Half-Sick " I first uted Ayer'i Ssrsapsrllla In the fill of 1848. Since then I have taken It every apring aa blood purify in and nerve atrengthenini medicine." S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans. If you feel run down, are easily tired, if your nerves arc weak and your blood is thin, then begin to take the good old stand ard family medicine, Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It's a regular nerve lifter, a perfect blood bUilder. .MsMtle. AlUrttrlfta. Aik your doctor what he thlnka of Arsr'a lariapariMa. 110 know All about thlf Rrand old family irmrtiflna. follow hit ulTtcaaoa will bt mtlifled J. C. ATKR CO., I.owfll, Mm. ' At to HrT Teeth. Tess Miss Antique was telling me of the fright she had la.st night. She said she was awakened hy a nbise in her room that made her teeth chatter. Jess How careless of her I Tess Careless ? Jess Yes; doesn't she HMially take them out when she goes to bed ? Where t'linrlty Regan. "How much did you realize from that play you gave for charity?" "We hadn't a cent left over." "Why, you had a splendid house." "I know, but the committee realized that charity begins at home, and they couldn't possibly have found actors any poorer than ours." Impoverished Blood. Whether due to inheritance or caused by a depleted condition of the system, is the cause of much agony. Vogeler's Curative Compound, when taken for this trouble is a means of salvation. It creates new fresh tissues and pure red blood corpuscles and by giving strength and tone to the great vital energies of the body, it enables them to perform their nat ural functions. The reader should not lose sight of the fact that Vogeler's Curative Compound is made from the formula of one of the most eminent physicians. Send at once to St. Jacobs Oil, Ltd., Baltimore, for a free sample bottle. Mm. Mart Shohti.iv, 16 Court, r.osport Street. accident through (mil. hurling my hand to bmdly that " "nible ' "e mame (or five week,. I tried verrjhlnn I knew o( hut did not receive mny benefit, r inalljr.aa m last resource, I applied St. Jacobs Oil mnd miter nun the first holtle I could move my tinners, miter the ecn4 bottle I could open my nancf and finally regained the use o( my hand and all pain left me. It wa only hy the use of St. Jacoba Oil tliat I an Dow able to follow my employment." Small crops, unsalable veg etables, result from want of . Potash. "Vegetables are especially fond of Potash. Write for our free pamphlets. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau til., New Vork. WATCRPROOP OILED CLOTHING When you Buy garment pea above trademark .you have the mero than half & century of backed by our jguarant When you bur garment bearing the me result or of experience guarantee. 4010 BY MPBS JrHTATWE TBADE EVtRYWHHt A.J.TOWEBCaBOSTON.MAJS. M Share. Palestine Oil and Development Company WILL BE WORTH ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE Most valuable property of any Oil Company In Texas. WRITB FOR PARTICULARS. McCARDELL, ALBERT & CO., 302 Water St., . Baltimore Md. UI1IN0PATIIY I" the new acienceol detect In and curlnr diamine frnmaChUMICAL. and MICKOACUPICALaumlyaleiat thr urine. Send 4 cents for mmlllntf cmaemnd bottle fur urine. Book true. onnunmiiuniiwe. reeremaiabUi. Sdedlclr.ja furnihhetl. Address j r. inrtn, m. o., IM Pet'ai Ave.. I'ltisburs. Pa i Ot.il If 9 fl AH I tU Patmit Artluln. Aldraa W. f.KU WUIIDK, ttf John Woods Huns' BAN aHTUnill, Tli.XAH. UOiuS hrttnnuTTlSfTAIi I I Beat Cough Tastes Out I 1 In llniB, Holil h? (IrumilM f flnntn Per u mm rCVX LJtiTJ 9 1 9 9 WJm 1GRIG0LTORAL 'Warmth an I in porta nt Factor, Warmth Is nn Important foctcr In securing a larger product. Cows that are kept warm will give more milk ana on less food than those exposed Destroying the l'etfs Weevil. Seed peas nmy be dipped In hot water for a few minutes, or exposed to the tonnes of blxnlphlric of carbon In order to destroy the pea weevil. The late Fens arc not so subject to attack as those sown early. The ttrtatructive Cntworm. The cutworm ottn destroys whole fields of corn, compelling replnntlng, which rritikps the crop Into and less nblo to stnnd dry weather. The corn lnnd should be plowed deep and left rough, so ns to permit tho frost to enter. AVheu cutworms are exposed to alternate thnwlugnud frcczln.t weather many will be destroyed, though cold without dampness uay not Injure them. Detecting Cattle Fonda. In the selection of cattle foods the farmer should keep iu view the re suit to be expected. Some foods arc more rnluuble, pound for pound, than athers. because they differ in the rela live proportion of dry substance con talncd, in the digestibility of that dry substance, and In Its composition The digestive cupaclty of cueh animal should be known to tho farmer, and he should endeavor to supply its .wants. Cltmatlo lnfluouce on Cropa. The climate has much to do with the quality of the product. Years ago it was noticed that wheat from Franco, when cultivated iu Canada. hud to be acclimated before It Rave satisfactory crops. Cllnmte nlno has an important Influence on the propor tion of gluten aud starch in wheat, the wheat grown In a warm climate containing nioro gluten, proportion ntely, which Is equivalent to a larger amount of nitrogen. Wheat contains t.'io largest amount of gluten lu proper tion when it is ripe. In nn experiment made with n variety It was found that when wheat was cut eighteen days before it was ripe it contained only six per cent, of gluten, but when fully ripe It contained twelve per cent.; but as gluten Is not quite as white as starch It will follow that when wheat is cut a little before It Is dead ripe it will make a whiter flour than when It Is cut at a later period, but It will be less nutritious and less In quan tlty. These conditions are, however, subject to the variety of wheat and the climate and soil. . , . Tho Dairy Imiirovlnjr the Farm. The change from wheat to butter farming has produced a wonderful in crease in fertility, so that to-day splendid crops of grata, corn and grass are grown. For every ton of wheat the farmer sold they took out of the noil $7 worth of fertilizer. For every ton of butter sold, only 50 cents' worth of fertility Is disposed of. Such a change effect on soil of two methods of farming must, lu the very nature of things, show for Itself. On hundreds of farms that wo know of it is becoming a matter of some difficulty to grow oats on account of tho falling iliwu or "lodging," us It is commonly called, of the grain before It is tit to cut. This effect Is due to the large per cent, of nitrogen in the soil, and Is especially noticeable pn the farms whose owners have been large buyers of bran and gluten for years past. Carrying a stock of cows, young cattle and hogs, and buying bran, has dono this work. Not only has this pulley made the farms rich, but It has made tho farmers rich. Hoard's Dairyman. Keep Hog Tbrlfty. Thu hog seems to need some earthy or mineral matter to enable It to digest Its food well. For this purpose many give salt, wood ashes and charcoal, al lowing them to eat it as they please, nnd they usually nrespleased to ent it pretty freely, especially the breeding stock kept over winter, and it has been found by test that fattening hogs put on llosh more reudlly when they can resort to this mixture as tliey plcane. It prevents the gravel eating, which sometimes seems to keep them from growing. The Bureau of Animal In dustry, Department of Agriculture, sends out the following recipe, which we are not sure Is any better than the one we give above. Charcoal, sul phur and black antimony, of each one pound, mixed with common salt, bak ing soda, sulphate of soda, hyposul phite of soda, of each two pounds. If given in the feed, one teaspooufnl Is allowed dally to each hog. The hogs also need Jn winter, especially the breeding sows, either roots or green feed of some kind. We think raw roots ore better thun cooked ones, but If they are not at hand give every day a lock of clover hay. They will al ways ent It greedily. Tho Cultivator. Poultry Home For Karly Chlcka. This house is used by Mrs. J. Wil son, of Iown, for raising winter chicks. In It she can put three hens with about forty chicks. Take n box about 0 ft. wide, 2A ft. high lu front, with sloping roof, cover with tarred A HOTBRI rOCLTKV HOUSB. paper and have a sliding window in front sear the top, as shown. Dig a holo in the ground Just the size of the box, as for a hotbed. Fill It with horse manure, cover with dry earth And over this put soft straw, chuff and hayseed from the burn floor. I'lace tho box over this and put the hens aud chicks In. Throw an old carpet ver all and they uro easily cared for. in a borne like this It is surprising how fast they will grow. A small door npar the bottom may be opened on warm days to let them have a lit tle sun. but they will mon scamper back. -American Agriculturist. Ralae Mure Poultry, One time a rich fanner told me that the best time to go Into stock or grain wns when everybody wanted to quit. He didn't own all the land that Joined him, but he did own several hundred ncres of good farming land aud ho held tt first mortgage on a lot mire. Outside of this particular notion of his he was Just Ilka other people. The in dications are goo! that those who rtise poultry the coming season, nnd lots of It, will get n good price. On account of tho drouth throughout the corn belt the past season, thousands of farmers gathered r nnd sold everything that would eat corn and was salable, nnd the hens did not es capo the sacrifice. An extensive poultry buyer told mo recently that his business paid better than ever, although he had to cover twice ns much territory to get a car load. This Indicates a shortage In poultry and to such an extent that the poultry raisers will be fortunate until the demand Is supplied, which will take at least two years of our best efforts. M. M. Johnson, In New land Homestead. Raising Motherleat Plgi. A few years. since I lost a fine sow that left a dozen motherless pigs about two days old. Thinking it would be more trouble to raise them than they would bo worth I gave several of them away to neighbors. We fed the Uttle pigs with new milk, while yet warm from the cow, or clso warmed It for them on the stove. After trying to teach them to suck a quill with a soft rng around It with no success, we fed them with a teaspoon from a small cup. After being fed two or three times they learned to driuk, and the second day they were eating from a small trough as well, and better than some pigs that I have bought when four weeks old. The neighbors to whom wo bad given some of the pigs were all successful in raising them .to be good hogs above the average. W2 gave them new milk, nnd. In fact, they would eat anything that is usually fed to a pig four weeks old. I know of several instances where pigs a few days old were rniscd by artificial means with little trouble. S. C. A., In Kural New Yorker. The Spring Chickens. Turn the chickens out where they can have a good wide range for scratching as eirly as possible in tho spring, but avoid wet weather, cspeci ally for the high-bred chickens. Wet, damp weather in early spring is re sponsible for the loss of a great many chickens and old fowls. If the day Js cold and rainy keep tbem In their whr tor quarters, but if It is a warm rain It may not do them much harm. Even so it docs not Improve their health any to get soaking wet. They need to scratch for their food more In spring than ever. It is much like giving them a liver tonic, some thing we all need nt this season. The best liver tonic is hard work In the open air. So it is for tho chickens. If thjy can get a few worms and green blades of grass iu their forage, ko much the better for thorn. It will tend to Improve their laying qualities later. When the chlckeus have foruged all day they will come to tho feeding yard hungry and eager for food nt night, nud the uppetite they display will be gratifying to the owner. It means something more than the mere con sutnptlon of food. It protends for the owner good health and a tine crop of eggs. One should never begrudge plenty of food when the chicken is a good layer, for then every pound of grain is converted Into sulable meat or profitable eggs. Annie C. Webster iu Amerlcun Cultivator. ' A Simple Way of Graftinr. In grafting a scedl.'ncr one or twit years old the graft is'put on just above the ground and but one cutting is used. To graft a tree to change the fruit is another matter and instend of cutting the tree off below the limbs three or four of the lower limbs are cut oft eight or ten inches from tho trunk or the main branch nnd two cuttings or grafts are pluwct In each limb. Should the operation prove successful the following yenr all the branches hove the grafts may be removed with little danger of losing the tree. A tree of most any age may be grafted iu this way and in a few years be lu gcod bearing. The grafting outfit Is simple, comprising a Jaeknife, small saw and a dlsb of grafting wax. In selecting grafts only the last yenr's growth of new wood should be chosen. Figure A shows how to make the scion. They may be several inches long and contain two or three buds each. The bottom end which is to be inserted Into the limb should be wedge shape. Figure B gives an Idea how the limb appears with a split top in which the grafts are set Two cuttings should be placed in each limb to be sure of a good stand. After they aro placed In position some orchardlstg bind them in place with cord or twine to make them secure before the graft lug wax Is applied. This answers as a safeguard, but is not absolutely necessary. In placing the scion it is Important to hove tne inner bark of scion and stock come together so thai the sap will flow from the tree to tho cutting. After this is done the wax should be applied so that the Joint or splice is well covered, thus keeping out tho air and water. Should all the grafts live the weaker ones should be pruned away. New England Uomesteud. "If" is a mighty small word to cause such a lot of trouble. THIS SCION AND STOCK. Inejalaltlve Amerlran la t.ondor. A curious American. arrived in Lon don the other morning. Here are a few )f the questions he asked in the even 'ng : Why do butchers wear blue aprons which will not show dirt, while assist ants in boot shops wear immaculate white aprons? "Why is footwear ''boots," while the boy who polishes :hem is a "shoe" black? Why is there 10 direct bus from London Bridge Sta tion to Waterloo? Why is the poste rcstante in the largest city of the world not open all night? Why do many women wear straw hats in the winter? Why can't you get breakfast in a res- ' laurant within a reasonn tit after snn-tipr When is sun-up, how ? any- Two Vl.wpti'M'.. "Tie's a very fast young man." "Not at all." "Evidently you don't know how lit spends money." "Well, I know how lie returns what he borrows." Th" Fee' llramn. The boy stood on the burning deck llccausc he was afraid. He couldn't swim to save his neck, And that was why he stayed. B. B. B. SENT FREE I Cnrei EciftiiSj Itching- Hamore. Scabs. Carbuncle, Plinplea, Ktc. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Is a certain and sure cure for Ecsomn, Itching Skill, Uumors. Scabs, Stales, watery Blisters, Fim ples. Aching Bones or Joints, Boils, Car buncles, Prickling Pain in the Skin, Old Eat ing Sores, Ulcers, 8crofula, Superating Swell ings, Blood Poison, Cancer and all Blood Diseases. Botanlo Blood Balm cures the worst and most doep-seated cases by enrich ing, purifying and vitalizing the blood, thereby (jiving n healthy blood supply to the skin; heals every sore and gives the rich glow ot health to the skin. Druggists $1 per large bottle. To prove It cures Blood Balm sent tree by writing Blood Balm Co., 13 Mitchell St., Atlanta, Oa. Describe trouble and tree medical advice also sent In sealed letter. B. B. B. sent at once prepaid. Sir Junn Buliadur, Prime Minister of the King of Nepaul. wears a hat made of dia monds worth $2,300,000 with a big ruby perched on top. How's Tlila We offer One Hundred Dollars P.ewardfor nny case ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J.Che ney for the last 16 years, and believe him per fectly honorable la all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga tion made by tbeir Arm. West & Tbdax, Wholesale DruggistsToledo, Ohio. WAi.niNO.KiNitAK&MABViit, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces ot the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family 1'llls are the best. Most spiders have eight eyes, although some species have only six. Tetter Is Terrible, But Tetterlne cures It. "My wife has bad Tetter for twenty years, and Tetterlne is the only thing that does her good. Send a box." A. J. Crane, Crane, Miss. 60c. a box by mail from J. T. Khuptrine, Savannah, Oa., if your druggist don't keep it. Among the twenty-four inhabitants of London who are over 100 years old nine teen axe ivunuui Aak Your Dealer For Allen's Foot-F.aae, A powder to shake into yourshoes: rests the feet. Cures Corns, Bullions. Swollen, Sore, Hot. Callous, Aching, Sweating Foet and In growing Nails. Allen's Foot -Kuso makes new or tight shoes easy At all druggists and sho stores, 25 cents. Sample mailed Free. Address Allen 8. OlinsteJ, Lelloy, N. V. The arerage price of gloves for export in Italy is 33.6 cents a pair. FITS normauently oured. No fits or nervous ness after llrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Great NervelieMtorer. .H trial bottle aud treutisutre Dr. R. H. Kmxe, Ltd.. 91 Arch St., I'hila., Pa. It takes the constant labor of 60,000 peo ple to make matches for the world. All goods are alike to Putnam Fadeless Dvks, us they oolor all libers at one boiling. Sold by all druggists There are about 900,000 more women than men in the German empire. I do not believe Plso's Cure for Consump tion hasaneiiual for coughs and colds John F Boveb, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15, llKX). Thirty-two million tons of water roll over the cliff at Niagara every hour. The egotist who is all wrapped up in lumaeu should never complain ot tne cola. CHANGE OF LIFE. Some Sensible Advice to men by Mrs. E. Sailer. Wo- " Diab Mns. I'inku am : 'When I passed through what is known us change of life,' I had two years' suf fering, sudden heat, and as quick chills would pass over me ; my appetite was variable and I never could tell for x-H'K MBS. X. SAILfiR, President German Relief Association, hot Angeles, CoL day at a time how I would feel th next day. Fire bottles of Lydia 12. Plnkhara's Vegetable Compound changed all that, my days became days of health, and I have enjoyed every day since now six years. " We have used considerable of your Vegetable Compound in our charitable work, aa we find that to restore a poor . mother to health so she can support her self and those dependent upon her, if tuoh there be, is truer charity than to give other aid. You hare my hearty endorsement, for vou have Droves. yourself a true friend to suffering wo men. ME, tu. BAILIB, 750f UM Bt., Loe Angolea, Cal.oo ,,, ifmtov tec tlmtnlal It rat fttulnt. Ho other per on cub rive snob. helpful advice to women who ar sick aa can Mrs. Plnkbam, for no other ha bad Much jrreat experience her address is Lynn, xuasa ana ber advloo Iree if you aro sick write ber yoq arc fooiUh If you don't. SALZER'S SEEDS. 5rHt eataloa-ut, with larira number of lead aauiptM, ln ll on rai'Mpt of ilk'. Worth 1 0.0) tuiot aalmt. nl.tr'a Magic Cruatied felifillw. bat ku biirtii. 91 Tr jLwn.. ou. , SB. ift lor MMMUa. ;t.tu for lOW'lua JCHMA (ALZKB 8E1D CO., La Crow., Wis w 11 iron Tomahawk to Biioe.hrnah. Sitting Bull's eldest ion is a bootblack. His name is Montezuma, and he is a graduate of the Carlisle Indian School. After his schooling he went to I'hil adelphia full of ambition, and musing over the profession he would adopt. At first it seemed to him that he might be a banker, and then, when no one seemed inclined to help him along that path, a master merchant. But he was begin ning to learn that there is royal road to riches, and he thereupon decided that he would black shoes. Fur a few cents he bought the regula tion kit, and it was not long before he could send for Winnnah, from the Rose bug Agency, the girl who had promised to marry him. Instead of the sonp box which Montezuma once carried for an outfit, lie now has a handsome stand, nnd this dr-ccntl.irt of a line of chiefs is building m a riorc nourishing busi ness every dny. llcst of all, he lays his success to Carlisle, for, as he says, he learned there how to do things well, the small as well as the great. Youth's Companion. The Sermon In the Hrake. A new railway brake has made its ap pearance which will save 200 fect of the 2,000 now required for the stopping of a high-speed heavy passenger train. Man is very thoughtful in the m chanics of, locomotion. Invention .of better means of stoppage ever keeps some sort of pace with fresh devices for increasing speed. With the mechanics of his own system the average mortal is s.o much less care ful that he may reasonably be styled reckless. H'ih speed in business, high speed in study, high speed in pleasure, high speed all along the line, when heed ful nature signals ''On brakes!" how many casualties the pace invites, and what multiplication of asylums and "rest cures !" There is a practical sermon in the work of the brake inventor. nealth will conio with all its blessings to thus- who know the way, and It is mainly a ques tion of riirht-Iivins, with all the term implies, but the efforts which strengthen the system, tho games which refresh aud the foods which nourish are important, each in a way, while it is also advantageous to have knowledge of tho best methods of promoting freedom from unsani tary conditions. To assist nature, when nature needs assistance, it is all important that the medicinal agents used should bo of tho best quality and of known valno, and the one remedy which acts most beneficially and pleasantly, as a laxatiye, is Syrup of Figs manufactured the California Fig Syrup Co. With a proper understanding of the fact that many physical ills are of a transient char Mter and yield promptly to the gentle action of Syrup of Figs, gladness and comfort come to the heart, and if one would remove tho torpor and strain and congestion attendant upon a con stipated condition of tho system, take Syrup of Figs and enjoy freedom from the aehes and pains, tho colds and headaches and the depression due to inactivity of the bowels. In case of any organic trouble it is well to consult a competent physician, but when a laxative is required remember that the most permanently gratifying results will follow personal cooperation with the beneficial effects of Syrup of Figs. It is for sale by all reliable drurp-ists. Price fifty . cents per bottle, The excellence of Syrup of Figs comes from the beneficial effects of the plants used in the combination and also from tho method of manufacture which ensures that perfect purity and uniformity of product essential in a perfect family laxative. All the members of the family from the youngest to the most advanced in years may use it whenever a laxative is needed ami share alike in its beneficial effects. "Wo do not claim that Syrup of Figs is the ouly remedy of known value, but it possesses this great advantage over all other laxatives that itaas gently and pleasantly without disturbing natural functions, in anyway, as it is free from every ob jectionable quality or substance. To get its beneflcia 1 effects it is always necessary to buy the genuine and the full name of the Co. California Fig Syrup Co. is printed on the front of every package. Louisville, ALL Havana Filler You cant buv a Liar of quality for 1 0 1 cents- en "JJ???f'ik" tIu aa taga from " Star" Druaaon4 " Natrl t,a(. d LuSa,- "Old r.ch and Hor.tr," "kif" and "t. Ktc Gratll " 1 . ALAMSTiNlE THE ONLY DURABLE WALL COATING "T? I r C rt Kalsomines are temporary. -.-fc I' xrwTsV . Th DKr "Onm lrT of ppr to bA miuh frm bar thrva bar. Bevby nay raeovtr, aoot ttarif o. ' but tplitfri AI.AnASTINE f.flMPANV CA mi.i. WDNCrHE "NEW RIVAL" FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS outshoot all other black powder shells, because they are madi better and loaded by exact machinery with the standard brands of powder, shot and wadding. ' Try them and you will be convinced. ALL REPUTABLE DEALERS KEEP THEM Ccnnlns stamped C C C. Never sold In balk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "Something jnst as food." San Francisco. Cat. Ky. J7 ju2. - J? s S s 1 g imf FoR w f wf 1:0. ? trf miK rtr anH SMALL POX and other disease germs are nurtured and diseases dissem inated by wall paper. ALABASTINE should be used in renovating and disinfecting all walls. are Wills Pills Lead the World. Are You Sick? . Band your name and P. O. address to The R. B. Willi Medlolnt Co., Hagsrstown, Ml ADVERTISE IN THIS IT DtVC PAPER. U JN V 10. IS I Nl V New York, N. Y. better t . f