The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, January 23, 1902, Image 8

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    Ke.v.) Hostetter's nd this week.
1 Irick for sale at Mortou's yard.
Dancing seems to bo tlie fad iu
Bedford this winter.
Everybody invited to attend the
woodcutting at Johnson Truax's
Friday, L'lth inst.
A boon to men, women and chil
dren a Portable Shower Hath.
For salt1 l,v D. M alloy.
Fatal kidney aud bladder troub
les can always be preveutod by
the use of Foley's Kidney Cure.
All dealers.
Amos Seville slaughtered a
jxirker out at his homo tho other
day that tilted the beam to the
tune of 47s jxiuuds.
27 tairs from "Honest John"
plug and !!c will secure a hand
some 7."c knife free.
The MUsos Dicksou eutortaiu
ed a very pleasant company at
their homo on Water street last
Thursday evening.
m tags from "Honest John"
Plug and 10c will secure you a
watch guaranteed to keep accu
rate time.
Miss Maggie Hays of this place
became very sick last Sunday,
aud is still iu a critical condition.
Her sister Mrs. Ilauks, of Cham
bersburg, came over Tuesday.
110 tags from 'ilouest John"
Plug and 10c will secure you a
(Jem Safety Kazor, guaranteed to
shave the heaviest beard.
Malb Hklp. Reliable man
wanted to call on doctors aud
dentists iu Fulton couuty. Ad
dress D. & D. Lamp Mfg. Co.,
P.ox 791, Erie, Pa.
"Houest John" Plug Tobacco
Tags are more valuable than any
other tobacco tags. The Tobac
co is tlie best.
For Sali: Ouo 12-borse power
portable 'Watertown Steam En
gine good as new. Terms easy.
J. H. Maker,
Bedford, Pa.
Send -J.' "Ilouest John" Tobac
co tags and c to 11. C. llecker
ni;ui, lied lord, Pa., for a hand
some knife. Stale if large or me
ilium si.e is desired.
Iu liRil.ll persons were legal
ly executed in the United States.
More than that number were
lynched. Not one murderer iu ten
suffered for his crime.
'2 tags from '-Ilouest John"
Plug will secure you a dime's
worth of "Ilouest John" free
from your Merchant.
Fou Kent A good ti-room
house iu K'nobsville. A tenant
preferred who will work on farm.
J. C. Fork,
Geo. W. Keisner & Co. areolos
iug out a line lot of Ladies' capes
ai:d coats, Men's and Boy's over
coats, &.c, below cost. 12-)nes
for slo-ouos for 7 and 8. See
their advertisment next week.
A young daughter was born at
the homo of our young friend Ed
Stevens, on Sunday last. Now
Ed can sing "Hush a-bye baby
on a tree top." Mount Union
Vc Rote with sorrow the death
of our old friend aud neighbor
Alexander James at Kainsburg,
Bedford county, on the 10th inst.
lie is survived by two sons and
four daughters.
The prevention of consumption
is entirely a question ' of com
mencing the proper treatment in
time. Nothing is so well adapted
to ward off fatal lung troubles as
Foley's Honey and Tar. All
Thompson Peck, of Needmore
has recently entered into a matri
monial alliance with Miss Mary
Mellott of Bedford county, and
they are moving, this week, into
the house at Needmore, late the
home of Enoch llart,Esq., deceas
ed. Thompson has the sub-contract
for carrying the mail be
tween Needmore and Hancock.
By the sale ' the personal prop
erly of Enoch liart of Needmore,
deceased, the old home of the fam
ily is at last broken up. Mrs.
Hart has furnished a room at the
hereof her son Frank, undone
at tlie home of her daughter,
Mis. Sharpo, and will be "at j
home" with one or tho other of j
those her only surviving children.
The many friends of G. IL Han
nan, Engineer, L. E. & W. K. !.,
at present living at Lima, O., will
he 'leased to know of his recov
ery from threatened kidney dis
ease. Ho writes, "I was cured
by using Foley's Kidney Cure, 1
which I recommend to all, espec
ially trainmen who are usually
similarly afflicted. All dealers.
l chruary tli is the Date.
Tho date decided upou for tho
annual entertainment given by
the Stony Batter Club of the
Morcorsburg Academy is Febru
ary Gib. This year they will
give a Minstrel Show. Brubak
er's Hall has been engaged for
the occasion nnd the boys are
hard at work, preparing the
program, which promises to be
tho best ever rendered iu tho his
tory of the school. A largo at
tendance is expected and prep
arations are beiug mado to ac
commodate all who may attend.
The tickets will bo placed on sale
at Krebs's Drug Store, Mercers
burg, ou the morning of Thurs
day, January UOth.
Hlowil To Atoms.
The old idea that the body some
times needs a powerful, drastic,
purgative pill has bum exploded;
for Dr. King's New Life Pills,
which arc perfectly harmless,
geutly stimulate liver and bowels
toexpel poisonous matter, cleanse
the system aud absolutely cure
Constipation and Sick Headache.
Only "5c at W. S. Dickson's drug
Miss Mary Heefuer has been
very ill.
James Cutchall lost a valuable
Wm. S. Gracey has been work
ing at Woodvale this winter.
John Deavor is succeeding
nicely with his school, aud is get
ing a library.
Nora Gracey aud Hester Witter
visited Waterfall school last Fri
day, and Joseph Detwiler, Jesse
Bcrgstresser, and Charles Cutch
all visited No. 1.
A J.ite at Stake.
If you but knew the splendid
merit of Foley's Honey and Tar
you would never bo without it.
A dose or two will prevent an at
tack of pneumonia or lagrippe.
ft may save your life. All dealers.
Sale Register.
Saturday, February 13. Will
iam Sigel, Trustee, will sell ou
the premises j mile north of
Buck Valley pos to tlice, two tracts
of land one of 110 acres, and one
of 10 acres, tho property of A. J.
Sigel. late of Union township
deceased. Sale at 1 o'clock.
Thursday, February 27. Mrs.
Margaret Booth, Executrix of es
tate of John Booth late of Tod
township, deceased, will sell at
her residence 2 miles north of
McCounellsburg, Horses, Cows,
Young Cattle, Farming Imple
ments, Grain Ac. Sale begins at
10 o'clock.
Business Opportunity.
The Creamery of the Crystal
Spriugs Creamery Company, will
be sold by the Receiver on the
premises in Brush Creek town
ship, Fulton county, Pa., on Fri
day, February 14, 1902, at 1 o'
clock p. m.
This is a first class opportunity
to go into a profitable business.
Terms made known on day of
President Roosevelt last week
appointed Editor John C. Cham
berlain of the Everett Republican
postmaster of Everett. The re
tiring postmaster; Mr. John G.
Cobler, has been tilling that posi
tion for nearly live years.
The subscription list of the
Fulton County News is growing
at a very gratifying rate. But
there is room for more names.
If you have a friend away from
the county, send him a copy, or
send us his address and we will
send him (me. We want that
every family iu thecounty shall get
the Ni;ws, and that every native
of this county who is away, shall
be on our list. It is a very rare
thiug for any one who once bo
comes a subscriber to tho News
to order it discontinued.
At 7 o'clock p. m.. New Year's
day, January 1, 1901.', Albert Sto
ner wound an M-day clock, put it
in his "show window" and put by
it a big card which stated that
anyone purchasing not less than
25 cents worth of goods at his
store, would be entitled to a guess
at the time of the clock's stop
ping, aud that the one guessing
the nearest to that time should
have the clock free. The clock
run on and on past tho eight days
and did not stop until it had cov
ered 13 days, G hours.and 54 min
utes. The clock was given to
Mr. C. T. W. Rider, he having
guessed within 6" miuutos of the
Pneumonia and I,h Grippe
Coughs cured quickly by Fo
ley's Honey and Tar. Refuse
substitutes. All dealers.
What has become of our cor
respondent? Has she lost her
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hill visit
ed Mrs. Hill's parents, Mr. aud
Mrs. W. H. Lake last Sunday.
Our friend Auderson Mellott
talks of making sale and going to
Johnstown. We are sorry to
lose Andy aud his wife, for they
are excellent neighbors.
Misses Queen aud Grace Lake
spent Saturday evening and Sun
day with their cousin, Miss Jess
'Our school teacher MissBlauche
Peck, spent from Friday until
Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Peck at Gem. She
is trying to secure a school libra
ry, and we hope she will bo suc
cessful. Mrs. Lura E. Funk aud sister
Miss Eva Bedford called ou Miss
Emma Truax Sunday.
The protracted meeting will be
gin at Pleasant Grovo next Sun
day evening.
Our hustling neighbor, Mr.
Thomas Mellott went hustling up
the road the other day, looking
much pleased. We don't know
the cause of his pleasure uuless,
it was the arrival of that little
"cook" last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Mel
lott visited Mr. W. IT. Mellott's
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Spade
have moved into a part of Mr.
Amos Palmer's house and Mr.
Spade has gone to Johnstown
where he expects to get employ
ment aud if successful Mrs.
Spade will go iu the spring.
The hollow between M r. Nath
an Palmer and Mr. Miller Truax's
is reported to be haunted. We
wonder what the cause of this
sj)ook is? Do you know, Roy?
Children ICspcciully Liable.
Burns, bruises and cuts are
extremel painful aud if neglect
ed often result iu blood poisoning.
Children are especially liable to
such mishaps because not -so
careful. As a remedy DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled.
Draws out the tire, stops the pain,
soon heals the wound. Beware
of counterfeits. Sure cure for
piles. "DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve cured my baby of eczema
after two physiciaus gave her uy"
writes James Mock, N. Webster,
Iud. "The sores were so bad she
soiled two to live dresses a day."
Nprinn House Valley.
Our landlord J. W. Mellott'has
his hands full of business run
ning two saw mills on one farm.
You can see him one hour at the
upper mill and the uoxt at the
lower one; aud when night comes
he has to ask for Peter, the old
mule, to take him home. He has
a track made from tho bench of
the mountain so that one mule
will bring any number from oue
to twenty logs down to the mill
at one time. Mr. Mellott lost a
valuablo horse recently.
George Heinbaugh aud family
visited his parents Sunday.
Anna Everts visited her son
Amos Seville from Wednesday
until Monday.
Jennie Seville is on tho sick list
as is, also, her father.
John Ilendershot spent last
Sunday at Sam Mellott's.
A. W. Johnson traded horses
last week with James Seville.
Tillies Sowers has gone to Cham
bersburg. Carrie Bivens was visiting her
sister Mrs. Daniel Cleveugor last
A. W. Johnston and Sam Mel
lott, each expects to build a new
house this coming summer.
Norman Johnston has returned
home again.
John Seville was aroused one
night last week between three
aud four o'clock and found his
house afire. Had the fire not
been discovered as soon as it w as
the house would have been totally
Store Property For Sale in Kuobs
ville, Pa.
New building, 0 rooms, with
closet, cupboard aud pantry, aud
store with glass front under
same. Also another store build
ing and ware-room on same lot.
Wash house, spring house, stable
aud other buildings, aud a never
failing spring of water at the
door. Will sell stock of goods
and all together.or just buildings.
Can give possession April 1,1902.
D. Edward Fork.
Mrs. Eliza Hum in oil of this
place, now iu her 87th year, has
been right sick sinco Sunday.
f vvvvvvwvvwvvvvvvvvvw
I have now on hand the turnout ,
best, and i heupest assortment of
Hand Made Harness
in Pennsylvania, ami soil thorn
cheaper tlum tlio cheapest, llur
nrHs from !,S to '2ft ulwnvs on
hand. KKM KM II Kit, vp "make
all our work HV 1IAN1) and
guarantee it to ho all riht.
Fly Nets und Summer Dusters
very cheap and at COST with
II iu .less.
Farm Gears '
of all kinds always on hand
ready for use. Wo n'v'e
SI'I I i u.
low prices to our
1 1 i.ton i iii vrv
customers. Whips, Collars,
Haines, liridlcs, and everything
for the huive.
Write or call for prices bp fore
you buy.
Mercersbur, l'a.
S. K. Cor. Iliuniond.
Mill Property and Farm For Sale.
The micliMMu'neil will s.'ll his Mil l'ropcrt v.
and liinri ol ' : ikhw nitwiti'il ulxiut u Imlf H
null- s'imli nr tin- Mili-hiitf Hill UiiHlst church
In Mi'Uu-t Township. The mill In Iu nmnlutf nr
nrr. utiil On-hitiniivctiii-nls on the fiirm ure u
new frr.nie limine. triHMi bunk burn, unit other
nreesMiry biii'iliws, Thli propei-tv will be
Mihl ut ti buiKuin, and on terms that will suit
the pureh.ier.
.Ian. It. imi. Moi'nriiielMuii'ir,
New Steam Chopping
In McConncllsburg.
All kimli of Tttin clioimort
promptly, tiivo uh a trial.
iT" At tlie Old Foundry t Fntl of Town.
Administrator's Notice.
Kt ile of Mis. A nun Kohiir. driiciiM'd.
Let Ntk of liditiirJst rntiiMi. on Oim t'Mute of
Mis. A mi l 'ol' 'tr. Into of I.iWtihtf Yrelt
lti iishin dtv (.;.((, 1 hnviii hi-tiii grunted
l-v tin- li'-i'i' if Wili . Tor Full on o.M.niy in
t!if snlw-ilt-i'. rtlitivc p,t ol'ilre nd .Iro.-s U
Pieuviilil i,itl:'r Fu'toil County, Fit,, nil JUToiis
hi r- Indf't cd to ' lit' si'ld f 1 ;ilo w pirn- )iivrii'i; AV' those lliuilil,' Cilillis Will
plVM-ht tlii..:); ;o
Ore. P.i. I'v.'l.tit. Adinhii'-mili'ix.
Administrator's Notice.
Noli.",- K 1iimv'y irlven thiit Icitrrs of ndmln
r;i ti'ti h;uc lue., -n;nttd lot In undrrsi'itt'd
upon t ho r.i, it e (if Knooh Hurt, F.m.. late of
Holt. ist township. Fulton oouiity. Fa., dei'tuis
rd. All poisons htivimr claims ntfiiin-.t mid is
t it1 wilt p'-HM-m them properly authenticated
f u sei ticiiicnt. iiiid t liose owintf the same will
please cull and "ttle.
Jim. -I. VMi. Administrator.
Administrator's Notice.
No! ice is hereby triven that lei tersof Adm'n-lw:iilo-i
ou the estitte of Mulindu KiohunK
liite.H HeiUolcv ' priii if". ". 'a . deceased,
have, been in. rated to the under-i filed. tvut all
p'-rso; s fi.drhtcd to ssiiil estrite will make pay
nieni. 11 it tuose. having elaiiiH will present
thriii pi'iprriv awl hentieutrd lor payment.
W. II. OKl'K Fit
Jan M. IU;!?. ilt. Administrator.
pXKCFTOii'S NOT P. K. INtate of Ji'eoh
- A. Hii'tuiiii. ln;e ol Tod low te hip. Fulton
count . . Fa., (te-'o.iseil
Letters ic.i in:-'iit.ii-y on the above esiale
having : tnted to the undersigned, all
pers.tiiN iiaietiit'd to the t.aid estate a-e re
'lUeMed to m;ik" D iyinetit. and tho-e havlni-'
elahit.t to p't-.-M-at the siiine. without delr.v lo
Jan. F i1.' -J f, I'.xeeutors,
Administrator's Notice.
l Atate of John Hess, dee.ea ed
LetOrsof udminS'tatioii on the nstato nf
John lless lal e of Thoiniivm Low n-lilp. Ku t - r i
county Fa., ill n-iil. bavin.' beeu nleti
hy the Ii U-r ol iiu lor i-'utiou e'i..niy tit
F'O. Mile-fhej'. w ho-c pnt olllc-; i.ii'lve's s
Webster Mil s, Fulton county. Fa., a I p v on
who are Indelned to Hie said estate wll p!e.e.,
m ike piivmem. and tnose ha' iiiv' elainw w::l
.-resent. Hieih to
Jan -:i 10. rl f.t. Aduiihisiralor
Foley's Money and Tar
cures colds, prevents pneumonia.
l'attvrsoiis Kim.
Miss Corn Sipcs, of Foltz,
Franklin county, was visiting in
the home of her father, V. K.
Sipns, on Sunday last.
Misses Lillio and P.ossie Wil
son of Kuobsville wero visiting in
tho homo of their uncle Johnson
Wilson on Sunday last.
Mr. A. L. Dushong, our popular
postmaster aud merchant at liar-
risonville, is now whistling' "A
charge to keep, I have. It is a
There was quite a number of
our sports and lady friends at
tended the protracted meeting at
the Christiau church last Sunday
The celebrated Pattersons Run
Symphony Orchestra is having a
very busy season. This organi
zatiou is only t;vo months old, but
it is an organization that our peo
ple should be proud of.
1 The Oak Glen Band of near this
place is advancing fast under the
:- skilled instruction of the cele-
! brated cornetist, Charlie Foutz,of
j Marion, Teey recently sent for
' live pieces of n.iw music. Parties
I desiring music should write tho.
j hoys, for their charges are very
I reasonable.
I There was quite a number of
! respectable young folks gathered
! at the home of David Strait last
; Friday night in surprise. Twelve
'couples were present; some, of
j whom were from Franklin coun
1 ty, and some from K'nobsville.
' They spent a very enjoyable eveu-
ing, and in tho small hours of tho
j morning, took their departure.
! Don't I.ivc TuKutlicr.
Constipation and health never
i go together. DeWitt's Little
i Marly Risers promote easy action
i of the bowels without distress.
! "I have been troubled with ciis
! tiveuess nine years," says J. O.
Greene, Depauw, Ind. "I have
tried many remedies but Little
I Harly Risers give best results."
House Desks
i t aro being offered nt re-
duced prices. A nov
desk, Solid Oak, (! olden !
tinish, Inches wide, (
pigeon holes and small
drawer inside, Jack
knife lid support, shap-
ed logs, for $'5, as long
as they last. Have only ".
Others rango u) to sl.").
China Closets
in Golden Oak, 218 inches
wide, "0 inches high,
round ends, with bent
glass, beveled edge mir
ror in top, $t21."0 and on
up to !!(.
Parlor Suites
and Odd Pieces
are worth looking at
now, with apiece cut off
the price of agood ninny.
Remember we pay tho
freight on all purchases
ofh worth and over.
H Slerer & Co
on Queen St.,
Knohsville, Pa., )
Miuiiifiicliircrs of Y
Flooring, Siding, and Shingles j
always ou hands.
FVarne Stuff i
furnished to order with )
Mills one mil.' north of j
Knohsville. J
H O I 5 O A "V S .
1 Spccia! nViiu'tion nil tins
weok. Wc have just nvrivoil a
lot of nttrns from New York,
which v.c will close nut. :it a
prcut rodiu'tion. Kcaily-to-Wfar
Hats reduced from $2.00 and
2.7." to 7.j i:enls und 1.00.
Ostrich Pinnies
und all kinds of fancy feathers,
must j-i next week at a liiy; p'
dnetidii. Our " ribbons reduc
ed to und all over lures re
duced to ,!0 und .')." rents. Hats
trimmed free of ehur;e by our
city trimmer. Ours Is tho I Ion
Ton Store.
Mrs. A. P. Little,
Hie I'usliIoiuiMc .M minor.
McConncllsburg, Pa.
Bakes Every Day.
Delivers Tuesdays, Thurs-
days and Saturdays. 3
und j.
on hand all the time.
I Di:.u.kk
In . . .
& - -
Carriages i
Good marketable stock .
taken in exchange.
C' When iu need of any-
thing iu our line write
for particulars to .... 3f
$ Burnt Cabins, Pa. '
t at mid below cost at
1 Gress's Hew Millinery Store.
t Opposite the l.'ooier Hoiim..
4 Alci'ttiinfllshur. Ia.
Co.MMI.'-HION Ml-:i,V WI'
Poultry, Eg!s, Frail, Produce, 'fic.
J5!14 South Front St., I'hihi.
I'l-oiupt ri'liiriw t I,-kI umi-Ui'l
prlei's. illf.liii. Kolldl oll,
The Washing Problem
Uy the
The only perfect washer. Uniike all others.
oo Guaranteed oo
to give perfect satisfaction or
Money Refunded.
(ienoral Aent for
Diss Moiues, Iowa.
L 1
- 1
. ' 1
We have just received a nice
from New York, and atiriees tliat
and si vie. Our men's swenters
in eoloi s -si'iirlel, maroon and navy blue at -lie, boys' in stripes at
.".'.'. Also a niee line of nam's whiter eaps In eorduroy, velvet eord
and lihieli plush at '?', .'10, and 40e. 4x4 ehenille stand trovers .'iTilixl
ehi nille tali'ie covers, 4"ie, laeo curlaius, It!), (i:!, H." nnd $1.00 pair, cur
tain poles, wood trimmings, Sc each, t'hildren's and ladies' mittens.
I I'.ildn n's double black mittens ut !V, ladies' single, 10c, dou'olc, 14
and l!Hc .lust received a nice line of Jute Hus. 24xll(i in., .'i."ic,:!0xlit),
-iS1, .'!:;x7, xc. Ladies' and men's handkerchiefs to jive a descrip
tion of each would take this whole space. Call and see them. I 'rices
from ;!c to 4c. Men's dress and w.rkinjr gloves. We can sell you a
nice Atru! an clove with leather palm at. . 'I!) and 4S'. Vur top kid
(loves, !." and .Vic. Men's work'.iir rloves, M, 12, 21, 40, ,Vi, (10, ho
ami H'.ic, .n extra heavy mitten in leather 4.V. Corsets, 2.1, 4"i und
y.i I.adii s' t -:!ra heavy fleeced lined hose, 10 and l:!e. Woolen
hose, 1 nnd 2iV. Mimi's socks, 0, li, and c. Kl.'IiHKi: (i(K)DS.--'e
have jiut l' ei ivi 'i a tfreat bargain in ladies' overshoe at 2"ic a
pair, otheis at .i"i, :!7, .'i!l and ."iOc, Hoys' overshoes, 45c; men's, .10,(1:!,
'' and ."ic: men's buckle arctics, i) c and $1.20. Men's overs for felt
boo.s, :1.20. Hoys' felt boots, $1.V. We have now sold four cases
of in. n's ! !l boots, so our price m ist be ri;;ht. Cull end jret prices
Men's d. and water proof coats, Stic, $1.1S, $1.20 and $1.4." Mack
iatiis!ie. . l.l't to $2.10. IIAUDW AUK. We have made a great deal
(jn cross-c. ! saws. " ft. saw with handles, the same as wo have al
ways bundled at $1.10, .It ft., $1.1. Five In. stove pipe, l:!o, (1 in.,
14c. elbows, 10 'each. Thanking ou for past favors and soliciting
a share of . our trade in the futur , we ure, respectfully,
11 I'LL & BEND LR, Managers.
L 1
Read and Reflect.
CHRISTMAS is almost here and you want all you can
get for your money. Our prices aro our inducements.
Dry Goods.
All the Now Shades in Cloili, Ciissimere, &o. Fine ef
foots in Shirt Waist 0dK, Flannels. . Ginghams, Muslin,
India Liueu, White Goods, aud Liiiiugs of every description.
Kid (J loves. Corsets. Uosiiu'v. Mittens. Lnees. I?rniil
'l )
'! '
i :
Embroideries, Buttons, Spool Silk, Cotton, Veiling, Hand- f
Iforeliiofa inirl h1jifin;i1-.-vu A A ri.-i.ll.w.. in...i... (-)'fc
mas Gifts.
The latest creations const mtly on hands. Can match
you a perfect outlit in a day's uotieo. You can save money.
Take time and see.
Hancock, -
1 Overcoats Must 60 1
it f. li-i
k f
....AAA&l.A.. I I t
1 ( 1 T
Rend This. S
In order to reduce our
slock quick, we will, dur
ing the next ten days, sell
Overcoats at a reduction
that will astonish you.
Miss Esther Sloan entertained
a number of friends ut her pleas
ant homo in the Covo last Friday
!! x : '
Mil X -c6 Come In. 1 ;
':', X X , ,
'' X t M
I A. 0. Nace &. Sons 1
" .
lluek Valley, Pa.
V. )
line of men's and 1ovh' s'.veuters
I'un'tbe nmtidied eonsiderin (jual-
ere the heaviest that wo ever bmiirht.
j. 1
r -
t i
i i
'v. 1
I .. 1
I 1
I .1
( 1
t 1
s 1
' -.r i- x' ; r oi-r ,i; r vr r r.rr rr '
ij': - Alaryland.
1 1 ,
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