The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, March 21, 1901, Image 7

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Weak Nerves, Tired, Exhausted
Tie Complaint of Thousands upon
Health and Strength are
Within Your Grasp.
Dr. Graane's Nervura Makes You
Strong and Weil.
It is the Great Restorative of Brain
and Nerve.
Oh, those nerves of ours, how they
do bother us! Weak, tired, and ner
vous Is Uie complaint everywhere.
We overwork, dissipate, weaken our
bodies, ruin our health, and Anally
break down. Sleeplessness and indi
gestion are early symptoms, for the
nerves are too exhausted and irritable
to permit rest, and the stomach too
weak to digest food.
It is nerve and brain exhaustion
which makes the brain tired, and the
arm nerveless, the limbs trembling,
the muscles weak, and the whole body
without strength, energy or ambition.
It is loss of nerve and vital power
which Is slowly but surely sapping the
very life itself, and unless help Is
sought from the right source, the end
will be shattered nerves, Insanity with
softeDlng of the brain, nervous pros
tration, heart failure, paralysis or pre
mature death.
Beware of such symptoms! A well
known druggist, Charles W. Eggles
ton, 829 Park Avenue, Worcester,
Mass., suffered from nervous prostra
tion and all its terrible symptoms. He
writes the following letter telling what
lie knows is the best way to get well.
"Borne time ago I was taken with
nervous prostration, I suffered terribly
with my nerves and could get no sleep
at all. I became fearfully exhausted,
my stomach was in terrible condition
from dyspepsia, and I could eat hardly
"I used several medicines but with
out benefit. Being In the drug busi
ness myself, and havlns had many
customers speak in the highest terms
of Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and
nerve remedy, I determined to try It.
After taking only one-half bottle I be
gan to feel much better.
"I slept soundly at night, and my
appetite was splendid. After taking
three bottles. I ate three square meals
a day. and had not the slightest dis
tress. My nerves were perfectly strong
and I felt like a new man, being com
pletely cured of all my troubles.
"Out of the respect I bear the manu
facturers of Dr.Greene's Nervura blood
and nerve remedy, and my desire to
have the sick and Bufferlrj made well
and strong, I unhesitatingly say that
this medicine is the best and most
wonderful remedy known today.
"It docs 'Just what is said of It, It
cures disease. Don't hesitate to use It,
sufferers, for you will never regret It.
You will be made well and strong."
As this letter Is from a dealer in
medicine, his word is authority on
such matters. Everybody knows that
Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve
remedy Is the great leading medicine
of the sue. Take It and you will be
made strong, healthy and vigorous.
Doctors recommend it because it Js
the prescription of a physician, and
because they know It cures.
Dr. Greene, the most successful spe
cialist In curing nervous and chronic
diseases, discovered It. He can be
consulted free, personally or by letter,
at his office. 35 W. 14th St., New York
Hays yon eating, frittering soros, muoous
patches, sore throat or Ktims, ulcers, pim
ples. Unhlng skin, aches in bones or joint,
(Ailing hnir, bolls, cancer, scrofula., oITi-usIva
catarrh or old j-heumutlnm i Tlmn ynu ham
contraotml or Inherited blood poison. To
euro, tnkn llotunlo Wood Balm (B. B. B.)
which la made especially to otire the worst
and most lpep-snted oaos, evn whnn lha
bones are ani:tnd. B. U. B. heals every sore,
stops' all aches, makes neT, rich "blood,
giving the rich glow of health to the skin.
II. B. B. improves the digestion. B. B. B.
thoroughly tested for 80 years. B. B. B.
kills or destroys the poison, drawing It from
the system. Drug stores, 1. Treat
ment of B. B. B. sent absolutely free by
writing Blood Balm Co.. 25 Mitohell Ht , At
lanta, Oa, Describe trouble, and free medi
cal advice given until cured. Costs nothing
to tiy B. B. B. S1i-illcin sent prepaid.
Klevon Indian languages are still spoken
in Mexico.
lira. For I tie llowela.
No matter what ails yon, headache to a
cancer, you will never get well until yonr
bowels are put right. Ciscisr.Ts help natnre,
euro you without a gripe or pain, produce
easy natural movements, cost you Just 10
cents to start getting your health back. Cas
rinsrs Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up
in metal boxes, every tablet has C, 0. t.
stamped on it. Beware of imitations.
Great Britain brews $34.5,000,000 worth
of beer a year.
How's This T
We offer One Hundred Dollars Howard for
any caw of Catarrh that cannot be oured by
HaH's Catarrh Cure.
F. .1. Uiikkkt Co., Toledo, O.
We, the tinrior.lirned, haveknnwn F. J. Che
ney for tlie taut tf year-, and believe him per
fectly honorable in all business transactions
and financially able tn carry out any obliga
tion made by their firm.
Witsr Truax, Wholesale Di-ugglsteVToleda,
Wai.dino, Kinim A Marvin. Wholesale
Di-uKtfirts, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, act
Inir directly upon the blood and muoons sur
faces of the system. Testimonials sent free.
Price, "ftc. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Hall's Kamilr Hills are the best.
There were 295,7f2 marriages in France
during the year 1899.
When Yon liur Ink
get Carter's and you will get the best every
time."Inklings" "roe. Carter's Ink Co., Boston.
Tho record running high jump is six
feet five and three-quarters inches.
Mrs. Winslow's Hoothing Hyrup for children
teething, soften thegnms, reduces inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25cabottlo
The hairdresser feels no compunctions
about dying an old maid.
Piso's Core cannot be too highly spoken of
as a cough cure. J. W. O'IIkibh, 822 Third
Avenui N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6, 1900.
i The unsuccessful man realizes that there
is plenty of room at the bottom.
Iloxale'sj Croup Cure
is the only remedy in the world thitt cures and
prevents Croup, Tncumonia and Diphtheria.
Mo opium and no nausea. CO cents.
A man seldom enjoys good health while
he has it.
The Tcaftmoii y
Of many thousands who use and have nsed
Crab Orchard Water in various diseases,
would warrant anyone in giving it a trial.
The date of the Johnstown flood was
May 31, 1889.
Don't drink too mu h water when oycling.
.Idnms' Pepsin Tutti. Frutti is an excellent
Women use seventeen times as many
gloves u men.
Putnam Fadki.ks Dies do not spot, streak
or give your goods an unevenly dyed appear
anas. Hold by all drugvfiau.
on" Again, On Again.
"Very well," said she, in a huff, "all
is over between us. I'll thank you to
return my letters."
"All right," said he. "I'll send them
to you the first thing in the morning."
"Oh, there's no killing hurry. Sup
pose you er bring them with you
when you call to-morrow evening.
About 7000 people in Paris ore employed
in the preparation of human hair for the
Speedy, Prompt and Sure.
Acts quicker, never gripes and obtains better results
than any laxative known.
Its action Is marvelous, Its effect Immediate.
No remedy will cure constipation and biliousness so
quickly and with absolutely no discomfort as
Hunyadi J&nos
Averor Doser One-half glassful on arising1 In the morning.
Every druggist and general wholesale grocer tn the world sella It
CI for the full name.
Sole Importer: Firm of ANDREAS SAXLEHNER. 130 Pulton St., N. V
Label with
Red Centre Panel.
S3 & $3.50 SHOES S.
The ral worth of W. I,. Douglas 93.0O and
hoes ootnpnred with other make t 4.00 to 63.00.
Oar 94.00 Gilt Edge Lino cannot be sq milled at any
rli;e. We muUe and soil more 3.00 and H3.AO shoes
nan amy other two manufacturers In the United States.
TIIK KE AHO N more W. I.. hou !. u and S.1..V) ahoft told
thonanTotharmKkaitbKftuto'riieY A KKT1IK HKfi l', Your
dealer tftoul-l korp them i we giv one dealer ozclutive anle la Ni-b Iowa.
Toko no pnilntitwt! I mi it oq having W. I. Ltouglaa eboce with
Same and price auimp-d on bottom. If your dmler will not av thrm for
you, ernd direct lo faciurjr, enclculng price and fete, extra for carriage.
Btite kind of leather, it sc. end width, plain or cap toe. htr ahore will
reach you anywhere. Writ or cafalopw thowino nne Ann iftk.
We wee Fuit rTmlnr We I. Ooualtta Nhoe Co.,
IvyelcU la utl our shot. Mrocktou. Mitee
n1 H
Tells ail about Winchester Rifles, Shotguns, and Ammunition
Send nomo and address on a postal now. Don't delay if you are Interested.
Is oaslljr cured and the bowels restored i
to a ueaiuir conuiuou by Uie use ol
th """1 rentsdr tor all stomach,
bowel, II. or aud kidney troubles, By
E . w r' ww"nil vara . u..
Dottle iso'iuiTsleutts three gallons ot
Sola by alt drus
lists. Crab apple
. "ill eej mrnuw I
erery battle. Tf. I
law I
Iff 17 UrvrilliiC pi p uiii
A.J TOWER CO, n05T0N. MA33.
Ilsdo Plants FcrSale.
PLANTS "raSSfm $5.
The cheapest and stroDgeet foooe made. .
We manufacture Iron Oatue and Post of all
sisee and styles. Address
& M. Ml SHIER, Higintgwa, Md.
Or. Tnintae Tnlks About the Mission
of the "Writer's Inkhoro."
How It Makes For the World's Betterment
The Inkr.tsnd ol the World's
Wasiunoton, l3. C In a now way and
from a peculiar text Dr. TalmaRO dis-,
rouises of good influpncns broncht to benr
for the world's improvement. The text is
Kzckiol ix, 2, "And one man among them
was clothed with linen, with a writer's
inkhorn by his side."
The poem from which my text is taken
is epic, lyric, dramatic, weird and over
powering. It is more than Homeric or
itontesque. . No one ever had such di
vino dreams as Kzekiel. In a vision this
prophet had seen wrathful angclf, destroy
ing angels, each with a sword, but in injr
text he sees a merciful angel with an ink-1
horn. The receptacle for the ink in olden
time was made out of the horn of a cow'
or a ram or a roebuck, as now it is made
out of metal or glass, and therefore was.
railed the inkhoin. as now we say ink-;
Btand. We have all spoken of the power
of the sword, of the power of wealth, of
the power of ollice, of the power of social
influence, but to day I speak of the powerj
for good or evil in the inkstand. It is
upon your tables, holding a black or blue,
or red liquid. It is a fortress, an armory,
a gateway, a ranson or a demolition. J
"You mistake," says some one. "It is the;
pen that has the power." No, my friend..
What is the influence of a dry pen? I'ass;
it up and down a sheet of paper, and it
leaves no mark. It expresses no opinion.!
It gives no warning. It spreads no intelli-'
gence. It is the liquid which the pen dips,
out of the inkstand that does the work.,
Here and there a celebrated pen, with
which a Declaration of Independence or a
Mngna C'harta or a treaty was signed has'
been kept in literary museum or national
archives, but for the most part the pens,
whether, as of old, made out of reed or
later of wing of bird or still later of me-:
tallic substance, have disappeared, whilo
the liquid which the pens took from the
inkstand remains in scroll; which, if put
together, would be large enough to en-!
wrap the round world. For practical, for
moral, for religious, for eternal purposes,!
I speak of the mission of "the writer's'
inkhorn." ;
First, I mention that which is purely
domestic. The inkstand is in every housc-j
hold. It awaus the opportunity to ex-!
press affection or condolence or advice.:
Father uses it; mother uses it; the sons
and daughters use it. It tells the home
news; it announces ';he marriage, the
birth, the departure, the accident, the last
sickness, the death. That home inkstand
what a mission it has already executed,
and what other missions will it yet ful
fill! May it stand off from all insincerity
and all querulousuess. Let it tell only that
which it would be well to read after the:
hand that wrote it and the hand that re-'
ccived it can write no more. Dip out of'
that inkstand only that which is paternal,'
maternal, filial, sisterly, brotherly. Sacred;
let it be, not to what arc sometimes called,
the "household gods," but to the one and;
the only Oo'd who "scttcth the solitary in',
families." Dip out of it solace for par-:
ents on the descending grade of years and
encouragement for those who are climbing
the steeps. 1
The carvers and glass blowers are ever'
busy making more ornata and skillful
bowls for the ink, but not one of them will'
be so sacred as the old fashioned inkstand'
out of which was dipped the liquid for the;
making of the family record on the blank'
leaves in the Bible between the Old and;
the New Testaments, not so many leaves,
now blank as before recent years madcj
birthday or mortuary insertions. From1
that home inkstand the child dips nut;
material for tiioto large and awkward let
ters that one always makes when learning
to write, aud from it are taken the trein-(
bling letters that show the wrinkled hundj
is gradually forgetting its cunning. '
Oh, ye who have with recent years set
homes of your own, out of the new home
inkstand write often to the old folks, if!
they be still living. A letter means more
to them than to us, who are amid the ac-j
tivities of life And to whom postal corre
spondence is more than we can manage.
They await the coming of the letter. Un-1
dertuke no great thing in life without their
advice. Old people for counsel, young peo
ple for action. Fvcn though through dc-:
cadence they may be incompetent to give
valuable opinions on important affairs,'
compliment them by asking their counsel.'
It will do them good; it will make their'
last days exhilarant. Make that home iuk-!
stand a source ot-rejuveuescenco to those
who are near the terminus of the earthly'
journey. Domestic correspondence is not:
attended to at once. Tho newspaper,
joining with the telegraph, bears the tid
ings of all tho neighborhood, but swiftest'
revolving wheel of modern printing press
and quickest flnsn along the electric wires
can never do the sympathetic work of the'
home inkstand. As too merciful angel of
my text appeared beloro the altar
with tho inkhorn at his side in Kzekiel's
vision, so let the angel of filial kindness
appear at th9 altars ot the old homsstead. ,
Furthermore, the inkstand of tho busi-.
ness man has its mission. Between now
and the hour 01 your demise, O commer
cial man, O professional man, there will
not be a day when you cannot dip from
the inkhorn a message that will influence
temporal and eternal destinv. There is a:
rash young man running into wild specu-'
union, anu wnn as mucn inK as you can'
nut on the pen at one time you may save
mm iroin me piiagara rapius 01 a ruinea
On the next street there is a voun
man siurroH in nimincsri wnn r.hi-mirrii n
of patronage or mistake in purchase of'
goous or want 01 adaptation is on the;
orinK 01 collapse, unc line ol ink lrom
your pen will save him from being an un
derling all his life and start him on a ca
reer that will win him a fortune which
will enable him to become an endnwer of
libraries, an opener of art galleries and
builder of churches.
The most largely successlu! and useful
men of our time once vore an old coat
because they could not aiVord a new one,
and got wages less than that which they
pay their cook or butler. It will be a
mighty thing if out of your inkstand you
can dip a man's earthly and everlasting'
fortune. Dip out of that inkstand not one'
word of dishearteuinent. People huve
enough burdens to carry without your
adding one ounce to the heft. From your
inkstand put not one blot on an honest
ambition. Keep all the whole of your lac
tory spinning rays of sunshine. If you are
a Christian man, put into your business
letters an adroit, moral, religious sugges-,
tion that will keep the receiver thinking
after he has left the counting room for hie,'
home and far on into the night when be
lies upon a wakeful pillow. To-morrow
morning at 11 o'clock, as you begin to an-'
swer your letters, you will have on the nib'
of your pen enough ink to save a soul from,'
death aud hide a multitude of sins. '
, urthermore. great are the respo .'bili-''
tics of the author's inkhorn. All the peo-.'
pie, or nearly all the people, reud, and that'
which they read decides their morals or
imniorals, their prosperity or failure, tlmir
fuith or their unbelief, their purity or cor
ruption, their heaven or hell Show me
any man library, gret or small, and af
ter examining the books, finding those with
leaves uncut, but displayed for sake of the
binding, and those worn with frequent
perusal, and without ever seeing the man'
or knowing his name, I will tell you his
likes and his dislikes, his morals, ''ood or
bad or indifferent, his qualifications for'
business or arSstto or professional or me
chanical life. The best index to any man's
character is the book he prefers above all
others. Oh. the nower of hnnk f nA
or evill
Abraham Lincoln in early life reod
Paine's "Age of Benson, " and it so influ
enced him that he wrote an essay uguinst
Christianity. But afterward some Chris
tian books came into his hands and glo
riously changed bis mind and made him a
moat ardent friend of the Bible and a man
of prayer. A letter in Mr. Lincoln's own
handwriting is in my house, the letter in
response to some resolutions passed by a
Methodist conference, saying: "In response
tn your address allow me to attest the ac
curacy of its historical statements, in
dorse the sentiments it expresses and
thank vou in the nation's name for th
sure promise it gives. Nobly sustained as
the Government has been by all the
churches, I would utter uothing which
plight in the least auurur invidious sitaiust
anv. Tet witnout tms it may fairly be
snid that the Methodist Episcopal
Church, not less devoted than the best,
is by it great numbers the most, im
portant of all. It is no fmilt in others
that, the Jlnthodint church sends more
soldiers to the field, mire nurses to the
hospital and more prayers to heaven
than any. Cod blesti the Methodist
church, bless all the churches, and blessed
be God, who in this, our great trial, giv
eth ne the churches."
What a great thing it was that the
Christian books which Mr. Lincoln rend
obliterated from bis mind the infidel
literature! William Carey became a
missionary by reading "The Voyages of
Captain Cook." ,ohn Wesley's life wss
shnped by rending Jeremy Taylor's
"Holy Living snd Dying." There are
books in your library or lying on your
parlor table or secreted in smne place by
yonr child that will decide for two worlds,
this and the next, the character of its
When a bad bonk is printed, you do wpll
to blame the publisher, but most of all
blame the author. The malaria rose from
his inkstand: the poison that caused the
moral or spiritual death dropped in the
fluid from the tin of his pen. The manu
facturer of that ink rould tell you that it
is made of tannin and salt of iron and nut
galls and green vitriol, but many an author
has dipped from his inkstand hyper
criticism and malevolence anld slander
and salaciousness, as from n fountain, of
Among the mo.t important are the edi
torial and report'.rial inkstands. The
thick ink on the printer's roller is differ
ent from the ink into which the writer
dips his pen and is comnounded of linseed
oil and lampblnck and made thick by
boiling or burning. But the editorial and
rcportorial pens are responsible for that
which the printer's ink roller impresses
upon tho flying sheets. Where one man
reads a book, 5000 men read a newspaper.
What change of opinion in regard to the
printing press since the day when the
great Addison wrote concerning it, "One
cannot but be sony that such h pernicious
machine is erected amon them." and
when, under the reign of Charles II., only
one newspaper, the London Oiwette. was
nllowed to be printed, and that only on
Mondays and Thursdays! Not until the
judgment dav, when the forces which have
influenced the world shall he compared
and announced, will be known the power
of the modern newspaper.
Thomas !uthvie dipped into it nnd
brought up "The Cospcl In Ezekicl." John
dimming dipped into it and brought up
"The Apocalypse." Oh. the opulence of
Christian literature! Oh. the mighty
streams of evangelistic power that, have
poured from the writer's inkhorn that ap
peared in Ezckicl's vision!
, While you rccoenize the distinguished
ones who have dipped into the inkstand
of the world's evangelization do not for
get that there are hundreds of thousands
pf unknown men and women who arc en
gaged in inconspicuous ways doing the
same thing. How many anxious mothers
writing to the boys m town! How many
sisters writing encouragement to brothers
far away! riow many invalids bolstered
up in bed, the inkhorn on the stand at
their side, writing letters of condolence
to those worse off than themselves! They
are flying all the time kind words, gospel
words, helpful words, saving words.
Call the evangelistic inkhorn into serr
ice in the early morning when you feci
well, and you arc grateful for the protec
tion during your sleeping hours, and write
before you retire at close of day to those
who all night long will be saying, "Would
to God it were morning!" How many
bruised and disappointed and wronged
souls of earth would be glad to get a let
ter from you! Stir up that consolatory
All Christendom has been waiting for
great revivals of religion to start from
the pulpist and prayer meetings. I now
suggest that the greatest revival of all
time may start, from a concerted and or
ganized movement through the inkhorns
of all Christendom, each writer dipping
from the inkhorn nearest him a letter of
gospel invitation, gospel hope, gospel warn
ing, gospel instruction. The ink is all
ready on a hundred thousand tables, and
beside it are the implements with which
to dip it out. Why not throuiih such
process have millions of souls brought to
i!od before next sunimpr? Hv letter mn
could make the invitation more effective
than by word of month. The invitation
Jrom your lips may be argued back, nmv
'"s querulous reply, may be answered
by a joke, but a good, warm, gospel letter,
written in prayer, and started with praver,
und followed by prayer, will be read over
and over again and cannot be answered in
a frivolous way.
Within ami's reach of where you sit
there may be a fluid that you may' put mi
wing with message of light and love. Oh,
lor the swift flying angel of mercy which
hzekiel caw in vision "with a writer's ink
horn by his side."
The other angels spoken of in mv text
were destroying angels, nnd carli had
what the Bible calls a "slaughter weap
on in hia hand. It was a lance or r. liat
tlcax or a sword. Ood hasten the time
when the last lance shall be shivered, und
the las batlleax dulled, and the last
sw-ord sheathed, and the angel of the text,
who Matthew Henry sayj was the Lord
Jesus Christ, shall from the full inkhorn
11,8 mrrov lvc 8 saving call to all na
tions. That day may be far off, but it is
helpful to think of its coming.
As Dr. Kaleigh declared that when thir-tv-six
miles at sea oif tho roast of New
J'.nglanU the cattle on board the ship as
well as himself Rcented tho clover on the
New England hills, h we amid all the toss
intS wn,v,;" of the world's controversies in
hale the redolence of the white lilies of
universal peace.
If our Bible is true and no other book
that was ever printed is uh true as that
hook, winch Moses began and John
linished-then (he time will come when all
the weapons of cruelty will stop, and the
inkhorns of evangelization will have their
way. In the museums r.r ti. ..-..i.i .l...
carbine and the cannon and the bomb will
be kept as curiosities, and children will be
incredulous as parents tell them that civil
ized nations once employed such instru-
whl!iS ii uca.h'- ancf m0Ie incredulous
when told by their parents that the army
that killed the most men was considered
the most glorious army. Tho red horse
ot carnage that St. John saw in vision and
the black horse of famine und the pale
horse of death will be stabled, and the
white horse of prosperity und peace,
mounted by tne King of Kings, will lead
the great. army with banners.' Through
the convicting converting, sanctifying
power of the Eternal Spirit may we all
Vi i. '".'"at. Procession! Hail, thou
Mighty Kider of the white horse in the
final triumph weer down and sweep
by, thou Augel of the New Covenant, with
the inkhorn of the world's evangelization'
"The mountains and the hills shall break
forth into singing, and all the trees of the
held shall clap their hands. Instead of
the thorn shall come up the fir tree, ond
instead of the brier shall come un the
myrtle tree, and it shall be to the Lord
for a name, for an everlasting sign that
shall not be cut off."
T.auuclilng lllg Hattleslilps.
It costs from $4,000 to S,000 to
launch a battleship for the launch
ing; only. One of Cramp's men says:
"The building of the. ways for tho
ship to slide down over Is the main
Item, and then comes the greasing;.
Every Inch of timber over which the
vessel sltdes must be covered with a
lubricant. Soap and tallow form th
main Ingredients. We use a luyer of
beef tallow and a layer of soft soap.
Between one and one and a half torn
of the stuff la required to movo the
average battleship. Tha tallow Is
spread on first, to the depth of about
three fingers, and the workmen use
big, flat trowels to mak the surface
as smooth as possible. Then they pour
over the soft soap, which la just thick
enough to run, or about the consist
ency of tar. The double coating an
swers admirably, and the ship glides
Into the water aa If It were sailing on
air. If It sticks. It Is likely to spring
some of the vessel s plates, and acci
dent of that kind are so costly, that
nothing la spared to avert them."
What suffering frequently results
from a mother's ignorance ; or more
frequently from a mother's neglect to
properly instruct her dntirhter
Tradition says "woman must suf
fer," and young women are so tang-lit.
There is a little truth and n great deal
of exaggeration In this. If a young
woman Buffers wverely she needs
treatment, and her mother should see
that she gets it.
Many mothers hesitate to tnke their
daughters to a physician for examina
tion i but no mother nerd hesitate to
Write freely about her daughter or
herself to Mrs. I'inkhnm and secure
the most efficient advice without
eharge. Mrs. l'inkhaui's addreut is
Lynn, Mass.
I 'V n 4'e?5h5JSriil y'li.'"1: i
Mrs. August Pfalzgraf, of South
Byron, Wis,, mother of the young lady
whose portrait we here publish, wrote
Mrs. Pinkham in January, lsiw. saying
her daughter had suffered for two
rears with irregular menstruation
iad headache all the time, and pain in
her side, feet swell, and was generally
miserable. Mrs. Pinkham promptly
replied with advice, and under date of
March, 1890, the mother writes again
that Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable
Compound cured her daughter of all
pains nnd irregularity.
Nothing in the world equals Mrs,
Pinkham's great medicine for regu
lating woman's peculiar monthly
Choice Vegetables
always bring high prices.
To raise them success
fully, a fertilizer con
taining at least 8
Potash should be used.
Our books furnish useful information on
all subjects relating to
crop raising. They are
A sent free' 4pfl
jWjl jj Nassau Street,
For 14 Cents
Watatll tha folio Inf rvi mm nevtliiM,
lpkf.HI. TmU ft.
1 ' ritsrilt On Ink fUJ.
1 Kiiriilllrti(nrusHber(Ml. ,10
1 (Itj (rdan Hl HeJ, 1ft
1 " IB-IUf lUdJsh H4, (o
1 IX. Mai-art Ltttur St4, , irt
worth f i.oo ,::.,:?
AwM 10 ptvkncffl i-ftr borrltlf wtll
hull trou tv, itt mat rtl
lll'Mtrftiod N,d dialog, ttlilnt- til ftburU
rilrr-. Hllllftn Ilol1i.p.r-o)
AU t'holea On Ion hrrtl, title. lb.
Toftthw with tlittftni1sora-hMtjro.
I kbits sinrt farm ard. upon rciil oMto.
n't thUnotlcp. Wlim owe xtut plant
Salt a Rp-ri, ,,. do without,
JOHN A. tAUEB iEED CO.. UCroow.wto. ,
1 Ihil Jig
-'. .
Pimples, Blackheads, Red
Rough and Oily Skin
Dr. Bull's Cough
Cures a coufjh or cold at once.
Conquer croup, bronchi.:, fi)Vl Ilfj
(rippe and couhumptiou. 55c J
IMII II. HTKVI NX A l fstau.lhM.
PIT. 8. Sl7-Ulh Strret, W A 1 1 1 MJT UN, II. ti,
, rsacu oflicost Clutaso, Cleveland u&d XJeu-niU
Ikti Beat (nifcb Hyrup. Titsna lit toil, Cie
Pri In ttmo. F"M hv inu.vif.
jyTILLIONS of Women Use CUTICURA SOAP, Assisted by
-.VI Cuticur a Ointment, the gre.t skin core, for preserving;, purifying-,
and beautifying: the skin, for cleansing- the scalp of crusts,
scales, and daniruEf, and the stopping- of falling hair, for softening-,
whitening-, and soothing- red, rcujh, and sore hands, for baby .
, rashes, itching, and chafings, in the form of baths for annoying
irritations and inflammations, or too free or offensive perspiration,
in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sanative
antiseptic purposes which readily sug-jjest themselves to women
and mothers, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nur
sery. No amount of persuasion can induce those who have once
used these great skin purifiers end beautifiers to use any others.
CUTICURA SOAP combines delicate emollient properties derived
from CUTICURA, the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing-
ingredients and the most refreshing- of flower odors. No
other medicaiedsoup h to be compared with it for preserving, puri
fying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No
other foreign or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, is to be
compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and
nursery. Thus it combines in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, viz. i
TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, the BEST skin and complexion soap,
and the BEST toilet and baby soap in the wcrld.
Complete External and Intornal Treatment for Every Humor.
) avuio.inf 01 uiin,uttt m-r i,oe. j, vu eiuiiHic- iui pkiii ui vruoio man
pewt.'! iiu out 11-1! tup 1 tii.o.-ur(t cuvicit;, viiiit.uiM wim miT j.
lo tniumiy allay itrliint, irnlummniou, nor) Irritation, and soothe aua
lieal; and Out it-u ha li.n-n.vaNT (60c.). to cool and eloarue the blood.
A Hinoi.b fiKTtaot'Ujii sufficient to oure the moittorUir.njr.dlitigurfnrr,
and hum! Hut lot: kin r.tlp, and blood humors, with loss of hair, when
all also luila. Bold throuifhoui tha world.
THE SET, $1.25
For only 10 ('nils w will send to siiy P. o. nl-cli-eMS,
111 luvn' treatment cl thy IwHt tneiUi'ln on
iirth. nnd put you on the tra k bow to muk .lion,
fj rlulit at your home. Address all order, to Tim
It. l. U III lledielno onipnnv. 3 Hli.u.
bi;tli .. llaKi-rnliMvn, ,tlil. liram-h Ollleni
ISM Indtuuu Avu., IVusliiimtoii, II. I'.
Ii W I J I qmek r-li.r od our, .ocj
si. But, ul wlinionii. aud to daya' trMtaiaas
free. Dr. s. u. ullm snout, lu s.
n a m a.-
Till t-Afl.IC
' fi
Watch our next advertleemont.
There is nothing that a
appreciates as much as a good
cup of coffee.
If you don't drink
yourself, at least keep Borrro for
your guests.
But what can you buy for your,
self that is better or that costs
so little as
Btor,GetTthiVfrTUliiiri0n'S Hea1 on ever7 wrapper). If not at your grocer's try another
avore. iiuim COfF1313 is not glazed nor coated with egg mixtures or chemical.
tSrtit0hU, LI0N CQPPBB is absolutely pure co-Ice.
S i -. i in
.In every package of LION COFFEC you will find a fully Illustrated and descriptive list No housekeeper, ta
tact, no womtn, man, boy or girl will fall to find in the list Km, article which will contribute to their UppjL
comfort and convenience, and which they may have by almply cutting out a certain number of Lion HeaiUfcwS
the wrapper of our one pound sealed packages (which la the only form ta which this eaoelleat ooae is eoW,