The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, December 25, 1902, Image 8

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    Brick for sale at Morton's yard.
Horace N. .Sines of Dickinson
College, is spending his-holiday H it AWAY. 'y biUl l,uUll"m
vacation with his parents. Mr. llc"clt visi'J P.
and Mrs. J. Nelson Sijxs.
Don't be Imposed upon by 1a
king substitutes offered for Fo
ley's, Money and Tar. All dealers.
Campbell Patterson, Clarence
Trout, Mis Alice Dickson, and
Miss Irene Trout came up from
Philadelphia to spend Christmas
at home.
A kidney or bladder trouble
can always be cured by using Fo-
ixy s Kiuuey l urc in tune. All
Harry Irwin of the Williamson
school, is spending the holidays
with his arents, Mr. and Mrs.
.Ino. A. Irwin.
Miss Minnie Keisner of the
Millersville State Normal is
spending the holidays with her
parents in this place.
Foley's Honey and Tar xsitive
ly cures all throat and lung dis
eases. Refuse substitutes. All
The Editor and family very
much appreciate the thoughtful
uess and generosity of Mrs. John
Tice of Kuobsville in sending as a
Christmas present a basket of
choice sausage and beef.
As soon as you decide on the
date for your sale, send it to us
and we will place it in the sale
register both in the News and
the Democrat, and you can send
us the list of articles for your sale
bill later. '
Postage stamps with new de
signs will appear in a few weeks.
One of them will contain the stars
and stripes instead of the head of
an American stbtesmau.
Mr. Milton P.. Uill of Dott, call
ed at the News office while in
town last Saturday aud gave us
cash enough to pay his subscrip
tion to the middle of 1I04.
Joseph H. Edwards of Taylor
spent Monday in town. He fell
on the ice going to Broad Top
last Thursday and came near be
ing badly hurt.
M iss Grace Lodge who lias
been with her sister Mrs. S. W.
Kirk for some time, went home
Monday to spend Christmas with
her mother in Brush Creek Vul
ly. Mr. aud Mrs. Isaac Miller of
Philadelphia, reached this place
ou the stage last Saturday even
ing, and were met here by their
brother-in-law Mr, Thompson W.
Peck of Needmoro, who conveyed
them to his home at Need more.
The Moral Reform Association
of MeConnellsburg will meet on
next Monday evening in the Re
formed church. A good pro
gram is prepared, and business
of general interest will be before
the meeting. All interested are
invited to attend.
A Timely Topic. j them in the prepe ration of their
At this season of coughs aud lessons. 2. Don't Gossip. 3. Vis
colds it is well to know that Fo-! it the Schools and Encourage the
ley's Honey and Tar is the great-1 pupils to study what the teacher
est throat aud lung remedy. It j requires.
cures quickly and prevents seri
ous results from a cold. All deal
ers. Sale Kcgi.stcr.
Wednesday, March 4, Tobie
Glazier will sell valuable personal
property at his residence "near
Webster Mills.
' To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine
Tablets. All druggists refund,
the money if it fails to cure. E.
W. Grove's signature is on each
box. 2ric.
William Greer, Sr., of Kuobs
ville, returned Monday evening
f ruin an extended visit inPittsburg
where lie spent several days with
Sander dine, aud W. H. Readle.
In Johnstowa, he visited Fred
Harmony, aud Pierre Hershey's
family; he was down at Allonville
Mitllin county aud visited the
widow Diffeudaffer aud her fam
ily of big good lookiug girls and
returned by way of Hill Valley
am int a day or' two in the
widow Baker's family. "Dad"
says he never had such a good
time "in all his born days."
Subscribe for the News.
IIOKNSK NOTICK Notice Is hereby ylven the fialowiiiK Dinned persoiiH have
filed their petitions 111 t he ottlee of the Clerk
of tiia;tet- Sessions of Kul'on uouuty. Pa,,
Ui-av.ii the Court to rum them License to
Keep an Inn or Tavwru. und to sell lltjuor, nnd
tliut llic s;in.w will tie presented to the said
f'-i'irt on 'l i.esduy. the :tih day of Juuuary
1VI rt at lu o'eim-k a. ni,
Ocoi-i,;.- tfextoth. MoConuHllshurK.
Leslie W. Seylal.
.lobu V.. Speck, Iturllt Cahlni., IHlliJIU t'w'p..
ilun-y Huiuil. horl Lttllet4m. "
Clerk'-Otltce, i KKANK V, LYNCH.
Vko. "' iwi, i Clerk y. S.
-gone ami our
img wticn we ,m on iSaturdy ami
u.t u; "u'l'snut and Miss Chloo
wcrov "uesttf of II. M. Deui
sar at Owu.r Ridge last Sunday.
Preparations ore being made
for a Christmas entertainment to
be held here on Christmas even-
Harry McElhaney . was the
guest of II. K. Melloon Sunday
evening. . '"
The American Telegraph and
Telephone Company's line is in
order again, after beiug broken
down by the' heavy rain and
sleet . ,
A. J. and Mac Lamberson have
commenced a new house for a
home for Miss Jane Harris of
Wells Valley. Win. Laidig, M.
D. Mathias and David Heefner
are doing the carpenter work.
The sale of Ezra Heefner on
Tuesday of last week was well at
tended and everything brought a
good price. Mr. Heefner and
family left on Thursday morning
for Petersburg,Huntingdon coun
ty, where they will make their
future home. Success to you,
Clem Chesnut was at MeCon
nellsburg on business last Fri
day. B. H. Shaw put a tine monu
ment up at the grave of Hon. Jno.
M. Fore at Kuobsville last Thurs
day. Norris Hoover and Samuel
Speck visited George Metzler a
few days ago. There must be
some attraction, boys.
Quite a number of our people
attended the institute at Witter 's
school house last Friday evening.
J. A. Chesnut has rented the
W. R. Evans farm, and expects
to move onto it in the spring.
Our sick are greatly improving.
Local Institute.
An interesting local institute
vvas held at Witter's school house
last Friday evening.
Subjects discussed were I.
Little Things in the Schoolroom,
itld Their influence on a Child's
Character. Upon this subject
the following points were made.
Promptness and regularity in
opening school, of taking seat, of
seating, of coming to the class,
exactness in the different branch
es of study, and little things in
physical comfort of pupils.
II. Troubles of the Teacher. 1.
Neighborhood Troubles, (a) Pa
rental Indifference, (b) Gossip,
(c) Factions. 2. School Troubles,
(a) Anxiety of the Teacher, &c.
. Personal Troubles, (a) Lazi
ness, (b) Lack of Interest, (c)
fjack of Enthusiasm, (d) Impa
tieuce. (e) Worrying.
III. How Patrons can Help the
Teacher. 1. Have Pupils in School
is much as possible, and assist
All the teachers of the town
ship were present, as was, also
Ex.-Supt. Chesnut. Next insti
tute at Waterfall, January 2, 19o;.
The first local institute of Lick
ing Creek township was held at
Vallance's schcxil house last Fri
day evening.
Questions discussed were 1.
How do You Teach Primary and
Intermediate History 'i 2. How
do You Teach Advanced Arithme
tic? 3. Supplementary Language
Seven teachers were present
six from Licking Creek, and one
from Tod.
Rev. Shull gave some practical
talks on the questions.
The pupils gave, a number of
interesting songs and recitatious
and they with their teacher, Mr.
Fohner deserve much praise for
the way they gave the work.
Edward Croft, handled the
gavel, and Don Morton the quill.
Don't Wake Thein.
In a notice, run at the head of
its editorial column, an exchange
gets after the people who don't
believe in advertising as follows :
"Should you fail to see in these
columns the advertisement of
any firm you suppose to be doing
business in this town, do not in
fer that the firm has gone outof
business, but merely that they
do not want readers of this paper
to know any thing about their
business, or be bothered with
your patronage,"
License Notice.
Ol' H'LTON ('Oil NT Y.
It fs ordered till itiiplh'Llioiis for Uri'fiHH-.
fir Ulf snl uf vilitm... j-ihiilntiH, limit, or lirew
I'il lii)kl(i:-s. v holi-MiUr nr it-lull, for llie yi-itr
l!V-l. will Im IhmiiI onTiirxilitv. thi;tth Utly of
January. hk:t, lit 1i oVIork a, in. :it who'll
lluiv nil imm-mhin npjilyliiK or tniikinir ohjotioiiN
to fipplk-iiiion, win ho iiciml ly evidence, pa
llium, reiiioustninoe or oouiikc-i.
There mut te no rommnulciitlon ut ny time
upon the 4iii0e(t. with the Jtulire i'rsonlly
either hy letter or nny other private way.
The petition, verified !y nnidnyit of tipplltjunt.
shull he In conformity with the requirement
of the tititHof Assembly. Judgment NumI shiill
he eteeuted In the penul sum of fc.n, with no
lesst hun tworepituttle f reeholdersof t he coun
ty as sureties, eneh of tlu-iu to he u Itomv-tide
owner of real eslnle in t lie count V of r'ltllnn
worth, over mid uhove nil ttieumhriinees. the
sum of -.'mo (or other li-Kiil security Kiveut
ltoud conditioned for the faithful otiservtitice
of nil the Iiiwh relating to the sellinv or furnish
ihit of liquors, mid to pay all dnmukcH , which
shall he recovered tiMUiust the licensee, tnid
nil costs, tines ntul penalties which tniivhe im
posed on him under unv Indictment for violating
siild laws: find the sureties may be required to
appear Id Court mid Justify under oath.
The Court shall In ull cases refuse the nppli
cattou whcDcvor, In the opinion of the Court,,
having due nvnrrt to the tuimberatul character
of the petitioners for and tuMilnst the uppluni
llou. such license is not necessary for the ac
commodation of the public and entertaiiimept
of struiiKei-Miind travelers, orthut the applicant
Is not a tit person to w hom such license should
be granted.
Petition,!, to lie tiled with the Clerk of the
Court not later thiin Monday, the ','nl day of
IH-eember. Ilt.l. Object Ions and remonstran
ces to be tiled not later than Tuesday, the "th
dayof January. r.m:t. 1'poti sutllelenl cause lie
in g shown or proof heintr made to the ( 'ourt t hut
the parly holding license has violated any law
of the Commonwealth relating to the sale of
liijuors. the t 'ourt shall, upon notice being nlv
en to the persou licensed, revoke the license.
l)v the Court,
' SAMl'KI. McC. SWOl'K.
Attest: P.J.
KH.WK P. LYNCH. Clerk Q. S.
Deo. II, line.
Register and Clerk's Notice.
Notice l hereby inven that the followiiiK
named accountants have Hied their accounts
in the Newsier and clerk's office of Fulton
county. Pa., aud that the same will be present
ed to the Orphans' I'mirt of said county for
continuation on the Tuesday following second
Monday of January next tielu the litth tiny.
(I.) Haiit - T'uellrst and Itnnl account of WIN
Hani K Hart iiduilnistrntor of I'.noch Hart, late
of Helfast township, deceased.
(! ) The uceouut of J. 0. HUson
Trustee to sell the real esliue of 0. O. Knsley,
lale of Hrush Creek township deccaned.
CI 1 SliiPl..- The first aud final account of
fiuie SiKel administratrix of A. J. Si;el, lute
of I'niou townshipdeceast'd.
(I) Sli:m.. The Mrst and final account of
William Sitfel Trnstec of A.J. SIkoI lute of
Cnioli township. leceiised.
ro Kikk. The llrst unci llnal account of
Nevln Kirk uduiinlst rator of Thos. Kirk luteof
Taylor tovynshi). deceased with distribution
UciflsterS Clrk.
llck'lstcr and Clerk s OlKce.
December JH. A. D. Hie.
ltaw I'iii-s.
I pay the highest cash price for
fox, coon, miuk, skunk, opossum,
and other skius. Write for pri
ces. Clay Park,
Three Springs, Pa.
The Pride of Heroes.
Many soldiers in the last war
wrote to say that for scratches,
bruises, wounds, corns, sore feet
and stiff joints, Bucklen's Arnica
Salve is the best in in the world.
Same for burns, scalds, boils, ul
cers, skin eruptions and piles. It
cures or no pay. Only 25c at W.
S. Dickson's drug store.
Keport from the Keform School.
J. G. Gluck, Superintendent,
Pruutytown, W.Va., writes, "Aft
er tryiug all other advertised
cough medicines we have decided
to use Foley's Honey and Tar ex
clusively in the West Virginia
Reform School. I find it the most
effective and absolutely harm
less." All dealers.
Trespass Notice.
All persons are hereby warned
against trespassing on the prem
ises or lands of the undersigned
by hunting, lishing, gathering
nuts, berries, or in any manner
whatever under penalty, as the
law will be rigidly enfored in all
By the Act of June 8, 1881, the
penalty is not less than five, nor
more than fifty dollars, for each
and every offence.
A. J. Mellott.
The Merril (Iowa) Record has
this to say about J. Calvin Hoke,
a former MeConnellsburg boy:
'J. C. Hoke, who has been cash
ier in the Farmers & Merchants
bank here for the past four years,
resigned his positiou last week to
accept the one of traveling audit
or for the Farmers Loan and
Trust company of Sioux i City.
This company has twenty-one
banks in northwestern Iowa and
it will be Mr. Hoke's business to
visit these banks and audit their
accounts at least once a year.
Mr. Hoke has rented a house in
Morningside, Sioux City, and will
move there the first of the year.
Iio began his labors for the com
pany last Monday. Mr. Hoke is a
splendid citizen and a kind neigh
bor and we regret to see him go.
Weolfer congratulations, howev
er, on his rapid advancement in
the business world."
Foils n Deadly Attack.
"My wife was so ill that good
physicians were unable to help
her," writes M. M. Austin, of
Winchester, Ind., "but was com
pletely cured by Dr. King's New
Lifo Pills. " 'inoy work wonders
in stomach and liver troubles.
Cure constipation, sick headache.
.ric at W. K. Dickson's drug storo.
. : ; ;
6 1 J ' w 1Ji;jLN QQQvtci. o
g Come in, Please,
g ami
g You'll Go Out pleased
Q When you see onr New Goods.
A full line of Dry Goods,
mnrpit. fllotb. Spro-si n.n nil
, , .... r
Shirt Waist Novelties a specialty. v
Hats. Bonnets, Children's Cups, Ribbons from the Cheap, X
tothollast; Raly to Weir II i";s i i all p'ic s. Notions
Kid Gloves, Corsets, Hose, Veiling, Laces, Embroderies, AH- O
over Laces, Apphtiues, Braid, aud everything hi DressTrinl- fS
ming. X
It will jiy you well to come in and see our Store.
T. J.WIENER, Hancock. $
ooocoooooooo oooooooooooooo
Santa Claus Recommends us to the Public.
Our Hn1iH:iv Assortment
elties that go to make a first class stock in the line of
t French, German and English j
Tiorrkvn fori linino TmlflfmovQ W
Fancy Stand Lamps, Glass I
Ware, Beautiful Medallions,!
f Framed Pictures, Gold andp
Silver Watches, Clo?ks, Jew- f
elry, Silverware Cut Glass,
1 &c. $j
Toys, Dolls, Games and Childrens Story Books in S$
ureat variety.
500 l2T-Mo Books to select from.
?i Our Grocery Department
$ Goods a tine Display of Candies, Nuts and Fruits.
- ... ti- ; : a . i a ji t.
You are cordially invited to
o r you. au tnai is iewest
nd the prices on all our Goods are extremely low.
Respectfully, JOHN A. IRWIN.
! "'l
for Holiday
In addition to my usual Hue
of Groceries, I have just re
ceived a line of
at prices from (ic. pound up.
I also have in endless va
riety Games, Toys, Toy Wag
ons, Christmas Books, aud
Cards, Silverware, Glassware
Faucy Cakes,' Nuts, Fruits,
Gloves, Leggins, Tobaccoes,
Cigars aud all at prices lower
than ever.
Next door to Fulton House.
Remember My Stock,
Scotch Gloves, .
Pocket Books,
Hand Hags,
Kid Gloves,
Mittens' 1
Towels and Tabic Linen
Our nev line of Waisiingx,
are unsurpassed.
X. J. Wiener
embracing, Black Silks, Cash-
t.ho In tp n tvt.ii-i1:itf Srortn Cloth.
is renlefp with all tin nnv-
is Stocked with only Pur
come aud see what wo can do r-j
ana uestawaits your inspection
We just received this week
a fine lot of NEW WINTER
MILLINERY consisting of
-Beavers, Mohairs, Camels
Hair, Velvet, and Felt Hats,
Our superb showing of
ially strengthened this week
by the addition of hundreds
or more of our famous crea
tions atlfrl, $'2 and $3, scarce
ly equald elsewhere for-If 4,
$5, and $tS.
We are safe in sayiug we
carry the largest line of Mil
linery in Fulton county, and
you can save 50 c'ts on every
dollar by buyiug aiour store.
Come and be convinced.
Alrs.A.F. Little.
The address tag on your paper
shows the time to which your
subscription is paid. If the date
is in the past you are urgently
and respectfully . requested to.
malfe prompt payment by calling
at the office or sending the a
mount due by mail. The amount
of your indebtedness may be
small, yet hundreds of like size
mean much and would be a great
help to the publisher, who has to
pay cash for labor and every
thing that outers into the produc
tion of a newspaper. Wo need'
some machinery badly, aud are
only waiting till we get some
money to pay for it. Subscri
bers in arrears will confer a.
great favor by promptly respond
ing to this request.
Take Laxative Bromo Osnmo rms, js
Sven Minion boiet told In pott U month Tufo sJttlt'.'rO,
The season is hero when we must think about
We are HEADQUARTERS for Men's and
Bed Blankets ;
in Gray, in. White, and in Red.
Vv? " nl Men's, Women's and Children's Underwear
foJTlie P. N. is the
SHOES Don't forget that you arc always right in
coming to us for your Footwear.
MeConnellsburg, Pa,
In the last issue of this paper, we called'your attention to sorno
prices on Underwear, Horse-blankets and Rubber goods ; aud now
we are certainly pleased with our sales since. We have in our second
lot, and are again in shapo for another rush. Don't fail to see oin
Rolled odgo Buckle Arctic at $1.00.
Now, as Christmas is drawing near and every body is wanting pres
ents, we think Hour duty to tell you what we have and to name our
We have the Teachers' Oxford Bibles at 35, !W, $1.05, and $1.27,.
New Testament. 10c, Family Bibles $1.(10. Box paper, 5 to Inn. Mrs.
Pott sad irous, 75c, set; Flat-irons 4c fl. A nice assortment of Sus
penders, aud at prices that can't he matched, 5 to 518 cts pr. Neck
tk's, a to 25c; Rugs, 45, Hi), $1,.25. Bed blankets 4!) aud t!5c; also, a
nice line of shirts 211 to 05c. Copper tea Kettles b5c. Watches 1.00
L95 to $5 H5; Watch Chains, 25 an 1 4sc, Alarm clocks, 5s, 75, si. 18
Gold Collar Buttons 2 for 5, Cuff Buttons, 20 aud 25c, Sweaters for
Boys, 30c each; Sweaters for Men, 45, (55, $1.25.
Saxouy a id G erman town Yarn, a cut; G rauito ColTeo Pots 25 and
80c; Dish 1'aus, 28, 89, 45, (15, 75, aud H3c.
We were never in better shape to show Shoes then now, aud never
had as good prices. It is impossible for us to give you prices on the
whole line. Our child's shoes in soft soles at 20 and 25c, are tine.
Misses 50 to 'JHc. Ladies' 85 to fcl.i)). Boys-08 to $1.25. Men's $1.00
to $2.15. r "
When You Come to
Just go up Main street till yon come to Queen street
Right at Bloom Bros.' corner turn to the west half a
block and you will come to a modern 3-story cream
colored brick building. Stop inside aud you will find
the nicest rooms, and the largest stock of good furni
ture and its belongings, to be seen in the Cumberland
You will find many articles here that you do not see
in other stores. There has been a furniture store on this
spot for 75 years and yet there are many of tho younger
people and some others who don't know it. ' That is the rea
son we are telling you about it.
About a block farther, on tho bank of tho Couococheague,
whose water drives the machinery, you will find our facto
ry ; whore with skilled mechauics and seasoned lumber wo
can make almost anything you may require.
COME TO OUR STORE and look around Much U
see that is interesting even if you don't want to buy. We
want you to know what it is and where it is.
Open till 8 o'clock in the evening uow Saturday till niue.
Furniture Makers on Oticen Street,
Chambersburg, x-
ooooococooood OOOOOOOOCO CO
$1.00 a Year in Advance.
To Cure a CoM in One Day
made, having Newman's Patent Cork Steel
Protectors. Price, 60 and $1.00
Cure Crip
la Two hayx
c:v every