Youthful Intelllffenoe. Two' little urchins were seated one morning in Central Fark, scanning a newspaper which they had picked tip. rrt - - ottra.-tf.r1 tn ft. nafflPTflnh TP- lating to the expedition to the North Pole, and. indulging in boyish theories concerning the JNortncrn enterprise one remarked to the other: "Say. b'U what will they do with tin North Pole when they find it?" "Why, just put it up in Central Park of course," was the ready reply. letter Htllt. "The man who can drive with ont hand is the man for me," announced the! 1,1 orn fnvlv. "Youre easily satisfied," returned the girl in blue, for my part l prctcr tne man wno bsks me to nrivc. No Hair? "My htlr was falling out very fast and I was greatly alarmed. I then tried Ayer's Hair Vigor and my bair trapped falling t : once." Mr. G. A. McVay, Alexandria, O. The trouble is your hair does not have life enough. Act ; omptly. Save your hair. Feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. If the gray h .irs are beginning to show, Ayer's Hair Vigor will restore color every time. I.M I MIX. All ttraifUtt. If your druggist eennot supply yon, and us on dollar and we will express you a bottle. Bo tore andjrlv too nam of your nearest express office. Address. J. C. AYEXl CO., Lowell, Maes. svsei Liver Pills That's what you need: some thing to cure your bilious ness. You need Ayer's Pills. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black 7 Use Buckingham's Dye 50cts otdtuggntsor R. P HslifcCo. NilhiisNM WET WHIM COMFORT There is no' satisfaction keener than beinej dry and comfortable when out in the hardest storm. YOU ARE SURE OF THIS Ir YOU WEAR -tOWER:. WATERPROOF ILcD CLOTHIN MADE IN MACK OR YELLOW ID BACKED BY, OUR GUABAKTE1 . J. TOWER CO.r03TON.MAS; ASN YOUR DEALER. Srnafor mir free entrJoque he WUI not upply you of gormmts and hats. Genuine stamped C C C. Never sold In bulk. Bewaro of the dealer who tries to sell "somcthlag Jast as good." Free Test Treatment It Ton btr bo faith tn my mtb4 of lroAtDiut,Bd ma mill of jour tcoi-ntug urlno for KaaJr-1. X will thma send fan bf mail mj optttloa of TourdlwiMinrfauwMk'i treatment FRCE Of All COST. You will thaa b poavluottd tht my Utinnt our. liHn cm ana battl for arlna a ft on AvH WtUburg. P NEW PENSION LAWS. Ac l of Juno .7, 19U2 pan. ions ceruiu tifTivoriana their widows of the In. dlau Wars troin 1H1T to irk. W will pay i.mi for very gwod Oontraot Olalm under tUl au(. Act of July 1. 19 X pennlona oortala oidiert who had prior couiederat aervico, alau wuo may be oharifi with domwrtion, No penuloa no left. AtWlod inw. For ajlaukstaudfuliiuatractloup, aadrew the W. kL Will feuelon Agency, Will- UaiUinn, ttu XndUua Ave,, Wavhlugton, D. O. Twenty year praotlue lu WaU liigtoa. Ooplea of the law hui lor ueata. We bny Bounty Lund Warrants Imiumi to iol dlr of the Mexican and otber early Wara aud ray Pil. value In oaih. War ran ti fee n red for thou entitled, including- heir. rito for particular!. The Collies Land Co. Atlantic Building-, Wa-hlnyten. p. c. vm for cat. i sptcial Mng. Situations SECURED Cur icadum or tuition refunded. We pay ALU. Fare, v business colleges NOUSION, IU. CwIkbuS. CA. E00Y0UNQ MEN riSKa 1 radical Hallway Insiliuis, Indiauaiiulls, Jnd, It afflicted with TV. r. lll- "sssli eras, use 1 tuviiiiauii tjw naiir WHY SUFFER. with RHEUMATISM. CATARRH, Indigestion, constipation, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES, BLOOD DISEASES. RHEUMACIDE Is for sale by ill Druggists, KOeeiTT CKCMICAL n AN 1.1 2d ifclfcw CANDY CATMAPTICs Mexican Veterans T? 7 "urn TwiiM m iLitTAiLSrTar u Best Cough bjrup. Tastes uuuo. Use M L In time. Held br drnmlats. W sTj?siSs7t):Tmfai "." 71 Be Ml.lrd Thxtn. "What has Wnm nf time tr T1 licm who used to be so fond of yout little Percival?" we ask of the proud mamma. "Oh," she says, "don't mention that detestable person to me again!" "But why? He seemed thorouRhly enraptured wit It Hie child. He was al ways dandling it on his knees and get tinir it tn t.illr (nr 1.:... " "That's just it. He would take little Fercival on his lap and stuff the child iin candy, and encouraae him in every way to try to talk, and then and then " "And then what? He didn't try to kidnap the infant?" "Worse than that!" she lamented. vve learned that he was the manager of a biscuit factory, and his only pur nose in fawnilltr (IV.r mir ,larlinv wn. to Ret him to say something that could De converted into a name for a new brand of goods. The Indentions Inventor. "The market is' overrun with substi tutes tor this food and that, asserts the capitalists. "I sec no justification for backing your new health food." With a naive smile the inventor turnf to him and suggests: "But it may also be used as a sub' stitute for coal." Then the capitalist displays unusual activity in seeding for patent attor neys and others to draw up articles ol imnncrsnip. Roland for Bis OHt.i. Nothing displeases Dr. R. Ogdef uoremus more than indistinct speaking and he never fails to show his disap proval it. While leetllrinir at thr Citv College recently, having occasion to ask a question of a student, he received a mumbled reply. "Hm, hm, hm, hm, inn," mimicked tht irate professeor; "can't you speak out; vvnat did you say? The answer was disconccrtina : "I said," replied the student, "that I aid not year you. Nothing to Live For. Mrs. Benham The Darcr tells of bad accident. Benham What kind of an accident I Mrs. Benham A woman's dress took fire and was ruined and the woman wai so badly burned that she will not re cover. Benham I don's sunnose she want! to recover if her dress is ruined. The llustness Instinct. "I think our little Bertha mav grow tin to be as rich as Hetty Green if she lias any kind ot luck. "Whv?" "Her little brother swallowed one ol her pennies the other day. and she m sistcd on charging interest on it while lie had it in his possession. Passes the Uuarrel On. "I've been two weeks trving to coax my husband to give me $50 to buy a new dress," complained Mrs. Gazzam to Mrs. Wiffles. "I never do that." "What do you do?" "I have my new dress charged, and leave my husband to light it out with the collector. No Qnestlnns. Peckham (reading) Lost or stolen, blooded fox terrier. Reward if returned, and no questions asked. Poor man! I feel sorrv for him. Mrs. Peckham Whv do you sav poor man?" Perhaps the advertiser if woman. Peckham Nonsense, doesn't it say Jo questions asked.' Ihs Good Time Coming;. "Jerry," said Flcharty. "phwat is the m anin of this worrud millinium.' 'It manes that clad time a-comin , said Jerry, "whin ivery man will be his own boss an' shtuck on his job." The Poetry of the Game. "One of the Boston papers says thai those English crack tennis players, the Doherty brothers, put a great deal 01 practical sentiment into their graceful method of play." All Tennisonian, I suppose. CURES RHEUMATISM AND CATARRH II. B. B. Cures Deep-Seated Cases Especial lyTo ProTO It B. B. B. Sent Freo. These disease, with achea and pains in bones, joints and back, agonizing paina in shoulder blades, hands, fingers, arms and lege crippled by rheumatism, lumbago, sci atica, or neuralgia; hawking, spitting, noM bleeding, ringing in the ears, sick stomach, deafness, noises in the head, bad teeth, thin hot blood, all run down feeling of catarrh are sure signs of an awful poisoned condi tion of the blood. Take Botanic Blood Balm. (B.B.B.) Boon all aches and paini top, the poison is -destroyed and a real permanent cure is made of the worst rheu matism or foulest catarrh. Thousands of cases cured by taking B.B.B. It strength ens weak kidneys and improves digestion Druggists, $1 per large bottle. Sample fret by writing Biood Balm Co, 14 Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and fre medical advice sent in sealed letter. The present head of the famous Krupr, works represent the third generation ol this family of gun-founders. Her SaTlnaj Way. Mrs. Scale-Downie I will have to get another girl, though only tempo rarily, perhaps a month or so. Mr. Scale-Downie 7"hree dollar more a week and board! What do you want an extra girl for? Mrs. Scale-Downie I have found oul how to make just the loveliest littli hanging cabinet you ever saw, at a cost of only $2, but it will take me several weeks to do it. " Possible (explanation. "I wonder how Venus de Milo cam to lose her arms." "Broke 'em off,' probably, trying to button her shirt waist up the back." The Great BLOOD PURIFIER, Will Ef f ect a Quick and Permanent Cure. It Purine the Blood, Neutralise the Aclda, Start the Kidney Into Healthy Action, and bullde up the Nervee end the Cntlre 8ytm In a abort time. OnriNsnoRo, N. C. July Both. 100S. nOBIHTT CJIEMICAJ. CO. ' 7 ' VM" ui"'"''"' :,wu 'J'" m P,0"ur to recommend ' Kueuiuuulde," for the cure of rhoumatism. Hoiue J me In the year 1U01. I bad a severe case of rheuma tism In my ankles, which I neglected fur some weeks. inAni'f.iot oleouM hardly walk. I tried HHKU WAOIDK, aud had not taken balf the bottle before to trouble was une. I finished taking the bottle however, and I have not bud a jiartiule of the trouble aluoe. Very truly, It. P. PA11K.EH. or sent by Express prepaid on receipt of 1.00. CO., BALTISJORK, M D. ; FARM ! MATTERS. 1 1 1 ' ftprraitlnir Klable Manure. It mny he bettor on Home fr.rm to innl inniiiirc directly to the field thnn 'o leave It exposed In winter niul lose I portion of Its golulilc plimt food. If nnniire l spread 011 land It should lie u free ns poRxllilo from litter, mid the jeRt place to sprend It Is on grafs lnnd, is It will not tlKn be so liable to the ?ffects of the lienvy rnlns ns -when the nnd hns been plowed nnd the ninnure ifterwnrd spread. The roots of grasses will prevent loss of thnt -which Is enr oled down Into the soil, nnd the top loll Is not enslly washed, but If mnmire 's spread on lnnd ns fust ns It Is nindc ii the farm the lnnd should be level. During the whiter and enrly spring heavy rnlns will carry the manure to the lowor laud If the surface of the grass plot Is hilly. If the land Is to be In corn next year It will matter but Jttlc whether the ninnure Is line or not, and even the Utter mny be spread, ns I1k whole will be plowed under In the ipring, and the combination of manure and sod lnnd make the best kind of n locntlon for corn. If manure Is to be 'fept until spring and then spread on the lnnd It should bo under cover, ns 'he heaviest loss Is from soaking rnlns ivhlcli leach the manure and entull loss of soluble matter. 'is! Qnallty In Nursery Slock. It costs n great deal of money, n grent deal of time nnd a great deal of ixperlcnce to grow plants properly ind these nre facts which more intel lgent persons nre beginning to reallzo. The prices of plnnts to-dny have not leen lowered by Improved methods tnd better knowledge; Instead, better plants nre grown, both In kind and In jondltlon ut greater expense to the producer nnd to the purchasers. Cer tain kinds of stock can he grown with greatest ease nnd consequent cheap ness, nnd unbelievers having this class In mind often fall to recognize quality. The Carolina poplar litis been instru mental In deceiving the puuiic ns to the vnlue of troes. Only a couple of years nre required to rear a tree of respectable size for transplanting, nrul the cost is but a few cents. Thpy can be grown on nlmost any ordinary misery ground, and need little or no ;nre. How different with an onk, or ;veu n Norway mnple, where live to ten years nre invariably spent getting he seedling to n suitable selling size! And what of the labor of transplant' !ng, priming nnd straightening? Is it possible to bring the three plants into :ompetitIon except as regards qunlity ind desirability? It Is here that the atirs-cryuinn meets -with tllscournge- nent nnd he Is tempted to sell cheaply ind cut down his expenses correspond. ingl.v, to the detriment of his stock Truliilng, health, vigor and careful handling make a tree thnt gives satis faction to the purchaser und make hlni ignore extra expense, nnd this more generally recognized -will bring more conlideue? between the nurseryman nd his customers In their dealings. .u etnan s -Monthly. A Colony Poultry Farm. Each houte in the row Is several rods .10111 Its nearest neighbor. All of the houses nre accessible by means of n tenm, which Is employed to transport mpplles. No fencing is used except for 1 few flocks during tli-? breeding sen- ion. The houses, -which, by the -way, 'jave been liberally copied by the whole lelgliDorhood, nre A-shaped, fifteen by sixteen fct, the nurrow side to the front. The seven two by four rafters We eleven feet long, and are milled at :ue bottom directly on to the sills, which are four by four nnd raised a foot or so above the ground, on stones. The roof Is double, sloping east nnd R-est. and Is covered first with roneh 'aemlock boards, over which nre lnM two thicknesses of tarred paper, well unit-?ned down, and finally a libera) cont of coal tar over all. The ends of the. houses nre matin in lifferent ways, and some nre boni-dnrl 9nd shingled, others battened nulv Still others nre tivated like the roof. in the south end on the rlcht side Is n 3oor swinging outward, which Is left open every day unless the weather Is very stormy. A slat door Inside is found useful to k'i the hens from foing out in Inclement weather. At the left of the door Is the only window In me nouse. it consists of two sashes Of ordinary size, which nro Keren-! fast in their places and never opened. ror ventilation a hole six to eight Inches square is cut high up in each g-nble. During summer both of these are left open, while In wlntpr th hn. ir one only Is closed. The soil being nnt nrally rather light, no special prepara tion for floors Is required, further thnn to fill up each house with sund to about the top of the sills. Tho roost plat forms are in the back side about four reet rrom the ground, and are four fpt Wide. The roosts, thren nr fn-i- In number, are ubout one foot above the patforms, which latter nre cleaned weekly, nnd tho roosts as smeared with kerosene. Chese boxes for nests are placed on a platform at the side ns one enters. From thirty to forty fowls - occupy one; of thPKe houses. F. W. Mossman, In American Agriculturist. Humus In Soil,. The farmer can Increase tho amount of humus aud nitrogen by growing leguminous plums lu soils of good average fertility. There are from 2500 to 0000 pounds of nitrogen, S.MkI to 11,000 pounds of potash and 8500 to 0000 pounds of phosphoric acid pe-r acre in the surface soil. These pro portions vary, of course, according to tn character of the soils. When a clover crop is grown aud harvested the oil Is left In better condition thnn before, especially in nitrogen, while considerable amounts of potash, phos phoric acid and lime are, during the growth of the clover, absorbed and built up into Us tissue, which are cb- tnlnrd by the rools of the clover at depths not reached by the rools of some other farm crops, hence the clover crop, when plowed under, also adds mineral substances to the soil. Kxperlmeuts at the Canadian slntiou show that the estimates for a crop of clover, of one year's growth, produced 211,070 pounds of green leaves and stems, 11.475 pounds of roots (depth of four feet), nnd .'1073 pounds of semi decayed material on the surface cf the ground per acre, which contained about 101 pounds cf nitrogen in tho stems and leaves, 4S pounds ill tho roots and 2b pounds In the decaying material, making n total of 171 pounds of nitrogen added to the soil by a clover crop. If the clover Is mowed and fed to stock a portion Is returned ns man ure, but In the roots that are turned under remains 48 pounds, ns well n 22 pounds In the decnylng material. When the entire crop Is plowed tinder the vnlue of the nitrogen per acre, at fifteen cents per pound. Is J25.CT, ac cording to the ubove yield. Clover can therefore be profitably grown ns a green ninmirinl crop outside of Its value as bay. Dividing a RouaA glto. A reader from Canada asks for the best method of dividing a round rllo which recently came into his posses sion. Should the partition be put in crosswnys of the openings or extend from the openings? If the partition METHODS OP DIVIDINO A SILO. extends from the opening, shall It ex tend from the centre of the opening or from one edge? Figs. 1, 2 and 3 show the three plans. By putting the parti tion, ns In Figs. 1 and 2, the silage from one-half must bo thrown ncross the other, which means much extra work In emptying n silo. The partition should be placed as In Fig. 3 and good doors made to fit the opening in each side. Use paper, or what Is better, felt to make the Joints nir-tight. The render nlso nsks If It would not be all right to linve the boards cut and put In the partition as the silo is filled. It would be Impossible to moke a parti tion air-tight when put In in such a mnnncr. Too much enre cannot be taken In putting in such n partition. The ends will have to have much work where Joined to the walls or air will get through when one side Is empty. The work should be done In a good nnd substantial mnnner, us there is great pressure. Both sides should bo filled simultaneously nnd well compacted at nil times. It would break down the best-mnde partition If one side was put in at n time. After it is well settled If one side is taken out the pressure Is not so great. When taking out the first side, hnvo a large number of braces ready tho proper length, nnd as fast ns the silago is used, put in the braces. Fig. 4 shows the braces In position from tho sides of the silo to the pnrtltlon. These braces should have some pieces at the ends running the opposite direction to the material against which the brace Is to support. That Is. If the silo Is stave and the partition horizontal to the brace, the end pieces should be as In Fig. 5. If the timber of the outside of the silo is horizontal, the brace should be ns in Fig. G. When one side of the silo Is empty, there Is no danger of the wall giving way If these precau tions are taken. Next year, when fill ing, tho braces ns well as, the end pieces should be taken out aud luid nway for another year. By this method the man with a sninll herd can build a moderate sized silo and have silage through the dry time as well as winter at a very small outlay of money. American Agriculturist Large Fronts In Swine. While a good many farmers mnv hd slow In raising hogs to convert corn, into profitable pork when this grain Is as high as at present, It Is neverthe. less true that more money cun be mode in the aggregate in feeding the corn to hogs than In selling It in the mar. ket. There is no easier wav of maklnc money on the farm thnn to raise sw.'tle iu season ana out 01 season, sticking to the business venr after venr. nnd profiting by the Improvements which come through continuous efforts direct ed towards ono purpose. In fact, largo toriunes have been made in swine breeding and feedlnir on a lnrce senle where the clover and corn were raised ror no other purpose than to feed the animals at home. With tho full errn raised to feed tho hogs one will be sure to find a fair market for it each year. There, of course, is an occa sional over-production of bogs when prices drop, but tho business must he considered In the aggregate of years, and not by a single year. There is no other live stock which can be made to turn cut the same amount of live weight within a given time as vounir ulna which nre tan liberally from the day of their birth until ready for market. It is possible to raise, thera so that the farming of the fields will Improve year by year un der the process. Every ton of corn taken from the farm nnd sold In the market takes about six dnllnra' worth of fertility from the fields. Now the question is how to snve this fertility vy returning part or all of it to the soli. By a system of clover nnd corn raising for feeding BWine we can, in fact, return at least three-fnnrtha nf this utility to the laud. In this way we uo not roo tne sou to make money to-dny, which to-morrow we roust spend to purchase more fertility. The runner wno raises his clover and corn for the swine Is In a fair wnv tn im. prove bis land indefinitely, and at tha siftiie time to make a sood nrorit lino raising is thus more profitable than griiiu growing, or almost any other distinct line o? aet'lciiltnml irrirlr o T. Lannejuan, In American Cultivator. In 1850 only ene woman worked for wages to every ten men; now the ratio is one woman to four lueo, , . r&i 2 r&s New Mm it Vernon Joke. The aptitude of the black man for ready replies is known almost the world over. If he cannot think of a correct answer, even approximately, he proceeds to say something to i:n prcss you with the fact that he knows what lie is talking about. Not long agi) one .of the laborers or farm hands employed on the Mount Vernon es tate was working close to the roadside and a visitor who bad crime to pdy his tribute at the shrine of the Father of his Country came along. Spying the colored laborer, he asked hitn plr.yfully if he ever worked for George Washington. The laborer was well along in years, but still quick to an swer. "No, sah." he said, "but Ah dun used to wuk for some of his fam'Iy and Ah dun seen Mistah George often." "You say you've seen him often, un cle? quizzed the visitor. Ves, sah, Ah have." "Then you must have seen him when he took that famous hack at the cherry tree." the visitor persisted. Uncle was stumped for once, but only for a moment. "Ves. sah." he answer ed, with a face that immediately bright ened up. "Yes, sah, Ah sho did. Ah dun druv that hack mussclf." Ont of the Months of Babes. Small Boy I want to get a bale of hav. Dealer What do you want with hr.y? Is it for your father? Small Boy No, sir; it's for our horse. Mamma You must be awfully care ful, darling. The doctor says your system is all upset. Little Dot Yes. I guess it is. mam ma, cause my foot's asleep, and peo ple must be terribly upset when they go to sleep at the wrong end. "OnC by one our friends pass awav." mused the old lady, as a funeral pro cession was passing by the house. "Well, grandma," remarked little five-year-old Harry, "you wouldn't want em to go two by two or in bunches, would you?" "Mamma," said little Elsie, "when people are ashamed they always get red in the face, don't they?'' "I believe so. dear," was the reply. 'Then, ' continued the little observ er, "I wonder why Uncle George only gets ashamed in his nose?" vry Verdant. He certainly gives promise of living to a green old age." "Huh! He's reached it already. He's just married a girl thirty years his junior, and he thinks she loves him for himself alone." Merrill's Knot Powder. An absolute- euro for nil foot troubles. Guaranteed to stop all odor and exeeilvo ra'irJn' J)rin.KS red' b"ltB. smarting, po.f, d 1 Ander ,not to Prtectly norma condition. A superior toilet article for ladles. .1 LiJfW r?r does away wlth tne u" ' dress Inmi " ?I?1,K8i9t8- or nt direct In hand EZ.T'!,1"0 t0p .V11 Pse for 26c. H.DW1H F. MiuniLL. Muker, Woodstook. Vt. Few men are so accommodating as to be willing to make fools of themselves. A. M. Prient llni r.r-,'af bhaii...tii t j says: "Hall s Catarrh Cure gives tho best of Bunnimuiuu. lrii Ret picnty 01 testimonials, as it cures every one who takes it." Druc gists sell It. 75f. b It would be silly for the cornet player to blow his brains out. FITS perm anently cured. No (Its ornorvous nessaftorflrst day's uso of Dr. Kline's Groat Nervellestorer.tatrial bottle aud treatUefree Dr.Il. H. Kline, Ltd., Ml Arch St., Phlla., Pn. A child may be spoiled and still be too fresh. H. H. OnEEN's Sons, of Atlanta, Ga., aro the only successful Dropsy Specialists in the world. Bee their liberal offer in advertise ment in another column of this paper. The chronic kicker seldom practices upon himself. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Svrup for children teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma tlon.allqya pain, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle It's all right to kill time, for time will eventually kill you. I do not believe riso's Cure for Consump tion ho an equ il for coughs and colds Jon Boteb, Trinity Springs. Ind., Feb. 15, 1900. An average sized pineapple yields nearly two pint of juice. Putsam Fadeless Dyes color Silk, Wool and Cotton at one boiling. In eighteen month the hog population of the United State can double itself. mm. PE-RU-M NECESSARY TO THE HOME. A Letter From Congressman ?E RU-NA IS A HOUSEHOLD SAFEGUARD. No Family Should Be Without It. L) F.KUXA m a great family medicine. The women praise it as well o the men; it I.- jut the thing for the many little catarrhal ailments of childhood. Tho following testimonial from thank ful men and women tell in direct, sincere language what their succes-j has been in the use of l'eruna in their fnmilicMi Louis J. fchernnsky, 103 Locust street, Atlantic. Iowa, writes: "1 will tell you briefly what Tcruna lia dene for me. I took a severe cold which gave me a hard cough. All doctors' medi cines failed to cure it. 1 took one bottle of 1'eninn and was well. "Then my two children had bad coughs accompanied ny gagging. JHv wile hud stomach trouble for year. Ifho took l'e- runa and now she is well. "I cannot express my thanks in wordu, but I recommend your remedy at every opportunity, for 1 can conscientiously say that there is no medicine like Peruna. Nearly every one in this town knew about the sickness of myself and family, nnd they have seen with astonishment what Peruna has done for us. Many followed our example, and the result was health. Thanking you heartily, I am." L. J. Scherrinsky. Mrs. Nannie Wallace, Tulare, Cal., President of the Western Baptist Mis sionary Society, writes: "I consider Peruna an indispensable ar ticle in my medicine chest. It i twenty medicines in one. and has so far cured cvery sickness thnt ha been in my home for five years. I consider it of special value to weakly women, as it builds up the general health, drives out disease and keeps you in the best of health." Mrs. Nannie Wallace. Peruna protects the family against coughs, colas, catarrh, bronchitis, catarrh of the stomach, liver and kidneys. It is just as sure to cure a case of catarrh of the bowels as it is a case of catarrh of the head. The Vulplt Already Occnpled. There are queer nooks and corners in England yet. A country parson lately went to preach in an old remote parish one Sunday. The aged sexton, in taking him to the place, insinuatingly said: "I hope your riv'rence won't mind preachin' from the chancel. Ye see, this is a quiet place, and I've got a duck sittin' on fourteen eggs in the pulpit." All Klght. Mrs. Brown Mrs. Ayres says she changes her gown four or five times a day. Mrs. Greene Well, I don't blame her. I haven't seen her in anything that I shouldn't think she would be glad to change for something else. ST. JACOBS 1, OIL l POSITIVELY CURES 5 Rheumatism 1 ' Neuralgia Backache . Headache Feetache All Bodily Aches AND CONQUERS PAIN. OOtKrHWCt00Ot nDnPQY NEW DISCOVERT, sins &J 1 I j3P 1 omok rellat snd earn wont Sim Boo ol tMlimonla and lO days' treatment aTree Sr. a. a. toss, iu , Ai:au, da- ts tr - Mly ponent Darts are 5ause ft acte without disturbing the na1 'ons, as it is wholly free from every obj r. ' quality or substance. In the jfmi -xm manufacturing figs are used, a T&Amr C;v,A Peasant to the taste, but the cause it acts without pleasant virtues fcciiuiuf 1 - -ii ... Svrrr"rfAreijio. .v.ii. y-' White, of North Carolina. I HON". C-LOKGK II. WHITE. ! i Congressman fieorge llenrv White, of Tarborn, N. ('., writes the following let ter to Dr. llartman in regard to the mer its of the great catarrh cure, Peruna: House of Representatives, Waohington, Feb. 4, 1SP9. Genrleme-n "Inmmori than so t fled uittn, Peruna, and find it to bn an excellent remedy jor the grip and ca tarrh. I have used It n my famtly and they all join me in recommend ing it at an excellent remedy.1' Very iepectullu, George H. White. The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, 0.: Peruna is an internal, scientific, syste mic remedy for catarrh. It is no pallia tive or temporary remedy; it is thorough in its work, and in cleansing the diseased mucous membrane cures the catarrh. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory result from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving ., full statement of your case, and he will b pleased to give you hi valuable adnea gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of Th Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. I -va troubled with indigestion and I'yspepV.a as long as I cae re member. 1 so appetite, and the little I ate distressed me terribly. All day long I would feel sleepy and had no ambition to do anything. Since taking nipans Tabules I feci decidedly better. Iu tho morning I im fresh and sound nnd my appetite hns improved wonderfully. At druggist. The Five-Cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The family bottle, 00 cents, contain a supply for a year. HOW THIS To a Friend " DOES NOT APPEAL TO YOU. WE GUARANTEE our CONCENTRATED Iron & Alum Water to cure any form of Rheumatism, In dlgestlou. Female Complnlnt, Kidney and Bladder troulile, Catarrh, Stom ach Trouble, or money refunded. 8-oz. bottle 60 cents, 18-ol, bottle tl. It will cost you only S coot per day to give It a trial. Is your health worth It' J. M. ECHOLS CO., LYNCHBURQ, VA. What Do the Planets Bit about your life, jt, present and fnturef If yon will ;u.l two S-cc-nt itimpi, snd iltte of birth. Prof. Alfred, tli. iwatert Uvlnpr Alnlo(rtt. will Send il'ltJioroscoe absolutely FUEE. Address mot ALt HI D, V.rlh l.nlsw Slrwe t, Bnltllnuro. Md. ADVERTISE I!t TBTuAER IT PAYS s fids GeisUyt Vcts pieavsarvtly, Acts Berveficiallvi - as - a Laxative,. rup of Figs appeals to the cultured and the informed and to the healths lwii - t . w-ws ivvur simnlp nnH 01 disturbing the natural func- 'jectionable ; process of P.Q ihfr flra to the taste, but the medicinal of SvrtlD f)f Firr: nra iriS from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. To get its benerlcial effects buy the iiiaiiu:atiurca py me r0 - r - . 1 7i.w York;N.Y.