Kriek for sale at Morton's yard, Hon. Coo. W. Skinner spent Tupsdny in McConnellsburir. I'aper and Border tlio same in-iceatG.M.lV.lfs.lI.uicock.Md. Peerless Liver Pi'ls uro ten cents a bottle; worth throe times that much. C M. Holt has the largest line of Wall Papers s..uth of N. Y. All 10(12 stylos. P. McNaughton,. Johnston Esq., arrived here from Washington, I). C, Tuesday morning. ' j Foley's Kidney Cure makes kid- ; noy mid bladder right. Don't do- lay taking. All dealers. Go toG. M. Helt.lIancock.Md., for your WalllViper. I 'a per, lie per roll, up: Herders, 25c per roll, up. i The surest and safest remedy for kidney and bladder diseases is Foley's Kidney Cure. All deal ers. 'J." "Honest Johu" i'lug Tobac co Tairs and lie will secure you a valuable knife. Ask your Mer chant. Miss Grace Mosser arrived Tuesday evening from Xewry, Pa., to attend the nuptials of her brother Dr. Mosser. Your merchant will give you ; free a dime's worth of "Honest j John" Plug for 12 Honest John Tags. If you have any papering to be ; done this will be to your i interest- to consult Thompson and S teach. I A tablospoou in each pack of Heckerman's "Star Coffee" which is best coffee packed and costs the same as others. Holy communion in St. Paul's , lie for mod church next Sunday ; at lO.liU a. rn. Preparatory . ser- j vices on Saturday nt 2.'M. p. m. J 'Bedford Plug" Tobacco is the biggest made for the money, aud 1') ten-cent strips and lie gets a k i, i fe. Mail same to 1 1. C. I lecker tnan, Bedford, Pa. Thompson it S teach are prepar ed to furnish all the latest designs in wall papers, aud put them on for you with promptness. Wall paper from 25 cents a roll up; bor der same price. Xocourtof iuquiryis necessary to determine the quality of our clothes. As to lit aud workman ship they are pronounced all right. Goldsmith & Co merer. Miss Sue Peiglitel of this place has just received word that her niece, Libbie, second youngest daughter of E. N. Peightel of Pittsburg, is lying seriously ill with appendicitis and peritonitis. You are foolish to pay more th;ku 1; for a pound package of Horse it Cattle Powder. You can buy "Peerless Horse & Cattle Powder" for that and it is guar anteed. District Deputy, W. II. Bauin garduer assisted by Wells Castle of K. G. E. went to Hopewell and instituted a castle of -I'.l members last Saturday evening. They all had a nice time. Mr. A. ti. Anderson, late of Enid, writes that he and his fam ily are in their new home at Home stead, Pa., aud think they will like the change. The News will keep them iu touch with Fultou County. Miss Gertrude Hoke returned this (Wednesday) afternoon from liiddlesburg, where she has just completed a term of seven mouths as a primary teacher in the grad ed schools of that town. Miss Hoke is a very successful teacher. S. M. Iiobinsou has moved his grocery from the Cooper build ing to the Clevenger building opposite the Telegraph office. While Mr. Iiobinsou sells for cash only his prices are such that it will pay you to patronize him. The Presbyterian church of McConnellsburg, has been re cently incorp irated and on Wednesday evening of last week a congregational meeting was hold at which time, the following ; named Persons were eleetetl t riw. I - i - . . H. u .7. tees: For six years, M. II. Shalt nor and John B. liuuyuu; for four years, J. (i. Keisner und William E. lloke; and for two years, Wrri. H. N'esbit and B. W. Peck., Tiie Mount Union Times says that Col. Thomas S. Moorhoad president of the Tuscarora Val le Ea.ilroad (irmly believes there is oil in Tusnirorn Valley. A company has beeu organized aud three test wells will be put down shortly, one 7.r feet, one 1,(KX feet, and one l,.r(iO in tho differ ent strata. Drilling will be start ed in a few days. It is ty be hop ed, that petroleum may bo struck in paying quantities, if so it would make lively times in Tusca rora Valley. j Cashier S. II. E)v of tho citi-' ;zens bank Greeneiislle has sold' liis wonderful llolstoin cow to Shrado: A KaufTmnn. the cattle valors. ny actual tost, towuuNiimuqjwr, ; sprnif.', W pounds or butter wore , iIIM iwaiinu uess nus pine w . tnado from her milk in one month 'ive with tlio family of Mr. Will and in oue day she gave 3L' quarts "m Charlton near Warfordsburg. i and oue piut of milk. 1 Mr. James Waltz was visiting 1 Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Gross, of ' fiends in Thompson last week, this place, are in Baltimore and ! Mrs' El'" Gregory who ; Philadelphia this week nurchas- ! llllH bwu i!1 for sometime is lin ing spring goods for Mrs. Gross's Milliner Biorr. Tr (I ,1. ! sires us to say that she will bo prepared next week to show her friends a stock of tho nicest things she cau tiud in the eastern market.' J. W. Kinedollar writes that the have moved to the Stigers fiirm i tl.,Coruor near Mercers- burg aud like their new home. I They are right among Fulton j county people having among their j neighbors, Anthony Neuroth, Sheriff Sheets, "Doc" Mollott, Martin Clovengor, Jerry Glazier, and others. Noticc. The Stockholders of the Fulton ; Telephone Company will meet at '. N'eedmore. at 1 o'clock .sham, Tuesday, April 1.", I'.MrJ, for the i purpose of electing officers, and ! for t10 transaction of such other ! ; business as may come before j them sired A full attendance is do- J. II. COVALT, President. J. S. SWAIJT.WKMiKK, . Secretary. Dii. Pleasant Kiiic. Shives it Son are sawing a lot f shingles for l B. IVshong. Mrs. Lucy Mellott aud sister Lizzie, spent Sunday with Mrs. F 11. Shives. Mr. A. G. Deshong of Harrisbn ville starts for Somerset, Mon day. John Lake is still "dickering" a little once m a while. Shot In liis Left For all kinds of sores, burns, bruises, or other wounds DeWilts Witch Hazel Salve is a sure cure. Skin diseases yield to it at once. Never fails in cases of piles. Cool ing and healing. None genuine but DeWitt's. Beware of counter feits. "I suffered -for many years .from a sore caused by a gun shot wound iu my left leg," says A. S. Fuller, English, Ind. "It would not heal and gave me much troub le. I used all kinds of remedies to no purpose until I tried De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes completely cured me." Six agents of a New Orleans live stock company, headed by U. Har vey Lewis, are scouring Blair and Bedford counties for horses and mules. They are paying high prices for prime animals. They do not seek to disguise the fact that the live stock is to be shipped to South Africa for use of the 1 Soers. Neglect .Means Danger. Don't neglect biliousness constipation. Your health sutler permanently if you do. and will Do- I I Witt's Little Euly liisers cure such case's. M. B. Smith, But ornut, Mich., says, "DeWitts Lit tle Early Risers are the most sat isfactory pills I ever took.. Never gripe or cause nausea." - - . There are nearly lot) hoboes oc cupying the tramp quarters in the Cumberland county jail. Their manner of living is not un interesting. As many as five oc- ! cupy one cell, sleeping, reading and smoking tin." time awav. ' Some are very intelligent and dai lai.i ly purchase the. newspapers. A Chattanooga Drunnist's Stirfc m cut. Ilobt. J. Miller, Proprietor. -of the Read House Drug Store of GhaHtanoogft, TennV'ssee writes ; "There is more merit in Foley's Honey and Tar than in any other cough syrup. The calls for it multiply wonderfully ai d we sell more of it than all other cough syrups combined." All dealers. , . l aucy silk vestings,nobby pan-1 taloonings aud just the stuff for ! spring suitings will bo found at ! Goldsmith & Comorer's. l'Muntnonla is Kohhed of its Tcr- j . . rot's. I By Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops tho racking cough and heals aud strengthens the lungs, If taken in time it will prevent an; attack of pneumonia. Refuse j substitutes. All dealers. BANNER SALVE tha most haallng aalv In tha world. Dickeys .Mountain. Tlio family of W. II. Pittmau exacts to move in tlio house where Mrs. Kate Uess lias rosid- Provin?? slowly. Kaeho-1 Humbert, who has been teaching in Lancaster coun ty, has returned to her home to speud the summer. Her many friends are glad to welcome her back. Mr. Alvey Williams spent Sat urday and Sunday with his sis tor Mrs. Ingram, of Hancock. I). T. Humbert and Miss Mary Simpson made a business trip to town one day last week. Miss Ethel McEldowney is spending a few days with Mrs. Kate Hess. The preaching at Hoardyard by Kev. Funk was well attended. I'reachiug will bo held at Auti- och April fi, by Krv. Baugher. A. C. l'eck of uear, was a welcome visitor at the home of Mrs. Hess on Sunday evening, Miss Lulu Simpson, who has been spending thelast few months with her sister Mrs. II. B. Atkin- j sou of Mercersburg, has return ' d to her home iu this place. Wilson E. Litton of Websters j Mills passed through our vicinity ! oue day last week. A Spelling Bee will be held at Bald Eagle pn Friday evening, April 4. Mrs. Hess, Mary Simpson, and sister Kebecca, and niece Miss Bessie, took dinner with the fam ily of Mr. Richard Ilollinshead on Suuday last. Mr. Howard Zimmerman ex pects to open his store iu Hancock on the first day of April, his fam ily having moved to that place. You get better presents for "Honest Johu" Plug Tobacco Tags than any other kind. Ask your Merchant for a list. REMOVAL. I take thin method of informing my friends ami tin? public generally, thai I have removed my stock of good from my old stand to the new room in the ( 'levenger building, opposite the 'JVlegruph oltice, where will be found a Fresli Supply of Groceries, consisting of Spices, Kiiliiii; Starch,' iVc, Coffees, Sugur, Tea. l'owdt r, Kxtructs.Corn iSa Also u full and Fresli Supply of Confections of all kinds. I have cheap Cundy and I have extra line Candy which 1 am going tosell at small prolit. I also have Tobacco and Cigars. j I will be pleased to have yon cull j and examine my Stock and feel sure j I can please you in prices. Thanking you for pu-l favors I respectfully asl; j a continuance, of the same. Vciy respectfully, S. M. Robinson. Special attention is called to J oiler at I w per pound. V. S. 11 eoffci Terms, Cash, Men Wanted, Itespeetiible single men, aged i) to years, able and willing to work with spade and shovel, and do other common labor iu rummer, and do work in the woods in winter. No free ear fare. Wages .t'JU per month and board. Kxtra nay for long con tinued faithful service. ED RFICIIKNBACH, County Surveyor, Jetli ison, Wisconsin. ? KALBACH & SPANGLER, j Knobsville, I'a., .VuitHlttclurt-r of i Al.l. KIM S of Ronni and WORKED 1 if Flooring, Siding, and Shingles always on huuds. Frame Stuff furnished to order with promptness. Mills one mile north of Knobsville. LUMBER ooooooocoooo coooooooooooo Bungalow and Mission o o o F TTT?.MTTTT"P1 modeled after dosigns in th.i old mission houses of Southern Califor nia and liew Mexico and far away lllndoostan. QUAINT AND ODD, IHONMF1KD AND STKONG. We hove it in ODD PIKC'KS -mainly Uall Seats, Hall Glosses with hooks for coats and hats, Centre Tables, Library and Writinjf Tables, Plant Stands, Tabourets, Stools and Desks in Flemish (dead Mock i, Weathered (rusty bronze) ak. We finish Hook-Cases, Side boards, Dining Tallies ond other pieces to match. .Tust mode some Itedrnom pieces to order for a large New York City house. Can moke it for you if you like. This is THK Furniture Store of the Cum berland Volley. ass and t inr stock of Urns and Iron lieds is very large and complete inan new designs and finishes just placed on the lloor. PARLOR FURNITURE the same way. A :t-piece set in Solid Mahogany, Semi-Colonial de sign, covered in rich moire silk damask is very cheap at .".". (iood .1-Piece Sets as low as o Three-Fold JJ) standard sue, complete, at at that. Bedroom in Crolden dak, T.ird Kye Maple, Curly Mireh, White I'.namel and Af rican Mahogany. SVou don't know how many nice things we hive until yon come and see them. We pav the freight on "'10 wurlh. 8 II. SIERER & CO., O FURNITURE MAKERS, $ On Oueen Street, Chambersburg oooooooooooooo xxxxxxxxxx SPRING and SUMMER MILLINERY. Ueady for one and all. Milli nery disjjlay. The largest, grand est, and most attractive ever brought to Fulton county. TRIMMED HATS. Beautiful and becoming, rich olid exquisite models from Balti more, Philadelphia, ond the swell patterns from New 'York are all found in our store. We TRIM HATS FREE of charge, and trim them in best style, and quote undoubtedly the lowest prices on everything. Call and be convinced that ours is the Bon Ton Store. MRS. A. F. LITTLE. I FARMERS, ATTENTION! The season is here when you are thinking about farm machinery, aud 1 want to tell you that I am better than ever prepared to offer you inducements. Remem ber I am headquarters for Buggies, Hinders, Mowers, llay Hakes, Hay Tedders, Corn Plows, Culti vators, Spring-tooth Har rows in fact, all kinds of Farming Implements. Repairs for nil kinds of machinery. Pumps, Pipe and Fittings, Fencing Wire, 'Washing Ma chines, till kinds of Hard ware, Dr. I loss's Stock Food every packageguarauteed. Chop, Graham Flour, andCornmeal always on hand, together v with a full line of Groceries, c Confectionery, Tobaccos and Cigars. W. II. NESHIT, (Opposite Fultou House) McConnellsburg, Pa. Administrator's Notice. Kstute of Hou. John M. Knre. deceused. Lottei-H of Hduiinliirallon. on the estate ir lion. Johu M. Forti, late uf Todd township lete;iit-d, trnviutf !en Krtinteil Uy tht: Iteirki.ifr of Wills for Fulton county to tlio siibseOliTN. wliisn niwit olllee BdtlresM 1m Krioi.vllltf. Knitoi) itouiuy. Pu.. all peruou who uru indelited to the suid ewtute will please make puyuit-nl und those huvlnu ululijis will Liru.eiil them to D. KDWAKI) VOHK J. C II AKI.KS KtlKK, March -D, I !. Adiiilnliuuior-i. THE BEST rx1.7 LAWN Ik Fort Sale Four colonies of! Hark Wanted. Hoes in Hoot Simplicity Hives. ; We are in the market for 5000 Will sell one or more to suit pur- jtons Uock Oak IJurk. For price chasers. Call ou or write to ! write N. (1. Cunningham, C. Cueene &. Son, New Crenada, I'a. R Iron Beds Screens V.lsewhere, l.rJni a and not dear Furniture INVITATION You nre'.lnviteirto soe the tinet unrl iahpitptHi lot of Wall Paper wim llc ever brought to this conntv by iNiIliiw or huvititf them brought to your hoiK. Here are oulv u few of the many barRuins: Mornl Designs, white bmrk.artiK tiealtv co omd, 1 cents all around. (iilt 1'iipcrs, nmny deslf dh, 60 nil around. Tapestry and Glimmers, H cts. and up Raw unJ Watered Silk, 12 cts. aud up. A No. thefamoiH ! lorodorns that lire all the nife no home iiHtodate without one or more- cents, All ItordciH and I'npeis same price per roll. Pa, (It's wNhini? work don? will save nmnoy by ealllii nu the Under-nt-'necl We yuaraniee to put on n;ore jiiiiut unci haukf more paper in one dtiv than auv other two men In ilieeoimry. All w ork brtistJealiy ex tnujted and satisrantl'i 1 111 ii rati teed or no :ltart:e We also handle White Jjt-ad wit h live-year Ruaruntee niven Kstiutailon.s free, t'ail on or address THOMPSON & STEAI, Painters, Paperhangers & Frescoers, McConnellsburg, Pa. Cheap Homes j During the past few days four more Desirable Lots IN THE Little Extension east of town liave been sold. There are a few of the very i nest lett yet, anU they will 1 be sold on terms to suit tha 1 purchaser. Apply to S D. E. LITTLE j McCONNEI.LSUUKCi, Pa. HAKliU & MARTIN, Undertakers, Locust Ghove, Pa. Fine Funeral Car, Latest Designs in Caskets and Burial Cases. We are prepared to take charge of funerals on short notice aud furnish just what you want. Satisfaction Guaranteed and Prices Reasonable. Place of business near John Plessinger's store. AGENTS WANTED Lawn Swing aid Settees, Hammock Chain, Camp Chain and Stool, Ironloj Tablci, Waih Beochea, tic AgenU easily make $5 to $10 Per Day. Will furnish sapiplei at re duced prices to those desiring agency. Exclusive territory given. Address, Clearfield Wooden-Win Co., CLEARFIELD, M. il 0, H. Saltillo. li, Attention, Good Dressers ! TTfeSllL. 1 Si 7 1 the ordinary, yet prices are no higher than you have paid for inferior goods. They guarantee absolute satisfaction and with it goes our unqualified endorsement. We Bhall be glad to have you call and you will be glad you came. J. K. JOHNSTON, McConnellsburg, Fo. The A7orid Moves and so does the machinery in the Willow Grove Woollen Mills ' at Burnt Cahins, Pa. 8 L"5 t S The proprietor has had over 50 years experience, and is confident that he can please nil who muy entrust him with their work. Manufacture of Carpet and Wool Carding a speciality. Wool Batting for Haps none better. Carpet Chain always in stock. I will take in wool and ork at the following places : Booth Brothers, Dublin Mill.-; A. N. Witter's, Waterfall; W. L. Berkstresser. Orchard C rove: W. K. Spoor, Saluvia: '"2 Pi 3 ) Lynch's store at Crystal Spr: ogs: Jackson's store at Akers ville, P. J. Barton's, Hustoi town, and Huston's store at tr" Clear Kidge. p-"i I will mako monthly visits to these places during tho .4 seasou, and will receive work and return it. jp Thankful for past favor: , and (soliciting a continuance of the same, I am, respect ully, 5 li. U. I1ERTZLEU, cn Burnt Cabins, Pa. S?B333J3aaaS333S3 Jffi i 35S3S333S33J35IK3B5T: 'i u ROUSS RAC KET STORE H ' The timo for clounlntf houso and inalciiig t;urUuii will noon lie j, 1 ht'iv. Vou mi-lit say, "Well, we know tliut. Tell us Hometliing we t-J 93 don't know." Well, we think we ;au. We can sell you a pood roll- C er w'now sl"io for "e, und an oil shade, decorated, with frinjjo on, (,') ? at in:; table oil cloth, )!! in. wide, 14c, and it might Vx thut you are !, just going to house keeping or that some of your tinware is worn out. I If so, we cun sell you tin cups 2 for Oc, coffee pots, 2, .'J, und 4 qts., H fcj to l"x!, wash basins Ik:, tire shovels 3 and ;"x:, buckets 5 to 2;!c, dish ,-; puns 15 to liHc, colanders 10c, milk strainers 8 to 17c, spit boxes He, vi wash boilers. No. H, II."k;, dust pans c, pot lids Tx;, coffee mills IS to P 30e, porcelain pans 17 apd 21c, porcelain kettles 20, 32 and 4c, C Iron porcelain kettles, B qt., 2.V: K qtH 32c; 10 qt., 3o, glass oil cans t 18c, diapers 4 to 10c, brooms 13, 20 and 2.'m), Itisiug Sun stove polish is 5c, liluek Jack, in one pound cans, Sc. If you need a gurden rake (,' or a hoe, come to us. Shirts ! Mrs. Potts We nuve got In our Kpring lino of dress shirts, und they uro up- to-date in quality and price. The best dress shirt ever brought to town for the money 24c. Others at 45, 4S and 05c, and in working shirts we lead never follow 24, :)H und 44c. Don't fail to sio our lace curtains and curtain poles. In our lust nd we mentioned that we would sell coal oil, KiO test, ut your ean along and try us. 8 ROUSS RACKET STORE HULL & 1JENDER, Managers. NOW IN m Our spring line of Suitings is almost all in; and a- huger and better selection we have never had to olTer." The prices are the cheapest. All wool suits to order at 9.50 to the very best. We make and trim all suits as they should be. Trouserings at 3.00 new style These goods we bought ' at a great reduction, and -to you we give the benefit. Glad to have you see the goods. t ! ! i '5 II U. Mace k I M We Have a Good Thing and Want Everybody to Know it. We have secured tho exclusive right for this vicinity to take ordtrs for tho famous tailoring of STRAUSS BROS., Chicago. We are now displaying their newest samples of Fine Woolen 8 and urge everyone interested In good clothes to call and inspect them. Wo show NEARLY 5 0 0 PATTERNS. by far the largest line in the country, con sisting of many exclusive effects in wor steds, cassimeres, Scotches, clays, serges, etc. STRAUSS BROS, make tho kind of clothes you like to wear, accurately tailored, perfect fitting, distinctly above V I' sad Iron 7c set, extra handles 5c. t SHirts! SHirts! I,- 12c. If I'fill lili.vp mil. Ii-inil it lttlmi- V (.' tx' tx- ".' ST i i !!! Ml Mi M ) II i ill ) 1 1 Ml I I J' Si !!! Ml i i I Ml M1 M Hi !!; i ii M t t t t i t : Sons! M1 1 ! 1