Brick tor sale at Morton's yard. The Dold Hams and Shoulders are the best. Buy thorn at Irwins. Mrs. Johu F. Johnson of Luidig and Miss Nettie Mellott who has her homo with Mrs. Johnstou, spent lust .Saturday with friend at McConuollsburg. Air Dried sliced Beef at Irwins iu any quantity. Beautiful, hardy, entrancingly fragrant once planted, Lists a lifetime "The Cinnamon Vine," new from China. Hoots only five cents. For sale by D. Malloy. Try Irwin on Cakes and Crack ers. Tweuty-live nice fresh Va rieties to select from. Foil Salm .Corn for sale. "Will trade for good young cow fresh. Jersey preferred. D. Edwaiu) Fork. Knobsville, Pa. Buy all your Groceries at Ir wius, and get the best Goods at the lowest prices. Without any apparent cause, a valuable stallion died for Mr. Wil son Waltz iast Sunday -a-week. About a year ago, Mr. Waltz's dwelling was burued. It does seem, sometimes, that troubles never come singly. There is a tablespoon packed free in each package of "Heckor mau's Star Coffee". The Coffee costs you no more than others and is guaranteed better. Miss Maggie Uuger writes from the hospital at Colorado Springs that she is getting along well, and that her broken limb is beginning to grow strong. Many valuable presents are bMng added to the list for the re turn of tags from "Honest John" Plug Tobacco. Iu adjusting postmasters' sala ries at Washington the Bedford postmaster's salary has been i ais eu from 1ni0 to 11)00 and the Ev postmaster's salary is low ered from $1000 to 1500. There is no larger piece of To ,bacco made for the Money than "Bedford Plug" and forty(10) strips from 10c cuts will secure a handsome knife. The local organization of the Fulton County Agricultural So ciety, will meet at Need more Sat urday, May 17, at") o'clock P, M. to elect officers, aud a member of the County Committee. A full turnout of the farmers is request ed. Lake fish audPgtomac Herring at Irwins. There will be communion ser vice at Ilustontown M. E, church next Sunday morning, May IS, at 10:30 A. M. Preaching at Center 2:30 P. M., and at Fair view 7:30 P. M. J. R. Melkoy, Pastor. llolJ.t I'p A Congressman. "At the end of the campaign," writes Champ Clark, Missouri's brilliant cougressrnau, "from over work, nervous tension, loss of sleep and constant speaking I had about utterly collapsed. It seem- .1 41...4. ..11 1, , . -i oi r.ieciric outers maae me all rignt. It's the best all-around medicine ever sold over a drug gist's counter." Over worked, run-down men, aud weak, sickly, women, gain splendid health aud vitality from Electric Hitters. Try thein. Only jOc. Guaranteed by W. S. Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. W. 73. Cosgrove and their sou aud daughter Char lie and Miss Bess, visited Mrs. Cosgrove's sister, Miss Annie 15. Frey in this place from Saturday until Mouday. A Revelation. If you will make inquiry it will be a revelation to you how many I succumb to kidney or bladder trouble in one form or another. If the patient is not beyond medi cal aid, I' .ley's Kidney Cure will cure- It never dissapixjints. All dealers. I Foley's Honey and Tar contains j ro opiates aud can safely be given ! to children. All dealers. What Thin Folks Need. Is a greater power of digesting and assimilatiugjfood. For thorn Dr. King's New Life Pills work c-u mau uu uie oitus in my Douy iy chipped at one corner. A re were outof order, but three bottles ' ward of one dollar will be paid for wonders. They tone and regulate I ci.v'l service position aud an illus the digestive organs, gently exix.-l tratiou of tho required qualifica- all poisons from tho system, en- nch the blood, improve appetite make healthy flesh W. S. Dickson's. a, i o- wujyacai Tho Rouss Racket store people have a iiew ad this week on page 4. Auction. I will close out my eutiro stock of Groceries, Confections, nt auction on Saturday evening,Mny 17, beginuing at 7 o'clock. Also, all tho furniture, consisting of Show Cases, Scales, Lamps, To bacco ('utter, Ice box, Desk and everything else connected with tho store. A Great (into. Don't forget to take a peep at our new gate as you pass by, at tho head of Leslie McOovern's lane. Drive up aud try it. Just stay in your buggy and pull the wire. It is guaranteed to work, if properly handled. Work it at my expense. Don't fault tho gate if you can't open it the first time you try it: the gate is like a new horse, you may have o drive it a few times before you will be able to operate it success fully. S. II. Martin, Agent. Help Wanted. A good girl for general house work; good wages, aud transpor t itiou furnished to Lancaster Pa. inference required. The posi : ion would be iu the country.along i he trolley line. There will be no cows to milk, or baking to do. None, but a good all around girl f' r house work need apply. For further information inquire of L. C. Keisner, 11 W. Chestnut St. Lancaster Pa. Bedford .Needs a Knife Factory. H. C. Ileckerman, of Bedford, Pa., who is sole selling Agent for "Honest John "Plug Tobacco, in forms us that during the last two norths he has sent out over two liuudred pocket knives for tags returned from "Honest Johu" Plug Tobacco. Mrs. (i. A. Mellott who writes from Superior, Nebraska, enclos ing adollar for anotheryear's sub scription, says : We could not get along without the weekly vis its of the Fulton Couuty News; it keeps us iu touch with dear old Fulton the garden spot of the earth. What Is Foley's Kidney Cure? Answer : It is made from a pre scription of a leading Chicago pliysicau, and one of the most emi nent in tho country. The ingredi ents are the purest that money cm buy, and are scientifically combined to get their utmost val ue. All dealers. T. J. Thompson on account of d:seased stomach aud weak action of the heart is prevented from at tending to business; but through the treatment of Dr. J. W. Mos sor, he expects soon to get strong er. Lust. On Sunday, May 4, on the road leading from the toll gate west of I towu across the Ridge to Huston- town, thence to Clear liidgo aud from there to McCouuellsburg via Fort Littleton, was lost a gold ring with a gold-stone set, slight- . ' . - its return to this office. Notiee. The Executive Committee of tho Veteran Association of Fulton county are requested to meet at tlie Iieunion Grounds in Licking Creek township on Thursday, May 22, lSJOi', to appoint the date for the Annual Reunion, aud for the transaction of such business as may come before them. . J. W. Hoop, D. Malloy, Prest. Secty. Stands Like a Stone Wall. Hot ween your children aud the tortures of itching aud burning eczema, scaldhead or other skin disease. t How ? why, by usin" Hucklen's Arnica Salve, earth's l.l' 1 i. ti iiiMict, vuiuisesii cure for Ulcers, Fever Sores, Salt Rheum, Cuts.lJurns aud liruises. Infallible for Piles. 27c at W. S. '''s drug store Dr. R. W. McKibbiu, of War fordsburg, Fulton county, has re ceived an appointment as Assist tan Insjector in tho bureau of animal industry aud assigned to duty at Kansas City, Mo. It is a tious of the government iu its ap I'atnients. Much credit is due n i..Lr;v.v.; . I it - ti. uiLniuiHu inr t;curinr nils innwiriunt nnil rnuiv.!i,f ..! tion. Out of 22,1 applicants only I 75 passed the examination and but of these received appoint- 1 Prothonotary's Notice. Notice Is hi I'l-liy lvin Hint Wllliiiln I. Cun- ' nl"':h"m ''"i11" !"'1' of cnthiuim- cutoimii n im.Hii-. nils ll, I'd UN nooiuiiit In Ini' rriitlmni) tiny Olllrc or Fulton County IVnnn.. iiml tlial thn -nnin will lie m"(m.iimI to Hip Court of Common I'li'tisof Fulton County for ronllrnm tlon on Tiii'Mlnv followInK the Sei-oml Moiuiuy of .Tunc next (ttm-.'l tirltiif H'tli iluv. FrtANK I". I.VNI II, Vrolhonoi ury. rrothopittiiry'N OlUrc. Muy III. llir.'. Register and Clerk's Notice. N'otliT In lirri'hv rlvrn thnt th" followlt'K liillllrll llroolilil.inls h:i'l' tlu'll llu'lr IK'Counto in th KivhUT iiml ( li-rk n oflli'e of Fiiltnti I'oiinty. Fn.. n ml Unit tin' sutnn will lie inesent edtothe l!ihitt'H' Cou.-t. of uM county for eiHillrinutlon on Tii.-mIii v fo lowine the Second Mnniliiy of June next (hr:i beltiK the Icth iluy. I. The lltxt mid Html iiceount of Hlxion K, Akcr Ailmr.. of the Kslule of West A. AUers lute of liruxli Creel; tow n-hip. ileeeused. The llrst ntul Html tieeonnt of .liitnc IV W'lIU Ailmr., of the KM lit f of II. F. Ilen lute of Thompson tovnshii. ileceused. U The iiceount of 11. S. Dunlels Trustee t i ell the Hi ul I'.. lute of II. F.SIpus lute of liulou township, ileceused. The a Hint of Williiim C. Ilenlly Ailmr.. of the Kstulp o Auu Ileuttv late of Union lowusliip, ih'ceit-ed. V First ii nil lliuil ucooiiMl of tViisun Somlem Ailmr.. of the Ksiute of .Murxret l.easz lute of Tod township, ileeeuscd. 'i. First nnil (If ul a unt or S. W. Kirk Ailnn.. of the Ksiute ol Jesse M. Cllno. lute of IMihiui town-hip. ileeeii-.i'd. Fit AN K P. f.VNI II. licwister & CItU. lic'ister aud Clerk's (inice. May IS. l:'.'. Notice. Notice Is hcrehy nlven that my sou, M'lton Hill, u minor, has left home wittimo cause or conscut. ami 1 warn ull persons mrulnst harl.or I'ik him. or hiring him, or peviuli ilnv him tosiuy i.nout itieir premises. Any one so offeutllnif " HI he held for his wanes. MllMK! Ilil.t.. llelfast township. Good Farm Tor Sale. A tfood two horse farm of 110 acres. IK) acres ol ijood furiu laml and SO acres of kooiI tlmlier laud well adapted foi stock, can vet runnlni? v nier from each llekl. Located on the Suit' ! ""' uuil I.ewistown Railroad S miles east of i.ewlstown and Itiirnhalu.oue mile f rom statlou. i:cst market In the country, irood Hulldlm;s, Fruit. Tlmher and liest Sprint? Water. F.usy t i-rins. Address. J. W. Sthihtp. Ykai;kiiti ih'.n, Fa. Grain and Stock Farm For Sale inti'mlinc lo iptlt limmuir. the undersiu'iicd I itetuK to si-:) his personal pnmerly :it public i e iitjo'ii the last of Au::ust and. in the meiin w ill oiler his farm at private sale. This Valuable Property '.' Il-lsts ol I'Ctueeu ;JU unci 4.-j acres, about uoresof which is cleared and In a t'ooilslate of cull ivallon ami lies uhmit ; miles cast of (lift ' '''ii- Tannery. Tlie Improvements are a food TWO STOItY FltAMF. lloFSK of rooms, a '.'ol IIAMCHAHX IS x Hil feet. Hl'tiOY SUFI) l' lii.N'I'iail. I.A1MF. SHFF.l' IJUI'SK. and all r.i ei'ss-.iry oullMllMink's. The ivooil.'aud I e:-t'il with a i;ue lot of Excellent Timber consisting of Oak. Poplar, Ash. Chestuul ( hc'tuut Oak. COV' and This Is one of the FF.ST STOCI; FARMS In tl e Cove. For further Information call on or address CoMIA!) IILAZIKIt, lllu Cove Tannery, Fa. Bargains in Millinery! Closing-out SALE Owiug to coutinued ill health I will close out my entire stock of Spring Millinery at, rind below cost. This consists of Hats, Flowers, Laces, Velvets, Chiffons, Kibbous, Ac, and must and will be sold. Conic Early and Get Your Choice of Murrains -Mary L. Daniels. Mr. G. J. Anderson who has beeu spending the past three years at, Pitcairu, Fa., is visiting his mother aud sister at Clear Ridge. As his health has not beeu the best for awhile, lie will likely remain at home and recuperate for a few weeks. He was in town ust Friday. Keveals A (ireat Secret. Itis oftcu asked how such start ling cures, that puzzle tho best physicians, are effected by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Here's tho secret. It cuts out the phlegm and germ-infected mucus, aud lets the life-giving oxygen enrich and vitalize the blood, ft heals the inflamed, i cough-worn throats and lungs, i Hard colds and stubborn coughs j soon yield to Dr. King's New dis j covory, the most infallible remedy I for nil Throat and Luug diseases, i Guarantoi'd bottles "iOc audtfl.Oi). I rial bottle freeatW.S. Dickson's. Mrs. Rebecca Wilkinson, wifo of Solomon Wilkinson, of Clmn eysvillo, Rodford couuty, commit ed suicide on last Sunday morn ing a week, between the hours of II and 12 o'clock. She perform ed tho deed by fastening a leath- er strap to a hook that was in a j will sell his personal property con- rofl. 41. ii ...... . 1 J "i oieir suiau cow SUiblh -i ,,,, "ar tlie Iiouso. Ihen standini' ' " a b used while milking, she slipped the loop made, by the j "'ap over her head iind.after up- -o UK,1, ended her life. I SUMMER Koud.v for one and nil. Milli nery display, Tlie liirj,'Pt,jrrand ost, iiml moHt attractive ever brought to Fulton county. TRIMMED HATS. From "iOc U. Sailors 2.V upi Shin-waist Huts, iviidy trimmed "iOc. All the now inttirns of Ap liliiiuos unit r.iK'es. TRIM HATS FREE of clinriro, nnd trim thorn in best s'ylo, nnd (Mt)t undoubtedly tho lowest t.i'ici s on everything. Call nnd be convinced that ours U tlie Hon Ton Store. MRS. A. 1 LITTLE. FARMERS, ATTENTION! The season is here when you are thinking about farm machinery, nud I want to tell you that I am better than ever prepared to offer yon inducements. Remem ber I am headquarters for 13ugies, Hinders, Mowers, Hay Rakes, Hay TVddors, Corn Plows, Culti vators, Spring-tooth Har rows in fact, all kinds of Farming Implements. Repairs for all kinds of machinery. Pumps, Pipe and Fittings, S Fencing Wire, Washing Ma- chines, all kinds of Hard- ware, Dr. Hess's Stock Food every pad.agoguarautced. Chop, Graham Flour, andCornmeal 5 always on hand, together X with a full lino of Groceries, i Confectionery .Tobaccos and Cigars. W. U. NESI5IT, (Opposite Fulton House) McCounellsburg, Pa. A'VWVWVvWWvVWVAV ' ' "S- - Uf Cl I II V v. r.cspet'tulile sinu'lo men, lured J to 7 years, aide mid willin; J to work wiih spuilo unci shovel, find do othi r common labor in J slimmer, and do work in tlie J woods in winter. No free ear i fare. Wties 420 per month and lioard. Kxtra pay for lonjf con- 5 Untied faithful service. ED REICH EN BACH, y tjounty surveyor, JetVerson, Wisconsin. YOU NEED A BUGGY lio DOES THIS STRIKE YOU? A Urau New Falling Top Ruggy with Full Leather Triminiug, Spring Cushiou and Back, Thousand Mile Axle, A Grade Wheels, Pat ent Shaft Couplers and Fine ly Finished throughout for ONLY $50. Large Stock to select from. I am also handling Hand- 1 X made Buggies and Wagons. X t W. R. Evans, X Ilustontown, Pa. X I S. P. ME7ZLER I Dkalkk In . . . Pianos Organs Buggies Carriages Good marketable stock J taken in exchange. y I'-C'Whcu iii need of any- thing in our lino write for particulars to .... f s. p. v.etzler; Burnt Cabins, Pa. tWiV .ViVAAW'Ai'WiiVVSA Sale Rep,i.,ter. Wednesday, May 21. Isaac Vanies hiti ndi.ig to quit house keeping, win sell at his residence o miles north of Needinore, horse, cows, buggy, farming imple moats, household goods &c. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. Credit 0 months. Saturday, May 17. George H. McCoy having sold his real estate k . t n of n f,Mi,t nn rai, " - - eww-, Snitu fsnunn Mni ac, also, a good milch cow. n A H M P D a A K- .l I r KALBACH 4 SPANGLER, Knobsville, Pa., Miiniifiiutiirora of ALL KINDS of ROUGH and WORKED LUMBER. FLOORING, SIDING, always on hands. Frame Stuff furnished to order with promptness. Mills ono mile north of Knobsville. MrCOMNELLSBUnii BAKERY D. E. Little, Proprietor. Fresh Bread, Rolls, Cakes, Doughnuts, and Pretzels on baud all the time. Free Delivery in towu on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thurs days, and Saturdays. For Parties, Weddings, &c we are prepared on a couple of days notice to furnish all kinds of cakes &c. Your Patronage Solicited. ? D. E. LITTLE. J m. 13AKLR& MARTIN, Undertakers, Loci-st Guove, Pa. Fine Funeral Car, Latest Designs in Caskets aud Burial Cases. We are prepared to take charge of funerals on short notice aud furnish just what you waut. Satisfaction Guaranteed and Prices Reasonable. Place of business near John Plcssiuger's store. NEVA . SPRING GOODS Notice These Prices Calico all colors 4 to Oc Gingh a m s 4 to 7c Indian Lawns 9 to 10c Lawns '. 3 to 7c Percale 7c Muslins 0 to 9c Hosiery, 5 to 9c Men's llalf-hose 4 to 15c Straw Mattings per yard. . . . . 12c Men's Overalls 25 to 48c Men's Shirts 1 8 J- to 48c Straw Hats 0 to 15c Dress Hats 25 to 48c Coffee 11 to 12c Sugars ..' 5to be Ready-made Bonnets. . .... . .24c Ladies' Keady-madt Shirt-waists 40c If you have not been getting good oil, bring your can and get it filled with 150 test 11 to 12c a gallon. Produce taken at highest Mar ket Price. 1). C. MALLOT, Ncedmore, Pa. CRESS'S New Millinery. Everything in the millinery line, including the most beau tiful Pattern Hats, Trim, nied Hats, and the choicest selection of Flowers, Chif fons, and Trimmings of all kinds. As this is our tirst spring season, our goods are all new, and of the LATEST STYLFS. No shelf-worn goods, nor goods from other seasons. Our Prices are the Lowest. Call and be convinced. Thanking you for your pre vious patronage, we ask you for a share of your present, Store diagonally opposite the Cooper House. Mrs. K, M. GKFSS. mrntf, mimmimmmiti I ( ) ( M Itt ( ;:i !ii Hi III KJ i HA 1 1 t Ml ) M m . fA i i ' !!l . -it ) K 1 1 l M III il ' i l ; i n ) i ( !!1 ' H n Mi (ft Spring ' Bnnoimcements A trip to tbo oily enables us to efl'or B9 complctn n liur of Spring Gondii us IbiH town epi bud, nntt b-t-r Hill nt prir to pujf all. SUMMER DRESS GOODS W irjRift OU your onlliny to nee cur mirmm-r jronil,, ino'uil Hilltn, ITetoirizcd and plain BiiiKliiini", v- !, ilimitii'H, Ikwuh, ntc. Wf iiIho bavo an upfo rlte line t,l m-i(;fH, bonr'ifttnn, nnd white gooils. . SHIRTS A full line of uiun'a up-o datn noft hirfi dict from tbn fuutory. Wr lm dfisidPH a job of 200 fano $1 iliiits of varii ui Btykn whii h " bought at a price and will soil at 37J crrtti apii cp. Linoleum Wp (!! heat (hn coimlij nn thi-. Thf tii' iihI -, 2 jHr.l.i with; at 74 rciilH pur yrd Muslin io iHiucnnm nt 3 corns per vnrd HEGE& MYERS, MERCERSBURG, PA. 11 D. Nace h Sons 1 1 We have all the newest Stiff, and Straw HATS Shirt Waists and Soft Shirts, we have in almost any style, and lots of them at close prices. The line of Men's and Boys' it i . 15 ' I ' CLOT is Great. Do not fail to give us a call; we can save ydu money-men's suits as low as . . $2,50 Boys 60c. and TROUSERS we have in all THE NEW STRIPES from 1.50 to !-!.00. f I i OOOOOOOOCOO coxxxooocooo X X I mm w 3 spring Time Hints. A O HEN A LADY GETS vv h e generally finds a Q a new mattress, springs or pillows. X o - - O G00D MATTRESSES are hero iu stock" from 3.50 to X 15.00 aud to order up to 30.00. The ,-ery cheap kind, that X only serve to look at and worry you awhile, you can get else t where. ' O BED SPRINGS, 2.00 to 12.00. PILLOWS, 50e to 2.00 Q The same remarks apply as to mattresses. . A NEAT CLEAN IRON BED often replaces an old wood- O en one to great advantage. Makes the room brighter and X looks cooler on a hot day or night. 5i NEW ORIENTAL STRIPE TAPESTRIES at B0o and 75c O a yard (double width) lflako attractive curtains and cover- O inirs. " A COUCH SPREAD in fringe all around, at 1.50 is QoMCarts and' Baby Coaches. Third new lot this season. Have you a nice baby ? H. SIERER &C., FURHITURE MAWHU.S -- ----- , f On Queen Street. Chambarshnrn 6 J ' T J t ooooooooooooo xxoxxxooto inner:? " uv.-N . ?; -;: swing jH ' '- ' - MADB . 'fi r T'r.t'-H.V- " ' -.lit J 7i l l 'I rV-l :: , -"'...;".' 't : i FULTON COUNTY NEWS is the People's Paper. $1.00 a Year in Advance. im m m m m m m m m nMn-iM mm it; '! 11. t Ui tk ' ' i f ) ) Ii I . I t fi! !:! I V : ) 1 ! ) HI : 1 I ) ! i. ; i ) t I I : ) 1 1 i i i i ; i ; ! i : id) 1 1 : ii Ml M S M ' : : ) ; n - ! ; V u : - : K : ) i ; l t t. i I 5 ' ) . Spring Styles in Fur, for Aen and Bovs. r : ! ' I III f n i ( III 1 1 ! t ; 1 i READY TO CLEAN HOUSE X bed or two that ought to have O samo goods, 50 by 108 inches, pretty and cheap. ' O o ."'''' t-ip Ch;r . -' , :, L-imlc '.:'i.;d, V.wb L.n.-.'. . .. . Si.. To U-iC. r-'.: V:!. . :v.c.-.i'i,fk-.!1:o'.'.cf:i:,.i;.1! " ... I'W.'K. .'- , ...,. HING