The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, December 06, 1900, Image 9

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TlianhHK'viiiK Services and Sun
day School Convention
Tho Twenty -First Annual Con
vention of the Wells Valley S. S.
Association met in tho Mission
Sabbath school room at Wells
Tannery, on Thursday morning,
November 29, 1900.
According to the usual custom,
the convention opened with a
Thanksgiving sermon. Rev. II.
S. Bickel, minister in charge of
Bothel church, New Grenada, de
livered tho sermon, which had
been carefully prepared and was
well delivered. After tho deliv
ery of the sermon, tho convention
was organized by the president,
James W. Barnett, taking the
chair and tho election of E. A.
Ilorton secretary the secretai'y
of tho convention not being pres
ent. Tho minutes of the last con
vention were read and approved.
A vote of thanks was tendered
the minister for his excellent
sermon, in opposition,however,to
his most earnest protest.
After considerable discussion
on the question, "Why the people
generally do not attend Thanks
giving services better?" partici
pated in by S. P. Wishart, W. II.
Spangler and Rev. Bickel, the
convention adjourned for dinner.
The convention convened at
1.30 o'clock, and a praise service
of a half hour was conducted by
Rev. Bickel. At the close of this
service a committee on nomina
tion of officers and place of hold
ing next convention was appoint
ed, consisting of tho following
persons: Thomas Ramsay, Mrs.
E. A. Horton, James Lockard,
Mrs. John A. Wishart and Z. 1'.
Horton. A committee on resolu
tions was also appointed at this
time, consisting of the following
named persons: Rev. H. S. Bick
el, Harvey Wishart and J. G.
The regular programme was
then taken up.
The Address of Welcome bojng
in order, Miss Alice E. Wishart
stepped forward, and in a very
hearty and earnest tone bade the
people welcome to the village and
to the convention. The response
to the welcome was delivered by
Rev. Bickel. In a very hearty
manner, he expressed the thanks
of the convention for tho warm
welcome it had received.
The first question for discus
sion, Why are we here? was
opened by James Lockard, fol
lowed by J. G. Cunningham.
Mr. Lockard did exceedingly
well in his presentation of tho
subject so well in fact that Mr.
Cunningham concluded that it
was no use to say more, and so
he reserved his strength for sub
jects that were to follow.
During tho general discussion
of the question, the convention
was very agreeably surprised to
see step in, B. W. Peck, of Mc
Connellsburg, one of tho fore
most sabbath school workers of
the county.
Previous to tho meeting, the
officers of the convention had a
list of questions printed for tho
use of the convention, to be used
instead of the query box. There
were 25 of these questions and
tho discussion of some of thorn
brought out many good thoughts.
"Name three of tho most essen
tial qualifications of a successful
superintendent," was referred to
S. P. Wishart, who opened tho
subject, and it was further dis
cussed by Bickel, Cunningham,
and Spangler. "How do you dis
pose of tho Review Sunday?"
was referred to W. II. Spangler.
jj'Should tho pastor ever bo su
perintendent of tho Sunday
school?" to J. G. Cunningham;
"To what extent should supple
mental work be used?" to Mrs.
E. A. Ilorton; "How can wo in
duce the scholars to study their
lessons before coming to Sunday
scholo?" to Prof. Peck, and "How
should officers and teachers bo
appointed?" to A. P. Baker.
These questions were all ably dis
cussed. After tho discussion
the convention adjourned uutil
Tho convention assembled at 7
o'clock. Devotional services were
conducted by Prof. Pock. Owing
to the absence of the president,
Mr. Wm. H. Spangler filled
the chair. "What's New? What
Helps? What Hinders?" was then
discussed by Prof. B. W. ,Pock
Jn a very able manner. "Sunday
school Management" was next
taken up and "Should the super
intendent uso a bell?" was refer
red to A, (). Griffith. "(Jan a
scnooi ie sueeessiui without ai
teachers' mooting for the study of
tholessou?" was referred to S. 1'.
Wishart. ,"How best teach tem
perance in tho Sunday school?"
to Rev Bickel; and "What is tho
best way to increase the regular
weekly attendance and offering?"
to George W. Sipo. A lively dis
cussion followed iu all of these
questions. "Greatness of Sabbath
school Work" was opened by Rev.
1 tickle followed by Z. P. Horton.
Each of these gentlemen gave an
entertaining and useful talk on
the subject. Tho subject was
further discussed by Prof, Peck,
Wishart and others.
Reports of Committees being
uo'xt in order, tho committee on
placo and nomination of officers
reported tho following: Place of
holding next convention, Wells
Valley M. E. church; time, next
Thanksgiving day. Officers:
president, Goo. A. Stewart; vice
president, Levi Truax; secretary,
E. A. Ilorton; Treasurer, S. P.
Wishart. Tho rc2X)rt was ac
cepted and tho above named per
sons elected.
Tho Committee on Resolutions
then reported tho following:
1. Whereas tho convention has
proven to be bo an important fac
tor in Sunday school work in this
district, and, whereas, the inter
est manifested on tho part of the
members of the several schools of
the district is not such as will
bring the best results; Therefore,
be it resolved, That tho school be
better represented and thereby
increase the interest.
2. Resolved, That as a conven
tion, we extend our thanks to the
citizens of Wells Tannery for
their kind hospitality, aud also
to tho choir for tho excellout mu
sic during the convention
Rev. H. S. Bickel,
Hauvey Wishaht,
J. G. Cunningham,
A committee was then appoint
ed by the president to see if it
would be advisable to organize a
Normal Training Class, and the
following named persons were
appointed: Rev. Bickel, Thomas
Ramsey, Harry Truax, A. P.
Baker aud Samuel P. Wishart.
The committee conferred and an
nounced that they would meet at
Wells Tannery Decern ber 0.
Tho report of the acting treas
urer showed a balance on hand of
9 cents, after which a collection
was taken amounting to' 1.21.
Tho convention was then adjourn
ed. Tho convention proceedings
were interspersed with music
furnished by the Mission S. S.
choir. All the people in attend
ance appeared to be happy and
glad they wcro there. It was a
day well spent.
7-v' ,
has rented the Blueksiriith shop down
:tt Ayr in the ig Cove and is pre
pared to do all work in his line
promptly, at reasonable rates, and in
a workmanlike manner.
Local Institute.
The first local institute of Bel
fast, was held at Needmore, last
Friday evening, with Mr. Levi
Morton as president.
The subjects discussed were
I. "How to securo best results in
teaching advanced History." 2.
"Seat work for first and second
Prof. Chosnut in his talk said
ho thought reproduction work of
'.irst and second grades has been
neglected to a groat extent by a
majority of tho teachers the last
3. "Illustrations as a factor in
teaching." 4. "Physiology,
primary and advanced."
Dr. Garthwaito gave a very in
teresting talk for both pupils aud
teachers on latter subject.
Tho subjects were discussed
by tho teachers.
Boiiidos tho six teachers of the
homo township, were, Messrs
James Reefer and Sam Martin
iu;d Miss Stella Bard, of Ayr;
Miss Olive Hess aud Mr. Clouser
of Bethel; Mr. W. 10. Stein, of
Itrush Creek, Mr. Lorenzo Truax
of Licking Crook; and Mr. Har
vey Sharp, of Thompson.
The discussions were inter
spersed with music by tho school.
Au organ had "boon secured for
(ho occasion, and tho manner iu
which tho music was delivered
shows much credit duo to Prof.
Palmor, tho teacher.
On Aain Street in Chambcrsburjr.
we have opened at No. 104 South Main St.
stock of
line hi
IPeirlor, Bedroom,
and Parlor
t5 Iron and Brass Beds, Mirrors, Screens, House Desks,
Toilet Tables, Hall Seats, Piano Benches, China Clos
ets, Etc. we have at our old office room, No. 55
fel Queen Street,
$& Desks, wardrobes, Book Cases, Looking Glasses, Up-
holstery Goods, Trimmings, Etc
Large Stock of 3-Fold
j Couches, Fancy Rockers, Tabourets, Plant Stands, Hall 'M
Furniture Makers.
uw2w&&& msxmmmm
A Keen Clear Ilraln.
Your bust feelings, your social posi
tion or business success depend large
ly on the perfect action of your Stom
ach and liver. Dr. Kind's New Life
Pills jflve increased strength, a ljeen,
clear brain, hljfh ambition. A 25 cent
box will make you feel liko a new be
intf. Sold by W. S. Dickson, druggist.
The firm of lless & Kvcretts has been
mutually dissolved, Mr. Kverets
buying the interests of Mr. Hess. All
persons indebted to tho firm will kind
ly como and settle sumo,
Dickeys Mountains, I'u.
Nov. 17, l'.tOO.
Paid Dear l or II is Leg.
H. D. niunton of Thackervillo, Tex.
in two years paid over $.'00.00 to doc
tors to cure a Running Sore on his
leg. Then they wanted to cut it olT,
but he cured it with one box of ISuck
li n's Arnica Salvo, (iuai anteed cure
forPii's. 2.JCIH-. u box. Sold by W. 3.
Dickson, Druggist.
Howard sou of Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Culler of Brewer's Mill is
spending this week with his aunt
Mrs. M. A. Kelley of this place.
Oranges, Lemons, Prunes, 'Kaisins,
Currants, and Cocoanuts, all new
goods, at Robinson's.
Help is needod at onco when a per
son's life is In danger. A neglected
cough or cold may soon become se
rious and should be stopped at once.
Oue Minute Cough Cure quickly cures
coughs and colds and the worst cases
of croup, bronchitis, grippe and other
throat and lung troubles. Trout's
Drug Store. .
Joseph Funk aud his brot her
L. W. of Belfast sp out Monday in
Vhon the stomach is tired out it
must have a rest, but wo can't live
without food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
"digests what you eat" so that you
can eat all the good food you want
while it is restoring the digestive or
gans to health. It is the only prepa
ration that digests all kinds of food.
Trout's Drug Store.
P. K. McClain and J. II. Ed
wards spent Mouday night iu
When you need a soothing and heal
ing antiseptic application for any pur
pose, use the original DoWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve, a well known euro for
piles and skin diseases. It heals sores
without leaving a scar. Beware of
counterfeits. Trout's Drug Store.
Mrs. Lottio Over and son Ed
gar Fulton came over from Bed
ford last Thursday, and aro stay
ing at the Washington House.
Don't use any of the counterfeits of
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Most
of them aro worthless or liable to
cause Injury. The original DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve is a certain cure
for piles, eczemu, cuts, scalds, burns,
sores and skin diseases. Trout's
Drug Store.
Mr. and Mrs. I). A. Fisher of Way
nesboro, spent from Saturday until
Monday with the family of D. 11.
Snyder in Belfast township.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food aud alda
Nature la strengthening aud recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gam. It lathe latestdiscovereddigest
aat aud tonic. No other preparation
can approach It In efficiency. It In
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Oastralgla.Crampsand
all other results of Imperfect digestion.
Price 60o. and II. Larue alie contain. timet
tin all Mm. Hook 411 about dytpepiiatualladln.
Pr.partd fcy E. C. C.WITT A CO.. Chicago.
Trout'H OrUK Store.
Klcgunt is tho proper word for
such a lot of Trimmed and Un
trlmmcd Hals that I havo receiv
ed especially ror institute.
We have a full line of Felt,
Velvet, Chenille, Silk, and Chif
fon Huts, lleady-lo-wear hats,
carriage, reception, dinner, walk
ing hats, and Children's soft,
felt,, knock-about hats.
Ostrich plumes mid fancy fealh
ers, quills, wings, birds, ducks,
coquos, and breats, from 2, ets.
to M.ilO. Also, a full line of rib
bons, silks, velvets everything
found in a llrsl class millinery
Call, examine goods, and be
convinced .
Bon Ton Store
Trustee's Sale
Real Estate.
ON SATTK1IAV. KlCl.MDKH 120, 1(100.
Till) uudci'MlL'Ticd, Trustoe unnnluti-il liv tin'
Orplmns' Court, of full on vouuly lo null llio
rein esinii' m .iuiiii-s una AI1111.M10I. Mnit.luit
or Ili'UMli Crm!k lownslilii. .lewiisi'd. wIIIiiiIim'
ill pnhjlusitli! on ! he 11 hove riiimr'l 1 lie In u
residence of Oie tleeenveil. iilioul onc-h;ilf uiilH
south of the "Mellvaiue Hotel, "In Hrush (.'reek
township, Kulton county, I'll., two tracts of
vuitmnie rem estate, to wit:
Tract No. I, tlio"Muusi(iu Tract," contnlnln
IHtl ueres and SI perches, nent measure, about
louueresor wincn ure cleaieil nml Iu a hlirli
stale of cultivation, uuil the balance In tiooil
i-iue auo uuu iiinner. 'me miindvemeuts eon
nisi 01 u i.AKiiK UW ,l.u.(l IK IIISK LA III
HAMv 1IAKN, nearly new, Wiiboo shed
Spring house. Smoke house. Small Kruuu:
iiweiunt? House, nua other oul-huildiUh's.
(jooil quality of Limestone on the farm. The
premises ure well watered, with rtnmliiK water
at the house; un Orchard of ull kinds of choice
f run.
Tract No. J. containlnn Ml acres and II
peienes,ueat measure. About )'M acres clear
ed una In u fair state of cultivation, the bal
auee In youuir I'lne 11111I OmIi timber. The Im
provements consist of a L(XJ 1JAKX ami I.OU
s TA 1 U.K.
1 ue iruetN win oe onereu together, orsepa
lutejy, 10 sun llie pill causers,
Snle to commence ut I o'clock V. M.
TK11MS: Ten per cent, of hid when nroper-
i.v is KimtTKcu uown, oue-uuir (including the
IU per cent) on coiilirniutiou of sale, anil the
0,1111 lice iu one year iroin conlli iuallou of sale,
wun interest,, secured bv judgment.
Uec. 0, IHiO, 3t Trustee,
License Notice.
It Is ordered that nil unnllcutlous for license
for the Mile of vinous, spuRuus, mult, or brow
ed liquors, wholesale or retail, fur the year
iwui, will ue ncuru on Tuesday, the Ifiih day of
.luiiuary. null, at lo o'clock 11. in., ut which
time ull persons applying or making objections
10 uijio-.ii.ioiis, mui oe ncuru oy evidence. PC'
uiion. reiiiouMriince or cumisel. There must
he 110 conimuuieaUoti at any time with Die
Judges personally upon the si.lijeet, by letter
01 .ui.v ouit-i piivuie wuv.
The lielltlon, veriiled bv nnldmrlt of aimllount.
shull be In coiiloriiut.v with the reiiulri'inents
01 iiieueisoi AsseiuiMV. juitgmenl bond shall
be executed in llie penal sum of if 4HH, wllh no
Jes man t w o reputable lreeholdersof the coun
ty us Kurelies, each of llieiii 10 be u bona lUlt
owner ot ri al esU lo In the county of Kulton
worth, over and above all, the
1-11111 11I Ilonil eoliditiouell lorthe faith
ful observance of ull llie laws relating to the
si lling or lurnisiiing or liquors, uiul to pay ull
damages which -h.ill be recovered ag.iiiisi the una nil cosis. lines nut! penalties
men niii.v of imposed on nun unuer any indict
nient for violating mild laws: and t he mire! In,
n,;iy be required lo appear iu Court uud justify
1.114111 O.l III.
The Court shall iu nil cases refuse tha appli
cation 111. ue v t'i , ut 1 ue opinion 01 llie court
I111 ving due regard to t lie hum her a nil eliaruelei
of the petltlone rs tor and against tin, applica
tion, such license is not ncces-,urv for llie ac
commodation of the public unit ent erl.uliimcut
ol strangers uuil travelers, or limit he upplic unl
is 1101 a 1,1 person 10 tioni suen license Mioutu
be grunted.
I'elllioiis to be tiled wllh the Clerk of tho
Court not later tmni Monday, llie 'JJth day of
lie eeiuhf r, I KK', Obje el ions unit reuioiislruu.
ces to he Med not later limn Tuesday, the Hth
day of Juiuiui v. hill. I -Ik u sullleient 'cause be
ing shoivuor proof being Hindu lotheCourt that
the parly hoMing license hu violated any law
of the Coinmou w cult h relalit-g to Uie sale of
liquors, lie; Courl shall, upon 1101 ice being giv
en to the pcr.-jin licensed, revoke the license.
Hv the ( 'ourt,
Attest: P.J,
KKA.N'K 1'. LYNCH, Cletk (J. S.
Dec. 11, luotj.
: t
F''.fJ ..!. K-A-
0000000H00H0 0K0H 000A00 ll't,
1 .,.i;c-r-.'r'.""'V-''-.-;'- ),.v
f ' ' i '-fi l t-' -' :
m;-x ;i''f-;?j
:l ' ' - ' lax-, ., "kT.-r,':-i
v - ! '-. i.VrTT''"' ' Y-f.' ' j
fi" " . v 5 M - ' . ;
, IsAhead.but we are aheQcj
McConncIlsburg, Penna.
Two Floors and a Base
ment each sevonty-tive feet
in length by twenty-five in
width just packed with Gen
eral Merchandise. A full
and complete stock of
Dry Goods.
Cashmeres, Ginghams, Cali
coes, Muslins, Shirtings Linens,
Overcoats, Men's and Boys'
Suits, Overalls, Underwear, &c.
Hats and Caps In Rreat variety
Boots and Shoes.
The most reliablo makes at
lowest prices.
Rag, Ingrain, Mattings, &c.
You can hardly miss getting
anything you want.
A full line of Syrups, Coffees,
Teas, Spices &c.
Tobacco and Cigars
no better.
Harness, Trunks, Notions,
Jewelry, and in fact we try to
keep any and everything called
for by the people of our county.
DR. STEVENS, Dentist,
(irtiJiiMtc of I', of I. Ten enrs' I'xper
fence, limes -tiohl. Platinum. Silver Alu
minum, Ct-llDloid, Hutiin-r, mid 1 tul (her Alumi
num liut'il. Mutul with Htiliiifi- A itiniiment.
-ltfc-w from $.3.00 up.
HrUlLfi'.s. Kli'hmoiul i'idwun Lokuij CruwuK,
C'okl (litps. lMutiiuilit Cups, iSiU,
I illinj; ir Nulurul Tooth u Specialty uud
itll work (iiirti'tintcej.
Inroruiuilou by mini or Iu pernou.
Harrisonville, Pa.
On tho Turnpike nix iuIW'h west of Mc(?on
tuiUNluirtf. ThiK ohl and popular liotel stuml him
betsu entirely ruluiilt, utiwly furnihhed and 1h
under new niuuntuiitmt.
1'ljHt CIuhh AettDUiiiioilulioiH,
Delightful lloiiie for Hummer Hourdeix.
iiutes tcmtsouuble.
Spoulul Attention to Transient Owiom
t. TUT 11 1 j T . 1
icuonnensDurg eaKery.
DAVY LITTLE, Proprietor.
on hand all the time.
Bake Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday.
Free delivery in town on
bake days.
Your lutrunuf;o Solicited.
v n PfliiAiiTJimrnfinn
A. n, dinuLLLHDMurin,
All Work Guaranteed.
Prices Reasonable.
Fashionable Barber
Oue Door EukI of "Fulton Houno,"
Fii-st-clusH sluiviiiK uud Hiiir CulllUH
Cluuu lowel for evurvcuhtouiur.
9 o
Call and see the pretty things already here th - I
t'i vance guard of the Christmas provision.
Looking around invnlvps nn nMlnt! x
o ""ianuii 10 niirl
. 111 rip
cnase, we are giaa to nave your present prais
ti We will let the future take care of itself.
ti in our Store will prove a liberal education in the l
test phases of The licautiful in Art.
v TAUNT A IDtinx,
UWlllN I u in WUN.
PiUUVfVl'MUMUM .000p P000iX
"Our Native Herbs,"
Tim OilKimtl lloib C'ompouuil.
'llio Great ItluoJ l'urlflur,
KUncy unil l iver Hcguliitor.
Cutirantwd by our UKGISTKU1CD
CUAKANTKH to euro all ilisoasos
ai iKing from I.mpuiu-: Uukmj and ln
ai.'Uvo Livkh or Kidnkys.
200 Days' Treatment $1.00,
1 InivB umimI "Our Nuilvo HoiIim" for Neural
uiu or Hip Stidiiuiili Unit 1 luul for :;r yt'iiiM, und
ilu:y luivi; tnuvil inu. Kl'lor nil olhur rtimeilieK
lullutl, U link, now litMjii four yi-um hlnco It
OIU-01I iiiti, unit u fuw (lOKUH illd It.
John E. Cami'Iihu.,
KuoIinvIIIo, Pu,
Knobsvlllu, I'a.
Mudlclna niullcJ upon Kcevlpt of prloa.
See the bin 0nn 1
ing of Fall and VViil
Ccntrallv LocatcdStore, te Coo.os-
HnnrnrU. MH . 0l,r .HinCry
.j feyonu comparis
i ( ) , i i. ! t t J r
?, or tuiiiuemioii. atvie una licautv reini
1i m. m . . . . . . r 'S
v-v trices lower tnan tne lowest.
We carry a special line of Laces, All-over and Ail
r,v; pnque, wa uioves, Hosiery, buttons, Jet and G
;o Trimming, Dress Goods and everything with whici
to make a dress. Trimmed Hats from Xfc to 5,oo4
$ or any prre. Can suit all.
; i
- 4
.' i
; i
' 1
: ( i
t i
: l !
A. U. Nace & Sons.
Ao have
all ologant tlosigns and VERY CHEAP.
A great stock of Mon's, Boys' and Childreu's Sufts.
iii We are Never Undersold
h . Wo buy for cash; hence, get best prices. Wo giveyi
j benefit of this.
h Elegant Stock of
Ready Made Trousers.
We always have any price and stylo of goods for suit
jjj If you -want a suit made to order, we know how to out ai:
make it, for we are
Masters of the Art.
; a t
1 1 i
1 1
1 1 1
m m m m m m m m m m m m 0 m m m m m m m m m m m 'fmmmmm mmm mm
i Marry Me, Jack, and Buy thq
p Ring at Evans' i
Where you will find a full line of Solid Gold Kings, PlaiJ
T Kings, Engraved Band Rings, and Ret Rings.
nuesi lino 01
c ".)
r. 1
i" '
f '1
i-" "i
v 1
c )
I- '
t- "t
1,'"" ':
Solid Gold Opal Rings
ever shown in this county. Prices right, too.
Many styles of Gold Pilled aud Silver llraeelots, SU-v
ling Silver
Ebony novelties, Gold Pons, Fountain Pons, ivc, &.
The largest stock of Spectacles in tho county.
Fine Engraving
and Monogram work done while you wail .
luy your presents where you can have thoni engv;iu
v ) at a small cost.
Engraving a namo on a prerent doubles its villi"'.
Watch Repairing
1 aspeacilty. Enough said. You catch on. Cull and a"01"'
pies of work.
Yours for Itusiness,
Evans, The Jeweler.
Opposite the Post Office.
Teums ov Uouht. , .
The HrNt term of the CourtK of l"'ulton coud
ty la the yetir hlmll uoiiiiiii'iiue on the Tuesday
followluK the Heuoud Monday of Juuuut-y, tit 10
o'clock A. M.
The Keeontl term comiiieDUON on tho third
Muniluy of Miu-cli. ut ! o'ulouk 1. M.
'1'lie third term ou tho Tuusduy next follow
ing the Hecoud Mouduy of J uuo ut 10 o'ulouk
A. M.
Te fourth term on the Unit Mouduy of Ooto
ber, at t o'ulouk I'. M. ,
Judrfe Morton will furnlnh brick at
hU kiln at this place on and after
July 30th.
Passenger, Frcijl"JIK
Express Li-
R. C. AIcOuaM. Pr0P
uu bAt,T ;,
I.eftlii(f MoOonnellsliurif .rn'" 11
mhlilUK coiinuulion wll" ""
Sjl'. It. H. , ,, oiil"""
Kui Virulnir luuvo Kurt I.nuili'J' '
lllie eveuliiu trulu ou S. 1 '''I'lm"" ,
l m prepureu iu "..ii itu
ureiM to make eouuuctiou "