The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, February 06, 1902, Image 8

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    t l.
r : .
Kuid Hosteller's nd this week.
Uric!; Cor sale at Morton's yard.
There i a movement on foot to
establish auotlier bank in Mer
cersburg. A boon to men, women and children-
a IVrtable Shower Uath.
'r s:il;j by D. Malloy.
L" tags from "Honest John"
1 lug and will secure a hand
some ."e kuifu free.
Fbst chss f.our and all kinds
of feed f ir sale by A. M. llixsou,
Linmavido, I 'a.
''." tags from "Honest John"
ring and toe will secure you a
v. atcli guaranteed to keep aecu
) ale tin e.
Al' Si'mer a well known
l' '.rni'-r and stock dealer died at
Lis home in 1'atli Valley Tuesday
"lloiust John" Plug Tobacco
'i'.r- avi.. inure valuable thau any
other tobacco tags. Tlie Tobac
co is the be.---t.
V'iu Sai.i: Afresh cow with
calf at her side, aud six head of
well bred ' sheep. D. 11. Fore,
Knobsville, l'a.
lb tugs from "Honest John"
i'i'tgaud b'c will secure you a
Gem Safe t jr Kazor, guaranteed to
shave the heaviest beard.
Where it is possible we should
be glad to have our correspond
ents send us their items so wo
get them Mouday night.
12 tags from "Honest John"
Plug will secure you a dime's
worth of "Honest John" free
from your Merchant.
Instead of borrowing your
neighbor's paper to read, sub
scribe for it yourself, and be an
independent citizen.
Send 2j "Honest John" Tobac
co tags and oc to II. C. llecker
inan, 1 led ford, Pa., for a baud
soine knife. State if large or me
dium size is desired.
Waxtkd A good man mar
ried or single to lake charge of
a stocked farm. Address Box
22 1 McCoimellsburg or apply at
News otiic.u.
Winter coughs are apt to result
in consumption if neglected.
Tin y cau be soon broken up by
using Foley's llouey aud Tar
Ah dealers.
Foley's Honey aud Tar is bust
for i-ronp and whooping cough,
co.ii.ihis no opia'o-i, aud cures
quickb,'. Careful mothers keep
i Tj in tite house. All dealers.
Tii.-ie will boa meeting of the
farmers at J. W. Lake's .store at
J t iudg;.', "Wednesday' eveu-
i:.'.'. I ' -'bruary oth, to organize a
!-.'. ch of the Agricultural Soci
ety. All come.
A postal from Mrs. Price aud
son Albert, who spent several
weeks among friends in this
eoiiaty, states that they reached
their Michigan home safe on the
c.ei,iug of the -Oth ult. They
were away from home just 75
r'"ne Holy Communion will be
adi.ih.istorod to the members of
St. i 'awl's lieforiuodcougregatiou
iii .MeCximellsburg next Sunday,
February Ufa at lO.oO a. m. Pre
paratory, Coi. Urination and Bap
tismal services on Saturday at
2.1)') p. m.
The following Pennsylvania
cou: ties had a smaller population
in ihnii thau in Ink): Bucks, Cam
iron, Centre, Clarion, Crawford,
Fu't u, Greene, Huntingdon,
Juui.ita, Montour, Perry, Pike,
tiny dor, Siisquehauuua, Tioga,
Union and Wayne.
Kidney complaint kills more
people than any other disease.
This is due to the disease being
so insidious that it gets a good
hold on the system before it is
recognized. Foley's Kidney Cure
will prevent the development of
fat 1 diseases if taken in time.
All dealers.
"I've been studying a plan by
v hieh you and I can commit sui
cide," were the words addressed
by Lewis A. JJietly to his wife at
their home, near BluoKidge, last
'Thursday forenoon shortly be
fore u o'tdoek. The strange
dei -(-ration frightened the woman
iisliemadea hasty exit from the
plae . A few minutes later she
heard the report of a gun. Re
turning hurriedly to the home
who found her husband prostrate
upon the kitchen floor, dead from
a gunshot wound in his left
breast. Ho had shot himself.
M!iihs before he had threatened
to t;d. his own life. Lately.liow
v he had been silent on the
suDj' ct of suicide ,aud tho mem
l.ei of his family believed lie had
disinis.-ed all determination at
Simon Levi, the well -known old
iron itiueraut inerchaut, was re
cently arrested in Hancock on
the charge of obtaining a copper
kettle of Miss Nettie Pye, colored
of Indian Springs, on false pro
tenses. At the hearing it devclp
ed that Levi had no peddler's li
ceuse and Justice Hoffman fined
him ijcJo and costs.
The Greeucastlo Echo Pilot
says that Miss Ella Creigh of
Mercersburg, daughter of the
late Rev. Thomas Creigh, who
was for many years pastor of the
Mercersburg Presbyterian
.hurch, has been named by the
Republicans of that place as a
candidate for school director.
That's all right. The Republi
cans of - McConnellsburg nomi
nated Miss L. V. Hess for the of
fice of school director and she
was elected by a vote that made
the men's heads swim with envy.
When the board organized in
Tuue, she was made president,
md served her full term of three
years. During her administra
tion a fine graded course of study
vas adopted, a high school was
established, aud many other
measures of progress that shows
that au intelligent woman is much
more capable of filling that office
thau some men we kuow who
have had the honor.
business Opportunity.
Tho Creamery of the Crystal
Springs Creamery Compauy, will
e sold by the Receiver on the
premises in Brush Creek town
ship, Fulton county, Pa., on Fri
day, February 14, 1902, at 1 o'-
lock p. m.
Tins is a first class opportunity
to go into a profitable business.
Terms made known ou day of
A large number of people go
hrough life in a dazed and
Ireamy way.without undorstand
Hs or caring to understand the
neaniug of tilings. Fur iu stance,
he words, "oyer and terminer"
.s applied to courts, is not under
stood by half the people, aud yet
Tew words are more familiar.
"Oyer" is Anglo French and
neaus "to hear." "Terminer"
nouns "to determine." Hence a
ourt of oyer aud terminer is one
i a which cases are heard and de
termined. Favorite Nearly Kvcrvwhcre.
Constipation nieaus dullness,
depression, headache, generally
disordered health. DeWitt's Lit
tle Early Risers stimulate the liv
er, open tho bowels und relieve
this condition. Safe, speedy aud
thorough. They never gripe. Fa
vorite pills.
The union meeting of the Chris
tian Endeavor societies of the
Reformed, United Presbyterian,
Lutheran, and Presbyterian
churches, respectively, held in
the Lutheran church last Sun
day evening was full of interest.
Notwithstanding the severe wiu
:er weather, the house was well
tilled, aud the active and iutelli
gent part taken by our young
people was very gratifying. A
solo by Miss Mabel Jackson, a
male quartet composed of Nichol
as Rocttgor, Will Black, Geo. A.
Comerer, and Daniel Comerer,
and a trio by Misses Emily Great
bead, Annie Frey and Gertie
Sipes gave an evidence of more
thau ordinary musical talent.
Working Overtime.
Eight hour laws are ignored by
those tireless little workers Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Millions
are always at work, night aud day,
curing Indigestion, Billiousness,
Constipation, Sick Headache aud
all Stomach, Liver and Bowel
troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe,
sure. Only U."c at W. S. Dick
son's drug store.
Judge Stewart, of Franklin
county, a short time ago gave a
deserved reprimand to some peo
ple who acted as "stool pigeons"
at a public salo in that county.
It would be well for some people
we know to steer clear of doing
such things to gull the nuuspoct
ing bidder. It is a reprehensi
ble habit and should be denounc
ed, no matter who practices it.
lUieklen's Arnica Salve
lias world-wide fame for mar
vellous cures. It surpasses any
other salve, lotion, ointment or
balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns,
Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tet
ter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores,
Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions.
Infallible for Piles. Curo guar-1
anteod. Only 25c at W. S. Dick- j
Wo still have quite a stock of (.'aimed Goods, &c, on our
shelves which we wish to close out soon and to do so offer
Below Cost For Cash Only.
Notice some of the prices: Canned Pears, (I'.artlets), 10c. ;
Baked beans, 3 for 2."c. ; IYa-t, I for : Corn. " for L'.V. ;
String beans, .'5 for 1'ec; Boneless Herring. : for l'.V.; Davis
baking powder, 7 for Magic yeast, t; for i;-.,-.. Pickles, :?
bottles for 25c. ; Olives, ',1 bottles for 'J.V. : Scouring hrick, lie. ;
Sand son j, 4c, Tan shoe polish, ;t for 'j.v. : Borax lye. I! for
25c; Gillctt's lye, :5 for 25c; Lump globes :te.: Green soap Ic:
Kleno, 2 for 5c; Toilet soap, ;? for 4c; Lead pencils. Sc. per
doz.; Elastic starch, : for 25c; Celluloid starch. for 2i c. :
Puddine, vanilla. Sc.; Jcllo. Sc.; Prepared cocoanut. Ic; Pre
pared citron. Sc.; Gelatin. .". for l'5c: Nelson cocoa He; Ex
tract lemon Sc.; Vanilla 7 and 4c; Tapioca 7c: Stove polish,
2 bars fie; Good wash boards L'Oc, lircoms 2'c; I J gallon
crocks 12c; Clothes pins, leper do..; Bluing ic. per box;
Barley 4c per lb. ; Pepper bo:;cs, .. each: Cologne I'.c per
bottle; nice French briar pipes L'Oc. ; Lancaster Almanacs
4c. ; and everything else in the shelf goods line below
cost for cash only.
Very respectfully,
Jan. 21th, 1!K)2.
Sale Register.
Saturday, February lij. Wiil
iain Sigel, Trustee, will sell on
the premises J mile north of
Buck Valley postoftice, two tracts
of land one of 110 acres, and one
of 10 acres, tho property of A. J.
Sigel. late of Union township
leceased. Sale at 1 o'clock.
Monday, February 17 Mrs. T.
trviu Sipes will sell at her resi
dence '2$ miles south of Harrison
villo, Live Stock, Farming Iniplo
nents, &c.
Tuesday, February m2. t!eo.
II. Uuger will sell at bis residence
iu Ayr township, 4 miles south of
McConnellsburg, Colts, Cattle,
Farming Implements, &c. Sale
begins at 10 o'clock.
Tuesday, March 4. A. YY.
Johnston, iutendiug to quit farm
ing, will sell at his residence four
miles south of McConnellsburg,
ing Implements, Ilay, Grain, v.c.
Sale begins at ten o'clock.
Wednesday, March 5. William
II. Paylor will sell at his residence
iu Ayr township, 4 miles south of
McConnellsburg, Horses, Cattle,
Farming Implements, &c. Sale
begins at 10 o'clock.
Thursday, March 6. Having
decided to quit farming, Frank
Fore will sell at the residence of
his father, Daniel E. Fore, Esq., 4
miles north of McConnellsburg,
Horses, Cattle, Farmiug Imple
ments, &c. Sale begins at 10
Tuesday, March 25 Philip Ott
will sell at his residence iu Ayr
township miles west of McCon
nellsburg, Live Stock, Hedioom
suites, -wardrobes, Cupboard, a
lot of Household Furniture
all new. Sale begins at ten o'
clock. Thursday, February 27 Mrs.
Margaret Booth, Executrix of es
tate of John I5ooth late of Tod
township, deceased, will sell at tho si('k list a fr'w days,
her residence '2 miles north of J-"ll-'-! Heury spent a short
McConnellsburg, Horses, Cows, ; ut T- ij- b'leming's last Mon
Voung Cattle, Farming Iin pin- '''O'-
merits, Grain &c. Sale begins at ! lI- 1Iu''in was at tho county
10 o'clock. so it last week.
, , Mr. and Mrs. dames M. Ches-
Suvcl Hun l rom lortnrc uut s,lt,,,u,T
There is no more agonizing
trouble than piles. Tlie constant
itching and burning make life iu
toleiable. No positiou is comfort-
ablo. Tho torture is unceasing.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures
piles at once. For skin diseases,
cuts, burns, bruises, all kinds of
wounds it is uuequaled. J. S. Go-
rail, St. Paul, Ark., says : ''From NiKlt Alarm,
lni.) I suffered with tlie proti ud-, '.Vt.rso than an idarm of firoat
ing, bleeding piles and could tind ,J,r ''-ls brassy cough of croup
notliiug to help me until I used vvl.ich m inds like tlie children's
Do Witt'.i Witch Hazel Salve. A . d'nth knell and it means death
few boxes completely cured n.e." unless something is dono quickly.
Heware of counterfeits. Foley's Honey and Tar never fails
-' - ' to give instant rt lief and quickly
Nothing inspires an auctioneer cures the worst form of croup.
ho inuchasagood crowd Mrs. i L. Cordh-r, of Manning
An auctioneer remarked tho oth- j ton, Ky., w rites : "My tbreeyear
er day that a Hale well advertised old girl had a severe case of croup;
brought lrom sixty to a hundred
dollars more money, and ho didn't '
have to work half o ht'rd. The
News office priuts attractive
Com . . o Mkk iian'1',
Poultry, Eggs, Fruit, Produce, 4c.
5i;ll South Front St., Phi la.
-' -, I'miiiivt ri-iuriiH jit best iniirkel
' - (iriccs. Your shipment .solicited.
Kill Property and Farm For Sale.
The uiuh'i-sw;.,"' wlilV'l his Mill Property.
'M il l nt l. iieres. si tm, ted itlnnit ii hiilf'n
ii. i e s .nth of the .itiei'iii.' Hill 1't'ptK ehtireh
fn He'l'-.M Inwn-'i.p. The ruili is in niriiiim: or-m-r.
i-u. i ih" improvement - m the farm :ire u
new t' h,inli hum. and other
t ee.--y i -ui 'r i) u"-. This propt'rtv will he
:i .';:;u. ,ind ou teinis that will suit
Me('uiiije!lshur:, Pa,
Sicaai Chopping Mill,
Iii rrcCounellsburg.
;; All Minis of yi-ain clioppcd
, i'i'oi;i):lv. (Jive us ii trial.
; ; V" A I tin- 1 11.'. roundl y W".t l lnil of Tuitn.
j W. II. NKSIilT.
j Administrator's Notice.
Nulli-i- I- hi-r. hv -j-.yi'n tin. I !it ri tif niliiiin-
i " llltve "fill .--!ll'.lft t ( 1 1 lit' I' l:;Iit-U
1 up .!i Hit- t'-rnc ,.f I i .i.-ij art. K-ti.. Int.- of
I iififii-t no. 'iliii, Fulton finally. 'i... ,
J i-l. Ail if i-iin-. Iniyini' f Ijiai ii'.'iiii 'aitlfi
i titf wiU ln-fst'iit thfln iroifrly lllltin'l''; ':il('(l
i 1 1 ir si-1 tit-mi-al . ami l litit ou in;' llui same u iii
, iif ;t-.i.' f ill ::ral -.t:t tlf .
W. I'. II Al.-:-.
-' l!'-.'. Atlllilliisiiai-ir.
Administrator's Notice.
Nntiff N lifif l.y t'lvi'il Hint If ttf i-suf Ailiu'll-
i-iiiiniin-on llif f-tal or Malmila UiflnniK.
late ot lli'rl.flt-y Sprint'i. W. Vu . tlet'f ail.
Inne hpfii tiiinlfil lo tin: iiinli;r-.ii.'tiftl. t'ut all
,i r-oi Imli'lM ftl tn Miiil ttstalo wi I malte m.-im-nt.
ii' il ttiostt iiaviiiu' oliuiii . wi 1 iiri'sL'iH
tiit'iii pitipfily aulafiuii'atfil i.u- p,i infnt.
W. 11. OKCKKIt
Jau Ml. lihc. 8t. Adinluistraiiir.
Administrator's Notice.
I'.statn ttf ,7ohu Ht'ss, dt-Ci-llsiMl
I.ftiPiNof ailministrntinn m the estate of
rnlin lit-- lalt- of I'hoinpi,u lowashlp. I' ll ton
'ouniv l'a., tli:i.f af il. ha in v bft'u granted
ay tlif l:-).-i.lf r ol Wi:;-. ror 'ulion foamy to
i'.- K.ti.vf i.r. tvbiKi; po-i, otiiun iiihlre-N Is
'.Vf tiMt ; Mil . I'lilloii f oaul v. l'a.. a 1 pt'r-oiis
.vh.i .ire In tint '.aid e-tate Mill nleast!
a iU pavni.-iii. ami tmiMt Imviiiit claims will
"resent thetn to
tii-:oitt;t: i- mi:i,i,ott.
Jan -'.1. r.i.l-J. lit Adiiiinisti-iitiir
J.'XI'.i l-l'DI!
N'nTli'i:. - INtaie tit .laeoli
e nf T. ..I I,... iii. i I. .
A. Ila.i mil. late
ia'tlei-s test niii'iilai v tm the alioye estate
liavnor liffi, t.-ialitetl In the iindersiiriietl, all
;aii-soas iiali' d to the said estate are re
quested M make liayiuent. mill tho-e havlui;
eninus to pitseut the siiine without tlelay to
OKI) . u aoni:k.
,. , DAV1U W. Kl.i.SO,
Jau. la. 111 :. ,,t l-xeuiltorH,
Clear Kid",o.
Evi ry body is st riving to get tho
most out of the good sleighiug.
Mrs. James Kerliu has been on
at I loward Denisitr's.
Mi-s Lillian l'lt ining spent a
few hours at the home of her pa
rents last Thursday evening.
Gilbert. Kerlin and (.'. IJ. Uuker
Mill make tin; foxes hunt their
dons win II they .'eL their hnnntla
the doctor said she could not live, j
I got a bottle of Folc.y 's Honey I
and Tar, tho first dose gave quick
relief and saved her life. Kofuse
substitutes. All dealers.
5 FARM (iLAUS. '
J I have now on hand tin; largest, J
best mid li"itpst iissorlinciit of v
I Hand Made Harness J
Y In IVnnH.vlvnnla, Hiitl pell ttiom
cheaper tlinn tlto olirttiK'st. 1 In r- .
J ness from SfiH to $-23 ulwavs on.
hnnd. 11KM KM 11KU, vp mnke ?
all our work MY HANI) und
If guarantee It to be nil rinht. 5
f. Fly Nets und Sutninrr )it.-tt rs
i very cheap mid nt COST with 4,
C HarneRs. 5
I Farm Genra $
C of all kinds ulwnys on hand
ready for use. We give
low prices to our
customers. Whips, Collars,
Humes, Bridles, and every tiling
for tlie horse.
Write or call for priees before
yon buy.
Mereershury;, Va. J
S. K. Cor. Diunioud.
House Desks
are being offered at re
duced prices. A now
desk, Solid Oak, Golden
finish, L'li inches wide, (i
pigeon holes and small
drawer inside, Jaeli
bniftj lid support, shap
ed leys, for '', us long
as they last. I lave only .
Others range up to 1.".
China Closets
iu Golden Oak,' JJ inches
wide, 70 inches high,
round ends, with bent
glass, beveled edge mir
ror iu top, slo.ot) and ou
up to sIH).
Parlor Suites
and Odd lM-jees
arc worth looking nt
now, with a piece cut oil
the price of a gouti many.
Remember we pay the
freight on all purchases
of slo worth aud over.
H Sierer & Co )
on Queen St.,
Knobsville, Pa.,
.M.'iiiiifactiiicrs of
id i
Flooring, Siding, and Shingles
always on hands.
Frame Stuff
furnished to order with
Mills one mile north of
Chean Homes
J During tlie past few days
four more
I Desirable Lots
Little Extension
east of town have been sold.
There are n few of the Very
best left yet, and they will
be sold ou terms to suit, tho
S purchaser. Apjdy to
D. R LITTL!:, i, l'..
j Dkalkh
,N i
s Pianos '
Good ni;uket;il-le stock
taken in exchange.
'"When in neeil of any
thing in our ij,,:, write
for i::l lictil,ii's to ... .
i. P. f.1ET7J..F:H.
Blunt C;.l.iii.s, l'a.
at. and below cost at
Cress's New Millinery Store.
OIMiti. Hi" t '(ll,H 1' HolIM'.
.McCoiiiiUshiiiK, 1 11.
FoIev'S Hnnev W Tnr No opiates, j
JU U 111
hi i
. ' ; r. t
Tho Washing Problem
s o
Tho only perfect washer. Unlike all others.
o Guaranteed co
to jfive perfect satisfaction or
Money Refunded.
Buck Valley, Pa.
General Agent for
l)es Moines, Iowa.
V.J 1
e i
In 'Mir lust ml we culled your atl -ntum to Men's and IJojs' Sweat-
i t s ;tt and -lie. Well, we Hold nil of tltat lot, and have just reieiv-
id lot of the same, kind nt tlie same jiriees. Now, this week, t...i
we wish to eitll your attention, Hist, to our Hoys' and Men's ford j. !
I':ti:ts. We have sold 10 doz. pairs of Hoys' Knee ford I'ants, lined '
all ihi-onyli and the inaktnr j,niarat,teed, at ""(' pr., and we htive "J or.'i i. ;
do., more i lit the same price. In M.'ti's fords, we have sold 1:1 do. "
.lint have some left at ll.Xi, l.7.1, -:nd 5.:!."i. If ytm are in need of 1
iiuy -if tlicse u-oods, don't wait or don't allow any one to sell you a i t
pair lvtil you have seen ours. Si .-ontlly , wo are anxious that yuli J i,
"' oar "verulls mid Cotton and I'ants. We have sold lots of 1 -.'
1 ht'M' tiiiils, and think we have a hi'tter line than ever before. We -i
hit'i P.ovs' Airou Overalls IH, 2"), mid .'tile pr. Youths' Overalls. 1" J-
tv) 111 years, in stripes, with, or wit'iout aprons extra heavy--the ."ille- '
hind at :tSe. Men's Overalls, all s'.e.s and kinds, 40 lo Vi'e pr. Men's
heavy felt u I'ants, lined and uniined, at Nil to lllle. Wool Dress ':
1 ants !I'"m' t i ?1.7 i. ','
Hardware I
If you in ed ii ( t'os Cut Saw, we have the best tniike tl $1.10 ami
'. with lian.di s. l''.xlra handli l"ie pr. Sinrle-bil, Axes, ."ioc:
i doubh-liit, ."iS, ii"i, .m l sic eaeli th . Sit; ones are the Wm. Maun axes,
i li'ii ;,nii ever hear of this price, on t bis axe lefort y Saw Sels, -11 and
' Wood Saws -lhi Keystone w'.lh double l ed frames - at 4!) cents.
' 1 t 'ai i ia-e h .Its, 1 i in. to 7 in.,"lc e.ich: also. lar;ve one. Split rivets,
1 1 'aaehb. ' rivets. !tc: cap rivets, box. Horse shoe rasps, 1.1, IS,
ij and -i'.c ' shoe nails, 1 ic. lb. TIhj jfreatest thii.e- you ever
" ' " 'u so.- , -e I'rainine; chisels, and at prices that can't be matched
, ineii, ill.1., i anil - in., 21c each.
., fo il oil. bit) test -utiranleed. U you have lieen neltin oil lhat is
. i not ooii, brin your can to us and try ours. Ii' ualloe..
Ki'LL & Hl'Mjj-R, Slanagers.
. sjtslj i.SJ 1
Read and
eitliTU'liO ic ! . .1 .1
vijn .ivo is hi most
.A ;
gei. tor our money, uur pricas are our inducomeuts.
Dry Goods.
All the New Shades iu CFth. Cassimere, &c. Fine ef
foots in Shirt Waist goods, Flannels. Ginghams, Muslin,
India Linen, White Goods, and Linings of every description.
sj'i ,
t( I
, Kid Gloves. Corsets, Hosiery, Mittens, Laces, Braids,
Embroideries, Huttous, Spool Silk, CoHon, Veiling, Hand
yt' kerchiefs, aud Fascinators. Ad endless varietv of Christ
. mas Gifts.
The latest creations constantly on hands. Can match
you a perfect outfit, iu a day's notice. You can save money.
Take time aud see.
Hancock, - - Maryland.
i i
Overcoats Must Sol
Read This.
In order to reduce our
stock quick, we will, Jur
Vii the next ten days, sell
Overcoats at a reduction
that will astonish you.
v i :
u. Nace
A Council of th.. Uoval Area
n 1111 "Id established fraternal
iiiHurancv.- .-iocioty, is being organ-1
By the
Hardware !
" 1 S ' ''It.:. , ,1
Reflect. 2
ii. to auu you want all you can i
i ij-
I 1) (
X- Ui
f -
X ll
X l
i in
In. t Ui
X ".!:!
.. !-':
k km
. , i i at Heil ford, some of the most
prominent men .of tho town bo-
coming charter members.