CURES RHEUMATISM OR CATARRH IN A DAY. TREATMENT F EE. B. B. B (Itotanld Wood Unlm) din's th") Worm caa by draining tha polann out of Iho blood and bonea. Aihifi and pain to lbs bonna or Joints, hot ewollHn uitiai'lna, swollen glnnda, aclatlnn, dropping In tha throat, hawking, aplalng or bad breath, Impaired hearing, etc, all disappear promptly and pormnnnntly. II. H l. oura throiiKh tha blood where all elan (nil. B. It. B. mnks blood pura and rich. JMig- flats, 111. Treatment free by writing l-i "id inlm Oo., 81 Mituheli Ht., Atlanta, Ut Medicine acnt prepaid, Inscribe, troubi.., and free medical advli'a given until mm. I. 8000 tmtlmoninla of nuu-a by II. B. It., u doot glv up hope, but try blood Balm. Tlicre ar! probably a lot of women that will find heaven awfully old-fashioned. Thra la mora Catarrh In tlilaaoetlnnof the ronntry thnn all other 1 l-oaae put together, and until the laat t w yenra na ituppnafHl to be Incurable. Kur a greiit many year donor pronounced It a local dtsoaaamiri prurlt)ed local remcdlm. hy rnnxtitiitly railing to cure with local trnatmont, pronounced It lit cnrahle. Cclence ims proven oat rrh to ho a constitutional dlsosHeaml therefore reijolrea coptl utlnnal treatment. llaUXintarrhrnro, manufactured by K. ,1. Cheney Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only ennttntlinril euro on tli Dinrkol. It 1 taken Inrernnllv hi dowa from jadiop to a foam oonfiil. It net dlio f ly on the blood and muenns surfaces ot thesmteiu. They otTer oi'O hundred dollars for any chmo It falls to euro. Kernl tor circuit anil tesil uionlals. Add res" P-J-Chknht &Co.,'l'olodo,U. Ho d hv DniiniK's, 7.V. Hall's Family Tills aro the best. If modesty was tlie fool-killer, most women would die of old age. Mrs.Wlnriow's FnotMnir f yrnu fur rhfldren apetliJtiT.sol'len a tlic tfinns, lcrtitoes liilltimv.a. Sou. ulUy.) vain, lures wiud colio,z6oie LutUa. Hamburg taxis dogs according to size. The great public school of the large cities tun tartars inn cxcliiHivcly. It is the best and uuale uo moro lhau the poorest. Out it. Within the last 20 years freight talcs from and to England have decreased from 50 to 75 per cent. Iyiepli In ln mest aggrnrntrd foi m has been cffc-tually cored Kim small doea uf Crab Orchard Water. HamburR is headquarters for wild animals and zoo stock of all kinds. Wanted At One I Traveling aaleam en with or without expnrtenre 11000 nud eipensi-e. Kor pfirtlciiia s write Pooaaoniaa 'iobneco Works, Bedford City, Va. The national debt of Norway amounts t."i about sixty millions of dollars. riso's Cure for Consumption Is nn Infnlll lle medicine for coughs and cold". N. W. SiMCBi., Ocean Orove, X. J.. Feb. 17, l'JOO, The Chinese caligraphist uses two col ors black and red. HELP FOB WOMEN WHO A K 13 ALWAYS TIRKD. ' I do not foci very well, I am no tired all the time. 1 do not know what is the matter with we.'" You hear these words every day ; as often as yon meet your friends just so often are these words repeated. More than likely you sponk the simie signifi cant words yourself, and no doubt you do feel far from well most of the time. Mrs. Ella Kiee, of Chelsea, Wis., whose portrait wo publish, writes that she suffered for two years with bear-Uifr-dowh pains, headache, baekaehe, and hod all kind.sof miserable feelinps, all of which was caused by falling and inflammation of the womb, and after doctoring with physicians and numer ous medicines she was entirely cured by Mas. Ella Rick Lydis, E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. If yori are troubled with pains, fainting spells, depression of spirits, reluctance to go anywhere, headache, backache, and always tired, please re member that there is an absolute remedy which will relieve you of your suffering as it did Mrs. Rice. Proof in monumental that Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound is the greatest medicine for suffering women. No other medicine has made the cures that it has, and no other woman has helped so many women by direct advice as has Mrs. Pinkhara ; tier experience is greuter than thnt of any living per son. If you are sick, write and get her advice ; her address is Lvnn, Mass C) l O P S 1 q1?o Tn hel mm. Buua uf testimonial end IOC ' DISCOVERT; (toi 1 it ana oaraa wncwi I days' Ireslaiaul kraa. fir. . H. SlUltM IIOM. as a, AlUaM. a lis Won't Make Mistake. "Yes, I live in Albany," replied the man with the double chin when qttcs tibned by his fellow traveler, "but I'm thinking of making a change and mov ing to Huffalo." "Don't like the town, eh?" was queried. "Why, yes, I like it well enough. Ycs, Albany is a very nice town." "Not good for your business, then?" "Yes. Tm doing fairly well." Nothing further was said, and then the man with the double chin seemed tn think some explanation ought to fol-lu.-, and he said: "Vou sec, a curious thing happened the other day, and after studying over it for awhile I think I have" found the solution. I was called into an oflicc where a number t( citizens were gath ered, and one ( them made a little speech and presented me with a sponge." "VVttli a sponge? That was curious." "Yes, rather, b'lt 1 think I know what it means. A sponge is porotti you know. It absorbs. It takes up." "And you you " "I have been absorbing and taking tip wherever I could find a man to lend me a dollar or drop on a good thing. The good people of Albany have evidently got on to it, and I think I shall move. "I may be mistaken, you know. The thing may have been intended as a compliment, and the whole town may be sorry to see nie go, but somehow I lake it the other way and shall pack up next week and go farther West. ' A eaered ('ntidltlnii of the FtHire. "It's a daring Innovation," said the impresario. "I am afraid," he continued, "that we cannot try it. You sec, there arc cer tain time-honored traditions of the stage which cannot be disregarded." And the stage manager, who had pro posed to abandon the seltzcr-botllc style of comedy, retired crestfallen. In Old Kentucky. The parson came out and remon strated with the major for being too hasty with his gun. "After he said that." said the parson, "you should have forgiven him." ' "And didn't 1?" spoke up the major. "Why. jiarson, I was one of his pallbearers." l.rt llllll I lit 111. A Canadian sea captain familiar with arclic waters writes: "If I reach the North Pole I shall claim that territory, by right of discovery, for Canada." It is hardly worth while to quarrel over the proposition A ranch a few miles from the pole will satisfy ordinary as pirations to be the iceman. Plenseil to Kflraae II I Hnrduppe Can you spare me about ten minutes of your time? Gotrox Don t you know that time is money? Harduppe Then let me have $to, and you may keep the ten minuics. A Kui-prUo All Around. The Plain One I can't get over his kissing me. The Beauty Neither can I. rest For Uie rtovveK. fo matter wlnit nils you, bendaeha to a cnucer, you will never gut well until your bowils nro put right. Caucauets help Ditture, cure you without a grips or pain, induce aiisy natural movements, coat you ust 1U ceuts to start gelling your health nek. ( akcahkts Candy Ciillinrtio, the genuine, put up in niotal boxes, every tab let bus 0.0.0. stumped ou It. Uuwiiie cf Imitations. The only thing which would punish a woman worse than having to say what she believed would be having to believe what she said. Dyeing Is as tfmpio us wiishlug when you use rrjTKAK Uvia. Sold by all druggists. A minister doesn't have to know the marriage ceremony hy heart, for if lie forgets a word the woman can always prompt him. The Idle t-aver or Children Is Hoxslo's Croup Curd iu ntlncksof Croup, Whooping Couifh, Diphtheria and Tneu monin. No opium to ftu ufy. 6'J cts. As soon as a woman falls in love her complexion gets better. If you want "good digestion to wait up on your appetite" yon thou d always chow u bur uf Adams' repln 1 uttl Fruttl. Some .Modern 1'roverbn. It is a wise father who k-;ows his own son after a return from college. Sometimes you hear of a perfect wo man. She is the woman your husband could have married. Those who would sacrifice their last drop of blood are mostly very sparing with the first. It is easy to do right when sin ceases to be a pleasure. Tha Hog Couldn't the Joke. John Joseph Carney, eight years old, living on the island at the foot of Mich igan street, Buffalo; went to the Pitch Hospital with lacerations on both legs. He said he had been playing jokes on a yellow dog and that the dog didn't take them right. EPWORTH LEAGUE MEETING TOPICS. March I0-"A Castaway." Cor. tx, 24-27. I AXV 1 7. ?i iff DON'T RUIN YOUR STOMACH WITH MEDICINE. 15 A NATURAL. LAXATIVE MINERAL WATER. Endorsed and naed by tbc most prominent physicians in tha world as the best and safest remedy 'for dis ordered stomach, biliousness, liver trouble, gout and rheumatism. It Cures Constipation! Take one-half glassful on arising lu tbc meriting and you will feel thereruurkubleeffccts in hf. If an hour. at the label, blue with ked Centre Canal. ASK ft'--- I LOOK .'HunyadlJanos ." -VJ Sole Exporter, Finn of Aadrc as Sazlchner, 130 Pulton 4t.,N. Y. ,tirrmflitiiiit.uH. L. DOUGLAS $3 & S3.60 SHOES S. Tha real worth of W. I Donglaa a.oO and S3.KO Shoos compared with other make ia 114.00 to So.OO. Our 94.00 Gilt Edge) Una cannot b equalled at any price. We make and sell more a3.00 aud ahoea Uuui any other two uxanuf aulureri' tn the U lilted States. T11U UKASON mora W. U Douilu SI and KM ihnn an Kid "nrslhar nuke la becanu 'I'll KY Aufc'l'lIK BU T. Tour eualar houUl kp thenii tlva ana dealer eaaliielve tela In earh kiwo. 1 k no aulMtlliiter IniUt oa having W. L- Uoiialu thoeawita Bama end prlea eumfwl on bottom. It your dler will not set Uirm for l?u ? dlrert lo factor, enolorlns prlea anil tta. extr lur carries. BUto kind 0f lMther, ali. and wulth, plain or rap boa. Our above aja ill rvanh roil anrwnora. tfraaeiar aatuJoysa thomimg nee Spring HyUa, We taeei Kuet Color , W, 1.. Uouejlus Shoe t)a.e relate, la eaU eater ataaxaa. ttraaeoaiaiae, Maaae. taaa.ll efce. A I s I 4l AAetak : IV J FACTORY LOADiD SHOTGUN SHELIas!! "t.'swMval,"" Leader," mud "Repeater" laaist pan Uytng Ihata, take ao others and yon will (at the beat ehelle that aaetvay caa bay. ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM. "r'a'IHHHifHiy ayrayiaaaiaeiepe'aaaayiayeeieeiejiieiepieeaeiaeeiajliyleyeeyieyiejiaaaiay The passaee ia, undoubtedly, an allu sion to the Isthmian Katnc?, which took place every three year at a spot on the seashore about nine miles from Cor inth. These Kanica were a Rreat nn ttonal institution which exercised some such influence over the Creek mind as did the Temple on the Jewish or the Triumph over, the Roman. Willi the Greek they formed E part of the worship of beauty in the hitman person, and were intended to brinjr the human form to that idealized perfection which was seen at iu hciRht in their statues of Rodi and heroes. lience. the victor in these contests was regarded as the noblest ol ins race, was praised as a masterpiece of humanity, and Kazcd at as a model of manhood. Me was the pride of his family, and. was honored by his city ir his state as were her great generals and statesmen. The Greek race cottrie which rati I has in mind, then, was not a mere resort for public amusement, but an almost sacred edifice under the tutel age of the patron deity of the Ionian tribes and surrounded by the most in spiring inlluences and the most solemn recollections of Greek civilization. The temperance on the part of the racers to which the apostle alludes was no light matter. For ten months the candidates lor a prize at these games abstained from every kind of sensual indulgence and submitted to the severest training of the body. Horace says: "Wouldst thou conquer at the games? Thou must be orderly, spare in food, must abstain from confections, exercise at a fixed hour whether in heat or cold, nu'l drink no cold water nor wine." So Taul thinks of the Christian li:.: ns a contest for an incorruptible prize. In this race it was necessary to contend against the forces and obstacles from without, but more epecially with 'V fleshly lusts, the temptations to ease self-indulgence, indisposition to toil and hardship, and all other tilings which re sulted from the clamor and the cravin -of his fleshly nature. He. therefore treated his body like a slave. subjcctinJ it to the hard and rigid discipline prac ticed by a boxer, lest after bavin,' preached to others he himself shouhl be a castaway." Paul realized that even he might be come a castaway. The word refers to tile double scrutiny to which the con testant in the games was subjected. The tirst uecided whether he was worthy to enter; the second, whether he had o am. us 10 ue vntitlffi to the evergreen liltljlJCl. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR TOPICS. March 10 - "A Castaway." I Cor. Ix. 24-27. Scripture Verses. Prov, xxiii. 2; Jer. yxxv; I.uko'xiv. .33; Rom. vi. IJ13; viii. 1,3; xiv. 20, 21; xv. 1; Gal. v. 24; Titus ii. 11. 12; Heb. xi. J4, 25; I Peter ii. II, 12: Matt. xvi. 24. Lesson Thoughts. The prize that is held before the Chris tian is well worth the greatest self-denial it may cost him. We are willing to iabor and sacrifice for a little earthly glory; how foolish and unreasonable to such sacrifice for the incorrupti ble crown, the glory that fadelh no away, but is eternal in the heavens. The self-denial that is required of us is only the sacrifice of the most useless and harmful things in our nature, "the works of the flesh"; while we may and .should indulge ourselves in the very best and most beautiful things man can possibly enjoy "the fruils of the spir it." What a blessing to live and walk iu the Spirit! Sc'cc'.ions. We cannot eat and drink and do ns we please. Xo: Paul said that ho "kept under" his body, and brought it in o subjection. And. if the athlete is willit'e; to become temperate in everything for the empty glory of winning a game, should not we, like the apostles, be tem perate ourselves, and help others to be temperate, for the sake of the prize that Jesus surely will give? Ihc will of God is a path leading straight to God. The will oi man. winch once ran parallel with it, is now another path, not only different from. but. 111 our present state, directly con trary to it; it leads from God. If, there fore, we walk iu the one. we must nec essarily quit the other. We cannot walk in both. We must now choose tho one or the other; denying God's will t'j follow our own, or denying ourselves to follow the will of God. The Lord Jesus Christ is the perfect model of self-denial, for he never re fused to sacrifice mere taste or liking for the sake of spiritual good- whether of himself or others; and therein "he has left us an example, that we should fol low his steps.' RAM'S HORN BLASTS- sff-jx rT HE baldest thing V I ah. .1.1. 11 -vartfloil t0 WL8 10 6'arVe r-x jT7 fO a eood man to death. EgoUura always looks at hU "nei ghbor" througa the wrong end of tho teleacopo. The devil's great Vs-- -BJ allU 18 t0 niake H nVHi csay for men to l 4 do wrong1 andhard to do right. Cod ia always looking for a better he can trutA. Every Christian should fry to do something every day that will make his ill How softer. 'Whenever a man is converted, God has given his neighbors another proof that tie Bible is true. When man makes a religion he tries to make one that will let him (stay mean and sill res-poet himself. Angela can tell how much righteous ness there Is In a nation by the way H deals with the liquor traffic. It Is remarkable bow many different kinds of flaih the devil can catch when he baits his hook wRh money, If we were half as anxious aa we try to make people think we are we would accomplish twice as much as we do. One reason why more mountains are not being moved by faith la that so few people are willing to begin with mole hills. ome Curloita Coonterfetta. Ono Ingenious Individual, who nar rowly escaped prosecution awhllo ag for counterfeiting rare eggs and selling the bogus specimens to museums and private collectors, has recently turned up with exquisitely Ufolike photographs of birds, which In reality are produced by the help ot stuffed specimens artis tically attitudinized with wires. Sat urday Evening Post. i Alwsa-e IVIllln-j ta Oblige. It was a Texas town, and a long limbed Texan was making across the public square toward the courthouse with a revolver in his hand when he was stopped by a man, who asked: "Are you on your way to the court house?" "Yes sir; I am," was the reply. "Going to shoot anybody?" ' Yes, sir Lawver Johnson. If it hadn't been for him I shouldn't have lost my case yesterday. Yes, sir, go ing to fill him full of lead." "Are you in any great hurry about it?" "No special hurry, but when I have shooting on hand I like to get if off my minds as soon as possible." "Of course, but you sec, Lawyer Johnson is now arguing a case for me and won't be through for forty min utes. He's going to win it for sure if not interrupted, and if you will only hold on for awhile you will do me a great favor." "Why, certainly glad you mentioned it No hurrv about the shooting, so as it conies off to-day, and you can count on me. Have a drink with you? With the greatest of pleasure, and if John son is a particular friend of yours I'll shoot him as softly as I can and give him every show to die like a gentleman." It Wiie All Airaneerl. "How much for a magpie?" he asked as he stepped quietly into a hardware more. "A magpio? My dear sir, do you take this for a bird store?" was the reply. "'''"n you haven't any magpies for sale?" Of course not. This is a hardware store, ns you will sec if you cast your eyes around you." "Yes, I sec it is," said the man, after gazing around for a minute. Being it's a hardware store, I suppose I could not buy a magpie here?" "No sir ; you might as well go into a drug store and ask for a ton of coal." "1 see. You keep crowbars, how ever." "We do.'; "Well, I'll take one. Beitijf as you don't keep magpies, but do keep crow bars. I'll take along a crowbar to kill a magpie which I'll buy somewhere else." Tho Arkunaua ( liHlnlna 1'rayer. One of the strangest prayers that we remember to have read comes from Chaplain Noc. of the Arkansas House of Representatives : "O Lord, wc thank Thee that we are not in the lunatic asylum this morning, nor considered fit subjects for the same." The innuendo seems to be that some other morning the case might be different. llettcr l ate l'lian Never. "You may recall me, sir, as the man who eloped with your daughter about a year ago." "Well, sir, what can I do for you?" "I may be a little bit tardy, but I have come to offer you my congratulations." ALARHINGJiaBTALITY. Noticeable Among the Weak and Ailing. Spring; tie Tte Death Reaps Its Larpt Harvest. There Is a Way of Eluding tho Grim Destroyer. Every Spring It Is notlcc-abls how many peoplo are taken away that we have been accustomed to see in our dully life. Statistics show that at no other sea son of the year does so many deatiis occur. Especially large Is tho mortality among weak and sickly people. The reason for this iu apparent. The body that is weakened by ago or dis ease has much to contend wltb during the Winter months. Insufficient exer cise frequently has been taken. Too much starchy and fatty foods have been eaten. The system has been allowed to become run down, and when Spring comes with its bright, sunshiny days, older people will begin to realize that their vitality has become very low. The sarao thing Is true of people who ere naturally Blckly and weak. This is the season of the year when even a strong person feels at his worst. That tired, restless feeling is experienced by too many. There need not be as many deaths this year as usually take place. A lit tle care will ward off many Spring fu nerals. If one is weak or tiling they should take time by tho forelock and take Dr. Greene's Nervpra blood and nerve remedy. This great medicine has been In many cases, and will con tinue to be. tho means bv whlrh thn blaek angel of Death has been driven from the threshold. It dispels the grim destroyer in a scientific way, for It purifies the blood and gives strength and vitality to the nerves. It tones up and restores to a healthy con dition all of the great life-giving or gans of tho body. Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy will enable those who take it to throw off little ills lliat prove dangerous only when they at tack a system already wasted and weak3ued. From many peoplo, who have ex perienced benefit from this greatest ot all Itffi-lcnstheners cames the fol lowing; from the famous General Long ptreet of 1211 Now Hampshire avenue, Washington, D. C. IIo says: "It gives mo great pleasure to add rav tci tluiony with many others for Dr. urerno s Kemedy, which I have used with highly beneficial results and I am able to rocommend Its virtues from experience. I have used it for catarrh and have derived help." Mr. Wellington Hynes. Elizabeth- town, N. Y.. writes: ' "I fiic I It my duty to tell how much good Dr. Greene's Nervura has done me. 1 was so run down that I could not sleep at night and everything wor ried me. I had no appetltj and could not work, my head anhed all the time and thcro was an all-gone feeling In my stomach and I was always looking on the dark side of everything. 1 be gan to take Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy and In lest than three weeks I felt like nen man, I can now do as much work aa Is expected of a man cry age. I advise any one who la troubled to take Dt Greene's Nervura. Do not go to a doe tor, but get a bottle of Dr. Greene r Nervura. It Is cheaper than a doctor'r mil." The latter part of 'Jlr. Hynes'a ad vice might be profitably disregard:! however, I you should feel you wonbi like the advice of physicist.. Yon can have such advice and have It fif if you will write or call on the great pat known blood and nerve specialist Dr. Oreene, SS W. 14th SU Nee York City. Dr. Bull's Cough Ciirea a roiiR;! ar coM a, once. O . .... - toniitra cronn, hrmichiila, Jllf r II fj tnppeaud coueumiiiou. tjc. Jr To produce the best results in fruit, vegetable or grain, the fertilizer used must contain enough Potash. For partic ulars see our pamphlets. We send them free. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 03 Nassau St., New York. I SIC1C EiE&DHGHE : 9 uccuqiIm rum). Ir to U19 ;ny reuied; t3 take fe J A natural rrndinnl wr.ier -ennvtntrntr. Aperient. l..v.i,vt., ttmW. A fplt!c for nil 9 liver, fcldiw, iiimii'.i urea IwiwH iluf-plpm. t It fMirr--TrM 1.1 tr, Jiian- allVe Chronic I Ha r of ttie klitm-a-, Hr,epala If nrt liiirni Ilrilvba( DjaK- UllTT Clinaatl Jttellrrrt, Plll'aV, ' 4 rnh Ot'ctuif Wntrr In the vnmi fft- f ractnm of tlie n it-trnl minorul waters; most convenient tn 'jtke; inunt I economical v any. I Thi sfnu'n ) oM hr 1 all rlrnffi'iKln with Oath a A opt trntto umrk on TRADE every bottle. fc 4 ' U CRAB ORCHARD WATER CO., Lou.sville.Ky. UP I m mm mmm aaa m m at a Jija i green n A np HA costs fl per TON ! GrcAlrtt. Cheapest Pood en Carth (or Sheep, Swliw. Clilk, IVilfry, etc. Will worth fino o yra to rtaaj wktt BmlM 'tnialof uji txaat rp. CHS ton Doi2ar Grass will poem,- tnka yoii Hch 12 ivm a a-eay ee--l l'iajej( par HJI aT BU'n , tf IWpmue. r..t,'t (4UU bv. m,1U) bm. mu jif ,,) tie., ate. For Hi Is Notice and 10o. wh I -. ot ar il 10 t-am fwad-n JfOTcilka, liiilywoTtntlOto gat saUrt. H For 14. T aralandlrf TtrUbla ft 8 4 ewwiaaioawaraaati pac-lag an ctaUiog. SAI7FD FFn fft wtRosje.3 V"-L- - aw'i-L.L' V-V., WIS. immmwi urn rn trm m au Hedge Plants For Sale. PLANTS Of'fENCe'fOR S5a The cbfBipt ami atronirnst fn miidi'. We ronniifMoture Iron Onteg and Touts of all sizes onil stvli-H. Adrtmsn P. M. MISHLER, Hagerstown, Md. M All WANTED AT ONCE Willi ri? lo e)l oiir PmiUry Jlixtnn-: atralcbt aalnry 16.'l'i wiialt and fxpena.; ypHi-'i rrinl-.ract wpiikly imy. Ailitl'trai witli rtanit. Kl'BBKA Mm. C o.. I trvr. t. Haat St. Ill WILLS PILLS BIGGEST OFFER EVER MADE. For only tOCi-ntnw win wn3 to iriT P. O. ad drtwri, ht dHvs' troAtment of the lst inU'alne on Mtrtli, hihI jnit ymi on the trnrk how to maka .11 on. tiy riuht at your hoinn. ArtdrB all oriUTi to Tlio It. II. WIIU letirhm ( ominniy, 2l I H.r. 1cfh mi., HnjfcrMtowrH I(U llrnnrh mioft IniUntia A?f., aabhiiflont l. V, PATENTS S Jl n. BTHVeSM A- ., ttb. inn. Dir. , aii-lllbBtrral, lUMIIMJTON, II. Ce iaraDcb ofui-eai CliiuaaTOa Cl.valuad and Xiaamlu j ul llonl IT DAVC TO ADVKKTISB AI J Tlil-a I 1'Al'tlC. UHOU Kd Beat Coimb byrup. Taatea (JutKU Caa VH FrJ In tlmo. rwilil br driipirl-ta. P aaai IA frt) mm Complete External and Internal Treatment U! n! I 1 imM I M Consisting of CUTICURA SOAP to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thick ened cuticle, CUTICURA OINTMENT to instantly allay itching, irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and heal, and CUTICURA RESOLVENT to cool and cleanse the blood, and expel humor germs. A SINGLE SET is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood humors, rashes, itchings, and irritations, with loss of hair, when the best physicians, and all other remedies fail. WONDERFUL CURE OF PSORIASIS. AS a sufferer for thirly years from the worst form of Psori asis, finally cured by Cuticura. Soap and CutJcura Ointment, I wish to tell you my experience, that othera may benefit by it. I was so grievously afflicted that the matter that exuded from my pores after the scales had peeled off, would cause my underclothing: to actually gum to my I body. After remaining; in one position, sitting- or lying down, for an hour or two, the flesh on my elbows and fuicei i would split, so thick and hard would the crusty scales become.1 The humiliation I experienced, to say nothing of physical agony, was something frightful. . The detached scales would, fairly rain from my coat sleeve?. ' I have read none of your testimonials that appear to represent a case so bad as mine. But as to the cure I commenced bathing in hot Cuti cura Soap suds night and morning, applied the Cuticura Ointment, and then wrapped myself in a sheet. In two , weeks my skin was almost blood red in color, but smooth' and without scales. Patches of natural colored skin began to appear, and in less than a month I was cured. I am now passed forty years of age and have skin as soft and smooth as a baby's. Hoping that others may benefit by my experi ence, and regretting that sensitiveness forbids me from dis closing my name, I am yours gratefully, J. H. M., Boston, Mass., Sept. 30, 1900. Millions of People Use Cuticura Soap A ealatnd by Cntlrnra Olnlment, the Brent akin core, for preaaralna:, tinrlfflnjr, and be.utlfTlr.(r the akin, lor cleanalng the aMilp of rruala, auilea, and dandruff, and the atop. plnu of lallliin hair, for eofienlnir, whilentnjr, and healing rod, roupb, and aora handa, for babr rashen. Itehlnk-a, and cliallone, and for all the purpoaoa of the toilet, bath, and nuraery. Mllllonaof Women una Cuticura Soar In the form of batlia t or annoying Irrlta tlona, lnflammatlona, and exoorlatlona, or too free or offenalve peraiilrallon. In the form of washes fur ulcerative weakneaaea, and for manr aanatlve antiseptic purpoma which readily eminent tliemaelvee to women, and eaponlally mother. Cuticuka Soap combine! delt. cat emollient propertlca derived from Cuticuka, the grant akin cure, with the pureatof cleansing Ingredlenta, and the moat rerraahliig of flower odnra. Nn amount of perenevelo can luuuru umea who uuve once uaea uieae great akin paniiera and be Aiiuflera to nae any othera, especially for preserving and purifying the akin, aijilp, and hair of Infante and an. uuior wumiipi B.nj ia au oo comparea wuu 11 lor preserving, purifying, aaa or the akin, acalo. hair, and hand. No nihan fnmi.n n. iuli however exoenalve, la to be compared with it for all the nmoaea of the toilet, hmh .nd children. beautifying the akin, eca! nursery. Thus It combines In Ome Soap at 1'ulcr. ti.d iii aT akin and comuiaxliaai aiun and liifli RVNT tillflt miiiI hal.i; anai. In Ilia K. ..11 .1 a"T a in . w J f " wv.u wj MM . A ' B ! ' I A LUXURY WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL! MY PICTURE-. i-fi$K S'"1" on every package of I llvMilll iiorg of f een fjlfa &AJM Make sure that there is . lion head 1 'M on ery package before purchasing. I iwN Thal ,8,,S yU ha! 11 ls g8nuIn8' ani1 not a g,azBl1 cofffle' I "L IvV If you don't sco rny head on the package, don't buy it. ( " ot at your grocer's try another ttore. I js. i?sJ t II Al1 leadinC 8torL' keep it. I 4LB0W COFFEE Watch our next advertisement.' Is now the lender of them all. and ia used in millions of homes. a . ' In every package of LION COFFEE you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive list No housekeeper, in fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in ths lint some article which will contribute to their happiness, comfort and convenience, and which they may have by simply cutting out ft certain number of Lion Heads from the wrappers of our ono pound sealed packages (which is tho only form in which this excellent coffee is sold). W0OL50N 6PICB CO., TOUiDO, OHIO. VS : ; ; ;