FULTON COUNTY NEWS, j Published Every Thursday. B. W. PECK, Editor and Proprietor. AkCONNELLSBURG, PA. Thursday, August 28, 1902. Published Weekly. 51.00 per Annum in Advance. AriVrRTIKlNU RATKS. Pnr iun,rc of 8 linos 3 time $1 N. Per siioui'u eueh mihieiiuent Insertion.... fl Ml iulv""tlHt'rnntM Inserted for lew. thai) three moiuhs t'hurtrcd by the aijuare. 3 nioM.J it mo. I yr. JI.MO. I fr.V.OO. fclo.OO .... iM. 40 0O. ftll.HO .... Hi.OH. I W.0O. I 7.S.0O. fine-fourth column One-half column Ore Column No! hinir Inserted for less than ft. Profesionul Curds one year Id. ALL. SORTS OP (UlAPIIS. PAKA- Truth is the inotlior of Virtue and the daughter of Knowledge. Days spent in regretting would be better spent in renewed effort. The repentant prodigal never insists on making up the menu card. The man who "burns mouey'' sooner or later sits weepiug in the ashes. There is honor among thieves, according to the thief's standard of honor. Excuses for failure often cause more mental efforts thau perfect ed plans for success. Some men who really think they are masters of sarcasm are only experts in brutality. It is eviuoutly that the womab who named those "o.zy corners" never had to sit in them. The man who has no regard foi the law is Usually the first to tly to the courts for relief. Some men spend so much time tolling what they are going to do that they have no time to do it. Willie "Pap, what is the dif ference between firmness and ob stinacy ? Father "Merely a matter o! sex, my son." Chairman Babcock's face about on the tariff question, and Mr. Littlefield's loop on the trust question, are fair criterious of the hypocrisy of theG. O. P. One evening at dinner Ida wa asked if she would have somt squash. She answered, "No." "No what?" asked the father. "No squash," answered Ida. "lie's always asking for a loan, and he never pays up. He makes me think of an English soldier." "Hows that!"' "lie's such an absent-miuded beggar." "Do you believe in co-education ?" "Tnat depends upon the nature of the education sought. In sci ence, for instance, I think co-education a drawback, but in love it is a real necessity. " The Republican party insists that there must be a tariff to pro tect our billion dollar infant in dustries fi oni foreignco in petition and our little "infants." "Papa," said the sweet girl graduate, "wasn't my commence ment gown a whooperino,? I had the other girls skinned alive ! "And this is the- girl," said pa pa, sadly, "whoso graduating es say was 'An Appeal for Higher Standards of Thought aud Ex pression !" Davy Crockett tells us of how lie caught a bear by the tail once, and how after a few whirls he concluded that he was in a very grave danger, as it was extreme ly unsafe to hold on and awfully risky to let go. The Republicans liavo awakened to find themselves having a Davy Crockett time with the trusts aud the tariff. A PHYSICIAN HEALED. Dr. Geo. Ewing, a practicing physician of Smith's Grove, Ivy., , tfi over thirty years, writes his personal experience with Foley's Kidney (Jure : "For years I had been greatly bothered with kid ney aud bladder trouble and en larged prostrate gland. I used everything known to tho profes sion without relief, until. I com menced to use Foley's Kidney v Cure. After taking three bottlos I was entirely relieved and cured. I prescribe it now daily in my practice and heartily recommend its use to all physieiaus for such troubles. 1 have prescribed it in hundreds of cases with perfect hUl'COSS."' CHILDREN OF THE FAR NORTH ARE APT PUPILS. Mrs. Mary Pernnrdi recently closed a several months' term of school as teacher of the Cape Priuco of Wales natives. She taught at the village of Kingogen, having an enrolled attendance of 14". In spite of the inimy diffi culties eucouutered, she says she rather enjoyed tho novel experi ence of teachiug the young Eski mo idea how to shoot. The most distinctive feature in tho Eskimo character, Mrs. Rernardi says, is curiosity. The natives, especially those who have arrived at the age ol "discretion," are of a prying, not to say enterprisiug, cast of mind, aud what they cannot understand and that would fill many vol umes they are inclined to look upou with suspicion and disdain. However, Mrs. Heruardi says that the youuger poeplo are anx ious to learn ; they are patient to a degree, aud as a rule arc bright and quick to learn. The hardest task of the teacher, perhaps, is to teach them discipline that is, that they must be subject to cer tain rules of government. The younger can with patience be brought to see the necessity oi this, but practically to try sub ject the older pupils to any form of discipline is well nigh impossi ble. Mrs. Bernardi, who is well known in Seattle, as well as Alas ka, went to Cape Prince of Wales last October in the capacity of i teacher. Of the 147 pupils, one third were over -1 years of age, and it was not at all times a prim rose path' which she found while trying to enlighten their benight ed minds. The younger children made steady progress. They learned to read aud cipher with a degree o! rapidity, and appreciated whal was beiug done for them. They were taught many things uu kuow to Eskimo domestic econo my aud were grateful. In winter the school was con ducted in a large igloo, roughly equipped as a school room, but with Many school room acceso rics wautiug. When the spring days came und tho sun began to be felt, the work was conducted on the sea beach, where the sand made a floor and the blue cauopj of heaven a covering. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. TO MY FIJI ENDS. It is with joy I tell you what Kodol did for me. I was troubled with my stomach for several months. Upon beiug advised to use Kodol, I did so, aud words can not tell the good it has done me. A neighbor had dyspepsia so that ho had tried most everything. I told him to use Kodol. Words ol gratitude have come to me from him because I recommended it. Geo. W. Fry, Viola, Iowa. Health and strength, of mind and body, depends on the stomach, and nor mal activity of the digestive organs- Kodol, the great recon structive tonic, cures all stomach and bowel troubles, indigestion, and dyspepsia. Kodol digests any good food you oat. Take a dose after meals. SMILING LITTLE GIRL. There was a little girl once whoso natural expression was a pleased smile. It attracted the boys to an extent that the little girl's governess told her she must modulate the smile, or it would be supposed, as sho grew to bo a young lady, that she was seeking to attract masculine at tention, thanwhich nothing could be moro unwomanly. Tho little girl started in to be ladylike. By twenty she was so vere looking. At twenty-five she was forbidding and at thirty her face was positively repellent. She was a perfect lady, but the mas culine sex had ceased to trouble her. So she decided to throw pru dence to the winds and to culti vate the old winning expression. But she had forgotten how to look pleasant and resembled a cheerful hyena when she smiled. Then she became melancholy.and that settled it. Sho saw them all go by. Misdirected refinement had been her ruin. Moral : Never make a change unless you are sure it is for the better. Foley's Honey sad Tat tor chilJrca,sMfe,aure. No opiates. Your Column. ! To siiow our upprociuliou of the v-uv In ' whlrh tho Fulton County Netvn Ih nrhifc tultini (Ml Into tho homes of tho pt-oplo of tlii ooiinly. , e have nvi upari I his column for the HiKK tiie of our mii hLrllerM. for advertising purpoM.t, nulijt.'ct to the follow litK conditions: 1. It In free only to thoe who uru paid-up suit- Borllterx Only persona property can be advertised. 8. Notices must not exceed HO w rtls. 4. All 'icKul" notlof ft excluded Not free to merchants or any one to adver tise Koodi Hold under a mercantile license. 'Hie primary object of this column- is to af ford farmers, and folks wh are not In puMlc business, an opportunity to brinr to public at tention products or stocks they may have to sell, or may want to buy. Now, this spaee Is yours; if you want to buy a lorse. If you want hired help. If you want to borrow money, If you want to sell a ptt, n bun try, some hay. a kooso. or If you winl to adver Line for a wife -this column is yours. The News Is resid weekly by ciht thousand people, ntid Is the best atlvei tisliiR medium In the eounlv. THINGS TO KNOW. A definite idea of the amount of thickening required for various consistencies is one of tho first requisites in departing from ar bitrary cook book recipes. Two large eggs to a pint of milk makes an ordinary custard. One egg aud three-quarters of a cup of bread or cake crumbs will be? sufficient for the same amoun't of milk if a custard like consistency is wanted. If raisins are to be used, it is well to cover them with boiling water aud cook them uutil they are tender before putting them into the mixture. Nutmeg and cinnamon, together or either alone can be usal. If tho mixture is to be baked, it should be removed at once wheu it custards, or it will whey. Tomato juice will remove ink stains. Half an ounce of lavender (low ers and half a toaspoonful of pow dered cloves make a cheap and delightful sachet. Keep (lowers fresh by putting a pinch of soda in the water. Leather chairs can be brighten ed by being rubbed with a cloth which has been dipped in the white of an egg. Some housekeepers think that the addition of a little lemon juice to prunes improves them. HIS SIGHT THREATENED "While picnicking last month i ; My 11 year-old boy was poisoned by some weed or plaut," says W. I II. Dibble, bf Sioux City, la. "He , rubbed the poison off his hands : I into his eyes and for a while we wereafraidhe would losehis sight. Finally a neighbor recommended DeWitt.s Witch Hazel Salve. The first application helped him and : in a few days lie was as well as ever." For skin diseases, cuts, burus.scalds, wounds, in sectbites DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is sure cure. Relieves piles at once. Beware of counterfeits. "WHOM GOD HATH JOINED," ETC. A Sunday school superintend ent, in talking to the children about cruelty to animals, said : "Only a coward would abuse a ! creature that had no way of pro tecting itself. Why, children," said he, "I once knew a little boy who cut oil a calf's tail ! Think of it, children took a knife and cut the tail right oil! Can any one tell me a verse in the Bible that would have taught this cruel boy that ho should not have cut oil' tho calf's tail H" After a mo ment's silence, a small boy, with a "happy thought" expression, held up his hand. "What is it, my boy y" asked the superintend ent, hopefully. "What God hath joined together, let no mau put asunder," replied the small boy. The superintendent was so im pressed that ho never brought his own verse to light. Kansas City Star. ALL WERE SAVED. "For years I suifered such uu told misery from Bronchitis," writes J. H. Johnston, of Brough ton, Ga , "that often I was unable to woi-'k. Then, when everything else failed. 1 was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. My wife suffered intensely from Asthma, till it cured her, and all our experience goes to show it is the best Croup medicine in the world." A trial will couviuco you it's unrivaled for Throat and Lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00 Trial bottles free at W. S. Dick son's. Foley's Money and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumooa. IX CL. S'mttb -it Co'e Stoch of Store (Boobs. jvTo j aMuwoRHm Goods Below Cost, And this Is No Fake ! rsHE Assignees of H. C. Smith & Co. have decided that 1 tho stock of General Merchandise now in their hands JL must go out, and if you are in need of anything now, if there is anything you can use this fall, next winter, or next summer, it will pay you to go and get it while it lasts, as an opportunity like this only comes once in a lifetime. While they have nearly everything found in a GENERAL STORE, we give a few prices on goods. LAWNS. 12Jc tor tic. DIMITIKS. 12Jc kind for 10 and 8c. VALOII) LACE. H!u kind for tic. 1 !'! 1 f i iiiiv;aijui.'. J Windsor l'ercalo, 3t! inches wide, (.JLOTIIING. Boys' Hints from 4 to 0 yra, $1 to S3; reduced from 3.00 and 4.25.3 14 to 18 years, from 3.00 to .00, ;; reduced t oni 5.00 and 0.00 Men's Hints, black cutaways, 17.00, reduced to 8.00 and 8.50. Other men's suits from 8 50 to 5.50 i mmxw.Tjtt'iiW!Sja!rxswriJF.csvaats AJ1 Other Goods It will pay you to make you: LOOK PLEASANT, PLEASE. Photographer C. C. Harlan, ol Eaton, O., can do so now, though for years ho couldn't, because he suffered untold agony from the worst form of indigestion. All physicians and medicines failed to help him till ho tried Electric Bitters, which worked such won ders for him that he declares they are a godsend to sufferers from dyspepsia aud stomach troubles. Unrivaled for diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, they build up and give new life to the whole system. Try them. Only uOc. Guaranteed by W. S. Dickson, druggist. IMPROVING NEW GOULD ROAD. Virgil L. Vogue, eugineer of the Wabash system, aud Engin eer Vandewarter, of the Western Maryland, which George Gould has lately purchased, have start ed over the Western Maryland on a trip to ascertain the cost of re ducing the grades aud curves ol the road to a minimum. It it thought that the directors will authorize tho work to bo doue early in the corning year, to pre pare tho road for tho largely in creased business it will have through Wabash inlluences. The work ou the Baltimore terminals for the Wabash system will be commenced early next year, ac cording to tue statement of Vice President and General Manager Land street, of the Western Mary laud. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all at the digestunts and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all trie food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take It. liy its use many thousands of dyspeptics have beeu cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child re a with weak stomachs thrive on it. Cures all stomach troubles Propamd only by E. O. DeWitt&Oo., Olili:ao Xti tl. buttle couuUi.aH tluusn Uiu&Vc. ittuk ( TT ! AlOI.KIISt I Tlifi Fulton County News 12Jckiiul for 10c. SATEENS. 1 Go kind for 10c; 12Jc kind for 8c; 10c kind at 0c. TAPEST1UES. I Upholstering tapestries, boauti ! fill nnirnrnfl. 8f(; for 70c. i 'u' Patter,18 8-r)C for 70c SILKATINE. l2Jo kind for 10c; 10c for 8c rr q'c . lliUa Straw hats for men and boys, up-J to-data styles, 7oc tor 40c, 50o for 25c, 40c for 10c, $1 for 10c Linen hats, 50c for 25c, crash hats. 50c for 25c. Dorbys, $2 j KxaxxJBtv.cjm?aem3JicaBtmJ! n be Sold at a Proportionate price. purchases early. At these I THE x FULTON : COUNTY I NEWS Covers the Field. i i: it ; 2f In every part of the County faithful re porters are located that gather the daily happenings. Then there is the State and National, News, War News, a Department for the Farmer and Mechan ic, Latest Fashions for the Ladies. The latest New York, Bal timore, Philadelphia Markets. The bun day School Lesson, Helps for Christian Endeavorers, and a Good Sermon for ev erybody. ' S3 THE JOB DEPARTMENT i 4 4 4 4 4. 4 4 IS COMPLETE. SALE BILLS, POSTERS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, CARDS, 4c, In fact anything and everything in the best style along that line. 2 Sample copies of the NEWS sent tojny of your friends on request. 4- X X X : x I 4- i - iiem&m umnonmiannBi for $1, soft hats, $1 50 for $1. $1 for 05c. SHOES. Shoes tor men, women and chil dren, the $3 kind for $1, $3 25 (or $1.25, 52.25 for $1. CARPETS. All wool carpets, 75c for 00c, halt wool, G5c for 55c, tho 30c grade for 22Jc. HUGS. $1 kind for 80c. SHIRTS. SI for 40c, 50c at 25c zcaaty,3ttajcgm3aww www prices goods will soon be sold CUMBERLAND VALLEY TIME TABLE. May 211, 1902. l.ruvu no. S no 41 no. 1) no. no. 10 11C A. M A.MitA. M P. M . M P. X Wlnotiestfir 7 30 2 In 6 Hf Mm lllislinri; 8 IS S trt 7 111 ltUKClvluivi I) fill 9 l 2 iU) 3 60 H H i 10 li (.I'.'enci'.sllc .... Ill StK;!'.' 4i- 4 11 '.1 10 31 MiM-ui-rvliurK ROOjlQIU . Oianiucniuurg.. 7 Hil U 4rn I uSi 4 45 s"&0 10 f V lyneslioro 7IT;.... TJ ( 8 :.... ShlpiiKiixburK ... 7MM0O5 I IBS 5 07 Oil II 16 Nuwvlilo 8 10 10 2H I 42 5 211 9 ill II HI 'KIlMe B 1)0 10 44 i M 5 M B 51 IS OS Meolmnlcsliurg,. 8 ti II OS 1C 8 In 10 18 12 21 Ulllsborir 7 K .... 1 40 S 10 A rr, HiirrlKbuiK. (I U7 II i 40 6 8r 10 3;i 12 40 Ait. I'hila II 4H 3 17 5 47 10 20 4 25 4 2 Ait. New York. ! 13 ( M I IK 1 6S 7 13 7 18 Arr. JiiilllmoiB.. 12 10 8 II 6 00 9 46 2 80 T 16 A. M. P. tl. V. M. P. M. A. M. A. M Truln No lJ -.ast run!, fltillv rxctfnt. Kundtiv between HaierMuwn null Hurrlsliurir. leuvluB liuKurxiown 4,3u una urrmnif ill lturrli.bu.rif at Tmiu No. 17 west runs dully except Sunduy b.Hweeu iliirrbibiirtr unit (ireencusile. leuviui; ijiiiTiNuurK n.w una uitiviiik (ireeueustit 7.3ft. Additional euxt-bounA luciil tniius will ruo dully, except Sumluy, lis follows: Leuvt Cuillsle o.t.i u til., 7.05 u. in., 12.40 p. m., 3.16 p. ni., leuvo MeehuuiesburK d.0H u. ni., 7. sru a. m.. Mil m., I.oi p. ni., 2.80 p. m., a. ml p.m., r.& p. ui. Trains Nos. K und 110 run dully bet ween Ha Kerstown und Hurrlsburif nnd No. t tlfteet QiluutuN lute oa SunduyH l'uily. t Dully except Sunduy. Leave 109 Ptvltlmore New York l'hllii llurrisburg Dlllsbuitf. Meuliunlohburg.. C.'urltsle Newvlllo Slilpnttn.iburif... Waynesboro.... t'huinbursbiirif. . Mi'i-eei-HburK .... tlreeiicusllo .... Muirei-wtown MurunsburK Ar. Wlni'hustur. P.M 6 5: K 25 8 8( II K II 23 11 42 12 02 12 18 12 3ti 12 56 Adilltlonul lueul trulns will leave Hurrlsburf us fallows: For Carlisle aud Interiuedlute ma. t.on in P.37 a. in., 2.0c p. m. und 11.25 p. u:., also t'irMeijliuiiiosburk' DHL-born and Interuiedluie HtutmiiKut 7 00 ii. ui.uud 3.16 p. m. Trains Noa. 1, 3 uud 109 run dully bciweet Hlirrwi.ur, and llumrstown. I'uliuian puliioe Hleeinnu ours between Nov ork uud Knoxvllle. Tenti., on trnln I und 10 eust mid between I'tilliulelphlH und Welsh on N. & W. Hullwavon trulns lo west uud 12 eust. except Unit ou Sunduy ibe l'hliu-ili-lliluu sleeper will run eust on No. 2 Through eouoheu to mid from I'lilladelphb on trulus 2 atid 4 east and 7 uud 9 weal. Dally. t Dally except Suuduy. HOUTHUKfl J'KNN'A K. K. TRAINS. r us. I Jus. no. 1 no. 3 no. 5no. 7 no. 9 P. M A. U A M P. It P. II II 65 4 41 8 60 12 00 4 86 7 5.1 12 10 8 5.r 2 55 1 1 20 4 25 8 40 1 1 40 '6 30 6 OU 7 55 1 1 45 8 25 8 25 12 40 4 05 6 10 8 111 12 06 8 41 8 40 5 40 8 80 12 27 4 01 DO B IC-' 9 00 12 61 4 23 9 VU 8 20 9 IX 10 4 30 9 47 10 37 li On S 8'i 6 40 9 811 1 32 4 5.s 10 07 8 In 10 47 5 55 7 05 10 00 1 65 5 21 10 30 7 27 10 22 I! 17 6 41 10 51 8 24 1 1 10 6 20 9 10 1 1 55 7 15 A. M. A. U. P. 3S. P. U. P. II. t7 .03, rac, tflr P. M, 4 4 M 8 81 I' Mu oijio oo 6 isllo 12 5 5"" III 47 If, II Of 221 is P K.lt M 3 00 II. A. Itihm.E. ijeu'i lVas. Aeut. K. Horns t-upt KIDNEY DISEASES ere the most fatal of all dis eases. EM CY'O SIDNEY CURE It I iULlI o 6uarsct8el Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the Best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. tod itM. Mix. Piih. Mix. t'H t4 m A u !,ve. Arr. A u a m 7 w Cbuinbeniburif.. 8 45 II 50 7 20 Murlon 8 It! II 32 8 16 ..WercerMmrK.. 8 IX) 10 10 8 So Loudon 7 8K 9 42 9 05 ....Itiuhmond.... 7 80 9 80 "J A. II. P. W. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, HAMULUS. R. M. DOVVNES, Fihst Class Tonsorial Artist, MoCONNKLLSHUKU, I'A. A Clean Cup nnd Towel with enc.h Hhuve. KverythlnK Antiseptic, liazora sterilized. tlf Shop In room lately occupied by led Drake ISAAC N. WATSON, Tonsorial Artist. F.triottv tin to dnte tn all Ktvlps of Hi.tr n.t. tlnjr. lulek, easy Hhnve, JJuy-rum, CiPinn, Wlteh-hiiel. wlllinut nxtru chiirife. I-rcl. towpl t ettoh cuvintTiPr, I.atfNt Intprovod up. En r ii tun for ntcrtlizlnif toom. Purloin. opposite 'ulton Houho. LAW YKRH. M. R. SHAFFNER. Attorney at Law, Office on Square, McConnellsburjr, Pa, All leiral business nnd collections entrusted will ecclve ciircful unit prompt intention. HOTELS. BARTON HOUSE. EDWIN lll'SMOXG. 1'ROI'., HANCOCK, ,MI. tW Under the new u unatteincnt hus liei ti retornlshcd nnd remodeled. (Jond wimplo room. Ileudqiiurters for commercial men. Pulton County Telephone connected. I.lery aud Feed Stable in connection. CHLKCHLS. PRKSHYTEKIAN. Kov. W. A. West, D. D., Pastor. Preachliifj services each alternate Sabbath at lOiliO a. tn. and every Sunday eveiiir: t 7 :(H. Services at Green Hill nn alternato Sabbaths at 10:;iO a. tn. Sabbath school at 9:15. Junior Christian Kn deavor at 2:00. Christian Endeavor . at 6:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00. Methodist Episcopal P.ev. A. D. McCloskey, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preaohinjr every other Sunday morning at 1U::0 anil every Sunday eveniuK at 7:00. KpworUt League at 6:00 p. m. I'rayer meciiii Thursday evening at 7:00. United Pkkshytkuian Kov. J. L. Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at!):.'!0 a. m. Preaching every 'Sunday morn ing at 10:;i0, and every other Sunday evening at 7:00. Tho alternate Sabbav'lt evenings aro used by the Voting 1 'tu ple's Christian Union lit 7:00 p. in. I'rayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00. F.VAN'IIKLIoAjj l.L'THKKAX I lev, A. G. Wolf, Pastor. Sunday school U:l" a. m. Preaching every other Sunday morning at 10::i0 and every other Sun day evening at 7:ii0. Christian En deavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at"7:00. Reform ed I le v . C. M. Smith, Pas tor. Sunday school at 9: 30 a. m. Preaching on alternate Sabbaths at 10:00 a. m. and 7:0'i p. m. Christian Endeavor at 6:00 p. m. I'rayer mi 't ing on Wednesday evening n't 7:00. tkk.ms ok corit r. The first term of the Courts of Pul ton county in tho year shall commence on the Tuesday following the second Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. in. The second term commences on tho third Monday of March, at - o'eloi-ic . . in. The third term on the Tuesday next following the second Monday of June, at 10 o'clock a. m. The fourth term on tho first Monday of October, at 2 o'clock p. m. 11OH01 (ill Ol'I'ICKKS. Justice of the Peace Thomas P. Sloan, L. H. Wible. Constable John II. Doyle. . Burgess II. W. Scott. Councihnen 1). T. Fields, Leonard Ilohman, Samuel Hender.M. W. Kuie. Clerk William Hull. HighConstableWm.Haumgardner. School Uirectors A. U. Nace. John A. Irwin, Thomas F. Sloan, F. M. Taylor, John Comerer, C. 1. Stevens. GLM HAL DJIJLCIOHY. President Judge Hon.S.I.Ie. Swopo. Associate Judges Lemuel lvirk,));t vid Nelson. Prothonotary, &c. Frank P. Lynch. District Attorney George H. "Dan iels. Treasurer George 15. Mellott. Sheriff Daniel C. Fleck. Deputy Sheri it Jury Commissioners C. II. E. I'lum- mer, Anthony Lynch. . Auditors John S. Harris, W. 1. Davis, S L. Garland. - Comm iijiiimini'u 1 T it ttl..l A r . ..v.. u .,AUIVb, , , Kelly, Jolin Fisher. Cleric ii-urtk Mason. County Surveyor Jonas Lake. County Superintendent Clem Ch. o nut. Attorneys W. Seolt Alexainler, J, Nelson Sipes, Thoiuuii F. Sloan, F. McN Johtiston, M. It. Shall'nei', G.i. H. Daniels, John P.- Sines, S. W. Kirk. SOCILTIKS, Odd Fellows M'Cotinellsburg Liulo No. "44 meets every Friday evening in the Comerer Huilding in McConcells burg. Fort Littleton Lodge No. 4Hi .met,-; every Saturday evening in tho Cro:i.i r building tit Fort Littleton. Wells Valley Lodge No. 007 meet, every Saturday evening in Odd Ft ! lows' Hall ut Wells Tannery. Harrisonville Loil;.rn S,'o. 01 mtvl, every Saturday evening in udd Fel lows' Hall at IJarrisonville. Waterfall Lodge No. 77.1 meets ev ery Saturday evening in Odd Fellows' Hall at Waterfall Mills. Warfordnhurg Lodge. No. 601 nu ets in Warfordsburg every Saturday eveuing. King I'ostG. A. It. No, 3i," meets irj McOonnellsburg in Odd Fellows' Hall the first Saturday in every month at 1 p. m. Koyal Areauum.Vusearora Counrl, . No. 121, meets on aliernatu Mmday evenings in P. O. S. of A. Hall, in McCoimollsburg. Washington Camp No. 497, I', O. S, A., of New Grenada, meets every Sat urday evening in P, O. S. of A. Hull. Washington Camp, No. 551, P. O.S. of A., Hubtcntown, meets every Sutur-' urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hall. John Q. Taylor Post G. A. It., No. 5K9, meets every Saturday, on or just preceding full moon in Lashloy hall, at 2 p. in., ut Buck Vultey. Woman's Relief Corps, No. M), meets at same date und place at 4 p.m. Gen. D. H. McKlbbiu Post No. 402', U. A. b., meets the second aud four lb eatui'dujs in each month ut Pnitb'au Rlde,