The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, February 05, 1903, Image 7

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Catarrh Remedies and Doctors Failed
Pe-ru-na Cured.
ELGIN, ILL. In a very recent commu
nication from this place comet the news
that Mr. Arthur Ernest Kidd, a well
known architect of that city, Inn made
complete recovery from catarrh of the
bead, from which he had suffered for
nearly a quarter of a century, lie write
from 18 Hamilton ave.:
"I am 42 year of age, and have had ca
tarrh of the head for over half of my life,
ai a result of scarlet fever, followed by
typhoid fever. I got so bad that I was al
most constantly coughing and clearing my
throat. The catarrh greatly impaired my
eyesight, and the hearing in one ear, and
reduced my weight to 110 pounds.
"I tried nearly every catarrh remedy ad
vertised, besides a great many different
physicians' treatments, all of which failed
"I bad heard and read of 1'cruna, and
finally decided to try it two months ago.
1 have now taken seven bottles, and
weigh 12 pounds. Never felt happier or
merrier. Feel tip top." A. E. KIDD.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case and he will be
pleased to give you his valuable advice
Address Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
AskyourDrugglstforafrae Pe-ru-na&Imanac
Genuine stomped C C C. Never sold In bulk.
Beware of the dealer who tries to sell
"aoxethlng jost as good."
Feed Your Land
with fertilizers rich in
and your crop will crowd your barn.
Sow potash and reap dollars.
Our five books ate a complete treatise on
femliiera, written by men who know. Write
lor them.
. Dnuaiam mmkam mnrf aetUm
tnoee nun's Coodyaae- Walt Hand.
"wedPwoess) mhoamihan any other
i -nutaoturoe In tha world.
$25,000 REWARD
will too paid to anyone who
can dieprovo Ihta statement.
Itacattso Vf. I,. Douglas
Is the larmtit iri ami f nc t u re r
ho can buy cheaper and
produce las shoes at a
lower cost than other con
cerns, wltlch enables him
to sell shoos for 83.50 and
vj.uu equal in every
way to those sold else
where for Maud to.uu.
W. L. DouL'laa 8:i.B0
andS'lshoes arownrn hv tlinllHAnflanf menwlin
have been paying $4 and js.not believinf- they
could get a firsUclass shoe for 83.60 or &3.00.
lie has convinced them that tho style, tit,
and wear of hi 81.90 and 83.00 shoes is Just
as good. Give theih a trial arid save monev.
4l-e Inmin (nKSiln: 1,oii.khij.i
In Hmlirui VliOSHalM: A.'.. , 40,00
A (sin u( ,8,45a.f 0 lii Knur Yeara.
Worth SO.00 Oompared with Other Makes.
7 belt Imported inl American leathern. Hey It
Patent Calf, Enamel, But Calf, Calf, Hal AVe. Corona
Oilf, ant national Hanaano. Fait Oehr tuelet
Plltflnn Th e-enulne ham W. U DOTJOLAS
uauilUlli name and price tamped on bottom.
alior$ bv mail. air. ejtni. Illui. iutttttqfrer.
W. I., iioi ui.ah. nicocu-roK, Mass,
Capsicum Vaseline
Put up in Collapsible Tubes.
A Substitute for and Superior to Mustard oi
ny other plaster, and will not blister the moat
delicate skin. The win allaying and curative
qualities of this article are wonderful. It will
stp the toothache at one and relieve head
ache and sciatica.
We recommend It e the beet and safest ex
terna) oounlor-lrrllant known, also as an ex
ternal remedy tor lns In the cheat and atom
aeh andall rhettmailo.neuralirle and gouty com
plaints. A trial will prof e what we claim tor It,
and It will be lound to be Invaluable In the
hpuaehold. Many people say "It Is in best of
all your preparations."
Price IS cents, at all dnirjfrlsta, or other deal
rs, or by sondla-g this amount to us la postage
Mainre we will send you a tube by mall.
No article should be accepted by the pubite
suilesa the aaine carries our label, as olherwtee
U Is not genuine.
11 Stat Strrer, Maw York ClQf.
tafCataloma aent on anacllcalkMi. A afra lot a
t'enr La-enema eua etarraS I'ltneaih llx-aa
lleleoeae'l'ararrli aa Fallale el SI eaa-li
Alau ur. fuLAKU CHINA ailOATS, lam CnutlUU
J. D.WATeU.VaVnno .
Hall. here, Va.
V 03 Nassau Street, New Vork. J
11 W. L
I I Seat Coiuiu syrup. 'I'aaua Good. Caa I I
a-' ' 10 tlm ttuld brrateitu.rr) I
At the Restaurant.
One day during the dinner hour at
a crowded city restaurant, a talkative
lady hailed at) overworked waiter and
ordered dinner for two. This is the
way she did it:
"Waiter! Waiierl Oh, you're here,
are you? I didn't notice. Now, I've
brought tny friend to show her my fa
vorite luncheon place, and I want you
to take particular pains to have every
thing nice. We want a fillet steak fot
two the best you have. Be sure it's
good, won't you? I have told her that
there isn't another place in the city
where you could get a steak cooked so
dcliciously as you can here; and I shall
be so disappointed if it doesn't come
up to our expectations. I want it cook
ed just right not to well done not
raw in the middle, I don't mean, but
not dried up cither. Well, just about
what you would call perfect.
"And, let me sec. Oh. of courc, we
want some potatoes. Tried boiled
mashed. We always have mashed at
home. My husband won't cat them any
other way, and I got so tired of it.
You may bring its boiled no, thev're
so common we'll take fried. And
oh, yes, something to drink. You'll
have tea. Well, I'll take a cup of cof
fee. They say hot milk is more nour
ishing, but never mind. I'll lake the
coffee. Now. you will try and have
everything just as good as you can,
won t you, because Why he didn't
wait for me to finish 1 What imperii
nencc." The man said:
"Cook I Fillet steak fried potatoes-coffee."
Keep the Mind Open.
Auguste Comte once suggested the
desirability of a class of men whose
work it should be to acquire a knowl
edge of the general results atiaincd by
specialists in all branches of science
and by combining and comparing them
to acquire a more correct mode ol
thought about things in general than
is apt to be acquired by a man whose
thoughts work always in the same
Some men of genius without enroll
ing themselves in any class fulfil, in a
measure, their requirements. One ol
Goethe's most marked characteristics
was his eagerness to avail himself oi
the knowledge of any and every one
who made special study of some par
ticular branch of learning. It was not
in the least necessary that his inform
ant should be well known or famous.
"Original talent that is water to my
mill," said he.
A young musician who visited him
"Zclter's music is old-fashioned."
"How old-fashioned? Explain your
self and be precise. Good! There is
the piano. What you have stated must
stand the test of an experiment."
In openness of mind and eagerness
for knowledge at least we may imitate
man of genius.
Advice to the Sleepless.
If you fear a sleepless night, undress
in the dark. Light stimulates and
arouses the activities. Darkness is sup
posed to produce drowsiness. Put some
chopped ice in a rubber bag, and place
it at the lower extremity of the spine.
This is particularly quieting to the
nerves. Do not use anything but a rub
ber bag, or you will merely have a
damp cloth and rheumatism by morn
ing. Do not use a pillow. Relax every
muscle so far as it is possible. Sprawl
over the bed with arms and legs
stretched out. Take a sponge bath with
tepid water just before going to bed.
Lie on your face instead of on your
back. That is the way babies sleep,
and their methods are scarcely to he
improved upon in this particular. All
pressure is removed from the spine by
this means, and a delicious feeling of
restfulness ensues. Make up your mind
that you won't keep awake long
enough to hear some one come in to
outline the next day's work. Ypu will
drop asleep immediately.
A Butcher ol Taste.
There is a butcher in one of the Xcw
Orleans markets who has built up an
immense family trade entirely by rea
son of his taste in doing up parcels of
meat. His modus operandi is very iu
genms. If he is handling a porter
house he places it between two squares
of pasteboard, uses a sheet .of pearl
gray manila paper as a wrapper and
ties it up with baby blue string. The
result is a neat rectangle which has
every appearance of having come from
some fashionable drug store or con
fectioner's. Chops and such like he
stows away -in neat little cardboard
tubes, and he keeps a supply of one
pound candy boxes especially for chick
en livers and chopped sausage. The
system is very effective.
jzre ? .'l'U?..''?gT ' --
Many women and doctors do
not recognize the real symptoms
of derangement of the female
organs until too late.
"I had terriblo ftaina' along my
spinal cord for two fears and Buffered
dreadfully. I was given different
medicines, woro plasters i none of
these things helped me. Reading of
tho cures that Lydla E. Pitvkham'S
Vegetable Compound has brought
about, 1 somehow felt that it was
what I needed and bought a bottle to
take. Dow glad I am that I did so;
two bottles Drought me Immense re
list, and after using those bottles more
I felt new life and blood surging;
through my veins. It seemed aa
though there had been regular bouse
cleaning through my system, that all
the sickness and poison bad been taken
out and new life given me instead. I
have advised dotens of my friends to use
Lydla K. Plnkliain'a Vegetable
Compound. Oood health is indis
pensiahle to complete happiness, and
Lydla E. Pinklinm'a Vegetable)
Compound has secured this to me."
Mas. Lafba L. Kbemek, Crown
Point, Indiana, Secretary Ladles Belief
Corps. 15000 ft felt If trlall if aaeee attar
intfmf amasMas eumf M produtea.
Every sick woman who does not
understand ber ailment should
write Mrs. Plnktiam. Lynn.
Mast. Her advice la free and
always helpful.
Central Trad Conditions,
R. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review ol
trade says:
Heavy transactions in merchandise
are reported, but there is much com
plaint regarding the slow movement of
freight. The situation as to general
lines is aggravated by the precedence
given fuel over all other freight except
live stock and perishable goods. Not
withstanding the extensive increase in
transporting facilities during the past
year, some roads have been compelled
to decline consignments and in many
cases where a large number of cars
were desired only one was provided.
Earnings thus far available for January
surpass last year's by 5 per cent. It
is conspicuous in practically every sec
tion of the country that despite high
prices buying is liberal and of the better
qualities of goods, while dealings as a
rule are on more of a cash basis. De
mand for building materials is unusually
brisk for the season, and prices ol
lumber at the South have advanced.
Although fortunate sections are re
ceiving a better supply of fuel, the sit
uation is still serious, and many pig
iron furnaces have been added to the
idle list.
Trade in leather is better, domestic
shoe manufacturers operating on a
more liberal scale, while export sales
of sole are increasing.
As to cotton goods, the situation
grows steadily stronger, demands for
immediate needs preventing accumula
tion of supplies and leaving an increas
ing number of orders unfilled. A few
open advances in quotations are record
ed, while a quiet curtailment of dis
counts is reported in progress. Export
buying has practically ceased. With
the exception of a few of the finest
grades woolen goods for the fall of
190,1 arc now fully opened.
Firmness has characterized the
course of the leading staples, an abun
dant demand being in evidence, while
available supplies are restricted by traf
fic conditions.
Failures for the week number 265 in
the United States, against 301 last
year, and 27 in Canada, compared with
28 a year ago.
Flour Spring clear. $U 35n.l.5r; best
r-nipnt, $4.80; choice Family, 1.05.
Wheat New York No. 2. 83?i"c:
Philadelphia No 2, b2n82Jic: Baltimore
No 2 82c.
Corn Now York No. 2, 69c; Phila
delphia No. 2. 54u55c; Baltimore No. 2,
Onts New York No. 2. 41c; Thila
delphia No. 2, 43al3o: Baltimore No 2,
liny No. 1 timnthv, fl0.50a20.00j
No. 2 timothy. (18.50ulii.00; No. 3 tim
othv(16.50nl7.50 Fruits and Vegetables. White Pota
toes With receipts less liberal and quite
on improvement in the demand, the
market rules steady and firm. Apples
all good to choice fruit trees of fungus
are in good demand. Cabbage with
quite a falling oft' in the receipt, there
is a much firmer feeling on ull good to
choice stock. Sweet potatoes are in
ample supply for present needs; the
market rules quiet but steady. We
quote; Cabbage Ditnifrh large, per ton
(8.50n9.50; domestic, per ton (7.00a7.50
l'otutoes Maryland and Pennsylvania,
Eer bu 65ui'i8c; Eastern per bu 05a C8c;
ggplant, Florida, per orange box (1.00
0.1. 2 j. Onions yollow, per bu 65a70c;
rod, per bu G0nG5c. Celery, per doz
25a40o. Apples Eastern, good to
choice, per brl (i.00a3.00 : Western, do
do do do do (1.75a2.5U; No. 2 all kinde
(l.00al.25. Sweet Potatoes Potomac
yellow, per brl (2.25a 2 50; North Caro
lina, yellow, (2.'J5u2.5'J; Eastern shore
yellow, (2.00u2.25. Yams, yellow, (1.5U
a 1.75.
Butter, Separator, 28a29c; Gathered
creum, i7u28c; prints, 1-lb 3(u31c; Bolls,
21b, 30a31o; Dairy pts. Md., Pu., Va.,
Eggs, Fresh-laid eggs, por dozen,
Cheese, Largo, 00-lb, 14.Val4S'o; mo.
diuni, 3G-lb, 14.,ul4; picnics, 23-lb,
Live Poultry, Hens, lSalStfo; old
roosters, each 25a30c; Turkeys, 14ul5?;
Ducks, l'ul3o
Hides, Heavy steers, association and
suiters, luto kill, GO-tbs and up, olose se.
lection, llal2c; cows and light stem
Provisions and Hog Produots. Bulli
rh-ar rib sides, 9.o; bulk shoulders,
(JHc; bulk boliies.lohc; bulk hum butts,
KJo; bueon clear rib sides, lOH'c; bacon
shoulders, lO'lc; sugar-cured breusts,
12'c; sugar-cured shoulders, 10,','c;
sugar curod California hams, lUo;
hams cunvuscd or uncanvased, 12 lbs.
and under, 14Vo; refined lard tierces, brls
and50 lb cans, gross, lO.Sic; refined lard,
bulf-barrels ana new tubs, Ho,
Live Stock.
Chicago, Cattle, Mostly 15a20o lower,
good to prime steers (4 50a 585; medium
(.) 25a4 50; stackers and feeders (3 2o
e4 50; cows, (1 40a4 40; heifors (J 25j
4 75; Texas-fed steers (3 50u4 .40 Hogs,
Mixed and butchers (6 25aG 60; good to
cboioe, heavy (G GOuG 90; heep, sheep
and lambs slow to lower; good to choioj
wbethors (4 40u5 00; Western shoep
(1 2 iu6 25.
East Liberty, Cattle steady; cboioe
(5 25a5 40; prime (5 00u5 20. Hogs,
firime heavy G bV)u6 85, mediums (G 65;
leavy Yorkers (G 60u6 H5. Sheep steady,
Best wethers (4 6u4 60 culls and com
mon (I 75u2 00; choice lambs (5 75a6 90.
One's share of the world is 23 1-2
acres. , .
Great Britain has 500 physicians who
are women.
Rawhide is now used for pinion
wheels and mauls.
The deaths from storms and floods
in 190a were 12,000.
The five volcanoes active during last
year destroyed 65,000 lives.
There was a sudden and stratling in
crease in suicides among women last
The United States imported last yeai
more than (40,000,000 worth of raw
The Electrical World puts the value
of electrically produced goods for 1902
at (140,000,000.
Cuba has ordered two new revenue
cutters at (100,000 each, not from the
United States but from England.
A lesson in the metric system: The
5-cent nickel measures exactly two cen
timeters, and weighs just five grammes
The pay of the American bricklayet
is as much for two and a half days ai
that of the British bricklayer for s
The disposing of London's smoke by
electric fans was seriously considered
by the sanitary congress recently held
at Msnchester.
The capital invested last year in elec
trical railways was (475,000,000 not es
timated but actual. In telephony, (too,
000,000 were invested, and in electric
light, (150.000.000.
Hon. David Meckison t well known, not only in his own itate, but throuchout
America. He began his politirnl rnreer b serving consecutive terms ax Mayor
of the town in whirh he live, during which lime he beranie widely known a the
founder of the Mcckixon Bank of Napoleon, Ohio, lie was elected to the Fifty
fifth Congress hr a very large majority, and is the acknowledged leader of his party
in his section of the State.
Only one flaw marred the otherwise complete success of this rising statesman.
Catarrh, with its insidious approach and tenacious grasp, was his only unconqueted
foe. For thirty years he waged unsuccessful warfare against this personal enemy.
At last Peruna eamc to the rescue, and he dictated the following letter to Dr. Hart
man as the result:
a" 1 have imedneveral bntttrxof Peruna and I et arra-ily bene- J
filed theribtf from, my catarrli of the head, 1 eel encouraged to be- m
aj Jfeve that If 1 use It o sliort time longer Ittill be fully able to crutl- m
m icatc thn dineaite ol thirty years' standing.'' David Meekieon.
3enib-r 0 1 ourres.
rpHK season ol latching eo'.d is upon us.
JL The cough and the sneeze ond the
nasal twang are to be heard on every
hand. The origin of chronic catarrh, the
most common and dreadful of diseases, is a
This is the way the chronic catarrh gen
erally begins. A person catches cold,
which hangs on longer than usual. The
cold generally starts in the head and
throat. Then follows sensitiveness of the
air passages which incline one to catch
cold very easily. At lust the person has a
cold all the while seemingly, more or less
discharge from the nose, hawking, spitting,
frequent clearing of the throat, nostrils
stopiwd up, full feeling in the head, and
sore, inflamed throat.
The best time to treat catarrh is at
the very beginning. A bottle of Peruna,
nroncrlv used, never lails to cure a com
useu, never mils 10 cure
Ask your drugsist for a
Rugs that have a tendency to curl
j may be straightened by sewing hair
cloth or buckram to tnc corner or 011
the under side.
Iteware of Ointments For Cmorrh That
Contain Mereitrj,
as mercury will surely destroy the senso ot
smell nml completely derange tho whole sys.
tern when entering it through the mucous
surfaces. Suehnrtieles shoulil never lie used
except ou prescriptions from reputnhle phy
sicians, n the dninaue tin')' will do Is ten fold
to tho Kood you can possibly ilerlvo from
them. Hull's (.'utarrh Cure, manufactured
by F. J. Cheney ft Co., Toledo, ()., contains
no mercury, nml Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mueotiHsurfaeei
of thesysteni. In buyiue Hall's Catarrh Ciiro
Lc sure to get the irenulan. It Is taken In
ternally, and Is mitilo in Toledo, Ohio, by F
J. Cheney A Co. Tesllmonials free.
WSo'.il by Jtrugglsts; price, 75e. por bottle.
Hall's Family Pills are tho best.
Universal penny fares are 'to he tried
for six months on the Shelliehl. Kngland,
municipal electric tramway system.
Mother fl ray's Sweet I'owittre for C hi 111 re,.
Successfully used by fother Oray, nurse In
the CI lldren's Home In New York. Cure
Keierlhhness, B-d Stomach. Teething Disor
ders, move and regulate thn Dowels and
Destroy Worms. Over 30 000 testimonials.
At all druggists, 2e. Sample mailed Fbeg.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Hoy, N. Y.
Timber is being exported from Hosnia
to South Africa to lie used in rebuilding
farms destroyed durinj the war.
Is the Standard Rheumatic Remedy.
The ONLY compound on the market that cures this terrible
disease without doing Irreparable harm to tho digestive organs.
Frekstati. B. C, Aug. 18, 1003.
Gentlemen: I had rheumatism for about twelve years. Great deal of the time
I had to use orutchesor cane. Wss confined to bed, nearly helpless, three months
at a time, several times. Last spring I beiran to take " ItmcHACiDi." I uaed two
bottles before I noticed any hem-flt. Altogether I uaed seven bottles and the
cure seems to be complete, aa I have had no symptoms of rheumatism alnce.
I van cheerfully reoommend your medicine. B. F. FE.N'lUAN.
For sale by Druggists, or sent exprenage prepaid on receipt of i.oo.
Bobbltt Chemical Co., - - Baltimore, Ad.
" o P
UllllrU I 4-uak ralwf aaS earaewimt
reaaa, "Bank et aaatiaaala'e aaS to 4are Uaalatoat
free. a, at- a. oiui i seas, asa, ai aaia. u
.UttKISON" OF O-ilO.
nion cold, thus preventing chronic catarrh.
While many people have been cured of
chronic catarrh by n single bottle of Pe
runa, yet, as a rule, when the catarrh
becomes thoroughly fixed more than one
bottle is necessary to complete a cure.
Peruna has cured cases innumerable of
catarrh of twenty years' standing. It is
the best, if not the only internal remedy
for chronic catarrh in existence.
Put prevention is far better thaa cure.
Everv person subject to catching cold
should take I'erunn at once at the slightest
symptom of cold or sore throat at this
season of the year and thus prevent what
is almost certain to end in chronic ca
tarrh. Send for free book on catarrh, entitled
"Winter Catarrh,' by Dr. Hartman.
"Health and lieauty'' scut free to women
free Pe-ru-na Almanac
Senator Hoar's house in Worcester
was purchased by him some forty years
ago, when property was cheap, and is,
therefore, a very large plot oi ground
almost in the centre of the city. It used
to belong to John Hancock of Revolu
tionary fame. The horse is a roomy
but unpretentious building, and is
chiefly remarkable for its enormous
library. Thousands of volumes are pil
ed ceiling high in the great room, and
.Mr. Jliwr spends hours and hours
among his books.
ITI'3 permanently curod.'No Htsor norvous
ness after first day's uso of Dr. Kline's Ciroat
Kervellestorer.fVtrinl bottleitud treat isefroo
hi. U.H. Klihk, Ltd., H31 Arch St., l'htla.,l'a.
The fellow with the gift of gab is apt
to give himself away.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soot ulngKyrup for chlldreu
teething.softun the gums, rsduces inllamma
tk'ii, allays pain, cures wind colic. '25e. abottlo
Few men can lose their money and re
tain their popularity.
Tlso's Cure for Coasumptlon Is an Infallible
medicine for coughs and eolds. N. V.
baUUbx, Occau Grove. S. J., Feb. 17, 1!MW.
Some men don't even become successful
Any one can aye wHli ruTNASt Fade
less Dvr.H; no experience required.
Tcrhaps two may live as cheaply as one,
but somehow or other they never do.
repeat. Tbey don't Jam, catch, or fall to extract.
In a word, tbey are the only reliable repeaters.
Winchester rifles are rnsde In all desirable
calibers, weights and styles ; and are plain,1
partially or elaborately ornamented, suiting every
purpose, every, pocketbook, and every teste.
made for all kinds ot shooting In all kinds of guns.
pop same sad address aa a Postal
I or our lo-pt lUuelratad Catalog. j
II QC TAYI flll'C Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum andllufiein A0rt
U 0 1 I II I LUIl 0 Coughs, Colds, LaQrippe ? ItTTZl JLW5stf
Juvenile (lallantry.
He was a tiny little fellow, surely not
more than five years old. and as he call
ed for his afternoon papers at the cor
ner of Twelfth and Market streets man
people Razed at him wilh mingle I
amusement and pity. He had Ioiir
brown curls, wet with the drenching
rain, and his shrill little voice had a
baby lisp. A very stout, elderly wo
man. weighing close to two
Ir.'.ndrcd pounds, paused at the south
side of Market street and looked as
kance at the miniature river of slush
and water and at the passing procession
of wagons and trolley cars. The little
newsboy was quick to size up the sit
uation. Running up to her he exclaim
ed. "Don't be afraid, lady. I'll help you
across." Reaching up his tiny little
hand he clutched her by the arm. and
together the ridiculous pair threaded
their way to the opposite curb. Then
the st t woman opened her purse,
gravely handed the little fellow a coin
and disappeared in the Reading Terminal.
Captain A. T. Mahan. U. S. N'.. has j
been elected an honorary member of
the Royal United States Instruction for j
life, i" acknowledgment of his valuable !
contributions to the literature of the
British N'avv.
mm km rain
Ancient and Modern Ideas on the Subject.
Time and Disease the Effacing Agents
of Beauty. What Has Scienco Don
to Restore tho Lily and the Rose?
Socrates called beauty a short-lived
tyranny, Plato a prlvtlepe of nature,
Theocritus) a dellphtful prejudice,
Tlieophrnstns a slleutcheut, rnrnende?
a solltnry kingdom. Homer a glorious
gift ot nature, Otld a favor of the
gods. Aristotle ofllrmed that bennty
was better than all the letters t,f recom
mendation In thn world, nnd yet none
of these distinguished authorities ban
left us even a hint of how beauty la to
be perpetuated, or the ravages of ngo
and dinenso defied. Time soon hlemls
the lily und the rose Into the pallor of
nge, disease dots the fair face with
cutaneous distlgurntlons and crlmsorjs
the Roman nose with unsightly Hushes,
moth, If not rust, corrupts tins glory
of eyes, teeth, and lips jet beautiful by
dcfitclng the complexion, ami tills tho
sensitive soul with agony unspeulinble.
If such he tho unhappy condition of
one afflicted with slight skin blemlshe.,
what must be tha feelings or those in
whom torturing hnmor.i have for
years run riot, covering thn skiu w'.h
scales and sores and charging the
blood with poisonous elements to
become a part of the system until
death? It is vain to attempt to por
tray such suffering. Death In many
cases might be considered a blessing.
Tho blood and fluids seem to be im
pregnated wilh a fiery element which,
when discharged through the pores
Upon the surface of the body, Inflames
nnd burns until, in his efforts for relief,
the pntlent tears the skin wilh bis
nails, and not tintli tho blood Hows
docs sufllc'.eut relief come, to cause I1U11
to desist.
Thus do complexions', defects merge
Into torturln,, disease, and piqued van
ity give pbco to real sufferlug. A
llttlo wart on tho nose or cheek glows
to tho nil-devouring lupus, a patc h of
tetter on the pnlin of the hand or on
the llmhs suddenly envelops the bedy
in its fiery cniiirace, a bruise on the 1 g
cxpnuda into a gnawlig ulcer, which
reaches out its fuugs to the sufferer's
heart in every paroxysm of pnin. a
6mull kernel in Urn neck multiplies into
a dozen, which eat uwa the vitality,
great pearl-like scales grow from little
rah-liUo Inflammations In such abun
dance as to pass credulity; und so on
may we depict tho sufferings to which
pour human iir.turo )s Miliject, all of
which involvii great mental distress
because of persoual filsllgiiralions.
If there wero not another external
dlsenso known, eczema alone would bo
A sufficient Infliction ou mankind. It
pervades all clnsaes, and descends 1 rtt-
partially through gene.ations. While
Borne! aro constant' enveloped in it,
others hive It. co:. fined to sni'ill
patches in the ear, on the i.ealp, tin
the bieast, on the pnlmt of the hands,
ou the limbs, etc., but everywhere its
distinctive feature .'s a suitill watery
blister, which discharges an acrid
fluid, causing heat, lt:l)aniniatlon, and
lntenso Itching. King-worm, tetter,
scal'.cd head, dandru.l'. bcloug to this
6cal7 nnd Itching order of diseases.
I'sorias:-., 't ur inoder a leprosy, with
its molhtr-of-pcarl scale, situated ou
a reddeued base, which bleeds t:pon
'.he rcmovul of tho scale, is to be
dreaaed and avoided, a-i of old. Im
petigo, barber's Itch, erysipelas, nnd a
score of minor disorders make up In
part the catalogue of external diseases
of tho skin. Thus far we l:!vu made
no allusion to those afflictions which
are manifestly Impurities of the blood,
viz. : swelling of the glands of tho
throat, ulcers on tho neck and limb.--,
tumors, abscesses, and niercurKl
poisons, with loss of, beoau'e
tho whole list can be comprehended in
tho one word scrofula.
It le in the treatment of torturing,
disllgnring humoro sad affections of
the skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of
hair, that the Cuticura remedies have
achieved their greatest sucees. Orig
inal in composition, scientifically com
pounded, absolutely pure, unchangeable
In any climato, ahvay s ready, and agree
able to the most delicate and fccnslilvc,
they present to young and old the most
successful curative, of modern times.
This will bo consldo ed strung language,
by those acquainted with the c haracter
and obstinacy of blood and skiu humors
but It is justified by Innumerable suc
cesses where all the remedies and meth
ods in voguo have failed to cure, and,
In many cases, to relieve, even.
The Cuticura treatment Is nt onco
agrecablo, speedy, economical, and
comprehensive, liatho tho nfl'ected
parts freely with hot water and Cuti
cura soap, to clcauso tho stir nee ot
crusts aud scales, and softeu tho
thickened cutlclo. Dry. without hard
nbbtsg, and apply Cuticura Ointment
lUlw mule nft m ri' h
94 l-tivt. hU-k Knlh
Jevkt for N to i bauOf
biirh ; truud ono) And mob)
itftkni. i'btier tfw IUr
Itstrrun. Kiox-at sriietnrittMui
Alto rntin An, liyJtunyt
ftud mul. nttt fur
It If sVIa I Ulla IIMI
ruTi wctc i iKiap. rrcno n., Ohio.
HfcW yKMHIOM LAW H. Aot Jn 97, IftJJp.
Mull,urnvora4.aj tiilr wi4uw of tUt la.
u Hevniiruiu lUl to U-C W wil. pyt.mtJt
wy moo4 Owutrtvjl OUitu UiiOtj till twj(. Act ot
July I DuBioui vrtlu Kiair who Lift 4 in-ii
iuftia4,rs9MrvH)f, tiig wiii uuy tw cttar-feti wttb
0 fWuii. MopMiaiou uo !. AUviosj lr. Ktsr
sviiiluaa ItuUiustruotiyut, e,iJrjM iu W. H. Willi
k'-Mialuu AjfeUOjr, Milt UaaUlu, US Ittilkiu A vex,
lltlUMa. itaktMOl lb U MUt UU tMiia,
r" ".-r " t
My Lungt
" An attack of la grippe left me
with bad cough. My friends said
I had consumption. I then tried
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and it
cured me promptly. "
A. K. Randies, Nokomis, III.
You forgot to buy a bot
tle of Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral when your cold first
came on, so you let it run
along. Even now, with
all your hard coughing, it
will not disappoint you.
There's a record of sixty
years to fall back. on.
Tares sites : 25c., Mk., II. All eretrlata.
fonanlt yonr rlnrtor. If he sara take It,
than (to aa he says, tf he tall rnn not
to taka It. tlirn don't take It. He knawa.
Leave It with him. W. re wllllnr.
J. C. aYEK CO.,Uw.U, Maes.
to allay Itching. Jtrttntlon, and Inflam
mation, and soothe nnd heal, end, lazily,
t:tl:o Cuticura Kcso'vrnt, to cool and
cleanse the blood. This treatment rf
fords instant relief, permits te.-t and
sleep In the severest forms of eczi-mo
and other ItchKg, burning. Mid seal;
humors, and points to a fpecdy, perma
nent, cureof tonuili;
disfiguring humor.-., eczeni'S, rashc:),
and I n Hit in mat i" us, from infancy 10
age, when all other remedies nml h
best physicians fail. The r-medlet. ti
elltuting the Cuticura t.tem will .-,.y
an individual scrutiny of their innn li
able properties.
Cuticura hoap conttlct bin w1:2? J
form the medlclnul piopcrtlt;. of C:i t
cjra Ointment, th-. rf,:t sku; cure r1
purest und sweetest of emollient", 3o.
blneti with thn ra 's. delicnto an ! ro
frchlng i f flowe- -.dois. J'.
InvlgoiaUM the poies tho iv,
f iid Imparts activity to tLr cil .!.
.mi I tub's. tln. furnishing tn 'TiM-rt
I.-: unwholesome mutter, wlilch :1 n
t'. I ned would c.-ins". pimples, black--Lead,
rashes, .oily, r.sothy kln, ani'
o'..';er cotr.plexlotal disfigurations, is
well ns pcolp affections nnd trrliaii. .,
f illing hair, aud bahy rasht. Its lev
tic ond ronllnu. us action on
'brlcators of t'.n '.kin ..eeps th: Itci
t.-sn.parent, soft, flexible, and h.altl.y.
Hence Its constant us.:, nssis'.c l by aj
occasional uso of C'ullcur- O'rtmcut,
realizes the fairer complesl n: th
softest, -Ahltest h..', auo 1 ;.e .tj .t.
luxuriant, glosy S with'.-: t:,e do
main of the my-'. aavr-Mcd sclcnti?c
kiio'.vledgH to supi ,y.
Cuttcurs Olntm.nt la the most suc
cessful external ceiitivef r torturing,
ilisllgurlng l.uino-s of the riin so",
nealp. including lovs of ialr, 1'. l-ool
of which a sint'le wr.ii It,
preceded by t hot bath with Ci'iicnrs
Soap, and followed inth: se.tiercr.sra
by u full dose of t ntici:r: I'esolvent, la
BiiQlcient to aft'o:d t.nnic liutu relief lr
the most distrcr i...' f .. of I c'.isp.
burning, and cr.l ,- humor.'. pn:nit r.vt
and shep, nnd point to u 'p-cay ruro
when nil oth'1.' lenn dies fall. Uise-pe.
dally so in the trr.itnu-t.1 f Infanta
nnd chll lien, clcnuship. soolhinu', and
healing the most distressing i- infan
tile humors, nnd preserving, purifying,
nnd beautifying tho tkiu, tcalu, and
Cuticura Ointment 1 ossesscs. at the
same time, ihe thai in of satislyln
the simple wnnta of the toll, t of a.
nges, in cirlra- for the sl;ln. sca'n.
liulr, and hands far more tflectually,
I agrecablv. and economical!; Ho
most expensive of toilet emollients.
Wliilo freo Irani every ingredient of a
douhtft'l or t'ngerous character. It
"Ono Nlaht T.cntmi nt of the Hands,"
or ' Single T vatment of the Hair," or
uso after athhtlcs. cycling, golf, ten
nl.i, tiding, sparring, or any sport, each
in connection with the use .' Ctitlcura
Soap, is sufficient evidence of this.
Of all remedies for tho purification
of the blood and circulating fluids, nmvo
approaches In spiciilc medical action
Cuticura Uesolvi nt. It neutralized ami
resolves away (hence Its name) scrof J
lous. Inherited, ami other humors la
tho blood, which give rise to swelling,
of the glands, pains in tho bouej, and
torturing, disfiguring eruptions of tho
skin and scalp, Willi loss of hair.
Cuticura Kesolvcnt extends Its puri
fying liiduenco by nwus of the pored
to the surface of the skin, s Hay ins;
irritation, liiflanimntion, Itching, and
binning, and soothing and healing.
Ilcncu its success la the treatment of
distressing huniois of the skin, scalp,
and blood, with loss of hair, which fall
to be permanently cured by external
remedies alone.
The grandest testimonial that ess
be offered Cuticura remedies is their
world-wide sale, due to the rersorrU
recommendations of those who have
used them. It Is difficult to realize ths
mighty growth of tbo business Joce
under this name. From a small begin
ning in the simplest form, ngalnst prej
wllco and opposition, against monlcd
hosts, countless rlvalu, and trade In
(lifl'crenco, Cuticura remedies have be
come the 'greatest curtuivea of their
time, and, in fact, of all time, for no.
whero in tho history of medicine Is
to bo found anoiher approaching then
In popularity aud sjle. In every eilmw
nnd with every people thev have met
with tho same rcccptiou. 'J bc co i3u-s
of tho earth are the ouly llm'.t to ihe!.
growth. . They have conquereJ U14
To the tc3t of poj't-lir jod-rrrwat all
things ruundano must finally com
Tbo civilized world has -rendered Its
verdict lu favor of Cuticura.
Salier'a Raoe
a'.v iwa,
W at
xac a
rid l
ilua luipiwmixd'oilefr
51 0.OO for lOc.
. - - imu wnon nm 4 or inn. in ataaiiM
i uur ant caial.vuc wurtti ium i.. ....
. wtile aaake fatiuar or e:,,,L i
laiM,.H0..rtr.,Kaitivc wort
w.oo to r-t a ciart ih.
upuo receipt ol bui sue.
u nmri
Srl a4 .