The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, November 13, 1902, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday.
B. W. PECK, ditor and Proprietor.
NOVEMBER 13, 1902.
Published Weekly. 1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
Pnr Mfiuurtj of M line 3 times II M.
ler Mjiirw m'h subsequent ItiHertion.... fto.
All u.lvn;'ti-.pments InertMl for less than
three immihs L-harKfd by the ftquure.
3 nins. I lmos. f 1 yr.
Oii-riirth ';nmn ll.Voo. I txi.m. I t:o.on
One-hilif column 3.Y00. 40(10. RO.fltl
One Column o.oo. I W.00. f.00
NiKtTn,.' Inserted for lew thin ft.
Profession! CauIm one year lf.
The most Jitlicult feat in ani
mal training is to makes a number
of beasts of different species per
form together. In this art Mr.
Carl llagenbeck, the famous Ham
burg naturalist, is supreme, lie
it was who first conceived the
idea of doing such a thing, and to
him is due the credit of having
brought before the public some
of the finest and most imposing
spectacles of their kind ever wit
nessed. To preparing these for
the public eye devotes infinite
laius. Ue has to select animals
which have not only sufficient in
telligence to perform as ho wants
out a disposition which will make
any quarreling improbable. And
to obtain this result he has t do
a great deal of weeding out. Foi
one group of fifteen animals he
bought and trained more than
sixty before ho could get those he
wanted. Over forty-five of his in
vestment turned out to be worth
less for his special purpose, aud
Were got rid of as opportunity of
fered. The training of the beasts
vras consequently a slow process,
lasting as it did for years. Dur
ing the whole of that time three
men did nothing else but attend
oii the animals, and verj fre
quently one or more actually
slept in the cage with the big
creatures, so as to interveue im
mediately there was any fighting
a precaution which forms an
important feature of Mr. Ilagen
beck's system. Some animals un
der training in his establishment
are never left alone, attendants
remaining with them night and
day. and as a result they eventu.
ally cecouie peaceable and chum
my. Chums.
Very few would believe in look -at
A. T. Hoadley.a healthy, robust
u' of Tilden, Iud., that
for ten years he suffered such
tortures from rheumatism as
low could endure and live. But
a wonderful change followed his
takingElectric Hitters. "Two bot
tles wholly cured me," he writes
"and I have not felt a twinge for
over a year. " They regulate the
kidneys, purify the blood andcure
rheumatism, neural ia, uerousness
improve digestion and give per
f jet health. Try them. Only 50
cts atV. S. Dickson's drug store.
The man who penned this cur
rent piece of history knows what
lie is talking about. The Monoa
Index says, truthfully : "After
a great deal of study aud worry
we have at last 'figured' out why
so many country editors get rich.
Here is the secret of their suc
cess. A child is born in the neigh
hood; the atleudiug physician
gets $10, the editor gives the loud
iuiig youngster and the 'happy
parents' a send-off and gets $0.
It is christened and the minister
gets and the editor gets $'X).
It grows up aud marries; the ed
itor publishes another lougwind
ed flowery article and tells a doz
en lies about the beautiful aud ac
complished b' ide. The minister
gets $10 and a piece of cake, and
the editor gets (00. In the
course of time it dies, and the
doctor L'ets from &7 to 100. the
fufuistor perhaps gets another 5
the undertaker gets from 30 to
If 100, the editor publishes notice
of the death and an obitury two
columns loug, lodge and society
resolutions, a lot of poetry aud a
free card of thanks, and gets $;0-
00. No wonder so many country
editors get rich."-Shelby villo
(Ky.) News.
If mosq jitos were of any use,
jjst think how many things
would happen to the crop. Chi
cago Journal.'
We seem t bo getting on fa
miliar terms with neighboring
worlds.' With Mars and its in
tricate system of canals, if not its
actual inhabitants, thanks to the
delicate investigations of late
years, everybody is pretty well
acquainted. Now llerr Arendi,
who is a German, and, therefore,
notatrifler, announces the dis
covery of mountains on Veuus.
To observers hitherto the planet
has seemed wrapped in nu im
penetrable envelope of cloud,
which, when near the earth, is
the cause of its astouishiug bril
liancy; but Herr Areudt, who
has the instruments of the
Urania observatory at Berlin to
work with, considers that he has
detected markings on Venus
which indicates the presence of
great elevations seen from time
to time through the clouds sur
rounding it. Novel as the sug
gestion is, it is but a revival of an
old idea. Loug ago Schroter fan
cied he saw evidence of mountains
on Veuus in the raggedness of
the terminator that is' the line
where light aud shade meet, such
as the inuer line of the creseut
moon. He went so far as to meas
ure them, and aunounced that
they were twenty-five miles high.
But then no one had believed him.
Markings have been noticed on
the bright planet from very early
times, from which it was conclud
ed that it rotated in about twenty
four hours, its day being the same
length as our own. Ilerr Areudt's
observations poiut to the same re
sults, in direct contradiction to
Schiuparelli's famous theory that
Veuus, held by tfdal influence, al
ways turns the same face to the
sun, as the moon does the earth.
London Globe.
MONY. J. N. Patterson, night police
man of Nashua, la., writes, "Last
winter I had a bad cold on my
Lungs and tried at least half doz
en advertised cough medicines
md had treatment from two phy
sicians without getting any bene
fit. A friend recommended Fo
ley's Honey and Tar aud two
Uiirds of a bottle cured me. I
consider it the greatest cough
.ind lung medicine in the world."
All dealers.
Judge Story's lectures at the
school carried away his listeners
with the pure enthusiasm of the
speaker. His extraordinary mem
ory, copious learning and loug
practical experience, combined
with his ready invention of illus
tration and wonderful fluency of
expression, often caused him to
wander widely from the starting
topic, aud sweep with amazing fa
cility over far distant regions of
theory or practice, or even per
sonal reminiscence. Alas ! that
a veracious chronicler must set
down that in those bygone times
the young idea in process of be
ing taught was no more scrupu
lous in evading that process than
are the earnest disciples of the
present. "It was easy," says a
student of that day, "to draw the
old Judge from the point under
consideration to a lengthy ac
count of Chief Justice Marshall
and his fellows, and this
was apt to be done evjry day."
Professor Ashmun apparently
tried to restrain and even coun
teract this teudency of the Judge,
and there is a tale to the effect
that Story once remarked, some
what testily, "Now, Ashmun,
don't you contradict what I say.
I bolievo you would try to correct
me if I told you ttiat two and two
make four." "Of course I should"
retorted Ashmun instantly; "they
make twenty-two." At lan tic
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of the
digestunts and digests all kinds of
food. It gives instant relief and never
falls to cure. It allows you to e&t all
the food you want, The most sensitive
stomachs can take It. Ky its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. Is
unequalled for the stomach. Child
ren with weak stomachs thrive on It.
Cures all stomach troubles
Prepared onlr by E. O. DcWitt ft Co., dblcatto
ltuU.bolUicouUiUMrt UnMMtllicWu. nun.
Foley's Honey and Tar
cures colds, prevents pneumonia
I Clear Kklgc.
Nov. 5. Mrs. J. M. Catchall is
still poorly. .
Jess Miller and family were
the guests i f Alfred Brown's
i family Sunday.
James Deavor and sou of Woof
vales were at J. K. Woodcock's
There were live jolly hunters
here from Dudley Saturday to
take a hunt.
Robert Huston aud wife visited
friends at Hustontown ou Sun-
i Mrs. Nettie Henry was visiting
I friends at Maddensvillo last Sat
j urday and Sunday.
I Mrs. Annie Gar mack and
j daughter Miss Laura were at Ft.
Littleton on Sunday.
' Mr. Joshua Heetcr has found
i employment as tr aveling sales
i man. lie starts from Braddock.
I Brad. yFlemming was uufortu-
nato in getting a linger mashed
I last week.
) Harry Carmack of Chainbors
I burg, came over to spend some
i time with his uncles here.
! C. L. Henry aud family came
down from Wood vale last Satur
! day aud will stay till after the
! election.
! Mrs. Maggie Patterson and a
! friend from Juniata county came
j up to see her sick sister Mrs. El
' len Kerlin last week aud spent a
i few days.
Mr. Epliraim Need had bad
luck one night last week. Bis
horse got on the barb wire fence
mil hurt himself pretty badly,
but lucky that it was not worse,
i . Mrs. Roy Kepper of Fittsburg,
aid Mrs. Simmons of Philadel
; phia, spent a portion of last week
i with the families of T. E. Flem-
ing and J. A. Ileury.
j Lee Kline accompauied by his
I mother of near Burnt Cabins,
I were the guests of James Kerlin,
: Sr., ou Sunday, as was also J. K.
j Stevens aud family.
Jessie Richards, one of Ful
ton's young ladies, has started to
make her homo in Wiscousiif.
Good by, Jess.
1 P.H.DuH'y of Ashlcy,Ih.,wiites
"This is to certify that I have
takeu two bottles of Foley's Kid
ney Cure aud it has helped me
more than any other medicine. I
tried many advertised remedies,
; but none of them gave mo any re
j lief. My druggist recommended
; Foley's Kidney Cure and it has
cured me. Before commencing
its use I was in such a shape that
I could hardly get up when once
down." All dealers.
One hundred and ninety-eight
years ago the roclc of (Jibralter
, fell into the hands of the British
by assault. The Prince of Uesse
Darmstadt com manded thetroops
1 and Sir George Kooke the ileet,
i aud in the remarkably short time
i of four days the stronghold sur
, rendered. Many times the Span
iards attempted to get back the
key to the Mediterranean, but
j without success, though on one
: occasion they got ii00 men within
! the fort but failed to reiuforco
: them. In 172G it was in the mind
j of Ministers to give back the rock
to Spain, but so great an agita
; tion arose against Fuch a step
i that it was abandoned. There
followed a siege by Spain and
! Frauce which lasted from 1727 to
j 17K!. On September lii, 1782, no
iewcr than 40,000 men constitu
ted the bo.siogirjg army, and in
the grand attack delivered on
that day 200 heavy guus, 47 ships
of the line, and 10 battering ships
i.i.ic.ji1MiVni, nuu upwurus OI I
3000 red hot shots were tired at j
the fortifications. Since then our I
possession of fiibralter has re- j
maiued undisTiut.ed Nnvnl ami !
Military Record.
lirciilviij into a hliizii
soino llicnu'ri lutf'ly dra;
-iliM'iiin inmates from
liUlUO i
10 I
(loath. !
i' liicicd Micrii ity, and dntli ri('ar.
It's that way wlion you neglect
cout-hs aud cold. Don't do It.
D r, K i ui; 's Nt w Di soovo ry ft v cou
auniption gives perfect protection
ayaiiijt all tlii oat, chest and luu
trouhlos. Keep it near, and avoid
ii ffe.riug, death aud doctor's hills.
A teaspoon fu) stops a lato cough, ,
pei'tiUtuut use tho moststuhhoru. !
Harmless and uice tasting, its '
guaranteed to satisfy by W. .S, j
Dicksou. Prico Mc aud $1.00.
Trial bottlo free.
lb. C. Smith & Go's
Goods Below Cost,
And this Is No Fake !
HE Assignees of H. C. Smith & Co. have decided that
tho stock of General Merchandise now in their hands
must go out, and if you are in need of anything now,
if there is anything you can use this fall, next winter, or next
summer, it will pay you to go and get it while it lasts, as an
opportunity like this only comes once in a lifetime. While
they have nearly everything found in a GENERAL STORE,
we give a few prices
12Jo tor Ge.
12c kind for 10 and 8c.
10o kind for lie.
Windsor Percale, 30 inches wido,
Boys' suits from 4 to 9 yre, $1 to
S3; reduced from 3.00 and 4.25.
14 to 18 years, from 3.00 to 7.00,
reduced t orn 5.00 and 9.00.
Men's suits, black cutaways,
17.00, reduued to 8.00 and 8.50.
Other men's suits from 8 50 to
All Other Goods will be Sold at a Proportionate price.
It will pay you to make your
Trespass Notice.
Notice Is hereby given to all person., a
not to trespass on any of the property
of the undersigned, by hunting or oth
erwise, us prosecution will surely fol
low any disregard of this notice.
Aaron At. Garland John Mellott i
John Hard' Kphraim Skilos j
Jordan W. Deshoug John If. Slrait j
George C. Deshong David It. Mellott :
Bimon Deshong. j
Trespass Notice.
We, the undersigned citizens of Dub
in Tod tw'p, Fulton county, hero
by give notice that all persons found
trespassing on our lands by hunting,
on the same, will be dealt with accord
ing to law governing such cases.
D. A. Hill
E. M. Gel v in
Jonathan Kerlin
Fraker Bros
F.lijah Baldwin!
L. G. Clinel
Heniauiin Wilds I
Dyson F. Fraker
uarrlson Kalbacn J it. Helnian.
Aliens Valley Lumber Co.
Scott Wagner Frank Mason.
Daniel und John Mock.
Trespass Notice.
The undersigned citizens of Ayr
township hereby warn all persons
against trespassing on their lands by I
hunting, lisliin', eatherincr nuts or!
! berries, or in any manner whatever!
under penalty of the law as it will be
rigidly enforced in all eases.
J. G. Kendall
W. E. lloko
Jno. F. Kendall
Jan. Fryman
Geo. A. Comeror
J. I'. Nelson,
Mrs. Sarah I'ittman.
U G. Humbert
H. M. Kendall
A. W. Johnston
J. G. Trltle
D. M. Kendall
Jacob Hykes i
N. W. Hohman,
Geo. Ma'sam. !
G. V. Iliimber j
IV T. Humbert
George Lynch !
Mary Sliives 1
Fred Truax
Newton Knable.,
Adam Lauver.
Th,,mus Humbert
Jacob Clouscr
u, p. shlvos
jotm Truax
Mi s. Margaret Lynch
s''",l Mellott
-ri"''-s SI pes
James Harris !
j for all of the 1'ott lands-.
j W. II. Nelson. Samuel Mellott.
' A. V U. Sinuleri. '
Dual Kit
In . . .
Good marketable stock
taken in exchange.
nTWhen iu nood of any
thing iu our lino write,
fur particulars to ... .
Burnt Cabins, Pa
of Store (Boobs
be clo0co out
on goods.
12Jc kind for 10c.
IGc kind for 10c; 12Jc kind for
8c; 10c kind at Ge.
i Upholstering tapestries, beauti-t
ful patterns, 85c for 70c.
12c. kind for 10c; 10c for 8c.
hats. i
Straw h: 1 r man and b)ya, up- jj
to-data styles, 75c for 40c, 50c t
for 25c, 40c for 10c, $1 for IOj. jj
Liuen hats, 50c for 25c, crash-1
hats. 50c for 25c Djrbys, $2
purchases early, At these
Covers the Field.
In every part of the
County faithful re
porters are located
that gather the daily
Then there is the
State and National,
News, War News, a
Department for the
Farmer and Mechan
ic, Latest Fashions
for the Ladies. The
latest New York, Bal-
X timore, Philadelphia
; Atarkets. The bun-
t day School Lesson,
X Helps for Christian
; Endeavorers, and a
Good Sermon for ev-
I ?3 ;
1 HYL (IS, :
; CARDS, Ac.,
X In fact anything and
X everything in the best
X style along that line.
Sample copies of
J the News sent to any 1
of your friends cii I
X request, I
for $1 , soft hats, $1 50 for $1
$1.00 for 75c.
Shoes tor men, w omen and chil
dren, the $3 kind for $1, $3 25
tor $1.25, $2.25 for $1.
All wool carrets, 75c for 00c
half wool, G5c for 55c, the 30c
grade for 22Jc.
$1 kind for 80c-
$1 for 40c, 50c , at 25c
wg.T it -.J TM:i-m-nira-nT1nlllt.iri
prices goods will soon be sold
TIMETABLE. May 2(1, 1002.
nu. 2 no 1 no. 6 no. t
liaKi'rstown ....
Ortjeiioustle ....
v HvuuHhoro
Arr, Hurrisburtf.
Arr. Plillu
A rr. New Yorlc.
Air. Ualtlaiore..
'A M tA.M U.M
9 00! IS 3
i lf! 6 ;i.y
0 Nil
a ao
K 0-.
10 1ft
10 HA
I K Otl!ll Up
i ii
7 :Ui w ll.i I
7 o.- .... ', oo;
7 Jul, 10 US 1 Sf;
8 III 10 U 4J
4r 8 G
a ha ....
f 0?i 0 II II 1(1
A Ml
9 29.11 19
8 30
10 4-1 1 t 0X1
ft M
6 15
5 10
6 SA
io ao
9 61 U' U
8 Art
11 05
8 171
6 M
10 13
4 HA
7 13
i 30
t SI
7 bi
0 07
11 4P
i 13
12 101
A. H.
1 40
2 40
13 40
& 47
8 OH
3 58.
7 13
7 15
3 II
p. u.
t) 00
9 45
P. M
P. U
A. X.
A. U
Train No li 'st runs diJIy t xcrpt Sunday
lielwf en lluxerMown aud llurrisburtr. leavluif
ii KtiMuu j,-ju uuu arr.viUK at iiurriKburu ut
Train No. 17 west ruus dally except Sunday
ii.-.ncruiium'tiiurKuiiii i ireeuuaNiie, leavlut;
iiuiimniiiK ii.inunu arriving ureenuasue (.,1.
Additional east-bound iuoal trains will run
uaiiy, except iSuuduy, as follow: Leave
iui-Nia d. io a. m., y.uo a. ui., ivf.-io p. m., a.lAp,
in,, leave MechuulUHburg 6.08 a. ui., 7.iM a. m.,
s.i a. in., 1.01 p. tu., K.30 p. in., 3.3il p.m., 6.30
p. ui..
TnilnR No8. 8 and 1 10 run dally between Ha
Kerstown and Harrlsburg und No. UUeec
umiuLcs mils uu suuuayu
Daily. .
t Dally except Sunday.
Leave no. 1 no. 3no. 6no. 7 no. 8 109
., ... P A M P.M P.M P.M.
Ilultlmore 1 1 5ft 4 44 8 60 18 00 4 85 6 55
New York 7 65 12 10 8 55 2 56 8 25
lIh""-; II 20 I 8 40 II 40 -5 80 M 30
HiirrlsburK 6 00 7 55 II 4S 3 26 8 26 11 05
Uillsburir. 12 40 4 OA
Meohanlcsburg.. 6 19 8 HI 12 05 8 43 8 46 11 23
L.ltl-li-sle 6 4U 8 39 12 L"? 4 04 9 OK II 42
Newvllle B 0-i Oull2 6l 4 23 8 Kl 12 02
Mlippcnsburif... (I 20 9 If I 10 4 89 8 47 12 18
Waynesboro 10 37 2 05 6 85 ....
Clmiubeisbul'K.. tl 4n 9 30 1 32 4 6X 10 07 12 So
iVi'icersburR.... 8 15 10 4" 6 55
Gicencastle .... 7 OA 10 00 1 M 6 21 10 80 12 55
t!a,:eistown .... 7 27 10 i!2 t 17 5 44 10 61
MurtiiiNbui'K 8 24 II 10 6 iM ....
Ar. Winchester. 8 10 II 55 7 IA
A. U- A. M. P. M. P. M. p. M. A. M.
Ailrlltional local trains will leave irarrii,ro
as follows: For Carlisle and Intermediate ma.
....... , ...i, u. m., t.m p. in. nu 0.2ft p. m., alnu
forMenhunlcsbui-ii Dlllsburu and lntermedlale
stat.loimai7 00a. ni.and 8 i6p. iu.
Tnims No. 1. 3 and 109 run dally between
I u'luian palace RleeiiluK cars between Ne
iU aud Knoxvllle, Tcnn., on train I n
!" 'ust between Philadelphia n
Unlshon N. & W. Kiillwavon iralnu Ilia..
'! . I'i ""i"1, uxw''1 ""' on Sunday the Phlia-
. .,'oiu w in run east on Wo. 2
I liroUKh coachen to and from I'hlladelubl:
10 train 2 und 4 eaut and 7 ami 9 went.
Oully escept Sunday.
A Arr.
7 OD;CharaberHburu-..
7 Wi Marlon
H l5j..McrcerHburg..
9 e5 .... Richmond....
A. M.I
l'as. Mix. l'ua.
ti w te
AM A M P. M,
M 45 II 50 i HO
M II 8a 4 06
8 00 10 10 8 KC
7 8S 9 t 8 0
7 80 9 80 8 00
A. M. P. M P. U
I'. .H
5 ,l?:
10 001
5 I f , 1 I
(I AS 10 47
1 13 II Of
I .'illl 15
A. Riimi ,
Uen'l l UKa. Anenl.
J. f.
are the
most fatal of all Iis-
or money refunded. Qmtains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the test for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PR1CB MciodHM.
' It AN III. KS.
Tonsorial Artist,
A Clean Cup and Towel with each ijiiavc
Kverythlntr Antiwpiio.
Haxora Sterilized.
tS'-Shop In room lately occupied by Kd Hrakn
Tonsorial Artist.
Strictly up todnte In ull xtylen of hair cm
tlnK. Quick, easy shaves, llav-ruin. Cream-Wllch-hiuel.
without extra charge. yri ...
towel to each customer. Latest Improved r
paratun for utcrlllzliiK toola. Purloin ounos, in
Kui ton House. '
Attorney at Law,
Office on Sauare,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
All legal business and collections entrusted
will euelve careful aud prompt attention.
I T" Under the new ruunaireirent. has hren
refurnished ami remoi'i-led. Oood saniplf
room. Henilguarlei-s for commercial
hulton Couuty Telephone connected, l.lvoi
and Feed Stable In connection.
Prkshytkkian. Rev. VV. A. "West,
D. U.. Pastor. I'rouching services
each alternate Sabbath atlU:3i.iR. ni.
and es-ery Sunday evenit.j; nt 7:(H).
Services at Green Hill on nlterntitt
Sabbaths at 10::!0 a. m. Subbo'li
school at 0:15. Junior Clirlstinn Kn
deavor at 2:00. Christian Endeavor
at 6:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at 7:00.
Methodist Episcopal P.e v. a. I).
McCloskey, Pastor. Sunday school
at 0:30 a. iu. Preaching every other
Sunday morning at 0:.'!0 and every
Sunday eveniVig at 7:(H). Hpworti
League at fi:00 ji. m. Prayer nieetiui;
Thursday evening ut 7:00.
Unitko Pmusuytkhian llev. J.
Grove, l'astor. Sunday school at 9::,o
a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn
ing at 10:30, and every other 'Sundsi v
evening at 7:00. The alternate Subbat'n
evenings aro used by the Young Peo
ple's Christian Union ut 7:00 . m.
I'rayer meetiiig Wednesday evening
at 7:00.
Evanoki.ii,a.. j-uthkkax rtev. .A.
G. Wolf, l'astor. Sunday school ll:."
a.m. I'reach ing every other Sunday
morning at 10:30 und everv other Sue
day evening at 7:00. Christian hi.
deavor at fi:00 p. m, i'rayer meetnig
on Wednesday evening at7:00.
PvEFOKMiyj liev. C. M. Smilh, Pas
tor. Sunday school ut l'::iu a. in.
I 'reaching on ulteniate Sabbaths :tt
10:00 a. in. and 7:00 p. m. Clirlnian
Endeavor ut (!:00 p. m. Prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening ut 7:00.
The ilrst term of the Cowls of Ful
ton county in the year shall commence
on the Tuesday following the second
Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. in.
The second term commences on t!io
third Monday of March, at 2 o'clocii
p. m.
The third term on the Tuesday next
following the second Monday of June,
at 10 o'clock a. m.
The fourth term on the first Mond-iv
of October, at 2 o'clock p. m.
noRoi'Gii oi fici:rs.
Justice of tho Peace Thomas I .
Sloan, L. H. Wible.
Constable John It. Doyle.
Burgess II. W. Scott.
Councilmen ). T. Fields, Leonard
Hohman, Samuel Uender.M. W. Nacu.
Clem Wihiam Hull.
High ConstaUle Wm.Raumgardner.
School Directors A. U. Nace. John
A. Irwin, Thomas F. Sloun, F. M.
Taylor, John Comerer, C. ii. Slovens.-
President Judge Hon. S.Mc. Swopo.
Associate Judges Lemuel Kirk, Da
vid Nelson.
Prothonotary, &c Frank P. Lynch.
District Attorney George li. Dan
iels. Treasurer George Ii. Mellott.
Sheriff Daniel C. Fleck.
Deputy Sheriff
Jury Commissioners C. II. E. I'lum
mer, Anthony Lynch.
Auditors John S. Harris, W. C.
Davis, S L. Garlund.-
Commissioners H. K. Malot, A. V
Kelly, John Fisher.
Clerk Frank Mason.
County Surveyor Jonas Lake.
County Superintendent Charles E.
Attorneys W. Scott Alexander, .1.
Iselson Sipes, Thomas F. Sloan, (',
McN. Johnston, M. It. Shallnor, (i, o.
B. Daniels, John P. Sipes. S. W .
Odd Fellows M'C'oiinellMliiiv.rT Y,,! .
Jo. 7-1-1 meets every l'riduv evenlmr in
the Comerer Building in MuConuelis
burg. Fort Littleton Loile No. 484 nn-ci j
every Saturduy evening in the Cn :. .. r
umiuing at r oil ijittloion.
Wells Valley Lodge No. Ij07 ni. i ; ,
every Saturday evening in Odd 1 ';!-
lows Hall at Wells Tunnerv,
Harrisonville Lodcre No. 701 mr. Si
every Saturduy evening in Odd lei-
lows' Hull at Harr sonville.
Waterfall Lodge No. 773 meets .
ery Saturday evening in Odd Fellov .'
tian at watenall Mills.
Warfordsburff Lodue n. cm ,,.... i
In Warfordsburg every Sutuid,!
Klne PostG. A. II. No. Mmi
McCounellbburir in Odd Pellnwo' u,. I
the llrst Saturduy in every month iu I
Uoyal Arcanum. TuscnroriL Con,,, ; i
No. 121, meets on alternate M
evenings in P. O. S, of A. Hall, ,'n
Washinirton Camn No. 41)7. P fi s4
A., of Now Grenada. mwt n
urday evening lu 1'. O. S. of A. Hall.
WushliiL'ton Clamii. No. fr,4 v r
of A., Hustontown, meets every Sat,ir
urday evenings in p. O. S. of A. Hall.
John Q. Taylor I'ost G. A. li., No
"iHO, meets every Saturday, on or jm t
precedinir full moon in LushW l.nll
ut 2 p. m., at Buck Valley,
Woman's Belief Corps. No. 80,
meets at same date and place at 4 i.m.
Gen. D. B. McKibhln Pt Mr, n-.
G. A. S., meets the second and fourth
saturduy In euch mouth at Pleasant