
Xew York Tinief.
ltrlflal Allffffestlon Seized.
Edgar "You wear pink nil the time.'
I should like to sec you In a Ince-Uk?
white frock."
Ethel "How nwfully awfully sud
den." Detroit Free Press.
An Ml (Mil.
Little Jim "Your gian'pa Is awful
old, nlu't he?"
Utile Rob "Yes, slree! Why, he'r
so old ho can't remember the lime
tvheu he wasn't living." Puck.
Donlitrnl Connotation.
"I'm afraid," said Willie Wellington,
"thai I lack self-confidence."
"Cheer up," wild Miss Cayenne. "Per
ln'tis that fact Indicates Unit you are
a tjood Judge of human nature."
Jtitiif-iitinii That PhIiI.
"Was it worth wli'le to send yen
four (laughters to tli.-.t fashionable
"Sure. One eloped while she was
there and tlie others ciimo home en
With MitlRiillon.
Jenkins "Then you mean to tell me
1 have told a lie?"
Chambers "Well, no: I don't wish tc
be quite so rude ns that, but I will
say this you'd make a very good
weutlier prout."-Chicngo Journal. .
"The way of the transgressor I?
hard," quoted the earnest citizen.
"it Is. unquestionably," answered
Senator Sorghum. "The way people
have to employ lawyers and stand in
vestigations Is calculated to cut down
profits terribly."
Scanning: His Motive.
"You can't be dead sure that n your.?
man is saving to get married Just be
cause he stops smoking cigars auc'
begins to smoke a pipe."
"So, ho may be smoking the pipe t(
In the trunk?"
I'm going shopping and don't want
get even Willi tho neighbors. Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
PcpresalnRly Cynical
"Most people convicted of crime,'1
said the sociologist, "are under thirty
five years of nge."
"Does "that indicate that people gel
better as they grow older?"
"Either that or else they become
more shrewd and cautious."
Two View-. '
"Oh, yes!" ho said, "I'm quite expert
with my automobile now. What I
know about road racing would fill nu
Interesting book."
"What you don't know about It," re.
piled the candid friend, "may fill a
grave for you soon." Philadelphia
Incomplete Luxury.
"You can nil'ord to smoke cigars that
cost a dollar apiece," said the loss suc
cessful frleud.
"That's true," answered Mr. Cumrox,
regretfully, "but mother and the girl
insist on my sitting out lu the park to
smoke one of 'cm the same as if It were
. n.llly Nel(hborf.
"I never sec the lee man slop be
fore your house any more, Mr. Flip
pprlplgh." "No; since tho Buxtous, next door,
fell Into their fortune they've been
so cool to us that we don't need any
help from the refrigerator." Chicago
A Mnllor of Pride.
"Why do you hesitate about accepv.
Ing the position of king)" asked the of a turbulent mounichy.
"I want to take time to consult a
phrenologist. I don't want to run the
risk of having derogatory remarks
made about my mental capacity after
the autopsy!"
I'sed lu 'Em,
"Are you troubled with cockroaches
or other Insects about your premises,
mti'um?" Inquired the roau with the
pack, who had succeeded lu gaining an
audience with the inlstres of the man
sion. "No, sir!" she said, glaring at blm.
"We are not troubled by cockroaches
or other insects!"
"Don't mind 'era, ueyT" he rejoined,
cheerfully, shouldering bis pack agulu.
"Well, there' nothing like getting used
to oue's sanction. Ucod dny, ma'aai."
Chicago Tribune. - i
Arntral Trade Condltlost,
Bradstrcct's says: "Stock market
'iquidation at the expense of industrials
iffects sentiment and ignores, but does
lot conceal, improvement in the corn
ind cotton crops, a change for the bet
:cr in industrial conditions at New
1'ork and other disturbed centers, and
i continued chc-crful feeling in Wester:!
mil Southwestern trade circles. Tho
nnrktts for the cereals also reflect
idling, but here the moving feature i
he good crop advices at home and
ibroad and the pressure of the excel
rnt quality of the new wheat arrivals.
Die iron nnd steel markets and those
:or other metals feel the reflex of de
pression in securities, and buying is
:loscly restricted, even with drooping
rallies, while the bulls in cotton have
a;iven near-by months and spot cotton
mother twit on which record prices
lave been recorded, thus rendering the
position of manufacturers still more
Flour Spring clear. $,155.170; best
Patent $4.00; choice Family $4.15.
Wheat New York No. 2, 85c;
Philadelphia No. a, 79. 80c ; Baltimore
No. 2, 79c.
Corn New York No. 2, 57c; Phila
lelphia No. 2 55 J-5&' 56c; Baltimore No.
t, s6',c.
Oats New York No. 2, 41c; Pliila
lelphia No. 2, 45c; Baltimore No. 2
Hay Wc quote: No. 1 timothy,
argc bales, $10.0061 io.$o; No. 2 tim
Mhy $18.50(0; 9.50; No. 3 timothy $15 00
g 17.00.
Green Fruits and Vegetables. Ap
ples Maryland and Virginia, per brl,
.ancy, $1.25(01.50; do, fair to good,
Si.ooCo 1.25. Beets Native per bunch
'fii'iC. Blackberries F.astern Shore,
per quart, cultivated 556c; do wild,
)W4. Cabbage native, per 100,
iVakeficld, $1.25612.00; do, K!at Dutch,
3.oo(ri 4.00. Cantaloupes Florida, per
:rate $1.00(02.00; do. native, per basket
'5c(o$i.oo. Carrots Native, per bunch
ifdi'Ae. Corn Native, per dozen, 8
g 10c; do, Virpinia, per brl $1.25(3.1.50.
-ucumbcrs Norfolk, per basket" 15V1
10c; do, per full barrel j$c(n.$i.oo: do,
nne Arundel, per basket 2o(ff25c.
Eggplants South Carolina, per box
1.00(0.1.50; do, native, per basket 80(0)
Isc. Huckleberries Eastern Shore,
Georgia, per 100 $i5.oo(;( 22.00.
Maryland and Virginia, per quart
'c. Lettuce Native, per bushel box
lo.ISC Onion? Rappahannock, per
lalf-barrcl basket 5561600; do, per brl
(1.40(01.50; do, Maryland and Pennsyl
vania, yellow, per bu 506160c. Peaches
Florida, per carrier $1.001.50; do
Georgia, per carries $i.oo6v 2.00; do.
Virginia, per basket 50(0650; do, East
;rn Shore Maryland, per basket 50(0"
"5C Pears Manning Elizabeth, per
Sasket 00(0 80c. Pineapples Florida,
per crate, as to size, $1.75612.75. Rasp
berries Eastern Shore, red. per pint.
36J4C; do, per quart 66iflc. Rhubarb
Native, per bunch, KrfiJc. Squash
Anne Arundel, per basket. 25(0.100.
String beans Norfolk, round, grec.,
356T40C; do, Anne Arundel, per bu,
green, 656770c; do, wax, 50660C. To
matoes Potomac, per 2-basket carrier
406175c; do, Anne Arundel, per basket
406150c; do. Eastern Shore, Maryland,
per basket 15(0250. Watermelons
Georgia, per 100 $15.006122.00.
Hides Heavy steers, association
and saltcrs, late kill, 60 lbs and up, close
selections, o'ilio'jc; cows and light
steers, 8'4Ji9c.
Provisions and Hog Products Bulk
clear rib sides, g'Ac; bulk clear sides,
ioJ4c; bulk shoulders. o!4c; bulk
backs, 18 lbs and under, R).ic: bulk bel
lies, 11c; sugar-cured shoulders, nar
row, 9)40; sugar-cured shoulders, ex
tra broad, nc; sugar-cured California
hams, 9',;c: hams canvased and uncan
vascd, 15 lbs and over. I.VVjc; skinned
14-ljc; refined lard, second-hand tubs,
p;ic; refined lard, half-barrels and new
tubs, 9fc; tierces, lard, 9c.
Live Poultry Chickens, hens, per lb.
l.lrtT l.l!4c; do, old roosters, each, 2561
50c; do. spring, large, 176118c; do,
small, 156T16C. Ducks, puddle, per lb.
56110c; do, muscovy and mongrel, per
ll, 96; 10c ; do. drakes, each, per lb, 31
fi 40c ; do, white Pckings, per lb, ic6?
lie. Spring ducks, 3 lbs and over, 11
Ji i2c. Gccsc, Western and Southern,
;ach, 306V40C; do, Maryland anil Vir
ginia, per lb, (a ; do, Kent Island,
per lb, (ri . Pigeons, young, per
pair, 2o6T.'5c; do, old. per pair, (o2;c
Guinea fowl, each (o 25c.
Eggs Choice, nearby, loss off, per
doz, (o 16c; do. West Virginia, loss
off, per doz, (fftj'jc; do, Southern,
loss off. per doz. 61.15c. Guinea, per
doz. 7678c. Jobbing prices Jj to ic
Butter Separator 220230; Gathered
Cream 20(0 21c; Imitations 6?I9C.
Cheese Large, 60-lbs. iKfTnVic; do,
36-lbs, iJ4.ii!4: 20-lbs, iVj(&liyic.
Live Mocx.
Chicago. Cattle Market active and
steady; good to prime steers $5.2561
5.60; poor to medium $4.25675.25:
stockers and feeders $2.50(04.40; cows
and heifers $1.60674.85; canners $1.6061)
1.00; bulls $2.50(04.40; calves $j.oo'o
6.60; Texas steers $3.50(05.00; Western
steers $3.50(04.00. Hogs Receipts 16.
000. head; mostly 5c higher; mix-d and
butchers' $5 .4567.5 85; good to choice,
heavy, $5.70615.80: rough heavy, $5.30
615.65: light $5 5o(f75.9o; bulk of sales
$5.60(05.80. Sheep Receipts 10,000
head. Sheep steady ; lambs steady to
15c higher; good to choice wethers
$3.75(04.00; fair to choice mixed $3.00
East Liberty. Cattle steady; choice
$5.25ffi5-4! prime $4.00675.10; good
$4.60(04.85. Hogs active; prime heavy
$5.8567,5.90: mediums $6.25616.30: heavy
Yorkers $6.30(0)6.35; light Yorkers
$6.40; pigs $6.45(06.50; roughs $4.00(0)
5,25. Sheep steady; best wethers $4.60
jri'4.75; culls nnd common $1.5067225;
yearlings $3.oo((?5.oo; veal calves $7.00
7-50. '
A phonograph for birds is in use.
Canada produces $1,250,000 worth of
ssbestoi a year.
To an electrician one horsepower is
746 watts.
The St. Louis Fair will have no wo
man's department.
The fiercest oi all panthers are the
black panthers.
The population of the dependencies
France is 56,000,000.
The supply of jungle animals is
never equal to the demand.
Rcfrigrator eggs are as wholesome
as fresh eggs for cooking purposes
Speaking in a general way, the dan
gerous trades are the dust-producing
Only the winged insects are found to
have suffered from the rain of volcanic
dust in the Barbados.
The Scandinavians now have Jin
enormous fleet of big steel tramp ships
in serious riva'.iy with the British.
No fthnoloriickl heresy is wider
spread ainoug the English-speaking
people than that the 80.000,000 cr so
citizen oi the United State arc An-dlo-Saxuus
Tbe Educated flan.
The triumph of the educated man in
the whirl of life about him is the ability
to use the multiplied instruments of
civilization without being either be
wildered or hallled by them. That tliey
tend to daze the mind and to make it
superficial there can be no doubt. It
is for the man who keeps himself well
in hand to look out upon the world's
rush with equanimity, while preserv
ing jealously for himself that intel
lectual life which is the great resource.
Mental distraction and dissipation he
will regard us the chief enemy at the
gate, and will prepare to meet him by
cherishing delightful studies which
brace the mind, nnd by practicing that
athletic grip of the attention winch a
hurried time would break, but which is
'.he source of all mental conquests.
FITSpormnnwntlycured.No fits ornervous.
n"ss nffr first ilny's m of Dr. Kline's Ctrea:
Nerveliegtorrr.2trlnl bottle nnd trnatlsofreo
Dr. It. H. Klisf, Ltd., 0:il ArehKt., l,uiln.,l'n
The (rood don't always die young. Some
times they outgrow it.
La tlel Can Wear Shoe
tine sl.-.p smaller nnr uslnu Allen's Ton.
Ease, n powder. It makes tlKlit or new shoes
fay. 'ure swollen, lint, sweating, ii-lilna
feet, Inprnwtna nails, corns mid bunions. At
Ail riruKKixtx unci shoe stores. Inn't H?
eept nnv Milistltilto. Trial ptiekfiKe Kurt ly
mall. AdJri'w, Alien S. Olmsted, I.eltoy, N.Y
The gift of cab has caused many a man
to give himself away.
Jfrs.W'laslow's SoothlngSyrup for ahlldMi
teething.softoatbe gums, reduces Inflammn
llcn,ulluyspnin, euros wind i-oll2ic. abattle
A search warrant isn't necessary in the
3ucst of happiness.
I'lso's Cure Is the best medicine we ever used
tor nil aflecilons of throut and lungs. Wa.
U. Exdslet, Vanburt-n, Ind., Feb. 10, 1W0.
Scarlet fever is unknown in the tropica.
" I was given up to die with
quick consumption. I then began
to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I
improved at once, and am now in
perfect health." Chas. E. Hart
man, Gibbstown, N. Y.
It's too risky, playing
with your cough.
The first thing you
know it will be down
deep in your lungs and
the play will be over. Be
gin early with Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral and stop
the cough.
Three iliei t 25c, 50c., II. All dratttiti.
Cnniult your doctor. If he rr?s take It.
then do ft he My. If he tell 5011 not
to uke It. then Uun't tnke It. He kuont.
Leave It with him. We are willing.
J. C. AVEU CO.. Lowell, Mail.
t hsreh.en it.lne Peaearete fnf, wltli
which I have been a!Hirl-i fororcr twenty y. nri.
anil I ran tuf that t'a.'-urvtt have glvrn nie ii.uip
relief than any uther rrmeilr liavo vrr triei. 1
hall certainly ri-eolnnietiii them tu my frieuda at
bmug all ibey are represent.-.!."
Thoa. OUlord. Elcin, 111.
Pteman. Palatahla. Potent, TaateOnnd. Tlotlmd,
".Vr t'''eil1 Vt rak'n or tirlpo. 10c. n;.c. Wc. Ncvri
J -lei In hulk. Th renmno tablet itmt.ped C t C.
Uuarautueil to cure or four luuuey hack.
Sterlinf Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 507
Here Bf Ss I
Want 10 learn all about
lloraer How to I'lek Out a
Good One? Know Iuierfec-
Hone and ao Guard against
t-'raud Detect DlM-a-ie aud
Effect a Cure wben tame Is
poa.ll.lo Tell tbe Age by
the Teeth! What to call the DlTorent Parte nf tbe
animalr How to Khoe a Home I'roporlyt All thla
tnd other Vttluaule luforma'lna reu be oblained be
readtun our IOO-PA4JK 1 1. I.I ST II ATHII
UOIlsr. HOOK, which wo will forward, poet
paid, on receipt ol only S3 relit In etamiM.
131 Leonard Ht., K. Y. Citr.
A I.I 1 1 1. K Jlll.ll MIE FOB
WOIK V-Th- I. H ..ok.hlo.e
Hll I I.IIRIKH. Hrle. all kinds
of l'rults,l.errles,('berrlea.Corn.Veg.
tables, en-. It takes no eltra fire.
Always ready for use, and will but a
lifetime It woiks while you eok.
Write for circulars and special
lenua to agents, frlre fas. U. H.
rahrury. stox Su. Weaestiore, Fa
BS V I amok r
l.f aatf euras worst
Book of tastimenla s sad IU days'
DC. B. . sU I Idas. lul. At aula. Us
ueM i.tiutfD byrup. TaVRie UlMMi.
in umv Miii ny an.aTaiitu,
I Coughing
VammmmmmmBmiBBtziwnf witto t-rarcvm Sjr
kj ne Bowels ja 1
Can or cathartic j
1, so i-i
T (- Factory Loaded Smokeless Powder Shells.
It's not sentiment it's not the price that makes tha
most Intelligent and successful shots shoot Winchester
Factory Loaded 6hoUjun Shells. It's the results they
give. It's their entire reliability, evenness of pattern and
Uniform shooting. Winchester "Leader" shells, load :
ed with smokeless powder, are the best loaded shells on '
nthe market. Winchester " Repeater" shells loaded with f I
Smokeless powder are cheap In price but not In quality.
Try either of these brands and you will be well pleased. 1
Be tura to get Winchester Factory Loaded sbells, 1 I
THE fttlClLft Tilt CHAeiPIONS 110wT. l" 1
.Pr ia liEL, zT r
it .VN Ui.ShfiiLAUIMAjjijvfl
Liver Pills
That's what you need; some
thing to cure your biliousness,
and regulate your bowels. You
need Ayer's Pills. Vegetable; .
gently laxative. fcSrstt:
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown or rich black? Use
21T- fit a T. HA,.t t rn.. ..'H-, ft
Million of U.M.C. Shot Shell
are sold each year. They are
made in the largest cartridge
factory In the world.
Yourdcahr v
nclltihtm. -s
The University of Notre Dame
I t i l. OI H-r w IN C, I.ettere,
I . ..ii..inlc. eiiil littler,, Art!
t Irtiit-, I'hm uinr. I.nw.f I til. HrrhenlriC
anil l l. i lri. fi. I niii. rlli. Ar. hlir. luie,
f in'".!-"1' I r-'ai atiiry t rnimrrrial
Itniinm Free toll lnii kohav romr lfte
the "tu.lic. requnvd lor 'Hn!Hr.n lutu th .r.ho
iiii.r. Jumur or bi-ui. r Ymr ol uy 01 Die ic iWiate
KoiintN 10 Kent. modi-Mfe rhnriro Rfnileou
ovrr mm iitecii f -i -1 .rihK tr ('. CYur-ve.
A lintlt.-.l tunnl-cr ,.J rAii.ll.lNtih f..r tlie Lix-ledM
llenl .tale w ill : rrt i-IvmI Ht rl t- lit! rfcten.
M. I ilnat.l'p. Hull, lor !.) uu.lrr IS rearm, li
nil! 1 i.e 11 M.e mini l-l.-i.. i t lt eqi'ljm-rit.
, I I.. IHItli ear xlil , i w, i lroiber S, 1003.
( mil i.iii- t- rrr. Aililrvu.
lil.V A. M IIMSrl V. r K.C., rre.lrient, Boi Vt,
the best dyspepsia
nn dk-ine ever made,
A hundred million!
of litem have been
sold iu the United
S:ua' In a single
year. Every ll!nes
arising from a disordered stutnnch If
relieved or cured by their use. So
common Is it that diseases originate
from the stomach It mny be safely as
serted there Is no condition of 111
health tlr.t will not be benefited or
cured by the oeeasionnl use of Itlpanl
Tubules, rhyeiciaus know them and
r-liealt highly of them. All drtt-cistl
nell them. The lire-cent p.icUafe't' la
enough for nn ordinary occasion. od1
the Family Uottle, sixty cent , containa
a toiiseholil supply for a yeur. One
generally gives relief within twenty
ft Habitual t'nnM'ation, ,-lck HrftrV
XjW ncht. Od-tr 1 - intt'stn.Ai CeVterrh
x (iH-r Ho lvpe:mii. W unt Am
tito, Htieumntic ui d U-Uty AtTcctiiiiati.
Mien and otli.-r ContfesUuna, Ui0. if
nomine uiuer tu;.n
A Palatable Remedy and
Certain in Results.
Fifty cents All ilrunsHtl. or direct from The CanUaf
t'btrulcal and llftf. company. WasUinstoa,
Aru .uu luiercattciU
Million of fl(.Il44r have ben nift1oiit nf Patsnei
una 1 rsiltf-Mitrk. MUiiutit. .l ilt.llam r pproprt
nit'tl lu y ei.ions. '40 yeum jirit tlot.
1 ut Ii.ft riuutiuti siuil littmtiirt, Fit KB, writ tj
M. , TIIK W . II. U M.I.n CO h'ANV,
viiu uuiiatu rn ind. aw., w.-hu.g'.ou. d. a
Money in Chickens
Yt r -43 c. In Hiupi w end 100
rAt.t ikjoK givitAg ttw 9vttmnX
U pntctk-u iVuiu-jr itiatr wA
n fttitiiuur, iut iiiu turiia
lur tiuiUsr ftUU wuU Uurmtf j
uleto (or freviieuiuh. wuteu k'awiMU9
bavo fur lirtpodiutti vryUUuf rm
guisliftXor iruutAii Puuitry rtUaV
lliz. ItlMIK I'l, Hl.lriillNU
the Blood Cool,
the Brain Clear)
the Liver Active
Tied by America!
Physicians tor nearly
na. aaa !.
At Drufflals at by teal
U Jaj St., hsw York.
i ,
, i