I-'ULTON COUNTY NEWS. Published Every Thursday. B. W. PECK, Editor and Proprietor. AcCONNELLSBURG. PA. OCTOBER 9. 1902. Published Weekly. $1.00 per Annum in Advance. AIPVUITISINO RATM. IVr o,imrc of H linen 3 times II W. Per Hgunre each Hiibseuuent Insertion.... 50. All advertisement Inserted for lew than three months churned by the aquure. 8 nios. Jfl tnos. 7Si5..T.w." . . iS.W). 40 00. 1 yr. no M.no 7S.0O One-fourth column. One-h:ilf column.... One Coiiniii Nolhine Inserted Tor less than II. rrofe-wtlouttl Cards one year ih. TIIK CONFESSION OF DAVID LEWIS TIIK NOTFIl HIGHWAYMAN AND COUNTERFEITER. After leaving Burlington witli my part of the common stock, and fiudins that the Vermouters. were too much like their ances tor! the Yankees, to permit a 'green hand" like me to impose upon their credulity, I considered m3r wisest plan was to make my way into New York and Pennsyl vania, as I knew that in the latter state a great portion of the popu lation consisted of Germans, who while they are upright aud honest themselves, aro uususpectiu;,' of the villainies of others. In New York, I met with considerable success in passing and exchang ing my counterfeit money, but crime not always prospering or escaping detection. I was dis covered in an unlucky bargain which I had concluded with a cer tain Gen. Root, who was then on au electioneering campaign, aud who had invited me to crack a bottle of wine with him to the health and success of Gov. Daniel D. Tompkins. Having taken a fan cy to one of the General's horses aud finding him rather soft in the head we soon struck a bargain, aud I paid him principally with my Burlington notes. In at tempting to repass some of these bills the General was taken up, and being in a place entirely un known was on the eve of being com mitted for trial, when a citizen who had seen him receive the notes, went bail for his appear ance, and accompanied the gen eral in pursuit of me. Not ex pecting au immediate detection I had retired to bed. The General and his companion found me after a diligent search comfortably laid up in snug quarters for the night and instantly hurried me off to a magistrate who made out my commitment and I soon found myself lodged in the jail at Troy. I lay here some weeks and had very gloomy prospects, when re flecting on the result of my trial, which was to come on in about a month, but soon began to flatter myself with a prospect of escape, through the agency of the daugh ter of the jailor, who.in her fathers absence, introduced to my room a young woman who was an inti mate friend of hers, and who I had often remarked gazing through the bars of my window from the house opposite, and who apparently much interested in my fate. The sentiments of pity which at first warmed the bosom of this tender hearted young woman, soon ripened into love, and after a short courtship at secret interviews I prevailed up on her to assist me in escaping under a promise of marriage. To affect this desirable object, every necessary preparation was made, and agreeable to previous arrangement, my kind friend, the jailor's daughter, forgot to lock the door of the prison department in which I was confined, after she had brought in my usual allow ance one Suudajr evening, when the rest of the family, and most of the town, had gone to church to hear a new preacher whose name I do not recollect, I seized the favorable opportunity, and without hindrance left the prison. I found the youug woman who had consented to accompany mo waiting with great anxiety at the extremity of the street that leads to Albany. Neither of us were in n mood for much conversation, and we immediately hurried tow aid that city after agreeing that both should change their names, she to assume the name of "Ma- linda," while I was to use that Van Duron, tho patronymic of an , ancient Dutch family who had j emigrated from Holland and set-1 t!-d at an early period in tho province of New York. My fe male eompauiou experienced all the terrors which usually accom- j nauy the most timid of the sex when placed in a similar situa- j tion. The constant dread of be ing pursued by her friends and overtaken; the regret at forsak ing the house and protection of a ; widowed mother; the circuiu-. stance of her elopement with a strauger of whose character she was perfectly ignorant and whose j face she had never seen until she j saw him through tho bars of a i prison window, all tending to alarm her fears for the preseut and excite her apprehensions for the future : wo had not proceed ed in our llight more than five miles before I discovered from j her agitated manner, her stilled sighs, aud suffocated breathing, that she repented of tho rash step she had taken. A dead si lence prevailed, and neither of us spoke one word for at least half au hour, when all at once she stopped suddenly, burst into tears, threw off her bonnet, lore her hair, and uttered the most frantic expressions, exclaiming repeatedly, "Oh! my mother! my mother ! what will become of my mother. " My heart was not cal lous to the distresses of others, aud the sight of a woman m tears moie especially ono who had so strong au attachment to me, could not fail to soften my own feelings and produce a shower of tears nearly as plenteous as her own. : As soon as I suudued this violent expression of sensibility, I used 1 every argument in my power to assuage her grief and moderate ' her passion, aud at length sue-: ceeded in pacifying her by re-; uewiug my promise of marriage, j which I supported by repeated oaths of sincerity, and many hor rid imprecations and curses on ' my own head if I did not fulfiill it in the most honorable manner the first opportunity that offered. Having in a measure composed : Malinda's perturbed mind, and painted in glowing colors the par- j adisiacal enjoyments of "mar ried" life, which possesses such , powerful attractions in the ro- j mantic imagination of a young girl of sixteen, we re commenced j our journey, and proceeded with-1 out interruption until we had i walked near ten miles further, j when my "way-worn traveler"! began to complain of blistered j feet, fatigue and weariuess ; ex- j pressing her wishes that we ! should put up for the remainder I of the night. 1 could not resist ho.' Mrm.sl, pnlrrfin nnrl nnt. witbstMnrli, t),n Hnn,,.B ,.f ! D " successful pursuit, the next farm we came to furnished us in one of its own houses with a safe re treat, and the means of rejoseon some buckwheat straw which I had gathered for the purpose in an adjacent barnyard. My com panion in flight, (for so I then considered her, having as yet no legal right to use the appellation "wife") soon threw herself on these hard lodgings, and so much was she overpowered with the ex ercise of travel that, notwith standing her agitation of spirit, sue insiauiiy suuir into tho em braces of sleep. Shecontinued to en joy "heavens sweet restorer," balmy sleep, for about four hours, and did not awake until the loud and shrill notes of a noisy troublesome cock who had perched on a neighbor ing tree, proclaimed the near ap proach of morning, by his repeat ed crowing, the sure unerring harbinger of day. (To be Continued) HIS LIFE IN PERIL. "I just seemed to havo gone dl to pieces," writes Alfred Pee, of Welfare, Tex., "biliousness aud a lame back had made life a bur den. I couldn't eat or sleep aud felt almost too worn out to work when I began to use IClecti ic J'it tera, but they worked wonders. Now I sleep liko a top, can eat anything, have gained in strength and enjoy hard work." They give vigorous health and new life to weak, sickly, ruu-down people. Try thorn. Only 50c at W. 8. Dickson's drug store. A number of the citizens of Ev erett and the eastern part of Bed ford county are contemplating tho organization of a company which will build a telephone line connecting the villages oast of Everett and Fulton county. This ofj';0 ,u uu auu ucq i . n , : i j . i Your Column. To Hhow our ftppt'Ocinthiu of the wsiv In which the Pulton County New is ttimf adopt ed Into the Iminr of the '-onIe of ih-t uounty, we Imve wet upaii huh t!u. .urn for luo I'UKK u.su of our MutjserUiorMortulvertlHliiK purpomn, milijort t' ihe following condition: I. U t frie only to those w ho are paid-up nun Beriberi. 1 Only pernonul property can be advertised. 3. Notioes must not exceed 30 w rds. 4. All "leKiU" ootluin excluded h. Not free to merchants, or any one to adver tise (roods sold under mercantile license. The primary object of this column' In to af ford farmers, and folks who are not In public business, an opportunity lo bring to public at tention products or stocks they may have to sell, or may want to buy. Now, this space Is yours; If you wanttobuy a lorne. If you want hired help. If you want to borrow money. If you want to sell ft pltf, a butf try, some hay. a goose, or if you want to adver tise for a wife thin column Is yours. The New is read weekly by eitrht thousand people, and is the best advertising medium In the couniv. Wanted. A married niau of sober industrious habits to work ou farm by the year, beginning 1 April 1, l!'0.1. Hood chance. House and all necessary privi- it.jjes.c. J. Rrewer, McCou- uellsburg. Stkayed away from the prem ises of David A. Nelson in Ayr township, sometime in Juae, a red and white mostly red hor ney heifer. Any information leading to her whereabouts will bo generously rewarded by Mr Nelson. A. DOZEN TIMES A NIGHT. Mr. Owen Dunn, of Benton Fer ry, W. Va., writes : "I have had kidney aud bladder trouble for years, and it became so bad that I was obliged to get up at least a dozen times a night. I never re ceived any permauentbenetit from any medicine uutil I tried I took Foley's Kidney Cure. Aflerusing two bottles, I am cured." All dealers. VALUE OP PUNCTUATION. The Berlin corrospoudeut of tho Daily Mail tells this story of tho school inspector's recent vis it to a small Gorman towu. Ke luostm the Mayor to accompany him, the inspector heard the lat ter mutter, "I would like to kuow why that ass lias curie so soon a;aiu." Arrived at the 'first school he began to examine the pupils in punctuation, but was told by the Mayor, "We don't trouble about commas aud such like." The inspector merely told ; XckbUSd'Tliroroflt will pay you to make your Kit.clbuttel says the inspector is : an ass. ".Now," he added, "put a comma after 'Ritzelbuttel' and another after 'inspector.'" The boy did so. Tho Mayor is believed to have changed his opiuion as to the value of commas. j NEVER ASK ADVICE. ... hen vou have a courh or cold : don't ask what is good for it and gei some medicine witn mue or 1 no merit and perhaps dangerous. ASn 101' r Oley s lloney and Tar, the greatest throat and lufig rem-1 ledVi it cures coughs and colds I ou'icklv All dealers M A D DENS V ILLE. October 2. A band of gypsies encamped for several days near here. They had quite a number of horses, aud found this a very poor place to trade in that line, but a very good place to barter in fortune-telling, as quite a num ber of the young people made good the opportunity to find out what the future held in store for them. Rev. Dressier was the recipient of a bountiful donation from the brethcru aud friends of Cherry Grove church on Saturday even ing. Sunday morning he preach ed his farewell sermon before leaving to attend the Eldership. Hert Reihart who had been out one week trying his "Wonder" threshing machine which he built this summer is at home. Ed Frehn aud wife spent last Sunday visiting at James Linn's. Such smiles as were never be fore seen, have of late been wreathing the faces of William Cromwell and Calvin Linn, all on account of the visitation of the stork, which left a son at each re spective home. Clarence Reihart, who, we have been informed, had previously apprenticed as a carder, is now employed as blacksmith for the mines at Robertsdale. GOi:s-LIKEir6TCAKES. "The havo in fastest selling article I vny store," writes drug- gist C. T Smith, of Davis, Ky., "is Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, becauso it always cures. In my six years of sales it has never failed. I have known it to save sufferers from Throat and Lung diseases, who could get no help from doctors or any other reme dy." Mothers rely on it, best physicians prescribe it, and W. S. Dickson guarantees satisfac tion or refundc price. Trial bot tles free. Reg. sir-es, 50c aud $1. Stoch e I i i AHiMnNMftnSflHHMBBHI Goods Below Cost, And this Is No Fake ! T HE Assignees of H. C. Smith & Co. have decided that tho stock of General Merchandise now in their hands must go out, and if you are in need of anything now, if there is anything 'summer, it will pay opportunity UKe mis omy comes once in they have nearly everything found in a we give a few prices on goods. LAWNS. 12Jc tor 6c. DIMITIES. 12Jo kind for 10 and 80. VALOIi) LACK. : 10o kind for Gc. PERCALES. Windsor Percale, 3(5 inches wide, CLOTHING. lioya suits from 4 to 9 yrs, $1 to S3; reduced from 3.00 and 4.25. 14 to 18 years, from 3.00 to 7.00, reduced t orn ft 00 and 9.00. Men's emits, black cutaways, 17.00, reduced to 8.00 and 8.50. Other men's suits from 8 50 to 5.50. All Other Goods will be Sold at a Proportionate price. TM--rm"'i"MTOW"'rMMM1 HIS NECK BROKEN. John T. Kooutz, a residence of - ' " " - - V . J . . w , . - . J ; met with au untimely death Sat- i urday. morning. Ho and another ; man were- cleaning a well on man worn rlenninir a well on the . ........ . 1 farm of Daniel Snyder and were 1 preparing to re-wall it. It was ! (iO feet deep and two ladders had been placed together to reach the buttom. Kooutz started to go i clown when tho fastniugs broke ; and he fell to the bottom, break i ing his neck. He was aged 35 j years aud leaves a wife aud two children. SPENT MORE THAN If 1000. W.W.Baker, of Plainview, Neb., writes : "My wife suffered from lung trouble for fiftoen years. She tried a number of doctors and spent over $1000 without relief. She became very low and lost all hopo. A friend recommended Fo ley's Honey and Tar and, thanks to this great remedy, it saved her life. She enjoys better health than she has known iu ten years." Re fuse substitutes. All dealers. A NOVEL BEE HIVE. There was a rather novel occur reuce at a school house near Cu m berland last week. The change in the weather ne cessitated tire, and when tho buildiug became warm, honey bees commenced to swarm about the room in such large numbers that it became necessary to take a recess and investigate. It was soon learned that a swarm of bees had settled be tween the ceiling and tho roof of the buildiug during the summer and hud gone to work. The bees were smoked out by means of burning sulphur, and about 75 pounds of honey was ob tained. DR. KING'S y HEW DISCOVERY FOR THAT COLD. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Cures Consumntion.CouKhs. Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, PneumoniaJIayFever.rieu- risy, LaOrippe, Hoarseness, 'Bore Throat, Croup and w. W 1. . Whooping Cough NO CURE. NO HAY. rlc 60c. and SI. TRIAL BOTTLES FREE of Stove (Boobs cloee you can use this fall, you to go and get it 12ickind for 10c. SATEENS. ICo. kind for 10c; 12o kind for f 8c; 10c kind at Oo. TAPESTRIES. Upholstering tapestries, beauti ful patterns, 85e for 70c. SILKATINE. 12c. kind for 10c; 10c for 80 HATS. Straw h ts ior men and boys, up- to-date styles, 75c for 40c, 50c j for 25c, 40c for 10c, $1 for 10c j Linen hats, 50c for 25c, crash j Lata, 50c for . Derbys, $2 j purchases early, At these J t J , f THF FULTON COUNTY NEWS Covers the Field. In every part of the County faithful re porters are located that gather the daily happenings. Then there is the State and National, News, War News, a Department for the Farmer and Mechan ic, Latest Fashions for the Ladies. The latest New York, Bal timore, Philadelphia Markets. The bun day School Lesson, Helps for Christian Encleavorers, and a Good Sermon for ev erybody. THE JOB DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE. SALE BILLS, POSTERS, LETTERHEADS, ENVELOPES, CARDS, &c.,' I In fact anything and everything in the best style along that line. Sample copies of the News sent to any of your friends cn request, t t j i next winter, or next while it lasts, as an a iiieumu. vvmitj GENERAL STORE, for SI, soft hats, $1 50 for $1. $1.00 for 75c. SHOES. Shoes lor men, women and chil dren, the $3 kind for $1, $3 25 tor $1.25, $2.25 for $1. CARPETS. All wool carpets, 75c for 00c, halt wool, C5c for 55c, tho 30c grade for 22Jc. RUGS. $1 kind for 80c. SHIRTS. SI f r 40c, 50c at 25c prices goods will soon be sold CUMBERLAND VALLEY TIME TABLET May 2U, 1H02. I.ciive no. 2 uo lino. tJ no. e no 101 110 Win Chester 'A. M A H 1 80 P u tv. u 6 :is i I 8 m I M.utlnsburK.... I JiuirrNtown ii'runciistte .... ; i4)x'(.'rsburtf . . . . ; j i iianibcrNOiii'K' - I Wuynesboro j stiipprnKliurtf ... ! Newvillo f 1 7 ltt It hO WW: so 3 All H or. 8 10 If 10 St- ( II i 4 I 14 '0 in 7 XII V 4.i I l" I IS 1 u.V.,1. in uo 3 XA 8 fiO.IO 68 7 Mi io oii i eft 6 07 9 II 9 l 9 M 10 13 i"6"n 11 10 11 m 12 M 1'.' tl 12 40 4 4 7 13 7 16 A. H 8 10,10 M, I 4-J Curllsle MechiiutGsburg,. UillsburK Air, Hurrtsburtf. Air. l'hllH A it. New York. Arr. Ualtluiore.. 8 80 10 44 2 08 6 M 8 f0;ll Oft 1 fwl.... i & lft I 40 6 Hi 8 07 11 2ft 8 V, f hi 3 II P. H. S 40 6 3Ti II 4 5 47 10 M 4 i I M I-' 10 8 CK 8 M 0 4s: P. M.P. M. 7 lo li 30 A. M. Tmlu No 12 mist runs dully rxcept Sunday betw.en UitKer.stowD und lliirrlstmiK- leuvlu'n Hii;uito n 1.20 uud urnviun ut HuirWnux ul 6.40 TriilD No. 17 west ruus dully except Sundiiy bt'lwuen IlurrlHtjiirif und Greuncusitu, leuvlug HurrlMi'irtf 6.1ft And urrlvlni; Oreeuuustle 7.8ft. Addillouul eiiol-bouud louul liulun will run daily, cioupt Suuduy, uu IuIIuwh: i.euve Curllsle 6.ih a. ni., 7.0ft n. m., 12.40 p. m., 8.16 p. Qi,t luuve Mechuulosburg 6.08 u. m.( 7.a) a. m.. 8.1V u. ui., l.ul p. ui., 2.30 p. in., 3.30 p.m., 6.30 p. m. TmiuM Nus. 8 und 110 run dully between Hu gerstuwu und lluriisbui'v uud No. It ufteei Uil'iutus lulu on Sunduyt - Dully. t Duily except Sunday. Luava no. I no. 3 do. 6, no. 7 no. B 109 ., , , P.H A.H A.H P.H P.H P.M. Il iltlmore 11 6ft 4 41 8 60 12 00 4 86 5 6i New Yolk 7 6ft 12 10 8 55 2 66 8 26 'III! II 20 4 2ft 8 40 11 40 ;6 80 8 SO lIunisbuiK 6 on 7 56 11 4ft 8 26 6 25 11 Of) Dillsuurx 12 40 4 OF. Mvuhiiuiuabwrjl.. 6 10 8 10 12 Oft 8 411 8 46 11 23 'Jurlisle 6 40 8 80 12 27 4 01 9 OK 1 1 42 Newville 9 02 9 00 12 61 4 23 9 29 12 02 ShlpiieusbuiK... 20 9 18 1 10 4 30 9 47 12 18 Waynesboro 10 87 2 0ft 6 8ft.... C'hillnberiiblllg.. 6 411 9 36 1 32 4 5 10 07 12 86 MlT!rsburK.... 8 Ift 10 47 Hi (Jreeucastle .... 1 Oft 10 00 I 6ft 6 21 10 30 12 66 lUtCcnttOWU.... 7 27 10 22 8 17 5 41 10 51 Murll unburn 8 21 II 10 6 20 Ar. Wlnuuemor. 9 lo II 6ft 7 16 A. M. A. M. P. M. P. U. P. Id A. H. Additional locul trulus will leavo Hurrlsburp UHrollows: i'or OuHIhIo und Intermediate mil lion, ui 9.37 u. in.. 2.00 p. m. uud fi.26 p. m also forMeohunirhburK Dillsburi,' and Intermediate "ttuionsut 7 00 h. ni aud 3.16 p. m. Trains No. I, 8 and 109 run dally brtweec 'lMi-risi,ur. and llUKi-i'htown. I'ullman ualuue sieepluK cam between Nr Vork uud Kiioxville. Tenn., on truln I en nid lo eust uud between 1'lilludWpblu und Welsh on N. & v. Hallway on iralim Iu9 west uud 12 east, exeept that ou Sunday the l'liba delplilu sleeper will run east ou No. 2 'inruiitcli uoiiebea to und Irora Phllodelpnli ou trains t and 4 eust und 7 and 9 west, Daily. t Dally except Sunday. KU; ni,;ilN i'KNN'A K. R. TRAINS. 1'hs till 1'. M J .17 I'.IK. H13 M!. 61 A w'Lve. Arr. PlIU, t6t P. w, 4 2C 4 Of 3 3t 8 Ot 00 P H IHl 10 00 10 12 7 on;L'liuninersburif.. 7 8 Ift ft SMlO 47 Marlon . .Meroorsburif , . Loudon 6 151 II M 8 .-ill 9 W 6 2: P u II 15 .-IMcbiitoud..,. A. u . M. II. A. Ullilll.lE, CJeu'l Pub. Auent. J. K IIoto, KIDNEY DISEASES are the eases. most fata! of all dis till C Y'O mm CURE It I iULli O Guarantssd Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the oest for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICB 50c tod VM. Pas. Mix. 64 t66 A U AM 8 4ft II 60 8 83 II 32 8 00 10 10 7 iW 9 42 7 80 9 30 A W P M BUSINESS DIRECTORY. I1AKIU US. R. M. DOWNES, FlUHT CLASS Tonsorial Artist, MoCONNISLLSIIUlU), l'A. A Clean Cup nnd Towel with en:h Slmve Everything Antiseptic. Razor bterilUed. tVSbop In room lately occupied n; Kd lime ISAAC IN. WATSON, Tonsorial Artist. Strictly up to rttttc In all style of hmr im.l. tin. Quick, ey shaves. Huy-ruui. C'rrun Witch-hazel, without extrn ctmrire. Fre- h towel to each customer. Latest Improved ui tmrntufi for sterilizing tools, l'arlorn oppoKiie Fulton Howe. M. R. SHAFFNER, Attorney at Law, Office on Square, McConnellsburg, P;i. .All IokhI huNlnesn und collcctloni nitrified will ecelve otireful ttu prompt attention. IIOTIXS. BARTON HOUSE, EDWIN III'SIIONG, lHOI HANCOCK, Ml. I'? Under the new management Ivir been refurnished and remodeled. (iood wimple room. Headquarters for commercial met. Fulton County Telephone connected. Livery and Feed Stable In connection. CIU'KCIIKS. Prksuvteiiian. Hev. W. A. Wost, D. D., Pastor. Preachlnjr services each alternate Sabbath atl0::i0a. m. and every Sund.iv evening at 7:00. Services ut Green Hill on a'ternalo Sabbaths at 10:110 a. in. Subbat'i school at 0:15. Junior Christian En deavor at 2:00. Christian Kmleavor at (1:00. Prayer meeting Weiinesda;, evening at 7:00. Mrthowst Episcopal Rov. a. D. McCloskey, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:.'!0 a in. Preaching every other Sunday morning at 10:;0 and every Sunday evening at 7:00. Epivortii League at 0:00 i. m. Prayer imVting Thursday evening at 7:00. Unitkd Prksijvteuian Kev. J. I,. Grove, Pastor. Sunday school ut 9:0 a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn ing at 10:30, ami every other 'Sunday eveuing at 7:00. The alternate Sublioth evenings are used by the Vmiiig Peo ple's Christian Union at 7:M p. rn. Prayer meeting Wediiesduv t.venln" at 7:00. EVANGK.I.li.Ai. l-,l Tlll:liAN IU'V. A. G. Wolf, Pastor. Sumh'v school !):'." a. m. Preaching every oilier Sundi f morning at 10:30 and eveey other Sun day evening at 7:00. Christian En deavor at 0:00 p. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evt ning ut 7:00. Rkformkii Kev. C. M. Smith, Pas tor. Sunday school ut 11:30 a. in. Preaching ou alternate Sabhaths ;it 10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. in. Christum Endeavor at 0:00 p. m. Prayer meet ing on Wednesday evening at 7:0'J. Tr.HMS OV COI KT, The first term of tho Courts of I'Vl tou county in tho year shall commerce on the Tuesday following tho second Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. ;n. Tho second term commences on ' lie third Mouday of March, at - o'cli uk p. ni. The third term on the Tuesday next following tho second Monday of Ju at 10 o'clock a. m. The fourth term on the first Mond iy of October, at 2 o'clock p. m. HOKOl Gil Oi l ICKKS. Justice of the Peace Thomas P. Sloan, L. H. Wible. Constable John II. Doyle. Burgess H. W. Scott. Councilmen I). T. Fields, Leonard Hohman, Samuel Hender.M. AV. Nut Clmk William Hull. H ighConstu bio Wm. Ban mgardritr. School Directors A. U. Naco. Joi n A. Irwin, Thomas l Sloan, F. M, Taylor, John Comeier, (.'. 15. Steven '4. gi:ni:kai. dihuctouy. President Judge Hou.S.Mc. S ( e Assm'iate'.ludges fnmel Kirk, vid Nelson. Prothonotary, e. Frank P. Lynch District Attorney George B. 'pan tels. Treasurer George B. Mtllutt. Sherill Daniel C. Fleck. Deputy Sheriff Jury Commissioners C. Ill 10. Plum mer, Anthony Lynch. Auditors John S. Harris, W. C Davis, S L. Garland. Commissioners II. K. Malot, A. V Kelly, John Fisher. Clerk Frank Muson. County Surveyed Jonas Lake. County Superintendent- Clem CLcs nut. Attorneys W. Scout Alexander. .1 Nelson Sipes, Thomas F. Sloan. F McN. Johnston, M. -K. Shalleci-, C!ei) H. Daniels, John P. Sipes, S. V.' Kirl sot:ii:iii:s, Odd Fellows M'Ciiincllsuui-gI.'.iige No. 744 meets every 1'riilav evenir i in the Comerer Building in McConm !!., burg. Fort Littleton Lodge "No. 481 mc rts every Saturday evening in the Cl ou i i building at Fort Littleton. Wells Valley Lodge No. 007 n rcli. every Saturday evening in (hid I ei Iqws' Hall at Wells Tannery. Harrisonville Lodge No. 701 meets every Saturday evening in Odd Fel lows' Hall ut Harrisonville. Waterfall Lodge No. 773 meets ev ery Saturday evening in Odd Fello' Hall at Waterfall Mills. Warfordsburg Lodge No. iu Wurfordsburg every (iOl niceis Sutui-'.'uy evening. King Post G. A. K, No. 3(i;i meets in McConnellsburg in Odd L-Vilows' Hii'l theirst Saturday in every month t. 1 p. m. 1 loyal Arcanum.T ifcurora Coiim1!, No. 121, meets on ullertiate M( cili y evenings in P. U. S. of A. Hull, a MctJonnellsburg. Washington Camp No. 407, P. O. S. A., of New Grenada, meets evciy urday evening iu P. O. S. of A. Hull. Washington Camp, No. CM, P. O.r, of A., Hustontown. meet a every Sntui" urday evening in P. O. 8. of A. HH., .Tohn,Q. Taylor Post O. A. II., Nut Ml), meets every Saturdu' , on or jus preceding full moon in 1 ashley ball ut l! p. m., ut Buck Valley. Woman' Relief Corps, No. 80, meet at same uate aud piuce at. 4 p.mi Gen. D. H. McKlbbin Post No. 402, G, A. S., meets the secoi.d and fourth Haturdnyu iu each mouih ut PleaituDl Hldue.