The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, July 04, 1901, Image 4

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1 .
I'ubiished L'vory Thursday.
H. W. Plck, Editor.
Al c CO N N liLL.S B U RG , PA.
I'j-iUKsrjAY, July 4. 1901.
! Ilnii'ts and Gin M.ik? the Bsst Co-
mcnt For a Clnf! Frrcturc
Trckrii ghi-, i lii.iii,
iind .pit tore frauds not to liiiin.'
! easts, rot pi ire cat h .i di if. rent et
i mcnt in Tact, several different
iv.enl. Glass may Ik? Ik autifully
I mended to lfi'; ut it, but. seldom so
! ns (o bo 5.-1 ft-1v ti: e l. 1'or c!";ir gliir
- - ..-. i the best cement i isingjas-i dissolved
!Vlishod Weeklv. $1.00 peri 1" lwo,""m','s ?f i:ii,nKl1
nm.m in ! lnto ,l elean, wide mouthed bottle,
Annum mi iu.vaiko. . . , , .
mid half a pint of gm n t I pet in the
j tan until r1blv1. Sliuku well ev
I cry day, and before u-ing strain
i through double hi wn, scnoe.inr' vor
lvr ; Spread n while doth over tin;
'1 I ",','",', j ", '. '. mending table imd uupply it with
i'x-iuj vi cicau linen nil:, strong
rubber bands and narrow v bite tape,
nl-o a ha-dti of tepid water and a
elf.'ltl Snft 1 mri 1 V.'.ljl lit.,
';C3 WAS uMADASHED. i ,r;.,,s V(,vv ,,.,;. ,...,,,!,,. lil(iR
i . r 'It--'- :t
iii'tW 1 ii'-rrl !otl .
'--U-il for Ivms th:
) for l cs t mi n l.
. : ! s one . i r--
l.u; he .'
ciirr:. r 1 ke
pen d that i
of t'e mo
Sli'll;"'' ' i'
f r W..'-! ic
n e'-. -f ;.
i.ia-'ci- :
i. ! ii. .
v.n-K;-r i-r.
i i
of Ala-
!io break, l.jii l.ilrv enn- w. t ebin
!;..! ,ii..n of l.rin;; j jt v'et both broken edi-
. , 'K,..r tliaii i xv' '' with tli" u.-l;:.: a eaiiii'lV
: ;..n i-i tlio Foutb, I bair encil. 1'it tlie bit -ik to a itiec
i. if in a very close 1 ty, then slip on rnbbt r
It " bap- ! wbe ami crosswise evorv way tlsev
! !!oi-:i'i living in one j viU i,,i. f tiu,y H)i,'i
i ' ':,:1T,n,it '",ni1 in true, as upon a stVmmed thin", n
- f ;:( on thn Irani j v.1(, or or , , ,.( ,,,,,
on,' '"e """-"'" to I ,!)lf (W-n i..,,.,,, ,,f v, ,.,,.)0 ri.
ri i.o.nMiunt as st- I . lul stre!.'-th rr-n a bit of lane and bad prom- th(, (n;, , ,,,.
;.!s n:. a-tin; bo found , fnre 1(!rii1)li!t. ,, ,f,r
!P..M:t citizen of that . j . . . , ., ,. ..
, tin: i u1 "' ii'. - .1 ii I
1 a. " a J .ov.- l .i- .: r. . '.. . '. .'
1,. ret. iey 1.1 t rav-le-l f.O miles j(. rlmv(, 1t, f ...... v
''' : .it li.tii.u-ei!. iiml,,;,!, M' ,i. i t.
i i till I it'll rit' '.tli, I 1 ' 1 . 1 1 1 ' 1
I MYSTERY Of 17,000 CAM'S.
"We bud a palvae Palo of pro-eerie-,
n few week !i.o," Raid one of
' tlio l:;irr t niiciiniM cr in Cinein
nnti, ".-.ii 1 imionc the things oiI'e, d
! were K, ''):) t ans of'ted vege
tables. I'niils and pn irve;. 'Che
labels on the cans had been .desl roy-
j d. and tin re was no way of telling
j what eaeli contained. The. t onttnts
Were puarar.tecd to be ail ril,t, bat
il s.'emei like u pretty liop;de.- col
lect i. ill to I ell.
"To my surprise, one limn bid off
Ihe entire lot. 1 wondered what be
t xpet ted to th) with it, and n week
r.i'.i he came in to show me what ho
bad done, lie bail revarnished nil
the can ; and put on new labels, with
the following inseription:
"1 .ml n rnn of unirWliinir from!,
I'.l t. 11 my mint" If I 'nit nnilil,
r 1 w;ih fitnk upon a liont
Ati-1 lt.t piy name nml firstly coat,
Tut n"l I'm "i'tui'1 anil very pwet,
l"i C m I f..r kiiiirs and qiift-na to eat,
''The purchaser told me that be
had mid nearly nil of his cans nt n
f."od proiit and the very uncertainty
about tl." contents was n temptation
to wiinn n to buy. lie is a younp
ii';! n on the lookout for nn oppor
tunity to make a fortune, and I
think thai. 1 mil safe in prophesying
that he will Fueeeeil."
i-e.l the posh,
. i
e t . '. e i'f I , to tlitir indi::mi-
t l.d'll i-i.,i l.oi'Ti.l n'n t'
, eai In' use.! t uv i": ,.j-;
i rand. Slallins bad prom- t . . . . , ,
to liot ii of t hem ; , ,1, ,.,
. . . . . J 1 1. 1 1 , . , i : . . i . i i . '
i!-:r.ncr tie !,'-t eampai : and had , ,.,,,
told th. m tn eoine to Vn?hin ton V ','
. i. .... i.. i . r. . ji t f .1 . imi ,r. f- s ' or v , u
mi.'ili. in ni' i' 'iii- lei'm tii. i ii t; j i r. s-
l M ' : t r- . e-i the .-tner.
br..ak s', v.ld 1 , h ird'v vi dble if
jTfS.-T--: ' ' .' ' r. :t eroni'h
1o f.ireeo:-: t b- thv '.!.:..-. which
r. T!:e bands
"V china
her ar.vtlr'n;;
!..-::.' ii' 'he
the b H' r. if
r. akin1.-
n.iruv nt iiife i i,e Term oi. tiiopres- ' t i. ' , ,
nt imaimkeiit expired. At first thev '""',t- r"- !'r;-v r':' ' .f"1
1 ... te'MI'IIT 1, ( !': . v.- ,t,-r 'A hen
. in. i . . ' t ii i a i -ii e :v l.i Ml le, ,i
lut aft. r distuir..' the subject J J
ii-'ii!.: thev con.-tei'ed that they j'
would eo on to W'avhin'jlon and .
eo!. front Stalli,-s with his tlnplic- ' ' ' ' : ' ' ' Vs' 'V ,'' ' ,
'r'n i ii . i , ., t he line of e'ea v:; e d . - T i" "1 v r."-
. I liey arrived all riplit and the . ,, ,. 1 "
next morniii'j calletl iipi-n their eon- I''lr'-'"- .
frrc-sman al: bis hotel, lie received Houcehold Linen.
than cordk .by, v.ns rot n bit l'.us- llv h,,.;,,.), ,,! !;,.., ,,r (i,e Vt
frated, i.t. I vhen each in turn re- nualitv and ce-. lion--, ki e-; :! '
xr.imKd h'l.i of his jTomiso to make v,ith a .-,.-M! fh iv ,, ,,..rt ,,
bi n postmaster Siallinprs clajiped f arni-diiii:-s' of a home me-'k- t i e r-
b;s b.:v I u; on h., knee, roared villi pm.,(,I;t f ;l w.....:, ,-.':.,r.., ;er u-
hv.'i h-er and ;,:,!, '"Iovs, 1 reckon ,M. th, ,...;,.. nl A.V iM;.,, :;..
one ..f v.ns must bckin-, and I The ben limn is the cm i e,o-
wish you d tc-a me which it is." omica). .fr. tho.;-!i its c-t at hr-t
C.ieao Chrome, o. is f !) r;,.;,, ,.v ..... u ,1li(l
Beating the Slot Machines.
The slot machine seemed proan
inp with a wealth of nickels when
the collector came to the cipar Ftoro
to open it. As he turned out the
coins a bystander remarked, "See all
the money!''
"Not on your life!" replied the
collector. "The panic isn't what it
used to be. Xearly half of these
are no pood. Sec!" And be deftly
separated the coins into three piles.
One, and not much the larger, rep-l'e.-fiited
the fpiota of bona fide
nickels. Another was composed of
coins recently issued by a depart
ment store as a souvenir of an anni
versrry. The third pile was simply
a bd of lead disks cut exactly in the
a live cent piece.
"That's the work of the printers,"
explained the collector. "They have
faeiliiits for making these things
tint 'if waste metal from the type
setting machines, and they beat
every s-lot game in town. So, you
see, our business isn't what it is
t racked up to be." Philadelphia
j; cord.
LoRinn an Arm In Rtl. " " 111 '"' " ! .pea ranee
Some oi.o. eAod Captain Lucius r 'v i " t
I). CnUhUr. ..f Mi-ouri the other bnen sl.oaid receive tne b,-st -f
dav how it. felt to have an ann sho" .V7,!;iT V-'V 'l;!U;
oft. (.lar.uiu Creijiton served diir- nsk ls 'l';"1"'1 -r-n has 1,1
in- the war be' ween the states in a fP" ' 6llort ru,-!K , in
Coriedei;.'.. r-.-Iment, and bis left Mli"? "'''.tabie in part lor
fleevo l,.r.. cmptv at !..- side. hl tL? i"
"It do, i;'t feel' at all," the Con- ti::u' rluniiir a m.v.. a:., I ,,t
federate v.-teran an-.vered. "It i- 'liyM''-r.!ly when the tab!.. ,s eie.-r-
ehiefly in the lack of feelin- that j-" IS. as l".'11' :ls, ,,hr l "'' ,1,c
vom keri.v ve-i'leiv.. l.een I 1-nm.lry. v i 'get a ule, u 1 1 . e ,. d fruit
Human Nature.
".My recreation is studying human
n. dure," said t ho busy market man
as he superintended the arrange
ment of his immense stock of fresh
vegetables in the early morning.
"This asparagus," be explained, "is
all out of the same garden, cut the
same day, shipped the same day and
delivered the same day. It cost me
IS ton's, a bunch. 1 am leaving
l'OD bunches in the store and set
ting r,t)0 o; t on the sidewalk. That
insiiie I will charge 25 cents for,
while what is outside will po for '.'0
cents. The 1,000 bunches nt 25 will
be all sold before '00 of the other at
'M. That's human nature." New
York Tress.
lay arm r.t (lettys-burp, and when th
stains should be remo e l as so i
bullet -t:-: J: me I couldn't imagine nJt"r "j? i,re ,M:"1" lls ,;-"b!e with
at ?,vt what !.;,! hi
1. The
warm t hlorine water and tha n rin -e !
slight tickling sensation, which soon Almo,t ev, ry M.r: of
gave wav tof iitmhms. In a few Fta:n !"m ' r';"10V''1 ;! t'":!!l,
mir.r.t,-."mv arm s.-eir.-l to be nr F'-perly and nt the time it is made,
enormous vei:;;t hanging to mv ""pman m Amciieaii
should, r, b it ii was not until after (u'',,n-
Ike ion had been made that Summer Luncheons.
1 : - . T";'- r"1"" J!:r: ":i'r With the broiled s
- " :'.? nn ann are not a.!v which is x
' ' -., -ii.'.. . oti sort ol com
i.-eniid I would much
.;'.! Miag me."
01 V ,-t.
Ttchin-j the lrd:ans Politer.csi:
A ' r iii an Ii,
nnng elin lien,
est no- iblc meat 1' or
1 CO.i.e R p,,,s,n.t.r Jiaieheoti, have fre-di
ir a-, .-'it- ;,, i;,,t.. . . ,. .'
or of iu!T p:i:-te and small new pota- i
toes, with a rich en-am over them.
The sherbet is made after a new
fashion. The juice of I kree. -lemons
Mr. W.'s Trouble.
-Ditl you hoar about Watson's
No; what was it?
Why, they looked eo ugly
all the neighbors signed a peti
nskimr Watson, as a matter of
ic policy, to shavo them ofr.
Well, did he do it?
. Ye. be did.
Well, what then?
. Why, the very next day the
hbors signed a petition asking
son, as a matter of public pol
to let them grow again. Tit-
is mil 011 It'.') CUt S Ol "I no: .!!..
I school in Ml";ir lint th,. v.lml,. (I ,.1,1,
' " '" 1 '''' : beaten, after ubicli a ouart of milk
i; tr w!"'-.7- - isi.euredcvera'l, ml.,,,! and from n.
h:v-''- tl-r'l!l This may he .-, :..,! either in tall
' '! ' f'.A,;- or ill lutle baskets en
' ' . -" "-I'e "P the skins of h. iif;:..-! and ti,,
' ' c: y , (an ribbon., to match the l!..v.vrs.
'j. :; V..O. in; v.on as it T1)u tw;.1I1:t.r
' e-l till- flinw ,...i
1 . ': "
Ike p..
lad i mo.l deli-
Clous in.-ii e ti f i i: :' . -.. i . ' V
-''", ' '" !, 1 r"!;'iV Cakl'oiiiia ,-berries nr.! ieh, !..!.
' " ' ' ' ' '' Moiled and laid in Fri-:..-!i .Ire -ii.
' 'l ' ::, " k" " 1 for half an hour. Tl,.-. are lk,
r:;! 1 ' ' :" "il vhi: ii ha-, I....;, sonoike.l
" 1 ' J - 1 ': l ' : viC, tl,,. .;:,:,,. ,1, .,,,,1 r
tlo: o. : I !. ; ! ;., .1,, ,t. .... A
i f : - i .... I r. i.e t.i. to
l:c i.:. i. ! i . ...,!.-:r.:i -.vnv , i; I, -V.l ...
io, in :,':.. :h- :.-!, v,. k. :, e,t
d' tk lie- v-U 1 ,iV ike
i It. I II, e m:i..i. ill
' '' choii, d jiardey i s..
tlie v, nole. j l.ii-pt i ,
I e.v
ie, i r
J..t f I :.::..;! t.eiol.,.1 e;
I :: id, v: i. I ,.
rv. - i. t:
M:.:i t" i : !'.i -', i.
mm r,r li.c v.oiii.iii lo i ,,,..-, c.rrv
iiv: .-vcrvibi:-.' i.k, ' " V,'a.-hingt.,n
Tea Cozy Ft . Sa-nmor Koir-e.
1 ; l'or : l.e sun ( Jiome is
T-I'll tier for l';., I, ., ,.,,,-,- I'm, u-.j,.
" :'- '' Ii:.- n, iiiii.-h aoiei: :' n . , :.d i f va- '
i.: l-,U. .or tne ri e! V j tl tlij, 01' i ' io ' I . k'h.: lo-c. ;imv- '.
rri..:.' he- in r.if,. ...... !,.i,, ,,.n .. ..; ,i ...
sl,:. ti. roil., .ice..r-'.r; a, 1 - 1 1 : j t i . t i - 1
i.o'y 'if 'lit: i.e. 'hi, mbroiib-rc.l on
ei.e :id,.,.wi;h the inoiiogrrtm on the
: other, is a favorite mode, savs tl
l'i l'3y ivii'Am to Ike U Shore via turn-: f,!"er'v13 ,a , ritu ' tl'"
I-;'; !') V.tkkj K. Ii. : "nv ' "1',1'!,!". I'-ii.ty ilrawn
. ' ' , or !.i. a ork or Lice rtioiK mav
Ti o C '!. ri.-Md Valley K-.ii- : b". 1 " 'jm' to '' "i-'.-'fe.
,. ; i , , trian '.a- or! ' ,o, I
J'o e.l 1.: ; !::;, ,- I 0:1 1 huiVu.iVs, ;,,-.
' ' Hi.l' I -, I . Win, II 1 lie I110!,, o ;ui, !,;; ',
Jinn- :;,'t.,,.J J,; .k:,ii, 1 ;l,,Auo--j he wo, )....!. , h.-I,etiHhe,l or lace
U.t 1st. ir.tli t.tul -'.'111, lllul .-?i'p- frill l.aiy be li.-ed on the ede. II , n
t "liber l;'tl, (-,,,. tl,,.,. Xikhi;, 1 itoti hut- ci.m ih made by their omii-Md-SjMim
.r excilfsinns t. tli- i VV urc' .'lV0'"jt';'1- 'i'ltes,- are u,c.l
i- i . ,i i, , i over cozies of delicate colored sut-
rv-u sluito, tin! tiiiuj allowed on
thost; excursions bcinp .sixteen
'Kx'cursion tickets to Atlantic i Money.
City, Cup,. May, tuid other South , "'.IT!' vT
Jersey r.mb will he sold fro,,, I '.l 'i','. , 1 ' 11.,
all hv0m,uh on tin. Cniiiberkiml ! . ' ':1 'nhes n 1 the
V..1I..V l; ).' ....... I. ,... I. ....... r.... pa-M-.-. u.roug!, us
Caucjh Napping by Paderewskl.
A lady visiting I'adcrewski's villa
ii.i I'aris recently noticed a cherry
stone on the mantelpiece. She took
possession of it, and had it set in
pearls and diamonds as a relic of the
master. A few weeks later 1'ade
rewki met this lady, who, in the
cour-o of conversation, showed him
the cherry stone with its elegant set
tin?, "hut, madam," Baid I'ade-rew.-ki,
stroking bis locks, "1 never
cat cherries. The one you found on
my mantelpiece must have been left
by my servant." Ledger Monthly.
Wise Speculation.
A Howard man has been trying' a
novel experiment during the last
year. lie watched the stock mar
kets and made supposititious invest
ments, of which he kept a careful
truck. At the end of the year he
found that if his speculations had
been real he would have been out of
pocket just .$300,000. It is a fine
ill nitration of the fate which lies in
wait for the amateur on the slock
tnarkct. Kansas City Journal.
True to His Word.
"You know you said hi fore elec
tion that you were a friend who
would divide bis last dollar with
"That's-, right," said Senator Sore-hum
blandly; "that's right, l'.ut
it's going to he a good many years
before 1 ge,. down to my last dollar."
Washington Star.
TYss When I met May today, 1
bad my new gown on. Naturally 1
expected her to say something about
it, but the pretended not to notice
train No. 4 leaving' Morcersbur
ntH.oOa. in. ut)C..i id for tbo round
triivunl will bu tfood to return on
nny regular train (except the
1'eiuui Limited) within si.xt. -on
ibiyn, including date of issue. For
full information call on Inni
Ticket Ag'ents.
V . . 1 . .e, . ' , i
""i. i iii! notes ana coma are
placed in a sulvanized iron oven lin- i
ed with hshestus und heated by !
means oi a j.unsen burner. A ther
mometer is provided to show the in
terior temperature at all times. Tbo
oven is heated to 300 degrees when
in .m.
uss Yes; she's un awfully ten
heurled girl. Philadelphia
, 1.
i ress.
The Fruits of Perilous Effort.
"Do these north pole explorers
ever iiecomplinh anything?"
"Oh, yes; they often come back
and start put ti;ain." Detroit Free
The rural ok arc the country po
lice of Mexico, and their like does
not exist in any other country.
Their organization was a stroke of
diplomacy on the part of President
Diaz. It was in the pcventies, when
Ihe country bad been infested for
years with banditti, that he otTered
amnesty to all these highway roh
1 ers who woud enlist in his sendee,
and guaranteed them n salary larger
thnn that received by cavalrymen in
any other part of the world. They
knew every nook and corner of the
country, were fearless and expert in
horsemanship and the use of fire
arms. The president wisely discerned
that such qualities could be of pecul
iar value to him if rightly directed.
The bait tempted them, for it was
more reliable than their precarious
way of paining a livelihood, and of
fered honor instead of the constant
danger of imprisonment and death
that had been their portion. They
accepted the proposition unanimous
ly, nnd have served the administra
tion so zealously and elliciently that
brigandage" throughout Mexico is
almost, entirely a thing of the past,
and crime in general is much less !
frequent than before. Overland
The New Mint.
"There is no danger that any one
will carry away Uncle Sam's money
stored in the new Philadelphia
mint," says J. K. Taylor, the super
vising architect of the structure.
"The vaults are built on the soli
rock underlying the city. Fortu
nately it catne to the surface here
nnd extends under the building and
clear across the street. 'Wo found
early in our work that there would
never be any danger of tunneling,
ns the rock is so full of springs that
the smallest opening is immediately
Hooded. 'The would be tunm ler
would he drowned.
"The vaults are built, of solid
steel, the gold vault being seven
inches in thickness, while the silver
vaults are an inch thick. It is not
liccessary to take so great precau
tions with the silver, as it is so
bulky and heavy it could never be
carried away except with drays.
Even now there are big ingots of
silver" lying about the hallway just
covered with tarpaulins. Hut we
have no fear of its being stolen."
Wanted Nate to Galute Hit
First Advance Agent.
It was raining eats ami dogs when
SaUbury nnd Major Ihirke of the
Ibiiralo'r.ill Wild Wes; agoregation
left the transport at I'.aici hitia, and
the latter, when half way down tho
gangplank, removed his hat, says
the New York Press. "Put oti your
hat, I.urke. Your head, is getting
wet," urged the manager, "book
i !
WITH twenty five yeur.x' experience pur
chasing goods in the East, 1 bavo never
liought a lot of 'goods with which I n m so
well pleased ns those for tliisspring,'.strade.
I inn prepared to offer you goods both in
quality n ud ijuatilily that eanuot bo sur
passed, and at pi i jos that w ill astonish you
for their cheapness.
why, iik's lines vocit advam i: Atuixr
Foil I'tll lt HI NDIIIIIJ VHUS."
there," said the major. "Where? I
don't see anything." "There, there,
man!" " don't see anything but
rain. Put your hat on.'" "What,
keep my hat on in the presence of
that ?"' "lint you're getting soaked,
man. Don't stand there like a fool.
Put your hat on." "Never! No'
while in that noble presence!"
"Now, John, Mm're going crazy!"
"Hut, man. don't yon sec it? Can't
you recognize it ?" "The only thing
I see is a statue of Columbus. What
of it?" ".Mv dear follow.
b'tir boys H to o years of age, wo have
those beautiful Vestee Suits; from 5 to 15,
two-piece suits; and for men, suits all sizes
and prices. We have only space to men
tion Mack Diagonal cottim-worsted suits,
nice and Men's and Boys'
Overalls, cotton pants and jumpers; also, a
tine line of Madras and Silk-front Dress
Shirts ot 48 cents.
ask 'what of it '
ow, can you j X
y, he's been j ?
your itdvanee agent for -100 years!
Yanko Island.
That there should be room for
discovery of an island in the sea of
Japan nt this time of day seems
hardly credible. It would almost
be as much expected to make a dis
covery of tho kind in the Caribbean
sea. Yet, according to the Xichi
Niehi, a Japanese paper regarded as
reliable, it appears that an island
was discovered at a point between
Ul-long-do, island of Korea, and the
Oki archipelago, about 30 miles oT.
No maps heretofore have the
island referred to. It is described
ns two miles long nnd about the
Fame in width. Trees und grass are
there, nnd it contains many inlets,
affording good anchorage. The
island was discovered by a fisherman
about a year ago, ho finding the
waters about it fairly alive with sen
horses. The new island is called
Yanko by the iishermen of Japan
and Korea. Montreal Star.
A Piscatorial Pun.
It is delightful to be able totpuote
what is perhaps a new fish story
from the New York Times Saturday
Ueview. It is one which Mr. Frank
Stockton tried on "John Paul."
A gentleman asked a question of
a boy who was fishing. The boy
mumbled an indistinct response.
"Why can't you speak plainer?"
said tho gentleman. "What have
you in your mouth ?"
"Wums, wums, for bait," nnswer
cd tbo boy.
"That was the first instance J ever
knew," remarked Mr. Stockton in
telling the story, "of anybody's real
ly speaking with baited breath."
Coeducational Matrimony In Russia.
In Kussia if a girl desires to study
fit either of the universities etiqoctte
requires that she should be married.
Accordingly she goes through the
civil form of marriage with one of
the men students, whom she may
never have seen before and perhaps
may never speak to again. These
marriages are perfectly legal, and if
the contracting parties like each
uthcr they are united for life, but
otherwise the marriage is dissolved
when their university course is fin
ished and both nre free to marry
ngain. London Globe.
Butler's Clincher.
"I think General Putler was the
best posted man on all questions be
fore congress I ever saw," said nn
. ex-congressman to the New York
i Sun. "Now and then some coli
I pressman inferior to him in brains
; and information got the advantage
j of hint, hut he more often came oil'
i victorious in that arena, lie atfd
Sain Cox once got into one of those
long running debates on the lloor of
( congress, each often putting ques
' tions to the other in the most perti
I nent and brilliant way. " It wa?
j Damascus blade against Damascus
: blade. At last Cox put some wor
' wing question to him, leaving his
: seat to do so, with a gleam in his eve
as if saying, 'Now, old fellow, I've
got you where you must confess or
surrender.' liutler, being tired of
the badgering, turned on him as a
lion does on its prey and said, 'Shoo
il', don't hodder me.' From the very
manner in which it was said anil
coming upon the house so unexpect
edly the house burst into one pro
longed laugh, liight there and then,
as Uncle Kemus says, Cox lost his
money bag, and he wilted lis if nn
ice shower bath had fallen suddenly
on his little person, liutler walked
over and congratulated him upon
his defeat, lloth had a good laugh
over it, nnd both retired nt once, n.
if hunting some phi a that Mrs, Na
tion would smiloh with a hatchet."
We have all the latest things in Wool and
Fur till colors. Straw Hats for Men and
Hoys Dross and everyday. Children's
Fancy Skull Caps at ." cents each.
Men's good I Suckled Crecdinoru for $1.00.
Buckled Oreedmoiv--Tnp sole .and Iron
heel for si. 10. Men's Fine Shoes in Kidgo,
lone Calf, Tan and Patent Leather. Ladies'
K id so und New Style 1 'a tent Leather for
1.50. Children's Shoos from 15 cents, up.
Fishing Teiclle
The Trout season is now here, and we
have split bamboo rods, single and multi
plying reels, cotton, sea grass, and oiled
silk lines, plain and snooted hooks anil
il-foot leaders.
J. K. Johnston,
McConnellsbuni, Fo.
-Manufacturer of
-fV -rt. J"V Y M
' 1
g Sash, Doors, Newel Posts, Hand
g Rails, Stairs, Banisters, turned
Porch Columns, Posts, &c.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Jacob 1 huiiion, aged 1 years,
living on the Levi 1 Sear farm, west
of Hagerstown, plowed an Fiacre
field and then planted it in corn,
lb) says he cau do as much work
as a young man.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you cat.
It artificially digest the food and aids
Katura la 8trent(tb?Qiiig and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gan. It lathe latest dlscovereddlgest
aut and tonic. Ho other preparation
can approach it in ettleleucy. It In
Bt.autly relieves and permanently cures
Iyspepsla, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flululenee, Hour Stomach, Nausea,
biclc Headache, Gast ralgla.Crampsand
all olher results of tin perfect digestion.
PrlccSOc. and II. Lnrira ilt contains Sty time
luinllaua. book allabouldyipvpauuialftttKrea
Prepared by t. C- OaWITT CO, Cblcaga.
Trout' drug Hluro.
Mark Twain's Discount.
A good story i.s told of Hark
Twain and a bookseller's clerk.
Twain was formerly a partner in a
publishing firm, and one day he went
into a bookstore, aiid, lucking up a
book, he asked the clerk the price of
it. He then said that as a publisher
he wan entitled to 50 per cent dis
count. The clerk told him that wai
all right, and then Twain Haiti:
"Ami as I am abo an author I an;
entitled lo 50 per cent discount for
that reason, am I not '("
To this ahso the clerk assented.
"Then I cm a persona! friend ol
u... ,..,.i i ., I.---,
..... ii,iii i... n. nun i il--lllliu OU I " i.
iii anew me mu usua, z. per cent
discount on that st ore."
Again the clerk bowed absent.
"Fnder those conditions 1 think
I will take (ho book," haid the hu
morist. "How much r"
The clerk did some figuring with
his pencil und then said, without al
lowing a smile to intrude upon tin
solemnity of the occasion :
"As J figure it wo owe! you the
book and ;!7 l-'i cents in "money.
We shall he gl.ul to have ou call
Doors 2 : 8 x 6 : 8; 2 : 6 x 6 : 6;'l and three-eijjhth
inches in thickness.
Sash 12 x 20; 12 x 24; 12 x 28; 12 x 30; 12 x 32;
12 x 34; 12 x 36 inch and a quarter thick always
on hand.
Sash four lights to window from 45 cents to 70.
These sash are all primed and ready for the glass.
Both the doors and the sash are made from best white
and yellow pines.
oooooooocoo cocoooococ?
1 1
n Tour to the Pacific Coast
i ..i
lveturuing: via Canadian' NoimnvKsT
July 8 to August 6
Philosophical Mr..Jamej.
Henry Jim .- w:u once praisinu
the work of a fellow author. "You
arc very kind lo him," mid some .ne
pre.-ent, "for he ,-avs very ueplci..
ant things about your work." '"AY"
said Mr. James, "but, then, loth i
us may be wrong."
Summer 'lour to the Pacific t:oiiht
Ou account of thti Kpworth
League Convention at San Fran
cisco, the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will run a personally
conducted tour by special train
to the I'acifio Coast and North
west Canada. Tour will leave.
July ft, und return August (i.
Round tr'p rate only ls,r.0.
Address Ceo. W. Hoyd, Assist
ant (leneral Passenger Agent,
Philadelphia, for itinerary.
Special 1'ulliiinii Train. Kate. Iiicliitl lni
Double I'uHimiii l'.ii-tli, ami Meals,., .
li'ausioitiit ion,
00 I
For further information apply to Ticket Agents, Pennsylva
nia Railroad, or Address Ceo. X. Hoyd, Asst. (let).
Pass. Agent, Philadelphia.
J. Ii. Ill'l'i titso.N, (Jen. -Man. J. Ii. Wu m, lien. Puss. Ajfcnt
t. .0
I '1
t, l
I .-.)
e u
L .1
t .1
fan-Anierican Exposition Now Open.
The Cumberland Valley" Rail,
road Company has npw on Kale
regular tiuniinor ICxcursion tick
ets to Huffido on account of Pan
American Imposition and to Ni
agara Falls. Th! rate from Mercers-burg
is 18.00. In addition
special excursion tickets to Buf
falo, gooil to return within ten
days from date of issue, will ho
For the accommodation of vis
itors to tho KxiMisition tlie Penn
sylvania Railroad Ooinpahy litis
put on two new trains in each Ol
ivet inn, between Harrisbnrg hihI"
Buffubi, with which Citinherhuiil
Valley trains make close connec
tion at Harrisbnrg. Nos. l and ID
reaching Buffalo at. MO P. M.
anil "..".") A. M. resjieclively. Re-
; turnlii" leave Buffalo al 8.00 P,
M. and H.ilO -A. M. counc-ctiti'
sold every day until October 81st,
at, rate of, from Mercers- j with trains 1 and U respiittively