The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, March 14, 1901, Image 5

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Ky Walter C. Tintterworth.
Thirty yenrn iro in e lively Now Knir
land township there livoil a in nil whose
name wns Lemuel I'mitty. He wns a
real ("statu agent and hud lone enjnyeil a
monopoly of the business in Unit villngo.
At Intervals when a newcomer hung
nut his "shingle," bcnrliiR the luserlption,
"So-aiicl-io, Ileal Hit ate," old Lwn
I'routy, as ho was commonly enlleil,
would exert his energies to drive him
out of business, and Invnrinbly in t ho
course of a few month he succeeded. So
shrewd was this veteran trailer nnilsnch
a hold did he have In his town Unit in "Jo I
years only two sales had been nindo by
rival agents, nud In each Instance they
had been compelled to buy the old man
off to prevent his upsetting the trade.
One day as old Lcm sat in (lie open
doorway of Tom Connor's stablo ho remarked:
"The man who gets ahead of me, Tom
In If 10 two young men nniiiivl Hubert
and Watson were returning to fan Cut i
ciseo with a ful tune.
.lust nt sunset, when they were prepar
ing their evening mini. Watson suddenly
"Look at that mn:i!"
His companion looked In the direction
indicated, but In the gathering gloom
wns tinabln to detect anything that look
ed like a human figure.
"I think you were mistaken'," he re
plied. "Was ho white or Iriilliin?"
"Whito and dressed In the garb of a
"Well, ho Is gone now, and we'll think
no more about him."
Hut the speaker by no means felt the
assurance lie iiKsumed.
They valued their wealth enough to
feel ready to peril their lives for Its unfi1
ty, and the sight of the bUuugcr they had
seen loitering around the camp nt sunset
filled both with a vngue intensities.
They lounged around tho outside, smok
ing their pipes, until a late hour, when
they withdrew within their dilapidated
tent and lay down. They were so wea
ried with their unusually hard labor that
must rise up early In the morning and sit l)0lh nIik into a heavy slumber.
uu late o' nights: In fact, he must Btay
lip most all the time."
Tom laughed and replied, "I guess j
that's about right, Lorn," I
At this point Hill Gardner, the portly I
constable, who wns sltKog oa a barrel, j
enjoying an after dinner clgnr, piped out,
"What Leni I'routy don't know about j
sellin houses ain't worth knowin. an I'll j
bet $10 to oue on him any day."
Some days later, as old I.em sat In the
stable doorway smoking and chatting I
with a party of acquaintances, his eyo I
rested on a new sign In bold clinracti rs
which read, "Andrew Gray, Ileal Ks- !
"Aha!" exclaimed the old trnder. :
"Who Is this? We'll have to look into j
the matter and give him his passports." '
Shortly afterward the ollice door open- I
ed, and a young mnu stepped out. Ho i
wns tall and slightly round shouldered, 1
with red curly hair and the foundation of
a sandy beard, while Ids doilies were
worn and somewhat seedy. He present- j
ed the appearance of a young mini from
the country. I
"A verdant hayseed!" cMluluicd the
old trader. "That's easy game enough."
llo spoke so loudly that the young mitn !
cast a sharp glance nt him ns lie passed
down the street.
Immediately old I.em started in pur- i
suit, and, by keepim; nt a safe distil. lee
and Inquiring of neighbors nnd acquaint
ances with whom he saw the young man
talking, he managed to learn t lint bis
young rival had effected a sale und that
the papers were to lie drawn up on the
That evening the veteran tinder called
upon Mr. Andrew Gray at his ollice. 1
"Mr. Lemuel I'routy, sir," Kiiid that i
worthy gentleman, seating himself In a
chair, with some emphasis.
"Good evening, sir." said the young
man, with a glance that seemed to say.
"I have seen you before nud don't enter
tain a very good impression of yon."
"Well, sir," began old I. em, "I s'pose
you know who I inn. For 2o years I've
handled all tho property that's hi en sold
around" here, nnd whenever I've had a
competitor I'vo squelched him. Now I
understand, sir, that you've iunde a sale,
and I just dropped around to say Unit the
mnn you've traded with Is an old f l ieu I
of mini!, und that I have a place wliieli I
know be would like a great deal better
Unless you are willing to make it right
with ine I shall see him nt ouee."
",Sir," replied Mr. Gray rather sharply,
"the trade Is all made, und he lias agree. I
to tako the place."
"Agreed 1" thundered old Lem
"What's that niuount to? I know the
man better than you do, afid when I can
give him a better place nud save him
money, too, hn won't be fool enough to
take yours."
A look of deep concern overspread the
tho fnce of Andrew Gray, anil for some
time ho was lost In thought. I'lipilly lie
looked up and Inquired:
"If I give you hnlf my commission,
will you be satisfied V"
"Yes, perfectly," replied old I-ein, his
face beaming with triumph.
"Agreed," nald Mr. Gruy. "I will give
you one-halt of what 1 get for selling the
place. Tho papers will be passed at
noon tomorrow. Good evening, sir." he
added abruptly.
"Good evening," returned old Lem as
he sauntered slowdy out of the ollice.
"The easiest one yet," he chuckled us lie
latched the door.
llefore stretching out upon their blan
kets Watson placed the sack containing
the greater part of the gold whero he felt
certain it could not be disturbed without
awakening him.
Watson wan awakened an hour or two
Inter by something about his head. For
a second or two lie was bewildered, and
then when be regained his senses he
cniuilit the glimpse of a mail's hand dis
appearing throtiith n rent In the ennvns.
nnd the same full moon which displayed
tills startling fnct revealed the more
alarming one that the sumo human hand
contained his sack of gold.
l'.y this time the truth (lashed upon the
miner, and, coming bolt upright with the
suddenness of lightning, lie emptied tiie
whole live barrels of his revolver after
the disappearing form of the thief.
Hubert, starting up nt the snme time,
did the same, nnd both dashed outside
the tent. As they did so they saw the
figure of n man of enormous proportions
leap ncross n small brook.
"Chase the infernal villain!" called out
Watson ns he sprung after him.
The two did not hesitate a moment,
but started in full pursuit of the thief,
who shortly after turned to the left and
took to the woods.
The Intter, however, were quite op"t)
and sparse, ami In the bright moonlight
they could see his huge figure Hitting in
and out among the trees.
A few hundred yards or so revealed the
Interesting fact that both fugitive and
pursuers were about equally matched.
Our young friends shouted to tho thief
nnd ordered him to stop under pain of
being Instantly shot down: but. as a mat.
tor of emirse, he paid no heed to them.
Onco or twice he glnneed furtively over
his shoulder, but he miido no reply or outcry.
After 15 or 20 minutes' Hitting in and
Hlie Saw In Tliom Iter Snminniiii
From Tills SUn.ii Wt.i-Iil noil Vn
JTovctl to Give Hiioincl Sonic Tear
Inl Adilee Alum l Ills Fotnro In
This Vnlo of Sorrow.
(Coryrl?M, lflflO. by C. n. Lnvi.
It wns after supper, nml Mr. Gallup
hnil pono out to feed the pig find :ou
(lint tho lionliottsn door v.-nn closnl fur
the night. He '.:. performed tlieso
duties and wns on his v ny Lack to tho
hllchen door when lie licnnl Mrs. Gal
lup titter a long drawn si.; le!;. lie gnvo
no start of nhirm; neither did ho In
crease his juice As n i.i:t!ler of fact,
ho slopped to roll n f.ulher
nwity from the pntli. When he reach
ed the doorstep, he prt flmvii the ill
pnll In Its ncctistcnicd spot to n hair's
liremltli, entered the kitchen to wash
his blinds nnd linng up hia lint, nnd It
wns Kovernl minutes before ho entered
the Bitting room. Mrs. Gallup wns ly
Im; on tlio lounge. IIo ilid not. look di
rectly nt lier, but ho knew she was
there. Ho nsUcil uo questions, but ho
wns satisfied that rbo had one of her
"spells" ou. He sat down, with a (front
Jar, In his favorite clr.ilr, pulled off his
boots, with n grunt for each boot, nud,
selecting n book on "I'owls nnd Their
Cnre" from the nhclf, begun to reud.
He had rend tho book f.O times before,
hasn't done !t. If rilii't good Tur any
thing ns a lliitlron, but you want It to
crack butternuts with. Sntmiel, do you
remember when the pren her ate sup
per nt .loe White's? It wns two years
ago this fall, I think, ami just about
tiie time I roll Into the cistern."
Mr. Gallup did not open bis mouth
in reply. He bad reached n chnpter
In the book wherein It stated thnt roost
ers crowed In (be rurly morning not
to welcome daylight, but to scare pole
cats away, nnd he was oblivious of all
"Well, what I was goln to say," con
tinued Mrs. Gallup ns slip wiped her
eyes, "was that I believed she borrer
cd n nutmeg of me on that occasion to
innke n custard nnd has never paid It
back. If she lends you any chairs fur
the funeral nnd scorns to feci real bad
that I'm gone, you needn't mention
about Hie nutmeg, but If she don't you
might Jog her about It. I owe Sarah
Ann Johnson a pinch of bnkln soda,
ond I owe .Melissa I'urewcll some gin- ' ly of LtilllVK'l (inrliiud near Need
gcr, unit i want you to pay It as soon
as I'm burled. You'll find mayweed,
Molting CrccU.
Mr. 0. M. DixoUj of ChamVxT.s
burg is ut J.'lcasnnt Kidrc, Infix
ing; aflor business internals.
Dr. l 11. Shoemaker is a fre
quent visitor on i'leasant lvidjfe,
looking after the many sick.
Thomas lio.-,sli)r'ri family iu o
victims of the grippo.
Joseph Deshoug, who hus been
sick for some time, is improving.
Superintendent Chesiiut was a
welcome visitor among the
schools of Licking Creek town
ship last week.
Mrs. Sallie Mellott of Owl
Creek left this week to spend
a con plo of months with tho fami-
-,oj r, t ri v - y ' r Y 1W X""'. ' V.
r- 2 r. 3 T 1 T i 1 ctrtrt.
s :
Mimrtweed, catnip and spearmint bang
In up in the garret, nnd in the old sug
ar bowl ou tho top shelf In the pantry
is the stlckln salve nnd the inuttou tal
ler In ense you git a sore heel. That's
all, Samuel. I'm lenvln everything so
you'll hev no trouble, und now and
then, even when you nre phiyln check
Mr,. David Sharpo, who is on
tiie sick list, spent some time
with his sister, Mrs. Harry
Muinma at Pleasant Ridge.
Mrs. Ilebocca. Hockeusinith, of
McKeesport, is visiting her pa
in this
Reisner's Store News.
To give you in detail all 1 ho attractions of our big store,
would utilize all the space in Thi-; 'Fulton County Nkws
as we are daily receiving .'roods. We must content our
selves by inviting you to visit us and sec for yourselves.
Dress Goods.
Mvery lady in the County knows the reputation ll.KIS
NKU'S STOUKhas for
iiLcv. Dress Goods.
e" )
i;- i
I: -,1
C 1
j!i ni, f!
'sf . .1'---' .
ers with your second wife. I hope rents and ol her ll'ler.clf
you'll think of me. I hope I hope"-- township.
j tins (Kiiui. sue urouc now u unu
sobbed, but even bad she lnutrhcd In
stead Mr. Gallup would not have re- i spent one day last week Willi Ins
iiiurked It. He wns rending a statu- sister Mrs. Josenh Deshonf'
Mr. Chesnut speuks well of the
Mr. Joseph Lohrof llustontown
'I V W :
"I'l.r. Kli I.N liKAVK.V UKVW.V. KU.VJ'.ISK."
but hud become Interested in the state
ment that speckled helm were more li
able to the pip tlinu white or black
ones when Mrs. Gallup recovered con
sciousness that is, tsho opened her
eyes, tillered a sigh and fetched a
groan and sut up. She fully expected
Mr. Gallup would imk hi r had
happened or nt least look hi her dlrec
1 ment that In olden times hens used to !
lay eggs as big as pumpkins and thnt
i one Kticli egg bitting a temperance loe
I turer In the sohir plexus would have
I caused Instant death. Tho sobs finally
I worked off, nnd Mrs. Gallup snld:
' "Never mind what 1 hope. I've got
my summons,, put my houso In order,
; nnd now I'll expire. Goodby, Samuel,
and goodby nil."
i She turned nnd stretched out on the
lounge nnd wns heard from no more,
i After Mr. Gallup hnd read of drakes
j who died of homesickness, of gceso
! who formed personal attachments for
, cowa, of hens who learned to know a
; farmer's whistle from n lightning rod
, man's topical song, he closed the book
I nnd rose up with n "ho-huni" nud look
; ed around. Mis. Gallup was sound
asleep, nnd he iiud to tunk her three
times on tho chin to rouse her up and
Jet her know thnt It was past bedtime.
M. Quad.
work being done in our schools.
Improvement seems to be tho
watchword of the citizens of Owl
Creek. Two new houses are be
ing completed this spring one a
store house; the other a dwelliug
ing for Collie Ueed.
Mrs. Martha Deshong, who is
living with her daughter M rs.
Oeorgo 11. Hoop is qui to ill at
present. She is a victim of heart
Mr. Allen Skiles, of South
Folic, is visiting frieuds iu this
vicinity, llo intends to return to
his employment as a, foreman on
the IV 11. 11. soon.
Whether it is a wedding d ress, or an every day garment
she- Skids a large stock of the most reliable fabrics from
which to select.
For Winter our line of
Ladies', f.lisscs' atid Children's Wraps
' ) is complete, and tho fact that they purchase from us onco
aud remain our permanent customers is tho best evidence
of fair dealing.
- i
t. 3
for men. boys, and children In suits from the tinest cassi-
' . .. ,-
nnu'cs, serges, cheviots in tiie latest styles lor oress, to uie
plain strong garment for every day wear.
1 '- Then, of course, avo can sell you a hat, necktie, collar,
J . gloves, handkerchief auythiug you need aud at prices that
; ! are right.
i. ')
I ' '.I
. - "1
I .1
Dozens of styles and thousands of pairs is what you will
Ibid in our stock of
out among the trees tho fugitive reached ; ; , b . , u
a level tract of country, being, in fuet. a i ,
ine juinii uuui. a Hiiiii'iiiLiiv iiiul u.
red in;; tied to the tail of a would be
sort of prairie, where they oppn:
t mi it y for n fair chase.
Hero the fugitive began gaining on his i
pursuers. As the latter snw him steadily
drawing away they almost sunk to the ,
ground ia despair. )
"Oh, that I had my rifle!" exclaimed ;
Hubert us he puffed and panted u few 1
steps In the rear of Watson. "1 would i
drop him before be could lake another
step!" i
"Ho nets as if ho were wounded. Very
likely wo shall be able to overtake liiui :
after all." j
"He careful. Such fellows arc always
armed, nud if lie hasn't n pistol he has ,
his knife ready." '
"1 think 1 saw a knife In his liuiuls u :
few minutes ago, when h looked over j
his shoulder."
At this tlnio scarcely a hundred yards!
separuted the two parties, and it was :
rapidly diminishing. Suddenly the fuL.i '
tiv6 turned on his heel and iired two j
shots in rapid succession. The whiz of :
the bullets wus heard, but they sped wide j
of the mark. I
Tho fugitive, as a matter of course, !
owned a rifle, which he had probably so
Fitting; ben will scare her out of the j
idea. AVbcu a long two minutes had
jiussed, Mrs. Gallup concluded that
something ought to be said, nnd she be- I
"Samuel, I want to tall: to you n few j
niiiiits before I perish. You know 1 j
liev bill cxpectiu to be summoned any j
day for the last ton years, or siuce that j
cow kicked me over the heart. While
you Were out feedia the ho;; the sum- I
mous came. I o:l ;i-;!il si,:;ht of the back !
of my Ik ad in the loukiu glass jest as i
a Ntrnii'.;;) black cat run across the
kitchen iloor. That was the way ilnry ;
Ann lnvis and Ilanner Sly received j
their summons, and there ain't no j
doubt that I'll be In ben veil before (sun
rise." Mr. Gallup scratched the back of his
neck with one band and held the book ;
witu tlio other as he read that some
geese had been known to live to the
uge of 15 years, but he hud no remarks
creted somewhero In order that his flight ! to offer.
might not bo impeded by it. With the i
discharge of his pistol he broke iuto u ,
run which was so rapid that he distanced j
his pursuers ut a much taster rate than j
before. i
Ity this timo It was growing light in 1
the cost, and la the open country ovei
which they were journeying ho wns be- I
coming more distinct to view ns he sped
On the following day Lemuel I'routy j farther and farther away.
DUt in his anoenrimce severnl niitinif.a iu.
fore tho appointed time. The viable !
keeper und tho fat policeman hud ulso ;
come over at old Lein's request to see !
how easy ho could "turn $,"ll." Others '
of the party were the landlord, the cus
tomer, th justice of the pence and the ;
young agent !
The papers having been duly drawn
up, signed and sworn to. the former laud- I
lord turned to Mr. Gray and lniiiired: j
"Now, sir, how much do I owe you?"
"Not a cent," replied Mr. Gray em-
phntically. !
Thore was a moment's silence, when I
Lemuel I'routy arose and, sniffing Ids
hands lato his trousers pockets, bolted
moodily out at the doorway, followed by
peals of laughter.
Some time afterward the following ad
vertisement appeared hi the local paper:
"Not squelched! Andrew Gray Is still
doing business at the old siand." Xickell
Won Ilia T'litht.
"The hardest light I ever had
life," said Senator Cuslnniui l.
In my
1 la vis
What's the use!" suddenly exclaimed !
Hubert In tho accents of despair. "We i
are beggars, and wn'inay as well stop." i
Watson sullenly assented, und the two
"Look!" whispered the latter, pluciug
his hand upon the arm of his compaulon. j
at the same tiaie pulling him down to the i
ground. i
As tho two gnaed ahead they saw n i
party of Indiumr suddenly come to view
within a hundred feet of the fugitive.;
They sprang from o grore of timber to j
ward which he was hastening. lie In
stunt ly turned to avoid them, but It was I
too Into. J
As lie wheeled the sharp crack of si v
eral rilfes broke the stillness, and he ,
threw up his arms nud tell dead, while '
several (lushed forward to calp the body.
The pursuers, feeling that their own
safety was imperiled, turned nnd uonle
their escape while the opportunity wn.
given them. I
When fairly beyond danger. Ihey con I
con led themselves iniil waited until the '
afternoon, when they stole hack to win re
once "was with myself. It was about ! they had swn the b.'.dy
this business of spccchmitklng. When I
wns In college and just after I left school.
It was impossible for ine to deliver nu ad
dress In public. I broke down several
times and went home and eried nud curs
ed myself to sleep iu humiliation and nu
gcr. I used to prepare myself most elab
orately and even rehearse my speeches la
my room, yet when I got up before an uu
dience everything flew awny from inn,
my tongue got thick iu my mouth, my
brnln reeled, hot Hushes canm and went
hi my fuce and lifter mumbling a few sen
tences I would go all to pieces. Hut I
wus determined to overcome this weak
ness, nnd I Mt not- to it. 1 can remember
occasions ou which I would a good deal
rather have faced a cannon than nn audi
ence. It took all the will power of which
I was posseiHed to keep ine going, but I
tuck to It, awl I won."
fall No slim nt
tlio Indians were visible, and. c
forward, they found the corpse ill
ly mutilated.
With a delight inexpressible, the sue!;
of gold wns also discovered nndNiui -bed.
and a few weeks Inter they 'embarked for
the Atlantic states with their enlire fur
tune. IOxcbaugo.
Moly Sal.l.
recently occurred
Indies. Said the
A quarrel
two maiden
"I wonder If 1 shall lose my looks, too,
When I get your uge?"
The Klder One-You will be lucky It
you do. Kxchiinge,
Tho Uiri e-.i. m:.!:H'..,ld ci.IH of Mr.
ond Mrs, 1. ri'ii. v Huitou, of Vliij,'eri
towu, Md., hilo lying- in u crib, was
bitten ubout the (aco uud houd by u rut
Sunday n!;;lit. The. mother was awak
ened by tlio i.hild'u lorciuvis" and kuw
tho rat gnawing- ut Uio child's bond.
It whs with dillleulty that she MiciMid
cd in driving the rut away.
Love isn't so blind that it can't- dli
hilutfulah a dollar mark.
An Ilid Irliluul Iteclpe.
Take of thought for self one pun. two
parts of thought for family, erpinl purtx
of common sense and general lutelli.
geuce, a large modicum of tho sense of
the fitness of things, a heaping meiiKiire
of letting alone what your neigliln is
think of you. a prudent amount of eeono .
my mixed with n wise generosity, a
sprinkling of what tends to refinement
and personal neatness Stir thick wiMi inn principles of the progressive
brand, set to rise in bountiful character
and mold into true men nuii women.
Hake hi the hot oven of human service,
and you will have n specimen of the
noblest wink of God. - Health.
I don't want to nnnoy you while you
n,re readln," continued Mrs. Gallup as
she unpinned the tidy from the bend
of the lounge to use ns a handkerchief ;
"but, ns 1 never died before, I think
you kin bear with me n little. The
first thing to be dtThe after 1 expire,
Samuel, Is to hev me laid out. Tho
uayburs will cheerfully do that. I wunt
to be dressed In that gray dross you
bought me six years ago. He particu
lar about that, because it's the only
oue 1 ever hnd thnt (Us me across the
! shoulders. I don't want to go to heav
j en In u dress all hunched up. I want
. to hev my hands folded and a pink
i hollyhock In my flavors. I shall try
to expire with a smile on my face, so
us to look my very best, und if my
mouth Is shot nobody will notice my
old teeth. Samuel, lire you follerlu
He wasn't. Ho was following the
uuthor of tho poultry book where he
stated that ducks were slr:in:ely Inllu
enced by music nnd had been known to
go to sleep when u liddle was being
played. Mrs. Gallup toyed with her
tears for nn Interval and then said:
"That's nil ubout me. Samuel. You
needn't git up no big funeral or go to
any big ox;ien;M'. The n-sl is about
you. Kvou If you don't umrry a.t'in
within four weeks you'll want i.oft
soap fur the winter. The soap grease
Is down cellar In a l;ep nnd it's as good
soap grease us anybody ever bad.
When you are bllin your s inp. don't
furgit to lay a piissnl'nis stick ucrosa
the kittle. 1 Ih.'nl: you'll hev to buy a
ijw tablecloth some time before spring.
I've made the last one do fur two
years, hut It's beginiiln to go. It's got
three bides ii;;ht In the middle How
ever, if you don't marry you wou't
mind a holey fiibloeloUi. You know
about the wash Idler, don't you 7"
Mr. Gallup refused to, answer that
question by even lit'tlng-his eyebrows.
Thu statement Unit a gander bad been
known to commit suicide through dis
appointed love lntcrcblod him to tho
exclusion of all else.
"The Idler leaks In four difl'eient
places. Siiiuuel. ami has fur two years,
oirtl I'm afraid yuu'll hev to git It mend
ed. I'd hev tried to hang ou to It fur
llrave Thlnes none In the Trans
vuul hy Irish Lulls. " j
Bravery wns cheap In the Trnnsvnul. :
I knew so ninny brave men, so luuny
who had done heroic things, that I took
courage us a matter of course. As my
prizefighter expressed It, "Pluck was i
always on tap." There were, however,
two or three young Irish lnds who cur- !
rled courage to the verge of reckless- ;
ness and who In consernieiico were kill- i
oil nil too untimely. I had one young- !
Kter of about 1C, rather small for his ;
years, fond of wearing top boots half j
ns bl as himself and altogether one of
tho best troopers Iu South Africa and
therefore In the world. I have seen
him ride down bill at il splitting pace,
while be turned half round In the sad- j
die, holding a joking conversation with j
some comrades behind, lie could also
shoot like a demon. One day he said '
his horse was done up. He wanted nu- '
other. I replied jokingly. "Take one :
from the English." The next day he j
went prowling near their camp. He 1
snw nn olllccr and an orderly come out
to look around. He shot the olllcer, 1
the orderly galloped olT. and Bobby,
sneaking up. caught tho ofUcer's horse, ,
mounted It nnd made off. The English
fired at him with their rifles nnd then j
with their Maxim, but Bobby entno
galloping back to our Linger, grinning- j
i "i
. "
i 1
Our farmers are he,'innin to
think about plautiur potatoes and
sowing oats. ;
W. II. Hatfield is doiujr, a lot of : X'A
paiutirjg for Ouoro W. Chosnut. j- j
John Strait and family spout
last Sunday with tlio family of -n
William Deshong.
.Tohu Fisher lias fitted up a
gymnasium and auumher of per
sons aro taking athletic exercises.
Quite a number of our young
folks spent Sunday evening at
Ella Covalt's singing sacred mu
sic. Anna Myers and (iertrudo
Ollourko were 1he organists.
A "mineral" man from Clear
lield county is here again, lie
wants to secure leases on l.",(i)0
acres before bogiuniugoperations
for development.
The stomach controls the situ
tioii. Those who are hearty and
strong are those who can eat aud
digest plenty of food. Kodol
Everything from the finest dress shoes for Men, Wom
en and Children to the strong, heavy shoo for hard service.
Geo. W. Kcisncr & Co.
L 1
t, .O
. -1
(. .1
i ...I
nil i.u- r..,
"You seemed to be in n hurry to get I Dyspepsia Cnro digests what you
away. r,ui.b.v." 1 said. j eat and allows you to eat all tlio
"I guess I was!" be replied, laughing. ; , f()()(1 u w;mt jf ym, suf.
"They were putting; shells after me J n , . . , ,,
when I got over the rldge."-Collier's I for Ji'om indigestion, heartburn,
Weekly. ! belchiug or any other stomach
nnndr wiTr7Tx. trouble, this preparation can't
One Important feature In connection help but do you good. The most
wnn tne conm.cting or m inng opera- sonstive stomachs can tako it.
nous in micri:i ih nu utiiiiuoe oi iuo
Uusslan workniau for the ax. Wood Is
so plentiful In the country that In no j
r-nse will tlio nrteo fnr fuel evceiiil JR1 ;
per cord, and mlnhiB timbers may bo people in the World are in jail.
figured on at n correspondingly low ,
sonstive stomaclis can
Trout's drug store.
A lot of the most exclusive
lute. The current anecdote that n Bus
stan workman will, for a 21) kopeck
piece, lay his left bund, with lingers
spread, on a board nud with full
I strength make un ax cut between each
I linger cannot lie vouched for. but It Is
certainly true that In pick timbering In
I bad ground. In erecting buildings, log
I cabins and nil manner of wood Joining
the equal of the Uusslan peasant can
not bo found.
Russia absolutely forbids the em
ployment of children under 12 years of
oge In Industrial establishments, wheth
er conducted by the state or private Individuals.
A venerable resident of Franklin
ci.unty entei'(,d a ( 'hiimbii bliiirg bur
lier s' o i nnd iihlieil for u sluive, This
wisi.ot uinmuul, but when the old
g 'litloman remarked to the barber tliut
he was 8ii years old "uud this is the
Hi st limy 1 wus ever shaved by u bur
lier; always Hhuvcd myself," he name
in for more than the usual notloe and
ntlracl Ion. His ideu was to experience
the dolt manipulations of a skillful
knight of tho razor "before he quit
this nuuidaiiH sphere. His wish was
e.riilllled. Ho will likely comply with
Iho barber's request to "call again."
another year If I hadn't bin goln to
die, but now It's my duty to tell you.
And I'm afraid your second wife will
want you to git her a new washboard.
I've made ours do fur nine yeurs, and
It only III coins at first, but it's
bcgiiiinii to crinkle, nud nobody kin b
Illumed fur It. Now, let's nee. Mrs.
Tu.vlor owes me two cups of brown
sugur. If she cries much at my funer
al, you needn't nsk her fur thcui, but
If she only sheds a tear or two Kho
must pay 'em back. Then Mrs. Jack
son has a flu! iron of mine with u bro
ken handle. She's bin suylu fur a year
jiC two that shu'd brlncJt JbaidfjJiut Blie
New Zealand shares with Iceland the
dlslliictlou'ovcr other parts of the earth
In freedom from all forms of cattle dis
ease. A ScImi eriTeil I'VreMt.
There Is o ni;b;ii"i-g o orest on the
Columbia river between the Dalles and
the Cascade mountains. Aceorili'ijr to
Mr. G. K. Gilbert, the submergence
took place :i."0 years ;; and since
then the 'tains have been under water,
while, the upper parts of the trunks
have been bar-.1 yearly nt low water.
The bar!' '.a gone and !!: wood partly
wasted i way. but some of It In llrtn
and lookri This fact seems ov
hS to the datable quiillty of the v,o;ul
of that. pcciri;--;ia'.iiely, tho i'seudot
euga dot jilassi.
Dr. N. C. Kchae!Ter,tlio Superintend
ent of I'lililio TiistruotUm, will prob
til;' y bo r appointed at tho expiration
of bis town in April, He Is indorsed
by Hoards of School 'Directors und
tduc.iitJoiial boilii H all over the State.
The Hut -risbuivr School Hoard gave
him a stroue- indorsement. Alexander S. Harnett, 8tl
vein-' old, imn of iho few old canal
b.'i.t ciijitiiins of I 'cnnsylvanla, was
strticlc by a train at a vailroad cross
loif iu l'U i-bui'tf on Monday und kil
eii. lli: hon win conductor of tho train
l.-.t kii'eil !iim. Cutiluln Harnett was
f n iiii-cly ix resiiUait of Hodford.
I'ltKSIIYTK.ltlAX Itov. W. A. West, I).
1)., Pastor.
Sabbath school, ll:lo.
l'rcuchine; service each alternate
Sunday morning- counting from Aug.
Vllh, ut lt:lid, und every Sunday
evening at 7:.'!0.
Junior Christian Kndeuvor ut 2:00.
Christian rindouvor ut U:00.
l'rayer meeting Wednesday evening
ut 7:00.
Ml'lTlloiU.-iT lCl'lscOl'AI.-Kev. H. M.
Ash, l'ustor.
Sunday school at il:.'!0 u. m.
l'roiich lug every other Sunday morn
ing, eounling from August 12th, lit
10:il0 and every Sunday evening at
Kpworlh League at (i:00 p. in.
Prayer mcntin;r Thursduy eveiiin;,'
at 7:00,
Crovc, Pastor'
.Sunday school at l):J0 u. in.
Proaeiiing every Sunday morning at
10:110, uud every other Sunday even
ing counting from August 10, at 7:00.
The nlteriiuie Sabbath evenings are
used by the Young People's Chris
tian Union at 7:00 p. m.
i rayer meeting Wednesday evening
at 7:00.
Wolf, Pastor.
Sunday school I):15 a. m.
Cliristiuii Kndeuvor at H:1.j p. in.
Wedni sday evening pruyer meeting
at 7:00,
Preaching morning und evening ev
ery other Miiuduy, dating from Do
ceinl ei' U, lilOO,
Ili'i'OUMi'n Hov. C, M. Smith, I'as
tur. S'.induy school at 9:30 a. m.
Christ iun Kndeavor ut 0:00 p. m.
Wednesday evening prayer meeting
1 .
I Winchester
! l!irti.l
UiiKerstown ....
lireelieiiNLle ....
('tiainlierslitirg. .
v uviieshoro.
Arr, lliirrlNburK,
Arr. 1'iiim.
A iir. in e w York.
Arr. llallluioru.
no. S no 1 no. 0
A.M tA. M
....17 HO
... H l.i
6 I'i 0 OH
(I i V ?!
.... S 401
Covers the Field.
Nov. 20, 1900.
no. 101
13 20.
!0 10
7 0 a 4i
7 00 ....
7 fIIO 0.1I
K (Hi 111
H J7I0 l'l
4;.ii e,
1 R-
9 edit sb
11 4h 8 IT
! IS tl (
12 in a n
A. M il'. M.
I On I
IS (Kl
I 4:1;
S 05
1 40
2 40
n 4
(I 00
. M
P. M
S 3o
8 17;
4 Ifii
4 S'.l
8 S"
P. M
7 !0
S if,
9 Oil
9 S
III so
iu a
5 OOj 9 4f n or,
8 Sol
6 an n os'ii sr
R lllilll S4 II 41
n on to w is mi
b to
0 40
10 SO
8 h:t
9 l:l
II 07
1 IS
0 8'
P. H.A. M
IS 4!i
4 S."i
7 18
2 80
Iii every part of the
County faithful re
porters are located
that gather the daily
Then there is the
State and National,
News, War News, a
Department for the
Farmer and Mechan
ic, Latest Fashions
for the Ladies. The
latest New York, Bal
timore, Philadelphia
Markets.- The Sun
day School Lesson,
Helps for Christian
Endeavorers, and a
Good Sermon for ev
erybody. &
CARDS, &c,
In fact anything and
everything in the best
style alon; that line.
Sample copies of
the News sent to any
of your friends cn
Aililiilonul triiluH will leave Carlisle foi 11. tr
rlKlmri; daily, except Suudav. uLft.nila. m.. "i.o.-
u. in., I-;. 4o p. ui., 3.' p. in., tl. IK p. m., nnd from
AlccliiuiliiMiuiK al 11.14 a. m., 7.80 a. m H.1S u.
m.. i. or, p. in., s.;m p. m.. una 8.n:l p. m..i.80 p. m.,
anil tl. 10 p. in., Ktoppiiik' tit Second utreet,
llari-lshiiri,'. to lei OlT passengers.
Trains Nn. b and 1 10 will run dully, und No. 8
thirty minuter late on Sundays, lloih iraiiiN
will slop ui iuterinediatu Niatlons on Sunduys.
t liaily eicept Sunday.
Leave uo. 1 1 nu. 3:no. 5 no. 7ino. 9
4 1
tl. M iA. M ItA. M tP.H P.M
Haltlmore II M 4 Ml 8 N', IS Wl 4 35
.New York 7 K IS lUf 9 aft I fc"
I'l'ila II SO 4 Si, I 8 60 IS S ;4 SO
Ilurrisburg 5 00 7 rv,lll4M 8 40 7 IS
nnisiiuiK hs 4e 4 so
.MeehalilesburK.. 5 IS 8 l.VIS Hf II Nl 7 41
I'arlislu fi 40 K a; IS 21 4 111 8 or,
Newville (1 00 9lIISfl 4 87 H Sii
Sliippensj(iri... II n 9 IK I III 4 frl 8 4.-'
l ayiieslioro 10 87 8 i in 0 10
('liaiiiliershiii'i;.. 6 4l 0 ::: 1 6 IH 9 0S
MerurrsliuiK.... 8 to 10 4? 11
liieeneastie .... 7 00 111 no 1 f' IS 87 9 J.
1-lilKrrstoU'll'.... 7 SI III SS S 17 8 HO 9 4f
.Mai iioshurir 8 SI 11 in! 8 Ih
Ar. Wlnolieslur. 9 III 11 Ki 7 80
A. M A. l.e. m. p. m. p, m.
Aildllional looal trains will leave llarrlsbui rf
dally, exile pt. Sunday for Carlisle und iulei-medl-ute
siaiiuiis ai 9. :i'i u. m., S.ui p. ui., fi. 1ft p.m.,
8.S5 p. in. und 11. ,0 p. in., also for Meohanlos
Iniru, liillshurir and tnleruiedlale btallous at
7. eo a. in. aad 8.S7 p. ni.
N'os. 1. 3 and 9 run dully between Hurrtiiburf
umiI llaKerstown.
t Daily except Sunday.
; Uu Sundays will leave Philadelphia at 4 .V
p. in.
I'ullmau palace sleeping ours between v--York
aud Kuoxvllle, Teiin., on IruiDtf 1 et
and 10 east.
T!iroui.'h coaches to and from Philadelphia
on trains S and 4 east and 7 and 9 west.
INN' A H. H. TltAlNS,
I'as. las. Mix. I
Mi7j tiii
1'. SI1 w1 A ii l.vii. Arr.
r -M. Ill im 11 ! :haililcrshurg
j 7 IU
P. M.
4 -.1
4 l"J
a :to
8 Is
3 00
p. l.
lUinueeilon for all stations on CuniOerlaiiil
Valley liaiiroad and Peuusylvunla Hailroad
11. A. Hiui.i.B. J. F. lkivo,
lieu'l I'ass. Agent. Sull.
r, :,i
8 II
il 3s
P. M.
Ill I
II Hi H r.i
A. H.a. M.
.Mt:rcei-sliurg. .
... .Lotidou
. ..Uichmond... .
9 S!!ll hi
9 13 II 3S
8 4i!l0 10
8 IK 9 4S
8 111 9 8ll
A. M il. M
County Officers.
President Judiro lion. 8. Mod. Swopo,
Associate Judges Leuiutil Kirk, Pelur Mor
ton. lrothouotary. Ac Frank P. Lynch.
lHsuict Aviorney Coorge II. Duuiela,
'i'leasurei' '1'heo Slpts,
Sherllf -Dauiel Sheets.
Deputy Sheriff - James Kuinnl,
Jurv 1'eiiiiiilssluiieis- Uuviil Hotl, Samuel II,
Auditom John S, Harrlit, D, H. Myei-H, A. J,
Coiiiiiiisxloiiei-H H. K. Malot. A. V., Keliy
Jolnl H.-tier. ,m.
I.ilerk-l-'iank ivtasoa,
D i 'orontfi- - ' '
County Surveyor Jonas I.ako,
County siipeilau-fuleui - CltJin (hesnui.
Altoi-nevs-W. Sooll AlHXaiuler. J. J-."ls.,.
Slpos, Vhomas l- Sloun. F. MuN, JolM-l :,
M. IL MiuiTuer. Ooo. II. Duulela. John i .
The Fulton County Ken'?,