The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, March 12, 1903, Image 8

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    .Brick fonsftle at Morton's yard . The April Number. , j ' Sale KcKintcr.
Ivocp au"eo ou oVi sale "Regis-j " The Easter atriibspfiere pervad Thursday, March 12. D. A.
ter. j es the pages of tlio April number Gillis iutending to quit farming,
Frauk .Mason has a lotof prime;?" 1,10 new Idea Woman's Maga- will sell at his residence 3 miles
timothy hay for sale?. ' .'..Jsino like a harbinger of Spring, northwest of McConnellsburg,
Try Irwin's 1." cent Bleud of i Amr,n tne articles of especial in- Horses, Cattle, Farming imple
dry roasted coiTeo. terest to be noted, are: "New Art I ments, Ac, Ac. Sale begins at
in Kilvorwnro "Kw f nimnK : in n'n)..,.
vi ii mi .iie in i rout, s larm
west of town. Apply at Trout's
drug store for price.
Try Irwiu for Canned (Hoods.
A large assortment of all kinds.
J. Walker .Johnson, of Ayr
township, has for sale 10,0t0No.l
Oak Shingles, made by Wm Car
baugh. - i
Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry
repaired and guaranteed at Ir -
Mr. Daniel E. Fore and grmd.
son and granddaughter Ethel ! .
Lamaster spent part of Sunday i Mr. George Wilds of Fort Lit
at Grant Bakers. tleton, called at the News office a
You can save money by buyin-' I fow miDUtt's whil iu town Mo-
!invthinr i ii, ,1; i: . T
win's. We have received a new
stock of Dinner and Toilet Ware.
Fix the date for your sale and
have it entered in our Sale Regis
terboth the News and Demo
crat free when bills are printed
at either ollice. ;J
Mrs. John Lamaster, son Earl
and daughter Ethel of Marks,
Franklin county spunt Saturday
and. Sunday with 'Mrs. Lamas
ter 's father Daniel K. Eore.
Wells Tunncrv. t ,' "
JJyram Dewey.aged about three
mouths' son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Faust, died of pneumonia
the "th inst." Interment at Loys
burg. Mrs. .'George Young who has
bedujsick for 'sometime, Is"'' im
proving slowly. '
Will Henry, a student of Bethel
Military Acadarny of Virginia,
and son of Dr. Henry of Everett,
accompanied Rev. Fulcher of the
same place to Wells Valley and
visited in the home of Harvey
Wishart from ' Saturday until
J. H. Allen of Chambersburg,
spent Sunday in our city.
B. G. Morton of Kearney, visit
ed bis mother, Mrs. Adams, Sun-1
day last. '
Every person-cordially invited
to the Presbyterian church Tues
day evening the 17th to hear Rev.
Fulcher talk on the "First Resur
rection." "J-
MissNoraGrifiitli lias returned
to Philadelphia to stay for an in
delinite time.' .
Mr. Somers Fisher, teacher of
N- advanced school, spent Sun
day in his homo in Syhellsbnrg.
A; S.j Greenland is slowly re
coVerjng from pneumonia.
M rs, I lertha Deshong was call
ed tolJopuweU the 5th' inst, to see
Jier bister, Mrs. K'ep Edwards'
chiJd who is very sick.
. Rev. Finney of Orbisonia, was
a very welcome visitor among (
some, a his ex-parishioners the
rnV and ;d inst. We have not
Jearuec what part of the church''
work he was looking after, this
Mi Alice Wishart is visiting
re)ativii iu Huntingdon and
, Jo'lmstowu. She will not return
until , after the Missionary Meet
inglluntingdon the 20 and 27th of
Maurice Bivens is in Altoona
representing the Order of United
M ine Workers of Hopewell.
. ItcUford I'ulton Telephone Co.
From the Everett Press of last
week we learn that a new tele
phone company has been organiz-'
ed in that town, capitalized at $5,
mhi. Among the otticers and di
rectors we notice Jhe names of
two well known former Fulton
county men, Dr. J. Grant Hanks,
and Elijah N. Palmer.-'
The company expects to build
a lino to tako in the towns of
Clearville, Robinsonville, Mattie,
Akersville, Ravi Hill.Grace-
ville and Well Tannery. . At the
latter place it will connect with
tho Saltillo Telephone Company,
-which covers a part of Fulton and
.Huntingdon counties. It Is also
exjH.'cted to have a line connecting
.' with Bedford.-
" Tho need of telephone service
has boon much felt in the eastern
,IMlrt of Bedford county and this
I company expects to furnish this
, much felt want The company Is
" composed of many enterprising
, citizens of Everett and vicinity
. who are pushing the work along
as fast as it is possible to do go.
They will begin erecting lines
r soon as all the necessary rights
t of way and material can be secur-
. 6tl. ' i?i4.",'".'.-'i
Bell Bunce; "The Layette," by
Nancy Hull; "The Woman with a
Purpose," by Mrs. Will Cum back;
"Floral Work that April Brings,"
by Benjamin B. Keech; the first of
the "Mother Talks," by S. D.
Gardner; "East Indian Cookery,"
by Edith M. Burtis, and seven ex
cellent short stories by the best
j writers. In addition, there are
1 charming examples of verse, and
many new ideas in all depart-
I mcnts -that interest women.
I "ay and nan jus name aaaeu to
our healthy subscription
lie was accompanied by
Mort. ;
Raw Furs.
I pay the highest cash price for
fox, coon, mink, skunk, opossum,
and other skins. Write for pri
ces. Cr.AV Pakk,
' Three Springs, Pa
Pacific Coast Without Change.
In new Pullman "ordinary"
sleepers, wide vestibuled and
with every modern convenience,
iu charge of competent agent,
from Cincinnati and Chicago via
Louisville, New Orleans, Houston
San Antonio, El Paso and. Los
Angeles to San Francisco. Rates
for berths less than half of cost in
regular sleepers. For free de
scriptive matter and full particu
lars, address E. A.' RICHTER.
Trav. Pass. Agent,' Illinois Cen
tral Railroad, Parity Building
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Summer Normal School at
To. begin April 27, 15103, and
continue for 8 weeks.
Tuition 50 cents per week.
Good board $2.00 per week.
C. II. Shcll, Principal,
llarriafonville, Pa.
Tr Ciir.u u Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine
Tablets. AH druggists refund
the money if it fails to cure. E.
W. Grove's signature is on each
box. 25c. ' .
- " Local Institute.
The local institute held at-Phil-
ip Morgret s schoolhouso was
well attended owing to the bad
roads. The' subjects were ably
discussed and good methods ex
changed for betterf ones. The
school gave the institute an in
teresting, entertainment by reci
ting a number of recitations.
The teacher's present were : L.P.
Morton, E. B. Morton, pon Mor
ton, A. N. Mellott, Unger Mollott
S. L. Wink;" and Misses Katha
rine Metzler and Bessie Morton.-
Howard C. Mellott,
Charter Notice.;
Notice Ih tieraby k'lveu tliul no uppllualiuD
wUI le nuidu to the (iovernor of I'ennsytvunta
on MuDduy.ilia :4fh duy of Murcb.lWhl.lqr H.W.
Ileuder. J. O. HanlM. T. A. Jones, H. Y. Hump,
and JobnO, Uobler, under the Act of Asseio.
My of lUo Coiinnionwealtb of Pennsylvania, en
titled "An aut to provldu for the Incorporation
and retfulaUin ff certuln corporations." ap
proved AprilM. lK7t. and the supplement there
to for the charter of an Intended corporation
to be Oulled "The lied ford Fulton Telephone
Company." the character and object of which
I coukirnctlnir. maintaiuluK and leasing tele-
ptyme and leiua-raph lines for private use of In
dividuals, tirnis,; corporation, municipal or
ottierwise, for general business, and forpollov,
lire alarm nr tnesHenver business, or ,for the
transaction of any business In which elcetrlultv
over or through wires mny be upplled to any
useful purp-m, ucludlnK the maintaining- and
operating of a general telephone system and
telephone kufclness. and for these purposes to
have, possess and enjoy all the rlKhts, uepetlts
and privilege of the said Act of Assembly aud
Its supplements thereto. "
The Murdl l.ras festivities at New Orleans
this year will be the vraudest ever held and
will occur February Sid and illh although the
entire week preceding February Jtth, will be
devoted to celebration by (he various orgunU
a Hons that have matle' Mardl (inn" and "New
Orleans" famous the world over. The Illinois
Central Kallroad is yuonymous with "llardl
(Iran" aud arrangements have been made for
special "Tour Service" from Pittsburgh, Cin
cinnati, Chicago, and St. Louli for handling
paasengera to Mew Orleana for this oocasloa.
If you are contemplating a trip to the Mardl
(Vaa make your arrangement at one for
sleeping oar accommodations, eto. Frew de
aerlptiva matter and full particulars upon ap
plication to , r- ,
Saturday, March ll. J. Cal
Foster will sell at his residence,
1 mile south of New Grenada,
horse, cattle, hogs, sheep, farm
ing implements and household
goods. Sale begins at 10 o'clock;
credit 1 year.
Wednesday, Marcli 1. Hav
ing rented his farm, John Raker
will sell at his residence at the
Cross Roads ou tho Peach Or
chard Road 0 miles northwest of
McConnellsburg, 4 Horses, 5
Cows, ( Sheep, 25 Hogs, farming
Implements, l-c.,&c. Sale be
gins at 10 o'clock. Credit 10
Saturday, March 21. M. Lai
dig intending to remove to Dublin
Mills will auctiou his store goods
beginning at 1 o'clock p. m.
Credit (i months on sums over $3.
Saturday, March 2li J. U.
Booth intending to move to the
farm will sell at auction his gen
eral stock of merchandise begin
ning at 10 o'clock a. m. and con
tinuing throughout the day and
evening, until the goods are sold.
Under $3. cash ; over, 9 months.
Tuesday,' March 24. John W.
Funk will sell at the Cooper
House all the hotel furnishings,
consisting of 445 yards of carpet,
parlor suit, bedroom suits, 20
beds and bedding, 50 feather pil
lows, 20 mattresses and bed
springs, 2 dozen counterpanes,
and a great many other articles.
Sale begins at !( o'clock a. m.
Credit II mouths.
Wednesday, March 25. John
Barmont intending to quit farm
ing, will sell at his residence in
Tod township !J miles north of
McConnellsburg, 5 work Horses,
17 Cattle, lot of Hogs, farming
Implements, Hay, Corn, Wheat,
Corn fodder, Potatoes, Bacon,
&c, &c. Sale begins at 10 o'clock
Credit 10 mouths.
Wednesday, March 25. Mrs.
Barbara Wink will sell at her res
idence in Belfast township 5 miles
northeast of Needmoro her house
hold and kitchen furniture. Sale
begins at 10 o'clock. (5 months
credit; under $3 cash.
Thursday, March 20, Willia,m
Comerer, iutending to quit farm
ing, will sell at his residence two
miles south of McConnellsburg,
horses, cattle, farming iruplo
menta, household goods, &c. Sale
begins at 10 o'clock.
Friday, March 27. D. R.
Mumma, intending to remove to
Hnstontown, will close out his
live stock, farm .implements ttc.
at public sale on above named
day. Sale begins at 10 o'clock.
Credit fl mouths, over $3.00.
Friday, March 27. Intending
to remove from the farm, Conrad
Glazier, Sr., will sell at his resi
dence one mile east of Big Covaj
Tannery, Live Stock, farming Iro
plements. Household goods, ttc.
Sale begins at 10 o'clock.
. Friday, March 27, Maggie Rum
mel intending to quit housekeep
ing, will sell at her residence at
the west end of McConnellsburg,
household and kitchen furniture.
Sale begins at 1 o,clock P. M.
credit (J months.
Saturday, March 2H. B. F.
Daniels will sell at his residence,
one milo northeast of Gem in Bel
fast township, Live Stock, Farm
ing Implements, &c, &c. Salobe
gins at 10 o'clock; 9 months cred
it,.) -. a: ; -'
Saturday, March 2W. George
W. Greathead will sell at his res
idence tho ' personal property of
the late Miss Sarah Greathead.
At the same time the Greathead
Tannery will be offered for sale.
A stationary engine, boiler, bark
mill, all in good condition are in
cluded with the tannery. Suit
able for planing mill, door and
sash factory or tannery. Loca
tion excellent. Sale begins at 1
o'clock P. M.
What is Life ?
In the last analysis nobody
knows, but wo do know that It is
under strict law. Abuse that law
even slightly, pain results. Ir
regular living means derange
ment of the organs, resulting in
constipation, headache or liver
trouble. Dr. King'sNew Life Pills
quickly re-adjusts this. It's gen
tle, yet thorough. Only 25o at
W. S. Dickson's drug store. '
Public Sale
THD RSBa7,1iARCH 19, 1903,
Tim titulei'ftio;nel will sell at public
Hitlo at his residence 1-2 mile south of
Mct'onnellsihuio;, pa, on the above
n limed day the followlriff valuable per
sonal property, viz :
No. 1 is a uray mare Oyear.i old, with
foal to full-blooded I'ercheron horse,
a Rood leader No. 2 Is a bay mare
10 years old, with foal to same horse,
will work anywhere. No. 3 Is a bav
mure .'I years old, with foal to same
horse, 7-8 Clydesdale, well broken.
no. 4 Is a brown horse, good leader,
perfectly sound. No. 5 L'rav horse.
good leader. No. l bay colt 2 years
old. Nos. and 8 are lare yearling
il are (food milch cows, 2 of which will
be fresh by day of sale: .1 are bulls, 1
polled anjrus and 2 Ilolsteins: 2 are
heifers and 3 are cukes.
.') are brood sows that will have pigs
by day of sale: 1 full-blooded I'oland
( hina sow, ,KI head of shoats that will
weigh from 7"i to loo pounds each. 1
basket sleigh, 1 hay tedder, 1 horse
rake, 1 plow.
One Four-Horse Wagon
1 two horse wagon, 2 sets of wood lad
ders, 2 sets of hay ladders, 3 shovel
plows, 2 single shovel plows, 1 two
horse corn plow, 1 one-horse cultiva
tor, 1 good Farmers' Favorite grain
drill, 1 corn shelter, 2 spring tooth
harrows, 1 just new; 2 drag harrows. 2
grain cradles, windmill, grindstone,
wheelbarrow. ,
1 Good Surrey
just new: 1 stick wagon, 1 good sled,
buggy pole. One Woods Hinder 7-ft.
cut, 2 woods mowers, hay fork, ropeand
pulleys, 2 scoop shovels, 1 cutting box,
4')-gallon feed cooker, 1 set of breech
bands, 4 sets of lead gears, set of single
harness, set of double harness, set of
buggy harness, wagon saddle, rid)ng
suddle, 2 bridles, ( lly nets, 200 pounds
of meat, shoulders and sides, lot of
and fodder by the bundle. New Jewel
heating stove, cook stove, (i0 yards of
carpet, -rt extension table, 2 falling
leaf tables, lounge, 2 rockers, 3 bed
steads, matting, 10 gauge shot gun,
sewing machines, &c
A credit of 12 months will be given
on sums of $.1.00 and over, by pur
chasers giving notes with approved
security; sums under ,".tK), cash will
bo required. Sale to commence at 10
o'clock A. M.
Boys with their hatsou the back
of their heads and long hair hang
ing down on their foreheads, with
smutty words and a cigarette in
their mouth, are cheaper than
old shoes nobody wants them at
any price. Men will not employ
them, girls will not marry them,
they are not worth their keeping
and as a rule can not keep them
selves. Hiicklcn's Arnica Salve.
Has world-wide fame for mar
vellous cures. It surpasses any
other salve, lotion, ointment or
balm for Cuts, Corns.Burns, Boils
Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tetter.Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped
hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible
for piles. Cure guaranteed. Only
25c at W. S. Dickson's. Drug
gist. Ilustontown.
Mrs. Dessa Pittman of PVauk
lin county, is spending some time
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
David Forner.
Miss Ocie Taylor is home.
There has been quite a lot of
sickness in our neighborhood.
Oliver Taylor of Huntingdon
county, visited his brother, James
Mack Chesnut spent Saturday
evening with the family of David
1 Joseph U. Ilanclf is spending a
few days with his family.
Amos Sipe and wife of Fort
Littleton, spent last Sunday with
the family of Clifton Sipe.
Reynolds Fohner left for
Broadtop last Tuesday where he
has employment.
Wishart Wink visited his broth
er Grant last week. .
Morrow Kirk is erecting quite
a lot of wire fence.
Jacob Sharpe of Knobsville,
spent one day last week with W.
W. U. Kline.
The PMeDKor Deimrtment ot the Illinois
Central Hnilroud Couiiiuuj b (iwuloir umuihly
clroulur. aonuerolnv fruit growing' vegetable
Kttrdeplnif. ituek ralnlnv, dairying, eto., In the
Hluiea of Keutuoky, Went Tenueunee, MIhbU
ipiil. and uniliilitna, Kvery Fanner or Homo
aeeker, who will forward bin name and add re
to the undeniiKoed. will be mailed free, Olrou-'
lam Nun. I, . t. , and 6, and other aa they are '
publlnlied from month to moatb. . '
of valuable
The umlprlKDcil will ofterat private ale her
vuluable furm situate In Well Valley. Fultoli
comity I n., adjoining luud. of W. u'ciiniiinir
litun. Newtnn S. KdwnnK W. I,. Muxi-liey. It.
K. rJlim iind the letliiHllt Churcli nnitiertv
The property I-known no the "Allen Wlllett
farm iind cootulus
Forty-seven Acre
more or lew, nil eleiired and In a fiilr suite of
pultivatlon: lmvluK thereon erected a
Large Hank Uarn and
Large Dwelling House
und other out-building. The land N n good
quality oMted Shale.wlth an orchard of eholce
fruit thereon. Church mid school udjoiniiig
the premNeH.
For further particulars call on, or address,
J-:iiid. 1'a.
Prothononary's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
hamed accountants have tiled their accounts
In the Protliouotary's oltlce and that the same
will be presented to the Courtsof " omincn
, ... w, . ,,., ....inn;, i .in in., iniru .Mon
day of Marcli next being the luth day.
I. The llrst and limit account of James Henrv
ieorge 11. Oanlels and S. W. Kirk assignees of
the estate or ti. c. Smith & Co.
Prolhonotary'H Oftlce.
February 14. lima.
Register and Clerk's Notice.
Nolle tu hprnhv trli.a.n (hut V. ..n
named accountants huve Hied their accounts
iu me negisier unu i.ierK h ornee or Fulton
county. Pa., and that the same will be present
ed to the Orphans' Court of said county for
confirmation on the third Mouduv of .March
next being the Kith day.
I. The first iind ttnul account of Wm. H.
necUcr iiflttilnlvi I'tiini. ..r Muiiiwi.. oi..h.....i
of llerkley Springs. Morgan Co., W, V'a.
lteglster & Clerk.
Iteglsier and Clerk'a Ornoe.
Februury 14 A. D. I.
We are in position to fur
nish you with most all kinds of
Lumber, consisting of
and almost everything to com
plete your building-.
What we do not have in
stock, we will cut out on short
Coire and see us, and get
prices; or, write us.
Knobsville, Fulton Co., Pa.
In . . .
(buggies .
Good marketable stock
taken in exchange.
S3?" When in need of any
thing in our line write
for particulars to ... .
burnt Cabins, Pa.
Sample Prices,
RS.. Patterson's
8-inch mill file
10-inch mill tile
12-inch mill file
14-inch Horse Rasp
12-inch Compass Saw
Good Steel Divider
Good Chuck Brace ;
Good Double Bit Axe 60-and
Mann's Axes . " 85c.
Also. Headpuarters for Oils
and Paints.
Tcke Laxative Bromo Qumxnc Tctiets.
Winter Attractions at
McConnellsburg, Pa.
W 0xford G
'kl"i'.f .TW
Men's and Boys' Dress Suits
1 I;,.! v
Collars, Cuffs, eckties, Suspenders in fact, a full line of
Mens furnishing goods, at prices that will please you.
J. K. Johnson.
00000 0 00 0X0
Just received a new lot of Felt Boots, withaheavvduck rolled ode-,.
over, the best you ever saw, for $1.9s; also, two cases of cuodeo Water
ed Silk finish, ladies overs, at tho old price, 42n. We still have a
few pair of good cheap Best Grade Men's Gum Boots, 2.7").
we nave tins month added to
Yankee Farm Bridles, home
Home made leather halters 85c. City made 4-ring halters, (iSc.
Breast Chains 28c a pair. But-traces, 48c pair, Long plow traces,
50, 00 and 80c pair. You will do well to see these goods.
Xo. 8, good heavy Wash boiler.
8c, 4 (it., 12c. 10 qt., llariiiji Puil.
Tin cups 2c each, dippers 4, 5, 10,
lit in., tin wasli basins ac, 2 qt.,
to 35c. Pie piates 2 for 5c. Dish
Colanders, 10c. Milk straiuers
In overalls aud shirts, we have the best and cheapest ever tnado
In suits, we have Children's 98c to $1.90, Long pants suits for boys
at $1.90 to $3.25. Men's suits $2.45 to $7.25, Underwear for boys
and men good fleeced lined, 23 to 40c.
Diamond tooth cross cut saws, with handles $1.10 & $1.15. Manns
double bit axes still 85c. Clippers, double bit, Otic. Clothes pins lc doz
Give us an early call and save money.
I am now better than ever pre
pared to furnish farmers any
thing in the way of Implements
and Machinery.
Buggies and Spring Wagons
FallingtopBuggies from$40up
Binders and Mowers
Ilarsows $8.50 up
Corn Shellers
Corn Planters
Bay Rakes from $15. up
Hay Forks and Kopo
Ross Washing Machine
Lewis' White Lead at 7$c up
Linseed Oil at 00c a gallon
Machine Oil from 20c a gal., up
Horse Shoe Nails 10c a H
wire in mis at ojc n
Table Syrup 32c a gallon
-Double-bit Axes 05c
Smooth Wire way down
Pumps andPipeatany old price
All kinds of salable Live Stock
taken in excliange.
If you want anything in rnv lino
call and seo me; if you. haven't
time, drop me a pot:il card nod
I will call to see you, ' M '
W. H, INESBIT, , ;
McConnellsburg; Pa.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
The season is here for a reduction in stock
and price.
m length $L'."j0; Storm coats, $:5.7."
rays, 48 inches in length (U0.
Splendid Overcoats from 1. 00 up. Both
Storm and Dress at Marvelously low prices
Splendid Fleecedlined Men's Underwear
or 23c
Full Line of Men's, Women's and Chil
dren's Uunder.wear at greatly reduced
Rubber goods of all kinds at prices which
will remove every piece before spring.
and Workintr Suits. Shirts.
our stock the following goods.
made. U)0. 1-inch tio strans "4c.
O.'c. 2 nt covered Buckets, fie. :i ot
12c. 10 at., calvauizud nnils. 17c.
1(1, 20c. 3-qt., tin stew pans, 5c,
copper pots 7 to l'Jc. Granite. 23
pans. 23 to 85c. Flour siftnr. ifi,,.
10c. Copper tea kettles 80c.
New Spring
I have just returned from
the eastern cities with anew
line of the finest Millinery
Goods every brought to Ful
ton county.
of Sf ring and Summer Hats,
both for street and dress
wear; and, in fact, every
thing in New Spring Milli
, nory will bo opened hero,
Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday, March 19th, 20tl and
Our new trimmer is Miss
Meyers of Baltimore! who
came from one of tho largest
millinery establinhments in
the" United States aud wo
know she will please you.
Call and boo our goods be
fore buying elsewhere.
All goods for salu hero now
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Cure Crip
la Two Days.
on every
box. 23c.
pm BuawuCr-, , . , pittsbusg; pi.
Subscribe for the News.