The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, September 20, 1900, Image 5

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rpN ohini v m:v.
nature :is tk'ht mid
I. . ,-, j
il.l. .
r U a
!(, ' ! Mil,
' '-"'I t'liS IIIPIUIS ill
I' ' .'(. I.Hl.i (;( S(': )!(
i in n l"in iwu'itiun-
C3 1 OVEtoi t
CM.. lit, !
' ' V IV t . 1 H JC wi
k,,,i;,c Tost I lint, n
knot.! t Never l ui's.
i, (iiicstiuti of sm iibsi)lu)cly
.,i!'ii')f 'li'f'l' 'troubled
.j,,,! f ruin ancient times. ! t
,,,,,.n most variously unswer-
t n.'vor to entire
We meet
,v Firs), tint', not i
e:ise (inly I (iliserved 1,ii.
inentiiHiitil (liscoleriition, tiiouili
it v;is impossible to notice any
heart notion by any means. I at
once resorted to venesection, and
sure enough, tlie blood ilowod,
and after a short time faint heart
jr,,; l M .,., j u . , i.als Up t() SI,V(M1 minute
KHly die m one momeiii, i (.f,nl distinguished. Every-
the action ol i i
tion. ietitwas too late, and
the heart beats within half an
hour rraditally diminished. The
corpse had been lyitijr for dead
for over twohuurs . Dr. Theo
dore Deecke in Utica Press.
yciiiul, that
.,,f the vita' organs may lx
rminislied that by ordinary
,S it (i)iears almost iiupos
Xodecide whether the life in
in fact extinct r not.
;ictiuil causes of physio!o,vi
j,.;lth are three: Kirst, ces
.l10f brain fuction; second,
,;1tii,n of respiration or failure
V lunj-'s: third failure of the
ifist, involving iiiinie.liiile
;inf llie cent rid or animal
,is system only, is net at
, followed by tlie inactivity
lt. jieripheral nervous .ss
aud its special so called veir--vc
centers, as lon airo was
i 11 .. II... C 1
.lllStriUeil. 0,V I .1 UYV ll-ril 'l) Mil 1 11
i.iiilureil Death's Acuities.
Only a roaring lire enabled J.
M. hit rettsou, of San Antonio,
Texas, to lie down when attacked
by Asthma, from which Ik? suf
fered fur years, lie writes his
misery was often so (.Croat that it
seemed he endured the agonies
of leath:but Dr. Kind's New Dis
covery for Consumption wholly
cured him. This marvelous mod-
fund others. So the luns j '''hi'' is the only known cure for
Asthnri as well as Consumption
Coii:rhs and Colds.and all Throat,
Chest and troubles. Price
.""o and si. (in. Juaranteed. Trial
bottles free at V. S. Dickson's
Di n" Store.
When Vim I'.uv Dollies.
A hither w as coin missioned by
his sma'i d,i lighter to buy a dozen
lit.ti.! 1 .is. ii i dollies. Her instruc
tions were so many and so detail
ed that the father found himself
hesitating to perform the com
mission. "See here, Kthel," he said at
last. '' I'm a fraid I'll make some
awful mistake. Don't you think'
you'd better wait until your cold
is hot ter, and then you can o in
to town some day with mamma
mid pick out the doll babies for
"Oh, no. papa,'' cried Kthol, "I
do so v. ant. 1 hem rihtoiT. And.
papa, 111 t'jll yo.i Low to choose
them, .lust pick each one up and
lock' straight into its eyes, and if
it looks at you as if it really and
truly loved you, why, you buy
lie Was liesli.
(.'not im; to contract and cx
l tiM. heart may continue to
,,.i'i! if with j.':roat!y dimin
!iwt. We know further
tiir life of the si- in is not e.
!. Jfiiii' and nails continue
nw, the st'i'imeit continues
i'.'st. the liver to secrete, bile
Kespectm; the second
nf (ieat.h, w well kimw that
iratn n may cease lor pin.e
if the brain is not affected
I'li'cii'culafioii not inferrupt-
Ai'ikof the third cause, by
; failure, the same may be
So we see that we may
knf true absolute physiol-
uiii'iilli only a fter the ees-
. ! Hiiiction ot ine tiiree or-
1 1. .'j'ct! n i" or at least of two
mii tlie lun.'s i.nd the heart,
.'it the lif... action of which
daiii certainly cauuot oji.t-
w, ;is regards respiral ion,
we very simple means to
iLstruto its cc-ssation. So
s, iulact, as tht; only one
mv its true d.eath the heart.
topmn! indeed with iibs.i
wwinty is quite, a dil'licult
"in. Upon the absence
We of any avid all traces
nuliition in the body have
CuiH'cntrated most exjiei i
'i. And as roo-ards tho same
''V to tak'i; into considera
'lialby dis('ase tlie lieart
niifdit hi.'diniinished to but
ffiiitil pulsations per niinute
t bwoiiK! so imperceptible
'Vitlumt the iiid of special in
:"'iits and Joii cot.i tin tied
vatinns nothing of of their
wuiiiay be detected.
"!"' folliiwiuo; I shall o'ive the
''liii'iins by which any per
wily enough may convince
"If of the absence or pres
fi'ii of the slightest traces
'(-'liiite tiht a member of
"dy best, for example, a
r lictweeu the first and
11 joint in the living we
nofue, beiunin al
lt once, a reddish colora
'Hiii portion above the li.e'a-
lt I. cronies darker and
ri'''il and linally assumes a
!llili red color. Tl;e en
I'l"'1' portion will bethusaf
';ill(l only directly around
r;'mv i,,.n, u ji ;i small
"s while riii;;-. aow as
'.'lis discoloration will be
the living bein.e', as
"II traces id' it be absent
''"'"I. The bluish discolor-
"''WMoiKilly observt'd of
the tino-er nails ' in
'"''ies is of no inlliience
'"'' 'Iocs it interfere in the
,M 'nth, the phenomenon! ,,,, , ,,f ,1,: ,.,mi,
tf. ('(ii'i-i.i.i ;..,.... .
v . u one, ..-uiuou. ( ,il1,,ly ac( luaintance of lus in
1 ""iHiiiienoii of mnrse is t'oiu t street some days a'o, but
Have you any nice fresh ejs
to-day?" asked the woman with
business like ways.
"Madam," answered the man
who has just started in the gro
cery business, 'permit me to
remind you that nice eggs are
necessarily fresh and fresh eggs
are always nice. Moreover, if
I have any, I have them to-day.
.My possession of eggs yesterday
or tomorrow does not in the
slightest degree affect the situa
tion. Therefore, time being pre
cious to a business man, I will
simply content myself with re
plying that .1 have nice eggs."
I lie l'ruvery of Woman
Was gradually shown by Mrs.
John Dowling, of 1 hitler, Pa., hi a
three years' struggle with a ma
lignant' stomach trouble that
caused distressing attacks of
nausea and indigestion. All rem
edies failed to relieve her until
she tried Klectl'ic Hitters. After
taking it two months, she wrote:
"1 am now wholly cured and can
eat anything. I t is truly a grand
tonic for tin! whole system as I
gained in weight and feel much
stronger since using it." It aids
digestion, cures dyspepsia, ini
pivoves appetite, gives new life.
Only "inc. (iuarauteod, at V. K.
Dickson's drug store.
''''"iJ-di exnlained in the
',''' 'he stagnation of the
'"'""veinsnnd the capillar
supply through tlie
;,,'Si""l the ba.-ktknv through
is cii toll' by the ligature.
"."'L,' I'iug around the latter
,'",';(1 hy the partial, art
''"'hid Venous amemia.
i';;''l'"f a linger, if, as it
'"s "'Hy happen, the skin
"t"" thick and horny to
IL' l'henoineivin plainly,
tliis will but seldom oe
"' "iJ.V use the toes, the
the tip of t(ie nose,
The iiKMiibev must
nli enough in order to
instead of her answering the
phone herself her elder sister did
it. The young man recognized
the difference at once and said in
a si. live, mellow Voice:
"Won't you please deliver a
message to Miss (Mara?"
Delighted at the prospect of
carrying a message that might
result hi giing her some insight
into the relation that existed be
tween her sister and the young
man at the other end of the line,
she answered:
"Why.ccrtainly.with the great
est of pleasure. "
Well, tell her to cimiu to the
phone." --Mem phis Scimitar.
i 1
i '.
') t
1 1
i '.
( ;
; I ;
.' 1 (
A. U. Naco & Sons,
.IVConncl'sbifrg, Pa.
One of the junior niembcrs of i r?n
is a Professional Cutter from one of the
best schools in New York City.
Always in stock a arjc !mc of t'.ic la
test and best things in
Cloths and Cassi-
i I !
Ali xrt Stoner
is iust stocked up with a full line o!
CooU Stoves, Ranges, and Heating Stoves,
With our large force of hands, we can til you oat ;it shor
notice, and at prices that must pl.-ase yon.
I '
. I ;
both for coal and wood.
Guns orici Ammunition.
(v' o;nvle-Patrcl, Double-Barrel and Breech-Loading.
I'owJe:-, shot and slieil all at lowest prices.
y. ir
V Stove? Repairs
X and everything in the
y line tif Tinware.
Just west of the News Oliiee.
M'Connellsburtf, Pa.
c ooooooooooooo ooooooooooo
ooooooooooooo ocooccoccocoo
6 S. A. NES3IT,
ii:.i i i' is
O Agn'culturnI ImplemtMits,
O McC)INNi:HSllUI.'(i,
o - -
0 This is my Seventeenth Yiw in th.s busi.h'ss will, th- t'
rj) hirmers of Pulton county ; and a fariu-.r my -. ', 1 am t
O well acipiainted with the wants r.!' I'arm-'rs. ! am sli'1 .sell c
ing tin; celebrated Champion Movers ..p,l FJi.'. : . :.-
t machine on tic ma: I., t, to dm'.
O ing the celebr;
0 ciiledly the bes
Q C I i!ll Drills -Spangler's Low
tjt Down, and the ( i reencas
1 ' (
c -i
tie Force Feed.
O Syracuse Plows. Notice these
prices: No. L'o, and No. aid
!'.!. "id cash. No. ill i, si l.i mi,
0 t irli;i; Harrows I l.."
Ci lirty Rakcsl'romlV.iH'tosrii.ii'i.
0 Sewing Machines -.!.".( hi to sl'."..
0 Ha
Hay Forks Completo for sii.aii.
Lcallior Team Nets from sl.Tio to
. a,, l .,;v ,.. ...
hi the mar'-;-' .
;'. ill-' I ' ( i ( I.' .. 1 . I . de
'.'.") ti a is soli ! l i iiiii1 ii mic
f i '.'til- -i's 1; ' ii
,'l'flii Suit's - 'loin I to s:'.i.
::-v.:t fo.-( ! iv
i 'mi' -;; ( '.-.' mm ,ii . . i i lie.;-
i 'ham i ii. i , . V is. I !i .!
ey.'. a :n i !er ii: ac' , a . 'S
Dll-il"1 'el", i lor-:, i '. 1 i i r ; -1 I l
"I. t- ;. i ! 'I win.'.
I .a .-ii .h ' i i . a c
(loodlive SlocU, ( ; rain, 'lay la.n Lei
r in
w ?!:i.")i).
O Biity IMs, !?1.7r. to l'.T
I am not spending tiinean. I n on."-c.uiv: -.-,!'; j . o'i !v
0 and if you want anything in in , Y.r.v call a id am'
will save you money. S A. NJ'Si lT.
'.' sack ' I
f e
Men's and boys' working shirts, 25c,
39c. and 50c.
Men's and boy's fine shirts, in percales,
with lo :.e collars and cutis athk.-. J
and di.tack'd--at 50 and 75c.
v. - ;il, f-ont. .rid striped w
A nic. article loose col! us and culTs reduced from
: 5c. to 30c.
2m 2-Piece Suits,
im ! ! i..k arid in sunimer colors.
I'lil'.SIIVTIIKIAN -lU'V. VV. A. Wl'sl, 1).
I)., Piistur.
Salilmlli .school, !l:l".
i 'rcucliiii'j burvii'i! -ca.'li n it.'rua;.' i
Siimliiy niDiMiin: coinil in;; from Aii'. ;
1 Uth, ul 10::i( mill every Sinnlny
evening ut 7:.'tu.
.lunior Christian Kndciivor at
Christian Kinlcavni' at i : ;i . ,
Travel' miTtinjr Wctlncsilay cvi'iiinn i
Mi.TllonisT Kciscoi'AI, -1 lev. II. M.
Ash, I'astor.
Sunday whoul at S : . 5 a. in.
I 'i'i.iit:liinr i vi r.v other fiuulii,vi.ioni- ,'
inif, count iiij; from August llith, at.
ID:.'!!) mill every Sunday evoniny a' i
7::l(l. j
Kpwoi'th beauiu.' at (i::i p. m. j
Prayer meeting Thm sday i v. ninr
1,'nitkh ri!i:suvTi:ui.vN - !!ev. .1. I..
(Jl'ove, 1 'aster'
Sunday hcIuioI ut U:.'H a. in.
l'reiicliin i.veiy Sundiiy iiuirnin at
l()::i(l, and every other Sunday even
inir coiinting from Auiiht III, at 7:.'tu.
'J'lie alternate SiiMiath eveiiin;.'S are
us.-.l liy the n 1 1 People's Cliris
t ian Puiiiii at p. m.
Prayer meet'uiH; W.-dnesday eve.iin;:
I AWNIIKI.lCAI. r.CTlinUAN-- Pulpit VII-
Sunday school il:l"i a. in.
Christian Kndeavor at il:."!il p. in.
Wednesday eveiilntr prayer n iiiij'
;,t 7::J0.
i:i:i''ii!(Mi:i - I!ev. C M. Smi'ii, I'a-.
Sunday school at !i:.'.a a. in.
Christina Ktideiivur at (i;.'!'i p. in.
Wednesday evening jirayer meeting
The New i"t ii-1-: correspoudei: ir
oi' the l'liila.le!)hia fiedgei',
speaUing of the census returns
makes the following interestim;'
jioinl :
"A study of thecenstis returns
of the population of the twenty
nine largest cities of the t'nite 1
States has been made by u statis
tical!, with some interesting
results. They contain a popula
tion of 1.'!,:.' ll!,.ioi) people, or about
one shth the entire population of
the country. There are almost
as many inhabitants in New York
Chicago and i'hiladelphia as then
are in the other twenty-six cities
combined: There are three cit
ies of over a million inhabitants;
three of over less than
(ii l,( ii HI; live of over ;'( n ,l ; eight
of over -Jin id and less than liim.-
i H . There are no foil r,six seven,
eight or nine hundred l.honsand
cities. New York" contains as
in any inhabitants as Chicago, I 'hi I
adc'pi.i'i a. a1 ( "levelaiid comliim d
v.ith some to spare I'hilad. i
phin i:. larger than St. fjouis :ii d
I io.'.von combined, and yet both
St. I , old ; and I lostoii gi e iuijii'i s
wiou of bi-iug very largi- cifi.
Nevertheh'ss, New Yoi U is
big thai SI I ,en:s, I'-o-ton, lia'o
mot. ', 'l.'VeVilid, I hi it, I lo, S.1 1 ,
I'Vaiu is.' e, ( 'iuciiniati Oittsbnrg
anl l-'.vaiisviile coai.i be dump.'.:
into her, wit h some to stia re. "
s u
, 0
$ wit !i shoit pants; also some with lonjj
Vl S if , J
, Vt1"! v.
Both in lijjht colors, and Bril
liantine Skeleton Coat, wiih Patch
SA T Also a lot of new Linen Dusters.
Just In.
A la rife lot of Men's and Boys' Summer Pants rei-
! j, ular price 75 cents; our price, 50 cents.
: Latest Silk Ginghams and Zephyrs for Ladies' Shirt
Waists. Just the thinsj for Summer Wear.
She Was Knuuncd.
A young woman recently ans
wered an advertisement lor a
dining-room girl, and tin? lady of
the house seemed pleased with
her. Hut before engaging her
them was some quostiones to
"Suppose," said the lady
"now, only suppose, you under
stand that you were currying a
piece of steak from the Kitchen,
and hy accident should let. it slip
from the plato to the lloor, wh it
would you do in such a caseV"
The girl looked the lady square
in the eyes fur a moment before
asking, "Is it a private family, or
are there boarders?"
"Hoarders, "answered the. lady.
"Pick it uj and put it back ou
the jilate," Hrmly replied the girl.
An Anncrfcr.3 Disease. !:
Dk. S. Vi:ik MncnHt.L is nu-
thoritv fi.r t'c statement li;-t ncrv '
ousiil'S in the cli.mic.loriMii: mal- j el tlio Amcni an rii'Uon,
statistics chow ttint nerve ile.iihs '
number (inc-fourlli cl :.ll (tenths
reconU'.l.lhuiiioi tality being main- j
ly imioiii; yimii jienple.
JoUnsloJi'rj '
h the f;ran.l epeifle f..r this j
American disease, bemuse it pets I
straight to the source tit tlie wenk- j
lie be, hiiil.liiij; up li.:alt!i and!
strength by supplying rich.abuml- j
ant loud and iiure blood to the
worn-out tissues, rousing the liver
to activity and rerunning an uic
orpans ot the hotly.
"Tin Mlihlvu Drox Co.," lrolt, Mlrh.
M Ltvtrettu Ui (uiuuua lltll livur pill. sc. I
Fur S.ilr at Trout k (U'uw Sinn
If you are noma to buy a Buggy or Wagon this
summer, lv sun." it is a Blue Ribbon. Style and price
st. -t litem, and quality keep them ,t;oins. The fellow
who w.'.sies his energies trying to drajf a hih pi iced
watfon, loaded down with liih priced reputation, will
have to take your dust when you pass him with a
Blue Ribbon.
We not only talk v,od work, but sell
Quality, first considered; style, novelty, and price
Tor further information, call on or address
K. N. AK1-KS, Sipes Mill. Pa
Agent For Fulton County.
Covers tlie Field.
: 5
In every part of the
County faithful re
porters are located
lhat gather the daily
Then there is the
State and National,
News, War News, a
Department for the
Farmer and Alechan
ic, Latest Fashions
for the Ladies. The
latest New York. Bal
timore. Philadelphia
Markets. The Sun
day School Lesson,
Helps for Christian
Fndeayorers, and a
Good Sermon for ev
CARDS, 4c, I
In fact anything and
everything in the best
style alone; that line.
Sample copies of X
the News sent to any X
of vour friends on f
X request,
TIMK TAHI.K. Nov. It), 1811!).
I.t-uve Ino. 2 ni) f no. II no.h Ino.ioi
Mitrilnsl.ii lx,,..
)luii.-r.tnwii . ., .
.".icri;.uj-tr . . .
( 'ImmltiTNlnirK-.
W ll.MifslMIM
ShlMMisliurit . . .
Now vlllo
Arr. llurt'iNliurtf.
A rr. I'lillii
Ait. Now York.
Arr. 11. Ullin. nc.
A Il.l
( IL
7 ani
11 mil? '.'i.
n -;:r.' t
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:i in
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tl a ii is
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(I V
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jVililillnnal iruiuN will Icitvo I'urlMc fin Jl,n -liNhuii:
ci.iiiy, fXfriu Siiinliiv. in H.ftoit. in . 7 in
ii. in., K'.iii p. in., p. in., mm p. ,., llmi fnim
.MffllllllK'sl.uln lit Ii. H II. 111.. 7.: II. III.. H.IJa.
in.. I lk" ii. in., J.:U. p. in., mill p. in., A. -j) p. id ,
tvr. p in., I1..M p i,,.. M,,,pjim nt Stcoutl bllt.t.t.
HaiTlsliuii,', l.i l.'ititT paNSfiiift.i-N.
ThiIiin No. a mill lo run ilallv l.tatvi-t-n llurrlH.
I.ur mitl lliiffiwnviii, anU ou Suniluv will Hlop
ul Inli-nnediuie Mati.iim.
t Dully i.xot pt Sundiiy.
Nt-w York
I -liilu
I .illsl.uri;
Ni'i vlllo
MlipprnshurK-. .
I 'liuinhrrAlturir. .
I irt.rnouMi,.
llaiffi'Nlovt ir
..r. Wini.lifstt-r.
no. I no. .1 no. IS;no. 7 no. 9
tl-. M 'A
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a 17
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7 IH' IH
H If ' 1 I
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bs n 4s
. . IS 41.
Ift'lS lift
117 IS S
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H ftft
9 :ii
Additional loi'ul Unliis wllll-iivf llaiTlsliuitt
dail.t . i'ii','ii s.niiiiiv f.irt'aiilslf ami Inu-i mt-il..
i. r t t a i i.t ii. .c a. in., s.m p in., ft.i:. p. in .
( J p. in im.l ll llo p. in., nKo f,,r M,.,,hunii.s.
I'liic. I .iIivImii'k- iiiul InU'l'intiiliiile Kliitioiin UL
7 ii' it. in. mill ;.S7 p. in.
No. I iin,i u run tlully tn-twecn llurrlHbur,,
i iul
t I Hilly excrpt Suniluv.
( ln Miuilays H ill Iravtt 1-lillutlt.lplilu m 4.M1
.. 111.
ruiltnau paiaof slt.i pltiy oiii-M I'dw.'t.n Nt-.v
Y01U anil IviioxviIIk, T.'nu., uu irumi I wc'sl,
I. ml III fust.
'riiniii.'li ooiii-lirs lo 111.1I from I'huuilolplilu
on tiiilns s iiiul 4 cum mill 7 ami u tteM.
soi "nii .iiN i-knn' a"h. h." tk a ins"
1-HN. Sllx. I I'll-..
tA M il' M P. 11.
M ii. is :uii -i lo
HI. is o! 4 (l
h Mo.ll in: s
" i'io ml :i oh
k 11. 1 i m! 3 10
A. M.l M.l. M ,
I'll il-as. i,ix 1
tllV lio':i until ;
I'. ,M IA M 1A M I.Vt:. Arr.
1 s.i 10 oiv 11 u cii.iiiiiiiTsl.iirK. .
M.ll lull
. . . . 1
. . . Ku-lnlioliit ..
r in 10 is! 7 iii
.1 11 hi r: n in.
.1 :n 11 w 11 ir.
.1 :i 11 1:.; u sir
-.M.iA. m !a. m.
I'oniit'flioii lor itll Ntutloiiit ou Cunitierlitlnl
Vullt'y H.iilluail und I't'liln ylt uni t
II. A. Hiniil.K, J. l. Ikivii,
dun I I'ltMi. A Kent. Supt.
County Okpickhh.
I'residiMii JudiT-llon. S. Mt-C. Swoptt,
AKsoflait) Jiidiitw--1.1-muel Kirk, 1'iuup Mor
ion. l-rollionolurv. Atti I'rank I. I.vnoli.
Iii-Ulft Attorney (.forno II. DuiiltilN,
I ii'UNiiivr 'I'lifo SipoN,
f-lifim Daniel SIii'i'Ik. '
Dt lMUy Shoi in Jnnit'N lliuncl.
Jury i'..iiiini-,;n.MN -Duvul lloti, Sumuel 11,
Autlitors .l.i Im's, llurrlH, I), II,
Connnis.-l.nnMM--11. K, Millot.
.I,,l,:i l'vl,..r
Clt ik -I'liiiik Musou.
iCiuniH-r -
i.'.iiiiiiy Mll-v(yor-.lotiiiN l.uko,
Coioilv Slipi-rililt'liilcut- 4 'Ifin CliiihUUI.
Alu.nifvs VV. Soon Alt-xiuuliT. J. Nflwm
Slpi s, '1' In 111 ut. K Mimii, K. MoN, Jolinnion
M. U. Slianui.r, Uuo. II. Uuiilt-lh. John !'
Mj-orn, A. J,
A. V. Kt.lly
The Fulton County News.