FULTON COUNTY NEWS. A BABY KANGAROO. Thero is a baby kangaroo, Just born, at tbo zoological park upon which arc fastened the hopes and ambitions of every ono connected with tho big animal pliicc. Ifo carno into existence only a few days ago and marks a new era in the history of the zoo, for ho is the first infant kangnroo to show his tiny head at the zoo and one of tho few ever born in captivity. So far his head is tho only part of his small body that has been seen. ' Ho has not yet left his mother's pouch, but is content and will be for some time to view tho world from between his parent's paws. The dnv he was. born his mother Immediately placed him in the pouch made for that purpose by nature, whence ho has not yet issued. Ev ery now and then ho thrusts a deli cately formed head into the open air and purveys tho surroundings. Each appearance is hailed with de light by the animal men. . Tho head of tho baby resembles that of a black and tan puppy. The ryes aro bright and clear, nearly black in color, while tho infant's oars are a delicate pink. Washing ton Times. His Calculation Was Correct. Trofessor Truman Henry Safford is one of the most remarkable light ning calculators now living. One day a gentleman who had heard of his powers and wished to make a test said to him: "I have a little problem for you, Trofessor Safford. I was born Aug. 15, 1870, at 3 o'clock in tho afternoon. This is June 20, 1901, and it is just 3 o'clock. Now, can you tell lTie my age in seconds?" The great man frowned, bent his head and began to walk rapidly up and down, twisting bis mustache and clasping and unclasping his hands in his nervous way. After a moment or so ho returnod the an swer, which was somewhere near three billions. The gentleman produced a paper containing the problem worked out and said, with a superior smile: "Well, professor, 111 give you credit for great genius, but you're several thousands out." The professor stretched out his hands for the paper and, running over the calculation, said contempt uously: "No; you are. the leap years 1" You'vo left out Von Moltko Snubbed Bismarck. Field Marshal Iilumenthul's "Di ary," as now published by his son, throws light on several incidents of tho wars of IMG and 1870-71, and, among other things, it disposes of tho calumny which Hisinarek him self never sought to destroy that the crown prince, worked upon by bis wife, was opposed to tho bom burdment of Paris. Tho "Diary" also shows what Dr. Busch only hints at in his pages that tho relations between Bis marck and Moltko in France were very strained, the chancellor having complained that he was always treated by his great military col league with "distinct incivility and rudeness." This coolness charac terized their relations to tho end, so that ono who knew them well oneo compared them to "a pair of Alpine peaks illumined by the rays of the sun (of glory), but separated by a 3eep and sunless valley of snow." Corbln and the Chinese Tailor. They tell an amusing story of Adjutant General Corbin at Cavite. There is a Chinese tailor thero of some note for tho making of white uniforms, to whom the olliccrs often come from Manila. The general vis ited Cavite und wont to the China man to be measured for some clothes. "You will come over to tho Oricnte tomorrow and bring them to bo tried on?" he said. This was not at all the China man's idea of doing business. "No can do," he said. "Admiral, he come oil ship to try on clothes; you come too." It was that or no clothes, and the general had to go back to the China man's shop to have his clothes fit ted. Long Life of an Ad. A contract for an advertisement in a Chicago newspaper, which lias run continuously for ten years, two months ami twenty-one days, was terminated recently "only because the advertiser wished to make a new contract for both daily and Sunday. During the term of the contract tlie enly change made in the wording of the ad. was when the place of busi ness was moved. He Likes Seventeen. Sir L. Alma-Tudema, it is said, regards seventeen as a lucky nuin-' her. Miss Epp, who is now Lady Tadema, was seventeen when he met hoi, the house in which they first liver was 17, ho now lives at 17 (irove F.nd road, where he removed one Nov. 17, and tho elaborately beautiful house as it now is was be gun one Aug. 17. IJo'i. William J. Bryan iu a Kicu!oh at Binningrluun, -Ala., de clared tlmt Iki was willing for homo one o! so. to act the part of 1 lie Democratic Moses, Foley's Honey and Tilt tor children, safe, sure. Vo opiates. CONDENSED STORIES. General Shatter's Criticism of Wag ner's Musio. General Shafter took a box for the opera, says a San Francisco pa per, and tho McKittrieks came up from Bakersfield to pass tho month with him and enjoy tho season. The general, who delights in an active life, declared ho never had go much fun for the same amount of money, and so tho Marlins, the general, tlie McKittrieks," the llolbrooks, the Hopkinsoa and the Keycaps went pvcry night for awhile. " While tho general was not exactly in the state of a prominent first nighter who said he liked Wagner, but he could not stand that Dutchman Lohen grin, he shied just a bit at "Dio Walkure," for he had been told bo often that one must be born in Ger many at least 200 years ago to ap preciate the mysteries o the ring. When tho performance v. .. i ended, a neighbor of the general asked him how he liked it, and ho answered: "It's too much like piano tuning to suit me." And he could not be dragged to Wagner again. The Conductor. An English paper says that John Thilip Sousa, tho American band master, was standing in his uniform "wny don't you KNOW?" on a railway platform when a trav eler rushed up and asked, "Has the 9:30 gone yet?" "I really don't know," replied the man in blue. "Why don't you know?" shouted the other angrily. "What are you stand ing thero for, perhaps you will tell me, just like a log of wood ? Aren't you a conductor?" "Certainly I am," replied Sousa; "the conductor of a brass bund." Cave Them to the Chambermaid. James J. I T ill of railroad fame was standing in front of tho cigar stand in the Waldorf-Astoria, New York, the other evening and asked the man behind the cigars: "Does any one ever smoke those big thick cigars that come in the round glass bottles?" "Oh, yes, sir," said the cigar man. "They are very popular around Christmas time. But we don't keep ,hem." "I am very glad to hear it," said Mr. Hill. "Neither do I keep them. Somo ono who I thought had some legard for me sent me some the other day, and I didn't know wheth er any one ever 6moked them or not. So I gave them to the cham bermaid to decorate her room with." Bagged at the Knee. When Ed Gilmore of the Acade my of Music and Colonel Jones of tho aquarium meet at tho Fifth Avenue hotel, there is always some thing doing. "I see thut Senator Stadler was out gunning the other day," said the colonel .to Ed Gilmore tho other evening. "Yes?'.' said Gilmoro. "Did he bag anything?" "Bagged a pair of duck." "You don't say 1 Where'd he bag 'em ?" "At the knee," said Colonel Jones. "They wero duck pants." New lork limes. Like Cures Like. As a preface to his attack upon the recent army appointments in England Hudyard Kipling tells story of a man who was carrying a bag and of whom a fellow traveler asked what it was that the has. con tained. "Mongooses," was tho an swer. "My brother sees snakes, and 1 m takinc; the mongooses un to kill jthem." "But your brother doesn't kee real snakes." "No, but these bren t real mongooses. Beet Chicken Feed. On tho country jdace of Russell Sago a great many chickens are raised. "What do you consider the best chicken feed?" asked a brother financier. "Oh, pennies, nickels and dimes," replied Mr. Sage, with humorous gravity. New l ork I imes. J. M. Newcomer, of Waynes boro, lost a valuable horse. One of his workmen was hauling earth from the stone quarry in South Waynesboro and the loaded cart passed over a rock and upset over tho bank, dragging the horse along. The front leg of the horse was broken in the fall, and later had to be shot to put it out of mis-fry. MERCANTILE APPRAISER'S TAX LIST. MWoiih'tNtMiir. April .'M. IftO. The follow)?' fx a lt ni' nditll :n,l w holes'! It Vt'iiijt i's or ih'iii.M In (mkhIm, wtirt;-., ii.t'i-rlnm-dise. t'o.'hmodiot . 4ii enM of w h Msdoi'i' It I rni or nut t:re. xiil.U't-t to it men-untile liern i tuA u Knltoii eouiity. 1 Vnh-tvlvimhi. returned to the proper Hill hoiii ;e4 tlietein, hv the innicr- miimI MernuitHe .upi itsei In u;..i for 1 he otn.tvof Kiwton ufo. ,,(((!. mid li.tliilHhril nv in? ilireetton of the roiiimlsonerN of wuiil county; Names of Uetiitlui-H. Clnlfloatlonof bustriesM. AYUTOWNSIIll'. J. Sehlern. meteh:nilKe. .1. it. & I:. i'tittersou. imrehafidUe. Mr. JttiH'rNon 1'eek. nieiehaiuli.se. I'eler KirK, N.erchntiiNi. HKT.KAST TOWNSHIP. Joseph W. I,uk. lnerehinidtse. mtiiott itiotiiti. inerunamt.c, U. 4. rtieilott, mereh-inli-M. Joseph I. Mellon., inei'elmn.yyo. Mrs. M. Alters, rnerehumlise. W. K. Hurl, inerehumlir.e. v A. Ituiiyiin, mvrehuiulise. hk rtiKu'tott N'Siitr. ('urnell St Son. men-hnmlNe. lieoiye K. H. Hill. merehntnlNe. W. K. (iolden. merehiinthM!. William Palmer, merehiiMhsc. Wtn. P. Uordnn, lnerehiitulwe. Mix. M. K. Munti. lneruhiimlWe. 1HIUSU I'KKKK TOWNSHIP. Crmrles i.yneli. mereluimlie. Charles . Tnmx, mereliumiKe, S. VV. Hurt, Jewtnor. 4ohn riesNiMKer, tnerehitntf James S Akers. tuerehnmltse. J. K. JuekHoii, tiitfiehiimh-e. (JeoiKc .Seheneit, Kroe.encx, m'HMN Township. I.. Keliy. nterehiiniMse. t'hurlt s Metielit e. mei elmmllse. John K. Speek, oltrur. S. I j. Bueuley, H'i elmw.No. t runk V. Mure, tnerelmmliNe, Hush M. Kline, tnerehumlixe. Hurry Hit mil, eliir. N. H. Hemy, meruhumlise. U, M. Koihly, roecries. A (J. foci.owuu, meichitnillsc I.ICKINU CUKJ.K TOWN'SHU1 S. K. lMttmun. merelntndlse. ('. M. Dixon. iiiereh:iinlNe. W. U. Speer, njerehunli-o. Seott (mint. iiierchuiuli.e. Churl en li. Davis, murehumlise, McCONNKIXSJHJKU IIOUOUUH. lohn Patterson, merchandise. C. li. Steve tin, merehunt tailor, (ieo, W. KeNuer & Co.. ineiehaudisc. Hutl & Itender. niereliuuui-e. Stoiitenie Hroihers. micelles. W. H. Nespit. hardware. Thomas A. Humniil. tfrueerles. A. lr. Naee. merehunt tailor. H. C. Smith & Co., n:erehundlNe. John W. funk, eiirun. John A. Irwiu. (,'i'oeeries, John W. Grcutheud. inorehundise. (ieotKe Itoxrolh, eitfurw. C. JleiMiur. jfrnt-'e-riw1' .1. K. Johnston, merchandise. W. s. Dickson, clrtprs. Mrs. M. Jl. Trout, dmr. Albert Sioner.stovcs und tinware. David Miilloy, trroccries. . S.A. Nehit. hardware. Mr. A. K Uttie. milliner. Miss A. J. Irwin & Co.. milliners. S. M. Uobinsou. KToc.i'i'ie. T. J. Cohierer, furmiipf implements. V S. Clcveuirer t Co.. turuiture. Ceo, W. Smith, Ki'oceries. Win. latouer. fiuuilure. V. Al Kennedy, harness. Mt.s K. M. Uress, uiiiiinery. Ji.tuiel Orissiinrer. M. M. Pitimati ujuehiiiery. (ieo. W. Cooper, pool table. (ieo. W. Cooper, merchandise. Miss Mary Daniels, mitliuer. TOD TOWNSHIP. John A, Hatninil, merchandise. D. Kdwurd Kore. merchandise. J. C. tore, met'chaudistf. Mrs. li. Frank Wiii e, merchandise. TAYLOK ToWxVSHIP. A. J. Lum Person merchandise. W. It. J-.vuus, PiiKies. N. 11 K'irk, mereiirndise. Jacob Miller, merchandise H. Orcyory. merchandise. Cletn ciiesnut. furiiiiure, Michael l.iiidik'. inercli-iiidise. S. C. (iraccy.merchiindise. JjoeUts Jt Wrijht. uierchaudisc. W . Hrksuessrr. merehaiidise. II. J-;. Huston, merchandise. Samuel Hediord. merchandise. A. N, Vii.lcr. merchandise. T 1 1 OMI S ( )N TO W N S H 1 1 . Amos Sharp. nierch;iudise. Dennis Kveris. nicrelumilise. J. H. Cjivull. nii'reh:indi-e. J. C. Doulus. iiierehuntli-e. lTNlOT(JWNSHIP. S. Kd ard MeKee. mcrchundisc. Seriever lirolhers. merchandise. S. O. Lashicy. inerch indise. W. i. Ijiishley. iiiercluiiKtise. WKIJ.S TOWNS1P. Haumiii'dncr & Co., merchandise. Harry Spunkier, merchandise. H. M. Kd wards, merchandise. M. W. Houck. merchandise. N. (i. Cunningham, inerchandisc. 11. H, Jlrideustiue. merchandise. l-'ranl; Sprowl, merehnndlse. H. McClain. miiliuery. K. W. MeCtain, uierehaudise. And notice is hereby driven to nil taxahles herein thai un appeal, tn accordance wllh the Mercantile Appraiser's Act of Assembly will be held by the Treasurer of Kultou county, acting tu conjunction with said Appraiser, at the oill ee of the County Treasurer, in the Court House McConuellKhurir. Pennsylvania, on Saturday. May the Hist, Htr between the hours of IU o' clock, u. m., and 4 o'clock, p. m., when and where ali parties interested are required to up pcurund all tfrievauces will be heard. W. N. DAN1KLS, Mercantile Appraiser. The wrecks of Cervera's war ships are to be sent to Philadel phia for scrap iron. They mark the end of one of the greatest scraps of recent years. William Amsley made things lively at his home in Charleston-n on Saturday evening. It seems that he had been to McConnells burg and came home under the influence of liquor. He succeed ed in almost teariug the dress oil his wife aud expressed himself as being willing aud . physically able to kill the entire family. John L. Brindle, Peters towu ship's fearless aud efficient con stable was seDt for. When ho ar rived at the scene of action the smoke of tho buttle had sufficient ly cleared for him to see Amsley securely tied and several meu holding him down. The constable brought him to Mercorsburg, where Mrs. Amsley made infor mation before. Justice of the Peace Slick. The Squire committed tho prisoner to the lockup. But ou Sunday morning Mrs. Amsley relented and withdrew the charge and the prisoner was permitted to go home Mercorsburg Jour nal. trv BjSGOVERY FOn THAT COLD. TAKE PiO GUIiSTITUTE, Cures Consumption .Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, I ! :ty KcvcrJMeu- risy, La( rippe, Hoarseness, Bore Throat, Croup and Whoopincf Cough. fc NOCU57E. NOPAV. Vic BOc. and $ 1 . TRIAL DOTTLES FREE. ADVKKTISI! IN Tlie Fulton County News Seasonable Goods and Prices, MGUSS RACKET STORE Just scoured from New York tho best line of uudorwear for men aud ladies that we ever had. Now for prices : L.id'u-s' Uib Vest (taped neck), 4 to ,"c. Ladies' Liife Triminod Uleiichod Vf.'sts J to l.'lo ; Men's G;m".o S!iirts and Drawers 2.'J to 4ru. J Liidies Ilusiery, plain and j open Rib, . (j to 2i!e. Luce Curtains, per pr.,,37 to Hric. Curtain Poles, He. Wiudow Shades 7 to ';"c Mun'rt Sox, 5 to lilo. Table Oil Cloth, per yd., .... V), e. Ladies Corsets 25 to Kkr Men's Dress Shirts, . . .24 to ."c. Men's Work Shirts, ... .21! to 4 le Scrim for Curtains, per yd, . 4c. ; Men's Pauls, big line, .75 to l.,v Jute Rugs 45 to SSc. ; oys and Men's Dress Patterns, 10yds lc. ioverttlls 25 to 7l.'c Table Damask, 20 to 25c. j Mou's Working Gloves, to 45 . Unbleached Muslins, ... 4.J to (Sc. i Men's Dress (Jloves, . . . 15 to 75c. i Men's Mackintosh Tho greatest liue we have over e s, 1.15 to 2. 15 ; Men's Collars, ; 4 to l'.ic. HULL & Bl-N'DLR, Managers. 0XOCCOOCOC;XO0OOOO0OO- PHILIP F. BLACK, X y .Manufacturer of o g Sash, Doors, Newel Posts, Hand $ Rails, Stairs, Banisters, Turned o 8 O o ? o Porch Columns, Posts, &c. McConnellsburg, Fa. Doors 2 : 8 x 6 : 8; 2 : inches in tnickness. Sash 11x20; 12x24; 12 x 34; 12 x 36 inch fr i. a i- a ju iin.ii ..i.a K on hand. V Sash four lights to windowfrom 45 cents to 70. O 0 These sash are all primed and ready for the glass. Q Both the doors and the sash are made from best white q ! 0 and yellow pines. ' O O OO00OO0000000XO0XOOC0OOC- L'.i 9 s o m I V'' i '.7 V m The only perfect washer. Unlike all others. x Guaranteed oo to give perfect satisfaction or Money Refunded. E General Agent for M. C. IlANDLKMAN & SONS, Des Moines, Iowa. E 1 The World Moves and so does the machinery in the Willow Grove Woollen Mills AT BUKNT CaIHNH, Pa. (") e-" i-1 i- "I The proprietor has hud coulideut th.'it he can l'k'iise their work. Manufacture of Carpet niul Wool Batting for C&rpet Chain I tr"."-i I will take in wool nnd 1 Rooth Urothers, Dublin Mi!l: A. N. Witter's, Water full; V.'. v,; Ji. IturkstrcKscr. Orchur! tlmvn; W. U. Spwr, Kaluviu; i,.;1 Z Lvnch's store at Crystal Springs; Jackson 's storo at Alters villo, P. J. Uartou's, lJustonuiwts, and Huston's store at rf I will muko monthly visits season, and will receive work a:ni relm u it. W Thankful for past favoiH, aud holiciiiug a coutinuauco V-jJ 2 f smne, ' I am, respectfully, Cliildren's vvitli late heel, . . . .Cilc. Misses and Youths Shoos (i() tol.L'0 Ladies' O.xtords, . Ladies Dress and Coarse Shoes, . . . 15(,ys' Dress aud .78 to 1.2 3 .K5 to 1.! .S)H toijil.4" t .M tol.'.i.") Coarse Shoes, . Men's Dcpss aud Coarse Shoes, . . CLOTH I IN G. Boys' Kueel'auts, aOc. kwd, .2."c. Hoys' SuitlvucePantrt.fiO to 1.1- Uoys'3 piece Suits. .$2 4."i to 5.'Ji Mou's Suits, any si;:e to si. 0 f'! C 6 K 6 x 6 : 6; 1 and three-eighth 12 x 28; 12 x 30; 12x32; i quauci uiiuK always x jv L V E D liy the NOVELTY UPRIGHT m DOUBLE REFLEX WASHER. if A. J. SCIIKTROMPF, Thick Valley, Pa. over 50 years experience, and is all who ninv entrust him with (,.." Wool Carding a speciality. Haps none better. nlways in stock. work at the followiug pines: '"i to these i hices tluriii'' the rSi II. U. HEKTZLEIt, J?urnt Caliius, Pa. , If MA i '! II 6. W. Reisner & CoJj BACK i xr lNCW Y OfK 9. and Philadelphia! to x With a splendid asvjilmcnt of suinr.HT Hros Goods in silks, woollens und n!i the nice things in cotton und linen summer stulls with trimmin;; to suit all. It will pay you 'richly to sec cur stock tin's sprinsas we have nothing but nice new stock to show you, especially in summer stutTs. Prices from 4c up. X0 Our Notion Stock Is, perhaps, better th 0 ft ft ft 0 them. A No. AO all we have sold worse a! We wish to call the g House Furnishings, ft ft ft 0 0 ft V s ft ft v.jr ft 0 .'X ft 0 ft H t0 H 0 ft 0 ft 0 0 no n ft Carpets, mattings, wa'i papers, blinds, etc. Mat tings from 24c up. Carpets 20c up. Wall pa rers. all prices: a larec stock for immediate deliv ery; will sell you a fair pay in express charges. Wo will make Clothing As we have some very special values to ofTer Shoes For ladies, misses, gentlemen and boys, at any price from the best down. Re; G. I. BRISKER k CO. 0 V20H00-0-0 0H0100,007V..riitk00 0HY,0lll S'R f jf I ' 1.0L0tJI09J0,0X0A0f.0Kf.l-0 Jtp0 fh0H.0 0t,,l. -iXt0 vlU . 4 : : t COUNTY NEWS Covers the Field. In every part of the County faithful re porters are located that gather the daily happenings. Then there is the State and National, News, War News, a Department for the Farmer and Alechan ic, Latest Fashions for the Ladies. The latest New York, Bal timore, Philadelphia Aarkets. The Sun day School Lesson, Helps for Christian Enaeavorers, and a Good Sermon for ev erybody. 1 Ji i . 4- 515. THE JOB DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE. SALE BILLS, POSTERS, DODGERS, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, CARDS, 4c, In fact anything and everything in the hest style along that line. Sample copies of the NiiWS sent t'uny of your, friends cn request. FROM i $2 n l T in ever. Ribbons, lots of $ fancy silk ribbon at 12c; we 25c often. attention of the ladies to ft ft ft ft ft ft O paper for what you will ft K q .0 ft it interesting to Buyer S, t v v :'. rf ft :) .0 '!K spc?ctfi4lly, " t.T y, iiERL AND V ALLKV TIMK TAHU:. Nov i, llioi. I.cnvu (in). S tjo 1 no. li no. Kno lu, 1:0 'llt, M u'!'iil)n,u J ia;,'t i'-it(u n ( i.'etMM'u-st tr .... !VitM('cr!'lir U il.. Tl.'SlMC I S'npprlisDurx . . Newvtilo ! I'ai- isk: nlnsbui A. M . U l.f M .... I ! i..i I 3 I 1'J "I ' . :i,',7irni. T'VTuTTTi"") :.... ,. .1 ::. .... ' r.:i ii c ., i s ,;i -:i , 1 1 ( in 10 ,:i i A! h imi 1 1 :n :vt iu li; i h ;v III (.1 II ;.l H Mi ll Hi ii 'ill lijio -a. i ; n 1 I'll f, !. I lMil!Hiiv Air, HstriKljurK. An-. J'hilu Arr. New York. Arr. lialtlQiure.. v ii, 11 j:. n if, : iv l V.V, 5 Ml 12 wj :i n A. M. 1 tl ii", 10 v. so I :J.'i 5 r.uo H ( :i ::. 1". l.l'. M 2 a A. .M A. Additional eut-tmuud local trulns wi:l rim dnily, exofpt SuuUiiy, as follow: Umo tihaliibciljui'K ti io a. in., U'avo Cunisie ;,. 111.. l.U'l 1L. ITl . I" til 1, in M it, w 1 ... 4 leave .Mi'oliaiiicsburk H.iV u. rn., T.'jli a. m., T a. in., i.ol 1. in.. S.Ho u. m.. 3.:l n. in.. s.:7 p. m. Ti.iiU p. m., Trains No, f und 110 rundai v liplwcrn lln Kurstown and HarrMiurK uud No. 2 lifivru uiiouti;s late od Suudiiys lially. t Daily rxcept Suuday. J.eil c uo. l,uo. iuo. bilio. TUO. i P. Ml A. mI A. U' I. Ml P. V! II 5.V i 4'i' i 12 no 4 ii'.1 7 .Vil2 10 ! 9 (Kil 2 ;i! II iu, 4 23' h lii:ll 10 n OOi 7 .Sail I -i:.: X 25 b 112 -III! 4 U.-.l... I ft 20 K H'iV; Ifii 3 tJ H '! S 12: K H. 12 2."l J 0l 0 m " 0.'' (1 ( 12 IS' 4 2;l, 9 '.".l1 'j 20: 9 lki 1 H'l -I il'l' 9 f. ;i ! MaUilriore I New Vorl: I riiila 1 liiirrUln.!! IlilKlllliX' iMoohanicsbui'if.. r.iriili Nowvill Shiiiiionslmi'j?. .. V".i ni'slKiro. . . . rh;irNhiM!uiitf. ,j il 4i'l ll i ;7: ; mi ft m, , J Mi-roorsl'iirtf .... 5" . Oroi'iioi'Ntio J j ilat'l'f: lowu .... M;u I irishllrj.' 7 Ar. Wii'oio'.sier. 1 i'iv,' fl f ' HI 0(i P I h 21 io 3.': 11,10 ,i; a 2ii. i In lu ; 7 IV 10 IK 7 27 III 2v K J, II II fl 10,11 f,5 A. M. A. M l M. 1 Additional local trains wllUcav,) U.ivnstv as (oliows: Kor Chauiliorslmri.' and i n . rn,.,, ate Ni.ni ins :M 5 15 i. in., for C.oii'.o anil ii,; rlHi'"t s':it:n'ls :n 9 :ir a. in.. 2.m ). in.,rii,.. - i hi., ii.-.up. in.. n in p. m.:ulo lor Woo.'.iu'.'iv bi,. . I'iil-.lat'V and luua-inodiute statiuii&ul 7.ul u u ami H.IA p. in. Nos. 1, if ami 9 ran dally bot'i'on llurrist'u' J j and Huirivsiown. T! Pnlliiiiic pinaoo slrepi'v cars bctv een N, r i Yorli and linonvillo, Tr.nu., on trains l i aiifl In ,iut Throne vi coaohos to l.nd fro u lhllad"ln' ' ou train., 2 uod 4 east ami 5 and i mut l'ai'v. t Dnii; nopi Sunday. ? on .Sundays will leave Phli iilclphln at p. ni. bUL'THUlN I'KNN'A K. K. TH AIN H. I'an. (Mix. mil w, "ill I. M M A M l.vo. Art ft iri lo no 7 ooii.'liiinibf i-Kbui-K.. ft 1!"I0 12 7 20; Murom ft fi" 10 -ii 8 ;.!..MorooTsOiirK.. lill Of M Ml; I.iilidun i 'as. iJL... l'al . H to.l -l a m a hi p m, Jf' ll r. 4 :m H !S I I ;.i 4 ! N On! 0 vl . 7 'J"! fl 4 .'j n o, 7 .Sol u no 3 m 22,11 lM 9 i;ii ....KluliinouiJ.... P. M. A. M A II A. hi. 'V. hl.jP. V Oonneoilon for all nnitlons on i,'urt:bfrl:i"' Valley Uailroad und 1'ermi.y'variU Uadruu Sti'ID. II, A. Hiiini.H, J. K. rUivn. Uen'i lsa. Atent. Supt. ISEASEFI ere the most fatal of all dis eases. Efil CV'Q WDSEY CUBE Is 8 I lULCI 0 Eusraatfisi Reined; or money refunded. Contains remedies recognlied by tmi- t nent pliysldans as the best for ' t Kidney and Bladder troubles. X PRICK SOc i $1.00. Foley's Money and Tar cures acids, prevents pneumonia.