The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, August 09, 1900, Image 7

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.. . tim,1 nf HHItlnn Ttml Hi.
. . 1 nr
., ,,,,1,-Only Tlwf WIiIpIi 'iiiii
", How" From llmvi-n ran Kr
"'fflf H'"-V.
ro'inllI num. I
,s,;T'. ! ' ' - l''i'"i Nimviiy.
i, T.ili"'"'' ls "nv xl'yiii(t. lie
".I,. ill.miiiK ilifiii'w, in uliicli he
' ,1 tin1 worlil inn iii-vrr lie lii'iir
'k ' r,.,i(iiiii if lninnin lwiiiiifnctiiip,
' .' I,- yii'iil lo out' xiiirmiti(liiiM
i.,.'-,. ,i ivliitinii 1ft 'low ii from
,'i .m" vii. f: " nl thr l.i nl
't .,Vrr. y lli't Hl'l-Ht lIllMI? Allll
'i .,1M;; 'l 'ill'.'
' ,i i iimfiirv nf tin' world lias foi
"J i ii - Vnlk nlioiit minif of I lie
'".I inli'" ''"tlifilriilB. li
,',' M. s,' ''"'"i "Innil .'it
r nicy r' Imililrii. villi'- ol
' !., .'ti( -II hvh mil Ix'iirlniK n
'it ;iii nidi tfiiK vn or tlmt. Sf
lmiiii'il i'rc tlic iiinmnn win:
,i ..., trull ill"' tl'y fief
"V,tlOII i I'illll'"' "tVoc" 'I1I1B-1I1H
Vl I''" "' "lr !" 'tit fill
J'i.Minif. iiii.l it i-li'.ir riiitfiiiu on
l.lli'K ll'l illllll'tl .IIT-w till
;,,: ihrt" i mint lin" ,ln.lrtiii'iil ol
,' inn iirl.niii- t'ic InmH
,lV n'?.t :wiuinw it l!rir';lnyi'i'
'N,t,1M;1,.im i.tii! i' ii'iir'itrr" in "In
i mil :w mi iiistrimn'iit iiiimU
,'.r, ,ii tin' "f "Incli n lump ol
j i t i in ! Tlicy droii it n-r he
. Wj, nil. I. as the plummet nut
k ili ' wilt re of snivit y in tlip
,i, nnil.nun disi'iivi'i'x wlir-rr t lie
M.,a i'l wlii'fi' it IiuIki'M out niul
. tin' pi'l-pi'lulirllllir. Our ti'Xt
,111. liml ii Mtaniliim on tin- wnl!
.!,,-. winch the l-unr-liles hni!
in way ti'stinu it. "And unto mi'. Ainu, what scent
I mhI, A iliinili line."
null. I vvnnlH is Ntraiidit tif
H rrluHMI. MlK'll of till! NO'ClllIci'
,,i iln liny liciiili tlii" way and thai
i ilie t niii'i. It i- oliliipic, with g
.1tP nt M'titimcnl find moriilK. Wi
i tvcii Iniililiii a "'all of character
i, l.:nn'''i" niiiicrfect and needs re
nlnni. II. "V diall it lie liroimhl intc
..... ii!.ii''' HiHy ly the divine meai
v.. "Ami ' I"' I-"id "aid unto ine
rial -wl llion? And I miiil. A
inc. '
! oli' tcndi'iH) oi the tiniCH is t(
j, hy tlic standard of u hat ot li
iw tlinev over the wall of out
ur tin' tanaled 1 titti 1 line of otliei
,a.l rcji.t the inlullilile test wliii'h
Ilie iiueslion tor me shoulo
ulini yi'ii think is rinht, hut what
,:!K w niilit. 'J'his perpetual refer
i (he bi'liavior ol otiiet'H, as thouili
!ni niiyliiin Inn liiiinnii falliliihty.
Makr as wide i' the worlil. Thcrt
iliiinti Inn's in use, lint only out
dinli'xai't. .i'id that is the line ol
imial riulit. There is a nuj;lilv at
!fini: inailc to reconstruct and li
ri-iit'ni.iiiiiiiidiiicnts. To many the
"mi ninl. The tower of Pisa leani
Mil thirteen feci li'oin the perpen'
an'! ..oile jio thousands of inilet
Is ifi.n'cfnl inclination and to learn
vexira hraces and various nri'liitee
intrivani'i's. it is kept leaning from
to ci'iitiiry. W hy not have the ten
block "I Ninai set u little aslant':
at liavc the iillar of truth a lean
if' Why is not an ellipse as (food
.jm' W ay is not an olilnpic as
u stravlit up ami ilowii.' .lv
.. n'ciiiist have a standard. .Shall
ul's or man's'
'.ivincpliiiiih line needs to lie thrown
.1 miTi liandise. ThnusandH of years
kion clisioveivd the tendency ol
lo (li'iiTiiate goods, lie saw a
latniK iluwii an article lower and
iml Mviiijt it was not worth the
.Mil. ami when he had purchased
Ni"-t point he (old everyliody
i.ini'li liai jj.iiii he had struck, anil
-lu.l iiiiiwittcd the merchant. "It
Ji. wan i in- Oliver, nut when he i
?. then he hoasteth ( I'rov
i. ni. .iiiiciy is so utterly askew
mutter tliut you seldom find a sell
v; ihe price that he expects to lict
."lin liichcr value than he expect
vt. know intt that lie will have t"
Anil wlicii he wants lifty he hhvi-
Me. anil is lie wants 201KI he aski
It n naiifht," Ninth the liuver
!:k i defective, the style of trood.'
lean net elsewhere a lietler at
i mnallcr price. It is out of fash
-.liniaiii'il. it will fade, it will not
it. Alter awhile the merchant
Tinn-ua-inn or from desire to dis
't particular stock of iioiids. savs
Mr it at your own price," and tht
pies In iiuc w ith hlit step nnii
' W private ollice his conli.lenti.i
iml tliiieklcs while he tells Iioh
pnee lii- -m the (,'oods. In othel
tiled and was proud ot it.
't "ulil make tunc is so pind line
''IK ol II liwhlloml so i.isv iim li..
ii ailiiptiiiu f the law of riulit
'iliikes thi'oinrh all lmrxuiu mak
'OivlniM'll kiioiv not wlielhiM- ihi.i
'itl the iiiiiney. I'uroliasers know
fier tin- n.iods shiiiped will lie ae
' the .iinpe. And what, with
minilii r n clerks who are mak
mines ami then aliscoitdint; am'
'ii ut linns that fail for mill
Wars. Inmost men are at theii
to make a livinn. He wlic
'Painnl a t,u pressure and doef
' "ij'iupl.sliiiiK hoinethinu toward
iili-luin-ii t ot a liih t-oinnierciu.
"Van- to ,,, wroiiK i stroin;ei
! 't that, in our duv the lur
- Houses are swallowinif up th
He whales dining on lihietisli urn:
the In rnu houses undersell tin
lieiausc they huy in tireatei
?'! at lower Inures from tht
liny can all'.ird to make noth
itua ly luse on some styles ol
eil they can make it up on oth
S'l'.it dry Koods house troes out
"wlar Hue and sells Looks at
tuaii cost, and that nwampi
"''i. or the dry iioods house
"a' al lowest liuin-fH, and tlmt
Mimll dealer in hrie-u-lirac
Mine 1 1 1 1 1 K ,,es on ill other
"'"iliaiiiliHe. and the eoliseipienct
Ine business streets of til!
there are inerchunts of smal1
oiiri. , ,ri.ilic. Htl.U(,i0 to ),lH,,
-iil,ve h,,,,.,.. Xu, ol.ean llwn
I,'"1' NcHtoundland fishiiif
,,"H i" iiothinu UKainst the mac
, ', .11 "lore, tor every man hai
, 'h" a'td as great u liusiness at
'y. .
mid do riulit under all tliii
I"1H'H martyr urace, reipiirei
J'1' '. ii'iiiires celestial re en
,j "l there are tens of thou
.,.'u,li men gettinp splendilj
iiey see others Koinir up ant
"mil dnwn, hut tlicy keer
" nid com,iK-c und theii- Chris
ill, '' ulk'f uwhile theii
i in iliere is (jenerally' re
wine lurni for Kree.liness. Till
:!'ll blK niisiness will die, aiu!
j, . 1 H't piissession of the liusi
., a eiKar in their mouths unc
"r '11111 U-.l 1. .1... I .1 11 I
in,., - -"li me iiesi minor nne
r 01 Kpuukinu bava tliev veil'
. i 1 "" ,tl,e Hirnpike road tc
I I'l'id'tio". Then tin
till I,. X "P. the smallei
loin,.,. "iporiuniiy,i or me
.., "m;ht '"" riK1,t '"'k wi
Hi. . '" Ine lame linn, as n
"ill kiiv'.'".' il- ',l,,,'!1 limine, and
m I,. i " e li'ive enough iiiunev
.W i 1,10 neeits of our
av i i1"1 'l'K,"dve business
-,i other men in the same
''lit. i i'K startled at a soli
a ,i "I'inmity it will become
''now of scores ol
H'Mises tlmt have had tneir
ncciimulalioii end who
iir'h,i- l"','"ii fur "Il Hie davs
'W "" lniHKl of small
'we ' under the overshndow-
yt , " tliiiijs as tiiey are, you
''".(il.''"',''1' eiiuililiruim
, " ' '""I your faith and throw
t '"'lei-s and shelves and casks
'"I' u','," "'' ,livi" ,-iK1'-- "An'1
'Hl ' iiiii'. Amos, what seest
.,',. A I'li'inb line."
t. .ni " v M need to rectify our
", tliei,. "", lM ''elilfiniw are put
'iH'h.11 '"'-''''ifioii. Some haven
tu """!' K'"1 t,,l;ii- l'llil'f wolk
"''ii'imv" "t,",'', " leliKion of
iiswu' ,"r"lio"iiiK to put nn end
Uy,ft jieiyjttyle of ujft-
treat houses will continue.
t on. nun tneir t n iruMi, -,! , .. , ..f liuio'i
that looks i. tie., tli" of men and
lets the ni look after itself, and there is
n IcRislative icliiz Hi that propose to rec
tify all v s I y enactm.-nt f .(icr
,,., ,,.,,. i aostiiciic reliifiim
nun ny lines or eiiii.l.. taste would lift
ine iienii oiii in it. ili.tornut ., ,
irioiis in an s,,ris. i-eiitfioiis In the tieck. it
Paioiis liy the nonrr foot and lclmons l,e
l ie inn. mi ot ll,..m .Icvicrs of the dev
Timi wouiii lake the heart awnv from the
oni reunion ihat will cvev cltccl imvtliiiiu
.... .in- i man iik-i , nn,i tmi ,
i.ii'in lin ii'i. .Ion., rcli-ion written
ine oooii wtin li licions with I Jem sis m
, V wnii Kevointion. the ri-lctimi n th,
fkies. the n, ri.i,ti, tl. (;, ,vr (,
inill. the eveilnstonr .l;,,;.,,, I.
"Love tli'd above all and your iicnrhlini-'n i
Vourseli. All reliiions but one beKiu at
,..' . .jinim I'lin ami in uie wr.iiiK pLu
mine renjion iieuiamls that we lirst
Itet riht with )io,. i ,,.,,i, ,, ,
and men suits down, whin- the ,,i,,.
Kii'ii" neuin a: i lie liottnm anil tiv t'
niensure up.
I want ynit to notiie this tact, tha
'jnen n man (rives i, i1P S,aii;hl up and
I, -nun,. I, l, f. in , ,, ,.
inniricn icli"ion it is (.. ..crallv lo suit his
suis. i on ' i rs i iii'iii- ol his i hutiu-c of reh
nioii. niul ihi-n von hear of some ..wimlh
he has praeticrd i" a special niiniii stock
leiniiK some one it I,.. il i,, so.iiil,i
n- can ial,e out KPM.IUl.1. or tic has sa.-ri
liced his iiPi ifi'ity or i. hni . c.l into iricmcil
nine won. Mincss. Ids sum are s. ,ma,
in- nas in iir.ia.ien ins reii.-nm. ami he he
ciiini s a , bio nl as tcmiilation. as l,r,,a.l a
the soul's dullness. ,lnai as hell Thi
want a rclieinn t h. t will allnw thru, .,
hi-cp nu n- sips ami llici al
them. "Well .l.iiic. ;,,( ,!ilh,
vain, ami tinr icn i ...... j. ,. ,.ii
Ine I I.. I .. . ... . , "
' " "" ll'l' a lnl'lols
ni.l't'll I'll'X II".
lin in ami sec i,
the bahes he
feeder .
hats, thieves, hnii.e Inn
pii kpo. keis and hlicei inns
rics. In v have all -,t , i
t III ones and harps and lees
they chaiii tliev sin... -Th.ini;,
"iim' and ulm v nnd n . u-r t .
religion ihat I. ts i-s a'l ini'. In
out repentant- - and vi'!iuni ia
l'lmi i I mt i hi; ii..'ina. i.,' -;.--,;
II . . .
.iy i.'i kim nn- a
ol saviiiK u. i nl n d
ti'ho arc now Pinniii ? I. i
' l' what use .i a Mi ne
l.tvrf is ii nhimli line
vail tiv the unaided i-Ve and hrll'l
cause I Inv ale insullii-ieut . dei-ause ii
He a ili 1 1 . . 1 1 1 : i n, i . ll
I.I h.'l.ii',
. 'I hen- am II.
mass:.,. ie..
'I liteini and I!. ili,
I he l-'i-em h "ip,,i inn.
v I'
nil". Ic'
' d and all
There are
. the
II the
cut II-and
ii'-i 'i n il li
Ih in tho-e eld
.11 II
'l III',.
ppnr'illllil V
miii-'i- nieii
lldt :'. hfei nne.
niasiin ni' a lieiek
W in- mil lieild i he
ilie..: fur.
by .he
-at.-. A
a defect
ic er be
"1 girl-.
tlier on lie eorreeled. Hi
law ol uni inn. a w.i't imtsl
III oriler to he -.V ictiiea! anil
y.iienr mall is in ilanner iii e.cll in;
ill his wall of character that may
Hear it. men and hin'-i. wornc'i
nil I I .1 I . .
' inn is nn i nn sine n fi'i'it ,S n-'iv
seem ni tractive, but it is deathful. and like
the inanehineel. a tree whose dews are
iioisoiioiis. 'I ." only genuine happiness is
in a I hristian li.'e.
There they mi. tun Inntlicrs. The one
was converted a year aun in church nne
.sundny lnoi-Ti i iijj ilurinu praver m- seinion
or hvmn. No one knew il ni Ih" l-i.u.,
The persons on cither side of him sus
pected nut nil. ;, lull in that voumj
man's soul this process went on:",ord,
here I am. a voiinn man amid lin- tenipta
tions ol city life, and I am annul to risk
them alone. Come n nil he inv pardon ami
mv help. Save me from making the mis
take some of my enmrades arc niakimr. and
save me now." And iiuicker than a Hash
(iod nd'ed heaven into hjj soul, lie is
just as jolly as he used to be. is just as
brilliant as he used to be. lie can strike
a ball or catch one as easily as liefnre he
was converted. W ith eun or lishi'in rod in
this summer vacation he is iusl is skillful
as before. The worlil is briuditer to him
than ever, lie appreciates pictures, music,
innocent hilarity, social life, (rood jokes
and has plenty ol fun. (jlonous fun. I 'nil
his brother is coin ' down hill. In t he
inorniiiL' his head ache-: from the chain
pairne debauch. Kver.vbndy sees he is i-i
rapid descent. What caici he lor riulit
or decency or the houo - of his iamily
name? Turned out of einplnyin. in. de
pleted in health, cast down in spirits, the
typhoid fever strikes him in the smallest
room on the foiirih story of a fifth-rule
boanlitii: house, cuisine (:,,, an I calling
for his mother and ti-jluiiii; back demons
from his dyiiiK pillow, which is beswealcd
ami torn to raus. lie iilumrs out ol this
world, with the shriek of a destroyed
!od is now tlirov.ini! that plumb line
oyer this republic, anil it is a solemn time
with this nation, and wheiher we keep
Mis Sabbaths or dishonor them, whclhcr
righteousness or iniipiit y doininate. wlielhcr
we are Christian or infidel, whether we
lullill our mission or refuse, wlielhcr we
are for (Iod or against Him, will decide
whether we shall as a nation pi on in
hiher and higher career or git down in the
same urave where llahylon and .Nineveh
and Thebes are fccpulchf red.
"lint," say yon, "if there bo nothim; but
a plumb line, what can any of us do, for
there is an old proverb w'nich truthfully
declares, 'If the best man's faults were
written on his forehead, it would make
1 1 i til pull his hat over his eyes.' What shall
we do when, aecoidin-. to Isaiah, 'I iod
shall lay iudirineiit to the line and riis'ht
eonsiiess the plummet "
Ah, here is where the gospel comes in
with n Saviour's righteousness lo make up
for our dclicits. And while I see haiiiiu
on the wall a plumb line, I see also han
i ii K there n cross. And wh'ln the one con
flemns us. the other saves us, if unlv we
will hold to it.
And here and now you may be pet free
with a more ulorious liherty than Hamp
den or Sidney or Kosciusko ever I. night
for. Not out yonder or down there or u
here, but just where you lire you may get
The invalid proprietress of a wealthy
estate in Scotland visited the continent of
Kiirope to (jet rid of her maladies, and
she went to Kadeu-lladeii. and tried those
waters, nnd went to Carlsbad and tried
those waters, nnd went to Ilomhure and
tried those waters, and instead of ni-tUni;
better, she cot worse, and in despair she
said to a physician, "What shall I do'r"
His reply was: ".Medicine can do nutlilne,
lor you. You have onlv one chance, and
that is the waters of I'it Keathly, Scot
land." "Is it possible?" she replied.
"Why, those waters are on my own es
tate." She returned and drank of the
fountain ut her own uate, and in two
months completely recovered. Oh, sick
mid diseased and siiininir and dyinix. why
tf) truduintf all the world over and seek
inir hei i and there relief for your iliHcmn-
ned spirit when close by and at your very
feet and at the clour ot your heart, aye,
our own eon,-
nut waters ot eterna
life may be had and had this very hour.
this very minute? Illessed be (Iod that
over aiainst. the lilunili line that Amos
xa'w is the cross, thiouuli the cuiaiiripHtiiiic
power ol which you und 1 may live und
live torevei !
and in
within the very estate of yoi
M-iousness, the lieuiiuj( water
Subject! Tlin FnrprlYln-, fplrlt. Matt
xvlll., .l'l.-(),t,n Text i .Unit. vl.
IJ-llleiiiorT, al, '4 J( ominell-
inry m t, iiKy' !.,.!,,,,.
ni ..-i-i
-i. i 11111 came let cr, reteralwavi
1 ii nisei; very prominent. "And
oinive i,i, ii,. klllMV lt ,V1W ll(
to lorijive, but tin stiot, was. How ni-
ten. Iill seven tinies." I'ctcr uses the
term seven in n strictly literal sense. The
K "' rannis was never to foruive
...... lines, icter increnseH ,,, ne supposeit He ha.i reached the
.nan is l ia t in o I K- a v IMMI..I i..,;,...
...,U . I .i ; - ' s i innil- niul
."'lm ini'ffiveness ol iiituries.
,,. it 'ii' sci'eu times." This would be
wholly inadeiiuate. "Sevenlv i......
Ihat is, there shoul,. he I,,,,,. , volll.
loiKiveness. he precept is unbounded,
. .,'. " I" - never ne wearv ot ioi-biviii
-I. Kinniloui of heaven likened.' Th,
..... limns in v nrisi witii respect to tor-
,, ess ,,. ,, iv illustrated ,,i the para
ble which follows. It shows. I. The char
acter nt man's relation to (iod. 2. ,e lv
iiioaninn. on man's put, ol a disiinet re
liisal to toiyive. "Which would ,,ike n
recl(on,. (!. '., ,,, ia,etal
inmal principle in t;,'s kingdom is riulil
eoiisness . ,.,., Kln , Leaven and
earth will, nue ilay. reckon w ith all i.f II, s
sul.iects. Kvery sin ,., ,eht eontraeteil
with the just, ,e ot Cod. and s our
.Muster will settle are. units with us. What
an awtnl tone it will he when with multi
tudes i.nihimr shall be found but sin and
insoiveii'-v :
-t, "Ten thousand talents." An enor
mous sum. Ihe am. nint cannot ne icik-
oncd dclmitely. It has I n estimated all
the way trmn ten nullum to three hiunlied
nullum dollars. This is an expression in
tended to indicate the iiituiuie debt in
curred. Winch enuld never he dtsrhni -eel
. -). "Had mil to pay." Our debt to (iod
is so m-eat that we are utterly incapable
ol makiiiK Him any satisfaction whatever,
"Cominaiiilcd him to he sold." n i llu
sion lo the Law of Muses. See i'sml
l!-':.'!: Lev. .-;, .in. .f;; sjln.M p j
irors had power to sell insolvent den to is
m several countiiis oi lannnc. as well as
Asm. in am i. nil times. We i1,Uh see by
tins parable what our sins dc-eive. Cap
tives to sin ar- captives to wrath. "And
payment I iade." Tim i
tained would be wholly iiiadcoii.-te to ,,,.
1 the debt, lint as line.. .. i
to be made as possible.
'.'. "Will nav tine all." 'Ihe l..:.i I. .,t.
milted and he conies plcadnii: for nierev.
Ihe means which a sinner should use to ',,.
saved are. 1. )een huniilint inn ..i l,...ii
l-'ervent irayer. :i. Contidcm e in the
mercy ot (iod. 4. . liein i,mi..,s,. t,. .1...
vote Ins soul and body to his Maker.
I'olvave him I n. ,l..l,i " W..
del Urns of our heavenly Kin-, who has en
trusted to us the administration of what
Ills, lllli Which we have tin rl,,,.,, , I
misused, inenrriiiK an unspeakable dent,
whiih we can never discliatu'e, and of
which utter ruin would he the proper se-
iiuence. J Int . it we cast ourselves at His
feet, I.e is ready in infinite compassion
not old..- to release us from punishment,
but to torsive us the debt.
.'H. An lllllllrcil Hence Miinit iil'leen
dollars. "Took him by the throat." Thus
manifesting a most unkind ami base dis
position. The sin is ureatlv iiL-uravi.ted
when wo consider his own debt, and Ihe
mercy shown him. What are mv brother's
sins against ine compared to mv number
less sins nuaiust (Iod? "Pay ine'w'uat thou
invest." He was unw illimi even to foruive
him n siiiL'le dollar, lie must on- in lull
und pay at once. We must l,e very currl'iil
and not show this same disposition in our
treatment of others.
.'II. "l-ell down al his feet." His fellow-
servant humbled himself mid plead for
mercy us he himself had done just before
ill'. "And he would not." Such is iiuiu
mi harsh and hard against those who are
in every way his eiptals. lemirance of his
own condition makes him unloriiivinir ami
rue! to others.
ill. "Were very sorry." An ait of this
mil is so dishonorable to all true Chris
tians, and to the spirit of the irospel. that
throunh the concern they feel for the
prosperity of Ihe cause of Christ, they are
nhliccd to speak airaiust it. i
"Thou wicked servant." I'nmerei
fulness is mrcat wickedness. To the tinnier
cilnl, (iod will have mi merer; thin is mi
eternal purpose of the Lord winch can
dive not men their trespasses, neither will
never be chauecd. desus said, "If ye fin
your rather forgive your trespasses."
Al it 1 1 . (i : J:. "Ileeause they hesomdit me."
(li. V.) When we really beseech Christ
for foririveiicss He will 'answer us mid
irranl our pardon. No one need despair.
We have nothinu fo pay and iiotliinir is
demanded. If we come in humility and
faith and in the spirit of obedience Coil is
always rcadv to hear us. I tut we must tune
our case (Luke IH: 1-H; 1 Thess, 5:17; Matt.
7:7. ) and continue to beset eh the Lord
even w hen sun-nun. led by diseouraeeiuenls.
XI. "Kyen ns I hail pity on thee." The
servant is here shown the iihliunt mil lie is
under to his fcMow-scrvant because of the
mercy that had been shown him. It is
justly expected that those who have re
ceived mercy shall show mercy.
.'14. "Delivered hint to the torineiilors."
The person who does not have a lorivim;
spirit, will he tormented, both in this
world and in the world to come. A ifuilty
ci icicnce, the fear ot the judgment day
unit the tires of Cod's wrath (Hew 'JiMol
will, in turn, act as tormentors. "All that
was due." And inasmuch as the amount
was so ureal that he could never pav it. he
must have been delivered over to the tor
mentors forever. The w icked will be ban
ished eternally from the presence of (Iod.
See Matt. 5:25, 'Jli; 'J5:4ti; ev. 14:11; Matt.
.Matt. 1H:8.
.'to. "So likewise." This verse .-. an ap
plication of the whole parable. The para
ble is not intended to teach us that Cod
reverses His pardons to any, but that lie
denies them to those who are not worthy
of them. Those who have not foruiveii
others their trespasses have never yet truly
repented, and that which is spoken of as
haviiiK been taken away is only what they
seemed to possess. J.uke H:1S. "l'roiii
your hearts.' When we deal with Cod
mere liretensions will not answer. The
one who really forgives the trespasses of
his brother will not be calling them up
iiaiii at every provocation. Heart for
uiveness is full mid complete. "Kvery one
his brother." We will have need to ex
ercise the (trace of patience niul forbcar
niice continually. Let us mucin her that
"to foruiva ia divine."
(iroteaqiio KliitTa Tlmt Were Formerly
t nrrlril In ICuitltinil,
In former times In England walk
ing sticks were commonly carried by
both male nnd female heads of fam
ilies. Queen Elizabeth curried one of
these toward tlio end of her life.
Sticks were then used chiefly as em
blems of authority. The monstrous
sticks shown In the engraving are
drawn from specimens which have
been preserved by dealers In London.
These a century ugo wero common
nnd might have been soon by the thou
sand, borne by tall footmen behind
ladles dressed In old hooped dresses,
the fashion of those days. At that
time, also, there was a taste for vari
ous kinds of monsters, In chinu, wood
and other muterlals. Monkeys and pet
dogs wore made pets of and the sticks
of the footmen were fashioned into
grotesque forms. These sticks were
about site feet high and were Jn part
painted and gilt. Dr. Johnson, Oliver
Qoldsmlth and a host of other literary
lights and celebrities considered a
good stick as necessary as a coat.
A Mclllilil Statesman.
A correspondent from Palermo gives
a curious sketch of the deputy, Slg.
l'allzzolo, whose arrest on the charge
of having procured the murder of
Commondatore Notarbartolo six years
nen bv hired assassins has caused such
I a sensation throughout Italy. He was
known to dispose of the forces of the
Mafln, the Irrepressible secret organi
zation of crime in Sicily, and his houso
was besieged by a clientele of persons
desirous of his influence, lawful or il
licit. Of these he dally heid a levee
in the most literal sense, as he re
ceived In bed, got up and performed
all the operations of the toilet In pub
lic. In the heterogeneous crowd ma
gistrates, Judges, and public functlon
tirles, were intermingled with suspi
cious characters or tlcket-of-leave men
seeking permission to cany arms, civic
oflli'L'.ls desirous of municipal con
tracts, students anxious for a certifi
cate of a scholastic yeur or term they
hud not passed, all the rank and flit
of the army of corruption were ut his
le'tialde or in his ante-room. Collier's
"What a Memory!"
A schoolmaster, who had beotj tell
ing of the doings of Caesar, ended up
with: "And nil this happened over
1.500 years ago." A little boy, hla blue
eyea wide open with wondor, said after
a moment's thought: "Oh, what a
memory you've got,"
lip Vrtfisnn of tti Faintly -. I'pro tlnu
II Tetiileiiey .Not llrn.liinrlrril K
lixnslvo Itlijiiltiii Hiirronn In Urnart.
Una nl the I iieln Inferred, Ktc, I II .
-Mv iiiati'pa is a vet'rati
til the war ot sixty-one'
.iiil papa is? a vet ran
(If the war with Spain begun;
I 'm le I 'l ed II be n vet 'run
When the l-'ilipinos cease;
-ml I 'm lo be a vet 'rim
If the war with the Chinpsp.
- Indianapolis Xotvs
I'lirnolliiir Tendency.
"I I live you lollei-teil nny more of
Hull expensive I'oi'cIkh crockery?"
"No. but I've Kiiiitslictl what 1 Intil
- ( '!iii'it:,'! lii'i iiril.
No! Ilemliitiirters,
'What ilhl her f.-ilher miyV
"Mo wild he emililirt tiliilerstniiil why
t ....
i i nine in nun-mi him property vvim
III his wile's inline." (.'lcvcluinl Plnlu
rxcniili-fi UIkkIiiv.
"I'.ill why tin you seamen iilwnys onll
I'l'lll '.'.he':'"
I ran I exactly tell vr
a I'.l that liiey cost sileli a
ri;: riim out." -.Mooiishlnt
bin lav
ileal for
"Whal I
lil.'':" said
"Oil. I
: 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 -
Silt-cess III Life.
yotir idea nf stli'i-es. In
il;:- iiuiiilsli iv num.
iliimi'i. .-itiswereil Senator
ii .'lei lively. "I kIiiiiiIiI say
ver s-i'i UHiii.''-Washington
l.rttllllf lit Hie Fncts.
lie "How I envy lliai mail who Jti
sim. tin' solo."
She "Why. I lluniv-lii he hail
I'I'lltiolUlll.V pun- voice!"
Ill' "till, ii isn't Ili
it's Ills In I've." t'blea
1 ex
I envy;
.Mi-:. I la ili
i shall iln.
II: i nlileliteil
.Mrs. ('litters
you were wi
l'l ei' I'r. .....
I lllel'l-eil.
is, ni -"I doti'i know whal
ny niisiiaiiii nas neeii so
lately over his meals at
hi "Why. I iliiln'l know
limit it entik." I letroit
:i 1 ii ill I th"
All lixill.ltlillioil.
i noy nave a ileal lo say
'li.'ot lierlioiiil of man.' and
yet wars niul i iituors nf vvnr emit intie.'
I Mnldy- "That's nil i-IkIiI. There til
ways hiis been iniii'i' or less light in;;
III lamilies "-Hallliiioie Ann l iean.
Ills All 'Itolin.l Wiinlinhc.
lloilse "I'vo mil a suit ni' elnllies
for every ilay In Ihe week."
i-nime istisiiiiollstyi "1 never see
yon wear any Inn the one you bavi
on now.
Moilae irhi'erl'u'.lyj--"Thill's flu
uttt. 1 own Tunics'.
Tile lltllerelice.
'When Mrs. Parvenu was
psetl to say she was n uri
bill siliee .she lieeanie ricll
'Iuili'cil! Vi'lial iln they say
"I'liey say idle Is a brilliant
sat iiuiallsl." T'livvu Tuples.
lioor they
al talker,
is ilif
now :
The rirnt I.chkou.
Western 1'iielo itakini; her itpon bis
ktii't'i "We'd. Kiniiiersiiiilii. were tin
folks well when ynil left homo';"
Little Huston (ilrl (sUpplim- (low n
I rum bis kneel "The full; were very
Well. I'lll-ln Silas."
i mis ended ine nrst lesson. ciiiea '.d
'Hie Aiitorilllf iiT Hie Kltelten.
He -"l-tarlitm', iln one iliinn; inor,. (,
please ine. Name I ho ility vvlih-h shall
make me Hit' happiest mint nn earth."
She "I should like to iln il, (ieoiL,e;
bill yon will lutve In wait until 1 see
Margaret. It wouldn't do, ymi know,
to bit upon ii day when if Is her tiftc:
tun. n nf!'.'
T'llele (niei'tiiii; his niece In the street
early in the tiim tiiugi-"Well, my dear
Annie, whence come ynit so early with
a Joyful face':"
-"I rami' from the dent 1st."
-"Hut one doesn't laugh w hen
from n dentist."
-"Yen; but the ilelitisl Wits not
liul'.ie."- ITlegende Itlaet tor.
iter Opinion.
"'iTii' liMiilile with inn' (lyUly.iithiii,"
retiiiirki'il the ponderous man, 'is that
too iiiuch power and discretion are
unexpectedly leulereil in people who
httve not proveil their Illness for sol
emn resintisil)illtles."
"Thill's exactly what 1 say," ex
claimed Miss l'n ren fori. v. "dust to
think of those people In the census
nlllee who ctin litid mil anybody's ngtt
by merely looking nt n ticket !" Wash
ington Slur.
Youthful Dipliiiiotcy.
(with convict ion) "Johnny,
those preserves from the
-"Why, Mil, yon
miyll In;; of this
you took
Johnny I shrewdly )
never siivv ine doing
Mo'.hcr "I'erhaps I didn't see you.
bttl you did It, ami I want you to
tell ine the truth. (After u long pause)
"( Vine! Why don't you answer?"
Johnny "Mil, 'children i-lioulil be
seen niul not heard.' "(.'a l hoi ie Slttnit
aril and Times.
A l'rliicely lteivnr.1.
"liny," said the wealthy "man, Ileum
lug with gratitude, "you have done
jie a great service, find 1 am going
1 1 reward you."
"Oh, tliauk you, air!" gasped the
until boy.
' "Here hi this small ease," lontin
lieil the millionaire. "Is the Urst dol
:ir I ever uiiide. You may look at It.
ilere Is a recent copy of tie C'ltip
i tup Miigiinlne, which contains tr.y tr
tle telling how I liiade It. Iteail It.
a id may heaven bless you!"
Two riillunlliropUK.
This Is the story of Cutli'icrl
('uthbert and (TllTnrd were otlgln
1 1 1 y boys, lint In tline they grow to
.iiiiiihooil, anil then they resolved to
leviite IhemselveH to the welfare of
.he human race.
Ciithberl, iteeoi'dingl.v, sluilled and
ijecanie a sociologist, nnd gave advice
:o the poor.
Clifford, on the other band, studied
mil l ecame a lawyer, nnd sold hi ad
'lee to large corporations, and gave
;ue piMceeds to the poor.
Moral There Is more than oue wcy
tc Nkln a cat. Detroit JotirunL,
TV hy Do I on Scratch
M'licti you ran enro yourself for fifty
rents? All fkin diseases, such ns tetter,
salt rbeuin, ringworm, ee.enin, etc.,
can be ouvely cured by an ointment
culled Tetterine. Any nmnlier of ton
timoninln shown for the asking. Noth
ing else is as good. Unless your drug
gist has it, send ftOc. in stamps to the
manufacturer, J. T. Shuptrino, Sa
raunnh. Oa,. for a liox postpaid.
In How lork'a C'lilnntuivn.
TMtoes of the boxer troubles In Chi
na are being heard In New York's Chi
natown. Of the Chinese who come to
this country only a very umall pro
portion have any intention of making
lt their permanent nblding place. To
them the American Is still a "forelpn
devil" to ho desplard and hated. though
regarded with a salutary fear. Ol
course, any Indication of Ill-feeling to
ward the Americans vould bring down
rwlft and condign punishment, bo the
rcfildcnta of Pell and Doyer streets
conduct themselves with malting mat
ters unpleasant fur their fellows who
nre known to be In sympathy with
American lde.ii.-- New York Sun.
Iln one l eel i he noil Hum? I
Shalie Into your shoes Allen's rnot-l'.nse, n
1 owder for the feet, lt makes tight or New 1
Shoes feel easy. Cures ('urn, Ingronliigl
Nulls. Itching. Mwnheii. lint, ( alh us, Sore ,
mid Swtntliig I'eet. All liruiritlsts anil
Shoe Mtnri'S sell it, 2."c. Sample sent 1''I1K.I).
Aililrcs, Am i.n H. (Inisiiai, I.elioy. N. V.
The Oar ol liussia's sulle consists ot 17:1'
persons, nf whoni n'venty-tliree me general i
au l r-cveiity-slx extra iililes-ile-eanip.
'I lie Itest rrrsi'rlplion for CltltU
.nut fever Is a ti'illle nf lillDVK'S 'I'ASTKI.rsS
I nil I. 'I onic Ii. Ik simply in. u an.l iiiniltu la
u Insieli'its t.n ni. Nn I'lit'ii - nn pav. f'rl.-n 5nc.
Tim ot hummer student-: at the
t'ntversltv of lierlln lias trebled since ls;;l
It K r,.lll , this season.
Mn, Cintt-s Writes In Mrs. I'lnKlinm,
I olluua llrr A if vice ami Is Mailt- Well.
"Dkak Mi:s. I'inkiiam :- I'm- iienrly
two and one-hnlf years I have been in
feeble health. Af ter my hit le child en me
mffntf. ii seemed I eiiuiii nni
r?VpL. tfet mv Mrengtli
Mt !!,f:,,;,: A,hz
viiiiiii ii iii4 ine
j sevever.t pti ins in
' my limliMiiiil top
of head ami am
n 1 1 in is t insensi
ble at times. I
also have a pnin
just to the right of
fj,,st to 11,0 riK'' uf
rAlif.-...vJ f breast bone, lt is
Jr- ''ISl' so M'veri! at times
that I cannot lie on
my right side, l'lease
write ine what you
think of nv; case."
JIus. Ci.muUatkn,
.lohiiH P.O., Miss.,
April 1 sim.
Dkah Miss,
Ihnvetuken Ti.vdiu I;. l'iiildiainV Vege
table t'oinpoiind as ml vised and now
send you a letter for publication. For
several years I was in sueli wretched
liealtli that life was almost a burden.
1 could hardly walk ticross the floor,
was mi feeble. Several of our best,
physicians lit tended ine, lint, failed to
help. 1 concluded to write to you for
advice. In a few days I received such
il kind, motherly letter. 1 followed your
instructions nnd um my 'old self
again. Whs greatly benetitcil before I
hud used one bottle. May (Iod bless
you for w hat you nre doing for suffer
ing I women." M us. Cl.AHA (iAlKa,
Johns P.O., Miss. Oct. !, Hint.
II M ' I 111.
W'r pfTrr One Hump-ril Pntlnr ftcTsn1 for
nny rase nf rnttnli tliat eiuinnt tiseur-il by
Hull's Catarrh r 'ure.
K.,1. ( iirxr.v A- Co.. Pri ps.. Tote.ln, n.
. the uniterslirneil. have known l- .J. Clio,
ney for tlte lust l i yens, niul heifeve hftn per
leetly liimeriitile Iii nil luisltios tinnsnetiniH
oml llmin. Inllv ahle to curry out nitf (ihligH
tmn nimle liy tlu-ir (Inn.
S KMT Tiir ax, Wlii.k.BleDnigKlfU.Toli'iltv,
Wai.iiino KIX-.A!. MAUVin, Wliolesnle I
)rill!Klts, 'I nle.ln. tlhln. ,
iinllCatrrh ( tiri. Is l iken Intcrnnllv, art- i
liu ilireetly upiin tin. lil. s: i iniienu's snr
taee of the system. Pile,.. ,.r i,tUr.
ti'!1.'1 T f." P.r""'-''. Tcstlmniiinls fniB. 1
Hull i mnilv l'ill '". ,,..t
An 1 1 n If mi elee rlelnii tins Inventeil ail
eleetrle oiirtrldge, which he offers ns a siils.
stltiitn for dyuninlte nnd smokeless pi.wiler
In mines, ruck hlnstlug nml for henvy
Kni'h pneknge of I'rr.iAM Iimliu Iifr.
colors niore goods than nny other ilyn an.l
colors them hettor loo. Hold ly nil
Pr. I'riink, of Iti-rlln, hns dlseovered n
new fungus which tlcstrois the roots ol
wheat: he nniuril It "Killer of tlio Wheat
To Cure n 'nlil In line Ilnr.
Tnkn I.axitivk Itiinno iji iMXK Taiii kth. Al!
i'1", '"'"'i'1 "'" ni nn-)- It It falls to corn.
t W . tlllOVK S slirailllire Is ell i Hell IjuI. '.'V.
I'nrls has n population of il.OlMl.OOO, nnd
only JO.IWO nre I'rolestiinls.
Carter's Ink
I" n irmiil nml so cheap tha' nn family run
a (lord lu la- nit limit Ii. s imn-s Cart.r''f
(Inn gaslight gives out lis mueh enrbonfc
1 gas IH two sleeping persons.
! f. voii wunt "good digestion to wnit up
on your iippcllto" you shou d always chew
n bar o( .Vilnius' Pepsin inttl 1'ruttl.
The total nuinlier of emigrants to Cnnuiln
fortlieslv months ended the ilOth of June
was 2t,!i:ii.
I'lso's Cure for Cniisiimptlon is nn Infalll-
l't meilli'liii. for eniiglis ami eoMn. N. W,
SA.Ml'Kl.. (Icetlll timve, . .!., fell, n, p.1110.
Two tlioiisnii.l gold llsh have heen shipped
from I.liteoiu park lagnmis, Clileu p, to I r
I'allll niul tjlllney, in.
Mrs. Win -low's Smith I m: syrup forehililn-n
teel hi liir. snl tells the mi in-. I eilue i nu'i n (la III lua-
ion. alia s ,ni n, en res wit. il enlie. '.'.'.e.a lint lie.
I'lioni, i, I unKnK. m.,.
It has been proposed to employ the
pli(inosniih as an aid in learning fur- :
clgn languages, in lia'rnlng a language
It is necessary llrst of all to have the t
car t rained to catch and recognize the '
sounds, and the only way to nrroni- j
pllsh this is to listen to the continual I
repetition of the sounds until the ear
oeeoiuen laminar with them. Many
persons have to learn a foreign lan
guage without any aid from a teacher
that can speak that language correctly
and even those that are so fortunate a.
to have a competent teacher can no;
constantly have the teacher ut hand
Now it is proposed to have phono
graphic rccorda of language lessons:
then the student can have the machine
repeat the lesson over and over again
until he Is perfectly familiar with it.
A Woililtirful Ml lie Hook.
Perhaps the nmallet't book In (he
world Is in the possession of the Karl
of Duffcrln. It is an edition of the sa
cred book of the Sikhs, and Is nultl
to be only half the sl.o of a por.tuto
Look at your tongue.
Is it coated?
Then you have a bad
taste in your mouth every
morning. Your appetite
is poor, and food dis
tresses you. You have
frequent headaches and
are often dizzy. Your
stomach is weak and
your bowels are always
There's an old and re
liable cure :
Don't take a cathartic
dose and then stop. Bet
ter take a laxative dose
each night, just enough to
cause one good free move
ment the day following.
You feel better the
very next day. Your
appetite returns, your
dyspepsia is cured, your
headaches pass away,
your tongue clears up,
your liver nets well, and
your bowels no longer
give you trouble.
Price, 23 All drugjlm.
" t Invo : .li. n Aver s rills for r"i
eats, an. t I coiimiIit I hem ihe liesr
maile. linn pill ilm-s me mure ;imh(
111. in half a ts.x 1. 1 an oilier Liu. I 1
havouver trint."
Mrs N. P. 'I' 1 1. hot,
M.irill.10, isim. Airtiigton, Kann.
w w v v y ir-
1 A A A A A A
BEVu'.'f'uL Shenandoah Valley
tins most healthful location In all the Sunny
Houtli, Is locnted
The SlienanUiiah Normal College,
the oldest nnd best school of lis klml in the
Hniitti. lt offers special advantages to young
holies nnd giuitleuinn to ic. pure a tlioroug!.
practical e.luentliiu nt small cost, many Mil
limits pay their own way: has a regular course
nt instruction In Literary, .Scientific, Com
mercial und Music I H'piirt iiioiits.
Our Free Catalogue
tolls nil nbout It. Wrltu fur one liefore. you
lU.'l.lo on n school (or next year. Address,
The Miciiuiidou Ii Noi-mul College,
llellunre, n.
Tells all about Winchester Rides, Shotguns, and Ammunition
Send name and address on a postal now. I)ont delay if you are interested.
I7VL r,
Send for Catalogue
Enter Sept. 4.
CHAS. E. FCKERI.E, President.
Pcrmanenlly Curort bf
hu i At Alter litil tin um
Conitffitftnn. fmonnl or bt m&tl; 'ten.' and
I K I It HOTTI.l. I U 111:
It Ftt 'nnti hii if rii.n-.n:i onW nu cUTtry.
I'trmiineM (Hn. ncl nn t lniirmrT rt lief. fr (H'l Ar.
rniu J'urr,itr$, l-.lli t. hani. S. 1 1 h lln--,
Pf.i'.MT, Kl.-'i.n n lt. IC. l,d.
831 Arcli Street, I'luladilphia. Kwidi S
h'nr uiily IO 'tit wi will himi-I tn any I U 1 1.
tiH'.SN, lu d;i)s' f rt'Utini-ut ol tho iKi nit Uriim o 1
t'iirtli, niul 'lit you on 1 111) it :i-k how i linn
-y n'lit at vuui' Iioiiih. AitU'imsttll nr It-n ti I'lin
ll. ;. V in Hi dli liii- tniiMiliy, . I
Im-IIi M.. Illiurrnlvn. till. Itruili'll (lllli'ut
I 'J! I nillitliu itvc, iimIiiiiuIiiii I. .
Lf V J I C9 I quiok rHf autt cur worst
cfvB. liuu il intttuuiHiiala mt IO ilnB trttfttiuauft
t ree. Ur. U. H. OULtW BSOHU. ton ft, Atlinli,
That Liitie Beck For Ladies, i1...'
Al.K'l. .MAHIIN, ll.H iil.f 11.11. K. V.
j 3 nesM
WJiitii WHtHt ALL US: fAiLS.
Olltfll 6TU. Tilntf.t UiHMl,
iiivM. i,t hv lniriftm.
H if
CSrir ., ,,, .
Fight on for wealth, old "Money Bags,"
your liver is drying up and bowels wear
ing out, some day you will cry aloud for
health, offering all your wealth, but you
will not get it because you neglected Nature
in your mad rush to get gold. No matter
what you do, or what ails you, to-day is
the day every day is the day to keep
watch of Nature's wants and help your
bowels act regularly CASCARElS will
help Nature help you. Neglect means bile
in the blood, foul breath, and awful pains
in the back of the head with a loathing
and bad feeling for all that is good in life.
Don't care how rich or poor you are, you
can't be well if you have bowel trouble,
you will be regular if you take CASCA-RETS-get
them to-day CASCARETS
in metal box; cost JO cents; take one, eat
it like candy and it will work gently while
you sleep. It cures; that means it streneth-
an. ll,. I 11- .( ,L. I I
, (.rtf "iuwwr wans oi ine Doweis and
gives them new We; then they act regularly and naturally; that is what vou want
it is guaranteed to be found in
v mm m um in-, k-
iiflii VSsyarKy, 1111111 1 1
JOc. -.rnteW vrrirvi- 2. a
"UF- V f I . M VI W I K HI Ki,. H i!LMB
25c. 50c.
t To py nctdy mortal tuilulag from bowel troubles and too poor to buy CASCARETS we will und it bos fr
Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York, mentionln j? advertisement and paper.