CtTOfffl VOLUME 3. McCONNELLSBURG. PA., Aay 15. 1902. NUMBER 35. SHOCKING ACCIDENT. OUR JUSTICES. OVATION TO CHARLIE 1JARTON FROM ED AUSTIN. STILL DOING UUSINF.SS. ROGKAM. LACKED HUT FOUR VOTES. Dennis Everts Caught In Machin ery and Terrlhly Injured. Dennis Everts who owus and operates thoHesses Mill in Thompson township was fright fully injured lust Friday eveuiug and liny uot recover. To tlie llonring null is attached a -saw mill, and about five o'clock in the evening, ho was out on the saw mill sawiug lath, the saw be io;.' driven by along bolt attached to a pully in the llouring mill. By some means the belt was thrown from the big wheel in the mill and Mr. Everts went in to put it on. Tn attempting to do so a protruding set screw in the rap idly revolving wheel caught his clothing and hurled him with great force into tho running ma chinery. Wedged in between a largo bolt and pully the belt t swing the skin and ilesh from his body, his cries attracted tho attention of his wife who was at their residence a hundred -yards distauco, mid sho ran to the mill, shut olT the water power, aud lib erated her husbaud. Owing to their being several miles from a physical), and the telephone uot working well,, it was six hours before Dr. Fisher of Warfordsburg, reached tho un fortunate man, and it then requir o.l two hours to properly dress tho w unds. Sal u via. ...John S. Harris, who had been roi iously ill, lias regained his usu al health. Samuel Strait and Miss Eetta Schoolcy of West Dublin, were visiting Miss Schooloy's parents Mr, and Mrs. I. W. Schooley, aud tittended preaching at Green Hill Sunday afternoon. Mrs. James G. Kline and daugh ter' Miss Clara of Mereersburg, vere called to Ilarrisouville on ac count of the dangerous illness of Mrs. KUue's mother, Mrs. Mahala Mellott. Miss Zilla Mellott of Mercers burg, is visiting hor sister Mrs. Mahala 'Mellott. Rev. Dr. Yocum, presiding el der, preached at Ausbury Satur day morning, aud Sunday after noon ho administered the Sacra ment to a large number. Phil Melius, of Laidig, and Da vid E. Strait, of Ilustontown, were among those from a distance who attended preaching atGreeu Hill Sunday afternoon. W. E. Hair is spending this week with his family at their home at Green Hill. Mrs. Christina Daniels, who has been au invalid for several years, is dangerously ill. Her friends have very little hope for her recovery. Mrs. Dr. H. S. Wishart and Emory Pittman of Harrisonville, were visiting friends in Wells Val ley, from Saturday until .Monday. Mrs. Deshoug of Kays Cove, widow of the late Michael Desh oug, is visiting the family of her father-in-law D. D. Doshong. Frauk Eitemiller of Pittsburg, aud a party of friends from Mc Conrellsburg, w ere calling ou his friends in this vWnity Saturday. Laidig. IHaino Bergstresser of Water fall, 1 Sort Wagner and May Kee baugh of Dublin Mills, and B. A. Deavor aud wife of Uustontowu spent Sunday in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. J no. F. Johnson have been called to Waynesburg, Pa., ou account of tho serious ill ness of their son Ross. There was a good attendance at Quarterly Meeting at Fairviowon Sunday. Kov. Yocum preached a plaiu, logical, and practical ser mon from 2 Cor. 3:18. If. K. Mellott's saw mill is saw ing a lotof lumber at John W. Lai dig's. Etta Laidig has gone to Cham bersburg, Ou account of communion ser vice it ilustontown next Suuday, preaching at Fuirview will be at night. Mr. Silas E. Peck of Cumber land, Md., is visiting his brother, the editor of tho News. Who They Arc, and When Their Com missions Expire. Six uow Justices of the Peace were elected in this county at the February election, and four of them have lifted their commis sions, and two will uot the two Ayr towuship men and that leaves Ayr township without a primary court. Tho following list by townships shows who tho Justices are, and the year in which their commis sions expire: Belfast. Bartimeus Smith 1903 Thomas P. Garland 1907 Bethel. Job L. Garland , Wrn. P. Gordon Brush Cueek. N. B. Hanks .190") , . lOOT) , . l9o;i James S. Akers 1000 DUHLIN. T. Elliott Flemming 1900 Licking Cheek. H. S. Daniels 1905 Geo. A. Harris 1905 McCoN N ELLSHUKG. L. U. Wible U)03 Thomas F. Sloan 1904 Taylor. Jonas Lake 1905 S. C. Gracy 1905 Thompson, Daniel Covalt 1904 J. C. Llewet 1907 Ton. Daniel S. Fore 1905 Geo. W. Wagner 1900 Union. E. A. Whitfield 1905 Geo. A. Shank... 1907 Wells. W. H. Baumgardner 1904 J. A. McDonough 1907 There is not in the township a more responsible position than that of Justice of tho Peace ; nor ono that requires more intelli gence, ounder judgment, and stricter integrity. In hearing and deciding upou matters brought before him, he must put aside all personal preference or interest must know no friend nor foe and must hold the scales of justice with a steady hand. The tactful justice, in many in stances, is able to heal differences and restore friendship, when one less skilful would turn an unim portant matter into the county court, this incurring public as well as unnecessary private expense. While it is the duty of the Jus tice to study the law bearing on all cases that are likely to come before him, yet our legislators have wisely provided a remedy where a litigant feels that the de cision of the justice is wrong, and the case may bo carried up to tho C( mon Pleas court. If he does not 1,'3atisfaction by the time he gets through with the county court ho may go' on up to the Su perior, and on into the Supreme court. While we do not wish to cripplo the business of the poor lawyers, we would suggest that when you get "hot under the collar" and feel like going to law and "rippiug some luckless neighbor up tho back" just sit down and chew ice awhile ; when you have cooled off, you will likely have come to the conclusion to keep what mon ey you have, and that "winners in lawsuits are usually losers." A Card. I understand that a report is being cirt ulated in some parts of the County by one of my oppo neuts.that should I be nomiuated and elected to the office of Pro thouotary etc., I would havo Republican assistant. I take this method of warning my friends against such report. I oxpoct,if nominated and electod, to do the work myself; but should I need an assistant, I pledge myself to havo a Democrat and a man who has always been a Democrat. Respectfully, Geo. A. IIaiuus, Sal u via, Pa. Misses EttaTaylor and Frances Kliuo of Ilustontown spent last Saturday at McConnellaburg.and were pleasant callers at tho News u'.lice. Shippenshurg Students Greet II in" with Music and Cheers. Frnro The Shippenslmrff Chronicle. When the news was received at the Normal on Tuesday that Prof. Charles E. Barton, of the chair of Grammar and Latin, had been elected superintendent of Fulton county, his home county, the stu dents prepared to give him a roy al welcome homo. He arrived ou tho 9 L'5 p. m. train and was met at the statiou by all the gentle men students of tho school. They greeted him with uproarious cheers and music on all kinds of instruments, tiu horns leading. Prof. Barton was hustled into an peu buggy aud Dr. Barton and Prof. Rife were invited to ride al so, and the students pulled the buggy all the way to the Normal, the cheering aud music continu ing all tho way. At the school the uewly-elected superintendent iu response to the demand, made a little speech, exjiressing his ap preciation of tho houor shown him by tho students. Dr. Barton ilso made s, short speech. While the students cheered Prof. Barton on his success they cheered Dr. Barton just as loudly because he was going to .remain with them and tho demonstration was in every way a joint affair. If Dr.Barton had ever had any doubt f his popularity and the loyalty of his students he could dismiss lieni fully Tuesday night. Needniore. The farmers are almost doue plautiug corn. Tho outlook for a ?rass crop is unusually promis ing. A large uumberof folks from this vicinity attended May Meet ing at Sideling Hill last Sunday. Geo. Kauffinau has his shingle mill at this place where he and the Funk & Hart Milling Co. are doing a partnership business. Mr. Isaac Varues, who has been a resident of this vicinity for about thirty years, intends having sale, and will break up housekeeping. Mr. Varnes is au honest, upright citizen. People ire sorry to seo him leave. He will make his home withhis broth er in Perry county in tho future. Mr. and Mrs. Furman Tate of Curwensvillo, were visiting Mrs. Tate's mother, Mrs. Dennis Mel- lot, last week. Mrs. Tate was one of tho very best young people of this vicinity, and went to Clear field some four or five years ago. Some malicious, unprincipled, mischief maker has been trying to circulate the report that some pupils who are attending school here have been exposed to small pox. Persons who try to origi nate such things for tho gratifica tion of their own soltish desires, should remember that they are casting reproaches upon some of the best people in the county; for should anyone have been so un fortunate as to havo come in con tact with the disease, the love of their fellow beings would impel their protection. Mr. William J. Varnes, who left Fulton county seveu years ago, has come home for a short visit. Mr. Varnes has served iu tho ar my almost continuously sinco ho left this county. He lias the hon or of carrying tho title of "First ClassGuuner, "under Uncle Sam. Mr. Varnes will likely re-enlist in the Navy . Sylvester Truax is visiting his fuller J. W. Truax. Mr. Truax has been employed iu Huntingdon aud Clearfield counties. We understand that mail ar rives daily for Mr. W. B. Mellott whose advertisement appeared iu last week's News. Sown think Mr. Mellott is not tho only one "In the Matrimouial Market." We havo made inquiries about such a person and kuow of ono by that name who lives in Pitta burg. Mr. Thompson Peck and wife were visiting Mr. Eli Pock at Em mavillo on Sunday. Mr. Frank Duffy and Miss Pearl Logue visited some of the students here on Suuday last aud took diuuer with Mrs. W. F. Hart. Minnesota People Clever; hut They will Fish on Sunday. Iu writing to have tho address on his paper changed to Mound, Miuuesota, Mr. E. R. Austin, who with his wife recently removed from Saluvia, says : "We get the "News" Saturday ; evening aud have it all read through before Sunday morning. We are always anxious for its ar rival. M innetonka Lake is a line sheet of water and a favorite summer resort. The boating season will open about the middle of June aud tho fishing is attractive. Last evening I saw a fellow land with an ordinary hook and lino a pick erel that weighed 14 pounds. But while the folks out hero are just as clever as they can be, they do not seem to havo gone to a Sun day school where the Fourth Com manduieut was taught, for there is not much regard shown for the Sabbath day. If you do no worse than to work your garden, sort your seed corn, go hunting or fishiug on Sunday, your repu tation for morality does uot suf fer. By the way, they tell one ou a couple of lawyers, whom we shall call Smith and Brown. These gentlemen were canvassing the county for the office of legisla ture, met at a sale one day, aud being prominent people were the center of an admiring crowd. Browu quoted soino passage of scripture from Proverbs or some place else, when Smith sneering ley said, "Browu, keep out of the scripture ; you don't know any thing about it." "I know as much about, it as you," said Brown, "aud further, I'll bet you ten dollars that you can't say the Lord's prayer." "I'll take that bet." They put up the money and Smith began the Lord's Prayer, "Now I lay me down " Take tho money, take tli3 men ey," said Brown. Wo are 20 miles from the city of Minneapolis, but can go into the city iu a few minutes. The land hero is very fertile black loam with a clay subsoil. Small fruits do well, and grow to. a much larger size than iu tho east at least than iu Fulton coun ty. If you seo Dr. West, ted him for ine that there are no Suckers out here, and that ho will have to content himself fishiug for them in Licking Creek. -. Licking Creek. Preaching at Siloam Sunday eveuiug, May 18, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Uriah Kline is s i ill no bel ter. Mrs. Joseph Sipe spout Sat urday eveat Baltzer Mellott's. Miss Ada Fohuer and Samuel Fohner were the guests of Daniel Deshong's family Sunday. Mrs. JainosKlineand two daugh ters of Mcrcorsburg, were last week visiting Mrs. Kliue's moth er who is very ill. Joseph M. Mel lott was circulatingamoug friends iii Belfast and Pleasant Ridge last Saturday. MissLiuuaA. Desh oug aud her mother spent Sunday with Mrs. Homer Sipes, and at tended communion service at As bury. Loy llolleushead is attend ing school at Need more. Miss Irene Hockensmith was sewingat Mrs. Wink's last week. Mrs. Mel lott of Everett, is visitiug David Deshong's family. The Oak Glenn baud met at Homer Sipes Saturday eveniug. Mr. and Mrs. Baltzer Decker are on the sick list. Mrs. Reamer Sipes spent Sun day with her parents, Mr. and Mi s. Baltzer Decker. Mrs. Ada I hum spent ouo day last week with her mother Mrs. Uriah Kline. Mrs. David Fohner is visitiug her mother at Pleasant Ridgo. Rev. Ott has moved to Green Ilillinto the house near Mr. James Stewart's. Mr. John Ewhig and Miss Mary Deshoug of Lickiug Creek town ship, were married at the bride's home, April !0, by Rev. Ba uglier of Neodmore. Wo wish them i long and happy life. The Envelope Man Working Franklin and Perry Counties. Tho fellow who worked the en velope racket on tho people in the upper end of this county last fall has now turned up in Franklinand Perry counties. Tho Valley Spir it says: "A sharper was through the northern part of Franklin and Perry counties a few days ago sell ing packages of writing paper and envelopes for a dollar a package. He told his unsuspecting custom ers that there was a dollar, a two dollar and a five dollar bill iu half of the packages he carried. When he picked or allowed a customer to take out a package ou a free trial, they were sure to have mon ey in them, buthe opened tliMn himself. One of the persons ho attempted to lleece deteced his game which was done by sticking the money in a small roll between his fingers. Tho sharper gener ally made an effort to work his scheme ou women. Rig Cove Tannery. The people around here are about all done plautiug corn. The wheat looks bad in this neighbor hood. Curt Richards and wife were visiting at the h me of his parents last Sunday. Tho pray er meeting at G. W. Dishong'slast Sunday evening was well attend ed, and the order good. Then.' will be preaching at Win. McEl downey's uext Saturday eveuiug at 7:30, aud on Sunday a t 10:30 A. M. at Geo. W. Dishoug's; in the afternoon at 2:30 and at 7, at J. L. Richards. There will be a festi val held in A. J. Craig's woods by the Salvatioh Army for the bene tit of the new church, Friday night May 23. If rainingthat even ing, the festival will be held next night. Tho stone work of tho new church is partly done, and it is ex pected to bo up and under roof by harvest. Wayde Souders is still on the sick list. Barney Biveus leaves Wednesday for tho mouut- ! aius of Virginia, Married Ou Wednesday, May 7, at the M. E. parsonage, McConnellsbu i g Pa., by the Rev. A. D. McClosky, John C. Keebaugh, of Burnt Cab bins, aud Ella Mills, of Decorum, Huutingdou county, Pa. Reduced rates to Harrisburg for the German Haptist Meeting, , May JOth to 2-1-th, lt(l'2- For the Aunual Conference of the German Baptist Brethren, to be held at Harrisburg May 20th to 24th, tho Cumberland Valley Railroad will sell special excur sion tickets to Harrisburg and re turn at one siuglo faro for the round trip. Tickets to bo sold May 15th to 21st inclusive, good to return until June 2d, 1902 in clusive. During tl is time Ex cursion tickets from Harrisburg to all points on the C. V. R. R. and branches in Pennsylvania aud Maryland will bo sold to holders of return portions of tickets sold to Harrisburg for this occasion, at one fare for the round trip, tickets to be sold May 21st to 24th inclusive limited for return pas sago to Juno 2d, 1902 inclusive ex cept that to passengers who have deposited their tickets for exten sion of return limited, tickets may be sold, good to return until June 30th,. inclusive. Charlie Tico who has been en gaged doing carpenter work in Pittsburg is spending a few days with his parents at Knobsville. The carpenters out in Pittsburg had beeu getting 3 00 a day, but they thought they ought to have $3.50 and went ou a strike. They were offered 3.25 as a compro mise, but they are still hanging out for 3.50. ' County Treasurer George B. Mellott has moved his family from their former home in Bel fast township toMcConuellsburg, and they are now occupying temp porary quarters in the Comerer building, awaiting the completion of their now dwelling house on Walnut street. Memorial Services at Oakley. May :?. Chaplain; J. II. Covalt, Address of Welcome, Elder T. It. Palmer. Response, J. T. Laley. Music, Needniore Cornet Band. Dinner. Marshal, John Fisher. Address, Geo. A. Harris, Esq, Music. Camp 550 P. O. S. of A. . Warfordsburg Lodge 001 I. O. O. F. Committee: Tonoloway, Georgo Breakall; Bethel, Joseph Runyan;Warfords burg, Job Mann; Cedar Grove, Joseph Carnell; Oakley, John Fisher; Union Graveyard aud Ziou, Oliver Peck; Wink's Bury ing Ground, Wm.F. Wink; Siloam, Geo. W. Decker; Green Hill, Al fred Sipes;Sideling Hill Christian Church, II. II. Strait; Ebenezer, Capt, C. T. Dixon; Sideling Hill Baptist church, Baltzer Mellott and S. Logue Wink; Pleasant Grove, A. C. Palmer; Dunkard church, W. H. Wiuk. The first Quartei ly Conference '. of tho Three Springs charge, M. I E. church, will be held at Saltillo, May 29, at 10, A. M. by Rev. Amos S. Baldwin, Presiding Elder. He will preach at Saltillo :u June 3, at 7.30 P. M. Quartely Meeting Suuday Juuo 15th, when the pas tor will preach at Saltillo, morn ing and evening. All are cordially invited to these services. W. J. Sheaffek, Pastor. Rev. W. W. Dal bey, D. D., of the Baptist church, and member of the Central, Pa. Association, preached to a largo congregation iu tho Lutheran church iu this place last Sunday morning. Al though tho Reverend Doctor is passing down iu tho afternoon of lifo with health impaired, yet he comes before his congrcgatiou with that clear articulation, strong intellectuality, aud Chris tian experience that makes it a great pleasure to listen to his ser mons. Cooper, Paul, the eight-month old sou of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Cooper of Ayr township died last Saturday of pneumonia after a brief illness. His little body was laid in the Union cemetery Monday after noou, Rev. A. G. Wolf couducted the funeral services. Rrewster Walter Kelly. After an illness of about four weeks Brewster Walter Kelly.son of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Kelly of this place, died at the residence of his parents, on Wednesday morning May 14, agod 19 years, 7 months, aud 12 days. Funeral Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment in the Reformed grave yard. Whips Cove. Albert Plessingor met with quite an accident last Thursday. While out with his team, one of tho horses stepped on his foot causing him much pain. Ho is yet unable to walk without tho aid of crutches. Ed L.Diehl start ed lastFriday for Pittsburg where he will attond college this sum mer. Etfamy Layton who has beeu in Johnstown, is home again. Barton. Harris, and' Mason were seen passing through the Cove last week. Lillie and Nettie Layton started for Bedford last Tuesday where they will speud the summer. Caleb Mellott is painting the Whips Cove church. While returning from Em ma villo last Saturday afternoon, Uri ah Diehl was taken sick, but we are glad to say ho is improving. Mr. Joo Garland and family, of Needniore visited Nathan Mellott last Sunday. Baptism next Sun day at Jerusalem. Mr. Morgan Doshong of Lick ing Creek township spent Tug day in towu aud made ye printer glad with a little cash. Dr. Ilarton's Narrow Escape from Heing Elected Supt. of Cimth. Co. While there were six candidates for the office of County Superin tendent before the school direct ors' convention in Cumberland county last week, thestruggle was between Joseph F. Bartou, super inteudout of Fulton county from lssi to sh7, and now vice princi pal of the State Normal at Shij -peusburg, and J. Kelso Green, a teacher of New Cumberland. Ou the first ballot Dr. Barton had 40 votes, and Prof. Green 42;' on the second, Bartou got ahead, aud led his competitor iu the third fourth, and fifth, at the end of which he needed but f ur more votes to win; but ou the sixth bal lot he fell back seven aud Green went ahead eleven, giving Green tho least number by which ho could wiu. The salary in Cum berland county is 17o0. I'leasant Grove. The most prevalent things are candidates aud whooping cough. Logue Hess aud family were visiting near Dott last Sunday. There will bo a quarterly confer ence at I'leasant Grove the 23 and 24 of May. Everybody is invited. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Smith and little daughter Janet spent Suu day at Alfred Peck's. Squire Smith who has been sick for quite a while is no better at this writing. Miss Blanche Truax was visit iug her aunt Mrs. Iliram Hill re cently. McKibbin. Ross A. Bard and Howard Mel lott have gone to Potter county where they expect to find employ ment in tho woods. Boyd M.Lake returned from Philadelphia last week with tho mumps as a com panion. Mrs. Amos Plessingor, Mrs. B.F. Bedford and Miss Viola Hess spent Suuday with Mrs. Dr. Mellott. Some of our friends were very much scared last week, but we don't thiuk they will get small pox. Better mind you don 't get small-pox instead of gold tho next time you dig for "hidden treasures." Amos Palmer lost a valuable horse about two eeks ago. Pansy Morgret spent Sat urday evening with her aunts, Grace and Queen Lake. Candidates can be seen shak ing hands and passing the smokes in all directions at present. 'Squiro Smith is no better. Mr. aud Mrs. William Funk spent Sunday at B. F. Bedford's. Rumor says, "wedding bells." We wonder who this time. Gallaher-Mills,";. , . A quiet but pretty honut wed ding took place at the "residence of Geo. W. Comerer, Burnt Cab ins, wheu his niece, Missi Frances Mills, was uuited in holy wedlock to Mr. Denton B. Gallaher. The ceremouy was performed by tho bride's pastor, H. White Seifert iu the presence of the immediate friends of the family. The bride received a number of nice pres ents. Tho writer with a host of friends wish the couple long aud happy lives. S, Mr. aud Mrs. John llolleushead of Sipes Mill spentafew hours in town last Thursday. It will be remembered that mention was made in this paper a few weeks ago of Mr. llolleushead having been struck in the eye with a piece of steel while workiug at a lime kiln for Judge Morton. While Mr. Holleushoad still wears a ban dago over the eye, ho says the sight of that eye is eutirely dis troyed. As tho result of having several teeth extracted, Cliuton Pyles, of Shade Gap, took col l and in a short time blood jMiison set iu which resulted iu his death. Ho was aged 19 years and was a mem ber of the Shade Map cornet Laud. The members of the band net-ed as pallbearers and marc-hud bo side the casket. Seo Thompson & Steeh for samples of wall paper before buyt ins.