The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, February 12, 1903, Image 7

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Rely on Pe-nwia to Fight Catarrh, Coughs,
Colds and Grip.
' r '
Che Projrc$$;of Invention.
ITT ' -.rTTy 1 1 T.
Ia plate of "weeping by the old
fnnbloned broom nnd mop, some of
New York's office buildings nre now
cleaned by suction of an olr current.
The device, which takes the place of
tho broom, is nothing but a tube wltb
springs or loose parts. Assuming the
window is closed, the first operation If
(fv'" Jjife "
-m lower! Top 7
A letter recently received by Or. Bartman
New York, reads as follows :
Dr. & B. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio!
Dear Sir: "I cannot may too much
bottles of It cured me of catarrh of the lunge of four years'
ing, and I would not have been without It lor anything. Jt
several Slater of eoujhs, and eolde
of catarrh that it does not cure. "SISTEIl BEATRIX,
Interesting Letters From
Catholic Institu
tions. In every country of the civilized world
the Sisters of Charity are known. Not
omy do they minister to
the spiritual and intellect
ual needs of the charges
committed to their care,
but they also minister to
their bodily needs. With
so manv children to take
care of and to protect from climate and dis
ease, these wine and prudent Sisters have
found l'eruna a never-failing safeguard.
Dr. Hartman receives many letters from
Catholic Sisters from all over the United
States. A recommend recently received
from a Catholic invtUution in Detroit,
Mich., reads us follow:
Greatest. Cheapest Pood
on Earth tor 6hoopv Bwlnof
Will he worth l to yo to rts4 wbft!
Salior' clicg aayi tboui rape.
Billion Dollar Gross
will poairtrtAj mk jrot, rich; 11 tool
of haj and lou of puturc per met;
Im Bromn, Pttoit) RpalU, MmwooI
vbtsi tnrtrji, hoi ioUi, Al-ttua. pr
Utra, 10th Cetttvry 0U, IV) fiat, per
aer nl TMnlnW, YiclUl 100 tU
tints Foddur per srre.
CorthloNotloonnd lOo. '
o mail big catalog ini 10 Farm r6
KovgLUm, Jul I j worth 10 1 goto. lUrl.
Cuts akraasUia sat lelttle ty antnlb!i( tsi soldi li the Uoei lit sririaf tira cat of the i;rtea.
!i tu settee tsis tti smI Meet suriflw. AU Moos dlieuei rlili fnaptly to tUi mt fimeij.
In the fall-winter of 1900 1 was afflicted wltb Hoist lo itheuraatism, so much so
that I had to use a eane to assist me In walking. Upon sitting down, there was
Do ease to my thigh, and the only position to which I could bear my leg was
straight out In front of me, wlillo In a leollnlog position. Realising the nature
of the disease, I began treatment at onee, but reoelved no relief until Induced by
Mr. J. T. Doster. of Oraenvllle, of the drug firm of llruce Doner, to take
"Khscmaoide. I purchased a bottle from them under the guarantee of Mr.
Dosier that if S bottles did not cure me the money would be refunded.' Due
bottle relieved me, and I have had no touch of rheumatism since that time.
W. A. Palroor, who lived barest the time (1901), was down with a severe attack
of rheumatism, and for six weeks hsd to be turned In bed on a sheet. Afteribe
use of several bottles of RHEUMAC1DK, he waa pronounced well by the attend
lug nhyslolan, who Is a great believer In the efficacy nf your medicine.
Yours truly, J. L. O. THOMPSON, Editor IHtktnt Sentinel, Pickens. S. C.
'. All Druggists, or expressage prepaid. Price li.oo.
Bobbltt Chemical Co.,
Promptly cures all
Capsicum Vaseline
Put up In Collapsible Tubes.
A Substitute for and Superior to Mustard 01
any other plaster, and will not blister the moat
ocllrate skin. The pain allaying and euratlve
qualities of this article are wonderful. It will
stop the toothaehe at onee and relieve bee
ache and aetatira.
Vte recommend it as the best and safest as
ternal eouiiter-lrrltsnt known, also aa an ex
ternal remedy lor pains In the ehesl and atom,
eeh and all rheumalle.neuralsle and frenty com
plaints. A trial will prove what we claim for It,
and It will be found to be Invaluable la the
household. Many people say "It Is the best ol
all your preparations.
Price it eents, at all druggists, or ether deal
ers, or by seeding this amount to ns la postage
etamrs we will send you a tubs by mall.
Mu article should be accepted by the public
an lew the same earrlea our label, a otaerwUe
It Is not genuine.
11 Stat Street, Mew Yerai Gltjr.
STRAWSKnrtk PL hi a, apb vines,
(Vretsluem Mot en aupplleatlun. A alee lot
' Lrahenuaee Marrre rimoaih Hsek
rmi feiae,e carkrelt aa Pallets at eaih
wo pure roLAai l CU1M A fcuuaia, woe i
Uallskare. Vs.
froaj Slater Doutrlx, 410 W. 80th street.
In praise of Peruna.
and I have yet to find one com
Dr. S. B, Hartman,
Columbua, Ohio:
Dear Str:"The young girl who
used the Pemna was Buffering from
laryngitis and lots of voice. There'
suit of the treatment was most satis-
actor g. She found great relief, and
after further use of the medicine we
hope to be able to nay she la entirely
cured," Sisters of Charity.
This young girl was under the care of
the Sisters of Charity and used l'eruna for
catarrh of the throat, with good results a
the above letter testifies.
It you do not derive prompt and sstisfae.
tory results from tho use ol l'eruna. write
at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state
ment of your case, and he will be pleased
to give you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of The
ITartman Sanitarium. Columbus. Ohio...
Ernest VValburs. allcRed on of the
late Archduke Ernest of Austria, and
the claimant of the latter's fortune, who
for some time past has been acting a:
head water in a cafe at Budapest, lias
done so well as such that he has now
been able to start a restaurant of his
own in the Hungarian capital, which ht
has entitled the Zum Hapsburgcr, in
order to indicate his relationship to the
reigning family.
The prreatest triumphs of Ambi.iort
come 'ncath the shadow of Death's
Charity is a star whose light is al
ways lost in the clouds of Ostentation.
Baltimore, fid.
A Golden Rule
of Agriculture:
Be good to your land and your crop
will be good. Plenty of
In the fertiliser spells quality
ana quantity in the har
vest. Writ us and
we will tend you,
rtt, by nest mall,
our money winning
M fiaesss Knot,
Hew Vera.
Eight I
helved I
n narrow T-shapcd nozzle, attached to
n hose, which connects It with an en
gine In the basement.
The olr-drawlng runcl.ine, for thot Is
the name of the device that Is sup
planting the broom and the feather
duster In modern buplness blocks. Is
not sucb a complicated affair, says the
New York Tribune. Hullt low, wltb
a cylinder at either end and a heavy
fly-wheel on one side, it Is a very common-place
looking machine. The ma
chine Is operated by steam furnished
from the plant heating the building in
which it Is installed, nnd the cost of
runnlug It Is of course small, being
only the expense of a few pounds of
steam dally In the few hours the ma
chine Is In operation. There Is steam
In one of the cylinders on the machine,
air tu the other, and each stroke of the
p list on draws air through big pipes
from the tanks with which It is con
nected. The operation of the machine causes
a tremendous suction through the T
shaped beads attached to the pipes on
the floors above, end by this force the
dirt Is drawn Into a three-inch smooth
jointed pipe running the entire height
of the building and called a "riser."
The lofty building has two suction
pipes. Down the pipe the dirt is drawn
into the first of the big thirty-inch cyl
inders In the sub-cellar. Inside this
tank there Is another smaller one, the
top of which is connected by a big
curving pipe with the bottom of the
other big thirty-Inch tank. This sec
ond big tank is one-qu.irtcr filled with
water nnd the space above the water
Is a vacuum. As the dirt-laden air
from the floors above comes down
through the pipe It Is sucked Into the
first of the big tanks, which Is known
as the dry separator. There the heavy
particles of dirt aro propelled to the
bottom of tho big tank, while the
smaller and lighter particles find their
way Into the smaller Inside tank,
thenco through the pipe to the second
big tank, where they pass Into the
water. This water has previously been
treated with disinfectants and all the
germs are tilled. f&5V:"- '
After the cleaning, traps In the bot
toms of both tanks are opened by the
operation of cranks on the sides, and
the solid dirt Is token from one, while
the dirty water Is drawn from the
0tUer J-W '
The object of the pot shown here
with from the American Machinist Is
to prevent the evaporation of a'cohol.
The varnish or shellac Is placpd In the
large compartment A and cut with
grain alcohol as thick as It Is possible
to cut It. By means of a screw top,
the compartment is made perfectly air
tight and the alcohol cannot evaporate.
When wanted for use the varnish Is
let out Into compartment B through
valve C In any quantity desired, and
thinned up with wood alcohol ready
for use, thus saving the-expense of
thinning up a quart or more of varnish
when only a spoonful Is required. The
pot Is BxBxO Inches high, and holds one
gallon. It is substantially made to
stand rough usage.
irncnva sAsn fastsxksI.
The chief merit of the sash fastener.
illustrated herewith. Is that it cannot
be forgotten; that Is to say, jrou can
not close a window equipped with St
without automatically locking the sash
In position. Its minor merits are posl
tivencts of action aud freedom from
r-rtu r-' 1 1
Ml Bv
to lift the lever and allow It to fall
over, as shown by the dotted lines.
The snsh can then be raised, nnd when
this Is done the lip on the lower sash
tluows the bolt over nnd restores the
lever to Its vertical position, but above,
instead of behind, the tee end of the
bolt. In this position the fastener it
ready to lock Itself automatically when
the cash Is closed.
Not a few men, upon n little study of
the revolver-cnne Illustrated In the oe
couipnnytng drawlug, will conjure up
the pleasure of meeting a burglar with
the knowledge that he could cover the
thief without the necessity of pulling
a gun out of his pocket, which act in
itself would be sure to call forth the
robber's fire. With this weapon It la
not Impossible for a man to defend
himself against a highwayman suc
cessfully, even if the Intter has the
drop on him, for a shot can be dis
charged with hardly a movement of
the hand that Is perceptible to the eye,
speeding to Its mark before the oppo
nent has time to grasp the situation and
return the five. The enne designed tc
contain this weapon is but little differ
ent In pattern from those in everyday
use op the street, aud there U nothing
but the small orifice at the end of the
barrel to Indicate to the casual ob
server that be is in proximity to a gun.
The Interior mechanism differs but
slightly from that of the revolver, and
In place of the trigger a section of the
metallic shell or casing is cut out and
a lever Inserted which conforms to the
shape of the casing when folded, but
connects directly with the firing pin
and cylinder mechanism when dropped
into the position shown in the picture.
If the cane is then grasped beneath
the head and gripped by partially clos
ing the hand the trleger will swing for
ward to the point where the internal
spring bolt i.i released and descends on
the firing pin. Gustav Tresenreuter 1?
the inventor.
A strainer for the kitchen sink Is an
essential part of the equipment of the
culinary department of the well-regulated
household. The disposal of tea
leaves, parings and other kitchen re-
fuse is at all times a seource of domes
tic untidiness and Inconvenience. The
refuse bolder Illustrated consists of s
perforated colander with a largo bowl,
nnd a pall in which it Is set. Any re
fuse matter is placed In the colander,
where the moisture drains off Into the
pail, allowing the dry refuse to be dis
posed of In the garbage pall. For sani
tary reasons it is essential that all ma
terial destined for that receptacle
should be drained before being placed
inlt.i4r- .,,
nis Awful Curiosity.
A woman with her Uttlo son, a child
of four years of age, Inquired of a man
standing In one of our railway sta
tions: "Can you tell me what tlrao the
next train leaves for Bcranton?"
"At t-t-wenty m-m-lnutes p-p-past f-f-four."
About five minutes later she
again put the same question to the
same man, and be repeated tho same
answer In the samo stuttering way.
When she approached him for the third
time wltb the same query be said tc
her: "W-why do y-y-you n-a-ask tnc
i-s-so m-m-many t-t-tiraes? I-I a a
al ready t-t-told you t-t-twlce.M
"I know you did," replied the woman,
"but my little boy likes to see yoo
work your mouth." rhllaaelphla
Newspaper For Marrams People.
A newspaper Is to be started lr
Vienna for nervous people who canuot
stand the shock of reading the news
as published In the dally newspapers.
All great catastrophes like that at Mar
tinlquo and all other, horrors will br
omitted from the columns of thli
unique paper. The New York Timet
thinks "Innocuous Newi for the Ner
vous" would be an appropriate title
tor tho sheet. "Break It Gently" nfigbt
be a good tltlo. ...
' yWmy ucif-i
A nne o.trlch Is calculated
worth of reatuers.
to yield fciOO I
How's Ibis?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any ease ot Catarrh that cannot bo cured bf
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Ciisii A Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.Che
rey for the last 16 years, and believe him per
fectly honorable in all business transactions
snd financially able to carry out any obliga
tion made by their firm.
Wist A Tbcax, Wholesale LTuegists.Toledo.
WaLDiso.KinKiNAMiiivix, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, Ohio.
Ball's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. Price, 75e. per bottle,
bold by all Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
There is more than a difference of sylla
bles between a man of note and a man of
This IV Ml Interest Mothers.
Mother Orny's Sweet Towder. for Children,
used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children'!
Homo. Now York, cure Cocstipntlon. Fever
iBhness, Teelbln? Disorders, 8tomach Trou
bles and Destroy Worms; 10,000 tettlmoninlf
ot cures. All druggists, 25c. Humple Fbsb
Addrf-ss Alii n S. Olmsted, Le Hoy, N. Y.
Poets oaiy write when the spirit moves
in, ana it ine spirit aoejn t move thc:n
the landlord does.
FITS permanently eured.No fits or nervous
ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great
NerveHettorer.t atrial bottleand trentisefree
Dr. U.H. Kline, Ltd., Ml Arch Ht., Phlla.,Pa.
A man's heirt may be reached through
nis stomach, but the politician prefers to
reach it through his pocket.
Mrs.Wlnslow's SoothlngSyrupforchlldron
teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamnia
lion, allays pain, cures wind collc.25c.ab3i.lij
A man never knotvs what a largo follow
ing he has until he leads the procession in
i hearse.
I'iso'sCurelsthebost medicine we ever used
for all afTeotlons ot throat and lungs. Wg.
. Ekdsliy, Vanburnn. Iud., Feb, 10, l'JOO.
.Some men ore too hum- to inal;e frienHs
and others are too lazy to make enemies.
Write for free descriptive matter o' Cali
fornia. Golden Wert Ileal Estate t'o.,Vlfu!l,
One good turn may deserve another, but
this doesn't result in .perpetual motion.
Dyeing is as easy as washing when
Put.nau Fadeless Dyes arc used.
It never occurs to a man that he might
blame his bad luck on his bad habits.
Mind This.
It mkcfl no dlf.'cmics H It cltransv.
ru'c or InfU-T.nto.
of the rnuade s er Joints
St. Jacobs Oil
cures snd cures promptly.
g Price, 23c. and &Oc.
8 S
o a
o& o ooo a a oooo txi oo o oooo c co
Geaaiss itampca C C C,
Rever soli la balk.
Beware of the dealer who tries to ten
"iKutblag Jast as good."
pi lieu owrMintamvunaaJ tuMr wtijwsaf iuii.
un Wars irou lalf M . Me will wrii.m,
rr mlk1 iA.uiro4 uiMiu euuf lui aoi. Ao uf
July 1, Is -S imuwtms uerutlu aoiOln wuo ia4 prtjr
iuulUrml Mf vtoM, tun wuu may us uiur4 with
4Mruuu. u muiuu uu H AUviu irM, Vat
UauSssa HuUutairuoUoua, 4dfiMtue W.U. Wuli
fcuuuo Agtunf, MUU mum, llluiuuav
Vuliuiiuu, li. a laeuiy yr iiriaiuieia Wsu-
VaUltt t)vyu M tlM Ul Mill 44 S IM-i..
s truly
ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be
cause it acts without disturbing the natural func
tions, as it is wholly free frojn every objectionable
quality or substance. In the process of
A-,vc. manufacturing figs are used, as they are
-..J pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal
virtues of Syrup cf Fics are obtained
act most
3 Trkreiaco.
Louisville Kv.
Ado by oil drueiats
Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein RVmidV0
COUCrhS. ColdS. LaGriDne ?" Jhro' nn?Id,n'' Troubles. TUorouehlj tested
wvu&isa, WIU3, wviilB tor so years. All Druggists, toe, AOo aneVSl.OO.
Sends the Following Grand Testimonial
the Merits of Cutlcura Remedies In the
Treatment of Humours of the
Blood, Skin and Scalp.
"I wish to plre my testimony to
tlie efficiency of the Outicura Reme
dies in what seems to ino two some
what remarkable cases. I had a
number of skin tumours small
ones on my armr, which hafl never
given mc serious trouble ; but about
two year3 ago one came oa my
throat. At first it was only about as
large as a pinh?ad, but, n it was in
a position where my collar, if not
iubt right, would irritate it, it soon
ceame very sensitive and began to
grow rapidly. Last spring it was
as larire, if not larger, than a bean.
A little unusual irritation cf my
collar started, it to swcllinj. and in
a day or two it was as largo as
half an orange. I waa very much
alarmed., and was at a loss to de
termine whether it wes a carbuncle
or a malignant tumor.
" My friends tried to persuade me
to consult my physician , but dread
ing that he'would insist ou uainr
the kuifj 1 would not consent t
go. Inst?ad I got a small bottle of
Cutlcura Rasolvcnt and a box of Cu
tlcura Ointment. I toolc the former
according to directions, and spread
a thick layer of tho Ointment on a
linen cloth and placed it on tho
awelllng. On renewing it I would
bathe my neck in eery warm water
and Cuticura Soap. In a few days
the Cuticura Ointment had drawn
the spelling to a head, when it
broke. Erery morning it waa opensU
with a large sterilized ocedlo,
scjueozed and bathed, and fresh
Ointment put on. Pus and blood,
and a yellow, cheesy, tumorous
matter eauie out. In about three or
four' weeks' time this treatment
completely eliminated boil and
tumor The soreness that had ex
CITSCl'BA KrUEDieS are sola IkroaslMit IhsdtUltrd vor'.X miCM: fstmr Itnelvral, le-. m
Walls da IM txiB ef ChoaoUW l'air4 im. per ?il ol sow Cuimn oinUMBl, wr. ir box. ul Cntieaia,
Out sm. per cake. Sea foe lbs stwi work. " llomoais ef I'm Blaod, sua aa4 Smlp. an How u Can
Ttwa," II rasM. lot tuna mm, wltk lllaalrallan, TtsuaxHUls, arvd Dirtvllana la all Uduvm. UKlaaiac
' JapsiMM and caiaaw, Urmia tier, r s ciiarurhwue S., Uam. K. C. rnnrh Ix-ix. V Kua la
Pali, ruts. AamaUiaa twpol, a. Towns fe., Srlnay. rorte Dsco o Cutaicii Vusrsunoa,
lieia rroprafon, BoMoa, I', a. A.
nnTATnrc weo;
I.rerl imnwrflwl FelalMola Aerl i
Tkf-'Uaral fw mt kr" ilmOUH SCae .
ly WlMvaaayh-Uortafka. prra. ."l .
dlr !, klaMailb4k-.knani-ff of
3'Mll,Splts, SinrulWlinl, US Sua. per
a., Cllaaiv4'lvr, u.,ri rafil at 10a r-'kl. I
wVA'XVtBosnpion's Eyo Wafer
cts (JervUt
(KcXs pi eaasarvtly.
Acts BerveficiaJIyi
as a Laxative.
m of f-igs appeals to the cultured and the
formed and to the healthv. because its com
from an excellent combination of plants
known to be medicinally laxative and to
To pet its beneficial effects
genuine manufactured by the
-buy the
lew York.i.Y.
fifty ccrta pep bottle.
tended down into icy clust was alt
gone, and u'.y ucck low stexs to Iw
perfectly well.
' About five or fcix years ago r:.y
sister had c similar experience She
had two large lumps come under
her right arm. the result of a sprain.
They grew rapidly, and our physi
cian n-anted to cut thom out! 1
would not listen to it. and :he tried
the Cuticura Remedies (as I riid a
few months agoi with magical effect.
In six weeks' time the lumps hid
entirely disappeared, tnd nave never
" 1 have great faith in the Cuticura
Remedies, end I believe they mipht
be as efficacious iu similar cases
with other people, nnd thus cave
much HurTerinfT. and perhaps life, i
have derived so much benefit from
the use of them inyuelf that I am
constantly ad rising
others to use them. Re
cently I recommended
them to an office boy for
his father, who was dis
abled with salt rheum.
The man's feet wcro
swollen to an enormous
size, and he bed not
worked for six weeks.
Two bottles of Cuticura
Kesolvect and two boxes
of Cuticura Ointment
worked perfect cure.
You never saw a mora
grateful maainyourl'fe.
"I ara very much in
terested in another case
where I have recom
mended Cuticura just
now. My housemaid's
mother has a goitre
which had reached a
very dangerous point.
The doctors told her
that nothing could tc
done ; that she could live
only two or three weeks,
and that she would die
cf strangulation. Sho
was confined to her bed,
and was unable to speak, when her
daughter, at my suggestion, tried
the effect of the Cuticura Ointment
and Cuticura Resolvent. Strange to
say, she was very shortly relieved of
the most distressing symptoms. The
swelling seemed to be exteriorized,
and she is now tblo to be around
her house, tud can talk as well as
" It seems to me that I have pretty
good grounds for believing that
Cuticura Remedies will prove suc
cessful in the most distressing forma
of blood nnd skin humours, and if
you wish to use my testimonial as
herein indicated, I am willing that
yon abould do so, with the further
privilege of revealing my same and
eddresa to such persons aa may wish
to substantiate the above state
ments by perscnal letter to mc."
Chicago. Kot. 15, 1003.
taf ST V O I iiiak rallat ul ana Mral
ftjna a! larticBoeiia t and 10 4mym' traala, t
Vrse. a. a. a. aataa's seas, las a. AUaata, Oa
Boat Cobrfb tVyruu. Tat
uikai. uaa r
in lima. 4(J pv UnfKitlrlft.
i -1 i 1
Ww I i Boa
I s-i-