i Rend llostetter's ad this week. Seo H. L. Norm's new ad this week. The celebrated Celluloid .Starch at liobiusou's grocery. Have you seen II. L. Norris's ad? Look it up. Ten thousand pounds country Bacon and Lard wanted at Irwin's. Harness one price to all, II. L, Norris, Three Springs. Kecleaned Sapling, Littlu Clov er, and Timothy Seed at Irwin's. All work guarnteed at Norris's Three Springs. See ad. Lightning Liniment, 10c for larga bottles. For General Use. Ask for it. For good work at low prices, go to Norris's Three Springs. Irwin is giving some special bargaius in Decorated Dinner ware. Give him a call. Dennis Gordon and Billy Peck were among the court visitors Tuesday. 50 men wanted to buy harness at H. L. Norris's Three Springs. G. W. Mellott did not forget to give us a call while in town Mon day. Try Irwin's syrup at 30 cts per gal. Hominy, 2c lb. Prunes,rc lb. A full stock of fancy groceries. Jonas Truax and Joseph Mel lott, of Belfast, were in town last Thursday. Ask your merchant to allow you to examine a 10c pound package of Peerless Horse & Cattle Pow der before you buy it. The pack age is not sealed. Hon. A. H. Coffroth of Somer set, has just added ten Angora goats to the twenty-one he already had. It is guaranteed that Peerless Horse & Cattle Powders are made from nothing but strictly pure drugs. Price 10c apound 2)ackage. Especial attention is called to the Public Sale of William Kee baugh in Taylor township on Fri day of next week, as the bills will be up but a few days. You are foolish to pay more than 10c for a package of Horse & Cattle powder when you can buy a pound package of Heckerman's Peerless for that. See that you get the original Dewitt's Witch Hazel Salve when you ask for it. The genuine is a certain cure for piles, sores and skindiseases. Trout's drug store. Messrs Carl Mellott an I Bro. is the title of a new mercantile firm who have embarked in busi ness about two miles north of Needmore. They have a new building, and a full line of new goods such as are found in a coun try store. Their promptness and their pleasant effects make Dewitt's Little Early Risers most popular little pills wherever they are known. They are simply perfect for liver and bowel troubles. Trout's drug store. Dr. F. C. Curtis has opened an office in the rooms formerly oc cupied by Dr. Trout, in this place and will practice his profession in this community. Dr. Curtis graduated at the University of Pennsylvania in 1899, and has had two years, practice in Philadelphia Hospitals. Mr. William H. Woodal remov ed on Tuesday of last week from the Washabough farm in Ayr township to that of Mr. J. F. Johnston. In attempting to get a trunk down stairs, his mother, Mrs. James Woodal, who was assisting, fell from which she sustained painful injures. She Is, however, able to be about again. Court came and went as usual in a jiffy. The grand jury only had one small case before them and were discharged the same afternoon they were called. The petit jury did not have a case. Under ordinary conditions, one jury a year would answer every , purpose; and then there would not be business enough to worry them, or keep them away from home over Sunday. We will give you the proceedings next week. Hon. Henry M. Houck, deputy State Superintendent of Public Instruction, will leave in a few weeks for Puerto Rico, to be ab sent for a month or two. Mr. Houck will assist Dr. Brumbaugh in organizing a complete public school system and delivering lec- tures on educational subjects. Mr. Elouck Is well fitted for the work, as he is one of the best or- an users in school work in the country. May Muniina has gone to Kearny to sW'tul sonic time with her sister Mrs. Wm. Winters. rawson Muniinahiis returned to Pittsburg after spending a few weeks at homo. Wm. Winters of Kearney spent from Friday until Sunday at D. R. Mum ma's. D. R. Munnna's sale was fairly attended and varying prices ob tained. James Lake and son Ira were down at Morgan Deshoug's sur veying last week. A. B. Deavor whoso illluess we noted some time ago does not im prove any. Poles for the new telephone and telegraph lino along the State Road are being delivered as fast as the roads will permit. Bruce Price has been spending the past two weeks with his fath er Joseph Price. M. L. Kirk has painted and pa pered Ezra Ileefuer's house at Hustontown, inside. Grant Hoover and mother spent Sunday with his uncle Casper Miller iu Licking Creek township. lirush Creek. Owing to the thaws and heavy rain of hist week our roads are in very bad shape. Ina Akers spent a few days last week visitingher grand-mother Mrs. Rachel Barton at Rays Hill. Mrs. Barton has been very sick for .some time. Piper Barton spent Sunday evening last week with friends near Emmaville. Superintendent Chesuut v isit ed our school last week. Two of our teachers, W. E. Stine and Edward Lodge have resigned their schools and gone to Ohio to attend college. Among those of our young folks who were out enjoying the good roads last Sunday we noticed Miss Gertrude Hoke and Mr. W. C. Hanks. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Hixsou and family have beeu visiting friends in the valley before leaving for 'their new home iu Iowa. Blanche Barton spent several days visiting her brother P. J. Barton and family at Hustontown recently. Valentine Oster and family who spentthe winter with Mrs. Oster 's mother, Mrs. Rhoda Akers, have returned to their former home in Kansas City. Walter Smith spent Sunday as the guest of Chas. Akers. Working 21 Hours A Day. There's no rest for those tire less little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are alwaysbusy, curing Torpid Liver, Jaundice, Billiousness, Fever and Ague. They banish Sick Head ache, drive out Malaria. Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice, work wonders. Try them. 2ic atW. S. Dickson's drug store. Whips Cove. Emory Diehl has gone to Blue Mound, Illinois. Howard and Win. Garland have gone to Tiffin, Ohio, where they have employment for the summer. The Christian Endeavor meets every Sunday evening. Rev. Logue held a meeting at Jerusalem which closed Friday eight. Alice Mellott intends to go to Clearfield in the near future. Sunday school was organized at Whips Cove church Snnday. Of ficers: Supt., Albert Plessinger; Assistant, James Akers; Sec, Belle Diehl. Ass't, Laura Winter; Treas., Louretta Hixou. Sunday school was organized at Jerusalem church Sunday. Offi cers: Supt., Frank Diehl; Ass't, James Akers; Sec, David Gar land;Ass't,IIoward Mellott;Treas. John Martin. SuperiuteudentChesnut visited the schools here last week and re ports them doing good work'. Harry Plessinger has the con tract for carrying the mail be teen Locust Grove and Crystal Springs. Simon and David Garland have the contract for carrying the mail between Hancock and Iyxiust Grove. Counterfeits of Do Witt Witch Hazel Salve are liable to cause bloodpoisoning.Leavethemaloue. The original has the name De Witt's upon the box and wrapper. It is a harmless and healing salve for skin diseases. Unequalled for piles. Trout's drug store. I'lutt, a. Mr. Editor: Rev. A. R. Grrlaud oC near Pratt, Md., was request ed lo present himself at the hos pitable home of Mr. Phil, Boden, of thelowcr end of Fulton county ou the V2 inst. to join Mr. Bod on and Miss Jessie Smith iu ihe holy bonds of matrimony. The cere mony was to take place lib 11 o'clock P. M., and as Phil lived ou one side of Sideliughill Creel., and Miss Jessie ou the other aud ro way to cross with horse and buggy, Phil was compelled to drive to the pike, follow it east to Swain's Mill, then cross and up high Germany into Fulton county aud when iu Fulton, was farther from the homo of his intended than when he left, homo. When Phil arrived, he found the bride in readiness waiting and wond ering where Phil was all the time knowing of the turbulent waters that rolled between them. But nothing was to stand between Phil and his chance of getting a wife; so thoy were soon on their journey back to Maryland, bytho same route Phil hadcome. When they arrived, they found the Rev. iu readiness to preform his part. He was somewhat nervous on account of the delay, as it was tlieu G o'clock instead of the hour sot. Now, Mr. Editor, you see the above occurrence is no fault of Phil's, the Rev's, nor the people in the lower end of the county us they have repeatedly asked the county to put a bridge across the creek near this point. What a pity for Phil that there was no bridge for him. I think the wel fare of the people living' south of Sideling Hill creek should be considered. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Simpson spout Sunday at tho home of Mr. and Mrs Joseph B. Mellott. Reed Simpson, who had been at homo a week has returned to Ohio. M r. Henry Trot t, and his sisters .Misses Nancy aud Edna, are on the sick list. Mr.'JohulIess has, also, beeu poorly for some time. Among those who move this spring are the following. Job Peck aud Will Kuablego to Frank ling county; Robert Deshonggoes into one of Captain Skinner's houses, James R. Peck into Chick Mellott's house; Isaac Pock and William Peck from Needmore to Mrs. Strait's house; Andrew Shives to Byram Souders, Dau Keefer to his new house on the Ridge, John Fisher to his newly purchased farm, and John Funk to Warfordsburg. A Horrible Outbreak "Of large sores on my little daughter's head developed into a case of scald head" writes C. D. Isbill of Morgantou, Tenn., but Bucklen's Arnica Salve complete ly cured her. It's a guaranteed cure for Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers and Piles. Only cents at W. S. Dickson's drug store. Salo Register. .March 2t Kd ft. Austin will sell at his residence at Saluvia, 3 head of horses, 2 nice steers, 3 buggies, farm ing, implements, harness, &c, &c. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. 0 months credit, March 2D Mrs. J. L. Stein, at Km maville, will sell Live Stock, Farm Implements, Household Goods, &c. Credit it months. Sule begins at 9 o'clock a. m. March 27 W. It. Anderson will sell valuable personal property at his res idence i mile south of Knid in Wells township. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. March 2S J. Howard Edwards will sell at. his residence, 2 miles south of New Grenada, horses, cattle, sheep, and agricultural implements. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. March 2S George C. Thomas will sell at his residence two miles west of McCoiinelUburg, on the Meadow ground road, a good horse, farming implements, harness &C. Sale begins at In; credit 8 months. March 2!)-W. M. Keebaugh will sell at his residence on the State Road 2! miles west of Hustontown, horses cattle, hogs and farming Implements. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. March L"t. Mrs. S. M. Cook intend ing to remove to McC'onnellsburg, will sell at public sule, horse, buggy, har ness, household goods, etc., etc. Sale begins at 10 .o'clock. Like Oliver Twist, children ask for more when given One Minute Cough Cure. Mothers endorse it highly for croup. It quickly euros coughs aud colds and every throat and lung trouble. It is a 8ecific for grippe and asth maaud has long boon a well known remedy for Whooping cough. Trout's drug store. I II AH MiSS V V AND 1 FAKM (iI:AltS. j . t hn vf now on bund tin- liiiyst, liiv-t inn) i hosiiM'st iissoitinriit ol V L I I l .1 . J l i , 2' y in I'l'tins.vlvunia, arid sell tlit-in t rlii'iiper tlirui tho c-lieu pst. llar- ni ss n-iini ;M to IM.- uiwnys on IiiiikI. HKMK.MHKK, vr muki all our work f!V JIAND and Ktint antcu it to lio all r ijjlit. Kly NpU and Summer Dusters very rheap and at COST with .. TlnrncsM. J irorm Gears of till kinds always on hand ready for use. We yivo i si'lcitl. J. low prices to our I I I.TON COI'NTY customers. Whips, Collars, 2 Humes, Uridles, and every thing i for the horse. J Write or call for prices before you buy. W. S. HOSTI-II T.K. Mereerslnii'tr, l'a. S S. K. Cor. Diamond.' ? LITTLE'S EXTENSION. LOTS FOR SALE. D. K. Little lias purchased land lying between tho Cliambersburg and Mercersburg pike at tho forks east of town, lie has had it laid olT in lots with alleys and streets, and has already dispos ed of six. There are yet a number of very desirable ones that will be sold on Easy Payments. D. E. LITTLE, .MeCoiincllsburtf, ln. I MEN WANTED ! t Respectable single men 4 aged 18 to 27 years, able and willing to work with spade and shovel in summer, and J ax and saw in winter. One J man to lire steam il itching machine. $20 per month and J board. Or -1.7." per day J without board. Kxlra terms for long continued faithful service. No free car fare. ED REICHENBACH, t J County Surveyor,. Jcf t'ct'son, W isconsin. "Philippine Island canary birds" are the latest form of swindle to bo worked on tho un suspecting and gullible public. In the majority of cases the swin dle is worked by young men who represent themselves as having lately beeu discharged from the army alter Having served in tin; Philippines, and present a pitiful tale of having to reach a sick rel ative, and being compelled to part with their treasured memen toes brought from Manila. Tho rogues are plausible talkers, and generally work on the coinpas sion of the women at their homes during the hours when no men are supposed to be about. They carry the birds iu a small wooden cage, and it generally happens that the first time tho supposed yellow songster takes a bath it washes off the yellow dye with which it has beeu treated and emerges as an ordinary sparrow with no musical gifts whatever. Better go a little slow iu doing business with strangers. When the President goes on his tour to tho Pacific coast, he will take with him a sufficient forci of clerks aud telegraphers to at tend to all the public busiuess that may demand his atteutiou, aud will be in constant touch with his ottico in Washington by tele graph aud telephone. Such arc the facilities of modern travel that this can be done with a minimum of inconvenience and at compara tively slight expense, while thi public business will be attended to almost, if not ijuite, as well as if the President were daily in his office. Whatever inconvenience there may bo about the scheme is more than compensated by tin advantage of having the President visit distant sections of the coun try. and become personally ac quainted with their conditions, needs and opinions. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens, of Fort Littleton, are tho happiest people in that neck o' tho woods; and it's all on account of tho ar rival of a bran nfcw baby boy. It has been sixteen years since any little joys of that kind fouud'thoir way into that homo. Mrs. George M. Eitomillcr of Pittsburg spent from Saturday until Monday with Mrs. Catha i luo EiU'iniller and family of this place. Harness I Harness I FOR A PENNY Invoti-il lu n poMul ciinl YOU CAN Ol'I' tho bi't po1tle prices on rtny tiling Id the harness lino. UI'..MI..1lli:i we took tho llrst pre mium at the. 1 luiitlti Klin County Fiilr anil Iniow k"h1 liaibcss when we see theili. We can quote you Huggy Harness- everything complete, from .(M) to .f.'.o.Od. Team and Farm 1 larucss.iM.OO to 20.)i. riyneU (team) 1.2." lo 4.00 a pair. I'lyncts (buggy) 1.45 to $3.00. Collars, !" cents to $2.,V.. Whips, 8 cents to ?1.;"0. Summer Lap Kobes 2"i cents to fcj.fld. We keep u Rull Line of every) hint? used by ft horse owner. We niuuufaclure nil our tfoodn, am j-'imrantee them to be rlht, or mouey refunded. II. L. NORMS, 1 hrco Springs, l'a. i wv ', THE l' PIG C EST AND BEST Furniture Store Iu tho Cumberland Valley. Good reliable goods. Fair prices, careful atteutiou aud courteous treatment. This inoaus a good deal when you tire buying articles you ex pect to last you for many years. NEW STOCK OF Baby Coaches and Go Carts now ready. If you have a nice baby you want to see these. We pay tho freight ou 10 worth. hi Sierer & Co F III IN 1TUK E MA KEKS, New r.uildin,Nos.ul-";iQueenSt, Chambersburg. Spring Announcement ! We have just arrived from the Kastern Cities with tho largest ami llne.-t. line of Millinery and fancy goods ever brought to Ful ton count? . Prices lower than ever before. Trimming dono free, in ull the latest styles. All are kindly asked to come and see the best of goods and low prices. We havo t cores of Trimmed Hats besides hundreds of I'ntrimmed of ull tie latest shades and shapes. Flowers of ull colors and prices. Children's Hoods from lifteeu cents up Sailors from twenty cents up. Ladies' ready madeShirtW aists, Skirts and Wrappers. Mrs. A. F. Little, Bon Ton Store. New Broom Factory, J The undersigned has just put in the necessary apparatus, and is now prepared to make first class I Broo m s . Persons having broom corn and desiring it made up, can do so y for tho half or ut the rate of 10 ' und 12 cents per broom cash. Carpet Weaving. Hug Carpet woven on short no i tice und satisfaction guarunteed. SAXXEIl KAY, Hig Cove Tannery. DR. STEVENS, Dentist, U'CONNNELLSBURG, PA. (iriiJiiiitc of I'. of I Ten Years' Fxncr k-ncc. I'lnivs t.oid, Plutlnuni. Silver Aiu milium. Celluloid, Hubber, und Uubtmr Alumi u nu lififil. Mtiiil with Rubber Attachment llt-i'lt"-. idi'liiiimul Crowns, Lokuu Crowo. l i)IN, i'HUlIIOUl ttlS 6LKS. jllhiK f Natural Teeth u Spoolulty and ui mint UljUiiM11i:i'U. luroriniiitou by until or Id person. EDWARD BRAKE. Fashionable Barber, C'ue Doov Knst of "Fultou Iluiiha," MuCOXNKLKSHriia PA. FuNt-e;;tsN Shaving und llulr Cutting. Cluiin towl fur every customer. McConnellsburj? & Ft. Loudon Passenger, Freight ana Express Line. R. C. McQuade. Proprietor. KlIH IMII.V liKTWUKN Ml f'ON N KMUHUKO AND tuKl' IxjUIKjN. Leaving MoOomicllsburK m 1'.':H0 o'ulook. P.M.. muldiJK ciiunuiulou wilt Hfluruuuu u-uluon . H. I'. It 11. K'aumiiitf luvo Fort I.mi(1on no the arrival of lue tivtmuitf Imln uu S. 1'. K. U. 1 bu Mt:mrcl to curry imnxonKern und ex ui't5Kh to u.uUu uouuuetlou wilb all Irulun at iX L.ouuuu. 0000A0000Wl00 X - We Are Hunting You 1 0 M0 5 0 it you are a uargain uunter we are hunting you with a ? 5? 1- 1V..1 i ! ! 1 1 i 2 nuu iu yuuun nuii, uru uiwiiiiis Q Uur new lino of Venetiau 0 issue is surely a hummer; our nrstlot proved very ready 0 sellers aud we havo just replenished our stock and it is now ? 0 complete. 0 0 Try our Soup Beans ftclb. Ilominy 2c lb. Rice 5c lb. Oatmeal 3 lbs. for 10c. TalTy Syrup 5c qt. Raisins 8c lb. Fancy Prunes, 7c lb., same as the lot we have been sell ing at 8c lb. Country Dried Peaches, 10c lb. . 0 0 90 0. 0 0. 90 a 0 90 How Are These 90 09 6 Cups and 6 Saucers for 10 c. Butter Prints' were 20c now 13c. Rolling Pins were 10c now 0 09 90 0 90 0 90 (C. Curry Combs 5c. 6 Tea Spoons 8c. Roller Window Blinds 9c. 14 Rows Pins for 4c. Toweling only 4c yard. Ticking as low as 8c yd. Counterpanes 75c and $1.35 each. 09 'Va hlo flil ninth 1 .r 90 90 it may mean quite a saving to you to get our prices on J Q Fish, Clover Seed, Carpet Chain, Hoop Irou, Wagon Tire, (I Stair Oil Cloth, Gardening Tools, Tea Kettles, Ropo and Pul- ) leys for Bay Forks, before buying elsewhere. J HARRY E. HUSTON, o 90 ''Z' (Successor to Thomas 19 90 Clear Ridge, Fa. .0909090909090909090909090v9090909090909090090909090 09090909090909090K0909Ji9-09P90090909090 90K090909lZ. gOC0XXOXXOOzXCOO0OO00O0g il PHILIP F. BLACK, 8 Q O O Manufacturer of Sash, Doors, Newel Posts, Hand g X Rails, Stairs, Banisters, Turned j f Q Porch Columns. Posts. &c. O o o o o McConnellsburg, Fa. Doors 2 8 x 6 : 8; 2 : 6 x.6 : 6; 1 and three-eighth X inches in thickness. S Sash 12x20; 12x24; 12x28; 12x30; 12x32; 12 x 34; 12 x 36 inch and a quarter thick always on hand. Sash four lights to window from 45 cents to 70. Tllc clK irfl nil nrlmo.f a rv-1 ranAr (r .v t rt i iiv.w uii ui w uii piiiinti r - il' . J J xl i Doin ine aoors ana ine sasn O and yellow pines: ooxc LEADERS Mi FOR Spring and Summer We have gathered from five of the Largest and Best Woollen Houses, a magnificent line of SUITINGS ' TROUSERINGS. Mj we are selling suits the Cheapest, and workmanship Hi ) Mi Mi u Hi IU ! Mi ine uesi. Do not forget we have the very . - Latest Style in Hats, and at prices that are right. A. U. Nace & Sons. THE HARRISONVILLE INN, , ' AT Harrisonville, P. . Ou the Turnpike alx mWt went of MoOon lU'lUhurtf. 'J'blh old und piipular hotel Mtund buv bvnu eutlrtfly rebuilt, newly furulbed ttm Ui undttr new muniiKrnunt. FirNt !Iukh AiHttiiimiKiuttonii. IJellKliliul llouie for buuimnr Hourdora. Ktilmi Ketittoimbla. Bpeolal Attention to Trtnident Ciikuiiu THOMAU H. MKvtVXKR, , , - J'rourletor, 0Pfitr00 0f0P iu jpricu unu quality luaoeci. ware advertised in last week a j 09 9f 09 9 0 o 0 o a a o Roller Flour 50-lb sack for one dollar. Caustic Soda aud Banner Lye 12c per can. All kinds chaw-ter-whack at 9c per cut. 12 200s boxes matches for 10 cents. Corn Starch 5c pkg. Granulated Sugar G lb, in 100 lb lots 6c per lb. . For Bargains? i 90 a Men's Sox 4,5 and 6c pair. Ladies' Ilose in Fancies and Blacks 5 to 25c pair. 0 90 2 spools Clark's O. N. for 9c. Gingham 5c yd. up. Calico 4c yd. up. T. Stocking Yarns 4Jc per ij orcein. Domestic Saxony' arn, Colors White, . Black,' Pink and Green Skein. Bowl and Pitcher 00 and 80c each. Lamp Globes 5c each. a 0 90 0' 90 , W. Huston, Dec'd,) anu i caujr iui lllw Klo.?. i e i , ... are maue rrom Dest white in lu m 1 1 Mi Ui Ml M.i iU Ml 1 U iU tu i.u f M u iU u u Ui Mi TKIIMS Of COUKT. The flrnt term of the (Joiirtu of Fulton coun ty lu the yeur htiull ooimumioe on the Tuendiiy followlux the iraeoud Monduy of Juuuurj, Bt 10 o'vlouk A.M. 'i'lie nuoond tenn oiimmemin ou the third Moudity of Murvh. ut li o'clock P. M. The third irui on ttie Tuettluy next follow Iuk tha aeoond Moiuluy uf Juuu ut IU o'olouU A M. . The fourth term on the Urtit Monday of Octo ber, B( O'uioujt i', U. ,