The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, March 26, 1903, Image 7

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Stealthy, Insidious, Weakening Enemy to Women Many
Thousand Women Suffer Needlessly From This Cause.
There ara a multitude of women, epe
eially housewives, end ell other women
obliged to be. on their feet constantly,
who ere wretched beyond description,
Simply because their strength end vitality
i tapped away by catarrhal discharges
from the pelvie organ. These women get
up in the morning tired, drag themselves
through their daily duties tired, only to
go to bed at night as tired as before.
Mrs. Barthn, 198 East 14th Street,
J. T. City, N. Y., writem "I infferert for
three year with what In generally known as
l.ncorrhaa. In connection with ulceration ox
the womb. The doctor advocated an opera,
tlon which I dreaded very much, and strong
lr ohjected to go nndar It Reading of the
value of Parana, I thnnght. tt best to give
this well-known remedy a trlsil. no I bought
tires bottles of It at once. . Sow I am- a
chanKod Woman. Parana cured me; It took
nine bottles, but I felt so muob. Improved I
kept taking IV a I dreaded an operation so
much. I am to-day in pcrfeot health, and
have not felt so well lor fifteen years." Mrs.
Era Bartho.
Miss Louise Mabon, S Clea Ballla Street,
Toronto, Ont. Can, Becratarr of the King's
laoKhtera and Secretary of Lady Maocfc
teee, wrlteit"Ir all Women knew of the
benefits to be derived from taking Parana we
would have many happier and moire health
ful women. My health has never been too
robust, and 1 am easily fatigued ad can not
stand much. . About a year ago I was so run
down that I had to take to my bed, and be
came weaker aid weaker; A friend u.lvtard
ms to try Peruna, and I have great reason to
bsgratetul, for In two weeks I was out of bed
end In a month 1 was perfectly well, and I
now find that my health Ismtioh more roiiurt
than formerly, so that I take Peruna ones or
twice a month and keep well. "-Louise Muhoo.
Peruna is such a perfect specific for each
case that when patients have once used it
they can never be induced to quit it until
they are permanently cured. It begins to
relieve the disagreeable symptoms at once.
The backache ceases, the trembling kneca
are strengthened, the appetite restored,
the digestion made perfect, the dull head
ache is stopped and the weakening drains
are gradually oured. These results certain
ly follow a course of treatment with Pe
runa. Barbara Albert?, corner Seventh and
Walnut streets, Appleton, Wis., writes as
follows in regard to Peruna:
"For years I have suffered with back
ache and severe pains in the side. I doc
tored so much that I became discouraged.
A school friend told ma how Very much
Peruna had benefited her and I sent out
for a bottle, which did mora to relieve me
than all the other medicine I have ever
He Knew What to Do.
In the old canal days, a fine setter
was taken by his master on a packet
boat which was so crowded that the
dog was put in the captain's cabin to
be out of the way. His owner reached
his destination after nightfall, and bad
taken so much wine by that time that
he was carried off the boat, and no one
remembered his setter. Next morning
the captain took the dog on deck, but
was much afraid he would jump off to
the tow-path and try to return that way,
and so handsome an animal would have
been in danger of being stolen. Carlo,
however, lay perfectly quiet, but with
n air of listening that attracted notice.
Toward noon he heard the sound of
the horn of a packet coming from the
opposite way, and, as the boats passed
each other he made a leap, and was
next heard from as having pot off at
the place .-here his master had stopped,
and as having gone at once to the
house where the man was a guest. Hu
man intelligence could not have sur
passed that shown by this animal.
Who Enjoy the Choicest Products
' of the World's Commerce.
Knowledge of What la Deal More Im
portant Than Wealth With
oat It.
It must be apparent to every on that
Qualities of the highest order are necec
ary to enable the best of the products of
modem commerce to attain permanently
to universal acceptance. However loudly
heralded, they may not hops for world-wide
preeminence unless they meet with tho
general approva.1, not of Individuals only,
but of the many who have ths happy
faculty of selecting, enjoying and learn
, "al worth of ths choicest prod.
cts. Their commendation, consequently,
becomes Important to others, since to
meet the requirements of the well In
formed of all countries the method of
manufacture must bs of tho most per
lect order and the combination ths most
excellent of Its kind. Tbs above la true
not of food products only, but la espe
cially applicable to medicinal agents and
after nearly a quarter of a century of
growth and general us the excellent
remedy. Syrup of Figa. la everywhere
accepted, throughout the world, as the
best of family laxatives. Its quality la
ue not only to the excellence of tha
combination of the laxative and carmln
auve principles of plants known to act
most beneficially on the systsm and pre.
f!-k. ln.ib 'orm of Pleasant and re
Ire.hln, liquid but aUo ,0 metho,
I' nnufacture of the California Fig
t nlcl1 nurs that unlforml-
ILi?? LUTltr ""mini In a remsdy In-
.'a" wh0 "ell Informed and hi will
laxav. T?"C? ,hat K U an weeflent
fei- i nU '""nent In his pro-
MV'wm. 'lr efr,cU upon ,h
of W "! Ml. voa tha " tho best
b e and y-L"5"Ve'' bc,UM " -awe.??-.
hole,,om nd cleanses and
weeiena the system effectually when
a laxative 1., without iny un
pleasant after-effects. Every well-In.
lrni.d drusglst of reputabU sSm
know, that Byrup of Flr.u
f t laxative and Is glad to sail
tlOn but ' n." K,? ,n,Ml1 IWt.
MsV to ..t !kU12 """" that In
Byru- 1, J, ' .,.h! bclal effects of
yrup of Flea It U necessary to buy the
auln. which is sold In original pack!
!s only; the name of the rsmedyw
-printed on the front of every package.
1 xvra w. . i -m , i u i&jj,
Two Points of View.
"You never know what it is to be
well till you're sick," says Paddy. Cer
tainly life loses all charm to the con
firmed invalid, though he be lapped in
luxury. A doctor compares the state
of mind of a man before dinner and
after who suffers from indigestion. Be
fore dinner the patient's thoughts arc
something of this kind:
"What a jolly thing life is! How
grand it is to breathe the pure air, to
revel in the glorious sunshine, to laugh
and be merry! With friends al! around,
a prosperous future before one, all
one's hopes and plans turn out well.
It may safely be said that we live in a
good country and that life is the most
enjoyable state imaginable."
But after dinner, when the salmon
and the cucumber and the lobster salad
are getting in their deadly work, the
same man thinks something like this:
"Life is a fraud. Those who say life
is worth living are humbugs. We go
about the world with a heavy load of
care, and from morning till night our
time is spent in battling with new an
noyances. ,
Recommended bu
Manu Millions
The Well-informed
Throuahout the
Manufactured bu
an Franctacot CaJ.
Lesalawtll. Ry, Nsw York, N. Y.
Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein KyW
- ha CiA I nflrlnrwa all Throat
taken. T used it faithfully for two weeks,
and it completely cured me. 1 have not
had any pains since, anywhere, but feel
like a new woman. I am tru'.y thankful
for what Peruna has done for me." Bar
bara Alberty.
' Mrs. Kate Mann, MO Bathurst "treet,
Toronto, Ont. fan.. Vie President of the
Ladles' Aid Society, wrltrst " I am pleased
to give praise to Peruna for the bleswd rollef
I found through lt use. I suffered for years
with backache and draapdnK down pains and
often had to go to bed and stay ther when I
was so busy that I could Illy be spared. It
was therefore a simple godsend tome when
Peruna wis brought to my notice. Every
drop seemed to give me new life, and every
dose made me feel much better, and 1 prom
ised mysolf that If I found that It enrea me I
wohltl advocate It an that other sufTerlne
women should know of It. 1 have been in
pert set health for one year, 1 enjoy work and
Measure norause in sncn nne neaitn, ana no
;rouble sm too heavy ti bear when you avs
n good b"llth. Prruna has simply been a
louseheld blaHelnir. and 1 never will he with.
out it again." Mrs. Kate Mann.
Mrs. Anna Martin, T Hoyt ft., Brook,
vn. N. v.. wiliest " Pemnn did so much
tor me that I foul It my duty to recommend
tt to others who may be nlinillarly alflicted.
About a yeuraxo my heRlth whs completily
broken tlmvu, hutl backache, dlzzines audit'
rugulnritlr's. and life teemed dark Indeed.
Wo had used l'eruna In our home as a tonic,
and tor cold and catarrh, aud i (locid,:d ti
try It for my trouble, lu less thnn three
months 1 berume reyttlar, my pains hud en
tirely dlti ippeaied. and I am now perfectly
well." Mrs. Anna Martin,
Mrs. Wm. Hetrick, Kennard, Washing
ton County, Neb., writes:
"l am liity-eix years old and have not
felt well since the (.'hanice oi Life began
ten years ago. 1 was in misery somewhere
moft of the time. Mv back was very weak
and my flesh to tender it hint me to 1cm
against the back of a chair. I had pain
under my shoulder blades, in the una 11 of
my back and hips. 1 sometimes wished
myself out of this world. Had hot and
cold spells, dizziness and trembling of the
limbs, ana was losing nesli ull tae time.
After following your directions and taking
a I now fee, like a different person.
Mrs. m. Ilt-trick.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory, results ft om the use of l'eruna write
at once to Dr. giving a full state
ment of 'your cape, and he will be pleased
to give you his valuable advice gratis.
Peruna can be iiurchuscd for $1 per bottle
at all tirt-clas3 drug stores.
Addrens Dr. llartninn, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, U.
School in 1950.
Teacher (to a newly arrived pupil)
"Have you your vaccination certificate
with you?"
"Yes, sir."
"Have you been inoculated against
"Yes, sir."
"Have you been vaccinated with the
cholera bacillus?"
"Vcs, sir."
"Have you a written certificate that
you have been made immune against
whooping cough, measles and scarla
tina?'' "Yes, sir."
"Are you willing that at least once
every week all your books be thor
oughly fumigated with sulphur and
your clothes be disinfected with mer
curic bichloride?"
"Yes, sir."
"Very well, then, as you possess all
the necessary protective measures pre
scribed by our modern hygienic re
quirements you may mount over that
wire enclosure and take yonder isolat
ed aluminum scat and may begin your
World- $JMm
J f 1 i
and. tnng
do inng TronDire. Tnorouiinly tested
All Prugflsts. tic, 0 aai tl.uo.
Ctotrsl Trsds Condilloo.
R. G. Dun & Co.'s "Weekly Review
of Trade" says:
Reports from all sections of the coun
try promises brisk spring and summer
trade. Orders arc coming forward on a
large scale, and frequent requests for
prompt shipment indicate that slocks
arc low and requirements urgent. The
statement lias been made repeatedly ol
late that traffic blockades were ended,
but, as a matter of fact, the relief was
in every case of a local nature and al
most immediately followed by so much
new business that congestion returned.
Heavy distribution of wages make"
retail trade active and collection?
prompt in the anthracite region. Ac
tivity in building lines is so great ns to
occasion frequent comment. Flood?
added to the disturbed condition of the
cotton market.
Railway earnings continue to exceed
previous years' figures, roads report
ing for the first week of March show
ing a gain of per cent, over last
year end of 18.3 per cent, over 1901.
It is already certain that railway con
struction will far exceed even last year's:
enormous figures.
Eastern producers of footwear re
port new business in fall shoes quiet a?
yet. The outlook is satisfactory.
An erratic market for the raw ma
terial, together with unfavorable weath
er, brings a dtireasc in sales of cotton
poods. Only a fair demand is report
ed for men's wear, wooiens and wor
steds. Removal of the embargo ir
Massachusetts resulted in very heavy
shipments oi wool, and prices arc fairl"
Fai'urcs this week numbered 2,10 in
'.he United Slates, agnipst 22 last year,
and 2J in Canada, against 34 a yrar
Flour Spring clear. (3 30n.1.50; best
Tnti'iit, $4.8); thoico Fumilv, 4.05.
Wheat New York So", 2. SlHc;
I'hilndt'lpliiu Xo2, TS:w:i7ae: Ilaltlumru
No. 2, fcO'Vc.
Corn New York No. 2, 53c; Philn
Mphiti -Nil S.rj.Vu.V.'.'tfcjUaltinioroN'o.!.',
Outs Xow York No. 2. 4.1.'c; Phil
Ji'lpliiu No. 2, J3u4.1'ac; Uultimoro No 2.
liny No. 1 timnlhv, ?19.00ul9..V;
.. 2 timothy. iMa.00uia.5U; No. 3 tim
itliyl'.,")0:il7.r0 Fruits nnd Vegetables. White Poln.
iocs With rreoipts less liberal and quite
nn iiiipriivemt-Dt in the demand, the
intiiket rules steady and firm. Apples
til good to cliiiico t'ruit trees of fungus
ire in good demand. Uublittge will;
V'ito u fulling oil' in tho receipts, tlicrt
n much firmer fueling on ull good to
:lniiee slock. Street potutnes nro in
miplo supply for present needs; the
imrket rules quiet but stetuly. We
aiiote: C'tihbage Danifli lurge, per tori
t'.gfiua.OO; domestic, per ton It.OOjG.OC
1'otiitoes Maryland and Pennsylvania,
per bu ll'mllS;;; F.ustern per bu U5n 08c;
kgfrplunts, Florida, per orange box $
"j.00. Unions yellow, por bu 4'n5( 'c;
retl. pir bu l'lu'HIe. Celery, per do2
50a"5e. Apples Kastorn, good to
choice, per bri $l.l'i.'mH.UU; Western, do
do do do do $1 u'Jtr.'.Tii; No. 2 ull kind;
M-'HIal.'J"). Snnet Potatoes Potointu
yellow, perbrl $ 70; North Curo.
linn, yellow, ).. i'.'m-.'. 75; Kistern shore
vellow, f2.'.'.ru2.75. Ynms, yellow, $1.7J
l'.utter, Separator, 20a30c; Gathered
:ri'iim,27u2aej priiits.l-ll) 2'Ju3(lc; Rolls,
2-lb. 2Ha30c; Duiry pts. .Md., l'u., Ya.,
K'gs, Fresh-laid eggs, por doznn,
Cheese, Largo, 60-lb, 14Val4s'c; me
ilium, 30-lb, UUaWi; pionies, 23-11),
Live Poultry, Hons, llall.Vc; old
misters, ouch ,'ll)u35c; Turkeys, 10al7t;
Otll'ks. 4:ll"lU
Hides, Heavy steers, association an.l
falters, late kill, 00-lbs uud up, close so
lution, lOulU.'a'c; cows uud light steers
Provisions and Hog Products. Hulk
;letir rib sides, tUic; bulk shoultlers,
'i'c; bulk bellies, lOis'c; bulk Lain butts,
10c; bacon cleur rib sides, lOJi'c; bacon
iltotildurs, 10c; sugur-cured breusts,
r.'.'-Sj'c; sugar-cured shouldors, 10-,'c;
lugurcurod Culiforuiu hams, 10c;
la 11 is cunviised or uucdiivased, 12 lbs.
md under, MVc; re fined lard tierces, brli
nd M lb cans, gross, Kl.Vo.
Live Stock.
Chicngo, Cuttle, Mostly l"ia20o lower
good to prime steers .) 25a5 7."i; medium
f3 .ri(la4 'JO; stockers and feeders 2 75
a.j 00: cowsj l bOul CO; heifers 2 25a
4 75; Feins-fed steers $4 00a6 25 Hogc,
Mixed and butchers $6 !0u7 30; good to
choice, heavy 7 00u7 45; Sheep, sheop
and lambs slow to lower; good to clioioj
whetlmrs f5(Ku5 65; Wusturu sheep
4 75u7 10.
East Liberty, Cattlo steady; choico
.'i 35u5 5(1; prime f5 15i5 30. Hogs,
prime heavy $7 iAu.1 (i'l, mediums $7 41);
heavy Yorkers 7 20u7 25. 8heep steady,
Hest wethers to G0.i5 75 culls atxl coin
mou $2 253 3J; choice lumbs $G 70aR 90
Only one-sixth of the surface of Ja
pan is arable.
Five-sixths of the cotton used in
British mills Is American.
There are about 30,000 automobiles in
use in the United States.
The French sold in America in 1903
more than $too,ooo of automobiles.
The practice of fencing has been re
vived among Japanese young noble
women Americans are making an effort to
establish a steel plant at Flushing, Hol
land. The Peary Arctic Club hopes to dis
patch another polar expedition in the
Peat has about half of the heating
power of coal, and double that of wood
The lowest priced vehicle at the New
York automobile show was $500; the
highest $1800.
The secret of making carbon papei
and typewriter ribbons is known to
scarcely two dozen people.
Timber is now vulcanized in Eng
land by forcing a boiling solution ol
sugar into its sores.
An automobile made at Worcestci
can carry ten tons.
Microphones are now made so sensi
tive that by their use one may hear the
groans of a dying fly.
American tourists annually spend
abroad an average of $75,000,000, and
foreign tourists leave about $x,ooo,ooc
The annual lost by expatriation ol
wealthy Americans who have taken ur
permanent residence abroad it placed
at $.10,000,000.
Of the 140 steamships now in Mor
gan's combine, operated as the Inter
national Mercantile Marine Company
only ten were built in America, and
only twelve carry tho American flag.
It Didn't Work.
Me was middle-aged, poorly dre?s
(d and decidedly fussy, lie had hardly
taken his seat in the restaurant when
he began to grumble about everything
in sight. 1 litre was nothing on the
bill ol fare ht to cat, he declared, ami
kept the waiter busy attending to his
many trilling wants, rmally he order
ed some chops well done and a cup of
eoltee brought to him at once, lne
beverage was not to his liking and he
lent it back for repairs, voicing a com
plaint louder than ever. After waiting
five minutes he demanded his choijs
and at intervals of a minute repeated
the demand. At length in a burst of
anger he declared he would go some
where else to eat and called for his
check for the coffee. Grabbing over
coat and hat he was about to rush ont
when the man who sat beside him in
terrupted. "That's not your coat," he said
"Oh beg pardon a mistake." stam
mered the angry one as he replaced the
heavy silk-lined coat on the hook, took
his own shabby one from an adjoining
peg and left the place.
"I lost a new derby through that
dodge once," said the watchful one as
he resumed his meal. "That game of
kicking at everything and working up
a show of anger as an excuse for absent-mindedness
is being extensively
ivorkcd nowadays. The minute he be
gan his protcsls I was 'on' at once. Did
von notice the awiul rag was going to
tl.B.B. Cures reei Settled Cnsrs Esprrlully
To frovo It 1!. It. U. Sent free.
These diseases, with aches and pains in
bones, joi'its nnu bt-.rk, sgo'nUing pains in
shoulder b'.adcs, hands, tinners, arms and
legs crippled be ilieum.itism, 16mbsg3, Bci
slicB, or neunugis; hanking, spitting, nose
bleeding, ringing in the earn, sick stomach,
deafness, noises in the head, bad teeth, thin
hot blood, a'.l run down feeling of catarrh
ore sure sizns of an awful poisoned cor.di
tjon of the blood. Take Botanic Blood
balm (B.B.B.) goon all aches and pains
stop, the poison is destroyed and a real
permanent cure is made of the worst rheu
matism or foulest catarrh. Thousands of
esses cured by tukirg B.B.B. It strength
ens weak kidneys aad improves diges
tion. Druggists, ?1 per Urge tott!e. Sam
ple free by writing Blood Balm Co., IS
Mitchell St., Atlanta, (Ja. Describe trouble
and free medical advice sent in sea'ed letter.
The value of farm nnimals inareas.'J
from 8344,000,000 in lS-nJ to $2,9S1,0J,0'JU
in 1900.
Ask Ynnv Denier For Allen's Font-Vase,
A powder to shako lato your shoes; res.sthe
feet. Cures Corns. Bunions, Rwoollen. Si ro,
Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating Fe -t and In
growing Nails. Alls 4's Foot-Kase maVes uew
or tlsht shoos eay. At all drugelsts nud
sh-; e stores. 25 cents. Sample mulled Free.
Address Allen H. Olmsted, telioy. N. Y.
The fellow who tells you disagreeable
thinjfs about your neighbors will tell your
neighbors the same things about you.
Ststi or Ohio, Citi orT oleoo, I
Lccas Cochtv. I '
Fbakk J, CuicXKT.mnke oaththat ho Is the
senior partner of the firm of K. ,T. Cheset A;
Co., doln business In the City of Toiedo,
County and Htnto aforesaid, and that said
firm will pay tho sum of ose hundred not,
i.Aits for each and every ease of CATAKSnthat
esunot be cured by' the use of Hall's
Catarrh Cure. FnANK J. Causer.
bwora to btoro me and sul'scribsd In my
presence, tuts ttnuav 01 uvcoinuer,
A. I., me. A. W. Glkasos,
A'ofaru Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and
aots directly on the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. Hend for testimonials,
iiee. F. J. Chexx & Co., Toledo, O.
Hold by DrugglBts,75e.
Hall's Family Pills are tho best.
Conscience is something that troubles us
after we have been found out.
FITS permanently cured. N'o tits or nervous
ness after tlrst day's uso of Dr. Kline s Oro it
lr. Klike, Ltd., t31 Arch St.. fhlla.,Pa.
Theie are only four letters in love, and
many a man wishes thev had been burned.
are overcome by Lytlla E. Pink
hum's Vegetable Compound.
MIm Menard cured after doc
tors failed to help her.
"Lydia E. Pinkham's Y.yrc
table Compound cured me tuter
doctors hud failed, and I want
other girls to know about it. Dur
ing menstruation I suffered most
intense pain low In the abdomen
and in my limbs. At other times I
hnd a heavy, depressed feeling
which made my work seem twice
as hard, and I grew pale nnd thin.
Tho medicine tho doctor gave me
did not do me one bit of good, and
I was thoroughly discouraged. The
doctor wanted mo to stop work, but,
of course, I could not do that. I
finally began to take Lydla E.
Plnkliam's) Vegetable Compound
and felt better after taking the lirst
bottle, nnd after taking six bottles
I was entirely cured, and am now
in perfect health, and I am so grate
fill for it." Miss (Jeoroib Menard,
6H7 E. l2nd St., New York City.
$S000 ft'ftit If trlijlnal of aSovt Ittttr tracing
giituimrifti cannot bo produced.
Lydln E. Plnklmm's Vegetable
Compound euro female llln when
all other meot Imve. filled.
A mammoth dove farm at Elysian
Park, in Southern Calilornia, is (.wil
ed by one J. Y. Johnson, who bcan
five years ago with four hundred bird.
Now he has about twelve thousand.
The squabs bring from two to three
dollars a dozen. While doves predom
inate, and there is an effort to confine
the marketable supply to white birds.
From eicht to ten sacks of wheat and
twenty oi screenings are consumed in a
More than nine-tenths of the 300,000
pounds of peppermint oil annually con
sumed by the world is produced within
ninety miles of Kalamazoo. Mich.
Deliberate with caution, but act with
decision; yield with griciousneVs; but
oppose with firmness.
Its the gentle and effective action of Doan's Kidney Pills In Kidney,
Bladder, and Urinary troubles that make them famous with
Men, Women, and Children.
Mt. Pmamxt, Omo. I received the
sample of Donu't Kidney Pills, and never
lind any medicine do me so much good In
so little time. I had Congestion of the
Kidneys and nindder so severe it caused n
pressure on the Iuns like Asthma, but
through tho use of Donn's Pills I om free
and ensy now. Gro. W. Smitii, Veter
inary Burgeon, P. O. Dox 41, ML Pleasant,
Aged people find Donn's Kidney Pills a
great comfort for declining years.
They cure incontinence and urinary
weakness peculiar to children.
Baxter Springs, Kansas. I received
the free esmplo of Donn's Kidney Pills.
For five years I have had much pain In my
back, which physicians said arose from the
kidneys. Four boxes of Doan's Pills have
entirely cured the trouble. I think I owe
my life to these pills, and I want others to
know it. Baduj Davis, Baxter Springs,
"Death months" are March and
April for adults, find July nnd AuRust
for children ruder five years of ape.
according to the statistics'of the twelfth
Jfrs.TYInsloir's SoothlngSymu for chlldrai
lectUiuft, soften the tfuine, rtduves lnfla-auia
t!oD,allt,laln, cures wli.d colic. l!5e. ubo'.tlo
'1 hp frllour wlia is to;! frerh ii linli'.o t-l
rifo'sC'tirn ennnot be too lilirhlvsrxk-Do;
(is acouKh car J. W. O'BaiSN, 322 Thir l
Avenue, ., Minneapolis, Mtnn., Jan. b. IbJj.
Moncv sometimes coe farthest when it
is invited in postaje stamp.
PrTSAM Fadeless Dyes color Silk.
Vool and Cotton at one boiling.
Even diamonds made of paitc will caurc
a woman to be stuck up.
but it cures RHEUMATISM
And all d(ra.,e arising from Impurities In the hlnort. Tt pofltlrfh trill not
injur the dl:mtiv ovtana. t'atnrrht Kidney, l.lrvr and Stnmnch trouble
disappear under tho powerful blood puriftino qualities of thtt medicine.
tlALEion. N. C.
Gentlemen: I take pleasure In hearlnir teatlmoify to tho curative properties
ui your riitiiMAuiDE. iwn uomea
bo of any beueiit to you In advert Uiair
Yours truly. w. n. ft AND. Sttirard. Jr. C. Inrtltuticn for BHnti.
All Druggist, $1.00, or expressage prepaid.
Bobbltt Chemical Co., .
LilRl S WH.tHr a;
Bout ( viiii; h byrup. '1 .vwn (,
in limp Hold hr dm;
Fate met a discontented man, fays
"Why are you discontented?" afked
"Alas!" said the man, "my life is so
monotonous. I desire a change of time
and place."
"That is impossible," said Fate.
"Nay," said the man; "it is in your
power to transport me to a distant land
and a different era."
"Choose," said Fate.
The man's eyes srarkled.
"I choose," he replied, "Rome during
the Augustan age."
His wish was granted, but ere long
Fate found him again disconsolate.
"Why arc you discontented?'' asked
"Alas!" he said, "my life is so mo
notonous. I desiro i change of time
and place."
"Choose," said Fate.
"I choose England in the Elizabeth
an age," said the man.
His wish was granted, but ere long
Fate found him again disconsolate.
"Why are you discontented?" asked
"Alas!" said the man, "my life is so
monotonous. I desire a change of time
and place.
"Fool!" sajd Fate. "Have you not
yet discovered that one is always here
and it is always now?"
One of the Latest Fads.
Some lovers, not satisfied with the
ring as an outward and visible sisn
of their eternal love, are now exchang
ing eyes not their own eyes, ol course,
but very good imitations of them. The
engagement eye is framed in gold and
painted on ivory, and is set round with
precious stones. It must be an exact
reprodnction of the human aiid indi
vidual window, not enlarged or beauti
fied, but painted as it is. Every model
must give his or her artist at least
three sittings before the right shade
and the perfect expresion can bt trans
ferred to the little ivory replica.
Covetous persons are always in
want; it is ottr want, not our needs,
which make us poor.
;..: r-- mi
l.arate.t C'AWOPaorKocd rotntoatn Amrrli'a. ,
Thf lnrwl New York ef'-atvoa Salavr' Kar- ,
ty IV arlt'ldorr4Shi,.prrn. I'plpf.
ulrtchcup. MAmtnalh.c-rtlboolhOuCnmplraf
Tco.tatc, Kprlta. Maaaronl W licat, ISC bu. per '
Giant lover. ttr.,vr?u rwrl; tf loo t-ctuirf. ,
JOHN A.SALZeBsrP.OCO.I.aOoaa. Wla. i
tvvvvvYwvvvvvvvwvvYvm i
St. Jacobs Oil
Is the re i test remedy in the world for all bodily
Aches and Pains
(or which sn external remedy may be used.
Price, 25c. and 60c.
Aching backs are eased. Hln, back, and
loin pains overcome. Swelling of ths
lfmht and dropsy signs vanish.
They correct urino with brick dust sedl
mcnL high colored, ixcessive, pain in pass-
11 g. dribbling, frequency, bed wetting.
I)osn's Kidney IMlls dissolve and remove
cnlcuHand gravel. Relieve heart palpita
tion, sleeplessness, headache, nervousness.
f Do an's
rri nils,
Fonrm-MtLftrRM Co., Buffalo. N. T,
l'lftisp rend me hr mail, without charge,
trial box t)oui s Kidney fills.
Name , ,
(Cfet out rr.ntvn on dotted line and tnalt to
urtr-Jlilbuni Co.. liutXalo, N. Y.)
Medical Ad vies Fre-Strictly CocfldtntlalT
you wihb rinv
The bat mtsftoli 'Hilled oeftneft tM
Jiitr-Jor tvj trx4tnx hte rvsie
TOWER'i J:.;kcn Coib,idrli:5
firaiMhewflicwr Vrsrtmetii',
1 1 ore!!efer til k'& of wet wort.
oMfwrvre.-t t-jp'-Jie JION Of
THE FfJrl n cus-f.tei '.0 .vc sti
iifactieo All rtlatlc in'm jell then.
a J.roeu! ,sow);.HAii.if.i.i
TWiB CA.1iiliHCO.LrJt,iTC;oil7ft.W
9 tr I
curva my son or a nan esse. II this will
your meritorious remedy, you can use It.
. Baltimore, fid.. U. S. A.
Char Head'
vr costs
r 5f s??f
Greatest, Cheapest Pood
On Earth for Shoe p, Swlno,
Cattlo, etc.
Vltl S iirh f ICO to y.o t. r.t.1 what
Sisr'f uui, aTi tUmi rt,
QHUort Dollar Cross
ill p,tttlvHy ma fn HNf 13 wot
of hit ion put up Mrv m
to Urornoi, rot, h tlti, UeUwUl
Uc&t fjrknil, hut ulii, fl I n. p
tre. IjUi Ctitnry fat. fc1 lut. w
trr tnl Tlnta, VitlJj lOO Umt
(irtcB 'Ucr per ftrre.
PorthioNotlconnd 10o.
1J as i ai. aviH, w (Via Statu a.
D mm A Ml 7F0 SFFfl m A?S8ti
fieaalBe stamped C C C. Rem sold !a balk.
wars i Via dealer who tries t sell
"atxnatblog Just as rood."
NEW rEKHIO.t LAWS. Aot of juna it. lauipaa.
aiouaiMrwiuaJriuraaua tualr w,4jw. otiaats
Olau Waj IrotA 1B1 7 u, II Wa wlu talU.jr
overj liiAhi Ooulraol iUaliu uuaar tola ML Aot :
July 1, la4 pauaauoaawriaia avldlaca wuu liai uriur
tuiilr,taratMf vkx Mai wUu auaj ua cuar4 vita
Oaaarllou. Saaiiiilw us la Adyloa iraa, tot
blaukaaudloatuiatruuiioua, auifaaatua W. at. WlUa
t-aualub Agaawy, tVuia atoildia. Sli luaiaaa A.,
naaliluulou, il. U. i'wauty yaara praulioai WaaU
imlutt. Ouyiaa t lUa La. Mal lu. a ua4.a
S- -W Ci I ,aa.t ra lat and aaraa aa at
of laaKMoaia a aad I O d.ya' traataiaat
Werner a, a. a. luu s atas. aaa a. At uta. Oar
iiamieted w.ia-f . ui.i..
! ayaa, na uv upwiii 9 CV HCICr
-f n stronger than its 1 D
f weakest link. A fertilizer I jj
f I deficient In IS
J I is just as dangerous is a I
clunwith ccked Unk
f ri)oi monay winni-if Wooltl ar Vl
f f S'adH by evary n2H who owui -1
MM arvd a plow, ai.d who dc- m I
f f airaa la act tha moat out ol them. Jt
I Thay ararr. Sand poaul card, jf J
- I ttssit kali Wonka, y
aa Kb, m
aaa. ana.