FULTON COUNTY NEWS. Published livery Thursday. B. W. PECK, Editor and Proprietor. McCONNELLSBURG, PA. Thursday, May 15. 1902. Published Weekly. 1.00 per Annum in Advance. AtiVKHTIKlJIli HATF. I'it wmure of lim's :i iimi" IVr S'jii: l!Nt'.niflil IMMTtinn All iiih.ii;-.. thi Kit niont iiH ot :jt'(its Ini'iu'tl lor Ics irui'd hy tli Miiiire. 'A inos. iti' i I I yr. ." Mi.'-lvi r t III.' ( N.tthinir insTti-d for less thun II. i'.uH'ssiou;il Curtl nue ye;ir The Most Important Lesson. The most important lesson for a young man to learn who wishes to amount to anything in this world, is, that to look after his em ployer's interests is the best way to serve his own. The world needs faithful and efficient youug men more thau anything else. 1 1 has no use at all for lazy and friv olous men who have no other ob ject in their work than to put in the time in the easiest possible way, and whose only delight in labor is to hear the whistle blow for quitting time. The man who is afraid of earn ing more than he gets is in no dan ger of ever getting more thau he earns. When a mau is working for another he should not forget that he is workiug for himself. If his work is well and cheerfully done it reflects credit on him and creates a demand for his services that will inevitably increase his wages. lutelligout service aud useful ; jss is the only real honor. Men ;:re important just in proportion to their ability to do things better than other people. Good work never goes long unappreciated You can never create a demand I for yourself by whining about the injustice or unappreciativeuess of your employer. When a man works he is materializing his .soul, giving expression to his intellect, his skill aud his charac ter. That is why a moral and intelligent mau makes a better mechanic or laborer than an immoral and ig norant man. We judge men by their work. A man with slovenly morals is sure to be slovenly in his work. If lie loves truth, justice, beauty and integrity, all those things will be made mauifest in the product of his toil. Unless a man puts his soul into his work he can never hope to suc ceed; aud iu order to do superior work it is necessary to have a su perior soul. Young men who real ize this and labor with vim and enthusiasm toimprove the quality f their work aud realize that they are always working for them selves, and for nobody else, are sure to make a success of life, for such men are in demand every where. Don't Start Wrong. Don't start the summer with a lingeriug cough or cold. Ws all know what a "summer cold" is. It's the hardest kind to cure. Of ten it "hangs on" through the en tire season. Take it iu hand right now. A few doses of One Minute Cough Cure will set you rigltt. Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, all throat and lung troubles. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. Childreu like it. "One Miuute Cough Cure is the best cough medicine I ever used," says J. 11. Bowles, Croveton, N.H. "I never found anything else that acted so safelv and quickly." Wants Oilier to Know. ! "I have used DoWitts Little Eur-! ly liis'Ts for constipation and tor pid liver and they are all right. I am glad to indorse them for I think when we iiud a good thing we ought to let others know it," writes Alfred lfeinze, Ojiiucy, III. They never gripe or distress. Sure, safe, pills. The first half of tho $11,000,000 school appropriation made by the last Legislature becomes payable thelirst Monday of June, although distiibutioti will hardly begin bo fore September. The table of dis tribution, aunouncod from Harris burg, shows that Franklin county will receive $")l,7tt0.70; Fulton, HU,Utr.80 ; Cumberland, $-1j,1o1. ii and Adams, !1'J,171.72. Foley' s Kidney Cure make kidneys and bladder right. Like A Drowiiiiig Man. Five years ago a disease the doctors called dyspopsiatooksuch i hold of nie lliat I could scarcely jo," writes Geo. 8. Marsh, a well known attorney of Noeona, Tex. "1 took uantitos of pepsin and other medicines but nothing help ed me. As a drowning man grabs at a straw I grabbed at Kodol. I felt an improvement at once and after a few bottles am .sound and well." Kodol is tho only prepar ation which exactly reproduce. the natual digestive juices and consequently istlieonly one which digests any good food nnd cures any form of stomach trouble. Making a Good Highway. A good road can bo made by putting in a layer of large or medium-sized stone, then on that a layer of crushed stone, and on that a covering of gravel, and rolling the surface down hard a ud smooth. Hut that is not all that is needed. A part of tho skill is like the old gentleman's rule for making good coffee: "Wheu you make it put in some". Wo have been watching the work on a bit of road this sea sou. There are about three inches iu depthof therouud cobblestoues one inch of crushed stone, and one inch of gravel aud loam mixed, which, by wetting and rolling, has been so pressed down into the stones that it is now less than a half inch. If it were whitewash ed after it was rolled it could not look much better, but it might be more durable. We think before one winter passes, the larger stones will be at the surface and the covering will have washed away or settled down below them. In close proximity to a strip built by the State as an example of how to build a good road, it is likely to furnish an equally good example of how not to make a good road. It is oue of these cases, too com mon where the towu thought to rJlve einpioj-meui to us own ciu- zens, instead 01 niriug tne wort done by contract, wheu it would have been better to have employ ed a competent mau, with able bodied help, and supported its cripples from the town's poor fund, than to have paid them 1.7.") for eight hours loating, or trying to do that which some of them were unable to do by reason of old age, and others were utterly in competent to do well, while few of tiiem cared for, or took any inter est iu any part of the work, except ing drawing their pay. Ameri eau Cultivator. The first shirtwaist edict of the seasou has been issued by the principal of the Syracuse High School. He says he will expel auy boy who appears in that "ungen tlemanly garb." Mind that, old boys, who used to appear in school in a "hickory" with ono "gallus,' to maintain tho entente cordiale between said upper rigging aud the trousers ? Minneapolis Times." The Letter T. An old one is the hitter T, for Time begius with it, you see; it is tho starting poiut of Truth, the virtue which we teach our youth. It starts the Tattler's busy tongue, is in the Tie when men are hung, is at the best of every Train that pouuds the rails o'er hill aud plain. AH trouble starts with it, and wheu peace is estab lished ouce again the shifty character we see at head of sweet Tranquility. In Tall it always takes the lead, from Turmoil it is never freed; 'tis found at root of every Tree, it loads the Tempest on the sea. 'Tis always found iu Toil and Trade, in every The atre 'tis played. It leads our Thought, in the Tomb hi which 1 welie. Donvorl'ost. Will Cure Consumption. A. A. Ilerren, Finch, Ark., writes "Foley' Honey and Tar is the host preparation for codghs, colds and lung trouble. I know that it has cured consumption in the first stages." All dealers. You never heard of any one u sing Foley's Honey and Tar and n it being satisfied. All dealers. To Make A Happy Home. Learn to govern yourselves, and to be gentle and patient ( Ju-.ird your tempers, especially in seasons of ill health, irritation and trouble, aud soften them by prayer and a snso of your own shortcomings and errors. Uemember that valuable as is the gift of speech, silouce is often i lucre valuable. Do not expect loo much from others, but remember that all ! have an evil nature, whose devel opment we must expect, aud that we should forbear and forgive, as we often desire forbearance aud forgiveness ourselves. Never retort a sharp or angry word. It is the second word that makes tho quarrel. Beware of the first disagree ment. Learn to speak in a gentle tone of voice. Learn to say kind aud pleasant things whenever opportunity of fers. Study the characters of each and sympathize with all their troubles, however small. Do not neglect little things, if they can affect tho comfort ol'oth ers in the smallest degree. Avoid moods aud pets aud fits of sulkiness. Learn to deny yourself and pre fer others. Beware of meddlers aud talc bearers. Never conceive a bad motive if a good one is conceivable. Be gentle and tirm with chil dren. Do not allow your children to be away from home at night with out knowing where they are. Do uot allow them to go where they please on the Sabbath. Do uot furnish them with much speudiug mouey. Traveling Is Dangerous. Constant motion jars 'the kid neys which are kept iu place in the body by delicate attachment.. This is the. reason that travelers, trainmen, street car men, team sters, aud all who drive very much, suffer from kidney disease in some form. Foley's Kidney Cure strengthens tho kidneys and cures .ill forms of kidney and bladder disease. Ceo. 11. llausau, locomo tive engiueer, Lima, O., writes, "Constant vibration of the engine caused me a great deal of trouble with my kidneys, and I got no re, lief until I used Foley's Kidney Cure." All dealers. Foley's Honey aud Tar is pecu liarly adapted forasthma, bronchi tis and hoarseness. All dealers. A Dollar In a Cow. Stories of the finding of nails, liaunncrs, cau openers aud other hardware store salables iu the stomach of now are common but it remains for,C)iainber.sburg to furnish the (irst tale and it is true of the discovery of silver, bright, precious silver, in the mid d'e of one of the bovine tribe. Probably it was with a view to relieving the butcher partially from tho griuding effects of the beef trust, which has rendered its meat such a luxury, that the steer ate the dollar; but, however, when .loliu Stratton, who butchers for Kebok, cleaned a steer which he had just killed, a silver dollar was among other things found inside. Public Opinon. Duiincroiis If Neglected. Burns, cuts, and other wounds often fail to heal properly if neg lected and become troublesome sores. UeWitt'.sWitchlhiel Salve prevents such couserpueuces. li ven where di-lav lias aggravated the injury DoW'itt's Witch Ua.el Salve eil'ccts a cure. "I had a run ning sore on my leg thirty years," says II. C. Uart.ly, Yaukeetown, Ind. "After usingmany remedies I tried DeWitt's Wilchlla: Salve. A few boxes heal ed the sore." O.ires all skin diseases. Piles yield to it at once, llewaro of counterfeits. Potter 1 'aimer, for nearly half a century one of Chicago's most prominent business men, died, Sui'iday. A wife aud two sons survive. He leaves Jjc.Ci.UDO.ooi), Andrew Carnegie has given away within the hut few years the Rum of r.7,(H)O,0iH). Of this amount the United States has re- ceived fcriH.Ml.liTW; Canada, 5tH; Cuba, r-L'.iKK) ;Ire)and, flu, Ivigland. 'cliM.ooo ; Scotku.d, .'!.( i7h,7uO. Your Column. To whow our tippreeititloo of tho way Id whi oh the Kulton County New n behiir adopt ed Inio tho limiir of tho pooplo of LhU county, wchnvoHPi upV't this column for the KKKK uw; of our oilworltiPiH.foriulvortlNlutf purposes, Hti'iJf'Ot to i ho fol owIiik ooiiilltlonft: 1. It Im fn u only to those who are pukl-up sub sorlhor. Hiily poiNoniil property run be advertised. IT. Noilors must not exooed .TO w rds. 4. All "It'tfitl'' uotic s exoludcd f. Not froo to niotvhunts. or any one to iidvne t;.--o jooris sold under a mefleanlilc license. The primary object of this column' Is to af ford farmers, uml folks who are not In public business, 1111 opportunity to brln to public at tention products or stocks they may have to sell, ornuiy want to lmy. ! Now. this vpiiro Is your?: If you want to buy a ! hor.e. If tou nut hired help. If you wimt to i ? born w money, if you want to sell a piif, a bug t'v. son.e ha v. a t'oovc. or If you want to adver tise for a wlf'1 this column I yours. The New ; Is rriid weekly by oiuht thousand P-opM nid is (he best advertising medium In the enmity. I'oii S.w. A red roan mare 3 years old, but little broken, nice build and kind disposition. .1. P. PlXK, (Jem, Pa. Cremated Ker Husband. The train was leaving Clearfield when a young woman in the rear of the car began to cry violently. So loud were her lamentations that a young man, who sat' oppo site, Went over and tried to com fort her. "You seem to bo in great gi'ief, madam, "said he. "Is there any thing I can do for you?" "No," replied she between her sobs. "I've just had my husband cremated. " Ou healing this, au elderly lady in the next seat also bogau to cry violently. Tho young mau went from the younger to the elder woman aud asked if there was any thing that he could do for her. She straightened up aud replied in a haughty tone: "No, there is nothing. I'm CO years old and never had a hus band. Now please do something for this poor woman who has them to burn." Exchange. Better Country Roads. As spring comes tho destruct iuii which has been wrought by the winter storms on badly con structed roads is revealed. Tho w ell made roads have suffered lit tle aud will not cost much iu re pairs butin poor roads much work has to be doueat considerable ex pense!. Every year such roads have to ho remade, and experience litis shown that in the course of a few years they cost much more than if good roads were made in tho ! lirst instance, while with such a system there are never any roads lit to depend upon. The farmers in someof the townships have be come tiredof this sort of thing and have called meetings to consider the questionof such road improve ments as will be reasonably per manent. 5y working together iu this matter with thoroughness and understanding, excellent results may be had, and of incalculable benefit of the farmers. There ought to be such a movement nil over the Stale. The following story is told by Hon. George A. Jenks, solicitor general of the United States dur ing Cleveland's first administra tion, relates the Punxsutawney Spirit. Mr. Jenks was the attor ney for tho defense in a big land case. Oue of the important wit nesses was a civil engineer, and his testimony was strongly iu fa vor of the plaintiff. Mr. Jenks was giving him a rigorous cross examination, as lie felt the necess ity of discrediting liim in the eyes of the jury. "How long have you been a civ il engineer V" asked Mr. Jenks. "About eight years." ' "What were you before that?" "A dentist." "How did it happen, Mr. Blank, that you quit the comparatively easy mil lucrative profession of dentistry to become a land sur veyor?" "For tin s:i :)'( reison, I pro sunn; that you quit tho carpen ter's tra ie t l.ec iine a lawyer. I realized that I was a mighty poor work man. " Pi r j idi 1 1 ,' m v( It is 1o bo at the commencement at Harvard this year. Tho P esident has many engagements for the cur- j rent month, including ono at the ; dedication of the Ohio building of j tho new Methodist University on i tho Mth and one in Carnegie Hall in Now York on tho L'Oth at tho j meeting of the Presby torian Board of Foreign Missions. fllAY BARGAINS 8 .0 IT JOHNSTON'S Beautiful Lawns, 6c, Handsome Batistes, 6 to 10c.,' i and up to 25c. White Persian Lawns at 30c. -' T " White Swiss, plain or figured Dress Ginghams and vj ' Percales all patterns fiom M MADRAS and S SILK GINGHAMS. f An Elegant Line of Wash Silks at 50c. $'J Cume and see our line of I MEN'S SHIRTS and $ shirtwaists & also CLOTHING to SlJiT fti k at PRICES that FIT. &j I M' CON NELLS BURG . SEE spring aDd summer 19 T. J. WIENER, Hancock, - Au Irish widow with a quick wit ono day received a call from a sheriff who had'a writ to serve on her. According to the story, the widow saved the day by some rapid tiro courting which took tlu sheriff by surprise when h" called at her house aud begun in formal fashion : "Madam, I have an attachment for you." "My dear sir," she said blush ing, "your attachment is recipro cated." "You don't understand me You must proceed to court," said the sheriff. "Well, I know 'tis leap year, but I prefer to lot you do the courtiug yourself. Men are much better at that thau women." "Mrs. Phelan, this is no timo for fooling. Tho justice is wait ing." "Tho justice waiting, Well, then I suppose I must go, but the thing is so sudden, and besides I'd prefer a priest to do it." Mrs. Thomas Brown, of Blauds burg, this state, gave her (J month old infanta sample box of patent medicine tablets to play with Sun day. Tho box had been left at tho houso by an agent. The child ate several of the tablets and died shortly afterward. Tho Chesapeake & Ohio Canal opened last week for traffic for the season, which promises to bo a prosperous ono. It is expect ed there will be about 200 boats in operation on tho canal this sea son. Instructions were sent to collectors to begin issuing way bills aud a largo fleet of boats from Williamsport, Sharpsburg and other poiuts started for Cum berland. Some boats for whicli way bill had boon issued last fall left Williamsport on Sunday and proceeded to Dam No. 3 in order to get tho lead iu tho race to Cum berland. Tho first boat was load ed there ou Wednesday. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digcstuuU and digests all kinds of fund. It gives Instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The must sensitive stomachs can take it. Hy its use many thousands of dyspeptics have bee.i cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child tea with weak stomachs thrive on it. Cures all stomach troubles Vri'parurt only by E.O. IibWitt4(1o., OliloaKO Ibu t. UHl coutlui Hum tlm&Oc. u l Pretty Dimities, 10 to 14c. White Lawns, 8, 10,' 12, ft 6 to 12 1-2 cents. I 4 O - Maryland. All true lovers of fiction will ex p jrieuce a sense of personal loss iu the deal!) of Bret llarte. The passing away of two such mas ters as ho and Frank R. Stocton within two weeks is a calamity to the literary world. Who will be found to take their places ? A Lesson in Health. Healthy kidneys filter the im purities from tho blood, aud un less they do this, good health is impossible. Foley's Kidney Cure makes sound kidneys aud will positively cure all forms of kidney and bladder disease. It streugth eiisthowhole system. Alldealers. Picture frame swindlers have been operating in Chambersburg. They would exhibit a beautiful frame which they offered for 50 cents, 2j to be paid down and the other half upon the delivery of the frame, in several days. Of course thej' departed with the cash pay ment with no intention of deliver ing the frame. Moncsscn, l'a. Mouesscn is ono of tho best business locations on the-Monon-gahela river. There is in course of construction, a steel plant that will, when complete, cover twenty acres of ground. A largo additiou isbeingbuilttolhe tinplate works. A largo number of men find em ployment here, and there is room for more. Fulton county young men are in evidence here espe cially, is Union township well rep resented. Among thoso here from Union are F. J. Scriever, Clay and W. L. Ilendershot, Fred aud Daniel Hoffman, Gil bort Dud ley, Emory Stable, Luther Hoop engardner, and J. C. Shank most of whom are engaged at car penter work. Owiug to tho fact that this is n new town, and much building be ing done, there is a strong do! mand for carpenters, who recent-1 evening. lv formed a union nnd mnrln n iln ' KinK I'"ht Ci Al ru ls "l iy ioi meu a uuion ana maae a ue- M,.(:,innullshurg in odd Fellows' ncil mand for ic!i.0U a day, which de- i the first Suturduy in every month';;! I mand was granted at once. '1,,m' , . ' T ,, , . ' ; Loyal Arcaniiiu, I'liKcarora C'oum '1, I would suggest to any Of our j No. KM, muts on alfinulo Monday Fulton county friouds who may i jvenings in P. o. s. or A. Hull, iu iii. ' i . . , , Mel onue'lsbiirg. brooking for employment for the; WaBhli.fft,n Hun.,. No. 4m, v. o. s. Slimmer, that it Could bo easily ob- j A., of New Grenada, meet s every Sat- tained hereatany of tho towns on ; l";d"y "'""'mr lu.1'- -y-A- ., . , . W ushineton ( limp. No. .Lit, D. O.S. the fiver, and at good wages. of A., Hustontown, meets every. Stur To "Tho Fulton County News," ( Uldu.v evening in P. o. s. of A. Pall. fmm "Tim Pulton flnm-ilv' John Q. Taylor Post G. A. It., No. irom xiio ulton bounty , ChU inet)tB v,,,.y satuiduv, on oi' just lioye," i preceding full moon in Lushley hull, j at t p. m., at ltuck Vullep. T. . i , ' Woman's Kelief Corps, No. 0, If you have auy papering to l.e meets at same date mid place at 4 p.m. done this spriug.it will bo to your ; . Ceo. D. it. McKlbhin Post No. io2, intoreist in nvinH Tbr.m m i A y, nipt!ta the second uud fouiih interest to co.iult I hompson ; Haturdays in eaeh monvh t i'lount and Ste;icll, Hidye. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, It A Nlll.ltS. R. M. DOWNES, FlUST CLASS Tonsorial Autist, MoCONNKI.LSllCKU, PA. A Clean Cup nnd Tnwnl with cni'li Shuve. Kv-i'ry Oilntf Anti"'pUo. Kuxor Sterilized. l1T"Shop In room lately oneuiilnl )y I'M !r!.n ISAAC IN. WATSOM." Tonsorial Artist. Strictly up to tlnto In all wtylrs of Imlr rut tin, liioit. euv Khnvi'H. Ituy-rnm. CrMii:i-, Wtteh-liu.l. without xtrrt clmi-m. Km -li towt'l to otuih customer. liUtct frnprovnl tp- PuriituH for Ktrrili.luK tool, i'urlorx opposite 'ulton How, kawyi:ks. M. R. SHAFFNER, Attorney at Law, Ollice on Sauare, McConnellsburtf, P; All loiml UuinoHs nnrt colleellotm ntitniKtrl will receive caret ul and prompt tittuDtloti. IIOTU.S. gARTON HOUSE, KimiN iusiiom;, inoi., HANCOCK, Ml. JfTTnrtor Iho m-w rmiimifemrnt 1ms I r.Ti Tvl urnittljcil nnd lennMlrltMi. t iool Kil tie room. Ht'iulquuriPVH for eommrroltil i.u'ii. Kultna County Telephone cormrcUMl. Kivi iy uiitl Feed Stable iu eouueetiou. CHI KCIIKS. rUKSHYTKKIAN. Uev. W. A. V.V .t, D. L)., l'ustor. l'lmicliiny: services each altorniito Sabbath ut, 10:;s0 n . in. and every Sunday evening at 7:im. Services at Green Mill on alternate Sabbaths at 10:l!0 a. ni. Sabbiuh school at t(:l.r). Junior Christian Kn ileavor at 2:00. Christian Kndenvor ut 0:00. l'ru.ver meeting Wednesday evening at ":00. Metiiooist Episcopal Kcv. A. D. McCloskey, Pastor. Sunday school at 0:30 a. m. Pieachinir every nthir Sunday morning at 6::0 and every Sunday evening ut 7:00.' KpMi-tii League at 0:00 p. m. 1'iayer meeting Thursday everting ut 7:00. U.MTf.U PKESIIYTKUIAN llev. .I. T,. Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at !':.';0 a. ni. Preaching every Sunday morn ing at 10:30, imil every other Sunday evening at7:0n. TIk1 alternate Sahb.V.li evenings are used by the Voting Peo ple's Christian - Union at 7:0(1 p. ni. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening ut7:00. KV AKC KT.K. Al. lrTHKIiAN llev. A. G. Wolf. Pastor. Sunday school tl:!5 a.m. Pleaching every oilier Sunday morning at 10:110 and every other Sun day evening ut 7:00. Christian Kn deavor at 0:00 p. m. 1'rayer meeting on Wednesday evening ut 7:00. Kkkoumkij Itev. C. M. Smith, Pas tor. Sunday school at DillO n. m. Preaching on alternate Sabbaths ut 10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Christian Endeavor ut 0:00 p. m. Prayer meet ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00. ti'.u.ms or cunt r. Tho lirst term of the Courts of Pul ton county in the year shall eominci en on the Tuesday following the second Monday of .1 anuary,at 10 o'clock a. i.i. The second term cuinnu nccs on the third Monday of March, at - o'clock p. in. The third term on the Tuesday ni .t following the second Monday of "June, at 10 o'clock a. m. The fourth term on the lirst Monday of Dctober, ut 2 o'clock p. m. liouort.ll oi I n.i.us. Justieo of the Peace Thomas V. Sloun, L. H. Wilile. Constable John It. Doyle. Burgess II. W. Scott. Councilmen D. T. Fields, Leonard Hohmun, Samuel Hender,M. W. Muco. Clerk William Hull. High Constable Wm.Ilanmgardni r. School Directors A. II. Nuce. John A. Irwin, Thomas F. Sloan, F. M. Taylor, John Comerer, C. !. Steve ns. G l:.M:fl A I. 1I K I .C'1 OK Y . President Judge Hon. S.Me. Sv. opa. Associate Judges Lemuel Kirk, Da vid Nelson. Prothonotary, Ac. Frank P. Lyin-h. District Attorney George H. 'Dan iels. Treasurer George I?. Mellott. Sheriff Daniel C. Fleck. Deputy Sheriff- Jury Commissioners C. II. K. Plum mer, Anthony Lynch. Auditors John S. Harris, W. C. Davis, S L. Garland. Commissioners II. K. Malot, A. V. Kelly, John Fisher. Clerk Frank Mason. County SurveyorJonas Lake. County Superintendent Clem Ches nut. Attorneys W. Scott Alexander, ,T. Nelson Sipes, Thomas F. Sloan, F. McN Johnston, M. II. ShulTner, Geo. H. Daniels, John P. Sipes, S. W. Kirk. socu:rn:s, Odd Fellows M'Coiiiiellsburg Lodge. No. 741 meets every Friday evening iu the Comerer Duilding iu iMcConnclls hurg. Fort Littleton Lodge No. 184 meisu every Saturday evening in the Cro:i cr building ut Fort Littleton. Wells Valley Lodge No. 00" meets every Saturday evening in Odd U I lows' Hull at Wells Tannery. Ilarrisonvnio Lodye No. 701 m-.ets every Saturday evening In Odd Fel lows' Hull at jfarrisonville. v Waterfall Lodge No. Till meets , v ery nuturuuy evening in oau l'irUo,n' j Hall at Waterfall Mills. ! Wurfordsburg Lodge No. 001 meets in Wurfordsburir every Saturday