FULTON COUNTY NEWS. Published Every Thursday. B. W. PECK, Editor and Proprietor. AkCONNELLSBURG, PA. OCTOBER 2, 1902. Published Weekly. 1.00 per Annum in Advance. ' AllVEHTlSIO RATBH. Per square of linen 1 time II J. rer sguarc each subsequent Insertion.... W. , All advertisements Inserted for leu than three monllis charted by the square. 3 moH. r."iK.iio7 . . ivoo. .. 4o.no. miM, I I yr. IJo.ob. Ho.oo 40.00. so.oo ra.oo. v.oo One-fourth column. One-hnlf column tine Column Nothinu inserted forlesa than II. lro(ossionul Cards one year V. Till: COM FSSION OF DAVID LEWIS THE MOTKI) HIGHWAYMAN AND COUNTERFEITER. (Continued from First PiiKe.) txk my departure about four o' clock in the morning, -without bid ding adieu or returning thanks to my landlady, of whom I began to entertain suspicious thoughts and recall to mind the many stories I had heard of "poisoned cheese," and "colt sausages." Afterwind ing my way for some distance through the woods, I ascended the top of the Blue Mountains, about sun rise, and avoiding the great road as much as possible, I pursued my journey towards the residence of my mother in Centre county, after experiencing many a hungry belly and sleepless night. I arrived at mother's much fatig ued and entering the house just as the family wore preparing to rake up the embers of a dyiug fire, and retire to rest, accosted the old lady oefore I was recog nized by any of my brothers or sisters; I could easily perceive that whilst the beam of joy played iu her eya at seeing me again, it was evident the thorn of sorrow was planted in her heart, lest it might involve me in fresh difficul ties and troubles. I remained with my mother's family some time and was almost persuaded to settle and become industrious and sober, but my rambling dis position predominated and for the sake of company and amusement paid occasional visits to this town (Belief on to). I frequented the taverns for the sake of sport and to drown in the society of the loungers which are always to be found in the bar-room of a coun try inn the compunctions of con science with which I was at that time occasionally visited, and al though I was, previous to this, guilty of many juvenile indiscre tions and petty offenses, I never comtemplated embarkingin those dangerous and unlawful enter prises which unhappily distin guish the remainder of my ca reer. I here discovered through the medium of the newspapers and other sources of information that the people of the interior had resolved to establish country banks, and from the number which theu existed, young and ignorant as I was, I foresaw that while such a measure would ter minate in the ruin of society, it would tend to facilitate the views of counterfeiters, and open a door for carrying on extensive schemes of fraud on the ignorant and weak part of the community. Unluckily for me, I one day hap pened to fall in company with one of those tin pedders or Yankee card men, who at that time were very numerous all over the coun try, and who showed me a large quantity of Bank Bills, purport ing to be issued from sundry hanks at Philadelphia and else where, and which he said he ob tained at Burlington, in the state of Vermont, at a very low rate, and that ho could make an inde pendent fortune in a very short time, provided he had any person ipon whom he could depend to aid and assist him in their circu lation. Being induced by the Hattering prospect thus held out, I accompanied him to Burlington where I was introduced to this manufacturing association, and soon became initiated into all the mysteries of the fraternity. With a mind bent on unholy gain, 1 soon became an adept at the bus iuess, and received from them for distribution and circulation a con siderable amount of spurious notes. (To be continued.) VENGEANCE ON HUSBAND BEATEliS. ! l I Little do we kuow.of the suffer ing and heartache that is hidden behind pride in many a family. Once in a while in the divorce courts we are given a glimpse of these things. At Coffeyvillie, for example, J. II. Cain has filed suit for divorce, alleging cruelty against his spouso. In his peti tion he tells of how his wife used to become enraged and swear at him and then strike him with her brutal fists. Patiently he bore with these bursts of temper, hop ing against hope that she would do better in the future, but the outbreaks became more frequent the blows fell oftener with great er fierceness, his tears and pa tience grew less effoctivo, and at i last he tied in terror and took ref uge in the home of his parents. Petitions like that of Mr. Cain are calculated to steel the heart against all feelings of mercy. We may talk of the law taking its course, but it seems at times as though nothing but summary mob vengeance will meet the case of these husband beaters whiare all too plentiful. Kansas City Journal. HIS LIFE IN PERIL. "I just seemed to have gone all to pieces," writes Alfred Bee, of Welfare, Tex., "biliousness and a lame back had made life a bur den. I couldn't eat or sleep and felt almost too worn out to work when I began to use Electric Bit-1 ters, but they worked wonders, j Now I bleep like a tqp, can eat j anything, have gained iu strength and enjoy hard work." They give j vigorous health and new life to ; weak, sickly, run-down people, j Try them. Only 50c at W. S. ; Dickson's drug store. ! WORRY AND INDIGESTION. Worry is but one of the many forms of fear, so that worry tends to the production of indigestion. Indigestion tends to put the body of the subject in a condition that favors worry. There is thus es tablished a vicious circle which tends to perpetuate itself, each elements augmenting the other. It is necessaiy to securo a cheer ful, wholesome atmosphere for the dyspeptic. Laughing is in it- elf also a useful exercise from the standpoint of digestion. Five minutes' deliberate laughing aft er each meal would bean excellent prescription for some people. Family Doctor. GOES LIKE HOT CAKES. "The fastest selling article I have in my store," writes drug gist C. T. Smith, of Davis, Ky., "is Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, because it always cures. In my six years or sales it has never failed. I have known it to save sufferers from Throat and Luug diseases, who could get no help from doctors or any other reme dy." Mothers rely on it, best physicians prescribe it, and W. S. Dickson guarantees satisfac tion or refund; price. Trial bot tles free. Reg. sixes, r0c and 1. HER "HAM AND"WAY. The time for the dinner was at hand. The interior of the Upjohn man sion was decked with roses, car nations and lilies for the feast. But at the last moment a terri ble calamity happened. The hired girl left. The mistress hurriedly engag ed a substitute who had been waiting on the table at a boarding house. The first course was served, aud at the proer time the now maid was directed to remove the dishes. With a tray held high in the air she advanced to the head of the table and called out in a loud, high keyed voice : "Stack yer plates !" Chicago Tribune. A DOZEN TIMES A NIGHT. Mr. Owen Dunn, of Beutou Fer ry, W. Va., writes : "I have had kidney and bladder trouble for years, and it became so bad that I was obliged to get up at least a dozeu times a night. I never re ceived any permanent benefit from any medicine until I tried I took Foley's Kidney Cure. After using two bottles, I am cured." All dealers. Foley's Honey and Tot curt colds, prevents pneumonia. Tour Column. To show our appreciation of the way In which the Fulton County News is be'iim adopt ed into the hoinc of the people of t !.- couuty, wo have set -.ipart this en .nun for the FUKK use of our subscrlbcrs.for advertising- purposes, subject to the follow intf conditions: I. It Is frco only to those who are paid-up sub He rlbcrs. 8. Only personal property ean be advertised. 8. Notices must not exceed SO w rdH. 4. All "leiral" notices excluded 6. Not free to merchants, or any one to adver tise goods sold under a tnercantllo license. The primary object of this column' Is to af ford farmers, and folks who are not In public business, an opportunity to brink to publiu at tention products or stocks they may have to sell, or may want to buy. Now, this spaoe Is yours; If you want to buy a .lorse. If you want hired help, If you want to borrow money. If you want to sell a pig, a buif iry, some hay, a xoose, or If you want to adver tise for a wife this column Is your. The New Is read weekly by elKht thousand people, and is the best advertising medium In the countv. Will sell cheap, or exchange, good Singer sewing machine for stock or grain. Address David Steveus, Laidig, Pa. For Sale. A young black mare; also wants to buy a Cotswold buck. J. L. Grissiuger, New Grenada, Pa. For Sale A traction engine, a sawmill, a threshing machine, aud a shingle machine all in running order. D. B. Mum ma, Knobs ville, Pa. Wanted. A married man of sober industrious habits to work on farm by the year, beginning April 1, 11)03. Good chance. House and all necessary privi leges. C. J. Brewer, McCon nellsburg. For Sale. A full blood English Berkshire Boar, 4 mouths old. Inquire C. J. Brewer, McCou nellsburg, Pa. NATURAL ANXIETY. Mothers regard approaching winter with uneasiness, children take cold so 'easily. No disease costs more little lives than croup. It's attack is so sudden that the sufferer is often beyond human aid before the doctor arrives. Such cases yield readily to One Minute Cough Cure. Liquifies the mucus, allays inflammation, removesdanger. Absolutely safe, i Acta immediately, cures cough,; V-v-.Jt p I I I') Ml UUVllI H. ) IU1 tlllUUV and lung trouble. F. S. McMahou Hampton, Ga : "A bad cold ren dered mo voiceless just before an oratical contest. I intended to withdraw but took One Minute I Cough Cure. It restored my voice in time to win the medal." ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION OF NAMES. "Since arriving in the United States I have been greatly aston ished at the way you pronounce many proper names," said Mr. John H. Hanson, tourist from Iludersfield, England. "For example, this very hotel at which I am stopping (the Ra leigh) is gived a pronunciation that sounds barbarous tomy ears. You call it as though it were spell ed 'Rawley.' Now that is positive ly incorrect, for the great Eng lishman in whose honor it was no doubt named is known now, and has always been known with us, as though his name was spelled Rally. "I can't criticise your pronun ciation of such words as 'Poto mac,' but in England your beauti ful river has ever been called the 'Pot-o-mac,' with the accent on the last syllable. It is an Indian word, 1 believe, and you have the right to place the emphasis on any syllable you like, although it seems to mo that our way of pro nunciation gives far more of strength and dignity to the name." Washington Post. THE WORST FORM. Multitudes are siuging the j praises of Kodol, the uow discov- j ery which is making so many sick j people welland weakpeoplestrong j by digesting what they eat, by j cleansing and sweeting the stem- ach and by transforming their j food into the kind of pure,rich,red j blood that makes you feelgood all I over. Mrs. Cranfill, of Troy, I.T. j writes : For a numbur of years 1 1 was troubled with indigestion aud j dyspepsia which grew into the ! worst form. Finally I wasinducod to use Kodol and after usiug four bottles I am entirely cured. I re commend Kodol to all sufferers from indigestidu and dyspepsia. Take a dose after meals. It di gests what you eat. ADVERTISE IN The Fnlton Comty News. lb. C. Smitb & Xo'8 tod? of Store (Boobs o be close a Goods Below Cost, And this Is No Fake ! THE Assignees of H. C. Smith & Co. tho stock of General Merchandise JL must go out, and if you are in need of anything now, if there is anything you can use this fall, next winter, or next summer, it will pay you to go and get it while it lasts, as an opportunity like this only comes once in a lifetime. While thev have nearly everything found in a GENERAL STORE, we give a few prices on goods. LAWNS. 12Jc tor Cc DIMITIES. 12Jc kind for 10 and 8c. VALOI1) LACE. lCc kind for 0c. PERCALES. Windsor Percale, 36 inches wide, CLOTHING. Boys' suits from 4 to 9 yra, $1 to $3; reduced from 3. 00 and 4.2.3. 14 to 18 years, from 3.00 to 7.00, reduced i om 5.00 and 9.00. Men's emits, black cutaways, 17.00, reduced to 8.00 and 8.50. . Other men's suits from 8 50 to 5'.50. Mmmmamm.saaaaMaasmaaaammamaamamaaaaaau All Other Goods will be Sold at a Proportionate price. It will pay you to make your SPENT MORE THAN $1000. W.W.Baker, of Plainview, Neb., writes : "My wife suffered from lung trouble for fifteen years. She tried a number of doctors and spent over $1000 without relief. She became very low and lost all hope. A friend recommended Fo ley's Honey and Tar and, thanks to this great remedy, it saved her life. She enjoys better health than she has known in ten years. " Re fuse substitutes. All dealers. Teacher "Suppose your little brother had two pennies and you gave him three more, what would he have then?" Nisby Murphy "A vaniller ice cream soder." Puck. NEVER ASK ADVICE. When you have a cough or cold don't ask what is good for it and get some medicine with little or no merit and perhaps dangerous. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar, the greatest throat and lung rem edy, it cures coughs and colds quickly. All dealers. Needed in Every Home 0N THE NEW WPBSlERS AND ENLARGED EDITION OF lurreMNATMfaLi DKTIUtUJtY webster's International Dictionary A Dictionary ef ENGLISH, Blot r.vfajr, Gorapb jr, Fiction, ale. New Plate Throughout 25,000 New Words rhraass and Definitions Pivjiiiri'cl uinK-r the direct super vision of W. T. HARRIS, Ph.D., LL.D., I'niloil Slulos Commissioner of Kdu cutiou, usmkUmI by a hugo corps of com petent specialists inn! editors. - Rich Binding. 2364 Quart. P. g.. S0UO Illustration. t1fmTh luttrnatioHalwai first iatutd in JHHO, wucetdiny the " Unabridged. " Tht iVtm aitd b'Hlargtd Edition of tht lulernatiunal vnt itsutd in October, WOO. (let iU Intent and litnt. Wo III. ilillth W.b.t.r'a Coll. (lata Dictionary with Glossary of Scottish Wordaand Phrases UlXl Ptfs. litis llliutrutluiM. SIm TkIQiI M Imam. Fli-st-ttlims In quality, second-class In site." Becliuen p litres, oto. of both books sunt ou appllcatlou. G.6C.MERRIAMCO. Publish, Springfield, Mas. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right. I winrurs ) I COiXOIATC j VMiawJny 12Jc kind for 10c. SATEENS. lGc kind for 10c, 12c kind for 8c; 10c kind at be. TAPESTRIES. Upholsteriug tapestries, beauti ful patterns, 85c for 70c. SILKATINE. 12c. kind for 10c; 10c for 8c HATS. Straw h ts lor men and boys, up- to-date styles, 75c for 40c, 50c j for 25c, 40c for 10c, $1 for 10c. Linen hats, 50c for 25c, crash j hats. 50c for 5c. Derbys, $2 purchases early. At these j THE FULTON $ COUNTY 2 NEWS . Covers the Field. In every part of the County faithful re porters are located that gather the daily happenings. Then there is the State and National, News, . War News, a Department for the Farmer and Mechan ic, Latest Fashions for the Ladies. The latest New York, Bal timore, Philadelphia Markets. The Sun day School Lesson, Helps for Christian Endeavorers, and a Good Sermon for ev erybody. THE JOB DEPARTMENT ! IS COMPLETE. SALE BILLS, X POSTERS, I LETTER HEADS, I K ENVELOPES, CARDS, Ac, t , In fact anything and X everything in the best , style along that line. Sample copies of the News sent to any of your friends cn request, bout have decided that now in their hands for $1, soft hats, $1 50 for $1. $1.00 for 75c. shoes. Shoes for men, women and chil dren, the $3 kind for $1, $3 25 tor $1.25, $2.25 for $1. CARPETS. All wool carpets, 75c for 00c, halt wool, G5c for 5jjc, the 30c grade for 22Jc. RUGS. $1 kind for 80c. SHIRTS. $1 for 40c, 50c at 25c prices goods will soon be sold rUMBERLAND TIMETABLES- VALLEY May 2li, 1902. no. 2 do 4 no. 0 no. t no.101 -I- A.U 1A.M I 7 ail .... 8 lf 6 SOI 9 00! ( 111 9 JI .... 8 11, P M Winchester MiirttiisbitrK.... llutferstown WrecnuitNtle .... M'rcerHburtf.... (. hikiubersburtf . . W'nyneNboro Sltippensburg... Newvllle...... ,. C'urllNle Meuhunlusburtr,. UiUfcburtf Arr, Hurrisburk. Air. Hhlla Arr. New York. Arr. llultlmore.. 2 In S 02 6 :v, 7 Ifl H OA I 8 13 30 3 Ml 10 if, 10 8f. i 4: 4 W 10 In 3 M 7 iltl 9 15; I Oft! 4 45 8 50: 10 58 11 19 11 !9 12 02 12 21 12 40 4 2r 7 18 7 15 A. SI 7 Hi!.... 12 00 1 25 1 42 2 M 8 1 40 2 40 t 47 8 OH 00 P. M. 3 115 7 M.IO Oft 8 ml io -a B 07 6 211 8 .HO-10 44 ft M 8 nil 1 05 15 ft 10 S Ki 10 20 S M 9 45 7 b -i 9 07 II 4H ID II S 17 ft M Vi 10 3 II P. at. A. H P, Train No 12 east runs dully except Sunduy between rlHKerstown "Ud Hiu-rishuri. leuvluir lliik-erstown t.20 und urr.vlntf ut Hurrlsburg ut 6.40 Train No. 17 west runs dullv except Sunduv between (lurrinbuiK und liruencustle. lenvlnif Hurrlsiiui'K 5.15 und unlviiiK lii eenoustle 7.85. Ailditlonul eu-.t-bouud locul tiuins will run dully, except Stindiiy, aa follows: l.euve tjuiilBle 6.15 it. m., 7.05 a. m., 12.40 p. m., 8.15 p. m,. leuve MuchunlcsbuiK tj.ox u. m., 7.29 a. m.. B.I2u. in,., l.ot p. m., 2.30 p. id., S.:ul p.m., ft.80 p. m.. Trulns Nos. 8 and 110 run dully between Ha gerntown und llurrlsburtf aud No., t Utteet minutes lute on Sunduyu Dally. t Dully except Sunday. Leave no. lino. 3.ao. 6; no. 71 no. 9i 109 P. H A. II A.U P. U P.M Ilultlniore New York l'hlla llui-risbur. Dlilsburif MeuhunTcsburs.. (,'urlisle Newvllle Shlppensburtr. .. Wuynesboro.... Chiimbersburir. , Meroersburtf (Ireeneuslle .... rlittrerxtown .... MiirlinNburif Ar. Winchester. II 551 4 44' 8 60 's'io 12 00 8 55 II 40 S 25 4 85 5 .V 8 25 8 80 II OS II 23 7 55 12 10 11 201 4 25 6 00 7 66 2 65! 6 801 8 25 II 45! 12 40 12 05 4 05 8 411 4 01 4 3 4 .Hit 6 H5 4 5H 6 55 6 21 ft 44 20 7 16 P. M. ft III 6 40 6 02 6 20 'li'iii 8 111 8 8U 9 OOl 9 IX 12 27 9 0HS4I 42 12 61 9 29! 12 Vi I 10 X 05 I 82 T55 9 47 12 18 10 87 6 40 8 15 7 05 9 8l'i 12 SO 12 55 10 47 io oo 10 sol 7 27 8 24 10 2: 8 17 10 51, II 10 9 HI II 551 A. M A. M Additional locul trains will leave IIurrlsbur us follows: for CiirlKle and Intermediate stu. tinu" ai n.87 u. in., 2.1m p. in. uud 26 p. in., ulso for Meoliunlokljurif Uilisburtt und Inleruiedlutc Htutionsut 7 no u, tn.uud 3.16 p. ui. Trulus Nos. I, 3 und 109 run dully between Hsrrisi'iiri' und Iluierstown. I'ulluian piihine sleeping curs between Ne lorkand Knoxvllle. Tenn., on trulns I wes slid 10 east and between MilliidHphla anil Welsh ouN. & W. Kiiilwiiyon trains 109 west uud r.'eust, except Unit ou .Sunday the I'hiiu delphlu sleeper w ill run east ou No. 2. TurouKh couches to and from I'hlladelphli ou trains 2 und 4 east and 7 and 9 west. Dully. Dully except Sunday. SOUTHERN PKNN'A B. R TKA1NS. 1SS. I7 P. M 6 17 6 IK 6 ,V fas. 103 4 U 10 00 10 12 10 47 Mix I rui. till! A w I.ve. Arr. P. U. 7 00 7 20 8 15 8 511 a 05 ChumherRburs . 4 20 4 Of 8 80 8 08 8 00 ... .Murton .... .MeroerHhurs . ... .f.oudon ... Richmond... a I6li oh 8 Will 16 P I4.lt. M. Ia. m. P. M. H. A. Rllllil.l, . Uen I lasa. A vent. J. K. ItOVD, Klipt KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. EM EVQ KIDNEY CURE It I iULlI 0 Buarantead Remedy or money refunded, Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the pest for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICB 60c. tad tXO. Tas. Mix. t4 too AMAH 8 46 II 60 8 8:11 1 82 8 00 10 10 7 SH 9 4 2 7 80 9 80 A. U. P. If. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 111 Kill US. I R. M. DOWNES, Fiust Class Tonsorial Artist, MoCONNKLLKUUKO, I A. A Clean Cup and Towel with each Shave. Kverythlnir Antiseptic. Kazors Sterilized. t3T"Shop In room lately oocupledby Kd Dni o ISAAC N. WATSON, Tonsorial Artist. Strictly tip to date In nil Mylen of hair 01. t Unit, iiilek, easy shaves, llay-runi. Cretins, Witch-hazel, without extra charge. Fresh towel to ench customer. I.utesi Improved un parntus for steillizlliK tools. Parlors opposite Fulton House. LAWYERS. M. R. SHAFFNER, Attorney at Law, Office on Square, McConiielbburtf, Pa. All lcifnl buslnr's and collections entrusted will ecclve careful und prompt attention. IIOTKI.S. BARTON HOUSE. F.KWIX Ill'SIIONT., IOI., HANCOCK, 4y" Under the new nip 1 11 n.-im-nt has been refurnished and remodeliil. c:ood sample rit-iiMijunriers ror commercial men. Fulton County Telephone) connected. Llery CIll'KCllliS. Pkksuytkrian. Uev. W. A. West, D. D.. Pastor. , Preaching services cuch alternate Sabluttli atl0::t0a. in. and every Sunday evening at 7:00. Services at Green Hill on alternate babbitths at 10::i0 a. 111. Subbuth school at 9:15. Junior Christian En deavor at 2:00. Christian Endeavor at 6:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00. Mkthodist Episcopal Kev. A. V. McCloskey, Pastor. Sunduy school at 9:30 a. tn. Preaching every other Sumlay uiorniup at 10:.S0 and every Sunday evening at 7:00. Epworth lague at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at'7:00. Unitkd Pkksuytkkian -lU-v. J. L. Grove, Pastor, Sunday school at 9:;i0 a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn ing at 10::i), and every other Sunduv evening at7:00. The alternate Sabbath evenings are used by the Young Peo ple's Christian Union at 7:00 p. ra. Prayer meeting Wednesday evuninii at 7:00. F.VAX(iKI.U.Au lA-TUKKAN Uev, A. G. Wolf, Pastor. Sunduy school !):j5 a. m. Preaching1 every other Sunduy morning at 0::i0 and every other Sun day evening at 7:00. Christian En deavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at7:00. Hefohmkd I lev. C. M. Smith, Pas tor. Sunday school at 1):.'I0 11. ni. Preaching on u I termite Sabbat Its at 10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Christian Endeavor ut 6:00 p. m. Prayer meet ing on Wednesday evening ut 7:00. ti:hms ok :oi ht. The first term of the Courts of Ft 1 ton county in Hie year shall commence on the Tuesday following the seco.td Monday of January, at lo o'clock a. in. The second term commences on t ie third Monday of March, at 2 o'clt. :k p. in. The third term on the Tuesdav m xt following the second Monday of 'June, at 10 o'clock a. m. The fourth term on the first Mond.iy of October, at 2 o'clock p. m. itoifoi tin 01 1 h:i:ks. Justice of the Peace Thomas 1'. Sloan, L. H. Wible. Constable John II. Doyle. Burgess -H. W. Scott. Counciltnen 1). T. Fields, onni d Hohman, Samuel Hender,M. W. Nac--. Clerk William Hull. HigbConstable Win. Raumgardner. School Directors A. II. X ace. Jol a A. Irwin, Thomug F. Sloan, F. M. Taylor, John Conieier, C. Ji. Stevons. G i:x 1: k a 1. di it 1 :: toh y . President Judge Hon. S.Mc. Swope. Associate Judges Lemuel Kirk, Da vid Nelson. Prothonotary, Ac Frank P. Lynch. District Attorney George U. Dan iels. Treasurer George H. Mullmt. Sheriff Daniel C. Flock. Deputy Sheriff Jury Commissioners C. II. E. PI11111 roer, Anthony Lynch. Auditors John S. Harris, W. C. Davis, S L. Garland. Commissioners U.-K. Malot, A. V. Kelly, John Fisher. Clerk Frank Mason. " County Surveyor Jonas Lake. County Superintendent Clem Chts nut. Attorneys W. Scott Alexander, J. Nelson Sipes, Thomas F. Sloan, F. McN. Johnston, M. 11. Shall ner, Goo. H. Daniels, John P. Sipes, S.' V'. Kirk. J soi:ii:'mi:.s, Odd Fellows M'CoiinellsburgLod.j No. 744 meets every Friday eveninp in tho Comerer Building in McCuniic 11 burg. Fort Littleton Lodge No. 4S4 meets every Saturday evening in the Cro:i;i-r building at Fort Littleton. Wells Valley Lodge No. 007 meets every Saturday evening In Odd Fel lows' Hall at Wells Tannery. Harrlsonvillo Lodge No. 701 meet- every Saturday evening in Odd Ft ' lows' Hall at Uarrlsonville Waterfall Lodge No. 77.'i meets i-t ery Saturday evening in odd Fellows' Hall at Waterfall Mills. Warfordsburg Lodge No. 601 meet j in Warfordsburg every Saturduv evoning. King PostG. A. It. No, 3li") meets i,j McConnellsburg In Odd Fellows' J !a 1 the first Saturday in every month til i p. m. Uoval Arcanum,Tuscarora Counc':, No. 121, meets on ultenntte ' Mondu j evenings In 1'. O. S. of A. Hall, in McConnellsburg. -' Washington Camp No. 407, 1'. O. S. A., of New Grenada, meets everv H.-n.-urday evening in 1. O. S. of A. ' linfi. Washington Camp, No. M4, P. O.y, of A., Hustontown, meets every Satur urday evening in P. O. S. of A. HnH. John Q, TUylor Post G. A. It., Nm 589, nieets every Saturdav, on or jus preceding full moon in Luh!ey hall, at 2 p. in., at Buck Valley. Woman's Relief Corps, No. 80, meets ut bume date and place ut 4 p. in, Gen. D. B. McKibbin Post No. 402, G. A. S., meets the second and fourth Muturduyg iu each mouth ut Pleastinr Uldge,