FULTON COUNTY NEWS, LOCAL MISCELLANY. Shut the door behind you. Love seldom dies of old age. Kt'tUed in your new home yet ? True fame is only for dead men. Even the smallest shoe is a foot long. April showers bring May flow ers, and mud. The umbrella is generally un der a cloud. The small boy with toothache niny be a sort of howling swell. Spring is the glad time when the year turns over a new leaf. The-lazy man flatters himself that he is economizing his ener gies. When a man gets tired of doing nothing there is no hope for him. Some people are to busy giving advice to attend to their own bus iness. From a feminine point of view a bird on the hat is worth two on toast. The wheel of fortune demon strates that one good turn deser ves another. The dentist is one man who be lieves that it pays to hurt people's feelings. You can't tell much about a family's religion from the size of the family Bible. The swindler believes that if a man is worth doing at all he is worth doing well. The fellow who always tells the truth may be depended upon to create a lot of trouble. The happiness that comes out of a quart bottle may develop in to a hogshead of misery the next morning. It isu't worth while to try and gain a reputation for wisdom un less you have learned to keep your mouth shut. A new schedule, on the (J. V. R. K. will go into effect in May. It was rumored that the number of trains would be reduced but this has been denied. A certain editor unknown to fame states in his country paper that he has been told that a man who squeezes a dollar never squeezes his wife. In looking over our subscription books, we Rre led to believe that some very good women iu this section are not get ting the attention they deserve. LETTUCE AND SMALLPOX. Everyone likes lettuce, and s, ime of us get it most the year round. Lobster, chicken and all kinds of salad must be embellish ed by it. In summer every gar den has a bed of it and in winter the green-house produces it. We simpjy eat it because we like it and never think of its medicinal qualities. Now arises a physician with the assertion that anyone who eats lettuce every day will never get the smallpox. Small pox belongs to the scorbutic class of diseases, like scurvy, and so sailors and soldiers deprived of common vegetables are afflicted with these diseases. Smallpox rages in winter, not because it is inherently a cold weather disease but because at that season of the year poor people must go short or almost entirely without, fresh vegetable foods. Celery and on ions are good for this purpose, but there is such a long interval between their being gathered and being eaten that they lose most of their anti-scorbuticjproperties. Lettuce is served shortly after it is picked, and hence contains the valuable properties which will prevent smallpox. After stating the above as his premises the learned physician draws this con clusion, which is suggestive : "We say without the least hesita tion or reserve that lettuce will prevent smallpox. It is a thous and times bettor than vaccination. It has no liabilities, like vacciaa tion, to produce other diseases. We are willing to stake our pro fessional reputation on the broad Btatoinont that anyone who eats lettuce daily will uot catch small pox, whether he be vaccinated or not. " We give this for what it is worth and not to boom the lettuce market. Lot us cat the plant be cause we like it and not forget vaccination in the interim. Some time ago it was stated that lemon juico would prevent and cure ty phoid fever. There is some truth in this, but not enough to be prac tical. Fad notions never produce permanent results. Lancaster Examiner. Subscribo for the News. MAKING LUSCIOUS NEW FRUITS. Ther soem.s to be scarcely a limit to the wonders which may be accomplished in the liue of experimentation in which Dr. Webber and hi fellow experts are engaged, says the New York Herald. It has been ascertained recently, for example, that by suitable grafting the potato plant can be made to bear tomatoes above ground while producing its own tubers beneath the soil. What a gain it will be to our farmers if in the future they find it practicable to raise crops of po tatoes and tomatoes on the same areas of ground, one above and the other below. These magicians who play such wonderful tricks with plants have recently evolved a new kind of cherry tree, which seems to be the cherry tree of the future. Instead of bearing fruit in the ordinary fashion, by twos and threes, it produces them in large and dense clusters, so that fifty or sixty cherries sometimes grow in a single bunch on a twig. The cherries, too, are big and of re markably fine flavor. One of the most notable of re cent achievements in this line is the seedless grape which has at last been successfully produced iu California. There is an excel lent commercial opportunity for it, inasmuch as many people ob ject to grapes on account of their seeds, apart entirely from the fear of swallowing them, which has been mistakenly caused by the appendicitis fad. Many of the finest varieties of grapes, es pecially those of the "meaty" sort, have very large seeds which on account of their size are really objectionable. That kind of work pays well, inasmuch as there is always a fortune in any new seedless truit. Fortunately, the banana is al ready seedless and has been so' for centuries, though nobody knows why. It is propagated by suckers, and possibly it had no seeds when it was first found in the wild state. The banana is a modified berry. Cutting the fruit down through the middle you will sometimes see a few little brown spots, which are rudimen tary seeds; but occasionally the banana does actually produce seeds. The pineapple is nearly seedless, being propagated like wise from suckers and from slips. Thorns are a nuisance on fruit plants, and the plant wizards are doing their best to get rid of them, the means adopted being simply to select for propagation specimens which by chance hap pen to be thornless or compara tively so. In this way the rasp berry is being freed of its thorns Some oranges and lemons are very thorny, for example, the high priced King orange which is the best of the madarins, though rarely seen in our mar kets. In Florida its thorniness has been diminished by selecting buds from branches with the fewest thorns. The thorns in this case are objectionable partly because they puncture the oran ges or lemons when the branches are blown about by the wind. In speaking of seedless fruits, the navel orange must not be for gotten. It is a freak of nature. SAVES TWO FROM DEATH. "Our little daughter had an al most fatal, attack of whooping cough and bronchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Hiviland, of Ar monk, N. Y., "but, when all other reme dies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who had Consumption in an advanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine and today she is perfectly well." Desperate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. In fallible for coughs and colds. 50c and $1.00 bottles guaranteed by W. S. Dicksons. Trial bottles free. Pucltic Count Without Change. In new Pullman "ordinary" sleepers, wide vestibuled. and with every modern convenience, iu charge of competent agent, from Cincinnati and Chicago via Louisville, New Orleans, Houston San Antonio, El, Paso and Los Angeles to San Francisco. Rates for berths less than half of cost in regular bleepers. For free de scriptive matter and full particu lars, address E. A. RICUTER. Trav. Pass. Agent, Illinois Cen tral Railroad, Park Building Pittsburgh, Pa. pXF.OUTOIt'S NOTIE. - IMute of Snmuei Unix, line of Tort townslilp. Fulton couuty, ril..(1CCCUMMl. Letter test iincntiiry tin the above estate hnvlUK been granted to the uniliTKlxncd. nil person Indebted to the nuiil eotiite nre re quested to make payment, and those havlnk olalms to present the same without delay to J A CO II KOTZ, AprllS. mw M'Conuellsburff. l'a. Administrator's Notice. Nollee Is hereby ulven that letters of admin istration have been granted to the umlerslyned upon the estate of Steward Lunders late of Taylor township. Fulton comity, l'a.. deeeas ed. All persons havinu elalnis aialust raid es. late will present them properly authenticated for settlement, and those nwlliir the same will please call and settle. DANIRf, LANDKUS. ANDIIKW S. 1IHANT. Admlnlstrn tors. March 18. I0r. Adm inisrator's Notice. Notice Is he'eby Klven that lettersof Adin'h iMratlon on the estate of Hyrutn 0. Sunders lale of Thompson township, deceased have been irranted to the underslirned. that nil prsors Indebted to said estate wl'l make pay ment. a d those havinx nlalm will present them properly authenticated for payment. KI.ISIIA MUrDKKH. Administrator. April n, ino:t. Notice. jxssusxs: r.r.: Harrlsburif an application for it wurruut for W acres of unimproved vacant land situated In llrusb Creek township, Fulton county urtjnln Idk lands of I.. A. Duvall In rlxht of Etienezer Hranahum on the west und north. W. II. Uu- vull In rlKht of Win. Merlin- und Archibald 1 Sterling on the east, und Ke.luh Loitun'H land on the south und southwest, L. A. DUVAI.U AUcrsvllle. l'u. MERCANTILE APPRAISER'S TAX LIST. MoCunnelNWurtr, March iwtf. The following N u list of retail inn I wholesale vender or nVulurn In tfooris, wure, merchan dise. eoinrtiiMlltU'H or efTeuts of whatsoever kind or nature, Ntihject to h mercantile license tux In Fulton eountv. Pennsvlvunlu. returned to the proper authorities therein, by the under- j "ikucu innri-ituiiio nppruiser iu unu lor me county of Fulton uforesuld. und published lv the direction of the commissioners of said couuty; Numes of UetullerM. CluMsltlcutlonof buKluewt. AYR TOWNSHIP. J. C SeiderM. merchandise. J. Jj. lHttemoii. merchandise. Mrs. Jefferson Peek, merchandise. Peter Kirk, merchandise. UKLFAST TOWNSHIP. Joseph W. Luke, merchandise. I). O. Mellon, merchandise. (J. J. Mellott, merchandise. Joseph H. Mellott. merchandise. Mm. M. AkerN. merchandise. W. F. Hart, merchandise. A. Huuyau, merchandise. HKTHKLj TOWNSHIP. Curnell & Son. merchandise, (ieorefti F. H. Hill, merchandise. William Palmer, merchandise. Wm. P. (iordon. merchandise. Mrs. M. K. Mann, merchandise, (ieo. I. lioor. merchandise. W. H. Kunck. machinery. HKUSH CIIKKK TOWNSHIP. Charles Lynch, merchandise. V. M. Truax, merchandise, S. W. Hart, merchandise. John Plessintfer, merchandise. James S A kern, merchandise. J. K. Jackson, merchandie. lieonre Sohenck, groceries. eo. W. Me lott. merchandise. DUJIMX TOWNSHIP. L. t Kelly, merchandise. ChurlcH McCehee. merchandise. John K. Speck, clours. S. I,. Huekley, merchandise. Frank C. Hare, merchandise, Hush M. Kline, merchandise. Hurry Huunl, cigars. N. H. Henry, furniture. H C. McCowau. merchandise John liooth, Itros.. merchandise. Jacob Miller. Merchandise. Harry K, Huston, merchandise. J. L. Welch, merchandise, ft, M. Koddy, merchandise. S. It. Cromer, .Stoves. L1CKINO CKKKK TOWNSHIP S. K. PIttmun. 'merchandise. QM. H. Hollenshead. merchandise. W. H. Speer, merchandise. W. S. Hrunt. merchundi.se. McL'ONNlCLLSHUIUi HOltOUOH. John Patterson, merchandise. C H. Stevens, merchant tailor. Oeo. W. Kelsner & Co., merchandise. . Hull & Bender, merchandise. Stoutcatfle Brothers, groceries. W. H. Nesblt, merchandise. Thomas A. Hammil, groceries. A. U. Nuce & Son., merchant tailor. John A. Irwin, merchandise. John W. Oreuthead. merchandise. (ieortfe Kexroth. cigars. (J. C Bender, groceries. J. K. Johnston, merchandise. W, S. Dickson, druifs. Mrs. M. B. Trout, drugs, Altert Stouer. stoves und tinware. lavid Malloy, groceries. Mrs. A. F. Little, milliner. Miss A. J. Irwin & Co.. milliners. S. A. Nesbit, furmlng Implements. T. J. Coinerer. furming Implements. W. S. Clevenger& Co.. furniture. Oeo, W, Smith, groceries. Wm. Stouer, furniture. W. M Kennedy. Durness. Ceo. W. Cooper, grocery. S. U Seylur. cigurs. TOD TOWNSHIP. John A. Hammil, merchandise. D. Ixlward Fore, merchandise. J. C. Fore, merchandise. Mrs. li. Frank Wible, grocer?. TAYLOU TOWNSHIP. A. J. Lumberson merchandise. W. It. Kvuns. buggies. N. M Kirk, merchandise. Clem Chesuut. furniture, ' Michael Luldig. merchandise. S. C. Gracey, merchandise. M. K. Herkstresser. merchandise. A. N. Witter, merchandise. Culeb Burton, merchandise. Wfnegurdner& Son. merchandise. THOMPSON TOWNSHIP. Amos Sharp, merchnndtse. Dennis Kverts. merchandise. J. H. Covalt, merchandise. J. C, Douglus, merchandise. UNIONTOWNSHIP. 8. Kdwurd McKee. merchandise. Scrlever Brothers, merchandise. S. (i. Lttshley, merchandise. Lttshley Bros, merchandise. Andrew Bishop, machinery repairs. James A. Beutty, merchandise. WELLS TOWNSHIP. BaumgurdnerA Co., merchuudlse. H. M. St !. Fxlwurds, mercliuudlse, M. W. Houck, merchandise. N. O. Cuunlngham, merchandise, H. H. Hrldenstlue. merchandise. Frank Spiow), merchundisu. It. K McClulu, notions. K. A. Horton, merchttudlse. And notice In hereby given to all tuxubles herein that uu appeal, iu accordance with the Mercantile A ppruiscr'H Aotof Assembly will be held by the Treasurer itt Fulton county, acting In conjunction with suld Appraiser, at the ortl ue uf the County Treasurer, in the Court House McCounellsburg. Pennsylvania, ou Suturday. May the Hist, y. between the hours of ( o' olocK. u. m., und 4 o clock, p. m., when and where ull parties interested ure required to up peur und ull gricvuuceH will le heard. J. K. PALM Kit Meiountile Appraiser. FARMING IN THE SOUTH. The TuwienKer Department of the Illmula Central ltutlrutid Coinpuoy U Uaulnu oiunthly olrouluni cunoernlnit (rult urowluK' veicetuble KurJenliiK. Htook rulNliiK. dulrylnif, eto in the Suite u( Kentucky, Went TenuenKee, MIkmU Ippl. mid iA)ulluna. Kvery Farmer or Home keeker, who will forward Ms mime and add r on to the underHlyned, will be mulled free, Clrou lorn No. I, i. a, 4, and 6. und olhera an they are publlahed from month to month. k E. A. RICHTER, . TRAVKUNU PASSKNQE AOKNT PARK BUiLDIliG, HTISBURG, PI. . a' r Tcxe iaxauvc uromo vjuinme TaWets. ft Svra Vtn&cm Voim toM ia att 1 2 morrUit. This Signature. HERACKET S A 1 1-W PRICES Just received a new lot of FeH OVOP. thf! llPSt VOU nVdr an w frielil I , - . eu oim nnisn, lames overs, at the old price, 4:'c. We still have a few pair of good chenp Best Grade Men's Gum Hoots, 2.75. Wo have this month added to our stock the following goods. Yankee Farm liiidles, homo made, l.f0. 1-iuch tic simps 24a. Home made leather halters S'ic. City niado J ring halters, O.'e. H reast Chains L)sc a pair. Hut-trucos, I h: p;ui Long plow tract s, .r)0, fiO and 80c pair. You will do well to see these goods. TINWARE! TINWARE ! No. 8, good heavy Wash boiler, O.'c, 2 qt covered Buckets, (So, 3 qt 8c, 4 qt., 12c, 10 qt., flarnig pails, 12c, 10 qt., galvanized pails, 17c. j Tin cups 2c each, dippers 4, S, 10, hi, 2(c. 3 qt., tin stew pans, ."r, ni in- Wasb h : w u. Granite, , tO 6.)C. flB pilltOS - tor DC. Ulsll Colanders, 10c. Milk strainers lUc. Copper tea kettles HOc. CLOTHING AND UNDERWEAR. In overalls and shirts, we have the best and cheapest ever made j In suits, we have children's !Hc at $1. 0 to $3.25. Men's suits 2.45 to 7.25. Underwear for boys and men good lleeced lined, 23 to 40c. HARDWARE ! IIAKDWAUI- ! Diamond tooth cross cntsaws, with handles 1.10 & 1.15. Manns double bit axes still Sjc Clippers, double bit, (i.'c. Clothespins lc doz Give us an early call and save money, HULL & BENDER, PROPRIETORS. jCOCOCOOOOOO ooooooooooooog When You Come to Chambersburg Just go up Main street till you come to Queen street. Right at Bloom Bros. ' corner turn to the west half a block and you will come to a modern 3-story cream i colored brick building. Step inside and you will find the nicest rooms, and the largest stock of good furni ture and its belongings, to be seen in the Cumberland Valley. You will lind many articles here that you do not see in other stores. There has been a furniture store on this spot for 75 years and yet there are many of the young'T people and some others who don't know it. That is the rea son wo are telling you about it. C About a block farther, on the bank of the Conococheague, whose water drives the machinery, you will iiud our facto ry ; where with skilled mechanics aud seasoned lumber we can make almost anything you may roijuiro. COME TO OUR STORE and look around Much to see that is interesting eve. i if you don't want to buy. We want you to know what it is and whore it is. Open till 8 o'clock in the evening now Saturday till nine. II. SIERER & CO., Furniture Makers on Queen Street, Chambersburg, Fei. O coocoooooooooo coooocoooooc xxxxxxxxooo SPUING SPUING 1903. 1Q03. OPENING The Daintiest Millinery, AND Ladies Tailored Hats. High 6rade and Exclusive Hats at all Prices. Popular Fabrics For Black Dress Goods ! White Goods ! Colored Dress Goods! Crown Mohair, French Voile, "Crepe de Chine" Aelrose, Prunella. Hop-Sacking, Serge, Cheviot Venetian, Crapelle, and Silks. Wash Fabrics - Pique, Madras, Mercerized Cham- Q bray. OIK NEW CORSl-TS 8 T. J. WIENER, I Hancock, Md. oocooooooooooo oooooooooooo FULTON COUNTY NEWS is the people's paper $1.00 a Year in Advance. To Cure a Cold in One Day i m m ATX Til FOR 1 E1JRUAHV. I'.oots, with a heavy duck rolled edg-j 14- nlun tuvi nntno nf nnniUn IVoloi'. ..u.v, ...v,,,,,.., patlS, 23 to K.JC. I lour Sifters, l'lf. to $l.i)0, Long pants suits for boys oooooooooooo New Spring Apparel. O Cutm Crip la Two D.yt, ppJ yfjCyr on every 8 We want every per son interested in Nice Dress p Goods f Waistings, &c. 6 l For Summer Wear, Si to see our Stock. n e nave acreaai soia just received some new patterns in O Mercerized, white and colors, silk, S wool and cotton. They are beauties, and are all right in price. See them. a Our Shoe Stock Is better shape this Spring than ever, We can fit most any one in Shoes and price. M Clothing: JJ A large Spring and Summer line that we know is all right in style and price. Don't fail to see them before buying. "Wo have a HGarpets, Mattings, 8 8 . noleums, K3 6 VOindov Shades 8 paints, Stains, YJarnisb, 8 rushes, gtc 2 For housekeepers. l Please call. Respeotfullj", H Q. W. Reisner& Co. iwseoaottcoos;e?cocosasoo:H s 0 c; i c; quite a Lot ana nave e 0. 0. 0 largo stock of 3 0