The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, February 19, 1903, Image 8

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    Hri.'.ic for sale at Mortou's yard I'ickcd l'p In rielfast. ' s.ilc Kcu . ter. Local Institute.
- 'Keep an eye on our sale Kegis-' ' Tlio' Mellott ' brothers Tom, j i Thursday, February 1,-T. K. Tho I,ocal lustitute at Need
tor, j Frank and Harvey have gone to i Fleming executor f tho lust will i moro last Friday night was well
limitations are out for the wed-1
ding next Weduesday evening nt
t lie borne of the bride's mother,
Mrs. Ke.h C. John n ton in the
Cove, of Miss Nora K'cxia Johns
lm to Mr. Owen Duilau, a prom
incut citixou of Pittsburg, Kan
sas. ( ving to tho inclement weather
last Sunday, the communion ser
vi.v.s in St. Paul's Reformed
church wore postponed. Should
1he weather prove favorable,
these services will bo held next
Sunday afternoon at 2:0 o'clock;
i t' uot, there will be Divine Ser
vivos in the evening, at 7 o'clock.
Fix the date for your sale and
hnvo it entered in our Sale Regis
ter both tiie News and Demo
crat free when bills are printed
ut either office.
It affords us much pleasure to
h arn from the Bedford papers
that W. F. llarcleroade who has
s'i ably tilled the editorial chair of
the Bedford Gazette during tho
p:ist tea years, has purchased a
half interest in the plant and will
hereafter share-in the dividends.'
Frank is one of Old Mother Bed-
loru s nest young men, and we
congratulate him most heartily.
McConnellsburg Lodge 741 I.
O. O. F. last week removed from
Comeror's Hall into W. S. Clev-
enger's new buiJdimr on West
Water street. To celebrate the
event, on last Friday evening a
bamjuut was held at the Wash
ington House in which a half
hundred Oddfellows, their wives,
and sweethearts spent a delight
ful evening. The bill of fare,
both in quantity and quality, was
in keeping with that well known
List of jurors drawn to serve
at March term of court at Mc
Connellsburg, beginning Monday
Mareli Hi, 1'.kj3 at 1' o'clock P. M.
(il(ANI) .ILKY.
Ayr. Frank Duffy, Charles
Nesbit, Abuer McLucas.
Uki.i'ast. M. Truax, Frank
Iiiii.-sH CiiKKK. T. H. Akers.
Unti.iN. (!. W. Comerer, Ir
win Cook, James Stovens.
Mi CoNxj:i.i.KHfu.i V alentino
Houpi, C. C. Bender,
Lk kinc; Ckkkk. Goo. W. Mel
lott, Johnson Wilson, W. Scott
Tavlok John W. Bergstres
ser, Samuel Speck, Simon Fix.
Thompson. James C. Snyder,
Grant Brakeall, Scott Gordon.
.Ton. David Her-hey, John
I'.vio.v. William Schetrompf.
Wki.i .s. Wa rren Anderson.
Ayi!. I.'. G. Humbert, Wra.
Keef'er, Samuel Mellott.
Bki.i ast. Joseph 15. Mellott,
Carl Mellott.
Bkthi-x.--H. K. Marluey, Al
bert Hixson, James E. Mellott,
Georgo M. Gardner.
Biusii Ckkkk. Elijah Hoopen
gardner, Samuel Hart, Carey
Lav ton, C. W. Spade, Lemuel
Di.'UMN. George Locke, Irwin
Wilson, George Doran.
Mi Cos x k L lk HU Isaac
Lu kim; Cukkic B. F. Desh
ong, G. S. Hoop, John W. Hoop.
Tayi.ou A. L. Shaw, Andrew
Thomi'son. Eli Covalt, Doyle
Morgret, Dennis Everts.
Ton. T. B. Stevens, Benjamin
Cline, Bert Henry.
Union. Nelson Beatty, C. 11.
Feoff, George Seriever, Vernon
Northcraft, Frank I-e, Jackson
A. Ilendershott. J. Cal Kirk, James A.
Woodcock, E. G. Foster.
iiimncr Normal School at
To begin April 27, 1!X3,
continue for H weeks.
Tuition .'( cents per week.
Good board :J.OO jnir week.
0. H. Siu.i.1., Priucipal,
Harrisonville, Pa.
The !UMiMCPr Di'purluitut f the llllnol.
Central Knllrowl CoRiimny U UhuIdk miiDthly
elrtfiiluni eouoemloif fruit vrowlnir' vegetable
KuriliMihiK. otoek roUliiK, ditlryltm, etc, la toe
S Inter, of Kentucky, Wext Truuaaue, Mlml.
ilrt. ni1 i-o'jiJanu. Kvery Furnieror Home-M:-k4ir.
wno will forward Lin niui sad add re
to Hie unlr rl ned, will tie nutlled Iree. Circu
lar Num. I. ! I, I, niul t. a ail otheni m tboy r
puliliti-(1 from movth to nijr'.jb.
VoreW .whore wo understand
'they have secured emnlovment.
Aainun J max lias gone to work
forW.F. Wink near Princes Anne
Md. Letters, Mr. Wink's friends
have been receiving from him,
slate he is well pleased with his
new home.
George Morton, Sr., has been
coutiued to the houso for some
time from a heavy cold. Mr.
Morton is about eighty years of
Emory, son of Christopher
Dishong, is recovering from a
very severe attack of pneumonia.
Thomas Truax has moved to
One dark night, recently, when
Earl Morton, oue of Belfast town
ship's school teachers, was re
turning to his boarding place at a
late hour, when his foot struck an
animal, which gave an alarm so
suddenly, that Earl leaped aoout
ton feet in the air, (more or loss)
but struck terra tirnia near where
he had left it. Now it wasn't a
low deep growl like a bear,neither
was it one of those hair raising
squalls like a wild cat; but a dense
fL' settled around tho scene. It
is well this wiekler of the birch
was well up in wood craft, or he
would never have found his way
oJt; but he landed safe at Joseph
Truax's. Now he is contemplat
ing the advisability of getting the
champion skunk hunters of Stone
Uidge to go down and rid that
vicinity of this particular species
of the feline tribe.
.Millions l'tit to Work.
The wouderf ul activity of the
new contury is shown by an enor
mous demand for tho world's
best workers Dr. Kings New
Life Pills. For constipation, sick
headache, billiousness, or any
trouble of the stomach, liver or
kidneys they're unrivaled. Only
rcatW. S. Dickson's drug store.
Wells Tannery.
Mrs. Harriet Burnett of Water
fall is visiting her son and other
fi iends in this community.
Rev. Schioffer was unable to fill
his appointments hereon Sunday
on account of the illness of his
sou Harold.
.. C. Kirk has sold his farm
and expects to remove with his
family to Everett in the spring.
A daughter has come to grace
the home of Mr. aud Mrs. Bert
Mrs. George Swope was hasti
ly summoned to Pittsburg Satur
day on account of the serious ill
ness of her daughter.
Notwithstanding the bad condi
tio of the roads, more than one
hundred persons uttended the
"Valentine Social" held at W. 11.
Spangler's last Friday evening.
The affair was all that could have
been desired, both socially and fi
nancially. Mr. G. E. Truax returned to
his home here Saturday. He has
been a contractor and builder in
Nanty Glo for several mouths.
Mr. and Mrs. George Cook und
children and Mrs. Mary Fore, all
of Everett, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Bivcus.
Messrs. Comerer and McGow-
an, with their force of men, have
gone home to Burnt Cabins to
cast their votes, we trust for wor
thy men.
Mrs. Jerry Sprowl from the
old Sprowl mansion, visited her
sister Mrs. Bert Deshong ouo
day last week.
William Barnett of Juniata Col
lego spent Sunday at home.
Agents Wuntcd.
Purchasing ageuts wanted, to
take orders for ladies' furnishing
goods and shoes. "The book
agent is an unwelcome visitor but
the purchasing agent with select
ed samples of furnishings aud
shoes is always welcome." You
can establish a pormaueut and in
creasing trade. Samples free if
references are satisfactory. Lib
eral commission. ,
914 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa
It is said that statistics prove
that in every 1000 bachelors there
are 88 criminals, while in every
1,000 married men tho criminals
number only 13. If this it so it
surely prove that the present
day members of the sex labeled
coy and hard to please , have at
least an immense capability for
keeping men out of mibchief ; suf
ficient to overbalance, perhaps,
even the unkind reputation hand
ed down the ages by Mother Kve.
c,or Wilson Catchall will soil
, it llio lau- resilience of too do-
joeaseu near Clear Uidge, nurses,
Kettle, Funning liuploi'iMMils,
Household goods, &c, &c. Side
begins at 10 o.clock. Credit it
Thursday, Feb. 19, 190!!, J. N.
Sheely will sell nt pub!icsalo at
his residence, 1 mile east of
Greencastle, on the Waynesboi o
pike, 2 head of horses, (5 head of
cattle, 13 head of hogs, farming
machinery, etc. Sale begins at
11 o'clock Ciedit 11 months.
Tuesday, February 24. D. S.
Denisar, intending to quit farm-1
ing will sell at his residence 1
mile west of Burnt Cabins, Live j
Stock, Farming Implements, Hay I
Household Goods, cVc, &c. Sale
begins at 10 o'clock. Credit !
mouths. !
February L'O.-The ,
ad miuistrators will sell at the late
residence of Matthew W. Mellott
of Licking Creek township a large
lot of valuable personal property.
Sale begins at 10 o'clock.
Saturday, February, i.M, W.
A. Vallanco on the pike J mile
cast of Harrisonvillo, having rent
ed his farm, will sell Horses,
Farming implements, Household
goods, &c. Sale begins at 10 o'
clock. Credit d months.
Tuesday, March .1, Hie-hard
Madden intending to move to
Three Springs, will sell at his
residence l.J miles houth of Dub
lin Mills, Horses, Wa&ons, Farm
machinery, Harness, Corn, Hyp,
aud Clover seed by Ihe bushel,
oic., &c. Sale begius at 10 o'
clock a. m.
Wednesday, March 4, Tobie
Glazier, having rented his farm
will sell at his residence near
Webster Mills, (1 work horses, 3
colts, 11 milch cows, 3 steers, 3
heifers, 30 sheep, 0 brood sows,
12 shotes, also corn, hay' wagons
mowers, binders, in fact, alibis
farming implements, and much
household goods. Sale to begin
at 10 o clock sharp. Credit 1-
Saturday, March 7. Mrs. Mar
garet Bolinger ill sell at her
residence mile soutwest of Dub
li'i Mills, Horses, Cattle, Grain,
Farming implements, and House
hold and Kitchen Furniture. !
Sale begins at 9 o'clock.
Tuesday, March 10 William
H. Charlton iutending to quit
farming w ill sell at his residence
near Warfordsbnrg, a large lot of
line live stock, agricultural im
plement, iVc , &c. Sale begius at
10 o'clock sharp.
. Tuesday, March 10. Alex It.
Uamil intending to quit farming,
will sell ou the Hassler farm, "
miles south of Fort Loudon near
Dickey Station, 10 horses and
colts, in head of cuttle, 10 Poland
hogs, farming implements, house
hold and kitchen furniture. Sale
begins at 10 o'clock. Credit V2
Wednesday, March 11. Win,
Butts will sell at his residence in
Waterfall, Pa., a good cow, farm
ing implements, household goods
3"i bushels of potatoes, &c. Sale
begins at 1 o'clock p. m.
Thursday, March 12. D. A.
Gillis intending to quit farming,
will sell at his residence 3 miles
uorthwest of McConnellsburg,
Hi.rses, Cattle, Farming imple
meuts, &c, &c. Sale begins at
10 o'clock.
Thursday, March L'fi, William
Comerer, iutending to quit farm
ing, will sell at his reaidence two
miles south of McConnellsburg,
horses, cattle, farming implo
menta, household goods, &c. Sale
begins at 10 o'clock.
To Cure u CoM in One l)uy.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine
Tablets. All druggists refund
the money if it fails to euro. E.
W. Grove's signature is on each
box. 25c.
PadHi Coast Without Chaise.
In uew Pullman "ordinary"
sleepers, wide vestibulod and
with every modoru convenience,
iu chargo of competent ageut,
from Cincinnati and Chicag i via
Louisville, New Orleans, Houston
San Antonio, El l'.vso and Los
Angelos to San Francisco. Hates
for berths less thau half of cost in
regular sleepers'. For. free de
scriptive matter aud full particu
lars, address E. A- IIICIITEU
Trav. Pass. Agent, Illinois Gen
tral Railroad, Park -Building
Pittsburgh, Pa. ; '
attended and full of interest. '
The chairman was T. 1'. Garland,
Em., siml the secretary, Miss
Orpha Snyder. Tho teachers
present were from Brush Creek,
Oscar Sharpe; Bethel, William
: 'oclf, Austin Hill, and Miss Miu-
; uie Funk; Belfast, Albert, Unger,
and Howard Mellott, Miss Cora
j Funk, Logue Wink, Levi Morton
! and ( rpha Snyder,
j Tho work done by tho school
i reflects much credit on both pu
pils and teacher. Tho next insti
tute will be held at Pleasant
Grove, February L'7.
" - - "
Ka,v 1 ,,,s
1 Ftf thti highest cash price for
f,)X- C00ll mink skunk, opossum,
il,,d ol,,c'r skms- Wril fol Pri"
''os- Clay Pauk,
Three Springs, Pa.
T. rillipt" ", 7," ,, f
iSideli, mil Christlan diurch
Saturday evening, February 21st
and on Sunday morning L'l'd at 10
o'clock. Ho will, also, preach at
1'leasant Grove Sunday afternoon
at 3 o'clock of the same day, and
in the Baptist church at Need
more in the evening.
Cow I'eus.
For tho information of those
who may be interested in the cul
ture of Cow Peas, we suggest
that a letter be addressed to Tho
Secretary of Agriculture, Wash-1
iugtou, D. C, with a request for !
Farmers' Bulletins Nos. Hi and ;
Also, write to A. B. Lehman
Fayettevillo, Pa., who has some
seed tor sale.
Mind Yotir Own Business.
People who are in the habit of
listening to private conversations
carried ou over the telephone
lines and repeat the same to oth
ers are probably not aware that
there is a law against so doing.
The following section of this law
may bo interesting to them :
That in case any person, su
perintendent, operator or sub
scriber, who may in any other
capacity be connected with any
telegraph or telephone line in this
state, shall use or cause to be
u-ed, or make known the con
tents of any dispatch sent from
or received at any oftico in the
state, or iu any wise unlawfully
expose another's business or se
cvets, such person shall be deem
ed guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction thereof shall for
every such offense be subject to
a tine of not Jess than ifUOO or
imprisonment not exceeding six
months, or both, or either, at the
discretion of the court.
Itucklen's Arnica Salve. -Tho
best and most famous com
pound iu the world to conquer
aches and kill pains. Cures cuts
heals burns and bruises, subdues
inllam iiiation, masters piles. Mil
lions oj boxes sold yearly. Works
wonders in boils, ulcers, felons,
skin eruptions. It cures or no
pay. l'5c at W. S. Dickson's drug
Nil in her of Shingles on it Roof
J. D Tate gives to the New
York Farmer's Club a rule for es
timating the number of shingles
in a roof of any size, one which he
thinks every mechanic and farm
er should remember. First find
the number of square inches iu
one side of the roof; cut off the
right-hand or unit figure, and the
result will bo the number of shin
gles required to cover both sides
of the roof, laying five inches to
tho weather. The ridgeboard
provides for the double courses at
the bottom. Illustration : Length
of roof 1U0 feet, width of one side,
30 foet 100x30x144 432,000.
Cutting off tho right-hand figure,
wo have 43,200 as tho number of
shingles required.
The M til OS (.run fesllvllli'K at New Orlrtn
thin yeur will be the irriiDik'Hl ever heltl and
will ncour Kebruury kl awl iUh altliuuKh the
eollre week preoeillnK Feliruury ,lUh, will lie
ilevolcil to celebration by the vuHouh orxunU
alloDM tlml buve mile"AJurUi tirax" itr.d "Nnw
Orleutix" (uinoUN the world over. The
Ot-iilrttl KullroiMl ix ynonymou Willi "Murdi
(iru" aud arrangement liuve Imen nuidc for
upeolnl "Tour Service" from IMtUburKh, Clti'
ulnnutl, ChluaKo. aud HI. Loui for tiaudllntf
l'.ixeoKera to New Orleuni for thin ooouiin.
If you are onntemul tlnv a trip to the Murrtl
Orua uuik your arranxemenu m unue for
Hleeplng car aooiiniiniKliitiuut, no. t'rea de
mrlptlve matter and full particular upon ap
plication to
THAV. PASS. AliT . li.! CKNT. B U.
Prothononary's Notice.
Notice 1m liereliv r'v u Unit tho' followlutf
nuineri iiuiioiinlu.. huvi- MiPrt their ikiooumh
In the ProtlmnotHry- intuit' und tluit the m-rne
will lie jjre .ei'teU to tin; Courts uf (mtui'in
ei;u nf Kultiin i ouirly. f t . ..: iht thlil Miin
li ly of Alutvli next litliuM li It.tli iliiv.
1. Thi' lirit mill iliml nci'ount ur.luiui'Hrtny
Ocoore M. Uuuiel itnil s. VV. nir.; ;w.ii.'iK,e.s of
lllc iMall'iil li. C. Sultlll .V t'i.
' Pi-o'houoiai-v.
l'ruth(iDi)tr.v'K Ol'.l le.
February 14, WW.
Register and Clerk'6 Notice.
Niiltee K tu-r'-'iv plvcn Unit tho fi'.lo.h
rninmU IK!rauiu..i!-nave ,.Jt .n.ln
In the Kcister unci olerk h ollli'i; of I'nlton
ooimty. lJii urn. 1 1, ,t the stitin- mil lie pretfii'.
ecltothe Orph.n.. ..,..,1 ji ni eu;int for
contlnniitlon on the in;.-., Iv.i.muv m M ire:,
next bi'ltm tliu nun uny.
I. The llrt und llinil noeouut of V. m. il.
Deelier iKlmlnlstiiitor of Mnlimlu . i
of licrklcy Siirluirs. Murimti Cu., V , ..
ll.'u-Uni- & 01 rl;.
Relter und Clerk' OSlno
Kebrinu v 1 1 A. 1). IWH.
Administrator's Notice.
Katnte of .1. t.. .luelison. ib-ueiiMMl
Lettei-x of mliiiiiiistriilloi,, on th. estate
of J. L. Jiu.'koon. line it Jtrn-iti Creek towu.ihip
deeeiiseil, hitvinx iiccu municc! ny Hie Holster
of Wills of Kultou comity to the mibxerlber.
whose post oKlue udiir- I Akemvllie l.'ultou
couuty. I'u.. all nemo;! whii urv tmlebteu to
the Miiil estute will p.i uxe miilo? pnyim rii unci
tboNe huvbiK elaluiH will ineseiit IIil-iii to
S. .MAUSllAl.n .1 ACKSOX.
Juu. IS. I'.WI. AOiii.niMiiilor.
Administrator's Notice.
Kstule of Alirurn Kidk.
Letters of uilmlnht iitlon on the cm in i-of
Ahrum Kluir, lute of 'iiiylor tou nship. Km
ton county. Cn.. deeeuscij. huvinv beeu riiut
ertliy the Kevinter of Win- fin riilloueouiily m
tne HubMerlber, whu poit otiliiu ni'dre sto
Luldlir. Fulton uounty. pi., n I perMius w ho
me iudcbied to the Milil entitle w li pleuse
tnuke pnyuient. unci tnoie liavniK eliilms will
present litem to
.ton as lam;.
J mi. 2-! HUM. Adnilulstrator
A Sure Cure for Catarrh.
Use tifo Formaldelyde Genera
tor, a positive euro for all forms
of Catarrh, Colds, aud Lung trou
ble. For sale at Trout's drug
There are so many things a boy
hasn't had time to learn that it is
nodisgrace forhimtosaj', "I don't
know, "when asked about mostol
them. Of course, there are some
things he ought to know, and as
to them ignorauce is a disgrace.
But even then it is better to say,
"I dont know," than to pretend to
know when you don't. In the first
place, such a pretence is a cheat
and a sham. That alone is area
son enough for giving it a wide
berth. In the second place, it nev
er succeeds. Sham and humbug
are sooner or later found out.
You can't build any real success
on them. Then say : "I don't
know." But if you ought to know,'
make up your mind that you have
used the humiliating phrase for
the last time. Take as j'our mot
to for such a situation this three
worded determination : "I'll lind
out." Epworth Herald.
Store and I'roperty For Sale.
Property aloue, or property
and goods together. Reason for
selling is that I have a positiou on
the road. Can give possession
April 1. All necessary out-buildings,
aud a never failing spring
of water at door. Building prac
tically UPW.
D. Ebn-AM) Foue,
Knobsville, Pa.
Horse Blankets.
5-A Blankets at 6.5. 75, 85,
$1.20 and $10.
Plush Robes,
3(51.75. and 52.00
R. S. Patterson
Mrs.E.-M. Qress.
HatK wllhulHlii'lalu-l lilm'iibiiiH. Vol
vetK, SilkH.. lie. ut Kreally roiliK'i'
pi le en.
Oiuuonully oppilln Cooper lloune.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Tdce Laxative Dromo C,u mine Taiicts.
sven Mmkw kne toM in ptu u
Winter Attractions at
McConnellsburg, Pa.
The sea
aud price.
M ,1 1
j lucuiuiu
7 Oxford
Storm and
for 23c
.Men's and Boys' Dress Suits
hit ter'1 '
fjki 'Wi v. -.V
I a
Collars, Culls, Neckties, Suspendersin fact, a full line
.Men's furnishing goods, at prices that will pleasa you.
Just received a uew lot of Felt
over, tho best you ever saw, for 1.
od Sillr finish, ladies overs, at the
few pair of good cheap Best Grade
We have this mouth added to our
iauKoe r arm Bridles, home made, tfl.bO. 1-inch tie-straps
aomo made leather Halters hoc.
Breast Chains 28c a pair.
.0, 00 and 80c pair. You will do
No. 8, good heavy Wash bodor,
k-, 4 (it., 12c, 10 qt, flaring pails,
Tin cups L'c each, dippers 4, 5, 10,
11J iu., tin Hash basins 5c, 2-qt.,
to i).)C. LJio piatos 2 forac. Dish
Colanders, 10c. Milk strainers 10.:. Copper tea kettles 80c.
ill ovoraus ana smris, we nave
Iu suits, we have children's 98c to l.'JO, Long pants suits for h
at $1.90 to 3.2"). Men's suits 82.4.") to $7.23. Underwear for b
and men good fleeced lined, 23
Diamond tooth cross cut saws,
double bit axes still 85c. Clippers,
Give us au early call aud save mouey.
T nm nnw hrltpr limn cpr nro
, r.
pared to furuish farmers ar.y -
thing iu-the way of Implements
and Machinery.
Buggies and Spring Wagons
Falling-top Buggies from 40 up
Binders and Mowers
Harwjws 8.50 up 1
Com Shellers
Corn Planters
Hay liakes from 15. up
Hay Forks and Rope
Hoss Washing Machine
Lewis' White Lead at 7ic up
Linseed Oil at 00c a gallon
Machiuo Oil from 20c a gal, up
Horse Shoe Nails 10c a tl
Wire Nails at 3Jc ll
Tublo Syrup 32c a gallon
D luble-bit Axes 05c
Smooth Wire way down
Finn ps and Pipe at any old price
All kinds of salable Live Stock
taken iu exchange.
If you want anything iu my lino
call and soo me; if you haven't
tim', drop me a postal card und
I will call to see you,
McConnellsburg, Pa
Niijr in hcrvhy rlvoti ll:t thct iintletKiKDt d
iuil:tui. ap)t;nuiou lu iuuk ilmufhu toooltljc
tM.UO''' ill tlttl ll.lWll-ilir.luhu P. Htpur, l''i
iu- ivcr uf ihn OyMal sjjriuk'' rurut.i
(o)ipiiy will Ml ul luw otltutf at Wo iiuuiiIIh
buiv. t'n. for the jmfuriiiiimie of n:iUI duty at
iuo clunk A - M.. urt Mtiutluy Muruh 'MifcM, wlteu
ikUpiMiim iutt'ic-iuO mny utieod it Ihey nee
tin ntuE n. DANir.f..
month. This signature,
- , , ,
sou is horo for a reduction iu stoci;
i4t, c. r.n. c . a- .'hi -
icum r.,iiu; owirill IHJUIS, ?.)
Grays, 4H inches iu length i 00.
Overcoats from 1.00 up. Both
Dress at Marvelously low prices
Pleecedlined Meu's Underwear
Full Line of Men's, Women's aud Clii;
Uunderwcav at greatly reduce-
yoods of all Hinds at prices whir
will remove every piece before spring.
and Working Suits, Shirt
Boots, with a heavy duck rolled cill
!H; also, two cases of candee Wati
old price, 42c, Wo still havt
Men's Gum Boois, i?2.7j.
stock the following goods,
City made 4 ring halters, ;:
But-traces, 48c pair, Long plow trac j
well to soo these goods.
Crc, 2qt covered Buckets, Oc, 8
12c, 10 qt., galvanized pails, 1
10, 20c. 3 qt., tin slew pans,
c ipper pots 7 to l!)c Granite
pans, 23 to 8oc. Flour si f tors. 1
uie nest anu encapost ever uial
to 40c.
with handles 1.10 & 1.15. Ma
double bit, 05c. Clothes pi us lc
! .
Will from now until tl
middle of March,
for the purpose of malsii
room for hor spring sW:k.
Regardless of costs,
you are looking for
Come and seo the good
and you will bo convinc
that you have never had sii
a chance in all your life.
McConnellsburg, V
Carl G;
8ey, R
Kolloe Ik hercliv i.en tlml tliu uuilt i
uurtllur upiniiiiltd lo iikiIiu tlistrliiutiiiu
(uuiU Iu tlm fun il J. t'liiytuu I
TriiMleu lu m il Ihe ffiit eliti ti('i'.. l'.
of llrusli CriMk tuwuh'p de'rused vll
IiImiIVb Iu M.H.'i.uiif lllHir'. i'u. (m i:
liirinamn- of suld duly on I-rlduy J- ulin
twu, M-tie d Mil ihii-nouh liuvrexleU luuy iti
John J
s. w.
Feb. 13, 1003.
lice of i
rd: ovn
Cure Grip I
In Two Day. I
on even
P- 57; ai
P, Cha
T j?rTririmg' box. 25s
E. 1
S. ft
M. .
C. W
13, 1
tho p
S. Ei
! clerk,
w. IS. .
, 47.
C W.
P. Pie;
3, Ca
Oeo. (
ilds, )