The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, March 14, 1901, Image 7

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1 finrniTHftnmi (S
Hospitals In our great citieB are sad places to visit.
Three-fourths of the patients lying on those snow-white
beds are women and girls.
Why should this be the case ?
Because ther have neglected themselves.
Every one of these patients in the hospital beds had plenty
of warning in that bearing-down feeling, pain at the left or
right of the womb, nervous exhaustion, pain in the small of
the back. All of these things are indications of an unhealthy
condition of the ovaries or womb.
What a terrifying thought ! these poor souls are lying
there on those hospital beds awaiting a fearful operation.
Do not drag along at home or in your place of employ
ment until you are obliged to go to the hospital and submit to
an examination and possible operation. Build up the female
system, cure the derangements which have signified them
selves by danger signals, and remember that Lydla E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved thousands
of women from the hospital. Head the letter here published
with the full consent of the writer, and see how she escaped
the knife by a faithful reliance on Mrs. Pinkham's advice
and the consistent treatment of her medicines.
Mrs. Knapp tells of her dreat Gratitude.
" Dub Mrs. Pik kiiam : I have received mudi benefit from usinff your
Vegetable Compound and Snnatlve Wash. After my child was born, blood
puiauu set hi, wnicn jext me wnn crraniilated In-
fl.mmalMn tt.. , . 1. 1 . l ,
mv!T&1 "trK If ' ' "' ' ouu uuutfcoiru ovaries.
J" V II Buffered from suppressed and painful
3 menstruation from a ffirl. The doctors told me
' ;-rfei it II tlie ovories would have to be removed. 1 took
S, &Jb&) I treatment two years to escape an operation.
iuK pun iiumiucu iu luineruoie neaitn in Dotn
body and mind, expecting to part with my
reason with each coining month. After lifting
one bottle of the Compound, 1 became entirely
rid of the trouble in my head. I continued to
use your remedies until cured.
" The last nine months have been passed in
perfect good health. This, I know, I owe en
tirely to Lydla E. Pinkham's Vetre
table Compound.
"My gratitude is great Indeed to the one to
whom so many women owe their health and
klnnio Avenue, Milwaukee, ; iT " MAFP' 158 JUnnl-
Owln-r to the fart that Home aL r rr i-.1
people have from tune lo lime qioislioned
the genuineness of the testimonial letters
. w5 re constantly publishing, we have
depotiled with the National City Bank, of I.ynn, Mass., $, ooo!
which will be paia to any person who will show that the above
testimonial Is not genuine, or waa published before obtaininr the
writer a special permision.-LvDi . Finkkau Mkoicinb Co"
The tread of invention is toward pro
cesses that cheapen production.
4 t 9 -1 1 1 Barest, surest cure for
Jr. 13 II 1 1 S"" ""t d iuug
5r . rV trouble-. People praise
Cough Syrup &crtrrsi!a,'i
aUiitac substitutes. Get Dr. Dull' Cough ovruu.
Two hundred bushels of po
tatoes remove eighty pounds
$x of "actual "Potash from the
& soil. Unless this quantity
l.; is returned to the soil,
llgpi the following crop will
,H materially decrease.
erTiJirrt'tii We have, books telling about
't3riV composition, usa and value of
CJg. fertilisers for various crops.
&Sk '1"cy "" fre-
yj oasuu aut
Mew York.
v -r. ..... THE ORIGINAL
XN?v r H
CATAI OfiUM purr
SHi F! of every iten-riit ion Hat.
OUHlXti if, tlu Ouaniitsnl.
JVritptnr nrlies JKNHK UAHliKN
IW B Ohsrles Ht . Un.iliiulii, Mix.
salzeh's seeds
IbzZs-Vl"-1- ,,KB VOU RIOH"
ifj'jtz TIUs laUrti,g aUtenisnt, butkat.
MV'-P-'Z mt",'im beT It oat ry SUM.
IjjVi'!'" Owlloruo'ii.-th3VIjKialUvJy
VirjS 1 Oaslne sells.
111 Inn. lYaHPI
u tt.1 mm ict au
Li iuJ In u . .
V S.-'U (Silks, m. A.I tM.
IBfta buW wl. . I II 1 I -. d.d
soUr.O'tbu.suAjlwu, nu.v.',iicli10.seaaMil. H
j mi A. aValtiar tStae) Uo. If tnm. Bit. M
a C'liinamnn ia very awagger he
becomea posuessur of a cht-au American
clock. Tbcae alurm clocka have found
their wuy into every city and town in the
empire. 1'heic is nothing the Celestial ia
o proud of aa hia alarm clock. If you
take up a dozen photographs of Chiuetie
you will see that they always have the lit
tle clock on the table at their elbow.
Cavre) of the llaibv.
To keep the akin oleun is to keep it healthy;
every mother should therefore see that hor
baby is given a duily bath in warm water with
Ivory Boap. The nursery should also be well
aired and cleanod, and all ok. thing washed
with Ivory boap, well rinsed and dried in the
uu. Kliea R. 1'ABgtg.
A recruiting ofliccr who has been in
Iowa saya that the iiercentage of men ac
cepted m that State on offering them
selves for army service ia considerably
above the average in any other State
JwliHtmentu in Iowa are largely from the
farms, and the vast majority of young
fellows who offer themselves are young
strong and hardy.
100 Howard, a 100.
The rendu of this paper will be pleased to
learn that thore is at least one dreadud dis
ease that science has been able to euro in all
its stages, and that is !aturrh. Hall's Cafcu-rh
Citro is the only positive cure now known to
the medical lratornity. Catarrh being a con
stitutional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting diructly upon the blood and mu
eous surfaces ot the system, thereby destroy
ing the fouudution of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up the con
stitution and assisting nature in doing its
work. The pro'-rietors have so much fuithin
its enrativo pov.-s that they offer One Hun
tired Dollars tor any case that it tills to cure.
Send for list of testimonials. Address
o . . L ' Co., Toledo, O.
hold by Druggists, 76o.
Hull's Family ljl. are the best.
One authority on botany estimates that
over 00,000 species of plant are now
known and cluaained.
Mrs. Whitlow's Soothing Hyrup for children
teething, soften, reduces inflamma
tion, allays paui, cure., wind cello. U6o a bottle
The date of the Johnstown flood waa
May 31, 1889,
Wso's Cure ia the best medicine we ever used
for all affections of throat and lungs. Wat.
(J., Vanburen, lnd., Feb. 10,1000.
A century ago $20 had us much purchas
ing power in 1'uris as 1)0 has to-duy.
Ili ad I'rof. H. A. Wki.tuiu'b advertisement
in this paper. It should be of interest to yon.
In South Australia there are only eighty
live women for every 100 men.
A Colonel In the British South African
army says that Adams' Tutti Fiutti was a
blessing to his men while marching.
Our grandmother never played golf,
but they had their tea caddies.
In twenty year the population of Lo
Angeles, C'ttl., ha increased 100,000,
Thirty miuuto is all the tims required to
dye with Putwam Fauklss Dtb. Hold by
all druggists. '
Great Britain is shipping firrwood from
ictori, Australia, for tliu use of he
troop in China.
A Jeord
Of aimont a iitui.w ha. . . .t.. i. i
Orchard W ater is a reliuble apeeiHo for Hick
H41I .I'llH 1 l.u. ....... 1.. I I . .1 ... I
.. uml voiisuiiuon, Uly
it a trial,
in Ameu'icait bank ha been organ iied
lo ltgtUrdum, Holland.
Itemlnlseenee Hoasreated to an Old Boy
By the News ol Unlonvllln.
"It Is a fitshlon, I know, among city
folk to ridicule the country pitper,"
inyg a reformed traveling man, "but
I have been a regular subscriber to the
Unlouvllle Banner for over thirty
years. There s one evening In the week
that I look forward to with et.
Tbnfs Monday night, when I light my
old pipe, put on my slippers and lie
back in the battered rocker for a mus
Ing and A dreaming ovj?r my copy of
tne Manner.
"Yes, there It Is. Hasn't changed a
font of typo, I guess. In forty years
Same old, queer Job type. Same old
Washington press still grinds It out
I'll bet, as It did when I was a freckled
boy and used to hnng around the front
door of the tumbling rookery where
snowy-balred Editor Moore used to bo
p'cklng up the typo or methodically
scratching down the fact that 'Miss
May Smith Is visiting friends In our
neighboring burg," or 'John Loftus Is
preparing to build a new barn. Most
of the lumber is already on the
"I turn to the front page first, of
course, and here, In my 'Local News,
I ascertain that 'Miss Ella Stuart has
quite a class of music pupils here In
town and .also conducts a class In Pat
tousburg. Miss Stuart has a good
quality of musical talent.' Why, dear
me, dear me; don't It beat all how
things do move! . Why, I used to go to
the high school in L'nlonvllle wltb
Ella Stuart's mother. And many n
time I bung May baskets with her and
then huug over the old white paling
gate and held ber band until an omiu
ous raising of an upper window Indi
cated that a parent of Ella's mother
desired the daughter's presence with
"And, let's see! Why, here's some
thing: 'Walter Thomas has been to the
city this week, laying in a new stock
of goods. Teter Kigel is helping out In
The Emporium during Walter's ah
sence.' Well, It Is surprising how some
boys'll come up in the wond in spite
of poverty and distress. Know who
mat waiter Thomas Is? Well, sir,
he s the grandson of old Tap Thomas,
as we used to call him, who used to
live away down there by the railroad
in that little hut of a place, and bad a
cabbage patch all around the bouse.
Desolate a looking place as you ever
"Pap was sort of hnlf-wltied and
bad a son who I should say was fully
three-quarters witted. A peaceable.
law-abiding well-digger ITe came to be.
Married a real blight girl, really con
siderably above the average, and here
their son's become the leading mer
chant In Unionvllle! This Peter FIgel
Is a relation son, maybe of an old
foreigner who settled down In Union
vllle and earned a living at cobbling.
Said to be of noble Mrth he was, and
mysterious generally.
"I shouldn't know the faces that
would greet mo on Main street, I sup
pose now.. Most of 'em come up since
I wus a boy. I wonder who really has
made the truest success, the boys who
stayed at home or those who were go
ing to conquer the great world out
side. There were my schoolmates who
married and settled down In Union
ville, and their sons nnd daughters are
to-day's young men and women. I wag
going to do such big things when I
struck the city that I couldn't exactly
make up my mind to take time to
come back and court Susie Williams.
I kept putting it off and putting it off
until I should get a Utile better and a
little better position until, first thing
I knew, Phil Kerns up and married
her nnd I was left. So, that's how it
Is, and bless me If I don't wonder
sometimes as I muse over the old Ean
ner If the boys who stayed at home
have made such a miserable failure of
it after all.
"So, I read along to ponder over the
memories that those quaint items in
the 'Local News' call forth. Well, you
may poke fun at the couotry weeklies
as you will, but I fail to see why the
fact that 'a resident of Unionvllle has
lately bought the place of another resi
dent of Unionville, and intends to
move into it,' may not be as well worth
chronicling in the local paper of Union
vllle aa the fact that the dog of a fa
mous actress died on the steamer Is
worth two-column pictures and a
half-column description in city duillcs.
Blamcd'f I can see much difference
in merit between a poodle dog editorial
in a city dally and 'a big cabbage Just
laid on the desk of ye editor' of a coun
try weekly." Boston correspondence
of the New York Sun.
Curious Fish From a Driven Well.
Sumo time ago a driven well was
sunk at the Howell Creamery, Pine
island, to the depth of 250 feet. The
supply of water obtained equalled only
one quarter of the amount necessary,
and iu order to obtain a greater sup
ply two charges of Jovelte, a new ex
plosive, wero discharged by William J.
Brown, an expert In its use. Both
charges were set off simultaneously by
an electric battery, and a column of
water eight Inches in diameter was
thrown to a height of 300 feet. Many
curious things came up from the bot
tom of the well, including three curi
ous fish. They wero about eight inches
long and had neither bead nor tall,
both ends being alike. They could
swim as easily backward as forward
and wero not provided with eyes or
mouth. There were several smull ori
fices at each end of these curious fish.
When they came down with a shower
of stones from the top of tho column
of water they bounded repeatedly
many feet In the air. One was cap
tured by a Polander, who, curious to
see its interior, struck It with a dull
hatchet, but made no Impression what
ever upon the flnli. although he killed
It. One Is still alive in cupltivity.
New York Sun.
Cow Worship In Africa.
Two short marches brought us to a
loug pool of still water. Here we
found another' braneb of the Magois,
who called themselves Katua. To my
surprise I discovered these people to
be cow worshipers aud to Indulge In
certain rites which were supposed to be
peculiar to the Hindoo religion. The
origin of this cow worship is presum
ably the same with the Katua at with
the Hindoo, traceable to the great de
pendence placed upon the animal for
sustenance. Tho Katua eat the cow,
but all their people turn out when the
beast Is killed and go through much
teiemouy. They would not sell iu
le cow. Geographic ,1 Journal.
afaaf orlfot Bo In 1.1 fa nrs Cadtsr
Mew Atlas.
lhe clerk of tha city court mads
public the names of seventy persons
who changed their names In legal form
in the year 1900, says the New York
Evening Post. Most of the original
names are of palpably foreign extrac
tion. As a rule all reasonable requests
for change of name are granted. They
are then filed away, the petition giv
ing the avowed reasons for change and
the Judgment passed upon It by the
court A glance at the records and
the rarlous name changes gives rise
to considerable speculation as to the
real cause ot dissatisfaction. Why, one
wonders, should a name of such aristo
cratic twang, as Waldemar Ruthyar be
cast aside In prefonce to the hackneyed
title of Henry Smith? On .the next
page of the records Is the reverse of
the question of high-sounding names,
where one finds tho somewhat plebeian
cognomen of Gumbinfky changed to
Von Tllzar. What evidence of nation
ality remains In the name of Jay, un
less It Is discovered to be a corruption
of Jacobowsky? There scarcely could
be any greater effacement of a family
name than to substitute the noncom
mittal Blank for Polanger. Sebastian
Bibo Is lost entirely In Frank Walter
and Roricka becomes the American
ized Rose. Many changes result from
family quarrels, when another family
name Js taken in place of the legiti
mate one. Often the wills of eceentrl?
relatives demand a change In the name
of tho beneficiary, without which no
legacy can be obtained. Occasionally
debt or Imprisonment has brought the
name of some nerson Into such dtara-
pute that a new name Is sought for
which a new reputation may be built.
In the case of foreigners who have be
come American citizens the stiff con
sonants of Russia, Bohemia and Po
land prove too much for our Anglicized
tongues and a change Is really neces
sary. Under this reason come such
changes, no doubt, as Chmelicck to
Luhan, Neugroschel to Rochelle, Yu
zukjlan to Yuzuk, and Rothmovltz to
ttttvts- n
There Is an end to
acute suffering when
St. Jacobs Oil
promptly cures
We make t specialty of mince
meat employ the best skill use
the best materials.
We stake our fame on it. We
use it to advertise the many other
good things that we make.
A package makes two laree pies.'
Your grocer will furnish it it you
asz him. You will find it better
than home-made better than any
mince meat you ever tasted. You'll
eat Libby'i foods thereafter.
libby, McNeill Lrbby. Chicago
Our bwk, "How lo Make Good Things
10 est," sent tree.
Ghastly Truths Revealed on the Disap
pearance of Winter's White Mantle.
Deadly dangers lurk In the ground
left baro by the departing snow. All
Winter long there have been accumu
lating deadly disease germs.
These have been protected and
kept alive by the covering of snow
and now. with tho first warm days,
these death-bringing microbes are
awakened by tho ravs of tho sun, and
as the ground dries they arc carried to
all corners of the community in the
dust that is blown everywhere by the
Spring winds.
The human body at this time Is par
ticularly susceptible to these germs,
especially the gcrmn cf fevers. Tho
system has been dopleted by the fore
going Winter. Tho blood' Is shigslBh
and filled with Impurities. The nervos
have not recovered from the tension
they have been under for tho past
months. The stomach, the bowels, the
kidneys, the liver are all at their
It Is, therefore, not strange that
these germs of disease Tlnd fertile
ground In which to thrive, flourish and
develop Into deadly ills.
Spring Is the time of year when one
should fear an attack of fever, espe
cially when tho system is
should dread any severe Illness. The
vitality Is at a low ebb. There Is less
power of resistance to throw off di
sease, and It Is cn ttls account that
fatalities are so much greater during
tho Spring months than at any other
time of the year.
There Is but one way to vard off
such dangers, and that is to fortify
For only III Onu we will wml to anv P. O. ad
dress, 111 tluy' treatment of the belt inelir!n on
earth, nnd put you on the truck how to make .tlnn
ry rtitlit st your home. Aililrm all ortlcrn to ''lie
It. If. XV III- llrillrlnr t nmpnnv, U:l I'lt.n
yUU.":! '""own, .Mil. Itrniieli llffic.-ai
I 211 Indiana Ave., XX auliislou, l. ('.
the human body so that It will be
come Impregnable to the germs of In
vading disease.
To do this take Dr. Greene's Ner
vura blood and nerve remedy. It will
build you up quickly, it will re-establish
your waning appetite. It will give
you roRtful nights of sleep. It will give
vim and vigor to the nerves, and It
will dispel all existing poisons that
have accumulated in the body besides
counteracting tho effects of others
that may accumulate.
Following is an instance that will
illustrate the wonderful power of Dr.
Greene's Nervura blood and nerve
Sheriff Jonas T. Stevens, who Is
shertf of Hyde Park, Vt.. says: "I
have used .Or. Greene's Nervura blood
and nerve remedy especially as a blood
purifier. I bad a very severe humor
on my arms, accompanied by a very
bad Itching, so severe that I could not
sleep nights, causing me great lncon
venlence by the loss of sleep by the
itching. A friend advised me to take
Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve
remedy, which I did with the most
satisfactory results, for the trouble
has entirely disappeared, and I can
now ret comfortably nights and have
none of my former misery from the
burning, itching sensations."
Remember Dr. Greene's advice will
be given to any one desiring same ab
solutely free if thev will write or call
upon him at his office, 35 W. 14th St,
New York City.
yield to nature' modloln,
Msiwily rnroa rv srnpsln and all stomach,
1 . Tt "."ln"' and hownf disorders. An un
rivalled aperient and l ustlre; InrlsoraUs
and tones tlis whole srem. A natural
water nl the lilft-lioet tnMlrluai value, con
cantrateiltomiitoltenrlsr .
and clioiHier to b.llls, rtgfmK
hip and no. A lut! VS&Tl
bottle iseo.ilallo2irioDlK5y
or iinrondiwised water. -Im
Hold Lv ,lr,,,. ... r'w
Where. Crab Simla trade. ISiS lJFiEs
mnrk on ererr liof Me. ST
CnAS ORCHARD WATER CO.. louiavllhJ. k
.l,;,;i,w,l.Thornp$on,$ Eyt Water
Kooti nridre" and rh rc-
tfkt TJi Itit.nsrl ii.u sinl asail
"DIMNFItl l lMM MMI'I the healins
wondfir of moderu times, tinarnnted for tn
Seevsntlon of nonunion and onre of any skin
isenisn. Popular iirlco. Itepeati every wliero.
Kxoluslvs tjrrito-y. stoa ly. ko il-rarlnir
employment. IMSIMra'M Tl Mi ( O.,
anion, Ohio.
L l I ZP I oulek rell' and sums wars
tons Boos ol tsvlnaonlals sua 10 dftys' trlmns
Vre Dr. a. a. una s soss. Sos a, Aiuat.
the dnifflrm nrlenrc
of heallnrorlfrlnaUHt.
bmrtlf fT sirtrt tnnvlit
by Prof. S. A. WELTMEA. bas nscnrd
more Hopeless caws Una n y oilier known
method. All wlixllre Health and Hap
piness or a I'ayln Profession should writ
...I . unci uim trov n'jij ut
Weltmerlsm' . fully Illustrated. Adilres
200 S. asa St. .Nevada, at.
FORSTHE best fence
tSSSfc SSFiiS-aS: E3sSfiS3
I'll IS fAr-Klt.
u a o il
Dost Cough 8ymp. Tastes Good. Cat
In time. Sold hv drtippls.
ravTssl J Xt B .. I -3ttrT?C'T.v,.
" - . - ,.e,o.iTrrffl
US u
- .
JMJgJWjUW All Alike!
i far
Watch our next advertisement.
is always the same.
Ono pack.T4-e is just like another.
It is uniform in every respect
If you like one package you will like all
LION COFFEE is not glaecd or coated with egg mixtures and chemicals, but is
an absolutely pure coffee, full of strength and flavor.
In every package of LION COFFEE yott will find a fully illustrated and descriptive list No housekeeper In
fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in tho list some article which will contribute to their happiness
comfort and convenience, and which they may have by simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads from
tho wrappers of our one pound sealed packages (which is tho only form In which this excellent coffee Is sold).
vwaww.n orivu W., IVLCUU, UnlU
All ages hafl with delight the coming of the most wonderful, meritorious preparation that will lighten the ills
of humanity and wjll do away with the taking of obnoxious, violent purges, inconvenient liquids, and pills that tear
your life out. Simply because in CASCARETS Candy Cathartic you will find just what you want, convenient in
form, pleasant of taste (just like candy) and of never-failing remedial action. They have found a place in millions
of homes, and are the favorite medicine of the whole family, from baby to good old grandpa.
Dont k& fooled viItH substitutes for CASCARETS!
a respite. CincibMd Enquirer.
avbl reuiedr CAM-AUKTH. I anf mr wbola
famllr received roller from tlis Brt smnll Imr
ws tried. I certainly recouimnnil f-AKfAKH-ra
.... . , " ' . wi'i "n" mor will
Sad a plaoe In evarv home. Yours for sucoass.
'""Tail Wliiu, Jr.,
Prm drove are., McEcosport, Pa.
Ot V.
(eg) ftWR?pi-iii? 25c-c-
VBuef Mtf ymlUZ Ndlly cyL-- never sold in bvii,.
aAft"""!!.. craaasTfBD to rvmtt, n sn . . wrcM-
ktZdum.VaZZi,ll2ki:.i:!.n"Tm','.l b,.t sswulu, asuulk, fIR KTSj w hs sold. How Ills over a-nilon -er, rr tha .r
pi "stun Tind illx..?..' p,E!,''T. "k""Jl'Bfc,,,,,r ,b," "- elallr wodleln. la the v. . rid. This la b.olul. proof of r.-..t merit, mui
ri."lT."fc. (LnslToM'tl.. km.l?ow"1,,.f"" J!,,,v ''l'"-l ymm or, ssr knl Mtlosslsl. Vo h.v. f-llh. mat v. Ill self .' .1 b K 1 otosolul!
I Is s.."i.r oV iJil?J!.lillfK;?'pi".,," " dl.ei.ssoaei-. naraaltrs So eore mr rr rrlWd-d. hm our loduv. ! boars, alvo
mrrnrtt KaLf??-!1 mul .y'!m.'Lr. fSri'l"! losa rlr, ao.esl trl.l, per slaspl dlreettous. and Vvy ro ao S.tlsar4
ou win nJl i flltltS'i"11 Vff1 '' A : 't l today, f or aflrr usla o.. 6e boa. return ho ua.i.rd A boa. poll Iko easi.ty boa lo
H.mI. 'Cukoof od?i... ".?f Jf"T. t1 1, "i'iA'l 1 1 1 1 you put vour bowels si b luotr or druaxlat from v. ansa o purkaeo It. oad set our
m 'mraullL JliVllLi'y sod, aad.r sta mboolal Sa.U for kith boses, 1nh our aTvl- to aaolior ! alls you i -sort lihlaj.
uaruaiws to tsrser roruada. fioaltk will oulrkiy follow oi.Jvou will blosa lh. da yon lira started then.
Mi ( Attl AKaVl a. book ! b soull. Addl SJsaussoiaSSl!".. S.. lnUloa
Jj4MMmyj0kMM Ctf st SiJI XJI 0 0 mfit al aVsV aa a oVAl ftol M tk0 sV SJS fi 4Vsi SlI 4JI sV1 ItsS la 4Jt a