The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, January 30, 1902, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday.
B. W. Peck, Editor.
Thursday, Jan. 30. 1902.
Published Weekly. 1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
I'T ii'Virp n! " lines 3 time II SO.
I'er square each sultseiiuent Insertion.... FiO.
Ail udvei uviirutH Inserted tor lesfi tlmti
1 n-cc months ceaned by the square.
;l inos. ti H1..H.
7'M." t.ii iV
. J.YlH. 4(1.(10.
.. -''1(KI. I to(K1.
1 yr.
' inc-fn-iri
Onc-ha:r i
i eoliiinu .
.V"' him: in-er! cl for Irs than ft.
rm'i-ssion.d t uris on.? yi iir .
"To Know All Is to Forgive All."
If I knew vim and you knew mo -If
both of us could clearly see,
And with tin inner sight divine
The meaning of your heart iind mine,
I'm sure that, we would differ less
And clasp our hands in friendliness:
Our thoughts would pleasantly agree
If I knew yon, and you knew me.
If I knew you and you knew me,
As ench one knows his own self, we
Con'd look each other in the face
And see therein a truer grace.
Life has so many hidden woes,
So many thorns for every rose;
The "why" of things our hearts would
If 1 knew you and you knew me.
Nixon Waterman.
Ancient Telegraphy.
Lnn before the davn of the
' Christian era wireless methods
of communteatiug intelligence to
u distauce were employed not
olwtric telegraphs us the term is
jreneraJly understood, it is true,
but wireless they certainly were.
Polybius, the Greek historian,
describes a telegraph system em
ployed for military purposes, 300
15. C, iu which torches were plac
ed on high walls iu prearranged
positions to correspond to letters
of the Creek alphabet, and by u
suitable manipulation of the tor
ches messages were thus trans
mitted to a distance. The Gauls,
too, were wont to transmit impor
tant iutulli'euce to a distauce by
a cruder but simpler method. A
messenger was sent to the top of
a hill, where he shouted his mes
sage, apparently to the winds.
Soon from afar a remote voice
repeated the message to another
listener further on, and thus,
from one to another, the message
sped, and it is recorded that in
three days a message calling all
of the tribes of the Gauls to arms
traveled iu this way from Auver
gne to the forests of A morica iu
one directon, and to the banks of
the Rhine in another.
Later on came another wire
less telegraph system the sema
phore telegraph and this was in
operation all over Europe prior to
and for some time after the intro
duction of the electric telegraph.
The . semaphore telegraph em
ployed . arms on posts akin to
thosV' -'seen to-day along every
rail'.vay in the world, and a cer
tain position of the arms, like the
torches in the Polybius system,
corresponded to certain letters
of the alphabet, and by varying
the position of the arms as re
quired, experts were able to
transmit messages from one sta
tion to the other at the rate of two
or three words per minute. The
towers on the top of which the
s'-nuiiitioros were erecieu. were i
."0 to tit) feet high, and were plac
ed on eminences six or eight
miles apart. Iu Russia alone
there was a string of these tow
ers from the Prussian frontier to
St. Petersburg, a distauce of 1,
Llixi miles or more. Gassier '
A Deep Mystery.
It is a mystery why women en
dure liafkaclio, Headache, Ner
vousness, Sleeplessness, Melan
choly, Fainting and Dizzy Spells
when thousands have proved that
Electric Hitters will quickly cure
si: h troubles. "I suffered for
years with kidney trouble," j Mrs. Phobo Cherley, of
1',-terson, la., -and a lame back
pained rno n:. I could n t dress
myself, but Electric Hitters whol
ly cured me, and, although 73
years old, I now am able to do all
my housework." It overcomes
Constipation, improves Appetite,
gives perfect health. Only 50c
at W. S. Dickson's drug store.
When a woman marries a man
to reform him she can't accom
plished much until his money is
all gone.
A Dew You,
We might as well Undeceive
ourselves about this popular tic
tion that there is a new year, just
as we once did about Santa Glaus
coming down the chimney. New
people there may be, with new
experiences, but the socalled
"uew year" is only station Nine
teen Hundred Two on the spiral
railway of Time, just a grade
nearer the sky-line than was the
station Nineteen Hundred One
that's all.
Passengers will leave, and new
ones will get aboard, and there
will be various petty incidents of
travel, but, with pretty much the
same company on the cars, and
with the same kind of landmarks
whizzing past the car-windows,
the only element of newness in
this trip which will have more
than passing value will bo within
Just here the subject widens
like a Western prairie. There
are twelve months, each one of
which may be so transformed by
the magic of new, brave striving
on our part that we shall want to
christen them by new names.
Project into January a new spirit
of concern for what Jesus would
do if he were iu your place, and
you will want to name it "Joy."
What a beginning that would
make for a "new" new year!
Each of the fifty-two weeks
will have but seven days, but
miss no duty or opportunity in
the first one, and then turn to the
Master for his smile, and you
will say it was a new week in
your experience, and ill want to
make it ,the standard for the
other fifty-one.
Three hundred and sixty-five
exquisite new sensations are at
your call. Trying to do some
new service for Jesus or for his
little ones will bring a new thrill
of joy each day.
Yes, there is a new year, but
not for those that live it in the
old way. There's an eternity of
uewuess for each of us to exper
ience; why, then, should we be
satisfied with a tame repetition
of last year? A new you is more
thau a new year. Christian En
deavor World.
Child Worth Millions.
"My child is worth millions to
me," says Mrs. Mary Bird of
Harrisburg, Pa., "yet I would
have lost her by croup had I not
purchased a bottle of One Minute
Cough Cure." One Minute Cough
is sure cure for coughs, croup
and throat and lung troubles.
An absolutely safe cough cure
which acts immediately. The
youngest child can take it with
entire safety. The little ones
like the taste and remember how
ofteu it helped them. Every fam
ily should have a bottle of One
Minute Cough Cure handy. At
this season especially it may be
needed suddenly.
Rules For Diet.
1. Eat when you are hungry.
2. Drink when you are thirsty.
;i. Eat enough, and. then stop.
4. Eat what your appetite calls
j. Train your appetite and
stomach by eating the greatest
possible variety. You are not a
shirk; why should you let your
stomach become one? Many
foods are not liked the first time
they are tasted, such as oysters;
heuce unless you try a thing sev
eral times, you do not know
whether you like it or not. Hence,
never say you dislike a thing till
you have eaten of it three times.
tj. Regulate the comparison of
your food by the work you do,
using strong food when you are
doing, hard work, lighter food
when sedentary.
7. Don'tletyourdoctorattempt
to regulate your diet by his own
K Beware of the diet crank.
All beyond this is foolish and
vexation of the stomach Candian
, . " . ,
,D M Four eks With La Grippe.
We have received tho following
letter from Mr. Roy Kemp, of
Angola, Ind., "I was in bed four
weeks with la grippe and I tried
many remedies and spent consid
erable for treatment with physi
cians, but I received no iclief uu
tU I tried Foley's Honey and Tar.
Two small bottles of this medi
cine cured me and I now use it
exclusively in my family," Take
no substitutes. All dealers.
The Future of Our Nation.
Our nation is a great and pow
erful one and may eoutiuue to le
so if we will endeavor to secure
and hold tho friendship of other
goverments and nations iustead
of exciting their jealousy and ill
will; but if wo were to day plung
ed into a war with any first-class
European power, whatgovermeut
is there in Europe or South
America that would feel sorry
for any great misfortune that
might come upon us?
We lvRve been reading some
carefully prepared statements in
regard to tho Pan-American Con
gress iu Mexico, and from tho
South American press, which
seem to fully confirm our pre
vious opinion that the South
American nations are by no
means friendly to our Monroe
doctrine that they feel fully
competent to manage their own
affairs do not want any of our
protection and would be glad to
have us carefully attend to our
own business and not intermed
dle with theirs.
The fighting spirit has grown
tremendously in this country
within the past few years, and is
being encouraged in our colleges
aud schools, and unless it can be
iu some way modified by Chris
tian churches, Catholic and Prot
estant, and greatly increased hu
maue education, it seems likely
to lead us sooner or later into
a war in which tho sympathies
of nearly every goverment in
Europe aud South America will
be likely to be against us, and
which, for destruction of proper
ty and life aud sufferiug to both
human beings aud dumb auimals,
maj exceed any war in recent
We want the most friendly rela
tions with all nations especially
with all nations on this side the
A Profitable Investment.
"I was troubled for about sov
eu years with my stomach and iu
bed half my time," says E. Dem
ick, Somerville, Ind. "I spent
about 1,000 and never could get
anything to help me until I tried
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have
taken a few bottles aud am entire
ly well." You don't live by what
you eat, but by what you digest
and assimilate. If your stomach
doesn't digest your food you are
really starving. Kodol Dyspep
sia Cure does tho stomach's work
by digesting the food. You don't
have to diet. Eat all you waut.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures all
stomach troubles.
Local Institute.
The second local institute of
Bethel township was held at Mt.
Airy school, January 17.
Tho meeting was called to or
der by the teacher, Miss Miunie,
Funk. Mr. John H. Lewis was
elected chairman.
The first thing on programme
was sing by the school, "Twilight
is Falling, which was followed by
several good recitations.
The questions for discussion
were as follows : "Spelling its
importance and best method of
teaching it." "Oral and written
reproduction work, and their val
ue. " "Duties of pupils, patrons
and teacher."
The questions were very well
discussed by Prof. Palmer, Supt.
Chesnut, Miss Cora Funk, D. C.
Hart and others.
The questions were intersper
sed by several good recitations
and singing by the pupils.
Teachers present were Misses
Cora and Minnie Funk, Miss Ollie
Hess and Miss Anna Deshoug,
and Messrs. B. N. Palmer, D. C.
Hart and Clem Chesnut.
The chairman' made a
address, aud the school
farewell song.
sang a
Thousands Sent Into Exile.
Every year a large number of
poor sufferers whoso lungs are
sore and racked with coughs are
urged to goto another climate.
Hut this is costly aud not always
sure. Don't be au exile when
Dr. King's New Discovery tor
Consumption will cure you at
home. It's tho most infallible
medicine for Coughs, Colds, and
all Throat and Lung diseases on
earth. The first dose brings re
lief. Astounding cures result
from persistent use. Trial botlle
free at W. S. Dickson's. Price
50cand1.00. Every bottle guar
auteed. lias taking ways vaccination.
Pratt, Hd.
January. "0. Itbas been a long
time since I wrote a letter to the
News, aud 1 hope this will not
find the waste basket.
The ice has been quite plenti
ful on the mountains of Alleghany
county this winter; butns yet; no
serious accidents have happened.
Mr. Cal Hewitt has moved back
with his saw mill. Cal is a hust
ler. Col. Wm. Bishop, a resident of
McConuellsburg, is sojourning
with the family of Mr. Clarence
Gobin ou Polish mountain. We
often see him aud would be sorry
to havq him leave the county now,
for he is a very excellent old gen
tleman. The school at Ball Hill is pro
gressing nicely under tho tutor
ship of Daniel Fletcher, of the
Plains. Dan seems to ha ve made
many friends in this community.
The school hero does not close
till in June, making a term of
uiue months.
Frnuk Dean, of Lonacouing, is
visiting his father-in-law, John
Joseph McCoy and daughter,
Miss Lottie, of Pratt, are visiting
relatives iu Everett.
Stop It!
A neglected cough or cold may
lead to serious bronchial or lung
troubles. Dou't take chances
when Foley's Honey and. Tar af
fords perfect security from se
rious elTec' s of a cold. All dealers.
Wise and Otherwise.
Let us all taste life's glad mo
ments as they glide.
He that thinks the most talks
the least of what ho is doing.
It is better to have disagree
j able work than to have nothing
! to do. .
i A lofty mind has no time to
j worry over the halo of the envi
i ous.
, The more you deal with smiles
! the more fun of living comes out.
j There is more pleasure in the
; pursuit of game thau iu the bag
I ging of it.
i It frequently happens that as
knowledge increases wisdom di
) minishes.
Many an idle rumor has been
worked awfully hard.
No man understands aud ap-
I predates joy who has not a great-
capacity f jr sorrow.
Sorrow comes to us with the
pace of the greyhound and leaves
with the movements of the snail.
Pointers for prospective son-iu-
law. If you want to get solid
with the girl's ma, ask her to ap
pear at a party with alow necked
A bachelor we know drops in
most every day aud gives us sago
advice. The last remark we
heard him make was that wed
lock often turns out to be a pad
Lots of men marry young sim
ply because they are not old
enough to know better.
One wise man can fool a dozen
fools easier thau a dozen fools can
fool one wise man.
The fiddlers' prices are not
uniform; some men have to pay a
lifetime for a half hour's danc
ing. Au association of divorced wo
men has been formed. It is call
ed "The Alumni Association."
Do not care who is richer than
you if they aro uot more gener
ous and loving thau yourself.
Have you uot often observed
that most men like to boilattered
for tho qualities they do not pos
sess? Young Girl Disappears.
Two weeks ago Mamie Etter,
the 10 year old daughter of Jno.
F. Etter, who resides near Mar
ion, and who had been making
her home with her sister, Mrs.
Bruce Statler, near Guilford, left
Mrs. Statler's residence with the
purpose, as she said, of going to
visit her parents. That was the
last seen of her by Lor friends.
She never reached her parents'
home and has not been any u hero
iu the neighborhood, as far as can
be learned.
It is said she walked toGuilford
Springs and there bought a tick
et for Cliainbersbur. That is
the last seen of her by any one I
who knew her. j
Her friends are much worried!
and are trying in every way to i
learn of her v hereabouts, but so i
far, without success. j
A mild tempered person may j
be all the rage.
Announcement of
Fall and
Men's Itluck Socks ti special
drive of ten dozen si -unties -at 10c or
li pairs for n quarter.
A drive in. Children's heavy Kiblieii
Hose - 2."i dozen 10 cents per pair.
Men's Jsiuhtrolies, 'o-
Men's llcuvi
Buckle Shoes, j
Tap Sole. Trot, I
Heel rintrrl.l'.l !
Men's Dross .
Shoes, $ I .2.1 . i
Men's Ii(v;
Calf, $2, 2..1e !
and :t.
Men's l'afen! ,
Ix'alher Shoe- '.
at 2..1. I
Men's Kniintel j
Shoes, :!.no.
INivs' Heavy Shots
Kin s' Press Shoes,
l.Ts to 2's. ilSe; :!'s.
to ,Vs, $1.10.
Toys' Moots, $1.21.
Men's Moots. $1.21 to
PrP'sTr n M,,,i's G I
pjLflvsaHfF'i, 5 socks, r, t,
V KHB'la M ff Men's Woo! I
t r I soeks.hcavv !
Cr M winter, 2 V. !
J. K. Johnston,
McConneilsbura Pa.
.Manufacturer of
. v -Jtf I III. Ellllll. 111.
g Hails, Stairs, Banisters, Turned 9
9 Porch Columns, Po sts, &c.
X McConnellsburg, Fa. O
Doors 2 : 8 x 6 : fi; 2-: 6
inches in thickness.
Sash It x 20; 12x24;
nrlt i it
- - intii unvi a ijuaiiti . uiicK always y
on hand. V
Sash four lights to window from 45 cents to 70. O
iucji. moii ,m (jiuiiai
!g Both the doors and the sash
O and yellow pines.
In no other country iu the '
world is the cigar so popular as j
in Germany, so much so that it!
is impossible to raise enough to
bacco in the empire to supply the
domestic demand. Last year
Germany imported nearly 'L'.-
000,000 vorthof tobacco, a little
more than a third of it coming
from the United States. Tho use
of tho cigaret is rapidly spread
ing iu Germany. Last year 80 ;
tons of cigarets were consumed, :
at least live times as many as
were needed ten years ago.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of tho
diKi'startU and digests all kinds of
food. It gives instant relief and never
fails to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take. It. hy its use many
thousands of dyspeptics huvo bueu
cured after everything else failed. In
unequalled for tho stomach. Child
ren with weak stomachs thrive on It.
Cures all stomach troubles
Vrcparcd only by F..V. IKVlTTtO(i.,!itraKO
l'liuil.buulecouutluiilttt Uiuektliuaoc. Uo.
Winter Goods
,-V.i Wv?l'?
I for Men and Women.
I A full .line of Uultbcr Hoots and
I Shoes for Men, Women, and Children.
I'nrivnleld Values in ISIankots -
L , . , . 3 ..
iEE -.::AVc.L!civ;4 1.25,
I Jed Comforters, 7.1, .'fl.00, and $1.2.1,
1 ,1 White Hed Sprends
4 '' "". $1.00 and $1.2.1.
f7"t! -v-'j Tc.weN from In Cents
to $1.10 e:tch.
'I . H B-rlta.H
x 6 : 6; 1 and three-eighth
12x28; 12x30; 12x32: O
1 'i riMti-t' 4 K 1 rj
una ready ior me glass. v
are made from best white 5?
Your Column.
'!'ci show oiii- iiimrodiiulou of tho wiiy in
wh'ch (In- Kuiion I Viiiity Nuwx Ik iiclna udnpt
cl Into l lio limits (jf tin: people of this ooumy,
wi! Ii.iv'wt upurt tliii column tor tlio VllV.K
U-.C of our MihscriliciB.foradvciilstnif purposex,
'ilj('cl t . tin; fotoivlutf t'omHUonx:
I. li Is fi, (, only to those whu are puld-up xuu-
Cl il.CI-M.
( 'ulv p( TMmal property can he advcrtlNed.
N'oi ;.((-; must not exeoeil 'M) words
I. All U'imI" notlo s L'xuluded.
r.. .ut free 10 tiit rcliuiits, or iiuy .e to udver-
lix' foo ts i;.iid under u mureuutilc lluunse.
I'll4 pri.i.u.-y ohjeet of this column Is to nf.'
fii.-l luiiiieiK, uml follcM win ure uot In puiiiio
l) l-llns. mi oi no' liililty to lirltiK to puliHe. At
lenllon prod:. els or Ktoells they muv hUVo to
se'l. or tuny wuut to huy.
Now. this spnee is yours: if you want to huy it
horse, it jon wuut hired help. If you wuilt to
horrou' money, If you to kcll it plK, u lllltt
k'.v. some !u.y, it (most,, or If you wanl to adver
tise lor u 'i lr.i lll coliimi Is yours.
The N'e .4 -. r-re::d wee'-ly by rlnht thousiind
.cop:.!. the hist i.,u,. tihu n.miium In
I !;e eo inl y,
l,u Kai.k. A gool horso.bug
gy, sii;gl(. unj double .driving
harness, threo sets driving nets,
buggy polo, eic. Emory Uessler,
l'lensant Kidge, Pa,
When ;i jo-ii'g man begins to
aigue that two can live as cheap
ly as our, you may sniff for orange
Foley's Honey and Tar
for children,sale,sure. No opiates. '
t :
. Attorney at Law,
Ollice on Square,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
All letrnl business nnd collections entrusted
will receive careful and prompt lUlentlori
Fihst Class
Tonsorial Artist,'
A Clean rep and Towel with ench Shnvo.
Kvery thlnn AntlseTitlo.
Uit.oi-s Sterillcd.
t-Shop In room lntely occupied by Krt Itrnlie.
Tonsorial Artist.
Strict'" up to dm e In nil styles of hair ci t
tlni:. ivulck. easy shaves, liav-rum, (.'reams,
W'lich-huzel. without extra cliarue. Ktesh
toivel o each customer. Latest, Improved m
niiratus for NterlllKliiK tools, l'nilotsiopposiic
l'4Ultot llOUSC.
TTnder the new mnnaii.inent lias In en
refurnished and remodeled. Wood sample
room. Headquarters for commercial men.
Fulton County Telephone connected. Livery
nud l,4ced Sntlile In connection.
cm kciiks.
Pkksuytkrian. Ttev. V. A. "West,
I). L)., I'nstor. IVeaeliino; nervlces
each alternate Sabbath atJ0:.'i0i. in.
and every Sunday evening at I'M).
Services at Green Hill on alternate,
Sabliaths at (::!() a. m. Sabbntli
school at 0:15. Junior Christian Kn
Ueuvor at 2:00. Christian Kndeuvor
at 0:00. Prayer meet'ng Wednesday
eveninp; at 7:00.
Mktiiodist Kriscoi'AL llev. A. P.
MeCloskey, Pastor. Sunday school
ttt 9:30 a. ni. Preach inp; evi rv other
Sunday mornlnir at 10:10 ani'l every
Sunday evening at 7:00. Kpv(uHi
League at 0:00 p. m. Prayer nutting
Thursday evening at 7:00.
Unitkh PUKsnvTliKtAN llev. J. I
Grove, Pastor. Sunday sehool at D::i0
a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn
ing at 10:.'i0, and every other Sundny
evening at 7:00. Tho alternate Sablml1'.
evenings arc used hy the Voting Peo
ple's Christian Union at 7:00 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
at 7:00.
G. Wolf, Pastor. Sunday school !: 15
a. in. 1 'reaching every other Sunday
morning at 10:;!0 and ecty other Sun
day evening at 7:iin. Christian I'.n
deavor at 0:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
on Wednesday evening ttt 7:00.
Rkkoumld llev. C. M. Smith, Pus
tor. Sunday school nt 9:;!0 a, in.
Preaching on alternate Sabbaths nt
10:00 a. to. anil 7:00 p. ni. Christian
Kndeu vor at 0:00 p. m. Prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Ti:iMs oi-4 coi n r.
The first term of the Courts of Ful
ton county in the year shall eonimcnco
on the Tuesday following the second
Monday of January, at lo o'clock a. m.
The second term commences on the
third Monday of .March, at 2 o'clock
. in.
Tho third term on the Tuesday next
following the second Monday of June,
at 10 o'clock a. m.
The fourth term on the first Monday
of October, at 2 o'clock p. m.
llOUOl (.11 OITK.J'KS.
Justice of the Peace TLomus P.
Sloan, L. H. Wible.
Constable John H. Doyle.
burgess II. W. Scott. '
Couneilmen 1). T. Fields, Leonard
Iloliman, Samuel HcndoivM. W. Nace.
Clerk William Hull.
H igli Constable Wm. Haumgardner.
School Directors A. V. Naco. John
A. Irnln. Tlioinns V Kli.nn I.' M
Taylor, John Cuinei-er, C. 11. Stevens!
Gl NLUAI. lHKi:croiY.
President Judge Hon. S.Me. Swopo.
Associate Judges Iemuel Kirk, Da
vid Nelson.
Prothonotary, Ac Frank P. Lynch.
District Attorney George U. Dan
iels. Treasurer George H. Mellott.
Sherilf Daniel C. Fleclc.
De)uty Sheriff
Jury Commissioners C. It. K. Pluin-
mer, Anthony Lynch.
Auditors John S. Harris, W. C.
Davis, S L. Garland.
Commissioners 11. K. Malot, A. V.
Kelly, John Fisher.
Clerk Frank Mason.
County Surveyoi Jonas Lake.
County Superintendent Clem Ches
nut. Attorneys W. Scott Alexander, J.
Nelson Sipes, Thomas 1-'. Sloan, F.
McN Johnston, M. it. Slut If tier, Geo.
H. Daniels, John P. Sipes, S. W.
Odd Fellows M'Coiinellsburg Lotion
No. 7-14 meets every Friday evening In
tho Comcror Building in McComiell ;
burg. . Fort Littleton Lodge No. -181 meets
every Saturday evening in tho Cro:i i-r
building ut Fort Littleton.
Wells Valley Lodge No. (i07 meets
every Saturday evening in Odd fel
lows' Hall at Wells Tannery.
HarrisonviHe, Lodge No. 701 meels
every Saturday evi'hiiug in Odd 1m !-
lows' Hull at ilurrisouvillo.
Wuterfall Lodge No. 77.'! meets ev
ery Saturday evening in Odd Felloe. .-,'
Hall at Waterfall .Mills.
Warfordshnrg Lodge No. (101 met t s
In Warfordshnrg every Saturday
King I'ostG. A. it. No. .'lli.i meets in
Mi'tlonnellsburg in Odd IVIIows' In, 1
the li 1 -.-1. Sitturday in every limn! h t:t ,
p. m.,
Hoyal Ai'canimt.Ttisci.i nr.'i Couneil,
No". 121, meets on allcrii'ite .Mm- I: v
evenings in I'4- O. S. o( A. ilull, iu
Washington Camp No. 4r,t p. o. x,
A., of New (irena'la, meets every Sai
urday evening In P. (). S. of A. Hall.
Washington Cainn, No. i5l, P. O s.
of A., liustoiitow n, nipct.K tit-cry Salui
urdlty evening in p. i), a. of A. Hail.
.ToUn ). Tuylor Post G, A. K., No.
."Hil, meets every Saturday, on or jut
priH'eding full moon In Lat-hlry hall,
at 2 p. in., ut liuck Vullep.
Woman's Helief Corps, No. Ml,
meets ut same date ami place at 4 p. in.
Gen. D. 11. McKibhiu l'o.,t No. 4u2,
G. A. S., meets the second uml fcerili
Haturdays in ouch luiiiith ut I in.saut
F 1