L. i i "' i. . , i.. .. mOj 1 """ " 1 1,1 1 111 ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' COMMLkCIAL review. All manner of extravagant expressions are possible when a woman's nerves are overwrought. The spasm at the top of the wind pipe or bronchial tubes, "ball rising in the throat," violent beating of the heart, laughing and crying by turns, muscular spasms (throwing the arms about), frightened by the most insignificant occur rencesare all symptoms of a hysterical condition and se rious derangement of the female organs. Any female complaint may produce hysterics, which must be regarded as a symptom only. The cause, however, yields quickly to Lyrtia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, which acts at once upon the organ afflicted and the nerve centers, dispelling effectually all those distressing symptoms. Mrs. Lewis Says: I Feci Like a New Person, Physically and rientally." , " Deab Mrs. Pinkham : I wish to speak a ood word for Lydln E. Pi nkli urn's Vegetable Compound. For years I had ovarian trouble and buffered everything from, norvouinor.3, eevnre headache, and pain in back and abdomeu. I had consulted different physicians, but decidid to try your medicine, and I soon found it was giving me much relief. I con tinued itsureand now am fooling like a new person, physically and mentally, and am J?lad to add one more testimonial to the value of vour remedj." Mas. M. II. Lewis, 2108 Valentine Ave., 'x'rumont, New York, N. Y. j Writing to Mrs. Pinkham is tho quickest and surest yay to get the right advice about all female troubles. Her acl dress is Lynn, Mass. She advises women free. Folio-fling is an instance : Mrs. Haven's First Letter to Mrs. Pinkham. -' " Dear Mrs. Pinkham : I would liko your advice in regard 'to my troubles. I suffer every month at time of menstruation, and flow so much and for so long that I become very weak, also get very dizzy. I am troubled with a discharge before and after" menses, have pains in ov;iries so bad somo times that I can hardly get around have eore feeling in lower part of bowels, pain in back, bearing-down foeling, a desire to pass rrir.o frequently, with, pains in passing it; have Ieueorrhoea, headache, fainting spells, anu some times have hysteria. My blood is not in good condition. Hoping to hear from you. Iam," Mrs. Emma Haven, 2308 South Ave., Council feluffa, Iowa. (June 8, 1888.) Mrs. Haven's Second Letter. " Deab Mrs. Pinkuam : I wish to express my gratitude for what your medicine has done for me. I suffored for four years with womb trouble. Every month I flowed very badly. I got so bad that I could hardly do my work. Was obliged to sit or lie down the most of the time. I dootired for a long time, but obtained no relief I began using your romediesLvdia 13. l'inkhn ill's Vegetable Compound, Blood Purifier, Sanative Wash and Liver Pills ana now feel like a new womam." Alas. Emma Uavek 2308 South Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa. (Feb. 1, 1900.) . , .. ' senmn r Owing to tlie (art that some skeptical people have from time to time questioned the genuineness cl the testimonial lettera j .. . ... ,, , re constantly puwisiimr;, we have deposited with the National City IJank. of Lynn, Mass., $5,000, which will be paid to any person who will show that the above testimonials are not genuine, or were published before obtaining the wi..crs speri.il permission. Lydia. E. Pinkham Medilin Co. Two hundred bushels of po tatoes remove eighty pounds of "actual Potash from the ttVTV soil. Unless this quantity is returned to the soil, the tallowing 1 .. .... ... iieiiev only halt you hear, says the proverb; but when a woman tells you her age. the chances are you will hear only half what you believe. crop materially decrease. "'"'sSrtJSi W hav bc,: telling about 'jyW, composition, uso and value of (rfrw,)C?'',-'V fertilizers for various crops. rPcv-?. "ty km &M;-S) GERMAN KALI WORKS. Jrjri;tAa. 93 Nassau St., New York. DYSPEPSIA yield to nature's medicine, V ill' "t'.'f DTspepsIa and all itnmach, - ljl"d bowel dlsordera. An un rivalled auerlunl and Inxallvei InvlKiiraUia K?.!nn.,S. wh"l Wrtem. A natural Vi!?9 Llt"l",?t medkiual value, eou-ceiitratedlomknitaaaiu- mnA . : r "iir to tKttla, bottle u equul'to 2ffalloui , . v""""ou water. wlier.. -br.b Vp,". tr'XTS2 ""WHAHB WATER CO., Leulnllle. K,. 'liiirti no exnuvieni'O to live witlt Tdt-.-t 1'ikj,kh I)vr. bimiily 'boiling vonr roo.Ih n (be dvo in all ibat it, iieocmaiy. Sold by ull druggist. In twenty je,-g, t a email lijihthouae ;n the Orkney, H.OuO houii of atorm have been recorded. WalntiU came originally from Tereia. aiinouils from Central A Bin. Ash Vonr Denier for Allen's Foot-lCas,., X powdor to slmke inlo your slioes ; rest the Jet. inree Coi na, Uunionit, Swollen, Hore Hot, Calloua, Arliiiig, SwoHtiiiff Feet and In growing Nail. Allen Foot-Kase make now or ligbt shoes eaay. At all druggist iind hoe .tore. 85 ot. Baniple mailed FU1515. Addrew Allou B. Olmnteil, LwHoy, N. Y. Itccent ealiiimteii place the number of eicctnc mining locomotives iu operation in t ennsyivniiia at 250. A nwnth' Tt Free. If you have I)yipsla, write J)r. fjhoop, Itnoine, Wis., Box lis, for six bottle of I)r! yiioop' Keatorative. Exp. paid. Bend no money. Pay 6.60 1 cured. , AH the muchinery for grinding nd pol whing glus of a new IVIedo plate glus plant 1 run by electric motor. Clsock That Vly Cough With Hoxaie' Croup Cure. Mailed on reoelut of 50 oent. A. P. tloxale, Buffalo, N. Y. Hollanders find it cheaper to import hay from La Plata than to raise it ou their own meadow. Indigeetion is s bad companion. Get rid of It by chewing a bar of Adams' Topsin U'utti Fi'utU after each meal. Lake Nicaragua is the largest fresh water lake between Lake Michigan, and Lake fiticaca in Peru. ';"-5..Mj..i,sf.:.v. j, (8. I tt CENTS PERIOD a MADE OfIwiRET I MMlSHteHSH.CERSTOWftS wiSl5,.!;,slr0IMEST 0FFE" im MW5- si.aui7u yoSTbi,01 '-'""''' 71 riiht al von. 1 'hetraaa how o male tine. bi'iU HiT, lVL,''r toiupnuy. HJ Kiln. - '' vab!ntM. I. V. HiThompioDvt Ey watir tsVftrv rlsUffp;tif(rm ie Ht .liAl.lltfuitK, COME AND GO In many forms Rheumatism Neuralgia Lumbago Sciatica make tip a large part of hum, aufferiiig. 'i'liey cimie auiMenlr, but they go iirumptly by the use at St. Jacobs Oil which 1 a certaiu aura cure. v Gt-nctnl Trade Conditions. New York (Special). R. O. Dun A C'i.'s weekly review of tr.iHe sas: llusiness continues very brisk for tK r,von in the face of some drswwrlos wliich at tinus might came msrrkerl Ksitalinn. "llank clearing, however, show thai, A-hile speculation has been lieary, there nust have been a well sustained volume 3f legitimate business, for the gains are 14.1 per cent, over ipoo, and 18.9 over 1P99, ontskle New York, and 103.0 per rent, over 1000 and 84.0 over 189s) at .-his etty. Railroad earnings make jimilarly encotira;ing gains. "Much unfavorable comment has ap peared refrarding the advance in steel .-ails to $28. Yet the change is nly in ecping with recent increases in prices jf pig iron and billets. "After a prolonged period f wairnig :or definite crop news the cereal mar kets suddenly awoke t unusual acttv ty. Much of the increased trading aad sharp advance in prices resulted frsfn clever manipulation by a single West ;ru speculator, who compelkd the short .'ontingent to cover May com contracts at the highest prices of the sasn. Wheat has risen sharply, partly in sym pathy with corn, but rlire was bad news regarding the Cierman erop, and nunc damage occurred at the West. "Wool is fairly steady, and tills is the Scst hat can be said. Coton responds slowly to indications of damage o plantations, for the old crop comes into sight freely, and heavy losses in British exports of goods and yarns do not promise a vigorous foreign demand for raw material. "Failures for Ihc week numbered JIS in the United States, against 204 last year, and 6 in Canada, against 22 last year." Shot Industry Booming. Boston, Mass. The boom in Kew England industries continues and re ports from the factory centres tell one talc of universal business activity. No line seems to be in a more prosperons state than it the shoe industry. From Brockton comes especially encouraginj reports. W. L. Douglas is guing to in crease the capacity of his factory to iSaoo pairs of shoes per day. The addition will be made in the form of a wing running out from the front of the factory 100 fee: deep, 40 feet wide and four stories high. This will add 16,000 square feet of space for manu facturing purposes. About $4000 more per week will be paid out to shoe-makers, wtlich will go to increase the proipcrity of tho com munity at large. The salesmen on the road are selling twenty-live per cent, more goods than last season, and to rake care of this in creased business the erection of the addition is made necessary. The in creased sale is the direct result of ex tensive advertising, thg expenditure for which is now larger than at any other period, and is to be still further in creased. neHl Peat. Oab the other Hay an unhappy man in a New Hampshire city shot and killed his wife and then shot liimself. When dying he told his friends that the mania to kill 1iad been born in his heart under the influence of the gossip of neigibors. He knew nothing against his wife, bnt the whispering f persons he beliel to be friends, and donbtless who thoug-ht themselves his friends, rrmde hvni mad, and he killed the woman he loved. Were the persoas who, as self-appointed censors of the private affairs of this man and his wife put into his heart the black suspicion that grew until only death eould allay it, touched by a twinge f oascience when the man and his wife lay dend? The chances are they were not, for the gossip tieldom realizes fhe evil Hone by gossiping. In many natures proneness to gossip is so sadly dominant that an idle tale about this, that or the other one is ever n the tongue. It may be true, but more often it is only Iwlf true, and sometimes not true at all: and (toe ersn of whom it is needlossly told is sever henened by th telling of h. LATEST QUOTATIONS. Baltimore. Flour Baltimore Best Patent. .. .4 "?a High Grade Extra 4-25a Cornmcal, per 100 pounds. .. .1 . ioai .20 Hominy, per bbl 2.6032.70 Hominy Grits, per bbl Wheat. No. 2 red. 7S;c; steamer No. 2 red, 78c; sample lots, 72a8o!'ic. Western opened firmer; May 7954c port elevator 59a6oc on track uptown. Oats.White, No. 2, .naJc; white. No. 3, .va.iJljc; white. No, 4. jia3i5c; white, ungraded, 3ia33Hc; mixed, No. I, 3ia3iHc Rye. No. 2 rye, in car lots, 57c; No. J rye, S5C; No. 2 Western rye, 58c; ex port elevator and 5Qa6oc on track up town. Mill Peed. $20.00 per ton; medium, do, $19.50. Hay. No. 1 timothy, $17.50; No. 2 mixed, $13.50314.50; No. 1 clover, mixed, $l5.5oai6.oo; No. 2 clover, mix ed, $13.50314.50; No. 1 clover $13,503 1400; No. 2 clover, $12.00313.00. Green Fruits and Vegetables. On ions, per bushel, $1.40. Cabbage, Dan ish, per ton, $is.ooai6.oo; do, new Flor ida, per crate, $2.2532.50; do, Charles ton, per crate, 52.35a2.65. Celery, Flor ida, per crate, $1.5032.00. Apples, per bbl., I1.50a3.75. Orsngcs, $2.5033.50. Potatoes. kVhitc, Maryland and Pennsylvania primes, per bushel, 48a 50c; do. New York, primes, per bushel, 50352c ; do, Michigan anil Ohio, per bushel, 48asoc; do, new, Bermuda, per bbl, No. 1, $5.ooa6.oo; do, do. No. 2, f4.ooa5.oo; do, New Frorida, per bbl, No. 1, $6.0037.00; No. 2, f4.ooa5.oo. Sweets, Eastern Shore Virginia, kiln dried, per bbl, $1.7532.00. Live Poultry. Hens, lojc; old roosters, each, 29a30c; young chickens, liauc; winter do, 2 lbs and under, 17a 12c; spring, 1 to i4 lbs, 24332c, Ducks 8aioc. Geese, apiece, 50365c. Dressed Poultry. Capons, choice large, I4ai8c. Butter. The market is steady. We quote: Creamery separator, 22as2j4c; Creamery Gathered Cream, i8aiocj Creamery Imitation, it'mSc. Eggs. Fresh laid eggs, I3jc. Dressed Hogs. Choice Western Maryland and Pennsylvania light weights, per lb, 7i7',ic; Southern Mary land and Virginia, per lb, 6V4C. Calves. Strictly nice veal, per lb, 5a.Sc Lambs and Sheep. Spring Iambs choice, Sage per lb; poor, small stock, 5c per lb. Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Pa. Wheat Vtc higher; contract grade, April, 79a8o4c. Corn itcady; No. 2 mixed, April, 49,'5a50c. Oats firm; N. 2 white clipped, 33'Ac Sutter firm, good demand, fancy West ern creamery, 21c; do prints, 22c; do icarby priatn, 23c. Eggs steady; fresh nearby, I3!c; do Western, 14c; do Miuthwcstorn, I3!4c; do Southern, 13c. Cheese quiet; New York full creams, 'ancy small, H)4ai2c. Live Sto;k. Chicago, 111. Cattle Receipts, 9000 'lead; choiee 6tecrs firm; others about teady; bu oilers' stock, steady; good to rime steers. $5.0036.00; poor to me llum, $3.904. 95. Hogs Receipts 20, xx head; top, $6.iaV4; mixed and vj'chers, $5 75a6.05. East Liber y, Pa. Cattle steady; e ra $srW;7V, prime $5 2535 50. Hogs -Rest ued'utn and heavy Yo-kers '.5.15: light Yorkers. $6053610. Sheep -P' -thors $4.404.60. Veal calves "5 n o labor NCi Industry. Vbn'a hasn't a non-union printery. Now York has a Workmen's Political Chiratro egg inspectors now get 25 11 s an hour. t Fi i'co has an Assis ant Undertakers' sociation. - , Brewery Wo-Vtn ', Union t to tho Portland 'ri'rers. , ruM'tr tre 'orn- f ? ) d nmrtnr i-lds twenty gallons n' svi, making y poHnd of dried rubber One hundred oil rom"a-'ie v.iil d(, "!'.p the Tcxa ficM. Ona acre noar a if-licr wu nold for Sas.ooo. tlrtilget' Orlrvnnre. The wife of a clever detective is said to have powers nearly equal to those possessed by her husband. Not long ago she began to notice that dimes and quarters were daily disappearing as if by magic from the "change purse" in in which she kept silver for small pur chases. She was inclined to suspect one of her two maids, a sullen Irish girl, bnt was unwilling to accuse her. Aftrr some thought s-he wrote on a slip of pa per: "Neither Bridget nor Celia must take any money from this purse." This slip she put into the purse with some silver and awaited developments. Two days later Bridget came to her and gave "warning." "What is the matter? ' asked her mis tress, innocently. "I'll be going to another place," said Bridget vindictively, "and it's yourself that knows the rayson. I'll not stay in a house where I'm accused of stealing money of a little ould purse that's nivver had more than two dollars in it since I took service here!" Pointer! I'nrtiernph. A woman laughs when she ean and weeps when she will. Women dislike to answer questions, hut like to ask them. Mean time is the kind the average bargain counter clock keeps. There's honor among thieves espe cially when they hang together. When a beggar acquires a fortune he kno,vs neither friends nor relations. Never judge a man by his eoat. He may have borrowed it for the occasion. But for adversity lots of men would never find out whether they were hon est or not. It's difficult to convince the taxpayers who foot the bills of Congress that talk is cheap. The only reason why some people never go back on a friend is because the friend won't stand for it a second lime. THE BE.ST WATERPROOF CLOTHING IN THE WORLD . , j 8CAW THIS TPADE HWR fiAOC w slack on minw TAKtKO SUBSTITUTES ON SALE EVERYWrlEIC CaTkocurm SHOWINO'PULL UNecsf 6ARMF KITA WD HATS A.J.TOWEg CO..BOSTON. MASS. 4s m'j s mi x 1 1 nDflDQY W DISCOVERY! tnt 3 IV V. a 2 I sjaiak raliaf anil ourss arnral hms Boua at iaalinnalals and 10 alars trsatcaatis Vraa. Bi. B. su auial soa. aox a, AUaasa, M. vW.L.DOUCLAS $3. & S3.50 SHOES Cil wmrlh of V. f , toniilM 9-t mnit Ctllt KilRt I. In nan not b CauHlled n( unjr pricu. 1n1tisr tlmt in ft flrt hLriftt hnrm tilunn') the tf Ihn foot, uni tbft Mnitfntion of th ho. II m mfr-hant' rtl BVtll rKi knowlMtfe Ihftt. hav niftf W, f.. HnnR'an .hnofl the bffif tn tt worM for mfii. Tnkn tiihauniifi mi'? on unvinie w. i. i uwn snoR wi'n nwnn ftftfl piino mwnp-1 oti holtrm. Your tVHlT nhfdiM Vpp lh TH,tl h doet noU end lor orttavlog giving full lnitTtittrtru how to rlrr by inntl. .:vw. ,a 'Tlin Mane etiat maite lfw Point famana." MclLHENNY'S TABAbGO. USE CEBTAIHS CURE. 3 tllHtS iVHcHt ATL.E kMkL Boat mh rtyrup. Ta.-;i OikmL C tHnM fit ftntcr.". BU AGENTS"'." Brahird Sash Ltok and Brohard Door Heldir aa ara M mum IT DAVC Til aOtllTISI IX I I f 1 O mi rrajtj AsWa srarkar ararrwhera 1 j u.iu.ux, iw w a."m sasIi lo.-k,sritli flpM tims, aid. , ( lar Ivipostaca. l'K nit oil A llir Oil Ntatlvsl "U." i-bilaulalFkal a-ttzi kits: -taussssEsaiz, rfcir. This rs fthc iSiMllesI: sVi R ar 4fT f Made tlsa' in four larger sizes. Sold everywhere. ' If yoof dealer does not live tnem write to the aearest agency of STANDARD OIL CO. l"0 L " Strrrt of Fiktds. A poor man in New York, who had a wife and children and strength to do, but no employment, hit upon the plan of tying a placard upon his breast with the inscription upon it, "I Want Work." He stood at the crossing of thronged streets until the attention of the passers by was attracted, and as a result got himself a situation. He had been beg ging for work for months, but until he tiade this mute appoal to the eyes of the mass he had met with failure. At lust he fathomed the secret of succs advertising. He artfully brought his want and his ware into the market. M. L. Thompson & Co., VrnnnMn, Cmiilnr port, Pa.,ay Hall's Catarrh (jura is tho bent an J only sure on in for catarrh they ever sold. Ili aggiit sell it, 73c. Money talks, but a little scare causes it to nliut up li"llt. FITS permanently cuveit. No UN ornorvons noiui after limt dny'i no of Dr. Kline's Croat Ni.rvo Udlorer. t'i irml liotllumul treatise free Ur. . U. Ki.imk, l.til.,031 ArehSt.. l'liilu., Va. The tender b.'nanns grow and do fuirly well in sheltered portion of Southern Cal ifornia. Mr. Wlnalow' Soothinf Hyrup for ohllilren etliinf, softeit the gums, retinae inflamm. lion, allay pain, cure winileolio. Hoc a bottle Virginia had the largest population of nny ui the Itatca at the Hint census in J7U0. T am sure Piso Cure for Consumption aaved mv life throe year ago. Mas. Thomas l!nn ni.vs, Mnplo bt., Morwicb, N.Y., 1'eU. 17, 1U01). Bffoie tho discovery of sugar, drinks wero sweetened with honey. Ilor.tursi, I.uivti, ,Ui ritatir, Anil peoplo in all condition of life, who have nril Crab Orelinrd Walt.r, rrntinno lo un it unit recommend it. No tostluioiiiul luu the nuino c fleet a personal experience. Skeleton 4000 year old have been found near the village of Floinborn, in Germany, The bodies were of enormous size. A LUXURY WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL! In our Roasting we positively do not allow the use of EgZ Mixtures, Glue, Chemicals, or similar substances. LION COPPEE is an absolutely Pure Coffee. Watch our noxt advertisement, Just try a package of LION COFFEE and you will understand the reason of its ' popularity. LION COFFEE is now used in mil lions of homes. "'LAYING DOWN THE LAW." THE poet writes his simplo lay. The builder lays bricks by the day. The carpet man lays carpeta too. So all are "laymen.," good and true. Tho hen lays eggs for all mankind, Which daily in their nests we find. Hut the funniest sight we ever saw, "Was l'ttddy " laying down the law." Pot boasted to a fri.ndly '"Cop," Who often visited his shop. That he'd a lion tamer been Tho fiercest lions ever seen And claimed in mannor rather fresh. That he'd oft eaten lion's flesh. The officer joined in to say That be " drank " Lion every day. " What's that ye say ?" then I'addy cried, "Ye spalpeen; shure Oi think ye lied." Tho cop said " you're too fresh I think, It's LlOy COFFEE that I drink It's pure and strong, und healthy too, And helps a man his work to do. I tuke a cup or two to meet Tho trials of my weary beat I " The last word just seemed to suggest A thought to I'ut ; he did the rest. lCs fi;;t. lirw out. the cop fell down, Vv'hMc Wiiriy's face assumed a frown. Vu fooled mo. did ycz!" he exclaimed As K'.fii a:i'-'.iicr blow he aimed. " I hope yi i will excuse me paw 'Tis load'of "!ayi::g down the law!'" In every package of LION COFFEE you will find a fully illustrated aud descriptive list. No housekeeper, lit fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will f-iil to find ia the list some article which will contribute to their happiness, comfort and convenience, and which they may have by simply cutting out a certain number t.f I.i. u Heads from tho wrappers of our one pound sealed padcics ( which is the only form in which this excellent cof.W is sold). W00L5ON SPICE CO.. TOI.EUO. OrllO. ti Did you ever have that feeling of oppression, like a weight on your chest, or a load of cobblestones In your stomach, keeping you awake nights with a horrible sensation of anxiety, or tossing restlessly In terrible dreams, that make the cold perspiration break out all over you ? That's insomnia, or sleeplessness, and some unfortun ates suffer with It night after night, until their reason Is In danger and they are on the edge of going mad. The cause of this fearful ailment is in the stomach and bowels, and a Cascaret taken at night will soon brinf relief and give the sufferer sweet, refreshing sleep. Always insist on getting CASCARBTS! I air t' thim hobo mobo troockil tuvk. "I have ka ntis OaSOtKCTS for lnMaiula. wiia which I hav Immo am tod tor over iw.my yar, uil I eaa aa? that Cucarsta bin glvea me more relief than aav othor roiaoOj 1 bare er tried. I ahall oer UIbIt rouoananeDd them ta mj friend aa ba UcaUUiejiurtrepmentssd.' Tmo,Uiijjd, K1cu.IU, the : COT suer;, pes,' itar' thr W 1 i&smmszm u S-T m Jt T m M., -m'. -X J,. ' i 'W . I I If X "w DEGT FOR BOWELS AND LIVER. s' irlh 1 ABLET r. . ''jMZLL 1 I i 7 U " blal. wlud Iko rtUIM,il, aiI. J ban'"'? Wnl mauTk, ) ' CiM.Mri. kill. m.r. ((.am nil ih,Z7.ZZi'. tJi h" r. 1 "' " J r , wrtl ,! t,. svuil vll tka until ion v k in .la r 4,t. 'I isba sor uvIfi s tAalt aUstili) uJai, mow aM abaoiuia laM tm aasms ar aay rda.dtS. - sMM 10c. 25c. 50c. NEVER SOLD IN. BULK. DRUGGISTS drill NTPro ta rntitt kkM . iht. m fcir r fin CAN l'r4 mmm .!. Mow lliaavar Btlllla.M - a vrmr. ori-rtlfvr tlM m M iMtlnr MUlrlM tm Uiv wrll. TliU la itluulutu tof f UMd r inriiiiMtiiHl. have ntllk. u.mtl n Wl mm m im tkflM sm sitlr. ssKaaa ft lul. aa a, tmmw slus.las ill mm 1 la. s Uai f VU KIM BUst lljr ulti Cutf bi, rMu tim imuM Of ft a ihm ilv boa. to inHkt wtU "iMlrfcif nn-tj fAixl TttU wiil bU'i h- M n Htft-l Um itm