The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 25, 1900, Image 7

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    j of Pernio, now ,n Pari,
determined to keep level
jili private use which will
,t glnre the time, not
'.run. but at twelve other
jrtra acros9 the world.
ti MP ln the morning ho
'1 to tell to a second how
' ! wagg'ns. 'ron Washlnft
,"fekln, irom Yokohama to
n Ia Pnrlo. TnHnn
Vienna, or Bomhay, to
L, samarcand.
piwiiil" Ty Komi.
MUrpa of Macon, Ua.. are to
' ptnslvo but highly Inetruc-
m the snnpe oi a complete
, trolley line about a mile
-jtb car win accommodate
i6nger, and la complete in
inciufiins electric lights,
li to be located In a prl-
,ria lroil"cf at Ilia Inrl
t p.; iri'nnneitr ami (wo nolil
w.'- I., clip I..,..-...
',"nf Anl at the'I'HrlB Ki(m.
. MrNclll Ubb)-. of ( hli-auo,
,.' fjcplli-ncu auil superiority of
.J; f,.l. Here In America, ttio
irtnd h lwB'" '"'en if eniriiioil
the liik'hi'Kl standard of i ct'l.
nl !n Hi' ir"iervBt inn of Meats,
,tivalle rio t thnt. Ilm protluc.
U NUI A' 1 .1 ly have rerolvetl (n
(lni Pt rvi'ry Exposition held In
,' smuriiirtntt the imjUwo decade.
rteelwrlght's convention there
: n" trouble In finding a
3ot Kor the Howels.
:'iwbat nils you, headache io a
'iiu will nver itet well until your
m out rlKlit. Cahcahet. imln
bijou without n grip or pain,
i.y uniurul roovetnenin, cost you
i-fDll 10 SlHn KnllluK your uwwiiu
Cuuilv C'utbnrtlo. the
put up In metal boxes, every tub
C.C. .tamped oa it. Beware ot
red girl has no fear of Bhort
?r life by frequently taking a
falirrli t'nnwit Cured
,1 jpilii'tion, as they ennnnf, reaeb
'tLeilt-enio'. Catarrh it a blood or
until (Uanise, ana In order to corn
;it take Internal remedies. Uall'a
ureitt taken Internally, and acts di.
thel)lntnliiiul iuiii'oiir surface. Hall'
'nr l nut h niiack medicine, ltwus
.1 by one of the bent physicians In
atrr tor year, and la a rcirular pre.
i It il composed of the, bent tonic
"imi'incd with the beet IiIoimI purilb re,
rtlron the muroim surface. Tim
.mttiimtiim of the two inirredionts is
Ire,, such wonderful results in uui'
:n, St'ii'l for testimonials, free,
.('hknky ,v Co., Props., Tolodo, O.
imvits price. 7f'.
:'ini:l l'lll-: are the best.
one sucRests that we write It,
on the lips Is worth two on tin;
i Dies do not stair
:iorepoi the kettle. Sold by till
when the women put on their
volete gowns they consider
"dressed for the occasion.'
lBtlt Trencrlptlnn for Clillls
'II bottlfl of OFIOVK'8 TiSTSl.rm
mc. It Is simply iron and quinine In
florin. No rm o no pay. i'lioe 600.
tto of Home unruly children
be "Never mind."
!i!nwVSoot hi nir Sy ni p for rti lid ron
en it wind nolle. Xic.a bottlo.
tr doesn't meet royalty every
laces a Prince Albert.
"nurntly cured. No Iltaorn-rvnit ..
first ilnj-'a ess of Dr. Kline' (ir 1 1".
toier.f-'trlnl bottleand trivitlau I'n-j
KUNK. Ltd.. Kl A roll t., l'hllil.. I' i.
II boy Is not exactly Holillerly.
he goes to the "Front!"
)Uverex erlonoBd the. joyful s-on-
Ko.i.l ntK'tltu V You will If vou
fan IVp.-in Tultl Fruttl.
the cannibal catches a mis
he colliders him "a good
.eernas if Imnk olllclals ougnt
Nge the elliciency of fenialo
pv year over 100.000
'3 die of consumption
s country alone. Cherry
al would not have cured
se. Taken In time, it
(have cured many.
r. 1). T. Tollv. of
f) N. Y., wrote us, a few
ago, that his mother
gular old-fashioned con
tort for years, and was
UP to die. She tried
Cherrv PerCnrnl. It
her at once, and she
completely restored to
believe Mr. Jolly's
because it'3 only one
of Ayer's Cherry Teetotal:
-nonucpl tue fur your case.
J- C. Ayer Company,
Chtmi". Lowell, Matt.
' any reason, your drugRist cannot
,"01 B'veyou Ayer's Clierry Tec
.M'ou call for it, end us one dol.
I,, laLrK i'e and we will deliver it
srejt Is!
,""-"i:.iii.t W
,''bh,,aeaiia J.,.,. (
i,"" Ago b, 4. i V
I Oo.r1 niffurant Parte or tlM
t'v'iu.u 1 M"r" 'r,riy' " hi.
I 0Uf . ",,r"iiion eati tie oIkpIium! by
tl( '"U-I'AUK ll.MJprTUATKII
-"7 co eean. ! hiuium.
JJM I.eoBur4 Hi., N. Y. CUy.
lThompon'$ Eyi Water
PnVleetlA l-.erlo,,. 1!nr,lenf!rlon Oft,.
II.,,... . l.vh .Irl.n.bpl,,-, Arm..
A Veonn I'rmn (be Slangbter of Ilm
'"""""-I end I'hlldrrii to l lirl.t.
ICopyrlpht lHIHM
AVasii,n;ton. I). t'.T (,is .li.oour.c
j; n ncK!,M(H incident of Ilm lil,le Pr.
Jfilin.iKe diawa o,no comfortinff lea.oni.,
anil al w. that, all n,nun,l u. nro roval na-ill-en
lint ,y . ,,.ivcr. The text
1 '"'V'".1' 2. ".lehocl.a, the
il.iihililer ot King .lorn,,,. ,,f A,a:
inh, took .IohmI,, t, mx n; Ahazh.h. nnd
"ij'le luni tioni (iinontr tlif kiinj'a nn
which were- alain, and tliev liid Mm. ,-vrn
inn 1." I lii nnrxe. in the bedchamber
liom Ath. bah. , that be waa not. Main
.Ami he ynn with b-r bid in the bou-o
tlie Lord nix vejirs."
iiandmotbers arc more lcnh-n; wilb
theM clnblrenV cl,il,!,-e ,an tliev wove
'J'th heir own. At Imlv veari ol' aue If
discipline 1,,, n:cfKiii-v cliaM i.-emcnt ii
iHcd. ht R,,v,.(v
Inline upon l. .is.., ior of (bo naiol
e iil l is nnoloirdi,. n, ,,Br, ,n mlU.
atilnte eoili.,(j,i,.,v fnI. .hi T)0,.p
noMio,!, ,rp bcaulbul ihiln ,.,,dl,o,l.
lan.lmoiher our b,T i ,,.t, ,,.
'ii hicl and v ipc mr Wpr tni l.-i nn l put
licin on ami b.ol;. ,,,wii io tl,0 f,..
tier imocliievo-.m a-,,1 rebellion lcc, n,liint
and ai: "l ,1,,-,'t think be nnant to do
't. !.( ,1,01 oil (..... t i, ,.,.,,;.
I'le lr l..i,,i,. i , p f, .,,; -Iv
Mother. -ll. the M'c.e,, ,.,. l a i ion n eon 0,1
brr. .. bo, del-oil new. nn ,.1V. "
Mipoe lb,-,- o-.i.l,t I , be ,li,-ipli,,c,. l,t
I can t do i'. tl,-a,vluii,..,s ,,. ,,t ;,
to brinn up n-iimleliiblivn." Hut Iwic in
my tet we have a .nimlcioilii r of a ,.
Icreiil, tvne.
I have Ir-eo at ,r,-n,.-;,;coi. where , ne.
corrr-fcc of . ,.x, , ,, ,.,,, ,, ,,,
ho, (rr,. ,..lnip vivi.llv bebu-e nie while
1 n poii,-; over (lie sle of (lie an, ie'it
JenipV a, 1,1 rlio-biiijr I l,c ,,Hel of !,
'"" ext ir i ot.l
.M,liah. Hi.' roval noiriere. she oaiiht
to bae been bonoi-.-.ble. l.-r (all,er wa.
n king. II, r IhkI-ihiI was n l,-i,r f,.r ,m
v-;w n l.i,.r. And vet we li,l be,- plot t io-
tor the I'xli'rmina'ion oi' the enlive roval
f-i'iiily, iiicbidinir b"i- own uiaio'chihlicn.
I he evi rulionei w' l.,,i, ,w ore brpened.
Hie palace i red w ith Hie blood of prince
and nriiieesar. On all si,lc are sliri, I;
and hand tin-own n, m,. i,.i ,u
ib-alh ri ian. No ercy! Kill! kill! Tail
while tlie ivory (l,,v of ll palace 1,111
W illi rarnaire and (lie whole Mu, ii nn.lcr
lie ',ii, low of a ureal horror a Meet:
for 'i-d woman, a rler-vman'M wife. .John
lieba 1 v name, slea'thilv .ipproichc tb
imoerial mirrt-y. sci -c upon (he i.'r.i-id'
chili! that had somehow a yet escaped
r n,icre, wrap it up tendi'rtv. be' ' in
liTde, MiUiirle il a-rainst her, lb, -a down
the pilaee (,'iir. lie,- heart in her
let -.-he be f!iscf,rcro,l in thia companion
ate abdiii-t ion. (,',-f .r rut of the wav a
ntiieV a you can. for )ie earrie a loecion
lH'V,. eve,, a vouiig kin. With Ihi
' '1 fill ' 'i;'e .!ie i,rc--vc info the r, oiii
of the nnen nl l "iple. tic church of nMcn
tinie. unwrap l " i oinor ,-ine and pal
him down, -tud iw'c-o c be i and mi-rnii'-iou
of llic ncril has bi en threal-enc-l.
end I In re for M al i be i Reereted
io ihM I'hiiich aiii-.rlmenl. Meanwhile nhl
Al',-il: 'li Kiui" ; her lip wilb satisfaction
.-"id tb'','lc II, at oil the roval family nro I!u( the i veir expire, and it i
i,-e for young ,loa'i to come forth and
take the throne and to p,,li back into
di-i'iico and ileal h old Atloilinh.
'Tlie an ;,'iaemeul are i'li niailo for po
litical revolution. The military rome and
take p'w.-"ion of the ten, nie, swear loy
ally Io the boy .lnnh ami stand nrouiid
for 'i: ih-fense. Se the wlnroeiie,! swordu
and (lie burni-hcl sbiel,!-,! l-!-erythiur is
ready. Now .loi-h. hall affi-iirhted nt the
armed I rami of Io ih-,'ci,lcr.. scared at:
the -n"ifer:1 ion of hi "dinit-er. i broutiht
forth in full reiraba. The scroll of author
ity i put in hi ban,!. I he eoroeet of gov-r,-hi'"'iir
is put o-i hi brow, and (lie peo
ple ehinpc,! ad Win-eil ao,1 bii7",e, and
(..,, cie.l. 'Vhat i (hat?" said Alba
bill. "Wliat i: that sound over in the
temtile?" And she fiie to see, and on her
m-.'v they ir"et Icr -iml say: "Why,
haven't yon heard? You tlioiiL'lit yon
had slain Ml the vov',1 family, but .Toab
ha ("i"e to light." Then the roval lour-ileiT-.
frantic with two. grabbnil her man
1'e'a'iil tore il to tatter and cried -uiilil
she foniucil nt the moiitb: "Vou have no
light- i0 erown nv grandson. Vou have
po ri-dit Io t-tk-e the guvernioent from niy
sv"'d i-s. Treason, treason!"
While sh" stood there eryincr the mili
tarv sl-rle,l for her an- l. an l ahe iook
a siiort cut threpgli 0 bi,!; door of the
tempte and ran through the royal stable,
but tlie ha 1 1 lea xc of the military fell on
her in the bai-nv.ud. and for many n dav
M'hci III" horse were being unloosened
from the chariot ailer drawi'"r out vouii't
doash the ic-v steed would snort and
rear "f-iii; the place as they smell tlie
phfo of the finiamv
The lirsi Ihoie-ht 1 hand you fro-n this
subicct i that the rxlermioation of rig! t
consiicsM is an impossibilil y. ,'heu a
woman is good she is ant to bo verv good,
and when she is hid she i apt to be very
bad, and this Alhaliah was one of tho
hitter sort. Nhe would exterminate tlie
last scion of the house of David, through
whom Jesus we to come. There xvas
plenty of work foe embnlmers anil under
taker. She would clear the land of all
(,'od fcariiii: and (,'od loving people. She
would put an end to even-thing that rout, I
in anywise interfere with her imperial
r-iminality. She fold her hands nnd sav:
"Tlie work i done. Tt i comnlelelv
done." I it? In the swaddling clothes of
that (h-ireh i paWno-nt are wrapped tho
cause of (,'od and the cause of pood gov
ernment. That i the scion of the bouse
of David. It i Joasb, the (!n,-wnr-hii,in(
reformer. It i Joasli. the frieed of !oil.
It is .loash, tho ilonionibor of llialilisli
idolatry. Tto-k liim tenderly, nurse him
gently. Athaliah, you may kill all tlie
other children, but you cannot kill him.
Kternal defense are thrown all around
him. find this clergyman's w ife, .lehosheba,
will Kiia'ch him no from tlie palace pur,
cry and will rin down with him into the
house of the Lord, nnd there she will
bide loin for six year, and at I lie end of
that, time be will come forth for your do
th'oieinent n"l obliteration.
Well, my friends, just a nonr a botch
doe the world always make of exliu
guishing. rlglitc, , iisio-s. PiiiHTslitinii rises
up and sav. "I will just put an end to
pure religion." Doniitian slew -til. null
t'hristia'i. Ibocletiau slew Fbl.liiul Clo-is
turns. And the scythe of persecution ha
been swong through all the ages, and tlie
lla"-cs hissed and tlie euillotioe cbopoed,
and the Itaslile groaned, but did the foe
of t hi-istlanitv exterminate il ? );d tliev
, rmin-ite AMian. tlie first I'.ritsh sacri
li,", or wingli, the Swiss lelormcr, or
, lolo I Udcastle, the Christ ian nobleman,
or Abdallah. the Arabian martyr, or Anne
AO.ew or Sanders or Craiuner? (ileal
work of extermination they made of it.
.lust at the time when tiny though: iliey
had slain all tlie loyal family of .lesu
some , loash would spring up nnd out and
take tlie throne of power and wield u very
scepter of Christian dominion.
Inliib-lily says, "1 will i-xlci uiinnie the
llible." and tlie Scripture were ilirowi
into the stroC for tlie mnh to t'auiplo or.
and they were piled up in tlie public
Kipiarea and set on lire, and pioaiilnin of
indignant contempt were Inn led on then,
nnd learned universities decreed th" llib'c
out of exislence. Thomas l'aioe said: "In
mv 'Age of 1'cason' I have annihilated lb"
Scriptures. . Your Washington i n lui"
kiuiuioiiH Christian, bill I am the toe ol
liiblcs ernl of churches." Oh. how "iauv
nssanlls unnn that -rord! All the hostili
ties that, have ever been created on eat-Ill
are not to be compared will) (lie hostilities
against that one hook. Said one man in
bis inlidel desperation to hi wife, "1 ml
must not he reading Unit lhble, and ho
Kiiatched it nwav from her. And tbou"li
in that Tlihle was a lock of hair of tho
dead cbild-tbe only child that Cod bad
ever given them he pitched tlie book with
il conleni. into tho lire nnd stirred it
with tin' In"'" and spat on it nnd cursed
it. nnd said, "Susan, never have tiny more
of that damnable slnll here."
How lnanv individual and organird at
tempts bavo been made to fxterininate
that Uihle? Have its enemies done it !
Have tliev exterminated Uin American
the ruitish and Foieign llihlo Society.
J lave they exterminated the thousunds ol
I licshan insiifniion wni-e 'only object
it i to mi'Uioly conic of tlie Scriptures
nnd nre-d them broedcasl nrnuiul the
wor','? Tlxy have extermiral'd i'"til in
stead of one or tw-o ronic of liie Ibb'e in
our bouses we have eight or ten. cd we
pile them up in toe corner of our Sabbath
"hool rooni nnd e-,- pre;,! boxes of
them everywhere. If thev "it on as well
a ther nr. now going on in the woik of
extermination. T do not know but that
our chihlt i pinv live tr, "e tlie millen
nium. Vea. if there shoold come a time
of pereention in which M the known P'
ble of the earth should be (elroyed. n'l
these Inmo of lif that Ida?" in our pub
liils nnd 'u nor famibe exl ingiiished. in
the verv rlay that infidelity a:nl in should
b" ho'din iubilee oyer the noiycrsal ey
li",'t:on l'"re lvn-,',1 brt in "up clo et of
p i--'-kwo"'l eho-rli a se' ielrd roov of the
Mil,'", and Ibis .loash of en rnil bt "alnre
w'onhl co'.p,' out nnd pomp po ami take th"
throne, nnd the tl,:ilinh of ii'i,l"litv nnd
perspeof'on wou'd llv out t',e bick door of
tho palnep nnd dron her mier-'l,'. c'-easi
under the boofn of the horse of the inr'
. tables. You cannot exi'-rn-i-'ate Cbris-li-"'tv!
Yon rn-met kil' .1 ,,sb!
Thp spcoud thou-'ht f bind vou front
my "hi"ct. is that, there are o'ii-"lui,'ie
in wb;,'li you may ave roval life. You
know th t nrof-e histor- i reo'eie with
sle' ie of strao'eled mo ,ir,.hs a, of i-o""?
prior, v ,io have been p"i out of the
w,i. ll.xp js tbp slov of a voting hi"T
sa' ,'d. Mow- .lehosbeb-'. the c1 "-ri nr"i'
wiie, nii'sl havp trenMc,l ci she rii-lfi
,-,o the imperial Pursrv a--. snnti'b'-d l'"i
,loab! Iboy she hushed Iv'" rt bv hi
cv he hinder the eoc-'o"! I'lv with bi'u.
.lehosiicba ' Yon bold in vomr arm tho
ca"5"' of Cod -nd pood goyern-'K il , l''all
end h i i,iiit. S"peed. nnd you tio-n
I bp lide of t',p world's liii "v in tlio 1 '"lit
direction. 1( .-nms a if bptween th,t
'oii"-t kie- ad l-is assassin there i po-h
in" b"' Ihe frail n"M of a woman. Mitt
v-l'v should we spend our lime io nraisioj
this bravery of t xpediiion when (iod nsl-
the Fiptp thing of vim nod nie? All
around u th" imperil",! children of a
M'eal king. Thev- nre born of Almighlv
pnrenta'-e. ami wi'l come to a throep or a
, .,,.. if permitted. I'ut sin. the old A 1 1 1 -a'inh.
goc fnrt li to tlie massacre. M'ir
d"ro" ten", I at ion are out for the n-a-sotxlion.
Yalcti. the l-'mp'-ror. wa lo'd
that there -a as somebody io hi reilni who
W',', l'siirp his throne, end that the pantp
of l" man who should bo th" u"rp"r
would bejin with tbp letters T. II. I'" O.
0. and thp p,i(-t went forth l'--o, thp Km
pcror' throne, "b'ill tv-rvh,)dv whose
e.imo begin with T. II. )'., O. I)." And
huii'li-rd of thousand were slain, boning
by that massa'-re to put an end to tint
one usurper. Mut rin i more tprrilie ill
il 'lennnciat ion. Il mailer mil bow- vu
soe'l yo'ir name, you come under it knife,
under it sword, under it doom, unless
there be son," onioiootenl relief bro 'eht to
llie rescoe. Mut. b'essed be (,'od. there is
-',,-h a thing a deliverinc a royal soul.
W'l'i wi'l sn.iicb away .Foash1'
",w fioy of us nppreciite the fac tint
tip , -hi'i'lt of ( -'ml is a hidi-T p!."'P. There
are ma, iv l etode who pot tile clinri h at so
boy a mark that Ihcv b'-grudg" il every
thin".' eeo the fev dollar Ib-y g- to
ward ;t. They mal e no sacitiics. 'I'hcy
dole a bltle o-t of il,"ir snp'us iire. Thev
pay tin -ii- l,clic, 's bill, and I hey nav I heir
(lo'-'o-'s bill, and Ihrv piv ti,"ir lan-Mord,
."-id thev -,.iy evcvlio'lv but the Lord, and
lliev (oine in at th" I'st to pay the Lord
in Hi chiir, 'b and frown as they say:
"There. I nn!, it i--. Scud nie a r,' "ei"t in
full, and don't bother me soon again!"
There is not more than one man out of
a thousand ilmt. appreciates what the
ch'o-cb is. Win re are tho souls that put
aside one-tenth for Christian institutions -one-tenth
of their income? Whore arp
those who. hiving put aid" I'-al one-tenlli
draw upon il ohc"rfullv? Why, il i pull
and dcar bold on and grab and clul.-b.
and giving, i an aflliction Io most, peoole
when it. ought to be an exhilaration an. I a
Oh. that Cod would remodel our soul
on this subje, t and lint v,-e mit;hl appre
ciate the bouse of (Iod as the great ref
uge' If your children nre to come up to
lives of virtue ami hanpiness. ihcv will
come up under the shadow of the church.
If thp church docs not get them, tlie
world will.
Ah. when vou n; n'vav- in, I it will not
be long before you ,lo when you pas
away, it will he a satisfaction to see
your children in Christian society. You
want to have them sit tin,; at the holy sac
rament. You war1 tlieni mingling in
Christian nssoeiat ion. Ynu voubl like
to have them die in the sacred precinct.
When you nre on your dying bed and your
little ones cor i up to take your lat word,
and you look into their bewildered fac",
you will want to leave them under the
chill-ell' benediction. I do not care how
hard vou are. that is go.
And so. iluvmh you mav have been wan
derers from (iod. nnd though you may
have some times carical Hied the ,-hur, 11 of
Jesus, it is your great desire that your
sons nnd daiplitcrs should be standing ijlj
their lives wiibin thi sacred inelosm-e.
More tin. n that. Vou yourself will want
the church for a hiding place when the
mortgage i foreclosed, when your daugh
ter, just blooming into womanhood, sud
denly clasp her bauds in a plumber that
knows no waking; when tlie gaunt l.uh!c
walks through the pari r and I he sitting
room and the dining ball and the nursery,
you will want Rome shelter from tlie tem
pest. Ah, some of you have been run
upon by misfortune nnd trial. Why do
you not come into tlie shelter?
I said to n widowed mother after she
had buried her only son month nfier
1 said to her. "How do you get along now
adays?" "Ob," she replied. "I get nlon-!
tolerably well except when tbemn shines."
I said. "What do you mean by that?"
when she said: "X can't bear to see the
sun shine. My heart is so dark that all
the brightness of tho natural world scenis
u mockery to me."
() darkened soul! O broken hearted
man, broken hearted woman! Why do
you not come into the shelter? I swing
it from wall to wall. Come in! Come in!
You w it place where your troubles
shall he interpreted, where your burdens
shall be unstrapped, w here your tears shall
be wiped nwny.
Church if (iod. be a hiding place to nil
these people! (live their a seat where
they i in rpt their weary souls. Flash
some light from your chandeliers upon
their darkness. With tome soothing
hymn hush these griefs.
Oh, church of (tod, gate of heaven, let
nie go through it! All other inslituliniei
are oing t fall but tlie church of Cod
its fouiulat ion is the Itock of Ages, it
charter is for t-yeilast ing years, it keys
are held by the universal Proprietor, its
dividend is lieaytn. it tn-esijcnt is (iod!
"Sure es Thy truth shall last,
To Zion shall be given
Tim highest glories earth can yield
And brightest bliss of heaven."
Cod grant thai till Ibis audience, the
youngest, the eldest, the worst, the best,
may tin . their safe nnd glorious hiding
place w here Joasli found it in the temple
There are Cimo members of the OriJ, r
of Hallway Telegnilihors,
Curb set it I'm nnd cullers wont on
strike lit Si-heiiectnd.v N V., for !f:i per
About lo.tKlO Thames lightermen
Ktrui-lv nt London, ciinshleriibly dlslu
ciiting trade.
Heading;. 1'eiin., loiter curriers ex
pect to have their siilmies im-ronst-d
if Hit) a year.
All thi! electric; plints nt Ti-rre
Untile, I lid., were tied up by II hlriho
a lew (lnys iibo.
Tho Chleiisn lmlhllng conlr:nli:"s
have agreed not to oppose the loru:;i
tloii of n new ci nliiil labor body
The plrike of tho wood woi'.ccrs.
which tbrealeiieil to tin up all Hi"
mills ill Deliver, Col., has been set I led
mid work has been resumed.
One hundred railroad laborers tnk'd
from New York City to New Lnndm.
Conn., refused to wol'le when Hey
were told to lake tlio place of bUlker.
The colliery owners lit I.nneasb'i'e,
Knglauil, do not like the eight-hour
day, but the miners nro Kolblly or
ganized and the system souins to work
well for till concerned,. . . . ..
Snlileel: Thp rrndlarnl Son, f.nke .
1 1 74 (lobl.n Luke ., IB
Memory Verses, 40-24 Coininentar)
on tha Oay T.ppHon
IL "A certain man." The simple, tin
pretention beginning of the most beauti
ful of nil the pnrable. The man i here
the image of God the Father. "Two son."
Until nre .lows. Thp idrn that the elder
son represpnts the Jews, nnd the younger
tho (ientiles is foreign to the paralile. hut
in character the two sons may lie said to
be representative of mankind, for we
have in them cxninples of two grpnt. phases
of alienation from (iod-lhe elder is blind
ed by his self-righteousness, the younger
degraded by his unrighteousness.
12. "The younger." He represents
openly wicked person, such ns the publi
cans nnd sinners. Hp also iPtupspnts the
thoughtless, enreles youth. "Give me the
portion of goods." This will nopenr plain
when it is considered that it ban been a
cutnni in the Fast for son to demand
and receive their portion ot the inherit
ance during the father'n lifetime. "He di
vided -his living." The yielding to the re
onet strikingly setn forth the permission
of free-will to man, and also the fait of
Cod's bestowing many gifts upon even
the unthankful anil disobedient.
l.'l. "Not many flay." He bad derided
upon his course and hastened to bp gone.
"Gathered all together." Sinner that, go
astray from God venture their all. "look
his journey." lie was wenrv of hi fath
er's government and desired greater lib
el ty. As soon as the bridle of restraining
grace i taken otV we nre soon gone. The
.journey the prodigal took re present, tlie
sinner in hi departure from God. He
went into a "far country," far fromtrn'h
and virtue. 'Wasted his substance." So
sinners waste the gilts Co, I ha given
them. Time, talent, energies, life, all
w-astcd. "With riotous hying," In verse
ilil we "0 how low he fell. His body,
mind nnd soul were ilebnsed and ruined.
14. "Spent nil." He did not stop until
his last dollar was gone. His passions
reigned. This represpnts the sinner who
hns thrown away the mercy, favor nnd
love of God. and haa wilfully rejected the
salvation of Christ. "A mighty famine."
The soul living nt a distance from God,
ami shut out from intercourse witii Him.
will very soon feel its own utter empti
ness. A mighty famine will follow. "In
want." Ural want is soul want. The
prodigal now felt the effect of his dissi
pated course. 'I he step downward were
"apostasy, proflgacy, penalty." Sec 1'rov.
24: 31.
L"i. "Joined himself tn a citizen." The
same wicked lite that before was repre
sented by riotous living is here repre
sented by servile living, for sinner are
perfect slaves. The devil i the citizen of
that country: he i both in city and coun
try. "To feed swine." Thi wa doubly
degrading, and especially so to a Jew.
1(1. "Would fain have been tilled with
the husks." (I. Y.) Tho husks were not
the pods of dome other fruit, but "the
fruit of the carob-tree. used for feeding
swine.'' He was driven to the extremity
of trying to satisfy his hunger with the
food that was tit only for swine. So sin
ners endeavor to satisfy the soul wilb
earthly and sensual delight. "No man
gave unto him." Those whom be bad
called bi friends now- deserted him.
They had taken his money and then cast
him asitle. Satan's agents do the same
today. The saloonkeeper will rob a man
of his money, health nnd character, and
thru kick him out of the bad; door to
17. "He came to himself." Sin de
thrones the reason. A slate of. sin is n
state of folly and madness, but the mad
ness i in the heart. Keel, ft: 3. Hi lack
of reason i seen. 1. Ill that he called
for In money. 2. When be left home.
.'I. When be went to live with harlots.
4. When be undertook to satisfy hi hun
ger with swine's fond. Hut he now begin
to sense his condition and see his folly.
Those who have once known the Lord can
not derive satisfaction from the world.
"Mrcad enough ami to spare." The lowest
in my lather's house has bread to give to
the poor. God'n people nre abundant Iv
supplied with gootl things. "I perish
with hunger." Sinners will not come to
Christ until they see themselves ready to
15. 'T will arise." He had left home by
his own free will, and he must return in
the same v.-ay. God compel no one to do
light. "And go." Following the deci
sion there must be an effort put forth.
In reluming to God there i something to
do. "1 have sinned." The first thing to
do is to make, a full confession of our
sins. 1 John 1:0: Job 33: 27. 2K.
"Against heaven." Against God. Fvery
sin i a sin against God. "And before
thee." He had also sinned against his
earthly father. It is ever a token of the
sincerity of repentance when one views
even the sin committed against others
a transgressions against God.
10. "No more worthy." He is ready to
humble himself. He knows that in justice
his father could shut the door against him;
he will plead for merry only.
2n. "He arose." He immediately did all
of these things that he had decided upon.
"His father saw him." So God knows
when we start toward Him. Sin had made
the distance great, hut as soon as the lost
one starts to return the father hail com
passion. "And ran," etc. This repre
sents the readinesH with which God re
ceives returning sinners.
21. "I have sinned." He make this
confession personal; he abases himself.
This is nlways the result of true repent
ance. "And am no more worthy." All
true penitents feel their uiiworthiuess.
They lire conscious that thev deserve
nothing but death, and their only hope is
in I he mercv of Christ.
22. "Hut the father." The lather did
not wait until he had finished his confes
sion. Jn this we see the great affection
of the fnther and his willingness to for
give. "Said to his servants." Tho fath
er's joy is full, and he instantly issued or
ders to relehrnto his return, "liring
forth fiuickly." (It. V.) Let us show nt
once by our actions that the wanderer is
fully reinstated. "I'ut a ring on his hand."
A sign of affection and that he was a free
man. There is no license Riven here to
adorn the body, eh some have vainly tried
to show. The truo standard for nucli
adorning is given bv l'aul and l'cter. 1
Tim, 2: I), 10; 1 lVt.'3: 3. 4.
23. "Me merry." lie joyful nnd hanpv.
The llible gives the children of (iod li
cense to shout for joy. W ben Christ re
stores the wanderer there is general re
joicing, and he is immediately treated as
a son. The best that God hns iH given
him, nnd the past is entirely blotted out.
24. "U'ns dend." "Lost to nil good,
given up to nil evil." "Is alive again."
Here was special cause for rejoicing. Who
would not be partaker of this joy?
s'oine.fvlif're tn Ilm Crescent City There
l.lrft tlie Kqilftl of Mnnctmsen,
"The theory that n moving train
carries nlonir an envelope of air is very
Interesting," continued the engineer,
"and I believe there Is a good ileal of
truth In It. I llrst had my attention
attracted to the subject by n curious
Incident that happened several years
ago nt a crossing near Dirniliigliain,
Ala., where trains pass twice a day lit
a speed of about forty miles nil hour.
Tlie track are seven feet apart, 'and
there would seem Io lip ample room to
stand between them In perfect safety.
One afternoon n small fox terrier dog
belonging to a section boss was asleep
In the middle space, and woke up Just
as the trains closed In from each side.
There wes u Parrel on the ground
nearby, mid the dog, In his fright,
Jumped t.ti top of It. That possibly
hroiight blin into one of the rushing
envelopes of air; nt any rate, he was
whirled off Ids feet ami thrown clear
to the roof of the opposite car, where
he was subsequently found. Jammed
against n ventilator chimney, with no
Injury except a broken leg. How In
the world he ever made rueli a Journey
and escaped nlive Is a mystery, unless
his fall was deadened liy a cushion of
"Apropos of atmospheric pressure, It
I a well known fact that there Is a
'vortex space' or 'zone of suet Ion' di
rectly behind any rapidly moving
train, and Its presence accounts for a
grotesque happening that took place
Koine time n;ro on the Southern I'liclHe.
While the Ciillforula-lioiind express
was going through Western Arizona
lit a clipping gait a passenger who
was on ihe verse of the Jlin-Jams
rushed out to the rear platform,
climbed on the mil. and jumped off.
lie was wearing a very long linen
duster, and a muscular tourist who
happened to lie on the platform at
the time, grabbed It bv the talis as It
sailed by and yelled for help. When
some of the others ran to his assist
ance they found the lunatic stretched
straight out In the air behind the plat
form, howling like n Commiiin-he, but
safely anchored by his duster, which
had turned inside oiil and caught him
nt the shoulders. The muscular gen
tleman was hanging on for dear life,
bill had ft mil been for the fact that
the woiibl-lie suicide was virtually
sustained and carried along by the
suet inn of Hi" vortex space something
would certainly have given way. They
reeled the man in like u kite, and he
promised to ho good. Wo have very
little exact knowledge nt pro-sent of
the atmospheric conditions that sur
round a moving train. A fuller knowl
edge of them may lead to the solution
of some Imllting problems In traclion."
New Orleans Times-Democrat.
Vhere will be polling places In
this year'a election In New York Ktale.
A course of debating has been added
to the 1'i'liiccloii University curr!
c i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1
The Government of Yclie.uela has
annulled the Orinoco Company H min
ing concession.
The liilerualional I'cace CongresK
has condemned Great lii'llaln's course
in the Transvaal.
Property valued at a quarter of n
million dollars hns been burned lu the
lumber district: of OsUosh, Wis.
The Jtusslmi Ice breaking steamer
"Ki-nuiU" is being lellgl hened mid Ihe
form of lliv bow has been tillered.
Since Hie opening of ilm Purls Kx
piisilhiii one tourist agency In Merlin
lias loi rtaiiled -lilt) pi rsous u week oil
the average
An iwoii folly feet high mid eon
slnn ied entirely of apples Is one of
tlie novelties at the Wichita. (Kan.)
si reel fair this fall.
A Presidential proclamatfuu has been
Issued selling aside as u forest reserve
r,7,iMin ucres of laud about the head of
Crow Creek, Wyvmiuij.
One Way of Helllliig It.
The other evening as a muscular
person was passing u Iioumc, u lady
who stood tit the gate called out to
him: "Sir, I appeal to you for protec
tion!" , 1
"What's Ihe matter':" he asked, as
he stopped short.
"There's a man in the house mid he
won't go nut of doors, though 1 have
ordered hllu to."
"lie won't, ehV We'll see about
'Thereupon the man gave the woman
his coat to hold and sailed into the
house, lie found a man at thi! sup
per table, nnd took him by the neck
mid remarked: "Nice style of lirute
you lire, ehV Come out o' this, or I'll
break every bone lu your 'tody!"
The man fought, and it was not till
a chair had been broki-ii mid the ta
ble upset that he wes hauled out of
doors by the legs and given a Illtig
through the gate.
"Now, 1 lit-ti. you brass-faced old
tramp, you move on, or I'll tlnlsh you!"
"Tramp! Tramp!" shouted the vic
tim, as he got up. "I'm no tramp! 1
own this property ami live in this
"Toil do':"
"Yes, that's my wife holding your
"Thunder!" whispered the muscular
man as he gazed from one to the other
and realized that It was the wlfo's
method of llnishlng a row she had been
having with her husband. And then
he made a grab for his coat mid dis
appeared Into the darkness. Tit-Hits.
Tho field llullet.
A weird siory Is told of a man liy
the name of Vim Husboom, who Is dis
tinguished in the Transvaal as the
best shot In the republic, lie Is now
fifty-five yeiirs old and never, It Is
claimed, has he missed mi object at
which he tired. A few month ago
he had a productive gold mine and a
nourishing family, but he lost his mine
recently, and soon nfier his two sons
were slain ns they were lighting
against the Kngllsh. The loss of his
mine troubled him little, but when ho
learned that his i-italwart sous were
no more a great change came over
him. He took his old Hint-lock rifle,
which he calls l.olictiguki, mid with
a bag of golden bullets lie went to the
front to tight the foes of his country.
And It Is said that during the recent
battles when the amliillanees re
moved each day those who had fallen
in battle, the physicians could readily
pick out the ntllccrs who had been
killed by Ynn llosbooin, for Instead of
two ounces of lead or steel they hud
two ounces of gold either In thi! heart
or In the forehead. Whether this be
truth or tleiion I know not, but I do
know that there are multitudes of men
mid women who are shot to death lu
these days, nut only in South Africa,
but In Kurope and America ns well,
by the bullets of gold. The Ilomllctic
Clock ill Tree firHct-p.
Count Isaac de Coiuoiido Is the own
er til' a while marble chick, which Is
said to be worth !f-'.",i i,( it h ), It Is called
the 'Clock of ihe Three Glacis." The
graces are connected by festoons of
llnwers, surrounding u broken tinted
pillar, which serves as the base of a
two-handled vase decorated with fes
loons of oak leaves. This vase con
tains the works of the clock, to the
dial of whirl one of the nymphs Is
point lug; wilh her linger.-Kansas City
Sol.tu-i Who Don't liriiik.
In three Itrlllsh regiinvuts-the P.lack
Watch, the Argyll and Sutherland
lllt'libinders mid the Queen's ltoyal
West Surrey llegimeiit over half tho
men uro total ubbtiilucis.
ij CI It iWK n iT pa a m ra h e
El Li
The Most Important Period in a
Woman's Existence. Mrs. John
son Tells How She Was Helped
Over tho Trying Time.
H i );
OwinK to modern methods of living, not one woman iu a thou:. .ind up
lronches this perfectly natural chanpe w about cxpcrlenoinrr a train of very
annoying, and sometimes painful symptoms.
Those drendful hot Hashes, sending tho blood KUtyinjr to the heart until it
seems ready to burst, and the faint feeling that follows, sometimes with chills,
a, if tho heart were goiug to utop for ffixxl, are only a few of the symptoms of
a dangerous nervous trouble. The nerves are cryinrr out for assistance. Tho
cry should ho heeded in time.. Lydia 10. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound was
prepared to meet the needs of womnn'K MStem nt this try Inn" period of her life.
The three following letters are guaranteed to he genuine nnd true, and
still further prove what a great medicine Lydia li. Mnkhnm's Vegetable
Compound is for women.
Mar. 12, lrtOT.
" Pkar Mrs. Pi.nkiiam : I have been sick for n lonjf time. I was taken
sick with Hooding. All my trouble seemed to be in the womb. I acho nil tho
time at the lower part of the womb. 'The doctor says the womb is covered
with ulcers. I suffer with u pnin on the left side of my back over the kidney.
1 am fifty years old nnd passing through the change of life. Please advise n:o
what to do to get relief. Would like to hear from you us hoon aa possible."
Mas. Cu.uii.orn-: Johnson, Monelova, Ohio.
.Inn. Sa, IS'.'S.
" I have been taking your remedies, and think they have helped mo a (freat
deal. I had bet n in bed for ten weeks when I begun taking your Ycrretablo
Compound, hut after using It for a short, time I wns able to be up around the
house. Tlio aching in tho lower part of womb has left mo. The mobt that
troubles mo now is the flowing. That is not so bad, but still there is a little
every dav. I am not discouraged yet. and shall continue with your medicine,
for i beliovo it will cure me." Mas. Ciiaiii.oii e Johnson, Monclovn.Ohio.
April 1.1. ll)oo.
" I send you this letter to publish for the benefit of others. I was sick for
about nine years so that I could not do my work. For three months I could
not sit up long enough to have my bed made. 1 had tlvodifferont doctors, and
all said there was no help for mo. My trouble was uhnugc of life. I suffered
with ulceration of the womb, pain in sides, kidney nnd stomach trouble, back
ache, headache, and dizziness. 1 urn well and strong, and feel like a new
person. My recovery is a perfect surprise to everybody that knew mo. 1 owe
all to Lydia K. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compotiiti), 1 would not do without
your medieino for anything. There is no need of women sulTering so much if
they would take your remedies, for they are a sure Cure." Mns. CilAiii.orrB
Johnson, Monelova, Ohio.
When fine stops to think about the good Mrs. Johnson derived from Mrs.
Flnkham'n advice nnd medicine, it seems almost beyond belief; yet it is all
true as stated in her three letters published above at her own request.
As a matter of positive fact Mrs. I'inkham has on tile thousands of
letters from women who have been safely carried through that danger period
"Change of Life." Mrs. .Iidiiison's cure Is not an unusual one for Mrs. Pink
ham's medicine to accomplish.
ICKW A Hl. We have iloponl ted Willi tlie S'uMoiihI City Hank of Lynn, MM),
which will be paid to any pt-rsoii whiieuti llatl It, Ml tnealiovi, testliiioiiinl Ipttera
nrn not genuine, or wero jiuhli.litd hrfitm i,l,lHtnti,g the writer's spei-liil per
mission. I.VlitA K. I'INKHAM M KDR'INK (JO.
A married couple living near Throop.
Pa., who were childless, have adopted
14 children.
To Cure a Onlil In One Itny.
Tnlm Lax cnvK Hit inn (Ji'inink Tabi kts. All
di u, ,1-n reriintt the in .iicy If It fulls io cure.
K. W. (.Ihovu'p plgimturt, 1 on I'lu-h bos. ihj.
Tim mermaid Is a girl who hns no
use for a waterproof.
Salesmen Wanted.
Two honest, t-cllithlo men: cxperlcnc not nbso.
oiielv neeessii'.v; salni y and expenses juitu.
1'tterlebn Tobacco Works Co., Bedford (. Ity, Vii,
Some people would starve If they had
to live on food for thought.
Plso's Cure Is tli" best iiicdlclno we ever used
tor all alTeetloiis of throat and lung. Wst.
O. r..NPi.KV, Vanbureu, lad., Feb. 10, 1IIH0.
liailroad hands regnrd the pay train
ns an "accommodation."
! f Ja w union rtAonv
1 1
rv I". .11 J Safest, purest cure for
IJlf. V 9 1 1 1 S all lluo.t n,l tuiiK
UT. lUUII ,i., ivonlentpts?
Cough Syrup to...v;"r;::
ft lOUfcll bvi uu
KelUSC BUDM UUIC. VJVl 4J. . nun
In our
mimmot li
61 EAT fftr.x
Iwho id an ex
pert in making mince pies.
II le has charpe of making all of
I.iliby's Mince Meat.
I W'c don't practice economy here.
He lues die choicest material.. He
r is told to make the best mince men;
I ever sold and he docs.
J Get a packace nt your grocer's t
I enough fur two larec vies. You'll
never use another kind again.
I Chicago f
Write tor our hoeklt-t, "Hnw to Mrike I
S (kind 'i'lilii.. Io" ;
I in H m -n in 1 1 , J
If you liri- p been piiy
liipT 4 to .1 Cor shoes,
II lri.ll of W I.. IIoiik
lus m:i or s;:i.;.n si
a dl I'iiiii luce ml I br. I
11. cy are. Jus: ns cood
In every wnv nnd cost
from Ml Io less.
(Ivt-r 1 ,000,000 ,cu re r.
lrii!sT cm
( . w
One p'lr of W. I. rouj'-i
9i or 9 J au linens win
Will DtlltlVtlV ulwt.T
two pain of of dinar v
a n a eh
Hrr.h lnrriit milker of mna S3
ami ;i AO alines In tho wtrht, i limlio
Mm! mi1) nuirv .'1 mill t:i.lvo kIhwii tliun miy
other two ntnt)iifH'tuir In the U. h
Vh- 'iiali-llit of W, 1..
D'MIKlrt 4 H-Oftix) 4t.,aUhi)i'l lot
.ttvlf, (itulftl, ami wt nr la k itown
rvtTj Iter" l.irii(tinit lh world
I hty liiWto kiv IvttliT nlUfnc
lU'li limn olliir liiitkfa htH'UUtr
Jliv Uiiil.tnl Ikiia kin tyt lit ri
jilai'M o (ugh t'it t)j vnrtn
t Xpert iimu for ! . f i t tnnit1)'
than tht'T ii f:t f Iff wlir.
IC 1 A " tm-.c ',V. I
. 1'.
'!! t'iu it y Oll' T lliakf tt bi cti 'I'll fr'. V
iiit: in. hi, -
Alfi: l ilt; III. HI . our a.rr l..uUl k:
tii'-tn i w (tivti cm itritlrr rrm-!t mi Ir) tn "t('h town.
'I'mLc lit iitallliil li,:.t utt liitviittf V. I,,
Voltu ihoei with naiim kiui pii' .ltnil m ht.imni.
If vn u r rivnW will not j!ct tlu'i.i fur jcii. tt ml dir-tl tn
rv. fin-Io.) hk iric- a ml ','V. t xtt it fur r-rriiK.
Ntrtlf a I ot IfCtll'T. l'f, lllti H ,ltn, Jllilill of rnpifM.
Our pIi.m-" Wtll roiu'll ynu niivtt h-to. ntulnitr Vr.
W. J. Il.iuiilitk Htmu u. Ati'ockiuiii Hum,
J' tn- niily if ft'ltl- vi wil. ttt-i i if i mi y 1'. i. . i
tllKKIl, 111 llllVM tril.tltllHlil ,f Ttll) IxH', 11 l ill, 1IMI l i
trtilii. itii'l put joii on tlio uiw t iiiiiLf ilitu
I'll; Ut lit our liiuit. A iilitina nil u ilt i n to 'h J
It II. Will llriUi'ltin 1 oMiMiiiv i.ltii
Im-i li i I limrixiov. ii, UniiifU .lillt'u.
I MM liuUiiim Au., iixImiuitMi, l,
HDHDCY new DtsrovERY;
J 5 V Cl 1 quit'lt rlif mid oumi wr
cei- iluok ol tojtiiuoi m'x tiiiil llldiija' trtui"-
brui br. H. H. uti;N hhunii. m, Aium. u
j .. ipTi C0LLI:0E,
5end for Catalogue.
f . L " i.'
WKCHAS. r.. K lil' KI-K. I'reHlflent.
'V )(, M,.. t,..i, vt li. r.t tm itpw nt.llt-f t.f Si-lt.wtl
'I llll I'.W'I It.
Uj costs VdiurStLibTiuv
lt,S Ot'1.1 tttls",! l'i-,l 'i ll. Up fl
LI in tic.
e. 111 ilri,.-...i
rT'ssr? nrfair,iP7 ?rnRn t,rf fa rli
e-t'l Io refer to
is our li inily
tn nts tiion 11I1011I every mi',J
and will Le sunt, ,nsi,.iiil, for
le i run ttiii-oss ref-
luutlel-N mill tllll
tllrterstau I
will clear lli lor
pU-le liulrx, bi, thai It may to
In a rit-li miiiu of vulmililu
llltoie-l nit: milliner, anil is
.'n'd A-'j
in, I r 1 su 1 11 i-iiiii hi s ,') imui'.s. urotiist-lv ill,i,irtpd.
. lu pluni,.(, 1 11 ,!u or silver. Whoa ivwlinp- you Uairtit.
0.9 ""1 C j f r Pn n ereneui to nin
. f r. V - u - l " . , J E it 1 a W i i ivn.1 ,1,, n il
mp w ii M'llltll tills uoolc
ou. n 11115 corns
referred to easily. This Ionic
Inloi iimtinn, ici-nli d In
well wiirili 10 11 11 v unii inn.-.
Itmus lliosinull huiii of FIFTY CENTS wliloU we ask for It. AMuilynf thli hoik Willi
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