-.1' INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS Of l.ocnl and Ocncral Interest, (lathered at Home or Clipped from our Exchange. CONDENSED F OR HURRIED. READERS. Miss Vada Ii. Lamaster and Mr.James (lift of Markcn, Frank lin county, spout Sunday with hor grandfather, Daniel E. Fore, E-(. The Salvation Army will hold a festival on the grounds at their ucw church near Big Cove Tan uery, Saturday evening, July 18. There will bo some jubilee sing ing during the evening by army soldiers. Everybody invited. Proceeds for benefit of the church Daniel Drawbaugh, the well known inventor of Cumberland county, has just completed his in vention of a wireless telephone and has disposed of it to a com pany which proposes to manufac ture it on a large scale. Mr. Drawbaugh is 74 years old but is still hale and hearty. Among the laws enacted at the last session of the State legisla ture is one which punishes with a fine of $100 or one year's im prisonment or either or both, at the discretion of the court, any person who shall wilfully de stroy, mutilate or injure any tree, vine, flower, grass or ornamental shrub in any cemetery or grave yard in the Commonwealth. The careless habit of children and many older people of throw ing banana peeling on the pave ment should be corrected. Every one is aware of the fact that upou stepping on a banana peel it slips from under the foot, causing a fall in a majority of cases. There have been many serious acci dents recorded against this seem ingly thoughtless act. A new feed for horses and cat tle is being sold. The product is called "molasses grain." It takes the places of corn and oats and wherever used meets with the greatest satisfaction. In York it is fed by nearly every liveryman and they all pronounce it a great success. It is cheaper than oats and does not require as much at a meal. At the Taylor home, about two miles west of Groencastle, on the Mercersburg pike, while the fam ily was waiting until the storm should pass before they would eit dinner, one of the number, John Taylor, seven-year-old son of Harry Taylor, was struck and instantly killed by lightning last Saturday as he sat on a chair. Near him was the father, with a younger son on his lap. This child was burned to tho extent that its life is despaired of, while the father sustained a severe burn on the arm. Why does a dog or cat in a church or a school, when in ses sion, cause a general laughter? A dog may be seen in a house, in a store, or most any other place and nobody pays any attention to it. But let one be seen in a school or in a church, and it causes a general demoralization and mer riment. What is the reason ? Of course at such a place a dog is out of place, but why it should cause a general laughter is one of the strange peculiarities of hu man nature. George Lewis Gussman, who was honorably recognized by the last session of the legislature for meritorious service while with Co. I. Ninth Pennsylvania Caval ry, was the guest of W. L. Craig, Scotland, on Monday, and attend ed the commencement exercises. Mr. Gussman's home is at New viHe, Cumberland county. He was captured by the rebels July f, 18G2, at the age of 10 years, 3 months and 19 days. His horse was killed in the engagement. Be was the youngest soldier in the Union cause. Valley Spirit. j I. list Notice. -lit JanuHi-y wo asked forun im- I oiodiate settlement. Nome of the eriMlitfirs were proirpt but Home huve failed to give this uuy atten tion. A Tier August 1, 1903, all accounts will ho lolt for collec tion. C. J. Barton Agt., for Etta B. Grkoorv. llustontown, Pa., Juno 20, 1903. A man having three daughters sent them to the store. To the first one ho gave 10 eggs, the sec ond ho gave 30 and the third 50 eggs. Each one is to soli a cer tain amount of their eggs for the same price, and nouo of them is to buy anything, but still they are each to take home the same amount of money. How much did each take home ? Teachers' Wanted. We need at once a few more teachers, both experienced and inexperienced. We have more calls this year than ever before. Schools and colleges supplied with competent teachers free of cost. Address with stamp, American Teachers' Association, J. L. Graham, LL. D., Mgr. Memphis, Tenn. THE FOUNDATION OF HEALTH. Nourishment is the foundation of health life strength. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the one great medicine that enables the stom ach and digestive organs to digest assimilate and transform all foods into the kind of blood that nour ishes the nerves and feeds the tissues. Kodol lays the founda tion for health. Nature does the rest. Indigestion, dyspepsia and all disorders of tho stomach and digestive organs are cured by the use of Kodol. Sold at Trout's drug store. FORWARD IS THE VORl. WATCH" I'aclltc Coast Without Change. In new Pullman "ordinary" sleepers, wide vestlbuled and with every modern convenience, in charge of competent agent, from Cincinnati and Chicago via Louisville, New Orleans, Houston San Antonio, El Paso and Los Angeles to San Francisco. Rates for berths less than half of cost in regular loepers. For free de scriptive matter and full particu lars, address E. A. RICI1TER. Trav. Pass. Agent, Illinois Con tial Railroud, Park- Building i'itUburgh, Pa. HUSTONTOWN. IiiI.v I ('liurley (.'uiiiiIh has iiimvi'iI to I luslonlown in the liMj.te vac.il.ed by Mis Jane Bar- I i 4 Misses Ada, Maggie and Edna Bess spent last Sunday a week with Cecio Kline. Allen B. Sipes is spending some ume at Burnt Cabius at tending the mill for John Bald wiu. Harry MoElhaney was seen down the creek last Saturday evening. Dr. F. II. Shoemaker is visit ing his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Shoemaker. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dawney aro slowly improving. Misses Ada Foruer and May Chesuut spent Sunday with their ! parents. Miss Lula Huston spent last week at Clear Kidgo with her sis ter, Mrs. Edward Hor ton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Truax and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Meilott and children, spent last Sunday at W. W. U. Klines. A MIDSUMMER REALITY. A VERY CLOSE CALL. "I stuck to my engine, although every joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a locomotive fireman of Burlington, Iowa. "I was weak aud piile, without any appetite and all run down. As I was about to give up, I got a bottle of Elec tric Bitters, and after taking it, I felt as well as I ever did in my life." Weak, sickly ruu down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use Try them. Satisfaction guaran teed by all druggists. Price 50 cents. If (voit want ii hut nr it Iji-iiik I, Willi lloWI IH III' flNltillT on il. He nun; und into 'n-nur's u. T lie ntylc in tla-re Iu plciity. Your put-gn you noi'd not empty, For the pi-leo are all you wish to know. Tho i-inht'ohli'ry nml the Iihts, To not oil thf pretty fuces, Of the maiden who mint look m very sweet, And Iho iipp1iiuV so new, and tlieall ovei-too Within everybody's rciich, It makes you laiitfh they ure so eheup. ( loves of the very best, To match up every dress. Uluek or blue, In fuel of any hue, To suit tho most facetious, Trimmings, braids and linings too, Velvet ribbons shirt waists new. Ilrooch pins and shirt waist sets: Corsets, hose and Hie style belts, Funs and turn over collars, Combs anil huir-pins all sizes nnd colors: Safety pins and spool cotton, Sewlntf silk and peurl buttons, I.inen table cloths uud towels, Linen crush of various colors, Dotted swiss for window curtains, Fancy jjoods for cushion covers, All to muke a house-wife wonder What to do with her old plunder. Dainty dimity tho sweetest, India linen from cheapest to dearest, And the fancy llowered lawn, All to make the maiden ehai'inintr. Last of nil unto the wiser l'rollt by the sage adviser. T.J.Wiener, Hancock, Md. i v. r 0 0 c; ft ft p c5 ft ft 0 , ft ft ft 0 ft 0 0 00000100 ,000X0.000 00S0.0000,000000 0 I 000'-0000U.0P000M.0 0"i EISNERS' V ft 0 MORE EVIDENCES OF OIL AND NATURAL GAS. Toduy's Marvels of Progress Ke come The Commonplace Events of Tomorrow. Forward ! That seems to be the watchword ol the world. How it moves ! Half a century ago the pony express was deliv ering transcontinental mail in San Francisco, that, marvelous to relate, in that day, had left the railroad at the Missouri river on ly a week before ! . Today, strange realization of that remarkable jest, brag or philosophy of Shakespeare where he said : "I'll put a girdle round the earth in forty minutes," a message can now be flashed westward from New York.across the continent, under the Pacific, through the ranks of the teeming millions of Asiatics, over crowd ed Europe and dashing under the three thousand miles of the trou bled Atlantic, arrives at its start ing point before an hour has passed. Even that method, the way of the wire and cable, will seem coarse and crude, cumbersome and old fashioned in a few months. Marconi, that boyish Italian, flashes a spark from an electrical device on the western shore of the Atlantic that con veys intelligence to an operator sitting by another machine in old England. The dreams, the wild est vagaries, of the enthusiast of last year are the commonplaces of today. The other day I stood at a tele phone receiver away out in the woods, .fifteen miles from a rail road, in North Missouri where the Indians' bones have not yet had time to d,ecay in their round ed sepulchres, and heard the music of an Edison phonograph miles further away in the coun try. It was producing that grand old hymn, "Lead Kindly Ljght," rendered by a glorious male quar tet. The greatest constructive statesman who ever lived never showed the evidence of meutal power displayed by Alexander Graham Bell, who gave us the telephone; by Morse, who gave us the intermittent spark of the telegraph; by Marconi, who spanned the ocean without a wire or ' by Edison, who has given to the toiling men and women and the little brown-banded children of the farms the luxury of the best music of the world in their own homes. Verily the world moves, and it is toward the light of better days and better times. Atlantic Courior. A short time ago several gen tlemen from Philadelphia being interested in the development of gas and oil iu the Tuscarora Val ley, original stockholders in the SOME Rouss Racket Store BARGAINS. IN HAKDWAHK, We can sell you u uood double bitted axe, made to stand hard wood, at oOc Single bit, ;Ve. Clipper double bitted, liOc. Mann's, S V. H inch Hut Hies lie, 10 inch lie: 4 inch, slim taper tiles, il to 5c. Curb Hridle bits, 8e, also a (food heavy jointed bit at sume price. II Inch dividers lUc, Compass suw, 10c, carpenters hammers, H to .'I0e, Mann hatchets 4Ho, luthin hatchets 4Hc, hund saws 3(1, 4.", .), 75, to $1.35 the $1.35 saw Is The Simeon. Harness snaps 4 for 5c, and 2 tor 5c, Horseshoeing rusps 12 inch, lXc, 13 inch half tile rusp, lHc, 14 l.vli 20c, 15 inch 25c, shoeing hummers 20 and 23c (This is a job). Horse shoe nails lie lb. Blacksmith hammers 24 to 35c. Lucas carriage paint in full pint cans .'lc. We have the best steel dirt shovels you ever saw, for 45, und 50c, strapped and socket, and when we say steel, we don't mean Iron. Lantern globes 5c, No. 1 lamp globes 4c, No. 2,5c Scythe stones and 5e. TINWARE TINWARE TINWARE Our granite and tinware was never in better shape than now. II quart tin bucket He, 10 quurt 12c, 10 qtiurt dairy pails Hie, 10-qt, galvumeil, lie, 12 qt. K We cordially invite tour friends to see o our stock of Summer 0 p Dress Goods in white Hfrom 5 to 40c: lawns h from 5 to 1 7c. Fast gcolor Dress Ging hams 6, 10, 12 1 -2c. g A large line of wool- g jjjenSutings. Silks for 8 waists and suits. 8 Union Oil and Gas Co., aud desir- j l!lc, 14 quurt 23c, 2 quart covered bucket lie, 3 qt covered bucket He, 4 qt 12c j 0 A f I Kl O Q"t" f f L" fi "f in"1 to personally inspect the l The dairy milk striiuer 23c. Tin cups 2c, 4 quart tin stew pans 5c, grunite j Jj 1111 C O L J V IA J 1 ing to personally inspect tne grounds upon which the compa ny has been operating, visited the wells. At the first well drill ed, near the Union School house, they discovered salt that had flowed from tho vell, which is considered a sure forerunner of gas and coal oil. They were so favorably impressed with the un doubted evidences of tha exist ence of oil and gas that they tre bled their holdings of stock in the Union Oil and Gas Co. The old stockholders are rapidly tak ing up their allotment of stock under the new plan devised by the company, while applications are being received daily from those desiring to become stock holders. Before long the compa ny will have sufficient capital to sink another well and will not stop short of 2500 feet if satisfac tory results are not obtained be fore that depth is reached. Port Royal Times. kettles 4 qt 24c, Ii qt 30c, K qt 3Sc, 10 qt 50c, grunits wush Basins 15c. tt quurt water sprinklers 25c, grunite coffee pots 2 qt, 20c, 4 qt 30c. Clothes baskets, No. 1 Willow Basket 3c, No. 2, 43c, No. 3, 4!ic. If you want one don't wait. We have this spring, so fur, sold 40 dozen Shippensburg Working shirts, and why Is it? Because the sume shirt that you pay 50c elsewhere for, we sell you 2 for 85c. Just think of saving 15c on two shirts; und we can sell you an ov erall that sells any where at iO, for 50c. Moleskin pants 75, and 8Kc- The Ket ones ure what you pay $1 uny plueo that these goods are sold. Give us an early cull. HULL & BENDER, PROPRIETORS. McConnellsburg, Pa. A SURGICAL OPERATION. Is always dangerous do not submit to the surgeon's knife un til you have tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It will cure when everything else fails it has done this in thousands of cases. Here is one of them : I suffered from bleeding and protruding piles for twenty years. Was treated by different specialists aud used many remedies, but obtained no relief until I used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Two boxes of this salve cured me eighteen months ago and I have not had a touch of the piles since. II. II. Tisdale, Summerton, S. C. For blind, bleeding, itching and protruding pilos no remedy equals DeWitt's Witch Uazol Salve. Sold atTroot's drug1 store. FARMING IN THE SOUTH. The l'uHxouier Oepitrlnieui of the llliiiulk Cenlrul Hullrourt Cumpjny la (sailing monthly I eliculura cuiHSeruUW fruit KruwInK' vevetuble UurtlttUltiK'. "lock ralaliiv, dulrylnv, elu.. in thu Hlutea ol Keutuoky, West 1 eunaaaeu, Mlialx , alppl. and ixiuIhIuuu. Every Kurnior or Boine aeeker, who will forward his name and addrea to the undei-hlKned, will be mulled free, Clreu lira Noa. 1. 1, . 4. uud 5, und olhera s they are published from muDlh to month. E. A. RICHTER, TKA VEUNU l'ASSKNUEu AUKNT PARK BUILDING, PITTSBURG, Pi ooooooooxx oxxxxxcooooo When You Come to Chambersburg, I Just go up Main street till you come to Queen street, fef Right at Bloom Bros.1 corner turn to the west half a jl block and you will come to a modern 3-story cream colored brick building. Step inside and you will find M the nicest rooms, and tne largest stock of good furni JUj ture and its belongings, to be seen in the Cumberland L Valley. ' You will find many articles here that you do not see in other stores. There has been a furniture store on this spot for 75 years and yet there are many of the younger people and some others who don't know it. That is the rea son we are telling you about it. About a block farther, on the bank of the Conococheague, whose water drives the machinery, you will find our facto ry ; where with skilled mechanics and seasoned lumber we can make almost anything you may require COME TO OUR STORE and look arouud Much to see that is interesting even if you don't want to buy. We want you to know what it is and where it is. Open till 8 o'clock in the evening now Saturday till nine. H. SIERER & CO., Furniture Makers on Queen Street, Chambersburg, F. oooooooooo j trimmings of every g Bkind, the largest 8 o stock we ever had.S Heaay-to-wear g M0 FULTON COUNTY NEWS is the people's paper $1.00 a Tear in Advance. To Cure a Cold in One Day Tcke Laxative Drcmo Quinine Ttia. Svcn MMoo Ixmm told la ft 13 momht. Tfcb liSSture, Qtn Crip b Two Dyh ' ea every 0. 6 g Wal ki d g a u d D r ess gSKiris rroiii $ivo up, We have a lameB stock of Ladies' Knitq Underwear. We willg 1 : ii. . i. i f x suow you tne oesi ocfi Vest in town, the range is 5 to 25c. Look for ad next 0lk o week. Reisners