. f- A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Sipes Tuesday night. A fresh supply of Peerless Horse and Cattle Powder at Rob inson's. Such littlo pills as DeWitt's Little Early Risers are very eas ily taken and they are wonderful ly effective in cleansing the liver and bowels. Trout's drug storo. If you iutend making sale this coming spring, select the date and have the announcement in the News. It is free to all who have their bills printed at this of fice. This season there is a large death rate among children from croupandlungtroubles. Prompt action will save the little ones from these terrible diseases. We know of nothingso cer tain to give instant relief as One Minute Cough Cure. It can also be relied upon in grippe and all throat and lung troubles of adults. Pleasant to take. Trout's Drug Store. A new and important enter prise has just been launched in Kansas City, of which Bruce E. Nace, son of our former towns man, D. B. Nace. is one of the in corporators. It is capitalized at $50,000, and will be known as the Forrester-Nace Box Factory, The incorporators are William S, Forrester, Bruce E. Nace and J, Will Merrill, the shares being equally divided among these gen tlemen, who are experienced bus iness men. Persons who suffer from iudi gestion can not expect to live long because they cannot eat the food required to nourish the body and the products of the undigested foods they do eat poison the blood. It is important to cure indigestion as soon as possible, and the best method of doing this is to use the preparation known as Kodol Dys pepsia Cure. It digests what you eat and restores all the diges tive organs to perfect health, Trout's drug store. A series of strange occurrences are reported from a funeral in a part of Franklin county last week, says Public Opinion. On the way from the train to the house where services were to be held, one of the mourners accidently thrust his elbow through the pane of glass in the hack; at the house the undertaker broke the glass in the coffin lid; at the grave a mourner accidentally dropped her handkerchief in theopen grave after the coffin had been lowered and at dinner, after the funeral, thirteen persons were about to sit down to the table. A fourteenth was soon procured. Now, the mourners and friends are looking for something to happen. Mrs. J. F. Johnsou, of Laidig, was the guest of Mrs. Spi family Wednesday. Thomas Sipes, of Wells Valley, spent Thursday night with E. R. Austin's family. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Newman of Ohio, who had been visiting Mr. Newman's aunt Mrs. James A.Stewart, were (summoned to their home by a telegram Friday announcing the dangerous illness of one of their children. The revival services at the Green Bill M. E. church, will continue during this week. Rev. Seifert's earnest christian zeal has inspired the Christian people of this, and adjoining ncigbor- hoods to a degree, that has re sulted in a grand work for the Master at this place. Made Young Again. "One of Dr. Kiug's New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my 'teens' agaiu," writes D. H. Turner of Dompsey town, Pa. They're the best in the world for Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Purely vegetable. Nev er gripe. Only 25c at W. S. Dick son's drug store. Saluviu. coooccooooooo ocococooocooo 1 We re After the Man . paying to much ought to bo getting or more goods for Licking Creek. who has come to (lie c ;. . I . si-; 1' for his goods v!m's j,u. nn id a !;u', better goods for the tnoiu'.v '' payi the same money. We waut that n:a:s ! uy : Mi-a'.l trial purchase from us, and we'll take our ch.-tMv iaUK:-' him for a steady customer. X We have placed on s:i i a',. O Greatly Rethicca Prices our entiro line of Delaines and Leather Boots. These goods are somewhat passe, and wo purpose- sell ing them quickly; even if we have to lose money on them, as V we must have more room. r Wo cannot convey to you a strong enough impression of the quality and low-priccuoss of these goods. yf Nothing can do that justly but your own eyes. Jjs If you come, come prepared to buy. Yours for mere business, &HARRY E. HUSTON, 0 00 a p.00000000000V00000000 0.0 .rH00m 000. 0. 8 O O O (Successor to Thomas W. Huston, Dec'd,) Clear Ridge, Fo. ocxxxxxxoxxo ooooooooooooo Thompson. Miss Katharine Metzler is spending some timo visiting friends at Needmore. John P. Sipes and son Virgil, David V. Sipes and son Clarence attended the funeral of Mrs. Riley Sipes last Sunday at Si- loam. ' Miss Maggie Cleveuger and brother Edward spent Sunday with their cousin Miss Winifred Metzler at Harrisonvillo. Harry Mumma and family spent Sunday at T. Irvin Sipes's. Arlington Deshong has been visiting friends at Ilarrisonville. The meeting at Green Hill is still in progress. There have been several conversions, with prospects of more. Joseph Deshong is on the sick list again. Miss Palmer of Belfast is spending some timo with her sis ter Mrs. Thomas Holleushead Collie Reed has lumber sawed for a new house. Mrs Rebecca Truax isspeudiug a couple days at George Hoop's. George R. Hoop has the found ation for a new barn. Norman Wishart whospent sev eral weeks with his parents Dr. and Mrs. Wishart at Harrison ville, has returned to Philadel phia. Miss Sadie Hann who spent a few days at home with her moth er Mrs. Anna Hann has returned to Chambersburg. Homer Sipes who had been vis iting friends in Pittsburg is home again. GEM STORE. $ New Goods, New Management. Pi I. .1 fc2 fid B. F. Hess seems to be grow ing weaker. His daughter Clyde was called home from Allegheny last Tuesday P. P. Shives will go to Baltimore next Mon day Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Lit tle of McConnellsburg, visited at Dickeys Mountain from Thurs day until Saturday of last week. Mr. and' Mrs. George Steach of McConnellsburg were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bishop part of last week Mrs. Sarah Peck spent Monday at Mrs. Lib Shives's. Mrs. Peck was given a birthday party last Saturday in honor of her 78th anniversary. About twenty persons were pres ent Will Black was a recent visitor at Stilwell Truaxs's. Sate Krister. Thursday, February 21, Epliraim Houck will ell at his residence ut the Big Spring farm, one mile south of Webstei MI 11a, Horses, Cattle, Agri cultural Implements, Household goods, &.c. Ato. February 20. About to remove from the county, Mrs. I. N. Hixson will sell at her residence 21 miles north of Am aranth, Horses, Cattle, Shoep, Hogs, Farming Implements, Hay , Grain, Fod der, Household Goods, &c. Credit, 8 months. February 20 George Kauffman will se'l at hi: residence near Morton's Point in Belfast townsh.p, a good cow, threshing machine, household and kitchen furniture, and many other articles. He is removing from the county. Credit seven months. W. M. Hann, auctioneer. February 27 J. G. Kendall will sell at his lower farm four miles south of McConnellsburg, Horses, Cattle, Farm ing Implements, &a. Wednesday, March 8. J. F. John ton will sell at his residence four mile south of McConnellsburg, Horses, Cattle, Farming Implements, Grain, Uay, Ac. Bucklcn's Arnica Salve. Has world-wide fame for mar vellous cure. It surpasses any other salve, lotion, ointment or balm for Cuts,Corns,Burus,Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers,Tetter,Salt Rheum, Fever- Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 50c at W. S. Dickson's drug store. To The Public. Since the beginning of the New year, I have not been able to work in my shop on account of rheumatism. As many of the people about town, at least, know, some persons are circulating wicked and slanderous report about my having other reasons for not being at my shop. For the benefit of any who may be in terested, I submit the following from my physician, Dr. Mosser "With reference to the report that Isaac Watson's illness is the result of a wounded arm, and not rheumatism, I hereby state that upon my examination of Mr Watson in the presence of disiu terested persons, there was not a scratch to show that there was the slightest suspicion for such a charge. Jno. W. Mosser " This examination was made in the presence of J. George Tritlo and William Baumgarduer. The parties manufacturing the report and aiding in its circulation have been located. Isaac N. Watson. As auuouneed I am on hands with a J tine stock of goods selected especially for the wants o" this community. lam t t Here to do Business, i c I mean to sell yon all the store goods ( you need. To do this I know I must 5 make the prices ri...ht. The. j Prices are Right, j Come, aud see. Gix-'l goods, low prices, j courteous .treatment. What more can , you ask? J. MELLOTT,! Gern, Fulton County, Pa. to 5V 8G. is LOCKE & WRIGHT. 1 3! PATTERSON'S STORE, McConnellsburg. Petina. Two Floors and a Base ment each seventy-five feet in length by twenty-five in width just packed with Gen eral Merchandise. A full and complete stock of Dry Goods. Cashmeres, Ginitliums, Cali coes, Muslins, Shillings Linens, Towellngs. Clothing. Overcoats, Men's and Hoys' Suits, Overalls, Underwear, &c. Huts and Cups in great variety Boots and Shoes. The most reliable, mukes ut lowest prices. Carpets. Rug, Ingrain, Mattings, &c. Hardware. You cun hardly miss getting anything you wunt. Groceries. A full lino of Syrups, ColTees, Teas, Spices &c. Tobacco and Cigars no better. Harness, Trunks, Notions, Jewelry, und in fact wo try to keep any and everything called for by the peoplc'of our county. Wool Robes. We will sell you a s?.1.")0 robe for J.uO; this means a loss to us but they must go. Come right along; you can buy at your own price. We can sell you I Cups and Saueers as low as 20c a set, former price !l"c. You can buy a 50c oV set for ;!5, or a 7uc set for fit). 1$ Arctics reduced from si. 10 to 80c. Our rubbers will go below cost whilo they last. We have yet a few pairs of Felt Boots and Lumbermen's socks that can be had for a song. Come quick! These prices are rapidly taking our stock. LOCKE & WRIGHT, Dublin Mills, LOOK HERE! We have some Fall and Winter Millinery oods on hands which we will close out at reduced prices to make room for our Spring stock. Come and see and be convinced. Si Mrs. A. P. Little, Bon Ton Store. lie Broom Factory. The undersigned bus just put in the necessary apparatus, and is now prepared to iiiuko first class Broo m s . isons having brooui corn and i dcsiruiif it iuailo up, can do so for the half or ut the rato 'of 10 and 12 cents per broom cash. Carpet Weaving. h! Ul 1'L W U OIJ bUOI't HO- ? lice and satisfaction guaranteed. SAXNF.ll HAY, Cove Tannery V I-'AUMS I'Olt SAl.K T'ib undurxii-' Tho Shipptiiisljurg Chronic-lo last week eutered upon the twenty-seventh year of its existence. It is owned, edited, and managed by Mrs. Hello Wolf. A dozen years ago, upon the death of her husband who was at that time ed- , j itor of the paper, she stepped in- Tho merited reputation for cur-! the sanctum, took up tho quill, ing piles, sores and skin diseases and hag on homf ent,re acquiredby DeWitt's Witch Hazel i . ' .. . o ? t ... , . -! master of tho situation. May the Salve, has led to tho making of i worthless counterfeits. Besureiyear uIK,n H'llk'u 11,0 m,bi.:lo to gbt only DeWitt's Salve, i 1 jus' eutored bo one of contin Trout's drug storo. ! ual prosierity and favor. TWO I-'AUMS l-olt SAl.K T'ib undurxli-'U-li.is Iv. it r.inn for siiit, lu IJi-lfi.Nt town- Ji shjp. win- kijowu us On- (.'iilclj 'oi'i-t;ll prop- crly corituiiiii.L' m;it:N. u wll of uxcc-ll .iu-r m-iir the li'r, uutl l'-iily of tmutf fru Ok- o:hi-r. known hh Oh- liiuill ttihop full tit !lll i Vkll i'MI. yot.tl Itlliltlillk'S, uutl loin uf tf t:mtit-i-. t:atj ou er uuiut-ss, II. F. DANTIl'.I.S (ii-iii, 1'a lll-a-:e LOST. HiTrlnt Ut month of St'ii- tciiiOi-r 1 1 Niipt'p htruyed uuiiv-nrot W- h uy fi-om my iloi-'.vt.. Any oi i Kivli.K ii Inforinutioii th.it will -lean lo ttiir nictivt: will tiv v.'ui u lihcial ri5witnl, Tim murk Im notch oh Ihe top at tht; rl.-'hL cur, Huts of tli icimhcr to .1 1-. n OUUIUOM n i.th-li. .lun. if, tun. oiikii t. Mia.ixi'riv mi'iici:. Tho tmrtrsltiM3U lito-eliy k!vj notice tb nc ptn-oiiuMMi ul ;ou-,itum h Mile juuiiurv i lull the followluu ui-llcltiM i.o!(l um the proper of W. M. llunn of I.U-liinx On-ck towUKhip. ttli thul ho (1c-.ii-4.-k to iiMivo thciii hi ourti of tti Mini W. M. 1 uiin uui-miiv the pk-UHure of t f tmi uuici-'-nc(l, '1'hc n it iclcM urc;- 1 Hoi Couifotl llAimr. I I'lirlur kIovh. II licih unit tic hue. I Hi; w Intf inuclilnc, I lun-cuil.t tutilo. iloyui- Ot I'UlUCl. I KCl chull'M. I Kltltt. 2 lilllltlH, 1 UOI slovc. 'l'hu piihuo I lu-ri'liy u urucd uov interfere Willi Lhu orooertv. J..11. z:, luol. J A (.'0 11 KAI't KMAN ' "'''.T ' IUw V" f M V- Vi ?Ji. i ii- i' t-'. -. -i - it J ..ii.- i b ' ;;'- :i-.;i "4! 3 McConneiisb1 Bakery. DAVY LITTLE, Proprietor. Bread, Rolls. Cakes, and Pretzels on hand all the time. Bake Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Free delivery in town on bake days. Your 1'iitronuno Solicited. 00900H, .002 Another New Furniture Storey r On Queen Street, Chambersburg. Built on the site ot the old Slerer Warerooms burned June 22, 1WH). This new building Is a great improvement. It is 109 feet deep, 2". feet wide, 3 Btorios hitfh with basement In the rear. The front is Mt. Holly cream brick laid In chocolate mortar. Steam heated, elec tric 1 Ik lit, elevator and very convenient and comfortablo. In fact, the most modern and complete Furniture house In all this region. It is now filled with the best and most varied stock of Furniture, Mattresses, Pillows and Bolsters, Bed Springs, iMirrors, Looking Glasses, &c., ever seen in these parts. If you enjoy seeing artistic, pleasant, use ful things come here during January. The sooner the better. WK STILL PAY THE FREIGHT ON $10 WORTH. 0. 0 r . 0 A t K 0 00 0.0 000 0 0H0 f00 0 0 to 0f We C5 V a 0 K tl0 o to H. SIERER & CO. a Furniture Makers in the Town of Cham- 00 bcrsburg. 00U0 000 0000 H H 0 0 0X 0 r 0 0. 0r.. 0 .0 X 000000000000j0,000 0000.000001t.0. in Coming to Our Store For ill Bargains. No, -wo are not giving goods away; but we are soiling them at a close shave, and our increasing business shows that our people are appreciating this. We are now soiling a lot of calicoes at 4c a yard and up. Ginghams 5c up. Muslins -4c up. I'M f M f ) M u f M ) K f M 111 l Hi Excellent sugar syrup just the thing for buckwheat .! !!3 Hi HI '. .M iii 1 goods. Table Oil Cloth 20c a yard No, Try our 3-cent Smoking Tobacco. uc. f J i cakes, 10c a quart. A full line of Glassware and Tinware. W. R. SPEER,. Sal u via, Pa. AT WIENER'S Centrally Located Store, Hancock, Md. See the big open ing of Fall and Win ter Goods. Our Millinery line is beyond comparison 38 or competition. Style and Beauty reign supreme. i Prices lower than the lowest. 2o We carry a special line of Laces, All-over and Ap : plique, Kid Gloves, Hosiery,' Buttons," Jet and Gilt r) Trimming, Dress Goods and everything with which :B to make a dress. Trimmed Hats from 98c to $5.00 5! or anv nrice. Can suit all. .-, , im.i EDWARD BRAKE, Fashionable Barber, One Door blunt of "Fulton Huuho," MoCONNKIXSHriW), I'A. Ffrst-olUKH Stmviuk' und Huir Cutting. Cieuu Iuwk! for every customer. "Our Native Herbs," The Original Herb Cuuipuuml. Tho Great ItlooJ Purifier, Kidney und I.lvcr KeRiilutur. OuanvntuuJ by our HKOISTKHKI' OUAUANTKK to cure all (liseasc urlslng from Impure Brx)OD and In active Li v Kit or Kidneys. 200 Days' Treatment $1.00, MAIUU) ANYWIIHltK, THE 1)01. LAH HACK IF Vol' AUK NOT ri KM). I have usi-a "Our Nutivu IIcilis" for Neurul riii of lhu stuiuucli that 1 Inul fur :!f yourH. uu. they liuve ourtid me. uttr uLl oilier reineilie-. fulled. It Iium now lieen four yuurN Hlnutt it cured me, uud u low doses did it. John K CAMr'iiii.,, KuotMViilu. IJu, J. A. ALLICU. Knobsvilli), l'u. JMcdikdiitf mulled upon Keeeipt of price. DR. STEVENS, Dentist, H'COKtlilELLSBUKC, FA. (irudiiiil of 1". ot I. leu YcurH Kxpcr liiicu. 1'lntcs J'lutiiiuiii, Htlver Ahi- n iuuiii. (VlluluUl. liniiher. i i.'i JMliltcr Alumi num liin'd. Motitl with Hi:htir Atiuuluuuut. Platew from ti :,00 lip. Ilriritfch, Hi'itnuuiui ('rowiiH. XuKn Crowns, Ciolil l'lutiuitul Cir. l-'illliw; of Ntuuntl Tet3th u Spccliilty und till work (tiiitrHiilccd. luforiuuviuu by muil or iu iJ-jrnou. THE HARRISONVILLE INN, AT Harrisonville, Pa. On the T"ru)H kIje inih-H wKt of MtiCon nrllHhuiK. 'I'hiw ulflutul popul nv liiiU'l ul uml Hum hi eu :nllrI.V rultulU, iw.Yily (iimlHlicU uml U iimliT it-v iiiiinuKi'iuiMil. Kll-Ht CI:iM Afi-oiinriuilati'Mi. It;Mt;hlful Houiti for Siniinipr Hour-rU-ix. Kiiltis Hi .tsoauble, Bpeolul Attention to Truniwia t'iiNU-m THOMAS H. MK'iV.I.KU, 1'iopriclor. WINTER- STOCK. "As tho da3's begiu to lengthen, , Tlio cold bogins to strengthen," Aud you will need plenty of good, Warm Clothing. It is a pleasure to inform you that we have a stock of Overcoats, Storm Coats, Men's, Boys, and Children's Suits. i l that for careful selection, quality and style caunot bo su'r ' passed, for in. Material, they are the finest, ii' i i . : ' l . . l . it j vv oi nuiuusnijj, liio uesi. Style, the latest, and i. s ) t Vji I ' i i hi M Hi i hi Mi i fti hi hi m i. Hi Hi Hi hi rM. Hi n I I I I 4 " All we ask is that you come into our storo. "Seeing is Hi it I W We are. yours truly. Hi . - Hi 1 ( It ( I a ' vv' -- -"-r -v r w v v s v ax wr , wr v"v V ? twice as groat as ever before. We are, yours truly, A. u. Nace & Sons. !i! Mi Ml Tkums of. Couut. The flmt term of the CourtH of Fulton ooun ty in tii) yeitr stiull uomruenue ou Die Tuehdity fo'iOwluK the keuuud Mouduy of Juuuury, ut 10 o'clouk A. M. rrtie Heuond term uouinieuueu on thtf third Mimdu.v of Murull, ul H o'eloi-U 1'. M. 'I'lio third term on th '1'ueiluy uext follow Iuk the auuond Mouduy of June ul 10 o'olook A. M. 'I'lie fourth term on the Unit Munduy of Octo ber, ut it o'olook I'. M. IIKICK, Jude Morton will iurnUh bi-lck at IiIh kiln ut tills plttce ou aud tiftor July 3001. McConnellsburg- & Ft. Loudon fassenger, Height and Express Line. R. C. McQuade, Proprietor. HUM IM1LY BIIWRKN Ml'CdNN.I IHBUHQ UNU Fobt LuHUOM. I.envliiK MOonnelinburK ut W.W o'elock, P.V.i tnukloK vouueutuiu nh ufioruoou liuicta K. V. H. K. ItoturnlDtf leuve Fort I.oi;don on th unlvul of the evenitiK truiu ou H. 1 H. U. 1 mu prepured to curry pio-McnKeiH und fi-tiro- to umke eouueutluu Willi M iruiim ut 1 1. Louduu.