FULTON COUNTY NEWS, Published Every Thursday. B. W. PECK, Editor and Proprietor. McCONNELLSBURG. PA. DECEMBER II, 1902. Published Weekly. 1.00 per Annum in Advance. tlVKHTINI!U RATM. lVr ...mure of line 3 time II lVrs,tmre fiM'h sutweuneni Insertion.... w. All uiivi rusiMin'iits inserted for leu than tiree month elmrired ny the square. 3 nios. AmnH. 1 yr. O ie-fMtirt.li (Mhnna. (lite-tmlf 0,,1'imn i )ne l'o! -inin .HMD. . JS.IM. .. 4O.0O. 100. 40 IX). MOO. 76.no 60.00 Not hinir Inserted for less than l. ProN-HMoniil Cards one year. Tin; com rssiov OF DAVID LEWIS TIIK NOTKO HIGHWAYMAN AND COUNTERFEITER. ' (Continued from Mrst pace.) imprisoned on the charge of pass im; counterfeit money. I could (jiisily have made my escape from the jail of Bedford, but Samuel . Riddle and Charles Huston, Es quires, the lawyers to whom I gave the balance of my money to clear me, flattered me with such encouraging assurances of ac quittal that I was induced to see it out. After remaining in jail a considerable time and experien cing all' the painful feelings of suspense, my trial was ordered on, and notwithstanding the zeal and exertions of my counsel, I was found guilty and sentenced to ten years' imprisonment in the penitentiary. I remained here about a year, during which time I began to have serious thoughts of reformation, when the powerful intercessions of my friends, aud the knowledge I had of the weak side of (Jover uor Find ley iu favoring applica tions of this nature, suggested a pardon as the best means of re storing me to liberty. As I ex pected, his excellency received my petition for a pardon in a man ner that gave my friends no doubt of the success of the application, aud they did cot remain many hours iu suspense, before the sec retary delivered them a paper un der the great seal of the State, grauting me full forgiveness for all my crimes, and a complete re mission of all the penalties of vhe law. On iny way from the peni tentiary, I stopped at Harrisbu rg and as soon as it was dark, called upon tlK: Governor, to pay him my respects,' aud thank him for his. goodness. On parting with him, he gave me a bundle of letters to gentlemen iuthe western count ry,. which I afterwards delivered. After I left Harrisbu rg I went to lied ford to endeavor to get back some of my money, which I had deposited in the bank, but the bank officers refusing my checks I wus again reduced to great dis tress, and in a moment of dispuir was very near putting an end to iny'ltfe, when I fell in with Hum baughj , vyho" had assumed the name of Connelly, aud a man who called himself James Hanson. I did not keep their company, many days, before they persuaded me to join them in waylaying and robbing a Mr. M'Clelland, whom they had traced from Pittsburg to Hedford, and who they fouDd out was to pursue his journey to Philadelphia the following morn ing. We accordingly armed our selves and proceeded to a tavern within a few miles of Hedford in a lonely place in the woods, where we drank a pint of braudy; start ing on a few rods a head we at length stopped, and waited in the woods near the road side for about an hour, with great impa tience, until Mr. M'Clelland came in view. He rode along at a slow pace and in a careless manner, until he had got nearly past us, when Connelly jumping out of the thicket, seized his horso by the bridle, and presenting, told him if ho made any noise, he would shoot him. Hanson and myself then came up aud held his legs, while Connelly led his horse into the woods, where we took from him his money in the mau ner which has been already stated iu the public prints. To escape detection. Connelly and Hanson purposed to make way with him, alleging that dead meu told no lies, I peremptorily refused, aud told tiiem, if they did they must first murder me, and so deterred then) from the bloody act, Huv. ling secured the money, we. then bent our i-ourse towards I,owi.s- town iu Miffliu county, intending ! to proceed into the state of New j York, but we were ovei taken'lwo j miles from the former place, mid j brought back to Hedford. Itkiay j bo proper here to state, that Iliad always determined never to slaiu my hands with blood, or kill iny lone except in selfdcfcuco, bH I ; would certainly have shot Kpll a im Enser, the man who caurht me, after I had thrown down Vil liam Price, if my pistol had gn,ie off. My natural disposition wis by no means cruel, and hearing my mother read out of the Bihi the storv of Cam Killing n i brother Abel, when I was yetU child it made an impressiou nressiou oi i my young and tender heart wine was never effaced. (To lie Continued) SAVED AT GRAVE'S PRINK "I know I would long ago have been in my grave," writes Mrs S. II. Newsom, of Decartur, Ala "if it had not been for Electriq Bitters. For three years I sul tiered untoldagouy from the wors form of indigestion, waterbrash stomach and bowel dyspepsia But this excellent medicine di me a world of pood. Since usiu. it I can eat heartily and have gai id 33 pounds." For indigestio loss of appetite, stomach, liv ind kidney trouble Electric li ters are a positive, guaranteil jure, uniy sue at w. b. Dieksous lrug store. in tins nerve racking iure.no ne has time fof long continued rests, but the value of lying dorvn for even a short period durug the day cannot be too stroigly commended. The actions onthe heart alone is wonderfully bjne ticial. In lying down the likrt is doing ten strokes less a miiute Multiply that by thirty or fcven sixty and see the result, ij the light hours of the night theri is a lifference of five thousand sti ukes md as the heart throw six junces of blood at every stroke, t makes a difference of fliirty thousand ounces of life (luring the night An argument against (he use of alcohol is that iistead )f the recumbent person getting rest its intlueuce is to increase the number of strokes, and some times like fifteen thousand extra heart beats a night result. A THOUSAND DOLLAR'S WORTH OF GOOD. A. II. Thurnes, a well known joal operator of Buffalo, O., writes ;'I have been afflicted with kidney ind bladder trouble for years, passing gravel or stones with ex cruciating pain. I got no relief from medicines until I began ta king Foley's Kidney Cure, then the result was surprising. A few doses started the brick dust like tine stones aud now 1 have no pain across my kidneys and I feel like a new man. It has done me a 100O worth of good. "All deal- Persons in the habit of furnish ing liquor to minors should take varning by the finding of the :ourt in Jefferson county a few lays ago. L. M. Miller a travel - i ing mm, was convicted at Brook- ville of furnishing liquor to mi nors, he having given liquor to Agnes Tompkins, of Du Bois, who died at the St. Elmo hotel, Punx sutawney, a few weeks ago, under circumstances that were mysten ous at the time. The sentence .vas that Miller pay a fine of $2."j0 md the cost of the prosecution ind to undergo an imprisonment of twenty days in the county jail. A MILLION VOICES. Could hardly express the thanks of Homer Hall, of West Point, la. Listen why : A severe cold had settled on his lungs, causing a nost obstinate cough. Several physicians said ho had cousump- ion.butcouldnothelphim. When all thought he was doomed ho be gan to use Dr. King's New Dis covery for consumption and writes "It completely cured me and saved my life. I now weigh 227 lbs." It's positively guar anteed for coughs, colds and lung troubles. Prices HOc and fl. ('(. Trial bottle free at W. S. Dickson's.' ADVERTISE IN The Fnlton County Newv A pIRlVS HMTLAUtTY. What nmlios si girl popular iu Hourly? This is a very ili hicult question I" imswer. Popularity, like success, is an incomprehen sible quality. Yet there are cer tain tilings which go far towards a girl's social charm that wo can name and there aro others which rudely detract from her success .socially one girl may bo very pretty, fairly agreeable, of supe rior social standing and undeni ably accomplished, and yet fail to attract, and another without half her advantages is a favorite. Very often a girl may bo a fa- orito with her youug set and not at all so with her elders, and this is not always au advantage, for such ephemeral popularity is apt to vanish with the skirts that clear the grouud. Nothing in the world ever in ado a girl popu lar more quickly than a whole souled, spontaneous enjoyment of everything and anything that presents itself which is capable of being turned into pleasure. Any girl with a fair start will tiud herself on the high road to social popularity if she makes up her mind to follow this rule and sticks to it. A frauk happy youug woman, "with no nonsense," showing her enjoyment in her face, establishes at once a magnetic current with those around her, who cannot help feeling a sympathetic pleas ure iu her enjoyment. The poor old world is usually tired of itself, thoroughly bored with thiugs, aud a bright frank girl freshens up the whole atmos phere immeasurably. Everyone is glad to see her, glad to have her about. It is not half so much effort to laugh with a frieud as it is to sit by and try your best to look doleful at her latest house hold difficulty. If people would only think of this they would be ever so much more desired in so cial gatherings. And they would tind themselves enjoying thiugs more t hau they ever dreamed possible. Self consciousness is a great obstacle to success. The irl who is continually thinking of her self is handicapped at the outset. Straying attention is another severe damper to social enjoy meut. If a mau is talkiug to a woman and he discovers that she only half hears what he says smil ing vaguely in a conventional fashion, he. feels bored and snub bed at once, aud thinks the girl is stupid aud uuinteresting. Being stupid is a crime, socially. A man is disgusted and the girl is promptly dropped. lne-tentns or tno girls one talks to at a dance are completely self absorbed," said a man who had been discussing this very question, "and it is that which makes them so uninteresting, You can see plainly that they are only thinking of their hair, or their gowns or some other silly thing. Their smiles are median ical and meaningless, their au swers insane." Sometimes men's questions are equally insane, but that is no reason why a girl who wants to be popular should an swer in the same strain. BOY'S LIFE SAVED FROM MEMBRANOUS CROUP. C. W. Lynch, a prominent citi zen of Winchester, Ind., writes, "My little boy had a evere attack of membranous croup,, and only got relief after taking Foley's Honey and Tar. Be got relief af t- ter one dose and I feel that it saved the life of my boy." Refuse substitutes. All dealers. D. W. Elliott, of Welsh Run, has in his possession an old grand father clock one hundred and twenty-four years old. It is in good running order and the date, which is correct, is inlaid in wood. This clock was made in 1778 and was owned by D. B. Martin's irrandfathor. It, was sold many years ago at the old D. B. Martin's mill prujterty, of Welsh Run. vllMv BO YEARS' , nff EXPERIENCE .iV Design 'rr?f Copyrights Ac. An tom Mnillnf ankft4h and description nir qtitmif uiwrl-am our upmioH fr whether nu InvtmtlMn it pntbsMf fliiihl. 4 mumunlr. tkHiiHtrtotlr ftiiirMeiitiftl. H mikI UjoIi ou I'ulenu Mitt frtw. il'lit numiy tor Bwurlhjr ptmis. Fitieitii tfthtm thruuuh Mumi St m. ruW tperUU notice without ofiNrva, lu tn Scientific American. IT 1Hntrmtd wMklf. T,rirt rtr iriT cieiiLiao journal. Turin, $3 a Co New York Uw. i r HC Wuhluiluu. Ii. C. i d rvrxverra Your Column. To snow our appreciation of ttio way lo whlfh the Kultitn County News Is nclniJ adopt ed into the home of the people of this county, we have set Apart trim column for the KRKK use of our siinn'rlbflm.ioradvertlvlng purposes, subject to the followliiK conditions: I. It Is free only to those who are paid-up sub scribe rs. 2. Only personal property can be advertised. 8. Notices must not cicecil 30 w rds, 4. All "leiml" notio excluded a. Not free to merchants, or any one to adver tise goods sold under ft mercantile license. The primary object of this column' Is to af ford farmers, and folks who are not In public buslnt'ss. un opiHirtunfty lo brlnif to public at tention products or stocks they may have to sell, or may want lo buy. Now, this space Is yours; If you wanltobuy a lorse. If jou wunt hired help, tf you want to borrow money, If you wanl to sell u plx, buv KV. some hay. a nie, or If you want to adver tise for a wire this column Is yours. The New Is read weekly by elifht thousand people, and Is the best advertising medium In the county. Foil Sam: Wagon, good as new;3J inch tread; weight, with double bed spring seat, 1 KKt; ca pacity, 5000 lbs. Price $ir. S. M. McElhankv, Hustontown, Pa. T res pus Notice. Notice in horeby given to all persons, not to tres)uss on any of the property of the timld'sitf ned, by hunting or oth erwise, as prosecution will surely fol low any disregard of this notice. Aaron M. Garland John Mellott John Hard Kphruim Skllos Jordan W. Deshon John II. Strait George C. Deshong David K. Mellott Himon Deshong. Trespass Notice. Wo. the undersigned citizens of Dub n aid Tod tw'p, Fulton county, here by give notice that all persons found trespassing on our lands by hunting, tlshing, trapping, or gathering berries on the same, will be dealt with accord ing to law governing such cases. I). A. Hill Fraker Hros. K. M. Gelvin Elijah Baldwin Jonathan Kerlin L. G. Cline Dyson F. Frnker Henjumin Wilds Harrison Kalbach J li. Hehnun. Aliens Valley Lumber Co. Seott Wagner Frank Mason. Duniel and John Mock. Trespass Notice. The undersigned citizens of Ayr township hereby wurn all persons uinst trespassing on their lands by hunting, tishing, gathering nuts or berries, or in liny manner whatever under penalty of the law as it will be rigidly enforced in all cases. I. G. Kendall . H. M. Kendall W. K. Hoke A. "W. Johnston luo. F. Kendall J. G. Tritle .las. Fryman D. M. Kendall Geo. A. Comerer Jacob Hykes J. I '.Nelson, N. V. Hohinan, Mrs. Sarah I'ittinun. Geo. Mugsuin. U. G. Humbert G. W. Humber Thomas Humbert !) T. Humbert Jacob Clouser George Lynch U. F. Shives Mury Shlves John T mux Fred Truux Mrs. Margaret Lynch Newtou Knuble Samuel Mellott Adam Lanver. James Sipes James Harris for all of the l'ott lands'. W. H. Nelson. Samuel Mellott. A. V. 1!. Souders. A contagious foot and mouth disease has broken out among the horned cattle in the New England States and, in consequence, the government of Great Britain has ssued an order prohibiting the importation of all cattle from that region. Our own government has also issued an order to the same effect. This is a heavy blow to the cattle trade, as Boston is one of the great shipping ports of the country. The Holiday season is upon us and a word of caution may not be inappropriate to those who use all kinds of inflammable materials in their show windows and in their Christmas displays and dec orations. We all know that fires have resulted from just such combinations. This is a fact that all will do well to bear in mind at this season of the year. Penaltli of Wisdom. "I wish I never had overworked my eyes," sighed the illustrioui sape. "Your wish is grunted," said his fairy godmother, suddenly appear- She tapped him with her staff, and vanished, and, lo, ho was an ig noramus ugaiu. Chicago Tribune. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the dlKestariu and digests all kinds ot food. It (Ives Instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all tbe food you want. Tbe most sensitive stomachs can take it. Uy Its use many thousands of dyHpeptlcs have beeu cured after everything else failed. Is uuequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive op it. Cures all stomach troubles prepared only by E. O. IkWitt Oo . Chli'MO Ttut tl.buulo couuiiiu tlnuwUivWc Him. Foley's Kidney Cure make kidneys and bladder right. SS(alfl ixkoI'tok's motiuk Notice Is lu-reliy ulven tlm'f tiifturs trtsts sry have hctin orantcd to the ntMbrtsltfueU hu l.t I 1 upon 4 I tli. I lift estsln nl' siImi fti'linem fc fore. late ot CoiinelMitu a. Pulton count", I'm., ileecased Any persons liavhitf elsiins iiKSitist saul enisle will present them propftlv authentlrsted tor ettlenienr, ami thuoeowliiK the ssiue will pUara call and sett I. W. H. NELSON, Deo. 4, lnu2, Ct. Eneeotor. rXKOlTTOH'S NOTIOK.- instate of William II. Hess, late of Thontiison township, Kul. ton eotintv. la.. deceased. Letters testamentary on the nlsive estate having been irrauted to the undersigned, nil persons indebted to the suld estate are re quested to make payment, and those having claims to present the aunie without delay to II. W. l'l'.OK. Nov. 3. !.'. M'Connellsbur. l'a. Administrator's Notice. Kstnte of .tephthu Monies, Letters of administration on the estate of Ji'phlhu Mimics late of Thompson township. Killtoncoiintv Pa. .deceased, haviuffbeeo irraut ed by the lteil-terof Wills for Kulton county to tbe 'subscriber, w hose post ofllcs artdre-s Is MeConuelMiurx Kulton county, Pa., u I persons who are indebted to the said estate will please iiuike pavment. and those havltiK clulms will preseut then; to S. W. KIKK Admiulsi tutor. Dec. 4 I ID--', tit. Sl'l-CIAL U11)UCT10N IN MILLINERY Owing to the fact that I expect to remove my goods to the room now occupied by Miss Mary Daniels. I have marked the prices of 11ATS, KllJBUiNS, FEATHERS, and TRIMMINGS enerally Way Down If you want to save big mohey now is your chance. HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. MRS. E.M.GRESS Diagonally opposite the Cooper House. 1 S. P. METZLER I..... Pianos Organs buggies Carriages Good marketable stock taken in exchange. ITsjT'When iu need of any thing in our line write for particulars to . . . . S. P. METZLER. Burnt Cabins, Pa t i YOU NEED A BUGGY 4. X HOW DOES THIS STRIKE YOU? X I A Bran New Falling Top T Buggy with Full Leather I Trimming, Spring Cushion f and Back, Thousand Mile I Axle, A Grade Wheels, Pat I ent Shaft Couplers and Fine- X ly Finished throughout for T OINLV $50. X Large Stock to select X rom. X I am also handling Haud 1 made Buggies and Wagons. X W. R. Evans, 1 Hustontown, Pa. . Vt'CUINNELUKIlURG OAKERY li. El. UTTLK, ntOPRIKTOIt. Fresh Bread, Rolls, Cakes, Doughnuts, aud Pretzels ou hand all the timo. , , i Free Delivery iu town on J Mondays, Tuesdays, Thiii's- $ days, and Saturdays. For Parties, Wedding, Aj i we are prepared on a coupla S of days notice to furuish alt kinds of cakes Ac. . J Your Patronage Solicited. D. E. LITTLE. - I m liAAAArAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - V t I THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS X Covers the Field. In every part of the County faithful re porters are located' that gather the daily happenings. ' Then there is the State and National, News, War News, a Department for the Farmer and Mechan ic, Latest Fashions for the Ladies. The latest New York, Bal timore, Philadelphia Markets. The bun day School Lesson, Helps for Christian Encfeavorers, and a Good Sermon for ev erybody. THE JOB DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE. X SALE BILLS, POSTERS, LETTER HEADS, HYL0P3 CARDS, &C, In fact anything and everything in the best style along that line. Sample copies of the NEWS sent to any of your friends cn request, UMBEKLAND VALLEY TIMKTAULeT Muy 2(1, 1002. Leave no. S;no I no. o uo. t no.10 110 A.M tA.M tA.Sl M tP U "P. M Winchester ; sti i i: 8 3j Vlin tinsburK C IS K 7 in liuerslown .... 0 hu 9 0" 12 20 8 AO 8 0." 10 IS Greeuuastle .... II W li 4." Ill 8 87 10:16 Muioeraburif 8 WI0 1(1 JJ.. (;nauiberburK.. 7 31 ib 1 05 4 45 8 SO 10 58 Waynesboro 7 0ft.... 12 00 8 H5 .... Slilppensburtf... 7 M 10 05 It", 6 07 0 II II IS N.-wvlile 8 lu 10 M I U It Hi B ill II to Carlisle 8 M0 41 ii M 6 6:1 9 51 li lii MuuhanlusburK,. 8 Mill Hi i a I 15 10 13 12 t IJillwbur 7 6J.... 140 BIO Arr. HurrlKburK. 9 07 II 26 2 4(1 8 S5 10 H3 12 40 Arr. Phlla II 4H 8 17 6 47 10 Cn 4 4 Arr. Now York. 13 Sil 8 us 8 63 7 13 7 18 Arr. Ualllmore.. 12 10 8 II 6 00 9 46 li 80 7 15 A. M. P. M. ! M, P. M. A. H. A. U Train No I2e.it runs rtul'y except Sunday between HaKerstown and HurrlsburK- leuvihK tli'Kerstown 1.20 und urrivintr at Hurrisburif at l.lu. T'rain No. 17 west' runa dally except r'rnday btitween iiurrbtburK aud Oreencast'e, Uavlutf nurnsiiuiK o.in ami arrmntr urcencastle 7.36. Additional east-lmund local trains will run dully, except Sunday, us follows: Leave uariisie a. m., ..or a. m., 12.40 p. m., 8.15 p. in,, leave Mechanlcsburtf S.on a. nr., 7.29 a. m., S.I2 a. ni l.oi p. in., 2.30 p. ni., 8.:1 p.m., 6.30 p. iu.. Trains Nos. 8 und 110 run dally. between Ha. tferstown and Harrlsburg aud No. 2 tifteec minutes lute on suudaya Ually. t Ually except Sunday. Leave uo. I uo. 8 uo. 60. 7 no. 9 109 ., . . P. II A. M A. M P. H P. M P.M. Ilaltlmore II 65 4 4 1 8 6o!l2 00 4 86 Si, New York..... 7 65 12 10 H 55 2 65 8 25 I'lilla II 2(1 4 26 8 40 II 40 5 80 8 80 llarrlsburv 6 00 7 65 11 46 8 25 8 25 1105 IMUsburtr. 12 40 4 Oil Muohunlcsburtf.. 6 IU 8 10 12 06 8 43 8 48 II 23 Uurllsle 6 40 8 30 12 27 4 01 9 OS II 42 Newvllle 8 0-; 9 00 12 51 4 23 9 8 12 Hi SUIppeusburif... 8 20 9 IS 1 10 4 3D 9 47 12 18 Waynesboro 10 87 2 05 6 35..... Chumbcrsburv.. 8 40 6 3,1 1 32 4 5S 10 07 12 88 .vluroersburv.... 8 16 10 47 6 65 OiceucuHlle .... 7O5I0OO 1 55 6 21 10 80 12 56 HaKerslown .... 7 27 10 22 2 17 6 44 10 51 Mai tlnsbliru 8 24 II 10 8 20 Ar. Winchester. 9 10 II 66 T 15 A- M. A. H. P. H. P. M. P. li. A. M. Addltloual local trains will leave Harriaburg is follows: For Carlisle und Intermediate ata loin hi 9.:i7 a. in., 2.ui p. ni. und 8.26 g. ui., also (or Meohanlcsbur Olllsburif and lutirmedlato 4i ilousut 7 00 a. m aud 3.16 p. m. - Trnlus Nos. I, 8 und loo run dally between '(..r.iHtiurt und IliiKttrstown. I'ulluian palace sleei)in oara between Net work aud Knoxvllle. Tenn., on trains I wer md 10 east and between l-hllndelphla aud Welsh on N. & W. Hullway on trains 1119 west ami it east, except that ou Sunday the I'hliu- bilplila sleeper will run east ou No. 2 I'iiioukIi cuuehea to and from I'hllaUelphli .11 l.uins 2 aud 4 euat aud 7 aud 9 west. Dally. t Ually except Sunday. SOUTHKKN PKNN A K. K. TltAINS. Pas P. M 6 07 l'as. Mix. t8l A II 7 on Pas. Mix. Pan. 14 taa K8 A M A U P. M, 8 4.1, II 60 4 20 8 83 1 1 82 4 OH 8 00 0 I0 S ft: 7 K 9 42 tot 7 80 9 80 , a 00 A. U. P. M.P. M 103 I.ve. Arr. Chainberabur-. . Marlon . .Mercersburtf. . Ixiudon ....Kluhwond.... 6 IK 10 2l 5 K- 10 47: n 1 -.' 1 1 .b. 1 20 8 16 8 hi) 9 CA II l- II 15 A. M A A. Hi Dill K, Ueu'l Paaa. Averit. P. liOTD, hupt KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. mi CY'O KIDNEY CURE It I iULLI 0 6uarantsid Ruadjf or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized bv eml- iiciu PltysJiaans BS UlC aesr lot , Kidney and Bladder troubles. 1 rtxiut auc ta4 HM, I BUSINESS DIRECTORY, R. M. DOWNES, First Class Tonsohial Am is r. Mi'CONNr'.l.OSIIItlto, l'A. A Clean Cup ami TiiwpI will, n.h Shnvc Kvnrytlllllir AtltlNPtilia. HnMtm .surlu.tHl. tVShop In room lately occupied by Kd UriiUp ISAAC IN. WATSON, Tonsonal Artist. 'Strictly un to rtnte In nil hIvIpm nf ,,, ... tin. (Julck, cany shnvi-B. Duy-riim. ere nmu towel to euoli oiiKtomer. Latest Improved an. Hiram for merlllzlnif tooln. l'arlors oppoNiie LA WYKHS. M. R. SHAFFNER, Attorney at Law, Ollice on Square, McConnellsburjf, Pa. All IckbI buslnoK", ant) collcolloim cntnisti-d will eoelve careful udu. prompt utlentlon. IIOTKI.S. gARTON HOUSE, KllWIJf Ill'SIIONO, IKOI HANCOCK, Mil. tV Under the new mnniiKcmont han Iicimi refiirnb-hed aud remodeled. Oood wimple room. Headquarters for commerelul men. Fulton County Telephone eonuecled. Uvery and Feed Stuble In oonneetlon. CIILKCHKS. Prkshytkui an. Ilov. W. A. West, D. D., I'astor. Preaching sorvloes each alternate Subbuth at 10:30 a, m. and every Sunday evening at 7:00. Services at Green Hill on alternate Sabbaths at 10::i() a. m. Sabbath school at 9:1.". Junior Christian En deavor at 2:00. Christian Kndeavor at 6:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00. Methodist Episcopal Rev. A. I). McCloskey, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching ' every "ther Sunday morning at 10:30 and every Sunday evening at 7:00. Epworth League at 0:00 i. ni. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:00. Unitkd Pkksbytkkian Ilev. J. r,.' Grove, Pastor. Sunday school otic.'io a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn ing at 10:30, and every other Sunday evening at 7:00. The alternate Sabbath evenings are used by the Young Peo ple's Christian Union at 7:00 . 111. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00. EvANHKr.ii.A.. jjI.-tiikuan riev. A. G. Wolf, Pastor. Sunday school 0:1") a.m. Preaching every other Sunday morning at 10:30 and every other Run day evening at 7:00. Christian En deavor at 6:00 p. in. Prayer meriting on Wednesday evening ut 7:00. Rkfohsikd Uev. C. M. Smith, Pas tor. Suuday school at 11:30 a. m. Preaching otr alternate Sabbaths at 10:00 a. m. and 7:00 j. m. Christian Endeavor at 0:00 p. m. Prayer meet ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00. THIOLS OI' COI UT. The lirst term of the Courts of Pul ton county in the year shall commence on the Tuesday following the second Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. m. The second term commence on the third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock p. m. The third tnn on Iho Tuesday next following the second Monday of'julie, at 10 o'clock a. m. The fourth term on tho lirst Monday of October, at 2 o'clock p. in. Iiokoi oil oitici-:is.' Justice of the Peace Thomas V. Sloan, L. H. Wible. Constable John II. Doyle. Burgess H. W. Seott. Councilmen 11. T. Fields, Leonard Hohman, Samuel P.ender.M. W. .'ace. Clerk William Hull. HighConstable Wm.Huumgardner. School Directors A. U. .Naee. John A. Irwin, Thomas P. Sloan, F. M. Taylor, John Comerw, C. li. Stevens. GI NKHAI. lUHKCTOKY. President Judge Hon. S.Mc. Swope. Associate Judges-Lemuel Kirk, Da vid Nelson, Prothonotory, Ac Frank P. Lynch. District Attorney George U. Dan iels. Treasurer George B. Mellott. Shoritl Daniel C. Fleck. Deputy Sheriir Jury Commissioners C. H. E. Pluni mer, Anthony Lynch. - . Auditors -John S.' Harris, W. C. Davis, S L. Garland. Commissioners II. K. Malot, A. V. Kelly, John Fisher. Clerk Frank Mason. County Surveyor Jonas Lake. County Superintendontr-Cliarlcs E. Barton. Attorneys W. Scott' Alexander, J. Nelson Sipes, Thomas F. Sloan,' F. McN. Johnston, M. it. Shallner, Geo. B. Daniels, John P. Sipes, S. W. Kirk. .so(;iktii:.s, Odd Follows M 'Conncllsburg Lodge No. 744 meets ever y Friday evening In the Comerer Building in MeConneils burg. Fort Littlolon Lodge No. 484 meets every Saturday evening in the Cio:i.cr building at Fort Littleton. Wells Valley Lode No. (107 'nn.ctB every Saturday evening in odd Fel lows' Hall at Wells TanniYy. Harrisouvlllo Lodge No, 701 mc Is every Saturday evening in Odd Fel lows' Hall at Hurri.sonvillo. Waterfall Lodge No. 773 me. Is ev ery Saturday evening in Odd Fellows' Hull at Wuterfull. Mills. Warfordsburg Lodge No. 001 meet 4 in Wurfordsburg every Saturday evening. King PostG. A.It. No. 30", meets In McConnellsluirg in Odd Fellows Hull the lirst Saturday in every month lit I p. m. Jtoynl Areanum,Tu'?carora CorneH, No. 121, meets on aliertiute Mondnv evenings in P. O. S, of A. Uall, in McCounellsburg. Washington (Jamp No. 407, P. O. S. A., of New Grenada, meets every Sti urday evening iu I'. O. K. of A. Hnli. Washington CaniD. No. 654. 1'. o!k. of A., Huhtojitown. mei'tsevery Snltn urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hull. John Q. Taylor Post G. A. li.. No fiHtf, meets every Saturrlav, on or jm prweding full moon In Lashlev lutll at 2 p. m., ut Buck Valley. Woman's P.elle Corns. No. W, meets ut sume tiute uml nliice 1.1 4 1 in. G,,u- u- M.-Kibbin Pou n,.. -102, Haturday iu each month at Pleasunl liiduo.