The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, November 14, 1901, Image 8

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    Ilea J Hostetters ad this woek.
Jjrick for sale ut Morton's yard.
Jr win is showing a full lino of
New Goods. (live him a call.
Mrs. Catheriue Iieisner is
visiting her sous Jacob and
George in this place.
Irwin is showing all tho latest
novelties in Brooches, Gold Kiugs,
Dont Torget to look for tho star
shower that is scheduled for
Thursday night and Friday night
of this velf.
No use to pay more than 10c a
bottle for Pills when you can get
Peerless Pills for that much, and
Just as many.
In pria;i- to give our readers one
day's later news, wo have chan
ged our publication day from
Wednesday to Thursday.
Teachers and all lovers of
Books will find a very large as
sortment at Irwin's. Prices from
10 ceuts up.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shimer
spent a few days this week with
their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs.
Elliott Kay ut Big Cove Tannery.
When you want to buy that
Gold or Silver Watch "Ladies or
Gents," you will find the best
goods at Irwin's. From two
dollars to thirty.
All merchants guarantee Peer
less Uorso & Cattle Powder to
be PURE. The price is 10c for
a full pound pack and you will be
convinced of its superior merits
if you once try it.
Mr. David Montgomery pre
sented us with a beet, Tuesday,
that beats all. It weighs
pounds, and measures 24 inches
in circumference and 8 inches in
diameter. Who can beet it?
If we were to charge you three
times its regular price we could
not make you a better condition
powder for your stock than we
give you in Heckerman's Peer
les Horse & Cattle powder for 10c
a pound pack.
The Wells Valley M. E. church
will be reopened on Sunday, De
cember first. Arrangements are
being made for services on Fri
day and Saturday nights pre
ceding. A definite program will
be annonucod later. All cordial
ly invited.
Arrangements have been made
by the pastors of the McConnells
burg churches for holding a union
service on Thauksgiving day.
The Kov. A. G. Wolf will preach
the sermon, and the service will
bo held in the Lutheran church at
10:30 a. m,
Michael Bard was in town Mon
day, and purchased from Albert
Stouer oneof those Detroit Jewel
linages that he is selling this fall.
WeM, they are beauties much
belter than those the peddlers
sold at 00, and Stoner doesen't
ask much more than half that
money for them.
An Irishman was once engaged
in the intellectual occupation of
eating raw eggs and reading a
newspaper. By some mischance
he contrived to bolt a live chicken.
The poor bird chirruped as it
went clown his throat, and he very
politely observed: "Be the pow
ers, me friend, ye spoke a little
too late. "
Warthin and Harris finished
their cider making season at
Webster Mills last week, having
turned out L'0,000 gallons of the
juice in about a mouth's running.
We suspect Harry Duffy had
something to do in getting the
boys there, for if another one of
Hunter Patterson's cornfields had
gotten in his race, he would have
run his mill with cider.
Contractor N. B. Henry is
building a big bank barn for Dan
iel Gilbert on his farm east of
town. Mr. Henry put his force
of men on it about two weeks ago.
Monday it was "raised." About
sixty men participated and at the
noontime hour, left the barn and
deliberately "razed" a sumptuous
dinner that Mrs. O. B. Dunlap
had prepared. It will bo com
pleted in good time to house the
The Board of Trade of Waynes
boro has issued a neat pamphlet
descriptive of tho industries of
Waynesboro tho busiest little
city in Southern Pennsylvania
and its mauy advantages as a
homo for manufacturers and for
workiugmeu. The little book is
full of statistics and will prove
interesting reading for everyone.
A copy will bo forwarded froo to
any one sending his address to
the Board of Trade, Waynesboro,
George W. Dishong of Ayr
township handed us last Satur
day, an old bible that accidentally
fell into his possession a few
years ago. It was printed in
Philadelphia 98 years ago, and
was at one time the property of
Joseph Hynson Calder and Wm.
A. Calder. Who the Caldcrs are
wo do not know; but the family
record, which has no doubt been
lost to the family, is in a good
state of preservation. We pub
lish a few of the entries :
Jos. II. Calder was born May
18, 177(5.
Eliza Calder was born January
4, 1779.
WTilliam Alexander Calder, son
of Jos. and Eliza Calder was born
December 13, 1803.
James Calder died of a wound
in his shoulder in tho engage
ment between the Iris and the
Trumbull, Captain Nicholson,
September fi, 1781.
Alexander Calder and Mary
Hynson were married August 11,
Just in this connection, we are
led to call attention to the matter
of family records. It is only
wheu we attempt to trace back
our ancestry that we find of what
valuo family records would be,
and how hard it is to get informa
tion from them.
In addition to recording the
name of the child born, the place
of birth, and tho name of the pa
rents should be entered as welL
The entry of a death should al
ways state place, as well as time
of death. It would not require
much time to note the cause of
death, and any other items that
might, in time, become of much
It is the duty of heads of fam
ilies to preserve in some substan
tial form the family history; and
this should be handed down along
the line of posterity. How many
families there are whose ances
try is a blank. We owe it to the
future historian and genealogist
that we keep correctly a record
of tin present and pass it along.
Reliable and Gentle.
"A pill's a pill," says the saw.
But there are pills and pills. You
want a pill which is certain, thor
ough and gentle. Mustn't gripe.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers fill
the bill. Purely vegetable. Do
not force but assist the bowels to
act. Strengthen and invigorate.
Small aud easy to take.
PI ii nt Kun.
Samuel L. Simpson, teacher of
Board Yard school, will have his
first local institute Friday, No
vember 15.
Miss Anna M. Carbaugh is
spending some time with friends
at Big Cove Tannery.
Miss Dessie Hewett, accom
panied by Mr. Alex. Cavendar,
spent last Sunday with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hewett,
Miss Rebecca Hewett left Tues
day to attend the wedding of her
youngest sister, Haddessah, of
Piney Grove, Md.
There was quite a fire on the
mountain near here Monday
Charlie Reed is home from
Huntingdon county.
Our school teacher Blair Truax
and our postmaster JohnC. Seid
ers, were at Hagerstown and
Williamsport Saturday.
Last Sunday morning a good
turnout listened attentively to a
good sermon delivered by Rev. H.
W. Newman, of this place, to the
children, taking for his text,
"Consider the lilies how they
grow," illustrating it with a flow
er. Mr. Newman is an eloquent
speaker and his sermon was cer
tainly appreciated by both young
and old. Ridgeway Advocate.
Li Hung Chang, the illustrious
Chinese statseman, is dead. He
was a crafty man and had to be
watched sharply by his own gov
erment, as well as by all the oth
er powers of tho earth, but he
was so far above all others of the
celestial empire in affairs of state
that his loss at this critical junc
ture in the history of that govern
ment is an extraordinarily serious
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Duffy of
Webster Mills went up to Tobie
Glazier's Tuesday evening to par
ticipate in the wedding anniver
sary festivities. Upon arriving
at Mr. Glazier's Mr. Duffy hitch
ed his hjrse to a post Sometime
later in the evening the horse be
came loose from the post, and
with the now falling top buggy
to which he was hitched, walked
through the wagonshed in which
the wagon ladders were suspend
ed. There was room for the
horse to pass under the ladders,
but when the top came up it was
completely demolished.
Reports of Schools, Local Institutes, and
Such School News as Teachers
May Furnish.
Daniels's school, Licking Crock
township, second month Miss
Margaret Daniels, teacher. Num
ber enrolled, 85: attended every
day Alice Mellott, Georgia Mel
lott, Mollie Hann, Louie Hann,
Frances Daniels, May Caruell,
Ada B. Mellott, Ora Deshong,
Belle Mellott, Daisy Mellott,Ger
trude Mellott, Myrtle Mellott,
Blanche Deshong, Mary Mellott,
George Daniels, Jacob Hann, Ja
cob Deshong, Clyde Hann, and
Vernon Deshong.
Witter's school John Deavor,
teacher Second month. Num
ber enrolled, 41; per cent, of at
tendence, 88; attended every day
Alice Cutchall, Lenoro Hann,
Estella Gracey, Gladys Gracey,
Edua Shaw, Mary Shaw, Ray
mond Gracey, Leon Awkerman,
John Awkerman, Freeman Awk
erman, Harry Awkerman, Ernest
Berkstresser and Floyd Miller.
The first local institute in Bel
fast township was held at Mor
ton's Point Friday evening, No
vember 8. The meeting was
called to order after electing Mr.
William Wink chairman. The
questions for discussion were as
"Chart Class how
kept employed, and how much
should be accomplished tho first
"Little things and their import
ance." "Attention, grading, and class
"Advanced History how
"Can the compulsory school
law be enforced?"
The questions were ably dis
cussed. Teachers present were B. N.
Palmer, Levi P. Morton, Albert
Mellott, Cleveland Fohner, Unger
Mellott, Bessie Morton,.. Cora
Funk, Anna Deshong, Orpah
Snyder and Blanche O. Peck.
Tho discussions were inter
spersed by singing and a number
of well delivered recitations, that
were rendered by the pupils of
the school in such a manner as
to show well the excellent work
that is being done by their teach
er, Levi P. Morton.
Blanche O. Peck,
Modern Surgery Surpassed.
"While suffering from a bad
case of piles I consulted a physi
cian who advised me to try a box
of DeWitt's Writch Hazel Salve,"
says G. F. Carter, Atlanta, Ga.
"I procured a box and was entire
ly cured. DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve is a splendid cure for piles,
giving relief instantly, and 1
heartly recommend it to all suf
ferers. " Surgery is unnecessary
to cure piles. DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve will cure any case.
Cuts, burns, bruises and all oth
er wounds are also quickly cured
by it. Beware of counterfeits.
Sale Register.
Friday, November, 15. Capt
ain Geo. W. Skinner will sell at
his residence at Big Cove Tan
nery, 3 Head of Horses, 83 Head
of Cattle, a lot of Farming Imple
ments, and a lot of good House
hold and Kitchen Furniture. Hav
ing sold his farm, everything will
positively be sold. A number of
his cattle are full bred Poll An
gus and entitled to bo registered.
As the sale will be a very large
one, it will begin at 9 o'clock.
Wednesday, November 20.
Aaron P. Garland.having decided
to quit farming, will sell at his
residence on tho Lewis Bard
farm 1 i miles north of Needmore,
Live Stock.Farming Implements,
&c, &c. Salo to begin at ten
Saturday, November 23. E. II.
Richards, administrator, will sell
on tho premises in Ayr township
the real estate of the late John
Cunningham, deceased.
Great Luck ot an Editor.
"For two years all efforts to
cure Eczema in the palms of my
hands failed," writes Editor H.
N. Lester, of Syracuse, Kan.,
"then I was wholly cured by
Bucklen's Arnica Salve." It's tho
world 'sbest for Eruptions, Cores
and all Bkin diseases. Only 25c
at W. S. Dickson's.
Just as Roosevelt issued his
sent a war fleet after Turkey.
I have now on hand the largest,
best and heapest assortment of
Hand Made Harness
In Pennsylvania, and sell them
cheaper than the cheapest. Har
ness from $8 to $'25 always on
hand. HEM KM II Kit, we make
all our work HY HAND and
guarantee H to be all right.
Fly Nets and Summer Dusters
very cheap and at COST with
F-orm Gears
of all kinds always on hand
ready for use. We give
low prices to our
customers. Whips, Collars,
Haines, L!r Idles, and everything
for the horse.
Write or call for prices before
you buy.
Mercersburg, I'a.
S. E. Cor. Diamond.
Tonsorial Artist.
Strictly up to dnte In all styles of hnlr cut
ting, tjuiuk. eiiMV Nhuvt'N. Btiy-rum, Creftms,
Wltch-hnzi'l. without extrn ohnrec. Fresh
towel lo eiich customer. Lutest Improved np
Furntus for sterilitii tools, l'urloro opposite
puUou House.
Valuable Real Estate.
n.y virtue of an orderof the Orphans' Court of
Kullon county, the uuderxlKued T.-ustee lo sell
the retil estute of Jiunes M. Wlble deceased,
will sell upon the premises 4 mile westof Clear
Klrtxe postoltlee, on the load leadiuido Wuler
fall, ON SATURDAY, NOVKMBEK 80. 1901,
at I p. nit, the following real estate; to wit:
containing Ififc acres more or less, about 76
acres olcureU. mul in kood state of cultivation,
and l'O aces well tluihered with
The Improvements consist of a two-and-a-half-slorv House. Lare nunlt Ham,
Double vyutf.KH.ied, Corn Crib and other nec
essary oulliuililinvs,
of roth apple and pear tree", and a never fall
ins spilu of excellent water pear the door.
TEKMS: Ten per cent, when proter;y Is
knocked down: one third, including the ten per
cent, when sale Is conllrmed, and bulunCe In
two eitial annual payments with iulerests.
J. 1". WHILE.
Mouse and Lot For Sale.
A ft-room frame dwelling, u good stable, car
riage house, coal house. Ice house, too wood
welis. and lot containing nearly an ucre of
ground, situated at Dublin Mills. Kulton county.
Pa. This was formerly the retdeuee of I)r.
Bernhardt, and Is a very desirable property.
This property can be bought right. Terms easy.
Dublin Mills. Pa.
Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned,
resldeuts of Ayr township, to all persons not
to trespass on any of the grounds belonging to
them, hunting, tlshiug. &o , us they will pros
eoule anyone so oiTcuding.
J. 1'. NKLSON,
Administrator's Notice.
Kstutc of A. J. Plttman. deceuscd.
Letters of administration. with will attached.
on the estate of A. .1. Plttman. late of Thoim.-
son tow nship, deceased, having been granted
by the Register of Wilis for Fulton county to
the subscriiier, whose post olhce address Is
Covalt, Fulton county, Penna., all persons
wno are tnucnicu to me hiuu estate will please
make payment and those having claims w ill
present them lo
Oct. 10, 1901. Adn.iaiMi.ito:.
$20 Reward.
There strayed, or was driven luvay,
from my young cattle on Covo mount
ain sometime between July 1, und July
15, a small Jersey cow, dark on neck
and back, short horns dark at points
and turn in of points, small white spot
on right shoulder, and one on right
Hank, and would have been fresh about
the middle of July. A reward of
will be given for the return of the cow,
or for information leading to her re
covery. David A. Nelson,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Shop For Runt.
As 1 have made arrangements
to go to Three Springs, I will
rent my blacksmith shop at Dub
lin Mills. This is a good chance
for a smith. Call on, or write to
II. B. Beugstuesskh,
Nov. 14, 3t. Dublin Mills, Pa,
For a four (4) horse farm, a
good farmer to crop on the shares,
Apply at once to
Calvin Greene,
Oct. 31, 1001 Salti'Jo, Pa.
A Card of Thanks.
We wish to express our heart
felt thanks to the Junior Order of
American Mechanics, of Clear
Kidge, of which Fred was a mem
ber, for their kindness before,
and at the the time of, his death;
also, to our friends and neigh
bors, who aided us in the last sad
hours of his life, for their kind
ness und favors shown to Fred
while in sickness. We, also, wish
to send our sincere thanks to the
sophomore class of the College of
Phy sicians and S u rgeon s, through
S. K. Fraker for their letter of
sympathy and condolence; also,
for the pillow of flowers which
they sent as tokeu of loving re
membrance to their dead class
mate. Mk. aM) Mks. D. W. Cuomeh.
That ThrohbiiiK Headache
Would quickly leave you, if you
used Dr. King's New Lifo Pills.
Thousands of sufferers have prov
ed thoir matchless merit for Sick
and Nervous Headaches. They
make pure blood and build up
your health. Only -25 cents.
Money back If not cured. Sold
by W. S." Dickson, druggist.
' Watchmaker and Jeweler.
One Door Fnst of Pulton llotiso.
Special attention given
to repairing Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry.
Jewelry cleaned free of
charge during Institute
Special redaction all institute
week. We have just received a
lot of patterns from New York,
which we will close out at a
great reduction. Ready-to-wear
Hats reduced $2.00 and
92.75 to 75 cents and f 1.00.
Ostrich Plumes
and all kinds of fancy feathers,
must go next week at a big re
duction. Our 75c ribbons reduc
ed to .Tc, and all over laces re
duced to 30 and 35 cents. Hats
trimmed free of charge by our
city triTtner. Ours is the Bon
Ton Store.
Mrs. A. F. Little,
i The I iisliloiiahlo Milliner.
Will Soon Be Here! i
' How Tat I'd get if I had one."
How about your Blankets and
Hobes? We have the largest and
best assortment in the country,
m:u ut prices 10 suit, every body.
Square Blankets, COc to $5.00.
Stable Blankets
$1.25 to $4.00.
$1.80 to $0.50.
$5.00 to $50.
$4.00 to $6.50.
Buggy Harness,
From Gears,
Double Yankee Harness with
Breeching evervthincr comnlete
25.00 to 35.00 Team and Buggy
c Whips all prices. Collars, i).c
to 2.50. Sole Leather, 30c lb.
Shoe tacks, 4o box.
i We keep tt full line of evervthlnK used
C by u horse owner. All work guurnn-
, toed rlKtat, or money refunded.
Thrco SprlnRs, Pa,
i McConnellsburg, Pa.
I Bakes Every Day.
Delivers Tuesdays, Thurs-
days and Saturdays.
on hand all the time.
In ... .
Good marketable stock
taken in exchange.
JSf'When in ueed of any
thing in our line write
for particulars to ... .
Burnt Cabins, Pa.
Fiust Class
Tonsorial Artist,
A Clean Cup and Towel with eacb Shave.
Kveryllilutf Antlseptlu.
liutora Sterilized.
CShop In room lately oeoupled by Ed Drake.
Attorney at Law,
Office on Square,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
All leva! bunlsexa aud oolleutloua entrusted
will reovlva eureful and prompt attention.
() llJiVUHAlHH.lM.Umj',ilHi'Jl:'UI.H
Last week we called your attention to Duck Coats, Cord I'ants,
Guns and Ammunition. From the way they went ovit, you must have
noticed it. We have this week received another lot of the same goods.
Last year we sold 10 doz. of this cord at $1.80, and by the way we
sold thorn last week, we will sell more this year. Don't delay. Wo
still have some guns left; also, a nice line of ammunition at right
prices. Don't fail to see our Window Shades. We have tho felt
shades on rollers at 8c each. We have the greatest thing yet in Oil
Window Shades, Decorated and Fringed, at 25c each. Stove pipe, 5
in., 13c; 5i in., l:c; 6 in., 14c. Elbows, 10 to 14c. Men's Mackin
toshes, $1.15 to $2.40. Tho best Diotz Tubular Lantern, 45c. Dash
board, same make, (8c.
Underwear ! Underwear !
Children's long sleeve vest, 10 and 13c. Children's union suits, 20 and
23o. Misses' union suits, 23c. Boys' heavy fleece lined shirts and
drawers, 23c each, or 45c suit. Ladies' long sleeve vest, 13 and 18c;
heavier, at 23 and 30c. Drawers to match these garments are extra
heavy. Men's under shirts and drawers, 2.'.'c each, or 45c per suit.
Heavy fleece lined under shirts and drawers - tho kind we sold last
year, and sold 10 do., last weekat 42c each; others at 4S, and 00c
for all wool. The greatest thing on the market in men's top Bhlrts
at 25 and 4.5c. We have a few pairs of full 104 gray I?ed Ulankets
left at 4!c pr; others at "0c pr. Horse Hlaukets, G5, 85 and $1.20 each.
Don't fail to see our over-shoes, arctics, and felt boots this fall.
They are cheaper than ever.
Cross Cut Saws and Axes
We are handling the same cross cut saw as last year. Wo sold
75 last year and did not have a single .complaint. 5 ft., $1.15; 54 ft.,
$1.25 with handles. Two kinds of handlos, 15c pair. We havo axes
at 58, 65, and 85c. Single bit axes, 50c. Lace Curtains and Scrim.
38 in. scrim for curtains, 4o yd. Lace Curtains 32 in. x 2 yds. long,
3!ic pair. 3 yds. x 3fl in., (13c pair. 3 yds. x 45 in., 8.5c pair. 3J yds.
x 50 in, $1.00. Watch this space for bargains.
HULL & BENDER, Managers.
I New Goods !
Right from the East
We are bound
to please you.
c) Come and see.
I Hancock, - - Maryland.
g Finest opening of
ever brought
1 Clothing ! l Ulotlung
hi ' "
We have the largest stock, and we
think, the best made and selected
Ready Made Clothing
in the county, Our Overcoats
both dress and storm are elegant.
A large line of Youths' and Chil
dren's OVERCOATS very cheap.
Men's & Boy's Suits
in great variety. We have the
nicest line of New Style Pantaloons
ever offered, we know.
A. U. Nace & Sons.
1 1
i M
) M
I Pattern Hatsi
i Reduced Rate
We soil Handkerchiefs,
Ladies' and Misses' Dress
Hats.Street Iiats, Children's
Headwear, Veiling, Ribbous,
Silks, Satins, Velvets.Feath-.
era of all kinds, Ornaments,
Leggin8,Combs,Etc. Prices
to suit everybody.- No
trouble to show goods. Corno
and examiuo our prices aud
goods before buyiug else
where. Yours respectfully,
(,.. I
(... )
t., I
k I AA AAA AAA A i A A A A A A A A A A A A a " . '
New Goods !
u i
i -rj.
fi. r
to the town.
) l
4 I
19 !
h i.
I '
f M
i ;
. t !
When You Come )
To Chambcrsburg j
Walk or drive around on
Queen street and see if we
don't have the HKST AS
of every description you
have ever seen around
thane parts. A largo va
riety of 3-fold Burouug
(illed, complete at $1.25 to
$.',.(K). Hound Kml China
Closets J15.00 to ."0.0().
Our Special
Colonial Jtnuker, Muhojf
any or Oak Finish ut 2 is
a rare huryuln. We make
to order ulinost anything
, you may require. And
wo pay tho freight on 10
H Slerer & Co
on Queeu St.,
, Chamberbburg.
I 'WW-