Trolley Insect Kxtermiiiiitor at Hob iimon's. Sure iloath to boil buifs. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Gregory was buried at Antiuch Inst Sunday. It was about three weeks old. I). D. 0. M., Harry K. Marklcywill install the ofilcerg of McConnellsburg Lodge I. O. O. F., B'rlday evening of this week, and Fort Littleton, Satur day evening. M. E. Daniels has just received a largo stock of fall and winter milli nery.. Latest styles, and very low prices. Trimming free of charge. Call and see goods. 1 Cards are out announcing the marriage of S. M. Andrews to S. Blanche Vonker on Wednesday, Oct. 10, 1900, at the bride's home near War fordsburg. Wanted Two good girls for gen eral housework White or "colored." Good wages paid to good girls. Ad dress; Alhkrt Grkknland, . 875 Braddock Ave., Braddoek, Pa., T. J. Thompson, about ten days ago, met with an accident, injuring his loft limb, causing much puin, prevent ing his attending to business at pres ent. Persons in want of Dr. Shade's Liniment can get it at his house. A Union Meeting will be held at the Sideling Hill Baptist church be ginning Friday October Gth und con tinuing three days. Each evening of the three days there will be preaching at Needmore. Elders C. H. Waters, John B. Dailey, and T. N. Alderton are expected. , D. H. Miller is very ill at the home of his nephew. Mr. Heeter, at Clear Kldge. His brothers S. G. Miller, of Markelsburg, and Solomon of this place, and sister Mrs. Daniel Mock of Tod, also Mr. Foster of Wells Valley, visited him last Sunday. His brother .J W. Miller,of Burnt Cabins and daugh ter were also to see him last week. Some fiend tied a stick of dynamite to the tail of a cow belonging to James Dnglavitcb, of Greenwood, Clearfield county, one day last week, and arranged a cap so that it would explode in a few minutes. It blew the animal to atoms, and the explosion shook the town. The township police have undertaken to run the guilty party down. Hismark'8 Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous ener gy are not found where Stomach, Liv er, Kidney and Bowels are out of ord er. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's Life Pills. Only 25 cents at W. S. Dickson's Drug Store. Public Sale. The Trustees will sell at the Presby terian church in this place on Satur day October 6th at 2 o'clock p. m. about 200 yards of all-wool ingrain carpet much of in excllent condition, and will be sold in quantities to suit purchaser; 4 good box stoves, 50 to 15 joints of good stove 'pipe, 4 stove frames covered with ieinc,4 zinc screens, oil cloth, &c. Terms made known on day of sale. Sale Register. Saturday, October 13. Miss Lib V. Hess having sold her house and lot will dispose of her household furni ture at her residence in this place on the above date. Sale to begin at 1 o'clock. Tuesday October 30. J. Clayton Brewer will sell at his residence two miles south of McConnelUourg a large lot of valuable live stock, agricultural implements, &c. BRICK. Judge Morton will furnish brick at his kiln at this place on and after July 30th. SIDLING HILL, Sept. 26. The sick are all re covering except Mrs. Maria Booth, who is critically ill at this writing. Job L. Hill and wife were the guests of Mrs. Hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Layton recently. Mr. Honry Garland son Aling ton, and Mr. Milton Hill, who have been living in Clearfield for some time, are visiting friends in this vicinity. ' Miss Rotta Hixon, of Whips Cove.spent part of last week with the family of her uncle, Mr. Reu ben Layton. Miss Edith Carson, of Whips Cove, is employed iu the family of Albert Hixon. Mrs. C. C. Spencer and Mrs. Sam Carnell, of Dott, spent Mon day afternoon with Mrs. Ira Mellott. Miss Minnie I'lessinger lias re turned to her home after spend ing a couple weeks at Crystal Springs. Miss Olive Garland wont to Whips Cove Sunday. Amos Plessingor spent part of Sabbath at Caleb Hixons. Mr. Oliver Lafferty and wife of McKeesport visited M r. Lafferty 's sister, Mrs. Bub Hess last week.4 Miss Alice Wilson, of Dott,was the guest of Miss Lilla Fisher Sunday. Samuel Clevenger, of Need more, visited the Sabbath School at Bedford Chapel last Sunday. KNOHSVILLK. ', Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wjblc sjKfiit Wednesday at Burnt C;Yb ius. Mr. Ed Brake of McConnclls burg" was a visitor in our village on Sabbath. Mrs. Irwin Wilson, of Fort Littleton was a guest of Wm. Polk's family last Thursday. Mr. William Stuart, of Tyrone, was visiting relatives iu our vil lage a part of last week. Misses Etta Polk and Maye Clouser spent Saturday and Sun day in McCounullsburg. Mr. Geo. A. Olt, of McC.m nellsburg, spont Sunday after noon at the home of his uncle, Wm., Polk. Mr. Bert Henry and family spent Thursday with relatives on Clear Ridge. Mr. Andy Fore of Burnt Cnb ins spent Thursday at our vil lage Mr. Geo. Kelso wife and daugh ter Miss May, of Uuntsdale Cum berland county are visiting his father, Rev. David Kelso. Misses Sylva Brown and Julia Parsons, of Hagerstown, left for their homes Monday after spend ing a week with the former's cousins, Misses Daisy and Etta Polk, and other friends and re latives. Miss Ella Wagner left for Hag erstown, on Tuesday. Mr. Henry Divens returned on Sunday after a brief visit to Cum berland county. Mr. Mike Black of McCon nellsburg spent Saturday and Sunday with his wife near this place. Miss Amy Flemmiug spent Friday night in our village. Miss Ida Mumma who is work ing in the family of Chas. Mc Geehee at Burnt Cabins, spcut Saturday night and Sunday with her parents near this place. The Local Institute at Wood burrr school has been postponed indefinitely. Mr. E. M. Gress of McCou nellsburg was a visitor to our town Sunday evening. LICKING CREEK. The sick are stiU no better. Miss Ella Mellott and her mother of Belfast spent Sunday at Harrisonville. Mr. Ephraim Mellot and wife near Hustontown are seriously ill. Mrs. Elias Deshong spent a few days last week with her sister Mrs. T. Irwin Sipe. Preaching by Elder Funk last Sunday at Forestdale school house, and at Mr. James Kline's in the evening. Mr. Marti u Lake aud wife spent Sunday at Mr. Joseph Sipes. Mr. Joseph Edwards spout Sunday in Licking Creek town ship. Mr. Elias Deshong expects to move to Mr. Cocil Sipes 's farm in a few months. Preaching, Sunday October 7, at 10 o'clock a. m'., at Siloam by Rev. Seifert. Come one; and all. Mr. Joseph Deshong is on the sick list again. Winter apples are very scarce in Licking Creek. Some of our folks have gone to Brush Creek for apples. There are quite a number of children in the township; but, in stead of their parents sending them to Sunday School, they let them play on Sunday. We would like to see all children at Sunday School. Why not go to Sunday School? Mrs. Riley Sipes is still very ill. Mr. Ream Sipes and family have moved to T. Riley Sipes. AMARANTH. Jacob Shearer of Strawsburg and II. N. Henry, of Clear Ridge were in the valley "buying colToo. Our schools opened last Mou-. day with S!0 scholars. Harry Lewis teacher. Charlie Rice went to Everett last Saturday. He expects to get employment at the furnace. Mrs. Jacob Spade, son Walter and twin babies spout Monday at Johnston Hendorshott's. On their way homo they had the misfortune to have an upset and they were all spilled out. No one seriously hurt. J. W. Rice and family spent Sunday at Pete Mellott's. J. C. Hixou and son Roy wore at Everett one day last week. NKW GRKNADA. T. J. Comerer, of McConn.-lls- i burg, made a business trip to, our vicinity one day last week. Scott Grissinger, who has been working in Chicngo for quite a while, is visiting his parents, Mr. aud Mrs. W. P. Grissinger. Rev. H. S. Hickel, piiwr of the Church of God at this place, left Monday to attend the annual Eldership of that body, which convened at Harrisbtirg Tuesday. He expects to return for another year. Tlie mail routo between New Grenada and Three Springs changed hands October 1st., Jas. T. McClaiu being the contractor, and Uuclo Jim just knows how to cater to the public. We feel safe in assuring the public anything left iu his care will receive prop er attention. A match game of ball was played on the New Grenada ground, Saturday afternoon be tween a mixed team from Rob ertsdale and Woodvale against a mix between N. G. and Water fall. The game wus called in Die lust half of the fourth inning with the home boys at the bat. With one man out and three on buses. With a three base hitter at the bat. The home boys hud the worst of it till the lust inning, when they got onto the visitors' ball, "What they did was a plenty." TI1K LINK UP. Home Team. Visitors. J. B. McCluin W. Lovelle H. A. Allowuy J. McClain J. A. McDonough It. Dalton J. Harnett B. Kune Tildeu Newman II. Shaefler B. Alexander W. Bolinger I). Black C. Brown B. Bergstresser K. Allowuy II. II. Bert'stresser A. Brown Score by innings: Home Guards 1 2 0 11 14 Visitors It 2 0 0 5 COVALT. The first local institute in Thompson township was held at Independence school on Friday, September L8, 1900. The ques tions were: 1. Primary arith metic from time pupils enter school until able to use a book. 2. Reproduction work; its value; how conducted. 3. How close do you keep to the text books? aud what general information do you give? 4. Does it require much effort on your part as teacher to keep good order iu school room. The institute was one of the most practical that has been held iu the township for a long time. Every teacher pres ent seemed to do his very best to give all of the best methods pos sible.. I believe every teacher present will be more euthusias fft, aud will be more earnest in the work iu the future. The teachers present were Mrs.C. A. Litkn, MissL. M. Fisher, Mr. II. S. Sharpe, J. D. Keefer, S. L. Simpson,!!. W. Wiuk.A. C. Pock, Miss Orpha Snyder, Miss Letilia Peck, D. C. Hart. Mr. Shade Truax was chosen chairman aud Mr. Benjamin Shives secretary. Institute adjourned to meet at West View in two weeks. PLEASANT RIDG E. Seoding is all the talk now. Mr. B. Mellott was visiting the family of D. D- Hann, Sunday. Miss Viola Deshong spent the latter part of last week with her sister Mrs. M. Sipes of Saluvia. Mrs. Lake Garland and daugh ter Hazel spent Sunday with Mrs. Garland's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Deshong. Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses Deshong aud little sou spent . Sunday at Mr. Clayton Deshongs. Preaching at Sileling Hill Baptist church Sunday next. Mr. James Mellott was visit ing SquireDeshong's family Sun day. Mr. C. M. Dixon of Chambers burg arrived at Pleasant Ridge Tuesday evening. Mrs. James llollenshead spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Joseph Mellott. Mr. aud Mrs. II. II. Deshoug and daughters Edna, aud Goldie, Mr. aud Mrs. Simon Deshong sou Nornran and daughter Lottie spent Sunday afternoon, at David M. Kline's. Job Couldn't Have Stood It If he'd had Itching Piles. They're terribly annoying; but Bucklon's Ar nica Salve will. cure the worst case of Piles on earth. It lias cured thous ands. For Injuries, Pulns or Bodily Eruptions it's the best salve in the world. Price 2"c. a box. Cure guur anteed. Sold by W.K. Dickson, drug-gist. TJ1K CO I iN Eli. Our school is getting along nicely under the care of the teacher, Blair Truax. Mr. David Morton and Miss Abbie Mellott made a Hying trip to Hancock Sabbath aud were ac companied home by Mrs. Annie Mellott. Mr. Philip Hann, of this place, and Sadie lloupt, of Big Cove Tannery, spent Sabbath afternoon at David Goodman's. Quite a number of young folks from the Corner attended a peach cutting party at Thomas Shaw's Monday evening. Mrs. J. B. Mellott spent part of last weok with Mrs. Thomas Shaw. King Mellott will move his ma chine next week to Mr. J. B. Mellott's for the purjioso of saw ing shingles. Harvey Richard spent Sabbath with his uncle, Mr. Joe Richard. BLACKOAK. Mr. (J. 11. Roberts, of Cumber land, is visiting the families of Mr. L. Slayman and Mr. A. Dick ens. Rev. Hall preached a fine ser mon in our M.E. church last Sun day. Rev. Beall will preach at our church the first Sunday in October, at half past seven o'clock. The preaching hour has been changed. Mr. Gilbert Booth aud G. E. Clo u ser 1 1 ave opened thei r scl 101 1 s. The scholars all like their teach ers. Miss Rhoda Bishop is going back to Baltimore iu a few days. Mr. Harry Crist's hand is get ting well, lie will go back to McKees Rocks next Monday. Wish you good luck, Harry. Messrs Willie Fost and Harry Crist spent Sunday with the family of Mr. aud Mrs. Adolphus James Lake and A. Dick ens stand in number one in horse dealing. Watch out, Jim aud Dol)h,'or you will get cheated. Mrs. John Powell is going to Klondike to make it her future home for a while. LOCUST GROVE. There was a nice rain passed through here Saturday night. The people are all done cut ting corn and are preparing for seeding. George Diehl is very low with fever. Ed F. Layton who came home from Clearfield on a visit has gone back. J.F.Laytou went with him. James S. Akers is geting a well drilled at the postoftico. James has made a great improvement on that place. Miss Mary Price has returned to the Cove to make a sale of her property at H. P. Vanclief 's. There will be preaching at the upper church next Sunday night by Rev., James Troutman. The buckwheat crop is very slim. I wish The News success. LAIDIG. Mrs. John Ripple and son Ben jamin, of Shirleysburg, visited Mrs. Ripple's sister, Mrs. A. King and other relatives in this township, last week. Kphraim Mellott and wife have been on the sk'k list the past few weeks. R. H. Johnstou, who went to Pittsburg a few weeks ago, has secured employment with the Prudential Insurance Company. Will Copenhaver, wife, aud daughter, of Saxtou, spent a few days recently with the family of M. L. Kirk. Next Sunday will be observed as Old Folks' -Day at Fairview. Services iu forenoon. Revs. West, Shoemaker, Roberts, and Frank are expected to be present and speak. J. K. Stevens has gone back to his work at South Fork. Woolen Mills For Sale. Situuted ut Bloomry, W. Va., in excellent condition, iiue water power, a ruro opportunity for the right man. For further particulars call ou, or ad dress Fhank Kanck, Agent, Hancock, Md. A1IM1NISTKATOIIS NOTION.-Noltuo la hurehy Klvuu that leUum of administration huve bouu KmnUHl to the uiuUirhitMuHl upon Hie eHlule of .Win. K. Mux well, lulu of tilt township of Thompson, Fulton county, I'u., ClBC'll. Auy person huvtiiK cIiiIiim UKuiust ttuld estate will present them properly iiulhi-nliouted lor KuUlumeiiL, unit Uionu owing; the name will uull uml Nellie. , ISAAC SOUDKKS. rnaon Ailwlulsimtor. PATTERSON'S STORE, YlcConnellsburg, Pcnna. Two Floors and a Base- meut each seventy-live feet iu leugth by twenty-live in width just packed with Geu- oral Merchandise. A full and complete slock or j Dry Goods. Cashmeres, Ginghums, Ouli- coes, Muslins, Shirtings f.inens, Towel ings. Clothing. Overcoats, Men's und Boys' Suits, Overall", ITndi-rwear, ,Sro. lluls uml ('ups in great variety Boots and Shoes. The most rcliuble makes at lowest prices. f r Carpets. Hag, Ingrain, Mattings, iVc. Hardware. You can liurilly miss gelling anything you want. Groceries. A full line of Syrups, ColTees, Teus, Spices &c. Tobacco and Cigars no better. Harness, Trunks, Notions, Jewelry, and- in fact we try to keep miy und everything called for by the people of our county. lulliullUGllbUulfc DaClJ. DAVY LITTLE, Proprietor. I. 4 1 Bread, i' Rolls. Cakes. J and Pretzels I on hand all the time. i . . . s S bake I uesday, I hursoay and Saturday. ? Free delivery in town on bake days. j Your I'litrmiiiKu Solicited. j E. R.SCHOLLENBERGER, PLUMBER, STEAM and HOT WATER FITTER. All Work Guaranteed. Prices Reasonable. McCOKSELLSBURG, PA. AkConnellsbur"; & Ft. Loudon Passenger, Freight and Express Line. R. C. McQuade, Proprietor. UUN DAILY IIKTWKBN Mi lOliNNKI.IIIIlt 110 AND KllHT IxmN. LcnvltiK MuOiiniiINlHirr lit M-W n'elnek, 1. M nmklnif cMHiueoliou Willi ufluiiiimu tiiiln ou s i u it. . JteturniiiK leuve Furl I.ourtciu on thu nrrlvul of Hie evniiiK Iruln ou S. IV H. K. 1 urn irfiwtMl lo curry phsm-hkim-m mm ex press to niulie oiinneollou wllh ull IihIiin ill Yl. Louuoq. EDWARD BRAKE, Fashionable Barulr, One Door KuhI of "Fulton llousa," MuOONNKI.I.SIII'Kd. I'A. KlnO-oliM Nil villi uml lluir UutUuK. Cluuu lowrl for uvi-i'v uusloiuer. THE HARRISONVILLE INN, AT . Harrisonville, Pa. On tlie TuniniUt! kIx tiiilttH u ist uf McCnn- nellNhuri. TIiIk old uml ioulur hulH mi unit Iiiin hren miirtly rtshuili, nuwjy f in nUln'it und Ik under inuv iimnHctiicni. Fll-Ht (MllKK AlH'OII )dlitl()IIS. JJHiluiul Honm lor Siiinnier HoiudiM's. Kilt UN lii'iisiiiialiltt SyOOllil AUfUlIon in TniUsiHiit CuMnli'l J rH '.M Art S. ftl :VAA'A, rrinuifior. . 0 4 0 . r 0K0 .nif J 3 will tell you all about their NEW GOODS next week. Visitors to. court this week will find their Store the place for BARGAINS. Don't fail to call at 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 01. 0 a 0 0 J 0 0 : 0. 0 0 0 0 0 m0 0. s: 0 0 0 0, r & 0 01. SS Cloy Park's Cash Sto Three Springs, Fa. , If you Deed unylhimr In my lino, 1 cur save you money. Kverytlilni; in rui'Hci COOK STOVES, operation guarauteed, $11.00 l.i )? oris, !f;i").0(t to $70.00. ) Buggies, 87W to $(15.00. CariuitsA a iuii iiue or riariiwaro, iiay liulfos, llay 1'oiH Twiuo, (Jviudstonos, riiowri,-lIarrowH,Cultivators,Wiri! id and Smooth. SEWING MACHINES first-elans in D(C-t l(i.0l). DiviKMP.illt snvvH ftl 0(1 In &1 'in lUdfaj Nails, 4 conts a box. Call or Write for complete Price List. X FALL AND WINTEr I have just arrived from (he Eastern cities with a full line of the latest fashions in -fall and , winter millinery. Call and examine floods. Mm. A. i: I I m i:, McCoiiilcllshnij;, u. DR. STEVENS, Dentist, HXONNNELLSBURG, PA. ili'iijiintu of I'. of I'. Ton curs' IC.xntr- knee. I'llllCH liolil. I'lilllllUIll, Sllvtr A lu lu I II liiii. ('ullwlold, Knlilii'i'. mill A liuiil uiiiii llnml. Muliil with Hiiliher Altutiliiiiuut. Ilte from H3.00 up, Hiiik't'K, t(lthuiiti(i t-'rowhs, LoKilll O'owns, llohl Ciiiw, I'lai limld C'aiis, da, l illhiK or Nuiunil 'luoih u Sncclulty mill ull work tiiiii ru ntccd. Intoriimtioii ly uuiil or Iu nui-Miu. Tkhms of Couut. The llrst Ictiii of the fourth of Kullon uouii ty In thu yeiip shall uoniuu'iu'ii on thu Tui'silav lollowiiiK I lm .st'ooml Moiuluy ol Juiiuury, ut Id ii'ilouk V. M, The Hcooiul Icrui aoinuii'iiri-H on the third Monthly of Miiroh, lit -' o'rlook 1. M. Thu thliil lurni ou tho Tuusiluy Hunt follow liii,' i he Hcoonil Mouiluy ol June' ut 10 oVIuuk A.M. Tin; fourth term on tin' llrst Monday of Octo cr. ill 1! o'clock l'.&l 0-Sf0H00140H0-00 0.0 0H0 0 0r ft,ll m&Mmmms . bud iu et CLAY PA UK, Thrco Sjirinfrs.i 6 New Furniture SK In Chambersburj 01 We have tipt'iii'il 104 South Main St.' lino, stock uf Parlor, Bed Rim AND Library Furniture ' AUi rora, Scivi'ns In tlio l.lnjsiiy III'1 10 01 I We huve at mir nlJ No. rr gufcn st" Dining Room Furniture, Looting I'liliolstery GooiIh, 'I'i Ltli'RO Htock of ,1 foltl y! Fvincy Rockers ConcleS. for tin; Full Trll(' : I. SIERER & f CHAHBERSBUBG.F1:'