"l1on county m;ws. 4 4 Orgies 111 (hiia. ,.,., Ill'- v'- Vl";' "''' IllUlOITO eoinnie iliiV lb. il I"1 si iin" what, iletiiileil lixiiinr 'iitul nipiin' l y tniops in China. Wo have with some iiesiuuion, t tn IK'Wpt tun linsl ily ,l,,i.rrenl. itnii pn i -1 - I' til till' fofeijjll t fillips .. , i : i i : , . . : . III iossi i'ii.i ii 'M i i ..; I whs untrui1 or that the o si) liW " ...iic'it u'' . . A . 1 1 . . . 1 . . .. ... ..-..re I'll union o v in- ii V i iii iii iinr ii mum- ill 'if '" . ' J ..mtliiws. Diiy h.y tiny, how- The suit, will lie tried before ". (1,,. reports an- renewd, .1 uslice Stnc in Warwick The tllt.l;ii's1. news on .thi suh- I plaitititT alters that his brother's . ,i)t diil from Takn by the j hen a r ilMina;.'-in his ripctiitir jfiuti'n I'H'ss. i worse than : I'rv it. by st iiiiii;,', supping and (( liwl Jjolie bel'iii'i'. 1'nless i Iml'iiiu' the pe.iehes so that they ,,, in iiuliet, the eori espoiid ; are rollin.u-ami fast hecoinin of r, liis iul'orinants with sine . no vHi'e to him. His methods of unrivaled ly'mjx, and of l,vi.i; ( proving thh tin I' lie Ike and tlie Peach. A ,i".vi,,i : ; .) -,iei-i,i (A iii'iis. l", i i uii: At, Warwick. )raiii;'e cunt v. to-morrow will he tried ii suit ti if like of hich lias '"'v,'l- heen seen in the WOI'I I perhaps. The Marties to the suit arc two brothers, V. (. 1'tter and J. W. litter, and ihoy hve in tiie viilaue nl Amity on neigh boring il;ices. The plaintiff, W. 1 1., ha a j ion t, I ni li i peiieli t roes. The (lefeiitl.iiit, .1. '., is a well- Established u tin1'"' own interests. .. (,,iicllll" that o ' the ., ulioininable crimes of the irV is beinsX eommifted by ,vliose ostensible and pro Hi purposo is to repress and vent crime. I,, told that all the way , jidi-Tsin there i an orr,y ..tjndi'struetiou of property vhiiditorof unolieiKiin.u noii '.Maats. lOvm-ythiiiir valua'ole imrUihlo i ,.Si is smashed or burned. iire violated. IVaoel'lll .-., iii the fields are us"il as .,:silnil shot to death. The ,,i:iu troops outdo all others deviltries. Th'-y knock nwi.aieii and pound out their ;;,s with rille huts. They We i novo i he fi:;ei .'.rival alleged fact are us las suit itse Hi CI ' ev;del I lis (Mm obtain pains to obtain the by w hich he can prove 1 le has had not only to videnee that the bees havedauinifed his maturing peach es, but also to prove that his orchards have heen visited by bees from the frrt'iil. bee colonies of his brother. The bees are tics! detected cxtractin.Lf the juice from tin- peaches. Mr. Utter stolen, and every- I th. u approaches tin- busy insect with a wire .?:iu:',e trap which h.j clasps over the bee and the peach at the same time. Making sure of his little prisoner he removes it. to ;i box prepared with lass on one side, ;i movable lid hinged fast. and buttoned and a trapdoor throiiLfh which he drops the bees. The most ingenious arrangement follows. The box is SU)llied w ilh a I : 1 1. dish of hoimy from wiiich 1 1n bees help themselves freely. When they have regaled themselves to their satisfaction tlii-;, naturally iooked for a place ofexii. Iii doiuff tiiis they crawl over a liberal spriiiklin-j; of t'ower on tin.-bottom of the box and of coarse i)ieirnie covered with the, llower which sticks to them. When thoroiiifhly co;it,ed they are -leased and thVy usually iiiak'i- si rai.'.;'nt for their hives. They a. pear like a t'ock of white inilu.Ts liyin.'i- through the air andai-i.1 tliuset'sily traced in their iiip baliies by the feet and iheii- briiins out. against .s. They iui)a,le ch'ddren iii.nl old men u)oii their mirts, and throw others into river and club tlumi to death n they try l.o swim ashore, s-' tilings are done before the s of officers without rebuke, an; ilone so openly and f re ally ns to convince tho cor :iiiileiit that thiy are "the :i,n-y ir:icfiees ot I'lissian 'ij'e. 'the--..- reports bi true, the is thcinseives constitute, a-, 'i,tve said, one of the most, ciiliuliie crimes of the cell- ;. !.lov dreadful it is we may I Immeward lliiit. !i,i's livid, estimate by think'- Mr. Utter lias carried mi oper whut would be our feelings if j Htiuus fur some time and believes Chinese were thus treat in i he i .-, fully fm-tilied will) evidence to win his suit. The case will be wal'.'hed with '-Teat i'lterest. ! : i A. U. Mace & Sons, S v ' ? tk I A j - j-' A C-i THE LEADWO MIR CHANT TA iVConncl!I)iirjj. Va CO One of the junior nicnilM o! vx is a Prolcion.tl Ci iki lii-ni one o! iK'.st schools in New Yoik Ci'v. x Always iii stock a larcc iiti test and best things in Cloths and :in: the Cassi meres. it ut -.hurt With our lai-ife force of hiinds. we can (it you notice, and at prices that must please you. Satisfaction Ouitirnto-d(. ! L.. ............. ......... .. ............ ( o : i' : o ; ; o ; ' i 9 i i : t STOVES! AVfotrt Stoner i jusi slockeJ up w ith a full line o Cook Stoves, 'Junius, and Ilcatiiu' Stoves, hofi 'for co;il and wood. 'I? Ot.irnsr? nicJ Arjnmtl-'titiori. !v!!c!. Doul le-lViiiel and Breech-Loading. ii n .ind shell all at lowest prices. 4 Stove Repairs and every tiling in the 'ine of Tinware. Just west of the News Oliice. A'Connellslun;e;, Pa. 4 4 - I i . . . .& I ooooooooooooo ocoooo-oooooo 8 S. A. NES3IT, ni:. i i u in A g r i o u 1 1 u va I I m p 5 e t tn c-m 1 1 , Alc-CiOININlil.. L.S-.UJ f,. t III.- This is my Sevenleenth Year i i fanners of Fulton county; and Im-iii;-- a well acquainted with the waifs ol Imui in; the celebriiU'd Champicn Mtwcn I ilisilie- i rmer myse! :-s. I a ri and Binder it;, ii cidedly the best inachiiie on t i i Grain Drills Sjmnjrler's hmv Down, and the ( ! reencas- .j lie Force Feed. ! Syracuse Plows.- Notice these , irices: No. :.'o, and No "ii'l .sil.'i!) cash. No. l I. no. Spring Harrows---1 l.yt.i.17.ri'. Hay R.ikss l'roml7.nittosj l.iui. .: Scwhij Machines--15.(H to T. ! Hay Forks Complete fur 'i.r. Leatiier Team Nets from 1 . ." to ; :t.i". Eny liyts, cl.7" to !:'.7". ( iood I iive Stock. ' ra in. i hi v exchange. 1 am not spendin.Lf t ime and n . and if you want anything in my will save you money. 1 1 1 . i c i ! lo nay . fiiif;!:ini oil ::ri u 1 1 :5ary!('!.ti P'fps-j'itrio noi ., ii ,ii,. e, .u'.ia i i i. loi n 1 1 i : i la: m i (iii ii'1!'". r .-U t last , - better i ; s;ii k : r, ii' I . i . i , ii . ooi'lie. Wood I'.n-lls. nil i i i i I'nhi 'lo I -1 Mi'. iV alii 1 . I iow s: i 's lli'llipio'l oy i . a :n i i' ' h t iii.c'ii it es. enriiii: V::", I iei-M Vila i-s i i-mn f-l ' ' - . i ,11.! Vf.l.-. I ,. Mo -.-I-.., I '. i !-.- .'. , o o 6 V ,1 I ( ' ( J C ') - 4- V t ; . 1 ' ' .! .- I J . ,P'. SMTPTS i Wen's anc! hoys' working shirts, 25c, 3c. and 50c. iWen'r and boy's fine shirts, in perc.il. , with loose colitis and cull's aU.u.Mi i i ., !l . I. i Is ;'! I! o ,ip.. ! 75c. 1 , .l.id !'' W IjUM.Oll- A i ' r-iiliViisl'i;' ' . call i'11'l se I- : I IT. Hi I oxooxoooooo ccooooooooc: l-iciitis. How we should raife nsttlio "yellow devils!" Hut M'cvcn man 1,1 in L mo crime i i.st civili.afion, the rejiroach , .is lii-ouuht iqiou the inter- j imlW ers, the barrier that j .aisiiil ii.miiust the amicable iiinu' ut I'hina to free iuter rse with the rest.)!' tlm world. tiulurcJ Death's Agonies. 'iily a ri Hiring lire enabled .1. iri-i'ltson, of San Antonio, ins, to lie down when attacked Asthma, from which he suf il fur years, lie writes his "i.v was often so ffreat that it. !'1 lie endured the aifouies I'lithihut Dr. Kind's New Dis fy fur Cousuinition wholly "illiiui. This marvelous mod- is the only knowu cure for liininis well us Consum)tion, -lis mid Colds.aud all Throat, iiial Tanifj; troubles. I 'rice uiilsl.no, (Juaranteed. Trial free iit r. S. Dit J.' Si inc. (SOU'S A Voiiny Alan's lriit;ilily. The following dispiitcli ajrpcar ed in the evening papers of Mon day. KKAiiiM;,l'a.Si;i.t.:i John Mo Kim ley. a younju man of Lebanon county, was arrested charged with iiu extraordinary offence. Melviuuey had ijeen reading a story of college life, in which athletic sports played a prom iient jiart. Ih was greatly iuqiressed with a description in the story of a tiiif of Wiir lietweeu thi! freshmen am! soiihoiuores. In passing a tield in which there was a num ber or cattle Krazinjf, MoKinnoy was st ruck with the idea that a tiitf of war between two cows would, to say tho least, be a novel test of strt nifth. Ho went into the held and succeeded in tyin together the tails of two of the cattle. Then McKiuney urj-'ed the cows to iiull in opposite directions, and they tilled so well and hard that the tail of one of the cows was eoiiniletei V tol'll from its socket ami the tail of Hie other almost severed flolll its body. Reference has been made in ,these columns to the brutality of mobs in New Orleans, New York City. Akron, Ohio, and near Can ton, in this State. Hut the sav iitfe nature of the Lebanoncouuiy you n man is hard indeed to c.oin-i.i-eheuu. It is fortunate, that i i " " ; bis lil;e dors not, prevail in every " Itravcry of Woman ; com m unity. J,lsKiH(lually shown by Mis. I Lebanon county is the homo of I'liU Iiiiii- nl' Unll,.i Pii in ni I I P s; t.'ohin l.lelit.en v.vi'iiis' struh' with a ma-j lu,t Ciovernor of IVnnsylvuuia, 1,1:11 xt'iinach troulih; that!m,l c(mimander of tho Third 'hKiiessinf attacks of 1 Brigade National C uard. Oul't ''iidiiHlijfestiou. Ml rem j ,,t, ,js righteous soul to rise up "H I.uIimI to relieve her tint il j j1L imii.f nation sit the conduct of " ll'il'l Klectric Hitters. After i tlti.syoun.u man, and should he it two months, she wrote: j uot insist that condifu punish ""' "" Whtillv cured and can ! m,.ui, lie meted out, to him? 1:1,!'uYu1.f, s truly a .'rand ; "'lifilia ,,i.i,. ,.o .. i: "Freddy," siiid a inother toher ' ii noiu n .ti;.;ih ii i i precocious 1-year-old son, "the doctor says it was that little bit of candy you ate last uiffht that made you s'ic.k." "Well," answer ed Freddy, "it nin I my fault. I asked you to trive me a whole i lot." bin day enters into the 'sitiuu of many articles of ' I'ltmlise. White paper eon s from lo to In per cent, of it, l,',:trtheii ware .'Ji to 7( jier '-- iiutl white china from -Jo to ''Ut. It also enters into Wiiiinsii,ioii of many soaps, ,!' i'li'l w;ill paper, and is used ''ttir ri'liiiiii''' and in relininj;' ' In- erection of a larjre plant " ,s''"tlaiid in the near future "'"""in plated. whole system as 1 ;""'lii Aci-lit and feel much !('"W'r Kiuco us'iuk; it." It aids ,''st,""i cures dyspepsia, ini ''"'s imni.iw,i ini.u .. nr.. J Wlc, ""xdi-u- str 'luariinteed, at W. S. CCl'KCII D1KI C.IOItV. I'llKSIlVI-KlUAN Itl'V. W. A. Wl-t. I) I) .. I'a .lor. Slllllllltll srlini'l. I'l-i'iiiiliiiiH' srrvin -i'ii-li :i 1 1 in it t Siiiiiluy inuriiiiiiT i.-uiiiiliny: li en: A i. 1-Jlli, ul 10:.'ia. inul i-vt-ry Sumliiv even inr ul 7:iia. .Iiuiior Cliristiiiii Kiiili'iivm' ul :;'. ( liristiiin Kiiilcuviir ut ii::io. I'ra.vi-i- ini'i'tinr Wcilni'siliiy I'vi'iiiny :ii, 7-;m. M rut unsT Ki'isei ie. I, Ki-v. II. M. Ash, l'ustor. Sunday wheel l t':' "' I i-L-jti;li iiifj i vi ry oilu-r Smul :i. iiiui-ii-iui;, i-oiilitiiiH from August 1-th. in l(l::i() inul I'vi-ry Sumlny I'viMiinu' ul 7 ::!(). l'.iworth I.i-iiiii- ut ti:.'lu p. m. I'rayi-r mci-tiim Tlim-Mlay v-n i i i-r ;il7::t(). Pnitkii I'hksiiytkhian Itcv. .1. L. (irovi-, l'ustor' Siiniliiy si-lionl ut ii:i!a u. in. IVmuililnjf i'vi-ry Siimliiy liiniuin at II) ::t(l, inul ovi-ry olhi'i- Suiuluy cvi'ii im; i-DiintiiiH: fmni August la, ut, 'I'lii' iilUTiiuK- S.-ililmlh fvi'iiiiius an usimI by tin- Younj; I 'i-i'-'!n is liiiu I.'nioii ul "Mo i. in. rruyi-r ini'i-tinir W'imIih'siI uy cvi'iihitf ut7:.'!ll. l'. ANUKI.ICAI. I.CIIIKICAN l'lll'il VII- iiiit. j Suiuhiy srluiiil !M"i ii. in. l lirisliun Kiuliuivnr ut 'iiiiii ji.'iii. i Wi'iliifsiluy i-vi'ii'uiK I'i-ii.v't mi'i'tinji at. 7::iu. ! llia-ouMi'.o -Ki-v. i'. M. Smiili. I':is- j lor. I Suiuluy si-hiiel ul !i;."i" u. hi. rhi-isliiiii I'mli-iiviir at it::in i. hi. Wi'diu'siliiy I'vi'iiiia; ini.v"r -liny at 7::ii. .Joseph H. Noble, lather of the first polygamous child ever horn in Moriuoiiism. was buried ;i few days uifo. Mr. Noble had six wives. Thirty of his forty -so vou , children, eighty-four of his 11' I , ii-anihdiildreii, aild a number of his fireat grandchildren altended ; his funeral. All but three of his : living children were there. In lie was a Massachusetts shoemaker, and heard that a new l preacher had come to town with a new faith. The preacher was ri ijfhain Vouii-. Mr, Noble he- ; lieved him, and moved to Nauvoo, 111., whero he became prominent,. : I 'iily'iimist wassncrt'tly introduc- i into the colony, and he took to! himself a second wife. She was the mother of a child named Os car Noble, lie is now the head of a numerous progeny at Houn tiful, whore his father was bur lex 1, Christian Advocate. I !i !i.m Scim.ils Kci'i en. Tile si I' Hols' I if 'linn schools : ojieli.'i! iii- 1 V. i-iv ,.f!.',- I. ivin;' been i ii isi 'i i liiirin.' July ;Mi'! Aut: list w ith l.lf'i' children on tli -rolls iiiul over b'o others await injf their turn to be iidmitted. The number of applicants for ad mission is steadily decreasing, : so that the coiiuiiissioii will be in position in a few years to 'abandon all tiie schools except the induslral institution at Scot land. The commission expects to apply to the next legislature for ! a sj,eci;il appropriation to be Us j ed in the erection ol addition;,! ' bflildine-s at Scotland. There are :r jmpils in that in stitution, iJlT) at Chester Sjirinns, L'iil at Harford, and ;nri at l.'iiion towii. About a score of these are children of soldier sol tin Spaui sh Aiiierican war, and have only re cently been admitted The only iinportant, cIkui'c ill the faculty of the .-;cl;oi;!s :s tiie transfer of I 'rofesst r Thii niiiurst from Scot lam! t'.Chi .stoi J'prines. (leoi-j'e W. .Si.-iiiiicr. takes I he jihice ! Thiiiiliurst, and is in chariie o1' the school now. - " -A i A nice article loose c.-ll ii and cull's reduced fioni 5'V. to 30c. ', V tM 1 ' 'I , Bovs 2-Piece Suits, ; ,n' ii :.u!iir.icr colors. ri iiivio uLlilo 1. v Vi ml gilt w lih slioit pants: also sonic with lone, pants. MEN'S HOT-WEATHER COATS. Both in lit colors, and Biil liantine Skeleton Coat, with Patch pockets. Also a lot of new Linen Dusters. Just In. A lai'e lot ol Men's and Boys' Summer Pants reg ular price 75 cents; our price," 50 cents. i.aiesi Waists. Silk Ginghams and Zephyrs for Ladies' Shirt' Just the thine; for Summer Wear. i. K. JOHNSTON THE FULTON COUNTY Jfi NEWS T Covers tlic Field. In every part of the County Faithful re porters aie located that gather the daily happenings. Then there is the State and National, News, War News, a Department for the Farmer and Akchan ic, Latest Fashions for the Ladies. The latest New York, Bal timore, Philadelphia Markets. The Sun day School Lesson, Helps for Christian Hndeavorcrs, and a Good Sermon lor ev erybody. THE JOB DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE. SALE BILLS, POSTERS, DODGERS, HILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, CARDS, &c, In fact anything and everything in the best style alone; that line. Sample copies of the N'LVVS sent to any ol vour friends on X request, C - i 1 1 X 'UMI'.ICi TIMb l.t'UVO LAND VALLEY TAItLK. Nov. It), !!. t. "t'liti 1 ji'et some fresh efxtrs at your house lo-dayi'" asKi-d nei.v lil'i a- ol small 1 lurry. -.v': ma 'a in, " i'eilied the lit l ii fellow. -'All onr hens have lio.H drv." . i. ii ii i mm iij 15iJ!T VU JA1hJ,J, 3 An American Blsensc. :? Dp.S. Wrir Mjtcheit. is nu- tlu riiy for tlicbtiiUirnent that nerv ,! riMsrii--. is lie crtarai irriMit jm.ii- tu aily f the American r..Uion, and - gt.UIStlCS Flinw mill Illirvi: iiciiuib j,,., number fine-fourth ct all tli.-ii.ths y. rccordi'il.thomi'rt.ility beme main- K H ly ainutij; yomif j-iein-le. Wlnrli'-sii-r. . Marl n-i irif lluiri rf.u.wii .... 1 1 n't-in'ii-itl!' . . MiTi'i'i-slmrtr I 'liumluMshiirk'. W ll.vlH-sl.iiin... . Sliliirnstnirn... Ni-wvllle I .irllslc Mi'i'liiiNirshurtf,. Ii.llsliiuv i-r. llun islmri;. An-. I'hlla A rr. Ni-w 'ork. Ait. Ilultiinore.. ihi. S, no 4jnci. 6 uii.h mi. Hi .M A.MitA.M 'I'.Hl'I'.H ... . 7 :'! f ii'iii :if ' .. u I', 0 I',,;.' .-i in in .i.i i ot iV.vi I-; I to i;, .... H lli'lll III II W'l.J 1 :i" ii T.Vi I to, i'ii.''n"i 7 "0 ... I'J In I IHI 7 fi in nr. i h u'i ii -j;. H iman i i : i :ikii ji h vtt ; M -hi i ins mil i im k i-ii n; ij -7 ii niia :n 7 K: ... Mil ft im tt i1-, 1 1 :: s in ii :r la . I M" II ui ft 47 III -Jii 4 !! i:i ft M H iw ft:i 1 mi lift.'. :l II IM II 4: II 1.T1 A. M. I. M. I'. M. I'. M. A. M . AilillUonal milns will h-iue Ciii-llsli- fm llm rKluirw 1I11IU . -.i'i'ii Siimliiv. 111 Mmn. m..7.(i., 11 111.. l-.'i, p. m., :1.1m p. in., ii.;i p. in., 11ml fiiMi, V-'h;i nu-sUiii y u 1. ll. II 11. in. , 1 .Itil u. in.. K.iau in . I IT i. in., a.;m . in., mill S..M p. 111..1V.V .. 111.. II .ITi p. Ill . Il.hl p. in., slnpliliiu ul Suvuud Ktll-l-t. ltiirrisliiiri.', in Irl 1, it pitKst.iii.'i-i-H. I'ruliis Nu. -,' anil lo run iliulv lu-twi'i-ii lliirriK 1'iiiK anil IIukim-Miik 11. ami 1111 Sumlay will Htup III liiii-riiii-illiiiu Matloi,. I 'ally. I Hilly cxuimU Suiuluy. La'iivu llaltlniiire. New York Plillit llaiTlHtiurw Iiillsluirf. Mi'i'lianliTNluil'if. Curllr.li- Niiwvllli' StiliHMiliurr. . WayniiNlHiro ( -liainliiM-sliiirK. Mi-l i'i-Nltiii i' . . . l.ri-1'lH'll.-.lli- I iiiiri-rsliiw 11 . . Niarlllisliiii'i.' A r. W Iiii-Ih'sUt to. 1 no. Itino. ft, no. 7,nu. Hi . M !!. M 4 H.' I N 4 III. H 411 1 --H 4 ai :i ni 7 .hi 4 Ul H III tl'. M'A. II ftiij 4 f 7 4il II! I 11 ai ft im 'ftlH ft in 11 mil II 17 II X h m ill 7 ui 10 7 IMll d '..'I II 0 ma-.! M . 1 1. H ftOj h'fti' II IN l-i 4n I',' Hi' 1 a M 1 10 2 ir.' 1 :. I NV ! 17 1'. u 4 :r; 4 M in ft ift: ti 11 ft U' H Sft 9 i; II 0"i 1) ! II I.S, 7 :m! .... I". M.T. M l''r UAIIPMPCC . t" i 11 r I r 1 'V, 1 ii i Aililllldiial Im-iil iialiiH will li-uvi- lliiiTlNlan-r ilailv. i'i'i'ii siiniliiv lor 0.111 lisli. inn) Im,. nu, .,, all- slut, mis 111 it, :c, u. in., :.'. no p. in., fs.tr p. in ii :.' p 111. anil 1 1:111 p. in. also fur Mi-'-lnniU.-Iinru. I HUsliui'tf anil liiU'l'liii'iliiilii Miilluns a' 7 1 1 11. in. unit :i.- p. 111. Nils. 1 ami 11 run dully lii-lwi'nn llurrlxliui : inul lla't-rsliiwu. Ilailv. Puily exi'i-pt Sunilay. i On Sundays will li-ai ,j I'lilluili-lplilu ut 4.11 I in I'lillman palai'i' sliM-nini; eur Iiciwim-ii Ni- Vinl, inul Ivnukvillu, 1'i-iiu., on l,ra,ns I wuki anil III i-nst. Tlnoiii-'li i-ii u-lu-s to inul (rum Hilluiti.-lplii:. oil Hal us a inul 4 i-iiKi ami 7 und 0 rl, SO L'T 1 1 1: K N I ' ION N ' A It. H. 'I' it A I N S ." 017 I'. M I'as. iMIx I tiollll llo'll ' ' A m v 1 , p. Arr. m im, 11 as 1 't iH'txliurK.. I'll. iMtx 1 1'u,. . iioiuiioiml 111 tA M! l M l', m. ii Sarsapariila y QUART HOTTLU. S,i In is :he Rraml Bpecific fur tliis great J',,'' Ainerir.an Uistase, Decani f it ki'i-s fi 6lr:im'ut to the (uurce ( f the wrak 11 ess, huililin up te.ihh and U 6irtiii;ui uy supiiiyinK rien, uuunu ant food and nil re tilond to the worn-out tisiiui s, rousing the liver to rti.nviiy iiiiii iuiAiiii vi, i. orpatis of the lioclv. " Ihe UrhlKli Ilro Co.," Putr.ill, Mirh. Uvtrttui Ui uuoui Unit liver pill, tjc, !l you are .n'oin to buy a Buggy or Wagon this sumniiT, bo sure it is ;i Blue Ribbon. Stylo aiul price st t M them. ;mk1 quality keep them oinjj. The follow w'm w.!si -,'s l'.is energies living to dra; a hili puced wa;:in. In.uleJ clown with Iiiiii priced reputaiion, will have to Like your dust when you pass him with a Bluo FiJbbori. Yw- mil only talk vond woik, but sell GOOD WORK, Quality, tii.st considered: style, novelty, and price guaranteed. For further information, call on or address i:. N. AKJ-KS, Sipcs Mill, la Agent For Fulton Count. a --M 10 im, 11 li'.ci licrvliiirif . tt l'ii'! :mi 4 .1 hi III I'.': 7 Ii" . Marlon II ill-IS III 4 O, ll ll:l" 47, H l'i Mt-n-i-rsliurK.. K '. t loj H :n II ill 1 1 I IIS, U Hi .... . I.ouiloll K OH III III 1, II as, I I I., U Jill... laolinuiliil.... H IH II (i,l),l I'. M.IA. M.'A. M I U. M.l'. M.ll'. U. CiHiliv'i-lloti for nil sliilloni, 011 Cuinliorluuil Villli-y liiillroail anil I'i'iius.v Iv.llna lullroinl K.VKll'lll. II. A. ltiniii.ic, J. 1.'. Horn, licn'l I'usn. A unlit. supl. COCNTY OFl'lCKUS. rivslili-nt .hnl!.-!-- lion. S. Med. Swopi). A.si'lutv Juilk'i'H- l.i-niui-l Kirk, I'eler Mor ion. I'liitholiolaiy. &!!, Kruult'l'. I.vni'li. Ii'stiini Attorm-y- OfiiiKD II. limiti-lM. 'I'n-astiriT - Tlit-o Sllii's. Sin-nil Oaiiii-I Slu-i-lh. I -1 1 1 1 V Sht-rltr -.liuiiL-s ltllliii-1, Jury I'ouitnissionrm-liavlil Hulls, Killiiuul Ii. Ilili-Kriisinil'i, A ulilois J1.I111 s, llurris, I), 11. Myem, A.J. I.iiiiilii-rsou, Coiniiils-loiii-i-H- II. K Mulot A. V. Kollv .lolin I'lslivr Cii-rli Kiitnk Muson nl lill olii'l - -Ciiiinl y Survi-yor- .luiias l.ulm, Co, inly Siipi-riiiti-nili-ul I'li-in Chrsnul. Aiioiiies w. St-oit. AU-xunili-r. ,1, Nolson Slu s, 'I'lxiiiiuK K. .Sloan, '. Mi-N. Joliimloii. M. It Sli.inaor, Utio. II. DunliilK. John 1' Slut-ii. ADVI.RT1SE IN The Fulton County News.