X 1 Y 1 V FULTO, COUNTY NEWS. Published Every Thursday B.'W. PECK, Editor and Proprietor. McCONNELLSBURG, PA. AUGUST 5, 1903. Published Weekly 1 00 rer " f i Annum in Advance -.DVICHTtfltN'i KATKH. Per vim"-"! of lines .1 tlrr.es ai to). Per sguure ciioh suiKequent Insertion.... 60. All advertisements inserted for lew, liao three months nh'.cffoH h. iia One-fourth column . One-hnlf column.... One Column .fin mi. . S6.00. .. to w. : .00 61..OO 7...00 40.00. 55.00. Nothing Inserted for lesa thnn II. Professional Card one year IV Local Miscellany. Luck is the religion of fools. Don't placard your troublou. Man climbs upwn.nl by doing Lis level best. To flatter a sailor give him salt-'.va-ter talTv Whiskey won't hin t a man if lie ints it alone. It loesnt require much efToi-t to jro down hill. The people who trust to hick nro lucky to pet trust. The world Kcltiom looks rosy to the man with red eyes. Some people talk to much to really say anything. To boast of erne's honesty doesn't plways prove it. it in necessary to begin at the top in digging a well. Kconomy is an art that many study but few manter. The joinr-r generally manages to make both ends meet. Don't hurry yourself with more airs than you can carry. It is often safer to follow u man's advice than his example. There are fellows who laugh aiid grow fat oyer their own jokes. The tu 1 U at i v - barber occasionally indulges in cutting remarks. Kven the weather man lays by a lew predictions for a rainy day. A girl may be named Fiances with out necessarily being; frank. Speaking of race suicide what's the matter with the toy pistol' The unpardonable sin, in the eves of a woman, is not to admire her. Money may make the mare go, but it's different with an automobile. The lawyer's brief seldom ilemon strutes that brevity is the soul of wit. Art seldom pays, in which respect it resembles u good many artists. The self-inado man admires even his own mistakes because he makes them. Some people are continually being carried away by a train of thoughts. Hoiiesty is the best policy, but don't i forget to keep your premiums paid up. Many a budding poet who woos the muse should be sued for breach of promise. i We often hear of love at first sijjht, ' but after that love is jus', as blind as ' ever. Ask a married man how lie propos ed and he jienerally looks ashamed of i himself. There is something; really line and ennobling; about the patienco of our creditors. Some people are always talking about lending; a hand, but it'xof'.cn empty . Obstacles wouldn't be so troubie Bomu it they weren't always in tiie way. Some people only believe the half they hear, and then divide that by two. It is a mistake for a woman to im agine she can conceal her ag;o with a coat of paint. The sluggards may go to the ant, but the mosquito will meet him more than half-way. The pickpocket has to keep a watch ou his victim before ho can take one away lrom nun. The only people who Is.-lieve they are two old to learn are those who are really too youugr. The happiness of leing; miserable la often exemplifi.id by a young; girl's first love affair. Some fellows can no mora Itpmh ..nt of debt than other fellows can help falling in love. When a man is under a cloud you can't always convince him that it has a silver lining. When a woman tx-gins to pay full fare for her children she realizes that fche is getting; along; in years. Some parents rojoice in the strength of minds of their children, but lose liijflit of the strength of don't mind. Tlic widow is entitled to a third of her husband' estate but the wife uf a shoemaker may get his awl. When a mule kicks ho generally lie coinplUhes something, which is more than can be said of a lot of men. Most of us cau be kept pretty busy attending to our own business, in sj ite of prevailing tendency to tho con trarjr. The man who realizes thut he t as made a- fool of himself experience considerably difficulty In keeping oth en from finding it out. The Summer girl should remember that It in better to have too many airing to a bo'.v than loo many beaux oo a airing. Boa it not, and Die worl l kno not . who you are; boast, and it despise you for what you are, Life: Eve ate the apple, - ' Adam got the core. . That the way It Is to day, And aha II be evermore. MtMBHIN. ' Ainlcrso:i I.iolloU wua at IWvr-1 ctt lrtst wool'. ' Messrs. J. D. Mellott and (loo. Kauffman were in our vicinity last week threshing. Mrs. Wei trior r.f Evorott, was ! at Anderson Mellott's Thursday. j Misses Cora and Mattie r'uuk spent Sunday at the home of I i their brother, W. M. Kutik. '10 ''en's Service at, j ui i- i.. ...i.. ; j l luiin.uj'. uimu v.jiN Mji.y i.it'-ij : attended. The ehureh was tilled, i and mo-e that could not jret in- i I side. The exercises were very I intorestir.ir. The collection was I SCAI'KO AM AW TLX FATE. Mr. H. 1 latins of Melbourne, j Kid., writes, "My doctor told mo j I had consumption and nothing 1 could be done for me. I was given up to die. Tlie offer of a free trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, induced me to try it. Results were startling. I am now on the road to recovery and owe all to Dr. King's New Discovery. It surely saved my life." This great euro is guaran teed for all throat and lung dis eases by all druggists. Price SOc. and 1.00. Trial bottle free. Hl'STONTUWN. July '!). The three new hous es in our town are nearly comple ted. Mrs. Ucie Curfman was at Ir. Davi.s' getting some teeth ex tracted. Hay is plenty; everybody mak ing it. Miss May Chesnut of McCon nellsburg, and Miss Rilla Ches uut cf Pittsburg, are visiting their mother, Mrs. Emahne Ches nut. Neal Sharp was visiting Miss Cecie Kline Kriday and Saturday and Saturday evening Miss Cecie look Mr. Neal home. We are furnished with ice cream on Wednesday and Satur day evenings at Clem Chesuut's store. Reynolds Korner is not catch ing those big tish that the item writer talked about last week ; he is running his mower. If he gets done with his job to day ho will have about twelve tons down. Bully for you, Reyuolds ; not ma- uy men cut twelve tons in a di y. The next news Reynolds will be using his saw and hammer again. innr.R than or.i.n. 'I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debility," writes F. J. Green, of Lancaster, N. II. "No remedy helped me until I be gaii using Electric Sitters, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She says Elec tric Hitters are just splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and invigorator for weak, run down women. No oth er medicine can take its place in our family." Try them. Only 5'fc Satisfaction guaranteed by all druggists. Some Postal Hints. Don't forget to put your name and address in upper left-hand corner of tho envelope or pack age, so that we can return it or notify you in case mail is not de liverable. Don't leave off tho name of street, postoftice, stute or couDty when addressing county mail. Don't let the address tako up all the space; leave room for jMist age Htamp and postmark. Don't fail to weigh your matter before buying stamps. Don't forget that tho slightest fraction over exact weight re quires auothor rate of ostago. Don't overlook either tho par ticulars of foreign and domestic classification. Don't neglect to seal your let ters, but leave jwekagos und printed matter open for inspec tion. Don't post letters on top of a box or in a jwekago box. Dou't drop circulars iu a letter box in lare quantities; take them to the postoflico. Dou't, finally lose sight of the fact that the postmaster will cheerfully listen to all will- grouuded complaints, and is ready at al times to receive sug gestion for the improvement of tha kitrvleo HAKRISONVIU-L. July M. Pri-uuhiu, ul Siluuui fSatu relay iiijrht was well attend-1 iid. Johu Huston of Cluar Ridgo passed through our town Sunday ovennitf. Howard Skipper, wiiolia been ill for several weeks, is able to be up naiu. Some of our vonng folks at- tended IJi'ole meeting at Siloatn t.; t:u i n;. . While drawing water from a small well about lifieen feet from the door, Mrs. Koyarice was bit ten by a copperhead snake. Mr. Kegarico .succeeded in killing the reptile soon afterward. Miss Is a Stevens is hoiue for a few weeks' vacation. She has just ti unshed a leu mouths' term of school in Montgomery county, j and expects to go back some time in August and teach the' same school at a salary of !f -15 a monJi Cause and Prevenllun of Typhoid Peer. Dr. A. C. Abbott, chief of the Philadelphia bureau of health, has made the following state ment concerning the cause, and prevention of typhoid f r-'! : "People contract typhoid fever principally by swal!o.ving germs that have come from some other case of typhoid fever ; sometime the germs are conveyed to the mouth on soiled hands. This is most frequently seen in tim casus of careless nurses who are in at tendance upon typhoid patients. Sometimes they get into the i drinking A-ater, where they may live for a time and cause the di- j ease in those using the wate r. 'Sometimes they gel, into milk ! by way of water t!;:i: i- r.v-i n . washing the milk c:m:s. bottles, etc. When present in mi! t Ii.-- 1 I o-ri ; W ri 1 ill n.'lltin'- U'il.ti irl'nnl .-'i. i-" ....... , pulity, and a number of serious ! outbreaks of the disease have; been traced to milk iu which these germs were gro". iug. j "Now and again, oysters that j are Kept in water that is polluted I with sewage are also known, I when eaten raw, to have caused I the disease. It is also possible ; that typiioid fever is sometimes' spread through other food stuff,! on which toe germs have been by accident or carelessness deposit- ' od. 1 "Fortunately, the germ of ty phoid fever is easily killed by ; heat. 1 f water be boiled for one ; minute they ire rend. -red fro of ! flanker, as such treatment, kills itl1 livmg germ -.. Tho cooking of other foods tok. ihr-m also of all i power to can.-.e U phoid. "Whoa typhoid fever is pres- ; ent in a neighborhood, much may j be none to check its spread by 1 the use of only boiled water, milk ' and other food stuffs that have! been freed from danger by cooK-j ing. They are to be protect' -d against the dust and dirt until 1 useil. Aphorisms. No legacy is so rich as honesty. Shakespeare. A grateful dog is better than an ungrateful man. Satdi. W'a first make our habits auci then our habits make us. Em mons. The retrospect of life swarms with lost opportunities. - Sir II. Taylor. To bo happy is not the purpose of our being, but to deserve hap piness. Fitch. Fortune nn'y tind a pot, but your own industry must make it. boil. Kousseiiu. When a person is down in the world an ounce of help is bettor than a pound of preaching. Huh wer. No man ever did n designed in jury to another but at tho same timo he did a greater to himself. Home. When a mau has not a good reason for doing a thing ho has ono good reason for lotting it alone. Thomas Scott. To be perfectly just is an attri bute of tho divine nature; to bo bo to the utmost of our abilities is the glory of mau. Addison. Cnpt. G. V. Skinner, superin tendent of the Soldiers' Orphans' School, Scotland, was in Mercers burg on Wednesday, lie visited Philadelphia last week' and brought Mrs. Skinner to Scot laud ou Saturdav. Mrs. Skinner had boon in Philadelphia for six weeks under medical earn. Her health is much improved Mer- Icorsburg Journal. and Gc:rpe't Wea.ving H. H. HtRTZL.EF? still conUutn j Carding and Weaving at the WJMOW GROVE MIL' S :l Hui ul Cabins Carpet Ch.ii.1 ill v.iy.s on liiiud. V'ool put i '. to bats for Haps. I vi'l : i;i Wool and work at the following ph'.e-s, umncly, Kranl !:v's. iVt i,i!;,l. ton: yirl.iiol l.ni'lig's. Dublin Mills: W. R. ypeer' s. Siilu; in: ('. W. '. ynch's. Crystal Spring: .1. K. .lack- . -m s. Akei st ;!;: Caleb ' urion's. i liisto.itow n : A. X. Wltler's. W at ."'I'll; Hurry Hustoc :s, Cler.r Ridge: W, I.. Herkstresser t ' ii - ! . .1 i'i J ( ' ii -ve. 1 Vill Visit those j-ilacc-s monthly ( uring tin; season. Thankful for iV,1 :-. I '-.iiie for o 'OiHin' :ine of '.he same. H. H. Hertzler, Burnt Cabins. Ycur Column. T i si ow Tir i.; 'vil'l'h III" I ' !!'.(;. ' -.1 V., Il- t!-. f-.. u r 1 1 .-. . -i i t :cittiin ul tin' ny Id "i:t:tv News is he( it'lopt f the p':e;! U . ce ml v. ii:- rul'iiun fur the I'lil'.r. it--" in iiur MriKor'lier'vf -ij t" en- fnll.i-v.r udvi-rl'-.fMK pui poses. !lo-v,rt; e.ineit ini : !o:hosi ;ioii.-'- nu'l-ti;) snl)- I. It I' f'UI w-i;l..i. ' On - 1-1 .' .N't .. .i iiif'pfi i c.(1, ir Hilvi: I ..- I ," - r.'.i-iui.pj j I. ).- ri'li::i:l'. m :iny l.l.f 111 Il'h-IM- j f .1 :iiii!.'i n I ir.t-'. ilo lie nse. . I ur HMft 1 1 Ills I'l.llll'.T. Iv'.oilf- ! ' l:l f.hs i . i lire n.it in Jiulilie I J . ' I .It.'V I" ; !.t t.; .,ll -C 111- ! ,' t- in Ml).;! v miiy luve to j ' ' .V ' i.-e '' tl-.: i.mK . 'Che p e'-c : .i : iiii.-i4.. :i 'Hl-I I. I ..'tit'...-! pi seii. in- limy H-uut ti, buy Niev. ''.I- -.-si.v S V'urs; ir yi.u u nr.l ..i buy n ler-e. if y.ri win )':iA be, p. ii y.mu.int to .v.r'.w ,,..i':ey. .' '.-.i v. in. I lose:! I billf cv s.iii:. -. hi'ii'-.' 'i- 'f y :'! v.-iii.t 1. 1 ;:ilver-',-.' fin .' '.e i'::'. ui irrui I-. ' 'iii,s. TV' " r.-i.: '. .-i.-i.-l;. ly i Ul.t tlmus:ii,il P- -K' i.ni1 ;i . -j- l i.iiv.-tN'rti.' tiiHuium In -;i tfi'lfKI:. ;.- ab-iut done. I ' htMtii.' of th'- -ueam ' -.bine now disturbs 1 1 I'i-'-'. j i i.i 'lie L'er.'S n. aii.':;. -hrili v i.i;C :'':k i.ne u.ofii; lb ,:IHl r. rs Pn liner went to f i'.verett l..st, Thnrsdav and re - uir'n-'l S.HM'day evening'. i -ss . i. ', .-.t'Ver ot Le'ltord, :i nil M i s's 'ura l."ii -l-i. ;;:'. -.. ..).' last, wei-k crtlhi! eck ol Mi-CoU- i '..ouple of days ! on their manv fl ie:i(!;: liei'iv 1'. N. Kunyan. who had bcui at .M i'.intuin Eitlio Park for two or!; three 'V'-oks visiting ins .sou. re- i ' turned homo last J'"i ijav. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hill and son ?!arsl.i!l', p !i;t Sunday 'villi iVi i ili.i'-- paron'.s Mr. :i!Hi '.Irs. .1 KUll.Mil.. I it or if .1 : i '.v.- 111..).' ',! . to eoiiijiii'l ion. f.U'O. 'i-ih.:l : : Ii .1 Oil tie! t'O- j ; in. ! ;. house, and i -ii.-. In? rajiiiily f lower "'homo- i i As ii result of racing, (."narlev ' J'lttrv of P!i-:isi,nt Kids.ru was I thrown from his wheel, hi:s head I striking tho oo.1, oi a fence rail, j cuttiuir a number of uyly gashes in his face and head i)L . Palmer j 5 p;:U iied h'm up. j son whs del e lust week with ins traction engiuji and furnished the power at Funk's planing mill with eieorL'o at the throttle. A traction has to cut gravel hi a manner that would have (surpris ed the natives forty years ago. A number of our young people took in the Sunday excursion to Washington. Among them were Corner, M is- Tern pie and Orpha Snider. IMlll lw CO 1ST WITHOUT ClUMiH. In new Pullman "ordinary"' sleepers, wide vestibuled and ! with every modern convenience, ' in charge of competent agent, ' from ('incioii.i'.i ;;ucl Chicago via : liouisville, New Orleans, Houston , Sati Autouio, El Paso and Los Angeles to San 1 Yanoisco. Rates ! for berths less than half of cost in i regular sleepers, ror free de scriptive matter and full particu lars, nd lress Vs. A. RICI1TEK. Trav. Pass. Agent, Illinois Cen tral Kailroad, Park li.iilling Pittsburgh, Pa. ea SM AX I- sMfi. tmis, saa -r Araduelo li.u.tetion. Ninety nlru of every one hundred people who havo he;-.it troubla can rameinfecr when it was alrr.p!a Ind'.Kes t:on. It is a icisntill; tacl tht all cses ol hoart dl':.e, not organic, ars not only traceabls to. but are u.e direct result of li.dl E'JiHon. All food taken Into the alomach wliioh iaih of perfect digestion ferments and welli the alomach, puffing it up agalntt Ihe heart. This interferes with the action of Ihe heart, and In the course of time that delicate but vital organ becomes diseased. Mr. D. Kubl. cd Nd.. O.. 1 hid utomieh Irounl an.) In a b I am aa I had hurt troubla with It I I . Kivtil Dyiipii Cur tor about loui month and It ctroa ma. Kodol Wse&u What You Eat a:.j rohcvei ths alon.ach ti all'iiervoua strain and ti.s heart of all pressure. B-.tlUiao.iJr. Jl 00 Si. 1,-.11: 24 llma lha trial ..-.. vuncii sii I 60c. Prapared br O. U.WiTT . C.O., OHIOAQQa AT MRS. A. F, LITTLE'S Millinery Store You can get bargains ; during the next two weeks beginning August 5th j All she asks, is that you j come and see goods, and f you will be convinced that she is seliing at cost. Corns Early NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. 1 1 McCoilllclIsbur, Pa. ij J VVtrVVWrWirWWrV S: P: METZLBR. i . . j . . . y it Organs Carriages Good marketable stock taken in exchange. r.iV When in need of any- thi!4jj- in our lino write for particulars to . . . . S. P. METZLER. burnt Cabins, P trVirVVrVAVW tfWlrVWIrW m'COISMBLLSHURG BAKERY D. E. Little, Pkophietok. Fresh Dread, Rolls, Cakes, Doughnuts, aud Pretzels on hand all the time. C Free Delivery in town on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thurs days, and Saturdays. For Parlies, Weddings, &c we are prepared on a couple of days notice to furnish all kinds of cakes fec. Your Patronage Solicited. D. E. LITTLE. i vWlrfAAAAAAAAAAv. Tcathcrb' Wanted. We need at once a few more teachers, both experienced and inexperienced. We have more calls this year than ever before. Schools and colleges supplied with competent teachers free of cost; Address with stamp, American Teachers' Association, J. L. (rraham, LL. D., Mgr. Momnhis, Tenn. u Nothing has ever equalled it. J Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King's Discovery 1 lit I Ol llia laud iai'wrTiua rir. Will IM Slk I.M A I'ctft c t For All Throat and Cure: l.uiiir Troubles. X X : r I X I r i FULTON x rnriNTv 4 WWII urmtn purvwx a i ms X Covers the Field. In every part of the County faithful re porters ars located that gather the daily happenings. Then there is the State and National, News, War News, a Department for the Farmer and Mechan ic, Latest Fashions for the Ladies. The latest New York, Bal timore, Philadelphia Markets. The bun day School Lesson, Helps for Christian Endeavorers, and a Good Sermon for ev erybody. THE JOB DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE, X X 4 X 4- t SALE BILLS, rOSTKnb, LETTERHEADS, ENVELOPES, CARDS, &c, In fact anything and everything in the best style along that line. X Sample copies of t the News sent to any of your friends on X request. s QUMBERLAND VALLEY TIME TABLEe May 25, 190,'i. l.cuvu jno. 2 no 4jno. tljno. f no. 10 lib i.v M A. t. M p u to M "P. h Wiui-ti.istftr I .an.... Sin 6 M Mitrilnti.urK.... j.... hi;. a Si tu MHKelstown .... CM 0 00 I'J in H H ii-,' 10 )h m-eummsllH .... II 0 -Jl 14 O 4 lis 8 m io 111 Jimp I) irir h ooiio :t'. a 80 .... Chuinbursbui'K.. 7 31 9 1ft I 0B 1 10 d VsloM a- uisboro 7 Hi .... lit 00 8 HTi ... SIllprK-risburif... 7 53 10 OK I -Jfi S 0i 9 (5l 11 19 Newvllle 8 10 10 23 1 i- b l 9 H II 1-9 Ourllslc 8 So 10 41 l! Ul 6 4H 9 4h Hri .MculiuDlcaburg-.. 8 60 II Oft It tw S 10 10 07 IS 1 Olllsburif 10 Oo 5 1 Arr, Hitrrlaburg. 9 07 II 2 40 80 10 as 12 40 Arr. 1'hllu II 4h 8 17 6 47 10 ) 4 US 4 if Arr. New Vorlt. SIS 5 63 8 0S 8 53 7 13 7 13 Arr. Ualvlmore.. 12 10 8 11 00 9 4S t-M 7 16 i'. ii. p. at. p. m. p. m. A. si. a. M Trulo No liittaat runt) dully rzovpt Sunday between HnKerslown and IlurrlHburK, laviu lUKonitown 1.06 and arr.vlna- at Harrlxburv ul Addltlonal eaat-bound local truing will run tlally, except Sunctuy. ua follows: Leave L unisie T in a. m., u.sn p. m., 3.15 p.m., leave Meohuniaburu 6.61 a. oi.. 7.0 u. m.. w.&a n m 3.1 p. in. Leave M!lnbur- 6.85 a. m.. 10.00 u, O.wl p. 111., TriiinK Num. .8 and 110 run dally between Hu icenitown und Harrlaburg. Uully. t Daily ezoept Sunday. Leave no. lino. 8 1 no. 6ino. Vino. 9i lull llaltlmore New York I'hlla Ilartiaburg lMUHhura. MeohanTuaburtf.. Carllitle Newvllle bhlppenHburg... Waynuaboro.... CbuuiberHburg.. Mereemburg.... OreenouHtle .... Jlatfemtown .... MurliiMburH Ar. Wlnubeaior. p. II 55 7 65 li ai 6 oo a. ii A M P. HI 4 85 2 65 8 62 II 46 12 on 8 65 II 40 2 20 P.M. 8 80 6 J6 80 8 80 111 06 8 25 4 02 8 87 8 67 4 III 6 19 5 40 12 05 8 61 II 3 12 27 9 18 9 84 9 62 11 42 8 02 20 s'io 8 16 7 Oft 12 61 12 02 12 18 12 80 12 M 1 10 4 05 1 82 6 34 4 50 10 12 5 48 6 14 6 37 8 21 I 6fl 8 17 10 8H 10 67 7 21 8 24 1 IS 9 10 7 10 1. at p. TrUlU Mo. 17 WHt IHDH dullw Hflnnl Knnri.u Iwtweeu IlurrlHburK urd Hugeratown, leuv- iiik nitrriHUurg ul 6.16 p.m. and arriving at Ha HuiMowo ut 7.57 n. m. Additional local trains will leave Hurrtaburg as follow: For Carlisle and Intermediate ta. t.for, at 9.87 a. m., 2.00 p. m. and 8.S0 p. n. . alao forMecbanloaburg UlUaburg and intermediate alittlonaat 7 30 a. lu.. 8.10 p. ui. and ti.au p. di. Tralna Noa. I, 8 and 109 run dally between umuurv nu naganitown. Pullman palnte sleeping ear between N torkand Knoxvtlle. Tenn.. on tralna I and OO east uDd between Tblludrlphla and Welsh on N. W. Hull way on train 109 weat nuu i-. eHi. exeepi iimi on tiunauy tne 1'nua dulphlu sleeper will run east on No. 2 Through onadhea to and from I'hMno'nbJi on tralna 2. 4 and 8 eaat and 6. 1 and 9 weat. Ually. Dally eioept Sunday. SOUTHERN PKNN'A R a TRAINH. Pa. Pas IMix.l iPaa IM.I Paf. '2 P. II, 4 20 4 M 8 80 8 OC 8 00 t7 13 Ml fOl a m 8 45 8 81 t08 P. M 6 00 6 II 6 4K 6 UH 16 P. at. 4 U 9 46 9 67 I0-80 10 5m 11 05 a ulLve. Arr. 7 Oil Cbamberaburg. II 50j A td T 20 8 16 ... .aiunon .Mercersburg.. ... .Loudon.,... ...Klohmond.... II 8 8 10 80 60 IVt 4 !, 7 So 9 301 9C5 la. h 'a. h. A. U P. H P.M. M ). KKNNKUV. OKXJ. W. MAUT1N. Vice Pres. & (len. Supt ' Supt. 11 A. KIDDI.K. Ueu Puaa. Agent. ,l4l4j 60 YEARS' V.CXPERIENCe Tradc Marks DcaiaN CowvniauTa 4a. Anyone aandlng a akettik and daaertptlon aiay aulukly aanartam our opinion fraa hathar aa oivnil.tiin w Fr.mauif patMlitaliia. IS (atatrlotlriv.undaiitlaL llsiidbo. k na on PatauU aui.t tJtm. Oluat saiMifiv for MMiurlna bti Faiuu takan thruuvb lluun 4 Co. raualva iuta. aywial sutfca, without olisrua. In the 1 nmra, V..UUIH, wwjlt, HW , Scientific nzitlta. A handaomsly lllnatratust waatlr Uiwt Mr- aiilstlt.it of anv aiiltttiLlllii l..urnal. Turmi. a ; four ruiintUa, L Sold Wall aawadealera. A BUEIKESS DIRF.CTOI.Y, IIAK'lllCKS. . R. M. DOWNES, First Class Tonsorial Artist, MoCONNKLLSIIUUO, PA. A Clean Cup and Towel with each Shuvo Everything Antiseptic. Kazoi-s Sterilized. IVShop In room lutely occupied by Ed lii-nkg ISAAC N. WATSON, Tonsorial Artist. Strictly up todBtelnollatylea of him out x.t'ick,' '"WKl'avfH. lluy-rum. C.-nm, Wltch-hmel. without extra chnrir. Kresh towel to eiioh customer. Lutest improved iiii paraiua for Kterlllzlng tools. Parlora optam Iw Fultot) ilnusn. riuiin. LA w vi: US, M. R. SHAFFNER, Attorney at Law, Office on Sauare, McConnellsburg, Pa, All Ics-nl bualnesa and collect.iona entrusted will eccive careful and prompt attention. CIIIKCUES. PRKSHYTERIAN. Kev. W. A. West, D. D., Tastor. Preaching services each alternate Sabbath atI0:30a. m. and every Sunday evening at 7:00. Services at Green Hill on alternate Sabbaths at 10:30 a. m. Sabbath school at 8:15. Junior Christian En deavor at 2:00. Christian Endeavor $t 6:00. Prayer meotlng Wednesday evening at 7:00. Methodist Episcopal Rev. J. v. Adams, Pnstor. Sunday School at 0:30 a. m. Preaching every other Sunday morning at 10:30 and every Sunday evening at 7:00. Epworth I-eague at :00 p. m. Prayer mcetiui? Thursday evening at 7:00. Unitkd Presbytism an Rev. .1. L. Grove, Pastor. Sunday school ut 9:30 a. m. Preuchlng every Sunday morn ing at 10:30, aud every other Sunday evening at7:00. The alternate Sabbath eveninps are used by tho Young i'oo nlo's Christian Union nt 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday cvenlnir at 7:00. h IsVAHQKLHsAis i-.UTIIF.UAN -Rev. A. G. Wolf, Pastor. Sunday school 9:15 a. ni. Preuchlng every other Sut.day morning at 10:30 and every other Sun day evening at 7:00. Christian Kn deavor at 6:00 p. tn. Prayer meeting ou Wednesday evening at 7:00. PvEFOUMr-D P.ev. C. M. Smith, Pas tor. Sunday school ut 9:30 b". m. Preaching yn alternate Sabbaths," at 10:00 a. ni. and 7:00 p. m. Chris- iun Endeavor nt (1:00 p. m. Prayer rotat ing on Weduosday evening at 7:00. TERMS OF COI RT. The first term of the Courts of i'ul tou county iu the year shall rotiini' uce on the Tuesday follow ing the second Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. in. The second term commences on the third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock p. ni. The third term on the Tuesday next following- the second Monday of June, at 10 o'clock a. m. Tho fourth term on the first Monday of October, at 2 o'clock p. ni. 1IOKOI Gil on ICERS. Justice of the Peace Thomas F. Sloan, L. H. Wiblc. Constable John 11. Doyle. Burgess H. W. Scott. Councilmen IX T. Fields, Leonard Hohman, Samuel Pender.M. W. Mace. Clerk William Hull. HighConstable Wm.Uaumgardner. School Directors A. U. Kace. John A. Irwin, Thomas F. Sloan, F. M. Taylor, John Cornerer, C. B. Stevens. GENERAL DIRECTORY. President Judge Hon. S.Mc. Swope. Associate Judges Lemuel Kirk, Da vid Nelson. Prothonotary, Ac Geo. A. Harris. District Attorney George B. Dan iels. Treasurer George B. Mellott. Sheriff Daniel C. Fleck. Deputy Sheriff D. T. Fields. Jury Commissioners C. H. E. Plum mer, Anthony Lynch. Auditors John S. Harris, W. C. Davis, S L. Garland. Commissioners S. D. Mellott, Geo Sigel, and H. P. Palmer. Clerk Frank Henry. County Surveyor Jonas Lake. County Superintendent Charles E. Barton. Attorneys W. Scott Alexander, J. NelBon Sipos, Thomas F. Sloan, F. McN- Johnston, M. It. Shaffnor, Geo. H. Daniels, John P. Sipes, S. W. Kirk. SOCIETIES Odd Fellows M'ConnollsburgliOdge No. 744 meets every Friday evening In tne Gomerer Building In McConntlls burg. Fort Littleton Lodge No. 484 meets every Saturday evening in the Cromer building at Fort Littleton. Wells Valley Lodge No. 607 meU every Sat jrduv evening In Odd Fel lows Hall at Wells Tannery. Harrlsonville Lodge No. 701 moots every Saturday evening In Odd Fol lows- nun at aarrlsonvllle. Waterfall Lodge No. 773 meets ev ery Saturday evening in Odd Fellows' uau ut, vv uiuriuu itiiug, Wnrfordsburg Lodge No. 601 meets in Warfordsburg everv Saturday evening. King PostG. A. R. No. 305 meets in McConnellsburg in Odd Fellows' Hall the first Saturday In every month at 1 p. m. Royal Arcanuni.Tusvarora Council. No. 121, meets on alternate Monday evenings In P. O. K. of A. Hall, iu McConnellsburg. Washington Camu No. 407. P. O. S. A., of New Grenada, meets every Sat urday evening In T. O. S. of A.. Hall. Washington Camp. No. UAJP. O.S. of A., Hustttntown, meets every Sattir. urday evening In P. O. S. of A. Hal'.. John Q. Tavlor Pr-si G. Ai It.. No. 680, meets every Saturday, on or just preceding lull moon In LasUIey nan. at 2 p. m., at Buck Valley. Woman' Relief Corps. No. 80 meets at same date aud place at 4 p.m. Geu. D. H. McKibbln Post No. 402, O. A. S., meets the second and tourtb faturdajs In each month at Pleasant Ull). AIVM ' l The Fulton Ccuoty