ota of ord lOW lily old th he en ad- ire ID Out of 120,000 farmers in Norway, nil but 11,000 own their (aims. . Inrllgratlon Is km companion. Out rid of It by chewloa a bar of Adams' rep. In Tnttl Fruttl after each meal. The tolal number of persons arrxstcd in Boston last year was 3.1.655. rhtincy Olrott In 1 nnatikred tobet'iebent ballot finger on the Mrtro. A Vntfniirliin. Dr Graham, of Konlurkj.wlin lived lot., una htimlrml ji-m-n olrt, attrlhui.d hi ion. nfasnrl rrdora irom Ulna. to the nan of I'rnb On-hard ViMtiT. Ilwashlaoiilrnnidlclns. In'the Knullsh Army n soldier In drummed wi cuuri'ii juai aa lie in t.o ci rill. THE NERVES SSF WOFJIEM (V mi iinijBniiTwi fifiimuii 4 ytim " 'Wlwjll,iM-Tyi.y.w(iMii'l' ll,V'ijv-'"i . " '- Xjgljv . 'v. "I am so nervous and wretched." . "I feel as if I shonM fly." How familiar these expressions are ! Little things annoy you and make you irritable. You can't sleep, you are unfit for ordinary duties, and are subject to dizziness. That hearing-down sensation helps to mako you feel miserable. You have backache and pains low down in the side, pain in top of head, later on at the base of the brain. Such a condition points unerringly to serious uterine trouble. If you had written to Mrs. Pinkham when you first ex perienced impaired vitality, you would have been spared inese nours or awiui sunenng. . 1 Happiness will bo gone out of your life forever, my sister, 9 uuiestjyou act promptly, rrocure .Liytlla Ji. l'inkliam'g Vegetable Compound at once. It is absolutely sure to help you. Then write to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., if there is anything about your case you do not understand. You need not be afraid to tell her tho things you could not explain to tho doctor your letter is seen only by women and is absolutely confidential. Mrs. Pinkham's vast experi ence with 6uch troubles enables her to tell you just what is best for you, and she will chargo you nothing for her advice. Mrs. Valentine Tells of Happy Results Accomplished by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " Dear Mrs. Pinkham : It is with pleasure that I add my testimony to your list, hoping it may induce others to avail tbemsel ves of tho benefit of your val uable remedy. Before taking Idia 13. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, I folt Tory bad, was terribly nervous and tired, had sick headaches, no appotite, Riiawiug pain iu stomach, pain in my back and riht sido. and so weak I could scarcely stand. I was not ublo to do anything. Had sharp pains all through my body. Before I had taken half R bottle of your medicine, I found myself improv ing. I continued its use until I had taken four bottles, and felt so well that I did not need to take uny more. I am like a new person, and your medicine shall always have my praise." Mrs W P. Valentine, 660 Ferry Avenuo, Camden, N. J. a lib I MR5 W P VAl LNT AL 1 REWARD Owini to the fact tint nmr aM!iirt people have from lime to time quex'ioned the genuineness of the testimonial letters deposited with the National City Hank, of I.ynn. Ma-i. $vo, Which will bo paid in any person wlin can show thai the above te.timoni.il is not genuine, or was pnlilishrd before obtaining the writer special permission. Lydia E. Pinkhav Mkdicxwb Co. Two hundred bushels of po tatoes remove eighty pounds &. of "actual" Potash from the soil. Unless this quantity is returned to thn Knil 1. 11 "1C lunuwing crop will materially decrease. wru' a" ! ,rf1W It.' t'l J We have books telling about composition, nso and value of i'tUS-w leniltrera for various crops. 93 Nassau St., New York. . It! WUCW-. ' ylolda to nature's medicine, ; Uvcr, iiitjiiHVHnti buwl illnfirdern. An uti rivalled itprluiit mikI Inx;ttivo; InrlKoratwi and toiitw tua whnlo rtyntiMii. K imtuml con traled to niiito it mulur uiki tliouMr to buttle, Phm uuii uw, A buz. buttle i eiuul tn 1! naUonu vi u!icoiHHnsimi wuur. bui on aver? butt). -CHAB ORCHARD WATER CO., Loulivillt, Ky. Smith Kuhh11 Is going to Florida for the benefit of hiH hoalt.h. 14 war of Olutuieui for Catarrh Tbm Couittla Mnroury, mercury will vurely dnotroy thn mnne of hiuull anil complt-ti'iydertintio the whole uytttem wiifuuutohnki it throUKh thoinucousBurlHCdf, Such Hrtii'lth rstiotiUl nvt-r be uned except on preBcilptiouft fr-im reputabluphytiit;iiinti,fts the aumane they will do is ten fold to theood you chu poshihly derive from them. Hall's CnturrU Cure uianufactu red by F. J. Chimey & Co., Toledo, ()., contain no mercury, nud i ttikeu int-eruully, maing directly uptn the blood nud mucous HiiriareH of thu n uti'in. In buylug lluU'BCatJirrh Curt' bcMtu-e tiiKettbegeuuiuu. It in tak'Mi intornally, and m made lu Toledo, Ublo, by F.J. Cheney i Co. TesttmouialB lreo fct"bold by Uruk'Kitcs; price, ijo. per botUo, Hall1 Family IM1 -ins the bent. H. Miller Kent in to tarnextseaiion In "Tho Cowboy and the hady." It mqulrpB no exporiunne to dyu with Vut Nam Fadeless 1 tbh. Simply boilli.jf your good in the dye la all thai' neoeMtary. bcld by all druggUtM, The engftKement of 'Bn Hur in Boston, haiH lieen a great nuccepH. Th Ben Preaerlptlon for OiIIU and Feyr is a bottle of Grove's Tastmlsm tiiif.LToNio. It U simply irou and quiniue tn a UuLulestf form. No curo-no miv. I'rtcs 60a raderewBki'i opera inoalied "Manru." Love thyself lat. Seasps TEN GENTS Libby' soup tie is good n loups can be. Some cooks may know how to make soups as good. None ran make them bectcr none n t-hraply. Six plates of delicious soup lor to cents and think of the bother saved! Oxtail, Mullagatawny, Chicken, Mock Turtle, Tomato, Veoetable, end Clilcken Gumbo. At your groctrs, in cans rcadf tor Instant crying just lical thaiu. LIOOY, MoNEILL & LI BOY , Ohloego Writs lor hi booklet, "How to Malt Good Tiling! to Eat." 'at)t)oot)t)ft5 nl7 CJ OH E STER "NEW HI VAL" FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SiELLS , N bUrk srwdf ahalta oa tha aaarkat comrmra wtth tb " NEW B1VHL" In unW fcratity awl itraac abooUng tjitallUsuk, bur hia aad watuproai. Us tb ganuliM. t::::::nia beatiks arm co. Now Hirin, Com. SPEAK FOR THE KIGIIT. Dr. Talniane Say Silence In No! Golden v While There Are Cvlln. la Year Ure and Extenalve Rtadlnji Have Yoa Coma Across a Lovelier Character ThaM Jeaui Chrlit t (Ccrrriirht itot.i Wasiiisoton. U. C.-In thin dieour8 I)r. Talraage calU for a more demonstra tive religion and a hearty apeaking cut nn tho riitht nide of evervthinp: text, Mark ix, 23, "Thou dumb and rloat spirit, I rliarire thep, come out of him." Here wna n cne of reat dr-.nestie an Riiish. The ann of the hniix'holrl yvnn pin cwed of an evil apirit. which auionu other thir.u paralysed his tongue and made him MU'eehha. When tho influence wan on the patient he could not sav n word ar ticulation was impossible. The rpitit that captured this member of tho household aaa dumb apirit so called by C'hrit a piiit abrnnd to-day and as lively and po tent as in New Tentament times. Yet, in all the realms of pcnnnnologv I cannot rind a discourse concerning this devil which Christ charged upon jn my text, aying, "Come out of him." There has been much destructive ruper stilion abroad in tho world conccrniiui possession of evil spirits. Under the form of belief in witchcraft this delusion swept the continents. Persons were supposed to be possessed with some evil spirit which inane them able to destroy others. In the sixteenth century in Geneva lolK) persons were burned to death as witches. Under one jttdsro, in Lorraine, 000 persons were burned to death M witches. In one neigh borhood of France 1000 persons were burned. In two centuries 200,000 persons were slain as witches. Ho mighty was the delusion that it included among its vic tims some of the greatest intellects of all time, surh as Chief Justice Matthew Hale and Sir Edward Coke, and such renowned ministers of religion as Cotton Mather. one of whose books Benjamin Franklin. said shaped his life and Richard Baxter ! ano. Archbishop tranmcr and Martin Luther, and among writers and philoso phers Lord Bacon. That belief which has become the laughing stock of all sensible people counted its disciples among tha wisest and best people of Sweden, Ocr manv, Kngland, France, Spain and New England. But while we reject witchcraft, any man who believes the Bible must be lieve that there are diabolical agencies abroad in the world. While there are ministering spirits to bless there are in fernal spirits to hinder, to poison and to destroy. Christ was speaking to a spirit ual existence when standing before the "filleted one of the text He said, "Thou numb and deaf spirit, come out of him." Against this dumb devil of the text I put you on your guard. Do not think that this agent of evil has put his blight on those who by omission of the vocal or pins have had the golden gates of speech bolted and barred. Among those who have never spoken a word arc the most gracious and lovely and talented souls that were ever incarnated. The chaplains of the asylums for the dumb can tell you enchanting stories of those who never called the name of father or mother or child, and many of the most devout and prayerful souls will never in this world speak the name of God or Christ. Many a deaf mute have I seen with the angel of intelligence seated at the window of the eye. who never came forth from the door of the mouth. What a miracle of loveliness and knowledge was Laura Bridg man. of New Hampshire, not only without facility of speech, but without hearing and without sight, all these faculties re moved by sickness when two years of age, yet becoming a wonder at needlework, at the piano, at the sewiug machine and an intelligent student of the Scriptnre3 and confounding philosophers who came from all parts of the world to study tho phe nomenon. Thanks to Christianity for what it has done for the amelioration of the condition of the deaf and the dumb. Back in the ages they were put to death as having no right, with such paucitv of equipment, to live, and for centuries they were classed among the idiotic and tin safe. But in the sixteenth century came Pedro J'once, the Spanish monk, and in tho sev enteenth century came Juan Pablo Bonct, another Spanish monk, with dactylology, or the finger alphabet, and in our own rentury we have bad John liraidwood and l)rs. Mitchell and Aclterly and Pcet and Gallaudet, who have given to uncounted thousands of those whose tongues were forever silent the power to t.pi-11 out on the air by a manual alphabet their thoughts about this world and their hopes tor the next. We rejoice in the brilliant inventions in behalf of those who were oorn Qinni) woman Id China and the United States? What do you think of the sermon on the mount? How do you like the golden rule laid down in the Scriptures? Are you in favor of the Ten Commandments? In your large and extensive reading have you come across a lovelier character than Jesus Christ? Will you please to name the triumphant deathbtds of infidels and athe ists? "How do you account for the fact that among the out-and-out believers in Chris tianity were such persons as Benjamin Franklin, John Ruskin. Thomns Cavlvle, Babington Maeaulav. William Penn, Wai ter Scntt, C harles Kingsley. Horace Bush nell, James A. Oarfield. Kobcrt E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson. Admiral Foote, Ad miral Farrsgut, Ulysses S. Grant. John Milton. William Shakespeare. Chief Jus tice Marshall. John Adnms, Daniel Wehs ter, George Washington? How do you account fur their fondness for the .Chris tian religion? "Among the innumerable colleges and universities of the earth will you name me three started by infidels and now sup ported bv infidls? Down in vour heart are you really haony in the position you orenpy antagonistic to the Christian reli gion? Go at him with a few such nucstions, and he will get so rfd in ihe face as to suggest apnplexv, nnd he will look nt his watch and suy he has an engagement and must go. You will put him in a sweat that will beat a Turkish bath. You will put him on a rout compared with which our troops at Bull Kun made no time at all. Arm yourself, not with arguments, but interrogation points, and I nromise you victory. 8hall such a man as you. snail such a woman ss you. surrender to one of the meanest spirits that ever sninkcd uj from tho uit the dumb devil spoken of in the text? But then there are occasions when this particular spirit that Christ exorcised when Ho said, "I charge thee to come out of him" takes people by the wholesale. In the most renonsive religious audience have you noticed how many people never sing at all? They have a hoik, and they have a voice, and they know how to read. They know ninny of the tunes and yet are silent while the great raptures of music pass bv. Among those who sing not one out of a hundred sines loud enough to hear his own voice. They hum it. They give a sui t of religtou-t grunt. They make the lios go, but it is inaudible. With a voice strong enough to stop h street car one block mvav, all they can afford in the prai.-e of God is about hclf n whisper. W'ith enough sopranos, enough altos, enough basso.) to make a small heaven be tween the four nails, they h i I he oppor tunity go by unimproved. T'le volume of voice that nuctnils from the largest au dience that ever assembled ought to be multiplied two thousandfold. But the minister rises and gives out the hymn, the organ begins, the choir or preceptor leads, the audience are standing to that the lungs may have full cxpnnion, and a mighty harmony is about to ascend when the evil, spirit spoken of in my text the riuinb ocvil spreads his two wings over the lips of one-half the audience, and the otuer wing over the bus of the other half of the audience, and the voices roll back into the throats from which they started, and only here and there anything is heard, and nine-tenths of the holy power is destroyed, and the dumb devil, as be Hies away, says, "I could not keep Isaac Watts from writing that hymn, and I could not keep Lowell Mason frm com posing the tune to which it is set. but I smote into silence or half silence the lips from which it would have spread abroad to bless neighborhoods nnd cities and then mount the wide open heavens." Give the long meter doxology the full support of Chrstendom and those four lines would take the whole earth for God. This is the way I account for the fact that the stupidest places on earth are some prayer meetings. 1 do not see how a man keeps any grace if he regularly at tends them. They are spiritual refrigera tors. Iteligion kept on ice. How many of us have lost occasions of usefulness! In a sculptor's studio stood a figure of the god Opportunity. The sculptor 1 ad made the hair fall down over the face of the statue so as to completely cover it, and there were wings to the feet. When akcd why he so represented Opportunity the sculptor answered, "The face of the statue is thus covered up because we du not recognize Opportunity when it coincs, and the wings of the feet, show that Op portunity is swiftly gone." But do not let the world deride the church because of all this, for the dumb devil is just as conspicuous in the world. The great political parties assemble at the proper time to build piatforms for tho candidates to stand on. A committee of each party is appointed to make the plat form. After proper deliberation the com mittees come in with a ringing report. wucrtrns ana wnereafi -ana wnereas. One of the most impressive audiences I , I'ronunciamentos all shaped with the one ever addressed was in the Bar West, an I idea of getting the most votes. All eir- pression in regard lo the great moral evils ' ot the country ignored. :No expression audience of about 600 persons, who had never Heard a sound or spoken a word, nn interpreter standing beside mn while T addressed them. I congratulated that au dience on two advantages they had over the most of US thl nnn that, thou mmiuJ hearing a great many disagreeable things and on the other fact that they escaped saying things thev wera anrrv 'for frj. ward. Yet after all the alleviations n shackled tongue is an appalling limitation. But we are not this morning speaking of congenial mutes. We mean those who ie born with all the faculties of vocalization and yet have been struck bv the evil one mentioned in the text the dumb devil to wnom Christ called when He said. Thou dumb and deaf anirit. T rhin thee, eoine out of him." i There has been annthpnniKatinn nf Icnce. Some One has said ailenc ia onA. en, and sometimes the greatest triumph' in m Keep your mourn snut. Jiut some times silence is a crime, and th lira,. result of the baleful influence of the dumb devil of our text. There is hardly a man or woman who has not been present on some occasion when the Christian religion became a target for raillery. Perhaps it was over in the store tome day when there was not much going on and the clerks were in a group, or it was in the factory at the noon spell, or it was out on the farm under the trees while you were rest ing, or it was in the clllbrnom. nr it. was in a social circle, or it was in the street on the way home from business, or it was oa some occasion which you remember with out my describing it. Somu one got the iaugn on ttie Jjinle and caricatured tho , profession of religion as hvnoeriav nr made a pun out of something that Christ said. The laugh started, and you joined in, and not one word of protest did you utter. What kept you silent? Modesty? No. Incapacity to answer? No. Lack of opportunity? No. It was a blow ou both your hps by the wing of the dumb devil. If some one should malign your father or mother or wife or husband or child, you would flush up quiok and either with an indignant word or doubled up fist make response. And yet here is our Christian religion, which has done so much for you and so much for the world that it will take all enmity to celebrate it, and yet when it was attacked you did not so much aa say: "I differ. I object. I am sorry to' hear you say that. There is another side to this." You Christian people ought in such times as these go armed, not with earthly weapons, but with the sword of the Spirit. You ought to have four or five questions with which you could confound any man who attacks Christianity. A man ninety years old was telling me how he put to llight a scoffer. My aged friend said to the skeptic, "Did you ever read the history of Joseph in the Bible?" "Yea, ' said the man, "it is a tine storv nnd as interesting a story as 1 ever read." "Well, now." said mv nM frii.n.l pose that account of Joseph stopued hdf way?" "Oh," said the roan, "then it would not ba entertaining." "Well, now"' said my friend, "we have in this world only half of everything,, and do you not think that when we hear the last half things may be consistent and that then we mav find that God was right?" Oh, friends, better load up with a few interrogation points. Yon cannot afford to be silent when God and the Bible and the things of eternity are assailed. Your si lence gives consent to the bombardment of your Father's house. You allow a slur to be cast on your mother's dying pillow. In behalf of the Christ, who for you went through the acronies of assassination oil tha rocky bluff back of Jerusalem, you dared not face a sickly joke. Better load up with a few questions, so that next time you will ba ready. Kuv to tha soolfer, My dear sir, will you tell me whst makes las 4U&ia'"'' hatwaan the conditions uf .ichalf of temperate living, for that would lose the vote of the liquor traffic. No ex pression in regard to the universal attempt at the demolition of the Lord's day. No recognition of God in the history of na tions, for that would lose the vote of aineists. But whereas and whereas uu wnrrens. nine cneers win oe given for the platform. The dumb devil of the text puts one wing over the one platform and the other wine ocr the other nlat. form. Those great conventions are opened with prayer by their chaplains. If they bvuiucu piuLiiuo.es ana tola the honest truth in their prayers they would say: O Lord, we want to be postmasters and consuls and foreign ministers and United States district attorneys. For that we are here and for that we will strive till tho clcct.on next November. Give us office or wo aie. rorever ana ever. Amen." the world, to sny the least, is no bet ter than the church on this subject of si lence at the wrong time. In other words, is it not time for Christianity to become pronounced and aggressive as never be fore? Take sides for God and sobriety and righteousness. "If the Lord be Clod, follow Him; if iinni. men lonow mm. Have vou oppor jmiiiy ot renuKing a sin?, Kebuke it. Have you a chance to cheer a disheurtencd soul? Cheer it. Have you a useful word to speak? Sneak it. Be out and out, up and down for right eousness. If your ship is afloat on the 1 acihe Ocean of God's mercy, hang out your colors from the masthead. Show your passport if you have one. Do not smug gle your soui into tne Harbor of heaven, bneak out for God! Close up the chapter of lost opportunities, und open a new chapter. Before you get to the door on juui .aj uui snaae nanus wirn some one, and ask him to join you on the road to ucaven. jto not. arivo up to heaven in a two-wheeled "sulky" with loom only for one, and that yourself, but get the big gest gospel wagon you eun find, and pile it full of friends and neighbors, and shout mi nicy near you all up and down tin skies, "Come with us. and we will do yon good, for the Lord hath promised good tonoernmg Israel." llow Fans Were Invented. The following Chlucse legend ac :ounts for the Invention of the fan in a rather Ingenloua fashion: Tha Deautlful Kan-Sl, drvightcr of a power ful mandarin, was assisting at tho feast of lanterns, when she became Dver-powered by the heat und wua .(impelled to take off her mask. As It wua against all rule und custom to ex pone her face, she held nor mask be fore It und gently fluttered It to cool Herself. The court ludlos present no ticed the movement, and in an Instant 100 of them were waving their masks. From this Incident, it is said, ranie the birth of the fan, and today It takes the lace of the maak In that country. Must I.t Sultan Win. The"Bultan of Turkey Imagines hlm elt a sport. Lately he has developed t pasalon for playing cards for money, ind the man who la unfortunate nough to win the Sultan's money In jurs his enduring dislike. Public of Iclala permit him to win, and thus tave their placea. Thoughtlessness U often telflehneu arltb only another uauje. DOWNFALLS Sometime in winiev M every trp there in dangev of SPRAINS and BRUISES wliicll cripple -r Imrt Wj1 v, lint ;i niiy limn from whatever caue St. Jacobs Oil will cure tute'y ami promptly r "'' surest cure tnt Wj0 I a kjlil I 1 "ll tnroat ami lung J . rV troubles. pfoplepWi; Cough Syrup Jj.KK Refuse substitutes. Oct lii. Bull's tougli bviup. nest I'.ir I lie Uiwels. ' No matter what alls you, nsudaeha to a eanesr, you will never get well until your bowels sra put right. Casoasits halp nature, curs you without n grips or pain, 1'roducs easy natural movements, cost you ust 10ent to start getting your health sot. ;acAftRTS Candy Cstbnrtlo, the genuine, put up In mslal lioxes, every tab let has ;.C.C. stamped on It. Beware ol Imltntlons. filnsgnw lin five pnhlle hulhs. the cost of which varied from fH,iKiu 1 1 $ltlow. To Core ft CnM In On Iy. Tate I.axsTivs ItsoMO QtiiNiMS Tasi.nu. All arinrgi.N return) tn m .n.'y If It falls to enra. a. . Iikovk's slgnaiurH Is mi , a. U uox. Ambition harden women's faces. Ti'snteil At Oner I TrATellnL'Slle-tnen Willi !' l 111 n'lt ft Jierlnnce 'Hi 00 anil rxif'iis'n l-'or pitrtl'ii.a s tvrtln rocatinmas 'loli.i'vo Works. IJtUlonl Lily. Vft hiiilileii enfhii-dntins have sii'lili n cnilin.-s. Tin spirit of th. i, rug CureKillir nso. KotsIo's Croup (nie contuli s that -iilul.. ( ciwer r. ndorliig it un lnr.it Into r -meily f irl roiin. I'lifinnoiiiu. Diphiln riii. 6c. A hoy's In-t. Ii ii'inl Is In- inolhcr. I'iso's cannot ! too highly bi.oI.imi of a eoinh cure. .f. V. O'Uiiikn', :vsi I'm. 1 Ave. N., .Minn.'iipoU-. Minn.. .In 1. I). r.jOj. l,o c Is wise. Esl.b t-. Poll t ? .' ,mvi U : . '.HA. '. for Lri. -s .IKSSK MAII1.I -, Use CERTAIMliii? CURE.!: .ft it rrarnirtr.l will,!TI...V E. til I a . u) iiiuiiipsuii o uc UUICI weaJt oca, uniii SCSI ajJS B at St St JLJI s fi GREEN nAnForcs, Cases M m Earfl jSKr7 " . Sw,"- taU rfsXJxi fjY wnttooarit sia u rt u tmt wsm H'V&hl A BiHInn Dnitar Rrssa "III Mirtr fhe) jnm rWrb j 1'J tons) I Mjf ai ina nr pavfnt fr W. mtm, IXaO a. rakratl . Mm)! km, tali u. a () ttc. 7 For thl Mutloo mnti 10o. P tJl VkT iU r 4 10tTmrtS4l Mvf.lkM, fishy wftth 10le fi sfcawt, For I k f sfiasnrlW) wnmbi smJ H W.ilUMlifWrirsvhtffsWsjsl.tsMJa4am M JIXl. SUiJULMJf. XX M M m am m ay sy JaJ LEARN SHORTHAND BY CORRESPONDENCE 'Isaac Pitman System. tfif ficii' ;;rn li'T" nr In (li'irnitvt, ivit onlv tfi iMrmtii!'! ini'l ,. I. I mil t irt l"-. I.'it tn 'In- f N HfiMTiiinfiil Sir iff ; s'- Minnml 1 KKniiiinuttniif1 It ir Mm "Ui-iiM -1 i il Str ire. h- ''. .. V-u i ii ' ii an t M tinii-n it .iV.f Tn ?ni;iV n m mViiit. (ijf -t..rt I:. mrl . l.t-r ;t- u MTiii'nirT)t in'ft tif ij ein f.. ti M .fit'iii...) in- a f ;.ir-.ri.n fi 'f.:nMiiiir 1-1.,'tfT. H i.-nr;l.. 'in)..-. fip T-.tj'iim wj'f (!' i . rn !!.. Mi i-i. 1l.lt X .IOHXHMN Nn. Vi w Vrk vh.( . ., (. .hl(iir'ni, ). t If n P 5 Y N15 W niRCOVr.RT; bf t Xav I Jf quick r in' an 1 nir-t wrnl w.saii' bot-ai ot tt"(iiu.in'A uuii O tilt fat' IrnaVtmanl 4Vru. Ur. II. H UlLLZt HIUNi. Hue . At:ut, O IT PAYS '111 tllVIISTli. 11.1. l-,.it. a a u 8Wf J 4 HI Uti V'Hfchl. Ail tUt rA.!.S. tT I Brt oimli tiynip. Tomps (haI. t'Ml s ..- . ja,-.---Wt 7stsW(.17- 4 - - th 1 n - p m tl ga hZZid ll'uxO kr-K .i- 1 lit ill-: HK-'J N A LUXURY VYtTHliJ THE REACH OF ALL! MAKE no mistake 1 Sec that my head is on every package of LIOiJ COFFEE you buy. It guarantees its purity. No coffee is LION COFFEE unless it is in a I pound scaled packet with the head of a lion on the front. Then you get pure coffee the highest grade for the money. 1 . -Vv Vi.t-.rZ-j .- v r-r. '.-sail. Watch our next advertisement. Why has LION COFFEE now become the leader all package coffees? And why is it used in millions of homes ? Because it does not sail under false colors. It is an absolutely clean, pure coffee. No glazing, no coating with egg mixtures or chemicals in order to hide imper fections. Just try a package of LION COFFEE and you will under stand the reason of its popularity. in every package of LION COFFEE yea v.-Ill find a folly illustrated and dccciol've t'-i -u f -cP ' m tc? R. wc.man' man' bV ot 8 will fail to find in the list sonic article 7"'JT wr".'-ul"0'c to mcir nappmess. comlot't and convenience, ar.d which they may have br miy a certain number of Lion Heads from the wrappers of ocr one found scaled paakaS'es (which is the onltr fnrm in luUirh triJc .-,.tf H. ,fJ w - - m ' wsvis baVAasJ VAWVllVli V ii AUIU W00L50N SPICE CO., TOLEDO, OHIO. lmT:tW - S'JSIIII i uai.. i m .i. rae-ri-. . i ... .,T ... , , ....., tJ. J- "--. 'nggigad if W!ak& Ycurscff a New Masi I Or. GREEK "JV'V.'-V 1 1 msm 1 Mmmtf&&xm$& 1 ... fc5s mm V 'fti k-AKS: ltel(l&mW!teFW M. ,..-rs - - fsj 3 tviL'ivhi It- ;-'avI v'H'r?l'iH ,f.'wftwi'l, miy rv ,,our t m.hi n! r av a, a -. taK - i . , r.' .i i . , .r . r a .1 r'. , t, t-? - rii- iu ik uruiirutri ... .. L . m sVil Li .J. v- 1 V . v in . , s rl. T'lV . yw f U n W ILJ. -.' " ' u .'-I T - . t'r-Vt i,3i 1 VfiKMfM BLOOD AND NERVE REMEDY. Will Clvo You tho Stfongih ana Vigor of Par toot Man hood. Ronows, Vitalizes and Invigorates Woak Men, Old before his time ! A broken-down, miserable wreck weak, nervous, dis- The world to him seems a place of mist, peopled with trhmtl whose flitting to and fro about their daily tasks serves but to irritate him. He sneers at healthy amusements, ana huds no comfort or ploasui-e 111 li:c. 1 no w wen ana lie ci.ics not know It. He drags about and therefore thinks he is ell. lie 13 despondent smH ik, and he does not know that there are ely Bignala some from the stomach crylmr others from the nerves lmx-Mi, still others from the ureal life-eurrent-the blood moaning that it is so Impeded and cloir)"d with impurities that it cannot move. lie. ana all others like him, will find imme diate relief lu Dr. Greene s Norvura blood and nerve remedy. This is just what it was ....cuueu lor. 11 never tans to make weak ""s vigorous, puts new life, vim Strenirlh Tlu-.r anA Ii. . o 1 vwijjf iiiwj ineul. Dr. Greene's NeiTura is Now Ufo, Hope and Strength for Woak Men. 1 trird:and,r,j;.w " "f11" f ...... c "r j'.-wumui vay much alarinrj. and , wuildarlui good dna by Dr. tfri..,.. ' Norvura blood anrf rn nad lo by l. It cured mr conirj.l.ljl " W'K OTVl'1"'t- I et hmrtlly and siaea well. thaiiM t till. sW'iidld nidlclni f iilsuuc.." ' Dr. Greene's N'ervura is tho One Great Restorative Which Cures. AlHttl9rZVdili?Jl Vork City. i. the most auecessful specialist in curing nsrvou. and chronlo