The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, March 20, 1902, Image 8

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    Brick for sale at Morton's yard.
Papor and Border the same
price atG. M. Belt's.IIancock.Md.
Harvey Snyder of Gem spent
lust Thursday night in McCon
nollsburg. Peerless Liver Tills are ten
cents a bottle; worth three times
that much.
G. M. Belt has the largest line
of Wall Papers south of N. Y.
All 1902 stylos.
25 "Honest John" Rug Tobac
co Tags and 3c will secure you a
valuable knife. Ask your Mer
chant. Miss Margaret Daniels spent
last Friday night and Saturday
with friends in town.
Go to G. M. Belt.Hancock.Md.,
for your Wall Paper. Paper,3cper
roll, up; Borders, 3c per roll, up.
Your merchant will give you
free a dime's worth of "Honest
Johu" Plug for 12 Honest John
Miss Laura Mummaof Knobs
ville, has gone toOrbisonia to live
with her aunt, Mrs, Chilcote.
Foley's Kidney Cure makes the
kidneys and bladder right. Con
tains nothing injurious. At all
Thomas A. Sipes and Newton
J. Edwards of Wells, spent a day
or two this week with friends in
this place.
You get better presents for
"Honest John" Plug Tobacco
Tags than any other kind. Ask
your Merchant for a list.
Scott Iiinedollar of Everett is
spending a few days with his pa
rents Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Rine
dollar in the Cove.
A tablespoon in each pack of
Heckerman's "Star Coffee"
which is best coffee packed and
costs the same as others.
Fancy silk vestings.nobby pan
taloonings and just the stuff for
spring suitings will be found at
Goldsmith & Comerer's.
Mr. A. J. Schetrompf and Char
lie Sigel of Union township were
pleasant callers Monday evening.
Albert is one of Union's efficient
"Bedford Plug" Tobacco is the
biggest made for the money, and
40 ten-cent strips and 3c gets a
knife. Mail same to H. C. Hecker
man, Bedford, Pa.
Charlie Cook of this place left
last Friday morning for Illinois,
where he expected to join his
brother Claude and spend the
summer on a farm.
No court of inquiry is necessary
to determine the quality of our
clothes. As to fit and workman
shipthey are pronounced all right.
Goldsmith-& Comerer.
La grippe coughs yield quickly
to the wonderful curative quali
ties of Foley's Honey and Tar.
There is nothing else "just as
good." All dealers.
From the Greensburg Daily
Tribune, we learn that J. A. Rep-
per, formerly of Wells Valley, iaJ
able to be out again after haviug
been seriousily ill for h've weeks.
The Ladies' Mite Society of the
Lutheran church of this place will
hold a Chicken and WaQle Supper
in the Clevenger Building Satur
day evening, March 22.
You are foolish to pay more
than 10c for a pound package of
Horse & Cattle Powder. You can
buy "Peerless Horse & Cattle
Powder" for that and it is guar
anteed. One of tho neatest little stores
in town is Tommy Ilaniil's gro
cery on East Water street. Flour,
Groceries of all kinds, Notions,
Cigars, Tobaccoes, &c, always
on baud.
George B. Regi has bought'the
Annie Bradnick farm in Dublin
township containing 60 acres on
which is a good house and bank
barn. This is George's third
Mr. T. B. Stevens has moved
his family from Taylor township,
aud taken jmssession of his new
house in the Extension. We wel
come Mr. aud Mrs. Stevens to
our town and hope they may find
their new home pleasant I
Rev. Baugher's announcements
for next Sunday: Prayer aud con
secration service, at Whips Cove
Christaiu church Saturday night
March "2, at 7. Preaching at
same church Sunday morning at
10 o'clock; at Pleasant Grove at
2.30, and at Sideling Hill Chris
tian cliurch at 7 o'clock in the
evoning. Everybody invited.
I'nctimoiiitt Follows A Cold
But never follows the use of
Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops
the cough, heals aud strengthens
the lungs and affords perfect se
curity from an attack of pneumo
nia. Refuse substitutes. At all
dealers. .
Mud Run.
J. W. Lake, our enterprising
merchant, made a flying trip to
Hancock starting one morning
at six o'clock and returning the
next forenoon at 3:17. Joe says
mud is plenty.
P. S. Deshong met with a bad
accident enroute to J. W. Lake's
store. With the assistance of
Jim he got out.
E. R. Fagley rises at 2 o'clock
in the morning, in order to beat
the chickens off the roost.
W. S. Deshong was down the
Ridge last week driving his 2 by
4 flyer.
James W. Mellott, our enter
prising young farmer, is piling
up his summer wood.
James R. Fagley is learning
the horse trading business.
Scott Mellott was a pleasant
caller at Michael Hockensmith's
last Sunday.
A Horrible Outbreak
"Of large sores on my little
daughter's head developed into a
case of scald head," writes C. D.
Isbill of Morganton, Tenn., but
Bucklen's Arnica Salve complete
ly cured her. It's a guarnteed
cure for Eczema, Tetter, Salt
Rheum, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers
and Piles. Only 25 cents at W.
S. Dickson's.
H. H. Hertzler of Burnt Cabins
was in town last Friday. Mr.
Hertzler is the proprietor of the
Willow Grove Woollen Mills at
Burnt Cabins, and expects to
push his business this season to
an extent not heretofore attained.
He has a number of places in this
county that are visited monthly
by his wagons, wool received,
and work returned. See his ad
in another column.
Working 24 Hours a Day.
There's no rest for those tire
less little workers Dr. King's
New Life Pills. Millions are al
ways busy, curing Torpid Liver,
Jaundice, Billiousness, Fever and
Ague. They banish Sick Head
iche, drive out Malaria. Never
jjripe or weaken. Small, taste
nice, work wonders. Try them.
25c at W. S. Dickson's.
There will be preaching and
communion service at Fairview
M. E. church next Sunday morn
iug March 23 at 10:30 a. m., also,
at Center church at 2:30 p. m.,
and at Hustontown M. E. church
at 7 p. m. Preaching at Clear
Ridge at 7 p. m.
Raw or Inflamed Lungs
Yield rapidly to the wonderful
curative and healing qualities of
Foley's Honey and Tar. It pre
vents pneu moniaand consu mption
from a hard cold settled on the
lungs. All dealers.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hixson and
daughter Grace, all of Brush
Creek Valley, and Mr. and Mrs.
George Rohm, of Gapsville, at
tended the Hixson Shimer wed
ding in this place on Wednesday
evening of last week.
Foley's Honey and Tar
Cures coughs and colds.
Cures bronchitis aud asthma.
Cures croup and whooping
Cures hoarseness and bronchial
Cures pneumonia and la grippe.
All dealers.
Nathan Wigtield of Union town
ship was in McConnellsburg Mon
day the second time he has ever
been at our county capital. Mr
Wigtield was born in Bedford
county Oct. 11,1654, and moved to
Fulton in 1892, and has lived in
the lower end of Bucks Valley
since. At the spring election
Union township elected him con
stable, and he was sworn in Mon
day. Mr. Wigtield will make a
capable and efficient officer.
Surgeon's Knife Not Necessary.
Surgery is no longer necessary
to cure piles. DeWitt's Witch Ha
zel Salve cures such cases at once,
removing the necessity for dan
gerous, painful, and expensive op
erations. For scalds, cuts, burns,
wounds, bruises, sores, and skin
diseases it is unequalled. Be
ware of counterfeits.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed II. Austin of
Saluvia, are spending a few days
among friends in town this
week. They expect to go to Min
nesota to make their home in the
early part of April.
Mr. W. B. Karns of Everett
came down Monday and went
home luesday accompanied by
Mr. Clyde Ott of this place who
expects to spend the summer
with his uncle.
Married at the M. E. parsonage
in Three Springs, March 3, 1902,
by Rev. W. J. Shaffer, Albert Ed
wards, of Hustontown, and Miss
Alice McQuaite, of Robertsdale,
Huntingdon county.
Sale Register.
Thursday, March 20. Peter
Culler will sell at his residence at
Needrnore, Stock, farm imple
ments, household goods,&c. Sale
begins at 10 o'clock.
Friday, March 21. Mrs. Julia
A. Stunkard, intending to quit
housekeeping, will sell at Hub
belsville, Huntingdon county,
Household Goods, &c.
Tuesday, March 25 Philip Ott
will sell at his residence In Ayr
township 2i miles west of McCon
nellsburg, Live Stock, Bedroom
suites, wardrobes, Cupboard, a
lot of Household Furniture
all new. Sale begins at ton o'
clock. Wednesday, March 26. Mason
Barton, execu tor of estate of Mrs.
Maria Barton, will sell at the
late residence of the deceased,
Household Goods, Grain, and
farming implements. Sale be
gins at 10 o'clock.
Thursday March 27. Rev.Lew
is Chambers having decided to
quit housekeeping will sell live
stock, farming implements and
household goods. Credit8month
Sale begins at 10 o'clock.
Thursday, March 27. George
W. Wagner and D. W. Kelso, ex
ecutors, will sell at the late resi
dence of Jacob Hamil, late of
Knobsville, deceased, Wagon,
Harness, Buggy, Household
Goods, and a general assortment
of merchandise. Sale begins at
10 o'clock.
Monday March 31. D. Edward
Fore and J. Charles Fore, admin
istrators, of the estate of Hon.
John M. Fore, deceased, will sell
at Knobsville 2 horses, 10 head of
cattle, 30 tons of hay, wheat oats
and corn, and household goods.
Sale begins at 10 o'clock.
For The Complexion.
The complexion always suffers
from biliousness or constipation.
Unless the bowels are kept open
the impurities from the body ap
pear in the formof unsightlyerup
tions. DeWitt's Little Early Ri
sers keep the liver and bowels in
healthy condition and remove the
cause of such troubles. C. E.
Hooper, Albany, Ga., says : "I
took DeWitt's Little Early Risers
for biliousness. They were just
what I needed. I am feeling bet
ter now than in years." Never
gripe or distress. Safe.thorough,
and gentle. The very best pills.
Resolutions of Respect.
Whereas, It has pleased Al
mighty God to take out of our
midst and from our hearts so sud
denly and unexpectedly our be
loved brother, Harry Wible;there
fore be it
Resolved, That by his being
called from our presence to be
judged by one Mightier than we,
that by his death we have lost one
loved and cherished brother, one
who loved and lived the principles
of patriotism to the end of his
time here below,
Resolved, That while he has
been called from our presence,
it has been by One that knoweth
all things well, we do humbly bow
in submission to the divine will,
for we know that He who doeth
all things well has not dealt un
kindly in calling our beloved broth
or from our midst.
Resolved, That we,as members
of Clear Ridge Council, No. 940
Jr. O. W. A. M. extend our heart
felt sympathy to the dear mother
who is ccourning her loss. May
God her maker, touch and tender
her heart with the finger of his
most precious love, and may His
dear lova shine before this belov
ed family.
Resolved, That for respect to
the memory of our deceased
brother our Charter be draped in
mourning thirty days, and these
resolutions be printed in the coun
ty papers and a copy bo sent to
the family.
Elliott Fkakeu,
Clarence Shore,
Grant Anderson,
Desiring to pay debts as npeed
ily as possible, I will sell my prop
erty near Dublin Millsthis month.
Near six acres with house, stable
and outbuildings. Two never fail
ing springs of pure water, good
young orchard of choice fruit just
coming iuto bearing, grapevines,
roses, andornamental trees. Ex
cellent place for poultry. Clear
title given. Must be sold.
8 6, 3t. J. B. CATCHALL.
Mrs. M. M. Bender is spending
a couple of weeks among friends
at Mercersburg.
By buying your Spuing Goods from
Mercersburg, Fa.
' They have a full line of Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions,
Shoes, Hats, Carpets, Clothing, etc. By
Buying Carefully
and selling on
Short Profits
they feel certain they can save one and all greatly, as a
Few Prices Will Show.
Sugars, 4 J, 5, and 5Jc per lb. lower prices in large quan
tities. Prunes, 4c lb. Rice, 4c lb. Crackers and Ginger
Snaps, Sic Pure Sugar Syrup, 25c gallon. Arbuckles and
Lion Coffee, 10c lb. Loose Roasted Coffee, 9c lb. Nice,
heavy, yard-wide Muslin, 4c.
Yours for business,
The season is here when
you are thinking about farm
machinery, and I want to
tell you that I am better
than ever prepared to offer
you inducements. Remem
ber I am headquarters for
Buggies, Binders,
Mowers, Hay Rakes, Hay
Tedders, Corn Plows, Culti
vators, Spring-tooth Har
rows in fact, all kinds of
Farming Implements.
for all kinds of machinery.
Pumps, Pipe and Fittings,
Fencing Wire, Washing Ma
chines, all kinds of Hard
ware, Dr. Hess's Stock Food
every package guaranteed.
Chop, Graham Flour, and Cornmeal
always on hand, together
with a full line of Groceries,
Confectionery.Tobaccos and
(Opposite Fulton House)
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Knobsville, Pa.,
.Manufacturers of
Flooring, Siding, and Shingles
always on hands.
FVeime Stuff
furnished to order with
Mills one mile north of
Locust Grove, Pa.
Fine Funeral Car, Latest
Designs in Caskets and
Burial Cases.
We are prepared to take
charge of funerals on short
notice and furnish just what
you want.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
and Prices Reasonable.
Place of business near
John Plessinger's store. "
Administrator's Nqtice.
Kxtute of Hou. Johu M. Fore, deoeued.
Let tern of udmlultaratlan. on the entkte
of Hun. Joliu M. tore, lute of Todd
tovtushlp UBOeusetl, huvluv been granted
hy the KeirUter of WIUh fur Fultou oouuty to
the HuhKuriher, whone poHt oinue ttuareiH 1m
KnotiNvllle. Fultou ootimy, Pu., all perHouH
who are ludubted to the ttui! eNtate will pleane
wake uuyuiKut and those having olttlmn will
prt!eul thelu to
March DO. lute. Aduunliilratora.
littrk Wanted.
We are in tho market for 5000
tons Rock Oak Bark. For price
C. Gkkene & S"on,
8-6, bt. Saltillo, Pa,
Mr. C. T. W. liiderof this place
left last Thursday for Pittsburg.
You are Invltedjto Nee the flnent
unci eheupext lot of Wall Paper nam
pies ever brought to this county by
oalllnit or having them brought to
your house. Here are only a few of
the muny bargains:
Moral newlena, white back.artla
tlcallv colored, t cents all around.
Gilt Papers, many designs, 60
all around.
Tapestry and Glimmers, 8 cts.
and up
Row and W'atored Silk, 11 cts.
and up.
Also, the famous Florodoras that
are all the rage no home up-to-date
without one or more 9 oents.
All Ilorders and Papers same price
per roll.
Parties wishing work done will
save money by oalllng on the under
signed We guarantee to put on
more paint and hang more paper In
one day than any other two men In
the county All work artistically ex
ecuted and sullsfactloM guaranteed
ornochurge We also handle White
Leud wtthUve-yeurguarintee given
KNtimuttons free Cull on or address
Painters, Paperbangers ft Frescoers, .
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Wen Wanted.
Respectable single men, aged
20 to 27 years, able and willing
to work with spade and shovel,
and do other common labor in
summer, and do work in the
woods in winter. No free car
fare. Wages $20 per month and
board. Extra pay for long con
tinued faithful service.
County Surveyor,
Jefferson, Wisconsin.
on Queen Street
In Chambersburg.
The new three-story Mt. Holly
cream brick front is different
from any other in town.
The display of neat, beautiful
and artistic household furnish
ings is better, lurger and nicer
than we have ever shown In the
past 49 years. Most intelligent
people like to look at nice things
and we invite you. , You are
welcome to come in at any time
and look around whether you
want to buy or not. Prices on
everything in plain figures, and
you will not be annoyed by any
one urging you to buy. Wel
come. Call again.
Coaches and Go-Carts
for 1902 is now ready.
H Slerer & Co
on Queen bt,
Cheap Homes
During the past few days
four more
Desirable Lots
Little Extension
east of town have been sold.
There are a few of the very
best left yet, and they will
be sold on terms to suit tho
purchaser. Apply to
r at and below cost at
I Cress's New Millinery Store.
t Opposite the Cooper House.
4 MoConavllanurg, Pa.
n a n n n n o a lvh
. tut meat haailnfl aalva In tha wart.
Attention, Good Dressers !
1 11
r 1
the ordinary, yet prices are 'ligher than you have paid for
inferior goods. They guarantee absolute satisfaction
and with it goes our unqualified endorsement.
We shall be glad to have you call and you will be glad you
McConnellsburg, Fo.
The World moves
and so does the machinery in the
Willow Grove Woollen Mills
AT Bull NT CaUIXM, Pa.
The proprietor has had over 50 years experieuco, and is
confident that he can please all who may entrust him with
their work.
Manufacture of Carpet and Wool Carding a speciality.
Wool Batting for Haps none bettor.
Carpet Chain always in stock.
I will take in wool and work at the following places :
Booth Brothers, Dublin Mills; A. N. Witter's, Waterfall; W.
L. Berkstresser, Orchard Grove; W. II. Rpeer, Saluvia;
Lynch's store at Crystal Springs; Jackson's store at Akers
ville, P. J. Barton's, Hustontown, and Huston's store at
Clear Ridge.
I will make monthly visits to these places during the
season, and will receive work and return it.
Thankful for past favors, and soliciting a continuance
of the same, I am, respectfully,
Burnt Cabins, Pa.
The time for cleaning house and making garden will soon be
here. You might say, "Well, we know that. Toll us something we
don't know." Well, we think we can. We can sell you a good roll
er window shade for 7c, and an oil shade, decorated, with fringe on,
at 25c; table oil cloth, 4!) in. wide, He, and it might be that you are
just going to house keeping or that some of your tinware is worn out.
If so, we can soil you tin cups 2 for 5c, coffee pots, 2, 3, and 4 qts., 8
to 15c, wash basins 6c, Ore shovels 3 and 5c, buckets 5 to 2:ic, dish
pans 15 to 68c, colanders 10c, milk strainers 8 to 17c, spit boxes 8c,
wash boilers. No. 8, 65c, dust pans 6c, pot lids 5(5, coffee mills 18 to
30c, porcelain pans 17 and 21c, porcelain kettles 20, 32 and 48c,
Iron porcelain kettles, 6 qt., 25ci 8 qt., 32c; lOjjt., 38c, glass oil cans
18o, dippers 4 to 10c, brooms 13, 20 and 25c, Hising Sun stove polish
6c, Black Jack, In one pound cans, 8c. If you need a garden rake
or a hoe, come to us. Mrs. Potts sad iron 75c set, extra handles 5c .
SHIrts! Shirts! SHIrts !
We nave got in our spring lino of dress shirts, and they are up-to-date
in quality and price. The best dress shirt ever brought to
town for the money 24o. Others nt 45, 48 and 05c, and in working
shirts we load neyer follow 24. 38 and 44c. Don't fail to see our
lace curtains and curtain poles. In our last ad we mentioned that
we would sell coal oil, 160 test, at 1-c. If you have not tried it bring
your can along and try us. - .
HULL & BENDER, Managers.
NOW 11
Our spring line of Suitings i
is almost all in; and a larger I
and better selection we have
never had to oiler. The prices t
are the cheapest. All wool
suits to order at 9.50 to the
very best. We make and trim
all suits as they
Trouserings at 3.00 new style
These goods we bought at a t '
great reduction, and to you
we give the benefit.
Glad to have you see the
44444444444444444444444444444 4444444444444
A. U. Wace A ' Sons' I
Have a Good Thinf. and
Want Everybody to Know it. .
We have secured the exclusive right
for this vicinity to take orders for the
11 limoni tailoring 01
Chifingo. Wo are now
displaying their newest
samples of Fins
Woolens and urge
everyone interested in
good clothes to Call and
inspect them. We show
by far the largest line in the country, con
sisting of many exclusive effects in. wor
steds, cassimen s, Scotches, clays, serges,
etc. STRAUSS MIOS. make the kind
of clothes you like to wear, accurately
tailored, perfect fitting, distinctly above
t -i
i -
t 1
U t
1 1 1