The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, July 12, 1900, Image 8

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    Head IIoHtettor nil thUweek.
I'eerle.H Horse, and Cattle l'owilcr
at UoIiIiisou'h. lOels per lb.
Mr. Jlel T. Mellott eame in after
a now mower Monday.
Thnt liim-h dreaded period "doff
dayiO' hpjfan Its course Wednesday,
July 11th.
Itev. W. A. West will pieaeh at
Oreen Hill next Sunday morning at
half past ten.
Feltless Collar Pads .'10 and 4.V.
I'nwhlde whips from rap to snap 2"c.
at 1. r. Mann's.
Frlck Manfg. Co. Is shipping num
bers of its now threshing machines and
will send out about li" as the result of
this season's work.
Fredrick F. linger, Morcersburg, has
been appointed a clerk in the railway
mail service. Tie will likely run from
New York to Pittsburg.
Dr. West will preach at the home of
Mr. James G. Lyon at West Dublin
next Saturday evening, July 14, at
half past seven o'clock.
David F. M. McDonald, Mercers
burg was stricken with paralysis last
Friday morning and his condition was
reported as being serious.
It will save you a trip to Chambers
bnrg if you go up to Malloy's Gallery
this week and have your photographs
made. Itogers is there all this week.
The pulpit in the Lutheran church In
this place will be occupied next Sun
day morning by Uev. B. F. Kautz and
in the evening by Uev. W. A. West.
Dates for reunions at Pen Mar are
as follows: Reformed, Thursday, July
19th; Lutheran, Thursday, July 2Sth,
and the Presbyterlun, Tuesday, July
The Chicago Tribune says: As a
result of tho celebration of Independ
ence Day with firearms, toy cannon,
giant crackers and other forms of ex
plosives, 30 persons were killed and
1,325 Injured, according to reports re
ceived from 125 cities."
There will be a meeting of the Sol
dier's Reunion Committee on Grounds,
next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
at Webster Mills, for the purpose of
selling out privileges for Reunion
Day. Persons interested will place
bids in hands of committee before date
above mentioned.
1). H. Pattkrson,
The total Juno revenue receipts for
this the Ninth Pennsylvania Revenue
District, were $303,307.3(1, cigars con
tributing $231,514.10 to this amount.
For the year ending June 30 the total
receipts for the Ninth District were
$3,528,55.3i. Tobacco and cigar tax
contributed the greatest amount to
this total, $2,45i),10(i.7(l, and spirits and
lieer tax about one-third as much.
The documentary stamp total was
$153,521.11 and proprietary stump to
tal $14,545.93.
It Saved IIIsLck.
P. A. Danforth of LaGrange, Ga.,
suffered for six months with a fright
ful running Bore on his leg; but writes
that Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly
cured It in five days. For Ulcers,
Wounds, Piles, it's the best salve in
the world. Cure guaranteed. Only
25 cts. Sold by W. S. Dickson, druggist.
In tlio year of CI race lftoo where
aro we? This question was forc
ed ujhiu the minds of all God
fearing, law-abiding people pres
ent hero on the 4th of July at the
Sunday school picnic. Are we
drifting? If so, where to? Or are
wo being guided by the pole star
of more consecrated Christian
life, and a higher tyie of civiliza
tion? If some departed saint
from Uniou township had drop
od down hero from his celestial
abodo on that day about noon,
ho would have thought that pan
demonium had broken loose on
his old earthly stamping ground,
lie would have seen a mob of
drunken men and women, light
ing and 'wearing, threatening "to
cut your heart out," and all with
in a stone's throw of police head
quarters. The constable did ar
rest two of the leaders, but re
leased them on their own promise
of good behavior. One of them
came shouting back "I was ar
rested but now I am free?
During tho riot the inquiry
came from tho law-abidiug ele
ment, "Where are our officers?"
Tho justices were within reach.
Why was not this disorderly mob
arrested promptly, taken before
a Justice, and iu default of bail
for their appearance at court,
sent to jail?
Such a mock show of preserv
ing tho peace is only calculated to
embolden evil doers, and to bring
ink) contempt and disgrace the
Sunday sc1hm1 cause, and the good
name of Union township; for, be
It known, that nearly all the
drunken disorderly men and wo
men wore from Bedford county,
from Maryland and from adjoin
ing townships. It is a matter of
curiosity to know how many vio
lators of the law our constables
will have to report to the Court in
October that have come within
their notice.
Annual Report of County Supcr-intciKlcnt.
In this, my seventh annual re
port, it would be impossible to
give any history of school ulTairs
during the past 2" years except
what has come under my person
al observation, as not a figure,
word, nor line, in the shape of a
record came into my possession,
except tho register for annual
district rojMirts for the years
1H!1 and IH'XZ Whether my pre
decessors kept any records or
not I cannot say. My successor,
I hope, will fare better in this re
spect. My lirst attempt in the line of
school work dates from a period
twenty-three years ago, since
which time I have been out of
school work one term.
I do not think our body of
teachers the past term, number
ed a single individual who was
teaching when the writer began.
Some of my early colleagues
have crossed tho silent river;
many have established homos of
their own; not a few have readi
ed high official station hero and
elsewhere; but none are doing
more important work than those
who aro conscientious teachers in
the school room.
Many of our most progressive
directors were formerly teachers
and their influence is felt in every
district which they serve.
The writer cannot help a feel
ing of regret that he did not have
the same educational chances pu
pils have now, nor a feeling of
sorrow when remembering at
least a part of the years he was
trying to teach.
Let us not forget that there
were elements of strength in the
work of the old time teachers
who have taught, and that there
are elements of weakness iu the
work of too many of us at this
day. We should aim to cultivate
stability of character and tenacity
of purpose along with intellectual
power. The value of hard, per
sistent, intelligent drill should
bo kept constantly in mind by all
We believe that there is on the
part of teachers an increased de
votion to duty.
Length of term has increased
from live months to seven; the
demand of sensible patrons have
increased several hnndred per
cent; the State appropriation has
increased many fold; tho tax rate
has been decreased to almost noth
ing in many of our districts; the
qualifications of teachers have in
creased many fold; but to tho
everlasting shame of the fair fame
of our county bo it said that but
a few, if any, districts have in
creased salaries per month, while
some have actually decreased.
Tliis is rank injustice, a burning
shame and a financial loss, be
cause the districts paying the
best salaries in proportion to
their wealth have the greatest
materiid prosperity.
Tho county institute has been
changed from a assemblage of
most of the teachers and a few
friends of education, over whose
heads theorists talked glibly to
tho weariness and even positive
disgust of many.iuto a great deal
of the work, tendiug to develop
self-reliance and expression, and
to broaden their mental and pro
fessional horizon, supplemented
by a few practical instructors,
who are requested to get down
to business from the beginning.
Tho institutes are now looked for
ward to as the greatest event of
the year.
During my first five years tho
directors association was well at
tended. The last two years it
has been ridiculously small.
In the past ten years tho local
institutes have boon made a strong
force for the advancement of
school work and tho enlightening
of tho public. During last term,
too many of our districts did not
keep up their moetiugs as they
The idea of a school library has
taken hold of many progressive
teachers and pupils. A number
of our teachers secured libraries
for their schools during last term.
Many more could if they had
made an earnest attempt. Of
course tho idea mcetswithopposi
tion from some.- Some through
ignorance and some for fear it
will cost them a few cents. Such
opposition only shows it to be a
worthy cause. It will be pressed
during the next two years.
While neither time, labor, nor
expense have been spared during
the past seven years, yet there
are many discouraging facts
which at times make till work
seem in vain. Vet when theprcs
on t system and its work is com
pared with that of years ago one
cannot but feel that theft! lias
been growth. In conclusion I
desire to thank all earnest con
scientious, thorough teachers, all
live and progressive directors,
and all intelligent, progressive
patrons for their work, aid, and
Cu:m Ci iks nut.
.mi st ii.vvi; iu.i.n nor srui r.
Not long ago a Belfast town
ship Tanner purchased it whisky
barrel from a dealer in Hancock
for the purpose of putting up ci
der for the winter. On return
ing home he noticed by the rattle
that there was something inside
the barrel that should not be
there and proceeded to knock the
head iu when a half-dozen plugs
of "dog-leg"tobacco were revealed
to his sight. It will not take much
play of tho imagination to have tin
ideaof thevillainouscomjMjundthat
required a lot of tobacco to give
itallavor(?) and disguise the in
gredients of its composition.
When tho Belfast man goes to
Hancock now, uud feels a "hank
ering" after it mixed' drink, he
does not think more than once be
fore chosiug canal water.
I have now on huml the Tjtirye.m. (test
unit Cheapest stock of
(u Southern lYniiM.vlvsiniii.iino: Uiem
iiwuy tit-low the lowest. Ilurnevi, nil
our own make, on hand from
,IO to 325.
1 I.Y Nl.TS of nil Itimls very elieup.
Nrts ul (Nisi wilh Harm'.
PA H.M (it: AltS always on hunt! ready
f nr use.
We kIvo speelal low prlee.s to our
Vultnn enmity cuMomerx. and It will
lty you to eonie and see rnf Mock he
lore you buy,
Write or c.ill fm prices.
K. cor. T lliuniond.
't eleiihohe III Simp.
1 I I
C Hn V- V Ai X
... --"Vf.:;
lU-meinhcr the main thitiK Is to have a I INI-;
M I il I'll ol yourself or fuuiily ut
fiieh uk l-'.n)arvinf. Crayon. Reducing and He
ll ro(ltiein. Viewing. KIuhl Jhl. &t;.
Tn those who Mud It Inconvenient to come to
ourstmlio we will he kIih! to cull at their Iioiiich
uud dosueh wotkasmay he desired. We make
1 Doz. Cabi-Photographs for 50 Cents.
Pictures tuken rain or shine. Cull nnd see
luuipit's and learn prices. Satisfaction Knur
in teed.
- Opposite tho Court House.
McConncllsburg. Pcnna.
Two Floors aud a J?ase
ment each seventy-live feet v
in length by twenty-live in
width just packed with Gen
eral Merchandise. A full
and complete stock of
Dry Goods.
C'asliiiK'i'os, Ginyliiiins, Cull-
coon, Muslins, Shii'liiis Uncus,
Towel in (jn.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Sipes
ami daughter Ethel, of Hrowus-
ville, Pa., are spending some time I
with Mr. Sipes's mother, Mrs.
Rebecca Sipes of our valley.
Miss Ida Donoon, of York, I'a.,
who has been spending the past
two weeks with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Deneeu, will re-
turn home Wednesday.
Dr. James M. McKibbiu, wife,
I and sister Ella, spent the Fourth
in Hagerstown.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hixsou took
in the Fourth at Crystal-Springs.
John D. Spade and wife of Dott
spent Friday with his parents,
Mr. aud Mrs. John G. Spade at
this place.
Sheldon G. Lashley, wife and
sou, spent Saturday night with
Mrs. Lashley 's parents, Mr. aud
Mrs. William Beatty.
Mrs. Henry Rinehart, of Balti
more's spending some time with
Mrs. James M. McKibbin.
Mrs. Lou Buchauan and niece
Helen, of Hagerstown, aro visit
ing Ella T. McKibbin.
Mr. aud Mrs. William C. Mc
Keo and their daughter Goldie,
spent Sabbath with Mrs. Mc
Kee's parents, Mr. aud Mrs.
John Decker.uenr Warfordsburg.
Delemer Oak man was the guest
of Robert Carson and family Sab
bnth. S. E. MoKee and family spent
Sabbath with George McXibbin
and family.
Johu Rhea who was at the C. V.
S, Normal School, came homo
some days ago.
While Jacob F. Spado was at
his work Tuesday, he killed a
large rattler, of which he can
show the skin, eight rattles, aud
a button.
George Rhea, who has boon
working at Altoona the past three
months.returnod homo last week.
Calvin Deneen's youngest
daughter is seriously ill.
Rev. John Bennett preached
able sermons at the Brethren
church Saturday night aud Sun
Mr. John McDonald of Long
I Rjclire. was a caller at Mr. Job
Minn's last Wednesday evening.
Constable Lashley, of Lashley,
a business visitor to tins
jiuvu last Friday.
Mrs. John llixsonund children
of Lock ";!, Maryland, visited the
family of her brother, Mr. Win.
-G. Rash, one day last week.
Mrs. Nathan Trail was tin
truest of Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
(Gordon, one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Booth, Miss
Xate Andrews, and Mr. Job
Bernhardt, spent tho Fourth in
Buck Valley.
Mrs. Anna .Carl and niece.Miss
Myrtle Stoutl'er, are spending
:some time with rskUives atGer-
mautowu, Md., and Washington,
D. C.
Messrs. James l'l Palmer and
Clyde Crist, sient tIo Fourth
iu Washington, D. C.
Misses Nella Palmer, Gussio
Maun aud Laura Brady of this
place, aud Mr. Samuel Winters,
of Dott, spent the Fourth of July
in Martiusburg, Wet Virgiuia.
Miss Daisv llarr aiul brother
Clyde visited their unci e, Mr. J
G. Charlton, Saturday aoid Sun
Misses Agnes and Nora Booth
and Messrs. Edward Ri'tz and
William Waugh, spent sum 3 time
in Berkeley Springs last week.
Rev. E. R. Simons, of this
place, was unable to preach tost
Sabbath, as he i,s suffering fi om
a badly sprained ankle.
Mr. and Mrs. William Char-'.-ton
visited the. family of then:
son, Mr. Joseph Charlton, iu
Pigeon Cove, Sabbath afternoon.
Sunday, July 8, while, hathiug
in Sideling Hill creek, in Union
townsnip, iu company with sever
al other boys, John Robim-t, son
of Henry aud Jane Robiuot, was
drowned. John was about .iiir
toeu years old. Interment at
Christian cemetery, Monday af
ternoon. A Chance Acquaintance.
Tlio most liouutiful jiiivo of color
which Muuil Humphrey lnis ntUanptcd
has heen st'cunul by the yroat "l'hil
udclihiu Sunday Citrus," and copies
will be trivcii free to evuvy render of
Uih issue of next Sunday, .lul.v 1". For
delicacy of shading nnd 1 n-nutv in
every purtletilur tht. picture-, which is
entitled, "A I'hnuuw Acquaintance,"
is without un equal aiming v liter col
ors, There is certain to bu a ureal
demand for it; hem you hud better
order your copy of next Sunduy's
"Cress" in udvuuc.
The Appetite of a Goat
Is envied by alt whose St eunuch and
Liver uru out of order. .J tut mich
should know that )r. Kind's New Life
1'illN, iflvtt u regular bodily habit that
Insure perfect hculth und jireuteneruy.
Only Dicksou'H Ih ua Hore.
Ail the Latest Styles
in price from
2n cents
M0 " ?"
. c Q u
Ibnoes. 3iiocs
;j Jtjst the right
Overcoats, Men's and Hoys'
Suits, Overalls, Underwear, Ac.
Huts uud Cups in nwat variety
Boots and Shoes.
Tho most reliable makes at
lowest prices.
Hatf, Inyraln, Mattings, iVe.
You can hardly miss jfcU.iii;r
unythin-r you want.
A full line of Syrups, Colleen,
Teas, Spices &.
Tobacco and Cigars
-no better.
Harness, Trunks, Notions,
.lewelry, and -in fact we try to
rep any aud everything called
for by the people of our county.
rfW" ' ""--I irVV-j
Ibuild eind
Aoig:ht fo
All Work GuiinintocJ.
Prices Reasonable.
in Patent Leather,
Tan and Calf.
Our Prices arc always right.
G. W. REISNER k 00.
0X0,fi'r 0 00.0 00. m,0i000
Cloy Park's Cash Sto
Three Springs, Fei.
If you need uny tlilnir In my line. 1 can suve yon money, Kvvryiliiin.' "I v.cU-l. .1; i
Mrs. M. S. Wilt uud Miss Wa
Fnikoi- spcut a fow duys lust
W(iok iu Orbi.souia.
Messrs. C. F. Scott and A. J).
Hohmanof McConuollsbur, took
supper at tho Eu?lo Ilutol, on
tho cvcniii? of tlio Fourth.
Mrs. Alex Mayno rotu.rnod
homo Saturday t-veuiuf? ator a
visit of a coupln weeks.
Mr. D. C. Flock is 'aavinj? a
new roof put on his d welling.
Miss Lizzie Steveus of Clear
l'idge spent Saturday and Sun
day with the family of J. V.
Miss Annie Uuekle y and Miss
Mary Cohick spent t' no Fourth at
Mr. Frank Locke i md MissSu
Orth spout tt cour do days l&nt
week m Wells Vul' iey; & Ft. Loudon
Passenger, Freight and
Express Line.
il. C. McOuade, Proprietor.
l'lIU' I1' On.N.
J.v Ihk MoConncllKburji lit I'.W o'oloelt, I'. M..
no-Kllll? OUUeeiU,U Willi liunnu nam
-l'" K- . .. I . ,
Ketirnlnu leave Kurt I.oudou eu the urrlviu of
iltrtveniiitf Iniln nu S. 1. H. It.
ln jiepinel i curry piisseuKt'is unit e
reiUJ umlie oonueullou Willi ull tiuius ul Kl.
i o.iclirt.
Fashionable Baruer.i
Oib UKir Kust of "Kullou llous'.i,"
Mi'f'liNSI'.LI.SIII'Ud. l'A.
uniipnt-i'li'ss Shuvint; mill llitlr t'uttlnir.
Until lowel for evt;rv eusttiiner.
Toolcil the runnels.
A caSllo dealer from Adams
eouuty riiuie to Claim bersburg
wmw day ago, says tlu Kejiosi
tury, and po-hig through Frnnklih
ci'Jiiwty bought a carload of cattle
frown farmers. The stock
was uh( Jiaid for ii)on delivery
at the M. It. II. on Tliursday
That amnion'' the&irmerscaiuo.
J One man fnnu beyond lloxbury
Misses fin t h:ie"m ( v.... . ,,.,.1 ! 1 1 li,.,, I I,,..'w t euenbiil 111:111 V
........ .j v IhLlVA l, J L 1H.IVM, II .."- -....--
Annie (iordon spe nt tho Fourth J miles, dropping their work in the
at Burnt Cabins. Wvost time.
Mrs. Jacob Dv
thur Fraker are t
Miss Frances
Tliursday to spoi
at the seiushore.
Misses Uessic
Uirdio Harnett v
is were visiting
A baby boy
tlio home of S
Mrs. Hannah
burg, formerly
inkle and Ar
in the sick list.
Cromer loft last
id a few weeks
1 Mclntyre and
nd brother Lew
at Fairplay Xast
came to stay at
, It. Fmkor li-,st
Tlio fellow who bougm the cat
tJo was not there but hit partner
wu.s aud ho refused to take the
cattle, calmly remark'mgtliat they
were "too dour."
Cromer of Pit ts
of this phu ;e, was
visitingold frioj uUhero la-it weiik.
Wliil' Daviil Sii iiier was ilriviux:
Oirciiif,rl'l n,'Ullt'lul I' uirview ( U'lnetery,
i!t!i"Hlairjr, mime diivu uyo, tin liorse
itoV rrljrht anil iluslieil wililly ilown tlio
hill ti-wunl town. Sirlnn-r lost con
trol o? llie horse i:nil wan thrown vio
lently lh tlio ji-oiuul. lli collar lii-nr
-u .lii!keii .ami nil ujfly jfasli cut iu
hi liiiliA. Mr. Springer 1ms lieeu se.x
toii of I'Vii-vluw eiiietcry for iiiuny
jnttrs anil I it over Hi years of iijre.
r.DClVC RTflVFS ni'.i.rnli.m rnnvsmteed. slI.IMl Id So".'1'1-
k."i- Mit t.. w"n 10 r7..wn-:r. C'-". nil nil I -i I'lU'tS. 0"l
wiiei. m full lino nf lln rilwMi'i- Hue K:iles. 11:1V I'Dl'lfMi
Twine. tJrindstouos. l'lows. Harrows. Cultivators, Vin
ed and Smooth. SliWIJS'Cl MACHINES lirst-class in
spect .slli.dd. Crosscut saws 1.00 to )? I. .'(. llohl-fast
N:iils, -1 cents a box.
Call or Write for complete Price List.
1 v4
Ilk itiilt-r to I'wIih'h my luii' stook of
Ladies' Hats,
ititi ii'tiiiiiird fiitl tint rlniiiwrt. J huve
fiiurUi'tl l he irircs Urtuyduwu.
AlUiyli-sur Sitihir inul Wiilkiu Mats
:it inli'irs fioin
IS Cents
to two tl oil I us.
a new liul jusl out for (Hi cenlN.
The latest Ihinu III I I'lilinihit-'. you
lumw. is fruiiM. l-lvery vurlety unit un
iilnuuhinee ol llovvers,
I 'oine in taut see Iheut.
Mis. A. I'. l.lTTI.r,
McCoiiiu'llshui'K, I'll.
I (I'I'll!
DR." STEVE Ns7 Dentist, "
(itudunttf of I . of . Ten curs' i;.pi r
iciico. I'litK'M - (ioltl. I Mil tin inn. Silver Alu
iiiinuiiJ. ColluloUl, Ktthlier. uml KiiI'Imt Aluiui-
U it tit lllji'U. JNlrlul Willi KllhlHM1 Attai!hliietlt,
IMntew from $J.OO up
Ifi idfit.'H. Uicltiii'ihii row u-.. ,(iuim rntwns.
Cioiii CiijM, l'l itmoiii .1111-. vi',
I illinn t( N'aiiiriil 'i'l i lh u SpcdfiHy und
ull win: (imtnintLirtl,
information l.v mail or Iu crsoii.
Tkums ok Col:ut,
The tlrst term of thu CourtKof Knit on enmi
ty in l t't' yt-'ii' h.ill eoiiiiui nee iiu lliu TueMlay
tollowiiik the Kceoiid Monduy of Juuuury, ul 10
o iilooli A. M.
r'h setKitnl term eoinini'iines on tlio tlilnl
IJouUuy of Mineli. nt 'l uVlorU 1. M.
'kh9 til i rl term on Uui 'rm-Miuy next follow
wa ihu-ht-coiid Moiul;iy of J tine ' ut. o oitJoeU
A. M. , .
Tliu idurlti let-in on t he lirst Monday of leto-l)-li.
Ut t o'eloek 1'. li.
A I 1X1
In S..1I.1 M.ih..l.-uMV. :.-l.leii0..l.
Iniinm.m Malmi nny.
Stylish Library Tabic
, . i uiiaiii'ir'1
in iieaiiiiiiu
Oak. (iolili'U llliisll.
Ladies' Dressing TaWt
In Solid Miiliom
Ulid Kve Maple
'iiiiil' Willi'-W:
Cane Seat Chairs I'm-
,H ii.iiii eaeh. an- "
Furniture Milkers cm