FULTON COUNTY NEWS. Published Every Thursday. H. W. PECK, Editor and Proprietor. McCONNELLSBURG, PA. NOVEMBER 3, 1902. Published Weekly. 51.00 per Annum in Advance. nVRKTIHl!U BT. Per vviar of line 3 tilnen I'emininrft each subsequent Insertion. All lvrllMfnentfl inserted for im threo tuontri charged by the square. . .11 M. .. 60. i than 8 nios. fltmm. I yr. . , VO0. 40.00 HO 00 .. m.m. l.oo. I 75.00 One-fourth onlumn.. One-half column One Column Nolhlhr lrsTtMl for lew than 91. I'ro'nsslonai Cards one year 45. KILLING TIME. "When I was a boy iu a print er's oflicn," says Robert Bonner, "and it came along about three o'clock in the afternoon, I would say to myself, "suppose the pro prietor should come up where we are at work and say, "Robert, what have you been doing to day ?" what would I answer ? He never did such a thing, but I used to reason to myself, sup pose he were to do it ? If I could not with pride and pleasure point to what I had been doing, I would pack up at six o'clock and leave the place. I consider that kind of spirit is an element of success, and there is always room for men who show that kind of a disposi tion. The indolent man, who shiftlessly goes through his day's work, will never reach the goal of lii s success. The man who is con stantly watching the clock, wait iug until it shall strike six, and trying to kill time well it will not be long until time will kill him, so far as business is con cerned." Ex. ASLEEP AMID FLAMES. Breaking into a blazing home some liremen lately dragged the sleeping inmates from death. Fancied security, and death near. It's that way wheu you neglect coughs aud colds. Don't do it. Dr. King'sNew Discovery for con sumption gives perfect protection against all throat, chest and lun troubles. Keep it near, and avoid suffering, death and doctor's bills. A teaspoon ful stops a late cough, persistent use the most stubborn. Harmless and nice tasting, its guaranteed to satisfy by W. S. Dickson. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. THE WORLD'S BREAD BASKET. Approximately 500, 000, 000 bushels annually, the world's w ii en t c rop occas ion al ly approach es 3, 000, 000, 000. The quota sup plied by the United States, some thing like a quarter of the total, is a much smaller proportion than is the case with corn. We grow bO per cent, of the world's maize crop, consume nine-tenths of this at home, and when the price is not prohibitive, export the re mainder. The world's cereal har vests, beginning in the southern hemisphere, which yields only 5 to 7 per cent, of the total crop, gradually moves northward. In June, July and August they reach a climax, making available for the world's markets three quarters of the world's tottl pro duction within the last ninety days of the calendar year. Or ange Judd Farmer. A STARTLING SURPRISE. Very few would believe in look at A.T. Houdley, a healthy, robust blacksmith of Tilden, Ind., that for ten years he suffered such tortures from rheumatism as few could endure and live. But a wonderful change followed his takingElcctric Bitters. "Twobot tles wholly cured me," he writes "and I have not felt a twinge for over a year." They regulate the kidneys, purify the blood andcure rhou matism, neuralia, nerousness improve digestion and give per fect health. Try them. Only 50 j:t atW. S. Dickson's drug store. NOT 8TRICTLY VEGETARIAN. "Yes," said Krankley as he munched a rosy apple, "I'm a vegetarian, I'm proud to gay." "You mean you try to be one," naid Oooloy, "What do you mean by that?" "Simply that there was a worm la that apple and you got It." Philadelphia Press. Foley's Honey mad To.f tor children, safe, sure, yvo oplmtea. A IXDLICEMAN'S TESTI-MONY. J. N. Patterson, night police man of Nashua, la., writes, "Last winter I had a bad cold on my lungs and tried at least half doz en advertised cough medicines and had treatment from two phy sicians without getting any bene tit. A friend recommended Fo ley's Honey and Tar and two thirds of a bottle cured me. I consider it the greatest cough and lung medicine in the world." All dealers. 8NAKES AND WHISKEY In their survey of the old Port age railroad, the engineers are finding all sorts of things, ancient and modern. A few days ago they unearthed a den of 500 rat tlesnakes, another clay a level man was obstructed in his sight by a deer stopping in front of his instrument, and half an hour la ter another of the party had a friendly call from a she bear and her two cubs. On Monday as the workmen were blasting they dis covered a cave whoso interior showed signs of habitation. Up on investigation they found a whiskey barrel labeled "Snow berger, 1851." Their eyes danced and their mouths watered, but when they drew the bung they found the whiskey had gelatin ized. IE COULD HARDLY GET UP. P.ILDuffy of Ashley, Hi., writes "This is to certify that I have taken two bottles of Foley's Kid ney Cure and it lias helped me more than any other medicine. I tried many advertised remedies, but none of them gave me any re lief. My druggist recommended Foley's Kidney Cure and it has cured me. Before commencing its use I was in such a shape that I could hardly get up when once down." All dealers. It is tho experience of publish ers that too many people are apt to think it matters but little whether the newspaper bill is paid promptly or not that it is but a .small sum, and is therefore of but little consequence. And this is not because subscribers are un willing to pay, but rather because they are negligent. Each one im agines that because his year's in debtedness amounts to so small a sum, the publishers cannot be much in need of it; without a mo ment's thinking that the income of a newspaper is made up of just such small amounts, and that the aggregate of all subscribers is by no means an inconsiderable sum of money. The building of the Bedford and Hollidaysburg Railroad may result in the filling of the old Hol lidaysburg reservoir in Blair township, next spring. The break in the breast of the reservoir dam may be repaired at an outlay of 1,000, and a magnificent body of water four miles long, one mile wide, and forty feet deep would theconsummation devoutlytobo wished. Such an artificial lake could water every locomotive on tho Pennsylvania system and its value in mechanical enterprises cannot be overestimated. Here is a piece of advice for our youths and will come handy if fol lowed : Don't judgoa man by his clothes. God made one man; aud made theothor. Don't judgehim by his family, for Cain came of a good family. Don't judge a man by the house ho lives in, for tho lizard and the rat often inhabit the grandest structures. When a man dies those who survive him ask what proierty he left behind; the angel who tends over tho dy ing man asks what good deeds he has sent before him. Judge a man by his acts. A young man down east bought : 2,000 extra line cigars and had ' them insured for their full value, smoked them up and then de manded the insurance, claiming they had been destroyed by fire. The caso was taken to court and decided in favor of the young ( man. Ihe insurance company j then had the young man arrested i for setting tire to his own proner- ty aud the same judge ordered that ho pay a fine or go to jail for three months. Ex. ADVERTISE IN The Fnlton Count? New PROGRAMME OF THE Third Annual Convention OF THE Licking Creek, Belfast and Brush Creek District Sun day School Association, TO BE HELD AT flcKENDREE It. E CHURCH, Near Cryital Springs, Pa., ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1902. OFFICERS OF ASSOCIATION. It. It. Sipes, President. F.d. Dichl, Vice President. Miss Blanche Barton, Secretary. Mrs. Arena Strait, Treasurer. PUOORAMME. MORNING SESSION. 10.00. Praise Service, led by Al bert Ple.xsmger. 10.10. Devotional Service, Rev. S. L. Hangher. 10.20. Singing. 10.25. Address of Welcome, John I). Smith. 10.40. Response, Mrs. S.M.Cook. 10.55. Singing. 11.00. The Chief Purpose of the Sunday School, lion. S. W. Kirk, '(J. B. llockensmith, (ieo. W. Decker, A. M. I 'livens, Chus Ilixson, A. (). Burton, A. M. Ilixson, Rev. ( 'itinpbell. 11.35. Solo, Miss Emily (irpathoiid 11.40. A ppointinent of Committees aim any other business. 11.50. Assignment of .Homos. 12.00. Adjournment. AFTERNOON SESSION. 2.00. Devotional Service, Rev. Dr. W. A. West. 2.05. Singing. 2.15. AVlmt are the Most Import ant Characteristics of a ( iood Sunday School? Prof. Chus. K. Burton. Hon. S. 1 Wish art, Prof. B. W. Peck, E. K. Mellott, Scott Bottoiutield, R M. Diehl, S. A. Ncshit, John S. Harris, Rev. Dr. W. A. West. 3.UO. Singing. 3.10. How Can Sunday School Scholars Help the Teachers, and What Can They Do for the Church? Mrs. S. M. Cook, (ieo. W. Trimx, John 1). Smith, J. R. Jackson, Amos Ilixson, O.T. Mellott, N. B. Hunks. 3.40. Solo, Miss Emily (ireathead. 3.45. Singing. 4.00. Adjournment. EVENING SESSION. 7.00. Devotional Service, Rev. Campbell. 7.05. Singing. 7.15. How to Teach Primary Pu pils, Mrs. John B. Runvun, Miss Anna M. Speer, Misses Mary and Marion Sloan, W. M. Barton, Rev. J. R. Logue 7.45. Solo, Miss Emily Grcathead. 7.50. Singing. 8.oo. Address, Rev. S. L. Baugh er Influence of the Sunday School, and Parental Home Training on the Lives of Children. 8.30. Report of Committees. 8.40. Reports of Sunday School Superintendents. 8.55. Address of Field Secretary M. R. Shaftner, Outlook for Better S. S. Work. 9.20. General praise service. 9.30. Adjournment. A cordial invitation extended to everybody to attend. Committee to provide entertain ment Mrs. John D. Smith, Mrs. Blanche Barton, Miss Celia Jackson, Mrs. Goo. Lvnch, Mrs. N. B. Hunks, Mrs. Amos Ilixson, Mrs. Thomas McGraw, Mrs. A. M. Ilixson, Mrs. Charles Ilixson, Mrs. Kills Akers. Sale Register. Thursday, Xuvem bor 20. John P. Johnson, executor, will sell at the late residence of David John son, dee'd, 3 miles north east of Hancock, the mansion farm aud valuable personal property. Dyspepsia Cure Difjests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestanU and dlgebtA all kinds of food. It glyea Instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensltlvo stomachs can take It. Ky Itsuse many tbouHands of dyspeptics have beeu cured after every thlDK else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only by K. O. IjeWitt A Co.. Chicago To St. buUlt) contain Unit Uieioc aUu. Foley's Honey mad Tar cure voids, prevents pneumvni. 0 ID Stock be Goods Below Cost, And this Is No Fake ! T HE Assignees of H. C. Smith & Co. have decided that tho stock of General Merchandise now in their hands must p-o out. and if vou are in need of anvthiner now. - - - O 7 if them is anvthine: summer, it will pay I opportunity iiko xms oniy comes once in a iiTeume. wnue thev have nearly everything: found in a GENERAL. STORE, we give a few prices LAWNS. 12Jc lor Co. DIMITIES. 12Jc kind for 10 and 8c. VALOII) LACE. IGc kind for Cc. PERCALES. Windsor Porcale, 3i inches wide, CLOTHING. Boys' suits from 4 to 9 yrs, $1 to $3; reduced from 3.00 and 4.25. 14 to 18 years, from 3 00 to 7.00, reduced t om 5 00 and 9.00. Men's suits, black cutaways, 17.00, reduced to 8.00 and 8 50. Other men's suits from 8 50 to 5.50. All Other Goods will be Sold at a Proportionate price. It will pay you to make your purchases early. At these prices goods will soon he sold CHARTER NOTICE. NOTICE IS HKUKIlr OIVKN. That an np nlieution wt'l be made to the Governor of the CoijimonwtMillh of IVnnsylvunia. the twelfth rtuy of November, by Kclwin MtMIov. Wll liu'm K. Slack. W. T. C. Sanders. Albmt Jef ferys and James L. Hrusstar. undi'r the Ael of Assembly of the Cominouwealth of Pennsylva nia, entitled "An Aet to provide for the Incor poration and regulation of eerlaln corpora tions." approved April ill. lx?J. and tho .supple ments thereto, for the charter ot an Intended corporation to be called 'Keystone Telephone Company of rhlludelphia." the character and object of which is construct intt. inatnlaiuiuK aud leasimr lines of telegraph for the private use of individuals. Ilrms. corporations, mnnlcpal or otherw ise, for general business, aud for io hce, tire alarm or tnesseiiirer business, aud for the transaction of any business In which elec tricity over or through wires maybe applied to any useful purpose, including the tnniulaininif and operattuK of a gc ucrul telephore fcystem aud telephone business, ami for these purposes to have, possess aud enjoy all the riKhts, bene ills and privileges of the said Act of Assembly and Its supplements. E, O. MICH K.N Kit. Solicitor. Trespass Notice. Notice Is hereby given to ull persons, not to trespass on any of the property of the undersigned, by hunting or oth erwise, as prosecution will surely fol low any disregard of this notice. Aaron M. Garland John Mellott John Hard Ephralm Skilcs Jordan W. Doshong John H. Strait George C. Deshong David It. Mellott Binion Deshong. Trespass Notice. Wo. the undersigned citizens of Dub in a d Tod tw'p, Fulton county, here by give notice that all persons found trespassing on our lands by hunting, lishirig, trapping, or gathering berries on the same, will be dealt with accord ing to law governing such cases. D. A. Hill I'Yaker Uros K. M. Oelvin Klijuh Baldwin Jonathan Kerlin L. G. Cline Dyson Y Fraker lienjiimin Wilds Hurrison Kalbitch J K. tlelmun. Aliens Valley Lumber Co. Scott Wagner Frank Mason. Daniel and John Mock. ! , Trespass Notice, Tho undersigned citizens of Ayr: township hereby warn all persons against trespussing on their lands by limiting, Halting, gathering nuts or berries, or in any manner whatever tinder penalty of the law us it will be" rigidly enforced 111 nil enscs. J. fi. Kendall Ii. M. Kendall V. I'.. Moke A. W. .rohtfUon' Juo. F. Kendall . .7. G. Trltlo .las. Fryman 1). ,M. Kendall Geo. A. (.'on.ercr Jacob Ilykes J. I'.Nolson. N. W. Ilohman, Mrs. Snrii'ii I 'illinan. (ieo. Magum. L' C. llii'i.beH G. W. Uumber Thomas Humbert IV T. Humbert Jacob Glouser George Lynch D. F. Shlves Mary Sliives j John Truux Fred Truux Mrs. Margaret Lynch Newton Knublo Suinuel Mellott Adiim Lauver. lumen Slien . .laiiii .s llarrU - for all of the I'olt lands . VV. II. Nelson. Samuel Mellott. n a n n e r salve: th moat hMllna alv in th world .(I.Smitb & of Store (Boobs 086 J vou can use this fall, you to go and get it l . on goods. 12Jckind for 10c. SATEENS. 16c kind for 10c; 12Jc kind for 8c; 10c kind at 6c. TAPESTRIES. Upholstering tapestries, beauti ' ful patterns, 85c for 70c. SILKATINE. 12c. kind for 10c; 10c for 8c. HATS. Straw h" lor men and b)ys, up- to-date styles, 7oc for 40c, 50c for 25c, 40c for 10c, $1 for 10c. Linen hats, 50o for 25c, crash hats. 50c for 25c Darbys, $2 j I THE 1 I FULTON : COUNTY 1 NEWS Covers the Field. In every part of the County faithful re porters are located that gather the daily happenings. Then there is the State and National, News, War. News, a Department for the Farmer and Mechan ic, Latest Fashions for the Ladies. The latest New York, Bal timore, Philadelphia Alarkets. The Sun day School Lesson, Helps for Christian " Endeavorers, and a Good Sermon for ev erybody. THE JOB DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE. SALE BILLS, POSTERS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, CARDS, fie, In fact anything and everything in the best style along that line. Sample copies of the News sent to. my of your friends cn request, 1 Go's OUt i Ha- o next winter, or next while it lasts, as an I A.! t A f I I for $1, soft hats, $1 50 for $1. $1.00 for 75c. . SHOES. Shoes tor men, women and chil dren, tho $3 kind for $1, $3 25 tor $1.25, $2.25 for $1. CARPETS. All wool carpets, 75c for COc, half wool, 65c for 55c, the 30c grade for 22Jc. RUGS. $1 kind for 80c SHIRTS. $1 for 40c, 50c at 25c . ' UMBEULAND VALLEY TIM 15 TABLE. May 2(1, 1902. I.erwe no. 8 no 4jno. 6 no. t no.10 HO A. tA. M t. M P. M rP II P. M Wlnehiwter 1 i n lh n, .M.ii'tliiHburg CIS , 3 U-J 1 in lliik-emtown .... ! 9 0O 12 20 8 60 K 0.S 10 !f (ilcouo.lsUe .... (II 9 'A 12 42 IU 27 10 Hf M-reersburif SOU IU In I ;io .... riiauiberMjurg.. 7 i" 9 I llrTTT'TFftO ItTSi WuyneslHiro 7 0S..., 12 W ,.... ShlppenNburs... 7M:I0 0H I 2ft 6 07 9 11 11 19 Newvllle 8 10 10 2.1 I 42 b it) 9 29 11 19 Curllsle 8 80 10 44 2 01) 5(H 9 6112 02 Mi-clmnloHburg.. 8 60 11 OS 2 23 8 16 10 13 12 21 lXllsburK 7 62 .... 1 40 6 10 Arr, Hurrlsburg. 9 07 11 26 2 40 US 10 83 12 40 Arr. l'llllH II 4H 8 17 6 47 10 20 4 26 4 2.- Arr. New York. 13 6 63 8 OK 8 63 1 13 7 13 Arr. Ilultlmore.. 12 10 8 11 6 00 9 45 2 80 7 16 A. U. P. 11. P. M. P. u. A. M. A. M Train No 12 etst ruiw dally except Sunday between HaKerstown and HaniKbum. leaving lliigemown .2o and arriving at HurrlMburg at 8.40 Train No. 17 west runn dally exoept Sunday between Hurrisburg aud Ureenuaxtle. leaviug lliirrlsburg 6.16 and arriving GreeneaNtle 7.36. Additional eat-bound local trains will run daily, except Sunday, as follows: Leave Carlisle 6.16 a. m.. 7.06 a. m., 12.40 p. m., 8.16 p. in., leave Mecbanloaburg d.os a. in., ;.9 a. m., H.ina. m 1.01 p. iu., 2.80 p. m., 8.30 p.m., 6.80 p m.. Trains Noh. 8 and 110 run dally between Ha Hereto wn and Harrlsburg and No. 2 Ufteeo minute late on SundayH Ually. t Dally exoept Sunday. Leave no. i no. a no. 6 no. 7 no. t 109 P. M A M A. H P. II p. U P.M. II 66 4 44 8 60 12 00 4 86 6 .Vt 7 66 12 10 H 6ft 2 66 8 28 II 20 4 25 8 40 II 40 IS 3)1 8 80 6 00 7 66 II4S 826 82I10 12 40 4 OS 5 11) 8 III 12 05 8 43 8 40 II 23 6 40 8 80 12 27 4 01 9 OS II 42 6 it! i 00 12 61 4 23 9 20 12 02 6 20 9 IH 10 4 80 9 47 12 18 10 37 2 06 85 fl 40 9 3(1 1 82 4 6 10 07 12 88 8 15 10 47 6 65 7 OS 10 00 I 65 6 21 10 80 12 55 7 27 10 22 2 17 5 44 10 61 8 24 11 10 t 2S 9 10 II 66 7 15 A. II. A. M. P. M. p. M. p. u. A. II. Ilattlmore New York 1'hlla HarrlNburg Dltlsburg. MechaiilcHDurg.. Carlisle Newvllle ShippeuHburg... Waynesboro.... Chambers burg. , Mercersbiirg,,.. lireeticaslle .... Hiik'erstown .... Martinsburg Ar. Wlncbestor. Additional local train will leave Harrlsburg ' as follows: For Carlisle and Intermediate sta tion i 9.37 a. m., 2.00 p. m. aud fl.25 p. m., also (orMoohitnlosburg Dlllxburg and Intermediate stiitlonsat 7 00 a. tn.and 8. 16 p. m. Trains Noh. 1,8 and 109 run dally between MtrriKhuri and tlairerstown. Pullman palace sleeping oar between Ne uric aud Knoxvllle, Tenn.. on trains I ni Hnd 10 east uiwl hiiu.n i.i,n..,iui..i.i Welsh on N. & W. Hallway on trains 109 west und 12 east, except that on Sunday the Phlia ilelohla sleepur will run east on No. 2 Through coaobiM to and from J'hiladelohls od trains 2 and 4 east aud 7 and 9 west Dully. t Dally except Sunday. southern pknn'a k. a. trains Pas. I Pas. W7 P. M 6 07 6 IS 6 .S6j fl I5i Pas, 4 U 10 00 P. H, 1 10 12 10 47 4 20 4 Od 8 W 8 08 00 II ONI -'2111 15 P. M.a. M. p. u. H. A. Ritiiit , Ueu I aw. Agent. J. V. IfclTII,. tiupt KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. fll'EV'C KIDNEY CURE It I iULlI 0 6uarifltgjd Reaed; or money refunded Omtains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICB 60c tad IUW, Mi- Pas. Mix. u' . t4 tt) A u Lvo. Arr. A u a u 7 oo Chambersburg .. 8 45 6o 7 ai .....Marlon 8 83 II 32 8 IS ..Moruvrsburg.. 8 00 10 10 8 M Loudon 7 8S 9 42 9 OS ....Kiohtnond.... 7 30 9 Do " A. M. P. M. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, II A R II INS. R. At. DOWNES, First Cla hs Tonsorial Artist, MoCONNKLLSUUKU, PA. A Clean Cup and Towel with ench Hhnve." Everything Antiseptic. Kar.om Sterilized, tlfShop In room lately occupied by Ed Drake ISAAC N. WATSON, Tonsorial Artist. Strictly up todntn In all RtvlcR of trnir on . ting, (illicit, easy shaves. H:iv-rmn, Cream-Wlinh-haKCI. without extra charge, r'n m towel to each customer. Latest Improved :,,. paratu for sterilizing tool. Parlors onnotn Fulton House. LAWYKRS. M. R. SHAFFNER, Attorney at Law, Office on Square, McConnellsburtf, Pa. All lcgnl business and collection entrusted will ceclve oareful and prompt attention. HOTELS. BARTON HOUSE. EntviN nrsiioNQ, phop., HANCOCK, ,VI. fVITnder tho new management has lion refurnithrd and remodeled. (iood sample room. Headquarter for commercial men Kurt on County Telephone connected. Livery and Feed Stable In connection. CHI KCIILS. IRKS11YTF.1AN. Hov. W. A. West. D. D., l'astor. IVcatihin KorvtV' each altcmato Siibbut.li aU0::iJ a. m. and every Sunday evening ut 7:00. Services ut Green Hill on alternate SabbalhH at 10:30 a. m. Snbln.il. school at 8:15. Junior Christian Kn deavor at 2:00. t:hrintlnn v.iuim. at 6:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening ar. i:w. Mkthodiht Episcopal Itev. A.I) McCloskey, Pastor. Sunduy scliv at 9:30 a. m. Preaehintr every other Sunday morning at 10::i0 and evei v Sunday evening ut 7:00. Knwortii league at 6:00 p. m. prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:00. Unitki) Prkshytkuian Hev. J. T Grove, Pastor. Sunday school ut 0:.'i0 a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn lug at 10:30, and every other "Sunda y evening at 7:00. The alternate Sabbath evenings are used by tho Voting Pei -pie's Christian Union at 7:00 p. ii:. Prayer meeting 'Wednesday cvenic at 7:00. Evangelical j-thkuan Rev. ,. G. Wolf, l'astor. Sunday school 1 : J ." a. m. Preaching every other Sunday morning at 10:30 and every other Sim day evening nt 7:00. Christian En deavor at 0:00 p. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:00. UEKOKMr.1) Rev. C. M. Smith, Pus tor. Sunday school at t):30 a. m. Preaching on alternate Sabbaths :it 10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Christina Endeavor at 6:00 p. ni. Prayer me t ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00. ti:hms of coi'ht. The first term of tho Courts of FpI ton county In the year shall eonimei.ee on the Tuesday following the second Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. in. The second term commences on tle third Monday of March, ut 2 o'clock p. in. The third term on tho Tuesday next following tho second Monday of June, at 10 o'clock a. m. The fourth term on tho first Monday of October, at 2 o'clock p. in. nOKOl'GII OIUCFKS. Justice of the Peace Thomas F. Sloan, L. H. Wlblo. Constable John II. Doyle. Burgess H. W. Scott. Councllmen I). T. Fields, Leonard Holnnan, Sninuel Bender.M. W. Naeo. Clcrn-William Hull. High Constable Win. Paumgardner. School Directors A. U. JS'aco. John A. Irwin, Thomas I'. Sloan, V. M. Taylor, John Comerer, C, H. Stevens. GF.XKRAl. MKKCTOUY. President Judge Hon. K.Mc. Swope. Associate Judges Lemuel KU-k, Da vid Nelson. Prothonotary , &c Frank P. Lynch. District Attorney George li. Diid lels. Treasurer George R. Mellott. Sherill Daniel C. Fleck. Deputy Sheriff Jury Commissioners C. H. E. Plum mer, Anthony Lynch. " i Auditors John S. Harris, W. C. Davis, S L. Garland, Commissioners II. K. Mulot, A. V Kelly, John Fisher. ' Clerk Frank Mason. County Surveyor Jonas Luke. County Superintendent Charles ' E. Burton. Attorneys W. Scott Alexander, ,T. Nelson Sipes, Thomas F. Sloan, '. McN. Johnston, M. It. Shalluer, Ceo. B. Daniels, John 1'. Sipes, S. V ' . Kirk. ' ' sociktii;s. Odd Fellows M'Connel lsburr Lod .;n No. 744 meets every Fridav evenitn.' id the Comerer Bulldinif in McC.'ounelJs burjf. Fort Littleton Lode No. 484 meeu every Saturday eyeiiin;,' In the Ci o:t t r ounuintf at r ort Littleton. Wells Valley Lodo No. 007 nie-ts every Safjrday eveniti.' in Odd Eel lows' Hall at Wells Tannery. Harrlsonvllle Lodja o. 701 me, :., every Saturday evening in Odd Fel lows' Hall at Harrisonvlile. Waterfall Lode No. 77.1 meet ei cry Saturday evening in (Jdd Felluv.s' Hall at Waterfall Mills. Warfordsburi; Lod(,-e No. (101 mecis in Warfordsburi every Siiturduv evening. Kinp PostG. A. II. No. 305 meet in McConuullsburf Id Odd Fellows' (lull the Urst Saturday In every month ui I p. m. Uoyal Arcanum, Tusoarora Coupi i', No. 121, meets on alternate Monday evenliiijs In P. O, S. of A. Hull, m McConnellsburg'. Wabh!ni;ton Camp No. 407, P, O..:-. A., of New Grenada, meets every Hui urday evening in P. (). S. of A. Lull. Washington Camp, No. Ki, p. O.S of A., Hustoiitown, meets every Hattn- ' urday evening In P. O. S. of A. HhII, John O. Taylor I'ost. n. a. h Nm 580, meets every Saturday, on or jus preceding full moon in Luh'uIb) hull at 2 p. in., at Buck Valley. Woman'i Relief Corns, No. SO, meets at same date amljiluce at 4 i 1 1 Cen. V). B. MoKJbbln P.yt No. 40:1. O. A. 8., meets the second and fourll. Haturdays In ench month at Pleasaut Uldjje.