FULTON COUNTY NEWS. Published Every Thursday. 13. W. Peck, Editor. AkCONNELLSBURG, PA. Thursday, Dec. 19, 1901. Published Weekly. 1.00 per Annum in Advance. ADVF.HTISirCO KATKH. I'rr .inaro or J lftn 3 titnPM 1 M. 1 Vf .ijuiirt t;ih Mi -tM)ueit Insertion.... h. Ail tiUvortJ-stMiiffiti insert ! for Iohm than thr'i' month cchtkoO by the m;uure. 3 nii. (I nuts. I 1 yr. . . tto. 4i.io. foo. (ltU!-fl urth i Not m nu iirrttMi for less th:in f 1. iTt:'-'iua:il Cards onu yrtvr frV Take A Paper. A gentleman once said to a re porter: "I ubver took a paper that did not pay more than I paid for it. One time an old friend of mine started a paper away down south and sent it to me. I sub scribed just to encourage him and after awhile it published a notice that an administrator had an order to sell a lot and I told my friend to run it up to sjC0. He bid me oil for $o7aud I sold it in a mouth for sftOO, so I made lii3 clear by taking that paper. My father told mo that when he was a young man lie saw a notice in a paper that a school teacher was wanted away off iu a far country and he went there and got a situation and a little girl was sent to him. After awhile she grew up sweet and pretty and he married her. Now if he had not taken that paper what do you suppose would have become of me? I would have been some other fellow or perhaps I would not have been at all." This shows the value of a newspaper. Saw Death Near. "It often made my heart ache," writes L. C. Overstreet, of Elgin, Tenn. "to hear my wife cough until it seemed her weak and sore lungs would collapse. Good doc tors said she was so far gone with Consumption that no medicine or earthly help could save her, but a friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery and persistent use of this excellent medicine saved her life." It's absolutely guaranteed for Coughs, Colds, Uronchitis, Asthma and all Throat and Lung diseases. "0e and if 1.00 at Vv'. S. Dickson's. Trial bottles free. Two Cireensbuig men had a peculiar case, in court recently. They traded horses, o0 to boot going with one end of the trade. The trade was agreed on in the eveuiag and was to be consum mated the next morning. Over night the man who was to give the boot changed his mind. The case was taken to court, where a jury rendered a verdict deciding that a dicker's a dicker and that a horse trade is not a matter to u whimsically treated. The i.ian must either pay the $r0 to boot or else take his case to a hi.'.'her court. A Thousand Dollar's Worth of ( jlKld. A. Lf. Thurnes, a well known coil operator of Buffalo, O., writes: "I have been afflicted '.villi kidney and bladder trouble tor years, pa ssing gravel or stones v. excruciating pain. I got no relief from medicines until I be gan taking Foley's Kidney Cure, 1 in n the result was surprising. A few doses started the brick 1 a st like tine stones and now I have no pain across my kidneys end I feel like a new man. It has done me a 1000 worth of good." AH dealers. George Adams, a farmer who resides at Hhanner, live miles above- McKeehport, Pa., will re ceive $3,000 under peculiar cir c. '.instances. Last week Benja-i.-i'a Craig, a wealthy resident of 'i.vcr, Colo., died and willed Ji.i-. Adams !iv000. One cold ':.'!'. several years ago, Mr. Ad n :.: relates, an aged stranger k.i.icked at his door and asked fr a night's lodging. He was al most frozen and next morning a (serious case of pneumonia had de veloped. Hi lay sick for several days and was uursed by Adams and his wife. When he recovered Adams refused any money for his hervice. The old man gave his name and promised that Ad ams and his wife would be ro membered for their kindness. Foley's Honey and Tar cures i :!'Js, prevents pneumonia. k Pleasing Fiction Exploded. It has become a matter of com mou belief earnestly cultivated by the English and pome Ameri can ' papers and magazines, that the Government and people of this country were under great obligations to the English govern ment for preventing a coalition of European powers against the United States and in favor of Spain at the outbreak of the Spanish war. The British gov ernment, so the story goes, was sounded unofticially by the rep resentative of one of the Euro pean powers interested in the scheme as to what its attitude would bo in the event that press ure was brought to bear upon the United States. Great Britian's reply, we aro told, was a prompt and unconditional refusal to take part in the movement, coupled with an intimation that if the United States were attacked by the European coalition Great Britiau would make common causo with America. This has been proclaimed as the solemn truth on both sides of the Atlan tic, and as constituting a strong claim on our gratitude to the "mother country." Many Amer icans have come to believe that but for the alleged action of the British government, France,Ger many, Russia Italy and Austria would have sided with Spain, and we would have had to face the wrath of all Europe when we went to war on behalf of civilization and humanity, to free Cuba from Spanish wrong, cruelty and op pression. It is interesting' to know that American salvation and safety through England is a pleasant bit of fiction. A Paris dispatch to the New York "Tribune" sets forth the facts, on the authority of M. Hanotaux, who was the French minister of foreign affairs during the Spanish-American war. He denies that the attitude of the British government had any bearing upon the collapse of the alleged European coalition iu the iuterest of Spain. "It seems to me impossible," writes M. Hanotaux, "that public opinion hi the United States should not now be cpuite as well aware of the real facts in this matter as is the United States department of state." "What are the real facts? M. Hanotaux states that the al leged European demonstration against the United States was rendered impossible not by Great Britain, but by Russia. "Count Murabieff, then Russian minister of foreign affairs," explains the French statesman, "communicat ed to the Spanish ambassador at St. Petersburg the absolute and formal refusal of Russia to mix herself in any way with a quarrel which did not concern Russian interests." This communication "couched in the most emphatic, almost brutal, language," as M. Hanotaux characterizes it, made a European coalition against the United States impossible. The Russian minister to the United States during the Spanish-American war flatly denied that there had been any European coalition, that Russia had ever assented to such a policy, and that Great Britain did not pre vent it because it did not exist The American belief in the great service supposed to have been rendered this country by Great Britain has had a great deal to do with the indifference which this Government has dis played to the extinction of the Boer republics. It was encour aged by the claims of the British press that England stood ready to stand by us to the lighting point, against all Europe. It will be interesting to see the response England will make to the chal lenge of a responsible French statesman. If there was any scheme of European inteference in our war with Spain it was Rus sia that prevented it, just as Rus sia stood in the way of French and English interference in the war for the Union. Pittsburg Post. Hoy's Life Kit ved From Mcinhia nous Croup. C. W. Lynch, a prominent .citi zen of .Winchester, Ind., writes: "My little boy had a severe attack of membranous croup, and only got relief after taking Folev's Honey and Tar. He got relief after one dose and I feel that it saved the life of my boy." Re fuso substitutes. All dealers. The wise man never argues with a woman. Borrowed Mirth. Overwork is said to kill many people yearly. This indicates little prospect, then, of the tramp dying out. This seems to be a time of re ligious unrest, said the rank out sider when the hornets got mixed up with the church picnic party. Judge You say the defendant turned and whistled for the dog? what followed? Intelligent witness The dog, sor. New Wife I wish to get some butter, please Dealer Roll but ter, ma'am? New Wife No. Wo wish to cat it on biscuits. What are pauses? the teacher asked the first class in grammar. Things that grow on cats and dogs, answered the smallest girl. Wife I wish I could find some thing that would really amuse the baby. Husband Why not get a new Brussels carpet and a quart of ink? Visitor You seem to bo an im portant person here; everybody turns round to look at you. Loyal Great Man Yes; there isn't a man iu the town I don't owe money. That's good council the new preacher gave us, said the dea con. Which is? Love your neighbor while he sleeps, but watch him while he wakes. Mr. Freeborn Jackson Whad yoh gwine name Mm, Laure-lla? Mrs. Jackson Anyfing yoh likes. Anyfing, 'cept Alias. Ise noticed boys o' that name uevah comes to no good. They's alius in the police co't. Papa I judge a man, sir, by the company he keeps. Suitor Yes, sir; I hope you'll bear in mind that I've been keep ing company with your daughter for over two years. Mrs. W. I didn't know that Mr. B. had a title. Mr. W. Neither did I. What is it? Mrs. W. Well, his servant says that everything comes ad dressed James B., C. O. D. Beggar (preliminarily) I have seen better days. Busy Man So have I; looks as if it had set in for an all day drizzle. Confoundedly unpleas ant. Got to take 'em as they come, though. Ti a, la, la. The Christmas holiday season is fast approaching. It is the season of the year when people will make purchases and bestow gifts. Now is the time for our merchants to let the public know what they have to sell. This Nkws is the medium through which you show your wares to the public. Dissatisfaction is expressed by some of the peojile living along the free mail routes in Franklin county, claiming that they did not want the village postoftices abolished and complaining be cause they have to buy a box in which to receive their mail. It is hard to please everybody but the postoftice department is surely trying to serve the best interests of the people living iu the country districts. In an address to Pennsylvania grangers at Johnstown, Lecturer Mortimer Whitehead praised the Government's rural freo mail de livery. Representatives from all except fourteen of the "o0 j grangers of the State were pres ent. One of the principal ad dresses deliver was that by Mr. Whitehead, who spoke in glowing terms of the ability of rural free mail delivery, touching on tho re port of the Postmaster General that rural free delivery, yet an experiment, and the many ways in which it benefited farmers. A Woman's Awful Peril. "There is only one chance to save your life and that is through an operation," were tho startling words heard by Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wis., from her doctor after lie had vainly tried to cure her of a frightful case of stomach trouble and yellow jaun dice Gall stones had formed and she constantly grew worse. Then she began to use Electric Bittors which wholly cured her. It's a wonderful Stomach, Liver and Kidney remedy. Cure Dys pepsia, Loss of Appetite. Try it. Only 50 cents. Guaranteed. For sale by W. S. Dickson. ' When to Marry. Why should lovers defer their marriage a day longer than the time when, as far as wo mortals j can discern the future, tho pros pects of a comfortable homo is reasonably assured? It issenso less to wait for the coming of af fluent days, says Cyrus C. Adam.: iu Ainslee's. Their lives should bo united, and each in his wiy should help to bring about the advent of eaiser times if they are to come. It is as foolish to wait foi a larger income than is really required as it is for parents to slave and drucgo that their chil dren may enj'y a degree of afflu ence they have never known. There is tin- rock upon which the French nation has split. They are a frugal and thrifty people. It is interesting to know that many of the tasteful, artistic and costly products of Franco aro made almost exclusively for tho foreign trade. Two-thirds of tho best chiuaware of Limoges, for example, comes to the United States. A well-to-do French woman is likely to use a prepara tion of rice Hour as a cosmetic, leaving the delicate perfumes and other toilet articles of Paris for her Amoricau and British sisters who are willing to spend more money for such things. But the rich father, unfortu uately, conceived it to be his duty to leave his children richer than himself; if, on the other hand, he be a poor" tiller of the soil, it is disgraceful not to educate his sou to a trade or a profession so that the family name may have a high er place in the social scale. This deplorable ambition fixes upon the family a burden almost too great to be borne, and many -of the young people, seeing tho hard lives their parents lead, defer their own marriage in order to better their fortuues, till at last even the desiro to marry is ex tinguished. Nearly all our self-made men, loaders iu the professions and iu busiuess, married yonng and on very moderate incomes. Many assumed, without the slightest tripidation, the responsibility of supporting a wife on 1,000 a year or less. The views of young persons as to the amount of income upon which they may prudently marry vary, of course, according to the circumstances in which they have lived. Many an intelligent girl who works iu New York kitch ens has no doubt whatever that she and the steady, industious fellow she intends to marry will have a comfortable homo on 12 to 14 a week. A penniless Ger man school teacher who came to Philadelphia when a young man, j and who in his old age lives in ! New York on the rentals of apart- ment houses bought with 300,000 he earned slowly in mauufactur ing, asserted the other day that 1.000 to 1,500 a year in New ! York would give to young mar j ried couples of refinement a coin j fortablo home, books, music and amusements and every thing they j might need for tho rational en j joy ment of life. j There is scarcely any doubt i that any man and wife, gifted with his ability to disburse dol j lars to tho very best advantage, would bo able to realize his idea of comfortable married life on a small income. Saved His Life. "I wish to say that I feel I owe my life to Kodol DyspepsiaCure, " writes H. C. Chresteusou of Hay field, Minn. "For three years I was troubled with dyspepsia so that I could hold nothing on my stomach. Many times I would be unable to retain a morsel of f iod. Finally I was confined to my bed. Doctors said I could not live. I read one of your adver tisements on Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and thought it fit my case and commenced its use. I began to improve from the first bottle. Now I am cured and recommend it to till. " Digests your food. Cures all Ktomaeh troubles. Mist res s Wl i y , B r i d go t. Are your eyes weak? I notice that you wear colored glasses every time you go out of the house. Bridget It's not me eyes, mum. But, when tho sun shines like it does outdoors today, I'd tan as black as a naygur if 1 - did not moderate the light a little by wearing thim colored spectacles. Foley's Honey and Tar for children,safe,aure. No opiates. Your Columii. To show our iipprcrlrtlliin of the wny In whti'h the pulton County News Is bcintf adopt ed Into the homes of the people if this county, we have set npiirt this column for tho VHV.K use of our sulwerlberMorndvcrtlKlnK purposes, KUliJcct lo the following conditions: 1. It 1ft free only to those who nre putd-up sub scribers. 2. Only personal property cun lie Advertised. 3. Notlres must not exneed 30 words. 4. All "lcxiil" notices deluded. B. Not free to nierclinnts, or nny one to adver tise Roods sold under n mercantile license. The prltnnry object of this column In to af ford farmers, and folks who 'are not In public business, un opportunity lo brlnif to public at tention products or stock they may have to sell, or mny want to buy. Now, this space Is yours: If you wanttobuy a horse. If you want hired help. If you want to borrow money, if you want to sell ti plk, a buu ry. some hay, a goose, or If you want 1o adver tise for a wlfo this column is yours. The News Is read weekly by clidit thousand people, and Is the best advertising medium iu the coutttv. Wantku Bef Bile. Will pay tho highest cash price. Grant Bakku, Knobsville, Pa. Church Directory. PllKSllYTEKIAN -Hev. W. A. Wivst, D. D., Pastor. Sabbath school, 0:15. Preaching service each alturtiatt Sunday morning counting from Autr. 12th, at 10:30, and every Sunduj evening at 7:30. Junior Christian Endeavor at 2:00. Christian KnJenvor at 0:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday ovcniiij? at 7:30. Mkthowst Episcopal, llev. A. 1). McCloskey, Pastor. Sunday school at 0:30 a. in. Preaching every other Sunday morn ing, counting from June Hilh, n 10:30 and every Sunday evening at 7:30. Epworth League at 0:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. United I'ukshytekian Kev. J. L. Grove, Pastor' Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every Sunday morning at 10:30, and every other Sunday even ing counting from August 19, at 7:30. The alternate Sabbath evenings an used by the Young People's Chris tian Union at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. Evanueucal Lutheran Kev. A.C. Wolf, Pastor. Sunday school 0:15 a. in. Christian Endeavor at i:3i) p. m. Wednesday evening prayer nieclinj. at 7:30. Preaching morning and evening ev ery oilier Sunday, dating from I)e cember 0, 1!00. Iti-:Koi:,n-:i) Uev. C. M. Sniilh, Pas tor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 0:30 p. m. Wednesday evening prayer meeting at 7:30. Miscellaneous. The pawnshops are disgorging winter overcoats. Geuius and riches are seldom ou speaking terms. People who marry in haste sometimes repent iu Dakota. Some men only look for work through a telescope. A stitch iu time is worth two needles in a haystack. Unless a letter has a stamp on it, it remains stationary. The fellow with a bank account is his own cash drawer. Perhaps its becauso money talks that all banks have tellers. Lives of great men oft' remind us that there are book agents. It doesn't take an explorer to find the polls those days. Imitation diamond earrings are not worth a paste in the ear. The Irish bicycle rider's motto is: "blessed is the peacemaker." The pedestrian generally makes rapid strides iu his profession. A man may have a weak voice and still use strong language. Many a man is afraid of ghosts but can't bo scared by spirits. The landscape photographer isn't always liberal with his views. An Evangelist's Story. "I suffered for years with a bronchial or lung trouble and tried various remedies but did not obtain permanent relief until I commenced using Ouo Minute Cough Cure," writes Kev. dames Kirk man, evangelist of Hello Riv er, 111. "I have no hesitation in recommending it to all sufferers from maladies of this kind." One Minute Cough Cure affords im mediate relief for coughs, colds aud all kinds of throat and lung troubles. For croup it is un equalled. Absolutely safe. Very pleasant to take, never fulls and is really a favorite with tho chil dren. They like it. Johnson That man Williams never lost his head in a football game yet, did he? Thompson No, I think not. He's lost au ear, part of his nose, aud some teeth; but I do not re member ever hearing of his los ing his head. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right. J. K. JOHNSTON'S Announcement of Fall and Winter Goods Bargains for Men Men's Black Suits, -40, 4.N., (i.7.", $7. ."(). !UH) and 10. Men's PmsitiPssSuils .!.;'), ).7.". 0.U0, 7.00, nnd $10.00. It CliiUlrn's two. piece Suits, ll.", 00, $1.00, $1.51) ir-'.OO, Lr0 and 3.0O. ! Boys'lieeferCoats I l.7f. Children's Vestec Suits 3 to 7 years old $1.25 to 2.0U. Overalls Men's strong, never-rip, 50 and 75 cents. Men's Ov creoats. itormeoats vitli la rtre storm col lars, from $2.50 to $10. Hoys' and Youth'MJv-ercoat;. 11 J. K. Johnston, McConnellsburg, Pa. 8 PHILIP F. BLACK, I S Manufacturer of - s 3 g Sash, Doors, Newel Posts, Hand Rails, Stairs, Banisters, Turned $? Porch Columns! Po sts, &c. O McConnellsburg, Fo. O . Doors 2 : 8 x fS : H: 2. : inches in thickness. ------ -7 - V aasnuxzu; 12x24; 12 x 2B; 12x30; 12x32; O 12 x 34; 12 x 36 inch and a quarter thick always O j, on hand. . - O Sash four lights to window from 45 cents to 70. " Q These sash are all primed and ready for the glass, v q Both ihe doors and the sash O and yellow pines. 0 OOOCCOXXXXzCCXC06000( KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. m KIDNEY CURE Is I O Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the vest for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c ad $1.00. A notod .Sunday school worker, living in K'aiifsns, wits ouce asked to talk to tho children of a Sun day school class mi th) subject ol ' teiiir.ci'unco. Ili'Uvury earnest in tho cniiso. nnd u'nro il hit of blue ribbon as a badge of his1 principles. Rising beforo tho ' school, he fepoko to them awhile, thou, in conclusion, pointed to his I bit of blue ribbon, and said,- Now : can any of you children give nio a reason why I am not a drunkard? Thoro was no reply for a moment. -Thou a childish little voice iu the ! extreme rear of tho room piped j out clearly, 'Cause this is a pro- j lubiii m town. j Everyday Pants, .V), 75, and $1.00. Dress Pants, $1.00 to 52.75. Men's Underwear, 25 IN, and OH cents. Children's I 'ndcr car. -Vest or Pants 10, 12, 15 IS, 25, and 30 cents. spenders, '10, 15, and i cents. r'v Neckties going at 9 cents or i"T V,A 3 for a (mat ter. Latest style I.incii Collars 4 olv- at HV. LitiVn Link Cull's 15c n r pu ir. Men's anU Hoys' Dress Shirts 25, 4;- and 75ccni.s. Men's and Hoys' strong e cry-day Shirts, 25 and IS cents. Men's heavy Wool Over shirts. 4-S and its cents. Men's Vine Kid ai;d l)oi;.-Uin dress jrloves, silk lined, $1.00. T'.ui'kskin, Calli.kin, i i di.'in (aimed, lire rid vvutcrproof -- wort, -i t gloves, ,'il'c to $1 .25 Tjiidie-.', Men's ; 1 1 1 1 1 I h : I drcn's wool mittens. 15, 25, and 5ilc. as? . - fS y fS ! ( 1 nnH Miree-piVhrh O " V.fc..... .... 5jC are made from best white X 8 Farmer Greene Glad t' seo yo home, Silas. How's things in N' York? Farmer Brown - Ilusllin ', Josh ua, llustliu'. Why, th' way folks rush aroun' there ye'd thing th' caows wuzloo8i?in th' cabbage patch th' hull tarnation time. Mrs. Howler Asbury, thut was a most excellent kcYuiou yo-i preached on Vanity this morning. Rev. Howler Well, I thiuk my self that thoro aro very few nu n la this universe who could have done bettor. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Thin prnpuratton contain all of the diguatutits and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure? It allows you to eat ail the food you want, Tho moat sensitive stomachs can take it. ISy its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after every thlui? else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. Cures aEI stomach tros:!.!cs Vn'pnrod only by E. O. ImWiTTitOo., Clilrano 'lUvil. IxHUv) wUHlUiSt UluvolliutiOv. ItlMb M m IP - . J 'I