FULTON COUNTY NEWS. Published Every Thursday. " B. W. Peck, Editor. McCONNELLSBURG, PA. Thursday, Feb. 28. 1901. Published Weekly. 51.00 per Annum in Advance. AUVIKTMIifa HATCH. Per nquare of 8 linen S times II M. Per nquare eivch subsequent Insertion.... ho. ah advertisements mserteu tor less man three months cearKed by the square. 8 mos. nmos. 1 yr. . . . .i.vm."llj.irr.oa ... . .. HIM. .. .. 40.00. ISft.OO. 71S.00. One-fourth column.... One-half column One Column Nothing Inserted for less than II. lrofeaHloQa! Cards one year S.V Maplcton's Cave. A special in last Friday's North American says that a big cavern has been discovered up in Hunt ingdon county. It says: "A wonderful cavern, rivaling in beauty and natural phenome na, if not in size, the famous Mammoth Cave, of Kentucky,has just been discovered across the Juniata river from Mapleton. "At this point a perpendicular cliff of sandstone rises to a height of 200 feet. From this cliff building stone is quarried. A few days ago a heavy blast re vealed the entrance to the mar velous cave.and workmen at once enlarged the opening and explor ed the mysterious depths. "It remained, however, for a party of students of the Saltillo High School, headed by Bruce Yocum, to make a more thorough examination of this wonder of na ture. For seven-eights of a mile they followed the windings of the cavern. They returned to the surface again without reaching the end, which is believed to ex tend miles into the mountain side, as there was no indication of a terminus. "Among the features of the cave is a great corridor, extend ing for half a mile in almost a straight line with a uniform height and width of from ten to twelve feet. The hand of man could not have made the great hall more regular. Its walls are of crystal which danced and sparkled in the gleam of the torch light. "At the end of this magnificent passage-way is an enormous vaulted room, from the ceiling of which hangs a giant stalactite. Lesser stalactites glisten here and there. Over the floor of the room flows a stream of limpid water. "At another point a fissure appears, of unknown depth, from which issues the distant murmur of a subterranean river. Several passageway s open from the mammoth chamber. These have not as yet been explored." Amaranth. Wm. L. McKibbin, Jr. of Dick son, North Dakota, who spent the past three weeks with his pa rents, Dr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Mc Kibbin of this place.has returned home. Mr. McKibbin has been in the far west for about twenty one years, spending a couple years at school in Greely, Colo rado. Some nine or ten years he was in the saddle as a cowboy. At present he is an engineerer on the Northern Pacific railroad. He has been over nearly all the terri tory from the Rockies to the Mississippi on horse back, and says North Dakota is the garden of all of it. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Spade and two daughters, Nora and Bessie, spent last week at Covalt and Em maville visiting relatives. Jam iS Hartley and sou George of Pinty Plains were in this place Saturday. W. C. McKee is all smiles. It's a boy. Daniel Streightiff, of Robison ville, spent Sunday with Robert Carson and family. Irvin Hixsou, who recently re covered from a severe attack of fever, is seriously ill of pneumo nia. We hope for his speedy re covery; eB)ecially, as he had ar ranged to go to Iowa in the near future. There is always danger in using counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. The original is a safe and- certain cure for piles. It is a soothing and healing salve for sores and all skin diseases. Trout's drug store, Tramps What Tlicy Cost. One hundred thousand able bodied tramps, who would rather walk than work, or ride than. oat, costiug fci.'i.Oixyx.'X) a year to so ciety, and at all times a moral burden upon the public consci ence in these figures are the debits of an idle class which moves on when it has to and which vacillates between city and coun try with all the regularity of dwellers on the city boulevards. According to the figures from the national estimates, Chicago harbors one-twentieth of the brotherhood of the country and pays 1,257,500 for the infliction. Supt. Ernest P. Bicknes, of the Chicago Bureau of Charities, has furnished some of these figures. "Prof. J. J. Cook, of Hartford, Conn, and Jacob Riss, of New York, have made a study of the tramp problem and they are pretty well agreed that the Unit ed States has an incubus of about 100,000 able-bodied men who are determined to live without work. It has been figured the country over that these tramps consume 10 cents' worth of food every day. Allowiug for a suit worth $2 cash in the hands of a clothes dealer, one may count on a tramp using up about five such suits a year. With $36.50 a year for his food and $10 a year for his clothes we have $40.50 for the keep of the tramp a sum close enough to the $50 each that has been rekou ed by economists1" The Chicago "Tribune" says that 1,500 'miles at three cents each is not a long stretch for a tramp who puts in a five months' season iu box cars and on trucks, while to those members of the profession who makes season , 'records" year after year 15,000 miles is only a fair "stunt." In damaging property of all kinds to the extent of $13,000,000 a year, the lire losses are second only to the losses by petty thefts Tens of thousandsof dollars'worth of barns, livostock,hay and graiu is destroyed every year by the campfires or the pipes of the tramp and hobo. Petty thieving piles up loss upon the tire show ings. Police surveillance of the tramp hardly may be charged to his ac count, as the system may be maintained without him, but in the matter of court costs and of shipping these vagrants out of towns at the expense of small cities, the figures easily may run to $2,500,000. Out of the 71,3-1!) arrests in Chicago lust year, 27, 2G7 were of persons who had no occupation of any kind. Personally, I do not believe that any one needs meat more than once a day. By careful experi ments, during hard labor say for fourteen hours a day, I find one meal of meat all that is necessary in fact, more is a burden. Mrs. S. T. Rorer, in the March Ladies' Home Journal. A powerful engine cannot be run with a weak boiler, and we can't keep up the strain of an ac tive life with a weak stomach; neither can we stop the human machine to make repairs. If the stomach cannot digest enough food to keep the body strong, such a preparation as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure should be used. It digests what you eat and it simply can't help but do you good. Trout's drug store. LalJin. Feb. 20. Nearly every family in our community has been visit ed by tho grip or bad colds. Mrs. Abraham King, Mrs. Frank Price, and A. B. Deuvor are ill with grip. Monday the house in which S. S. Wilson lived near tho east end of Sidling Hill tunnel was burned. Mr. Wilson was not at home at the time and everything was burned except a chair or two and a bed. Recent experiments show that all classes of foods may bo com pletely digested by a preparation called Kodol Dyspepsia Curo, which absolutely digests what you eat. As it is the only combi nation of all tho natural digest ants ever devised the demand for it has become euormous. It has never failed to curo tho very worst cases of indigestion and it always gives instant relief. Trout's drug store. Some people' shortcoming is that they are so long coming. I'cbruary Election. AY It. Judge of Elections, Wm. Bish op, d. Inspectors, Edward Key ser, r, Philip Ott, d. .School Directors, Geo. F. Mellott.tl, " leo. Bivons, d, Samuel M pilot! . d, Leouard Biveus, d. Supervisors, j John S. llarr, (1, Jolin Heiii'n::iigli( j d. Auditor, John J. Morto:., i. Overseer of the poor, JelTcrsou ! Harris, d. Clerk, Biddes Lynch, J d. Assessor, John F. Kendall, r. Justice of tho peace, A. L. Lain berson, d. Treasurer, David Crouse, d. IIKLFAST. Judge, G. S. Mellott, d. In spector, Walker Mellott, r, O. W. Mellott, d. School Directors, W. R. Palmer, r, Joseph Truax, r. Supervisor, John Holloushoad, r, G. C. Sipes, d. Overseer of Poor, Aaron Garland, d. Auditor, An thony Mellott, d. Clerk, Sugar Mellott, d. Assessor, Geo. W. Mellot t, d. HKTIIKL. Judge of Elections, Stilwell Kirk, d. Inspector, James Mc. Beruhard, r, David Bishop, d. School directors, Nelson Booth, d, Thomas Bishop, d. Supervi sors, George M. Gartner, d, Henry Garland, d. Auditor, Geo. Myers, d. Overseer of the poor, John II. Harman, d. Clerk, Geo. W. Hess, d. Assessor, James R. Sharp, d. J1HUSII C'KKKK. Judge of Elections, Francis M. Diehl, d. Inspectors, Wilson Connor, r, Logue Plessinger, d. School directors, George M. Tru ax, r. William McKee, d. Sup ervisors, Frank M. Lodge, d, Asa Mellott, d. Auditors, W. C. Hanks, r, Nathan W. Mellott, d. Overseer of thepoor.H. E. Akers, r. Cleric, M. P. Barton, d. As sessor, W. H. Williams, r. Jus tice of thepeace, James S. Akers, r. DUBLIN Judge of Election, Henry Miller r, Inspectors, Irwin Cook, r; David Bradnick, d. School Di rectors, U. W. Mellott, d, L. C. j Kelly, d. Supervisors, Reuben ! Helman, r, R. S. Kurfman, d. Auditor, J. V. Olunt, r. Overseer of thePoor, W. E. Kelso, d, Clerk, Richard McGowan, r. Assessor, W. J. Kline, jr., r. Justice of the Peace, Elliott Fleniming, d. LICKING CKEEK. Judge of Election, J. W. Hoop, I d. Inspectors. Sheridan Hann. r. Milton Kline, d. School Di rectors, Homer L. Sipes, d, Ephraim Mellott, d. Supervisors, Jackson Deshong, d. Harry Mum ma, d. Auditor, J. A. Stewart, d. Clerk, David Sharp, d. As sessor, W. R. Speer, d. M 'CONXELLSBUIiG BOROUGH. Judge of Elections, Albert D. Hohmau, d. Inspector, E. D. Shinier, r, B. F. Sipes, d. School directors, T. F. Sloan, r, John Conierer, r. Auditors, Frank Stoner, r, George W. Hays, d. Overseer of the poor, William S. Clevenger, r, David E. Little, r. Assessor, Samuel A. Nesbit, r. Burgess, Henry W. Scott, d. Town council, David T. Fields, r, Leonard llohman, d, Samuel Ben der, d. High constable, James Yores, r. TAYLOIt. Judge of Elections, David B. Laidig, d. Inspectors, Hayes Witter, r, W. L. Bergstresser, d. School directors, Martin Laidig, d, J. C. Lanibersou, d. Supervi sors, Howard Barnett, r, Samuel Hockeusmith, d. Auditor, Harry Huston, d. Overseer of the poor, I James Cutchall, r, J. L. Kessel- ring, d. Clerk, John Wright, r. Assessor, William Miller, r. THOMPSON. Judge, G. A. Winters, d. Town ship clerk, W. C. Pock, d. In spector, Dennis Gordon, d. As sessor, D. T.Humbert, d. School directors, Emanuel Keefer, d.and James M. Lake, d; Conrad Wink, d, and Amos Sharp, d. Auditor, Mulcchi Litton, d. Overseer of poor, Andrew Souders, d. TOD. Judge of Elections, Daniel Mock, d. Inspectors, Harry Jones, r, E. M. (Jress. d. School directors, John Shaffer, d, D. W. Kelso, d. Supervisors, David Heishey, r. George Finiff, d. Auditor, Frank Fore, d. Over seer of the poor, Fred Snyder, d. Clerk, Daniel PelTcr.d. Assessor. Charles C. Rot;;, r. Justice of tho peace, George W. Wagner, d, UNION. Judge, Daniel Mellott, r. Town ship 'clerk, George Hammann, r. Inspector, Thomas W. Parlett, r. Assessor.Geo. Lehman, rv School Directors, James McKibbin, r, J and Richard Foster, r. Justice I of the Peace, A. J. Sigel, d. Su pervisors, 'George Sigel, d, and George Mills, d. Overseer of Poor, J. J. Hendershot, d. T,LLS. Judge of Elections, George E. Truax, d. Inspectors, W. R. Aid it soi., r, T. II. Ramsey, d. School Directors, J. E. Woodcock, r, W. II. Baumgardner, d. Su pervisors, A. E. Greenland, r, W. L. Sprowl, d. Auditor, Har vey Wishart, d. Overseer of the Poor, W. L. Cunningham, r. Clerk, F. G. Mills, d. Assessor, L. L. Cunningham, d. ' Stood Death Off. E. B. Muuday, a lawyer of Hen rietta, Tex:, once fooled a grave digger. He says: "My brother was very low with malarial fever and jaundice. I persuaded him to try Electric Bitters.and he was soon much better, but continued their use until he was wholly cur ed. I am sure Electric Bitters saved Ids life. " This remedy ex pels malaria, kills disease germs and purities the blood; aids diges tion, regulates liver, kidneys and bowels, cures constipation, dys pepsia, nervous diseases, kidney troubles, female complaints;gives perfect health. Only 50c at W. S. Dickson's drug store. Wells Tannery. Among those recently afllieted with grippe are E. (J, Truax, Will and Frank Sprowl, Nathan Horton and James Harris. Mrs. Mary Uanu aud son John Russell, of Lewistown, are visit ing her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wishart. Mrs. Stiuson and sou Harvey spent Saturday with her daugh ter Mrs. Ran McDouald. Miss Blanche McGathery, of Altoona, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mr. J. C. Merideth. Jerry Sprowl has been housed the greater part of tho winter with rheumatism, and at this writing, is not able to leave his room. W. B. Stunkard and family at tended the burial of his uncle Ferguson Stunkard of Huston town last Sunday. Since Valentino day our citizens with few exceptions, feel highly honored iu being remembered so kindly with there likenesses aud a sketch of their lives. Rau Mc Donald thinks his was printed purposely for him. The Railroad Social held in the Hall by tho Social Committee of the Endeavor was a success iu every way. Our young folks truly have the vim to entertain well. Cove Tannery. Feb. 20 Misses MaoIIarr, and Irene Pott returned homo Satur day, from Libonia where they had been visiting friends. William O. Lohr, of Pleasant Ridge was visitiug friends in the Corner, Quito a number of the young folks enjoyed themselves with a large bowl of oysters at A. J. Craig's Saturday evening. Ephrain Houck has rented the Baldwin place, and will move thereon in the spring. On Thursday of last week Wal ter Shaw discovered tho roof of J. B. Mellott's house.in the Corn er, to be on fire in several places. Hastening for ladders and pailshe managed to extinguish the fire without giving tho alarm to the neighbors. Frank Houck and Joe Car baugh will start Monday for Illinois where they will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cleven ger of Mercersburg.spent Satur day visiting friends here and wore accompanied home Monday by Mrs. Clevenger's mother Mrs. Lida Grouse of this place. CM Dyspepsia Curo Digests what you eat. It artificially digest! the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the lateBtdisco'vereddlgeBt ant aud tonic. Ho other preparation can approach it In elllcleucy. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, hour Stomach, Nausea. Sick Headache, Oastralgla.Crampsand all other results of Imperfect digestion. Price 60c. and ft. Large sIzeoontaJiitSM times twal) aua. Hook all about d yix)ui umusdire Prtparse fey C- C. OslMITT CO.. Cbieage. Trout' drug storo. List of Jurors. Tho following is a list of jurors drawu by the.Tury Commissioners February 10, 1901, to serve at tho March term 15101, of thq county of Fulton, Pa., begiuning on the third Monday of March. GRAND JURORS. AYH. N. W. llohman, David Fulton, WUliam Cutchall, Johnston Con rad. BELFAST. E. N. Akers. HETHKL. Lincoln Slayman, Samuel Car noil, Edward Palmer, Joseph Powell. DUHLIN. Henry Fraker, John Mumma, E. D. Wrelsh. LICKING CHEEK. Milton Decker. M 'CON N ELLSHUUG. Christmas Shimer, Samuel Kelloy, Abram Ruuyan. TAYLOU. James R. Davis, W. R. Fields. THOMPSON. Charles Bishop.Albert Gordon. TOD. Henry Barmont, Thomas Mar shall. UNION. George Sigel. , WELLS. Jno. M. Schenck. PETIT JURORS. AYR. Samuel Mellott, U. G. Hum bert, Robert Gordon, James Youse.Samuel W. Bender, Abram Fox. BELFAST, D. B. Snyder, H. II. Deshong. 1JETHEL. James Mc. Barnhart, TLomas McCullough, Moses Hess. HKUSH CHEEK. Denton Hoopengardner, Will iam Diehl, William H. Decker, Da vid Garland, Wilson Williams. DUBLIN. Isaiah Bradnick, F. C. Bare, John Keebaugh, W. M. Comerer, Jacob Sheffield, John Baldwin. LICKING CHEEK. Jeff Wible, William Vallance,D? D. Deshong. m'connellsbuhg. David Gress, Charles Tritle,M M. Bender. TAYLOR. John Cutchall, S. C. Gracey, Geo. M. Laidig, John Winegard ner, Robert Bratten. THOMPSON. Emanuel Keefer. TOD. Samuel Rotz, Sr. UNION. Howard Deueen. WELLS. Harvey Wishart, Edward Hor ton. A Night of Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Burn ham of Machias, Me., when the doctors said sho would die from Pneumonia before morning writes Mrs. S. II. Lincoln, who at tended her that fearful night, but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, which had more than once saved her life,and cured her of Consumption. After taking, she slept all night. Further use entirely cured her." This mar vellous medicine is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases. Only 50c and $1.00, Trial bottles free at W. S. Dick- sou's drug store. Local Institute. A local insiitute was held at Mortons Point Friday evening 15th inst. The Sipes Mill orchestra fur uisiiea some excellent music. L. L. Truax was president, and Orpha Snyder Secretary. "Language work and Advanced Grammar was discussed by Miss Ella Mellott, Stella Bard, Orpha Snyder aud Prof Palmer. Library, How secured, Bene fits, and How managed," dis cussed by Miss Bessie Morton, Ella Mellott and B. N. Palmer. "Recitation in Advanced Arith meticHow conducted Re sults, Bessie Morton and Prof. Palmer. Daily Program, Order Number aud Leagth of recitation Discussed by L. P. Morton, B..N Palmer; Stella Bard, L. L. Truax, aud S. L. wink. Teachers pres ent from Belfast were- Prof, Palmer, Miss Cora Funk, Anna Culler, Bessie Morton, Miss Stella Bard, from Ayr L. L. Tru ax from Licking Creek, Miss Olive Bess from Bethel. Tho next one will bo held at Cedar Lane March 1. Every body come especially teachers and directors. Shcuetaky. I J. K. Johnston's lid Winter Sale. Special Bargains in OVERSHOES. Imibuxbl rVlrVVSrWMAAVW Men's Buckle Arctics $1.00 -Women's Buckle Arctics 80c. Felt Boots 1.75. A few Ladies' Capes and a few Men's arid Boy's 'Overcoats will be i Closed Out Quick to make room for new stock. Men's and Boy's Heavy Caps. Ap still Iiivp 1 funr nf trirwo r1ifin RlinL-otc nnA Bed Comforters will not Underwear, Mittens. P. S. , Ask to see the town. I'lcasunt Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Logue Hess and son Webster spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Luther Smith. Messrs. Geo! E. Hughes and Charley Cuuningham of Hancock wero business callers at Mr. Al fred Peck's one day last week. Mr. George Smith, on last Sun day evening fell and broke one bone in the lower part of his arm. Mrs. Hiram Hill is suffering of pneumonia. Rev. Troutman will preach, at Pleasant Grove Sunday, March 3 as 10.30 o'clock. ' Mr. Job Truax aud wife visited Mrs. Lizzie Pitman's near Covalt recently. Mr. J. It. Hill made a flying trip to Brush Creek Valley last week. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Garland aud their two daughters Rhoda and Nellie, and Mrs. Rhoda Gar laud and Mr. and Mrs? Amos Plessinger spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Alfred Pecks. The Tallest Living Man. The tallest living man is said to be Lewis Wilkins, who is now arousing great interest in the scientific circles of Europe. Wil kins was born on a farm near St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1874. When he was but ten years old he measured six feet in height, and now has grown to the tremendous height of 107 inches just three quarters of an inch less than nine feet and weighs 304 pounds. SALT RHEUM CURED BY Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. JVST aUKKN IN T1HU. ,ll;.,iBk,,,.rn',,on Warning or Moiuetblnff more Merlons to Coma. Only . W.,1. Iu lived the Wrul... j"T...3A"rirllU la Ilia Moil Powerful Uluud. Furluer Kuou u. Nature, In her efforts to correct mistakes, which mistakes have oome from carelein living', or it may be from ancestors, shoots out pimples, blotches and other imperfeotions on the akin, as warning that more serums troubles (per haps tumors, cancers, erysipelas or pulmonary diseases) are certain to follow if you neglect to heed the warning and correct the mistakes. . . . Many a lingering, painful disease and many an early death has been avoided simply because these notes of warning have been h. cded aud the blood kept pure by a i-ight use of JOHNSTON'S BAKHAPAKILLA. MissAbbieJ. Rande, of Marshall, Mich., writes: ' I was cured of a bad humor after Buffering with it for five years. The doctors and my friends said it was salt rheuln. It came out on my headneck and ears, and then on my whole body. I was perfectly raw with it. What I Buffered during those five years, is no use telling. Nobody would believe me If 1 did. I tried every medicine that was advertised to cure It. I spent money enough to buy a house. I heard JOHNSTON'S SAUSAI'ARILLA highly fi ?Aa J Ltt.dJa1bit.Ver0f 1 beFan to Prove right away, and when 1 hal mushed the third bottle I was completely cured. I have never had a touch of it w?eu1?Sv,7i,tBnythln to do me the least good till X tried JOHNSTON'S i i . 1 wulI heartily advise all who are suffering from humors or skin disease of any kind to try it at once. 1 had also a good deal of stomach trouble, and was run down and miserable, but JOHNSTON S SAESAPARILLA The blood is your life and If VOU k6AD ii ill I """"-i;'"" icnoijf. uunnojun b OAitBAi-AttlLjlA nevei lalls. it la for sale by all druggists, in full quart bottles at only oue dollar each, lfimirn w i-.utt. . . -1 - face contagion fearlessly. .w- WWWMI, lAir Hule st Of o; o 0' 0; 0; Of. o: carry them over. Gloves and o cheapest double-bit axe in (X CHURCH DIRECTORY. Presiiytfrian Rev. W. A. West, D.t j D., I'ustor. f Sabbath school, 0:15. ' t Preaching service each alternate ji j Sunday morning counting from Aug 12th, at 10:30, and evening at 7:.'10. "h-f Sunduvl j every Junior Christian Endeavor at 2:00. Christian Kndoavor at (i:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00. MethcBmst Episcopal Rev. H. M. Ash, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. in. Preaching eery other Sunday morn ing, counting from August 12th, ni 10:30 and every Sunday evening nt 7:00. Epworth League at 0:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evenint; at 7:00. United Presbytkuian Rev. J. L. Grove, Pastor' Sunday school at 0:30 a. m Preaching every Sunday morning at 10:30, and every other Sunday even- lrw A ......... 1(1 n. T.nn The alternate Sabbath evenings an' used by the Young People's Chris tian Union at 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00. EVANGKLICAL LUTHERAN Rev. A.C. Wolf, Pastor. Sunday school 9:15 a. in. Christian Endeavor ut 6:15 p. m. Wednesday evening prayer meeting at 7:00. Preaching morning and evening ev ery othor Sunday, dating from De cember 9, 1900. Reformed Rev. C. M. Smith, Pas tor. . Sunday Bchool at 9:30 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 0:00 p. m. Wednesday evening prayer meeting at 7:00. . v it mire and utrnnir von enn nnultluulvrA- JOHNSTONS SARSAI'AEILLA never Tvuut'a Drug Slur. I