The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, March 29, 1900, Image 7

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    -J,, Si. tt
In);, -.i. i-i i.i Hung Cbanf
li . i) y r 'irons atorlei
r tii ! fires", whlcb
the ki ' .t man's pro-
Bur Wild!
"' llS'lnll '(I.
I' ! . . . ... -
,v ii t seemed to ill
unstlons. , Tc
k i ! n society wu-
Jr. rn-'l to the Amerlcni'
hut probably
member "
t the Legatlor
hy n pretty Amerlear
''bad if t brought a few
''fit! hi 'ii?" was us niucti
''icro the victims of li
Jt:sT iht.ltli'Aniiafl "Ma
s-r" 1't nt.on Isl
shmcnt; "1
"wife -we do
J'f and he tool
Iniph of a
'fi ? . . .. .
do not linvt
took from his
f' ..,.,.- ,;f tha Orient iimi
gr.i'T oi .i"
fig QMCRtiC
oner for in-
Hi 'If HU1
it, jpi rc doing. Ask your
fcfc. oti niinut U; has some
. ycn- of a coupon book,
L k "f" lnr"n 10'
atf r,si nroli, ono large
ir'jNuidiiii u's Best" starch,
1 i. two rteaUcspenre panels,
ill centiir) Olrl calendar,
"km uatoraoblles go so
' f two niggers to tall
, bo How's dat? Uncle
1 'jay "More she cornea,"
jTbar she goes!"
I mol Deep,
! Lnnn a clean akin. No
,' f el , Candy Cnthar
!e M tiud keen it elet-n, by
m ,iy hvr ami driving all im
hil body. I It-gin to-day to
til l, (.!. -has, hlnckheads.
Sunn eumolaxiun by taking
I'll' ten cents. All drug
i liluumnloed, 10c,25e,00c.
, ' ins shippixl about $5,000
'"fsud harness to Houlh
Iptllie British army in Moutb
ft'nlil 1" una Hay.
nt o (JniNIK TABI.KTS. All
). in .imy If It falls In cure.
laltiro Is mi eucu box. Koo.
jj jrovernu:ec( an scouring
I j for the war, ami buying
j' thfy ran gut.
lfl: Boy Waa Saved.
t. CI. --"When our boy
bf-thf ol I ho broke out
'""eh was thought to be
I few days he had a
;leM side of his neck
' Lld to be mumps, lie
. 19ioal attendance for
f-ks whan the doctor
"'rolnla aud ordered a
'.'ted to lattue the sore,
J","2-"' him and coutiuuoil
(lioino for about four
S.Se bunch broke in two
'l:iame a ranning sore.
lid it wait gorofnlu and
ut I blood medicine A
tck rX u Putu
r Hwh Ich ws cured by
0, tillft. I deoided to givo
,l":;lpoa I Hgaiu gave him
''' aiU and its persistent
'''Iplishod a ooiuplete
lj! if EVTiit Chase, 47 IC
l t""i'iii'tiynirejcoiigh,
tii.l.' in tlie client or
I : mid incipient
'.uiiiptioul Always
I'llj.r. It iA STlleUilld
h). jitaarcmaU. asc.
no! la Arid Land.
c InndK of western Kan
La'khir ntates subject to
mt- to ralsa crops regit
lis ear. and that without
(tiff, Ca;r.jiboil, a farmer,
A. !jr.'u cr'"-ty. South Da
;eo:t th can. He ha
tkitthod t:.' cultivation
ile te, ncvr?r fails to -pro-WW
sun-Ilieil territory.
try thp s- ason may be
:o: upon t e theory that
wiUinnd net' by luck ol
hf mutou el but by toe
mil. H jilows tho soil
il it backs tL a lower por
:lot lug a (' allow vutet
ichrpe k cc. Tho top
(e als tlio.i pulverized as
y kept r ) by frequent
yttlg a r.. i dust, which
jg t ot the s H, cutting oft
, po leaving the moisture
lie i be draw4 un by tho
i:UIiik pliuiis.
ir -r
1 u ce
ttor 4
.1 n
3iIon by
iio !- - a
aro con-
!t'- ' Oratofui
t i) v ' " khantm
i n:
,":!, H Compound I
"'"'"tt ' Periods
ouli ps-.Ti yiiro sufm
' Ills of
?m some
of IAa
f medlm
there is
7 Ey Water
u a abort wbilo hia
4,:iuud his nock healed
" popped giring him the
e"'iSiir biokfl nut nirain
. o I
tubjocli The Horn 1.1 r It I'olnli Oul
Ilia Holy of rrnti nd ,i1inonlahr
Ilia Clillilren Kon't Hlutt tlia Valine
I'aopla With Itvllclon,
Corynniit m
Washixoto. I). ('. This illnonrKe of
Dr. Tnlmnge will young mm, while
It li full ot advlco und unaourngement to
paronts who r; crying (o bring tip thnlr
Jblldren nrlglit; loxt, l'roverba x., 1, "A
wine son tniirk.'tli n glad fittlior, but a tool
Hi von Is tli n Imuvlni-fiH ot his motlior."
In this grupltlu w.iy Holoinoa sots forth
tho Idea that I ho good or nvll-botinvlor ol
:hlldrou blvskim or blli.-tils the purtinliii
heart. I know there are pnrsonn who seem
to have no e.pi-clnl n.-terest In the welfnr
of turlr chiblreii. The fntniir t.nys: "My
toy must take tho risks I took in life. 1!
no turns out well, all right. If ho turn
,iut 111, ho will hnvo to hear tho eonse
ueoci'n. Ho hits thosnmn cluitiee that 1
had. (In must take cum nt himself." A
shepherd might Just ns well thrust a lamh
Into a dun ot lions and say, ' I.lttlo lamb,
lake care of yonrsnlf.''
Nearly nil the brutu creation nto kind
.-noiiKh to look after their young. I wat
going through a wonts, nnii I hnnrd ft
brill crv In a limit. I climbed up to tilt'
bird's n'esl, and I found ttiat the ok'
bird had llt the brood to i.are. Butthal
Is a very rare oerurrenee. (lenerally n birt"
will uiek your eyes out ratbr than Huron
der her oiiug to your keeping or yeni
touoh, A Hon will rend you It you aorai
too neav tbiw..elps. Even the barnviirc'
fowl, with Its clumsy foot nnd heavy wing
will oome at you If you approach Its youim
too nearly, and (od ei.rtr.lnly Intended tc
have fathers nud not hers as kiud as thi
Christ eoms through all our household;
to-day, and Ho j-iivh: "You take earn ol
the bodies ot vo'ir ehlldtmi ami the mlndf
of your children. What nrevou doing foi
their Immortal no ilr'" 1 rend ot a shl
that toumlered. A lifeboat wits launched
Many of the pncSHiigers were In the waters
A mother, with on Hand beating tint v.'av,.
and tint other band holding tier little etillO
nut toward the yrnboat, crlod out, "Wav
rny child!" And that impaselouvd cry b
the one that Itmla li'l neho ill every piiren
tal heart In thla land to-day. "Save raj
ehl'd!" Tlir.t man out there says: "I havi
toug'it n.yown way ttirougli life, I have got
along tolerably W"ll, the world has butletet'
mo, and I havu h d iiiany a hard struggle
It don't make much difference what Imp
rns to me, but eave my childl" You sei
have a subject of stupendous Import, r.nd
I am goln;, n (loci may help mo, to shon
theoaiiseof parental solicitude nud ther
the nllevl.itiens of that solloitude.
The tlr?t oauxu ot pirnutal solleltude, I
think, nrlsoi tioin t:iu lmperto-thm or
parents on then own part. Wo all somo
how want our dilldren to avoid our faults.
We hope that It we have any excellence;
they will copy them, but the probability
is ttioy will copy our Inulta and omit out
f xeellences. Children " very apt to b
echoes of the parental life. Home ont
meets a lad In the back- street, .finds him
smoking and says: "Why, I am astonUhec
at youl What would your father say if ii"
knew this? Where did you get that cigar?".
"Oh, I picked it up on the street." "What
would your father say and your mothersay
If tliey kuewthis?" "Oh," ho replies, "tliat'i
nothing. My fatbor smokes!" There If
uot one ot us to-day who would like U
hnvo our children copy nil our examples.
Aud that is the cause of the solleltude oi:
tho part ot all ot in. We have so many
faults we do not want ;hem copied auu
stereotyped In tho lives uad characters ol
thOBe who coiue after us,
Tlie solloitude arises from our conscious
Insufficiency nnd unwisdom of discipline.
Out ot twenty parents there may be one
parent who uudertauds how thoroughly
aud skillfully to discipline; perhaps not
more than one out of twenty. We, nearly
nil of us, nrr on one aide or'on the otter,
Here Is a father who says, "I am going to
bring up my ohlldreu right; my sons shall
know nothing but rellglou; shall see noth
ing but religion, und hear nothing but re
ligion." Tliuy are routed out at 0 n'olock
In tho morning t3 recite the Ten Com
mandments. They are nwakeuud up from
the sofa ou Mundny nlgbt to recite the
Westminster Catechism. Their bedroom
walls urn covered with religious pictures,
and quotations of Mcrlpture, uud wheu the
boy looks for the day of the mouth he
looks for It In ii religious almanac. It n
minister comes to the house, he Is re
quested to tke the boy t'.:..'da nnd tell him
what a great sinner lie it". It Is religion
morning, noou aud night. '
Time passes ou, and the parents arc wall
ing for the return ot the son nt night. It
is U o'clock, It Is 10 o'lock, It is 11 o'oioc!.,
It Is 12 o'clock, it is half-pnst 13 o'clock.
Then they hear a rattling ot tho night key,
nnd George comes lu und hastens upstairs
lest he be nneosted. Ills fatbor says,
"George, whore have you been?" He says,
"I have been out." Yes, be has been out,
and he has been down, and he has started
on the broaiiroad to ruin for this life and
ruin for the life to come, and tho fattim
suys to bis 'Wile, "Mother, the Ten Com
mandments lire a failure; no nsu of West
minster CateohUm; I have dono my veiv
bes for that boy; Just sco bow he has
tirned out." Ah, my friend, you ntuffed
that boy with religion; you had nosym
pathoy with innocent hllailtb.-s; you hail
no common sense. A man at mldilfo said
to nie, "I haveu'l muMi doslro for rollgion;
my-father was us good a man ns ever 1 1 -. f i '
but he jam mud religion down my throat
when I was n boy until I got disgusted
with it, and I b tven't wnuted any ot it
since. " '1 hat fathor erred on one Bide.
Then the discipline is nrr entire alluru
In many households because, tho father
fiulls one way and the mother pulls the
other Vny. The father Hays, "My son, I
told yon If I ever found you guilty of false
hood again I would nhustise yon, "and I am
going to keep my pr6rols." The irothui
says: '"llou'll Let him off this thco."
A father says, "I have seen so many that
make mlstaku by too itront severity In tin
reining of tholr children. How, I will Int
my boy do as ho plunnoj. He shall havu
full swing, llflre, my son, are tickets tc
the theatre and opera. If you want toplav
cards, do so; if you don't waut to phi)
cards, you need not to play them, tic
when you want nnd comu back when you
want to. Have a good time. Go It!" ti!v
u buy plenty ot money and ask him nol
What he does with It, nud you pav his vny
straight to perdition. Cut after awhile
the lad thinks ha ought to have a still
larger supply. Ho has bneu treated, nud
lie must treat. Ho must have wine 8ii; .
purs. There are largr nud larger ot
peusos. After awhile ono dny a messenger from
the bank over tho way onlls iu and suys to
the father of the household ot which I am
Bpsnklng, "The officers of the bank would
like to have you step, over a minute," Tht
father steps over, and the bank offloet
says, "Is that your ohcok?" "No," he
says; "that Is not my check, Iuevermndu
an 'JI la that way; I never put a curl to
tho 'Y' In that way. That is uot my
wrltiug. That is not my signature. That
Is a counterfeit. Hand for the police.''
"Btopl" says the bank officer. "Your son
Wrote that."
Now the father nnd mother are waiting
for the son to ocine h.nne at night. It Is
It o'olock, It is halt-past 13 o'clock. It Is 1
o'clock. The son comes through tho hall
way. The father says: "My son, wlml
does all this mean? .1 gave you every op
por'.unity, I gave you all the money you
wanted, und here lu my old days I llud time
you huve become u spendthrift, a llbertiuo
and A sot." Tho so.i says: "Now, fathor,
what is tho uso of your talking that vnyr
You told me tc go It, and I Just look your
suggestion." And sj to strike the medium
between severity and too great leu'enoy,
to strike tho uappy icidiuin bouveeu the
two aud train cu.' children (or God uud
for lieuveii, U tliu anxiety lor uvory lutul.
llgcut parent,
IJut for the most part the children that
live sometimes got cross uud del; up' bad
words la the street or lire dispo-tud to quar
rel with brother or sister and show that
they nrn wbjked. You see them In the Hub-bath-school
class, 't'uey are so sunshiny
and bright you would think they were al
ways kU but the mother looking over at
them remembers what mi uv(ui lliue she
had to get theinrealy, Tine passes oil.
1 bey get considerably older, hud I he sou
omui-s , from the street fro n - puglllstlo
oucounter bearing on ills upre.iraaue the
marks of ilefual, or the daughter predic ts
somo little deceiitbiii lu the household.
The mother says, "I can't always be scold
ing and (retting and 11 ml lug rnult, but thU
must be slopped." Bo lu many a house
.hold them u the.aisn o! lo. the alga of the
rrmntainess ot wtiat tne woio say wnoo
It dordnres, "They go astrny as soon nt
they be born, spenklug lies."
: ' Home go to work and try 'to eorreot all
this, and the boy Is picked at and picked
at and picked nt. That always Is ruinous.
Thero Is more help In ono good thunder
storm than lu five days ot cold drizzle,
Bolter the old fashioned style of chastise,
metit, it thnt bo necessary, than tho fret
ting nnd the scolding which have de
stroyed so many.
There Is also a cause of great solicitude
sometimes because our young people arc
surrounded by so many temptations. A
castle may not be taken by a straightfor
ward sluue. but suppose there bo iusldotht
castle au enemy, und In the night he
shoves back the bolt and swings open the
door. Our young folks have foes without
and they hnve toes within. Who rioes not
nuderstand it? Who is the man here who
Is not aware ot the fnnt thnt the young
ponple of this day have trsmoiidous terqp.
Oh, how many traps set for the young!
Htyles of temptation Just suited to them.
lo you suppose that a man who went cloar
to the depths of dissipation went down in
one great plunge? Oh, uol At II rid It was
a fashionable hotel. Marble floor. No un
oleao pictures behind thn counter. No
drunken hiccough while thoy drink, but
the click of out glass to the elegant senti
ment. You ask that youim man now to go
Into some low restaurant an J get a drink,
and he WouM say, "Do you menu to iusult
me?" Hat the fashionable uud the olegunt
hotel Is uot always close by, and now the
young man Is ou tho down grade, farther
and farther down until ho has about struck
the bottom of the depths ot ruin. Now be
Is In the lew restaurant. The cards so
greasy you can hardly tell who has the
nest hand. Gambllug for drinks. Hhufltii
away, shuffle away. The landlord stand
in bis short sleeves, with his Imuils on his
hips, wultlug for an order to till up the
The clock strikes twelve tho tolling of
the funeral bell of a soul. Tim breath ot
eternal woe flushes lu that young man's
cheeks. lathe Jets ot the 'gaslight the
II cry tongue ol the worm thnt never dies.
Two o'clock In tho morning, and now they
are sound asleep iu their chairs. Land
lord comes nrouud ami snys "Wake up.
wake upl Time to shut up!" "What!"
says the young man. "Time to shut up' '
I'ush them all out into thn night air. Now
they lire going home. Oo!ti' home!
the wife crouch lu the corner and the chil
dren hide uuder the bed. What was the
history of that young man? He beitan his
dissipations in the barroom of a Fifth ave
nue hotel nnd completed his damnation In
the lowest grogshop.
Hometlmes sin does not bait In that way.
Sometimes sin even comes to the drawing
room. Thore are leprous hoarts some
times admitted in the highest circles of
society. lie Is so elegant, he is so bewitch
ing in lib mantier, he is so rullned, he Is so
cdimn'.ed, no one suspects the sinful de
sign, but utter a while the talons of (loath
come forth. What is the matter with that
bouse? Tho frout windows have not boon
open for six mouths or a year. A shadow
has come down on that domestic hearth, a
shadow thinker than cue woven of mid
night and hurricane. Thn ngouy of that
parent makes hi in sar, "Oh, I v.'ish I had
purled my children when thev were small!"
iioss of property? No. Death lu the
family? No. Maduuss? No. Home vil
lain, kid gloved and diamonded, liftod
that cup ot domestic bliss until the sun
light struck It, ami all tho rainbows
played arouud the rim aud then (lushed It
into desolation nud won, uutll the harpies
of darkness dapped their bauds ami all
the voices ot the pit uttered a loud "Ha,
Tho statistic has never been made up In
theso great cities ot how many hnvo been
dostroyod nud bow many beautiful homes
have boeti overthrown. If tho statistic
could bo presented, It would freeze your
blood lu a solid cake at your heart. Our
great cities are full of temptations, nnd to
vast multitudes of parents these tempta
tions become a matter of great solloitude.
IJcgiu early with your children. You
stand on the batiks ot u rlv i r and you try
to change its course. It has been rolling
now lor 100 miles. You cannot change It.
Hut Just go to tho source of that river, go
to where the water Just drlpa down on the
rook. Then with your knife make a chan
nel this way and a channel that way. and
It will take it. Conio nut und stand ou the
bunks of your child's life whuu It is thirty
or forty years of age, or oven twenty, anil
try to change the course of that life.
It Is too Intel It Is too late! Go far
ther up nt tho source of life and near
est to the mother's heart, where the
ebaraoter starts, tin J try to take It In
the right direction, f.ut, oh, my ftleud,
be careful to make n line, r. distluet
line between Innocent hilarity on '.ho unn
hand and vicious hilarity on tho other. Do
not think your children are going to nun
because they make a racket. All healthy
ohlldreu make a racket. )ut do not luu;u
nt your child's sin because It is smart. It
you do, you will cry aftor awhile beouusc
it Is malicious. Itemeinbcr It Is what vo l
do more than what you say that Is go'lu;;
to affect your cbtltireu. Do you supposo
Noah would have got his family to go Into
the urk It be staid out? No. His sons
would have suld, "I am not cuing into tiio
boat; there's something wrong; futher
won't go lu; it fathor stays out, I'll stay
Are all your children sate? I kiow It is a
stupendous question to ask, bat I nr.iv.
ask it. Aro all your children ruto? A
mother, when the house was on lire, got
out the household goodi, many i,rtlclc. of
beautiful furniture, but forgot to usk till
too late, "Are the children safe?" Whe i
the oloinonts are molting with fervent beet
and God shall burn tho world up and thj
ery ot "Virol I'lrc!" shall resound ami 1
the mountains aud tho valleys, will youc
ohlldreu he safe?
1 wonder If the subject strikes a chord lu
Mo heart of any man who hud Christian,
parentage, but has not lived as he ought?
God brought you hero this morning to
have your memory revived. Did you have
a Christian nncostry? "On, yes!" says ono
inun. "If thorn over was a good woman,
my mother waa good." How sho wutehod
you when you wore sick! Others wearied.
If she got weary, she nevertliolocs was
wakeful, mid the medicine was glveu at tliu
right 1 1 mo, and wheu the pillow was hot
she turned It. Aud, oh, thoj, when you
begau to go astray, what a trluf 11 was to
her heart I
All tho soeno comos back. Yen l-oninm-bur
the chairs, you remember the table,
you remember the dooiallt where you
played, you remember the ton. of her
voice. She seems calling you now, not by
the foruialtltlo wit i which we address vou,
saying, ".Mr." tills or "Mr." thnt, or "Hon
orable" this or "Honorable" that. It is
Just the llrst narao, yor.i- first iiaiuo, she
calls you by this morning. Kheblds you to a
better life, Bhe say: "Forget not nil the
counsel I gave you, my wandering boy.
Turn into paths ot rlgutoou-ncKS. I mn
waiting for you at tho gate." On, yes, God
brought you bero this morning to have
that memory revived, and I shout upward
thutldlugs. Angels of Uod uetii forward
the uews. Itlngl ltlngl Ths doud is alive
again, and thn lost Is fouudl
Frost Flowara.
The phenomenon called "frost (low
ers" waa dlBCUBBed before tho Biologic
al society in Washington recently bj
Dr. I II. Dewey. The so-called flow
era ure composed of Ice which forma
on frosty inoanlngs iu autumn and
early winter on certain plants. The
peculiar thing to be explained la that
frost flowers do not form on all plants,
but mil) Dn about 26 species, as far as
yet known. Aniohg these are frost
weed, dittany, marsh fleabiinca and
cultivated heliotrope. The phenom
enon la apparently due to capillary
movement of water in the plant, but
a wholly satisfactory explanation la
Value of 8op as D'slnrentant,
Soap U an Important health factor.
White almond soap and potash aoap
are claimed to destroy cholera germs.
In all germ discuses .copious use of
soap In washing Is recommendod by
physicians. It Is not only tho removal
of dirt and effete matter by the use ot
aoap, but the destruction of microbes,
parasites and germs ot disease.
Dlsenls Work Cushions.
Btsonit-work cushions are among
the latest things out in the vrnj of
fancy work. They are made of little
balls of cotton covered with bright
colored silks or ribbon. Tho halls are
all stitohed together and flowed on to
the silk or woolen foundation, which
ia made into n ensu, which buttons
over a qttnrn pillow of down or
feathers. The effect i very handsome.
The aonding of a biscuit pillow or
cushion is understood to mean that
the recipient "taken tho cake." Some
of the liltlo silk-covered ball a are
delicately tuftod to resomblo a Ids
cuit. ArmnBina; the Tnblf For f'nrmit Illtiner.
The plntos, which should be placed
at even distances apart, usually two
nnd one-half feet, should be as hand
some ns ono can afford, and the silver
is arranged with two dinner forks, a
fish and tin oyster fork nt thn left of
eaoh plate. At thn right are two din
ner kuivos and a soup spoon. Fish
knives are no longer used, tho fork
being considered sufficient to ont tho
fish. A ont-glass or Bohemian glass
goblot for water should be placed at
the right. Tho goblet is now deemed
more elegant than the tumbler. The
ioo-water is not placed upon the tnbla
nowadays, but is loft on the sideboard
in glass pitohoi-K, from which it is
served by the aotvant when needed.
The floral deoorations vary according
to individual taste. A contre-picoe
should nover bo too large, and should
never extend within a foot of the plates,
nor be so high thnt the guests oannot
look over it. Woman's Home Com
panion. Ileamtlcs or "111 no llnnnis."
Thore is no color eo vnlnable in
doooratiou as blue, nor one from which
so many uchemes may bo evolved.
For a sunny room bluo may bo used
entirely, as far as wall-papors, carpets
or draperies are concerned, or bluo
and greeu. A bluo and green room
looks best with green stained furni
ture, and is inoro appropriate for a
library or bed-room, but as this furni
turo is found soirutimes in dining
rooms und halls it inay bo nsod there
An artiiitio though inexpensive din-iug-room
for n small houso can bo
well carried ont in blue and groan. As
thero will bo but little spneo tho walls
may bn painted in pale bluo, and tho
wood-work should bo in a deeper shade.
A square of blue carpet should oover
the door, nnd tbo window curtains
should bo of a bright shade of groon.
A niao suit of groeu-stained and red
soatod furniture, consisting of side
board, table, two armchairs and four
small chairs oan be bonght nt a mod
orate price, and theso wilh somo bluo
aud whito ornaments will look effec
tive. Convenient Honk Weight.
Nothing harms a handsomely bound
boon more quickly than to "stand on
a strain." When placed iu this un
gainly position on the book shelves
intended to stand upright, but lean
ing crookedly to ono side because of
extra spaoo tho binding soon be
comes loosened, nnd the volumo takes
on a look of want of enro. . Extra
volunios to fill in tho npneo and koep
eaoh book in a firm, upright position,
cannot always bo hud, nud it is theu
Ave realize tho advantage of tho book
These book weights aro among the
latest ideus in library conveniences.
Thoy are inteuded to stand on the
shelves or dusks at tho ends of rows of
books. Thoy oome in variotiH forms
nnd styles triangular, cube, octagon
aud wedgo shape.
Everyone who has over attempted
to set a row of books upon a shelf or
table will realize the convenience- of
articles of this sort, tiqnaro blocks
of granite, marble or agate aro always
useful. Blocks of onyx framed iu
silver nro very liandsomo, aud tho
plain blocks of onyx are also used,
but these prove rnthor exponsivo, and
no more convenient than tho cheaper
With so ninny conveniences for
book marking and binding nnd hold
ing in propor positions when stored
upon tho shelves there is no rea
son why tho book-lovnr should not
own a liu.i collection of tho works of
favorito authors nnd keep them in at
tractive form at very slight expense.
Apples Fried in E.ittor Beat threo
eggs well, add a tnblcspoonful of
sugar nud threo of Hour; slice the ap
ples; clip thorn in tho batter and fry iu
butter; take them np, spriukle with
powdered sugar end horve hot.
Drawn Butter Cook together a
fnblespoot'.fnl each ot batter and
flour, and when they reach the bub
blitig point pour upon them a half
pint ot boiling wa'cr, and cook, al
ways btirriug, until the sauce thick
ens, Heason to taste.
Trios In Battel' An exoollent bot
tor for tripe is made as follows: Mix
gradually one oupfal of flour with one
ot swoet milk, then add an egg well
boivtou nnd a littlo salt; drain the tripo
and wipo as dry as possible, dip iu
tho butter and fry in hot lard 'or drip
pings. The sniue batter may bo nsud
in cooking pigs' feet or salt pork.
Fruit Jelly Dissolve one-half box
of gcduliue iu twice tho quantity of
water in win ruquiro auout one uonr
to do this); add tho jnioe of two lem
oua and striiu; whou it begins to
thicken udd tv.-o cranges, cut up, two
bauanas, ono-qusrtcr ot n pound of
llrjs and one-qnitioi' ot a pound of
Kuglish walnuts! nud 'set away to
Cheose Cl.tnapen Cti'i broad into
e licet: or.o-ll.k'd of an inch thick. Cut
these into rounds with a biscuit out
ter or vtiieo ; o tho orusU with a knifo
nud servo iu squares. Season with g.vlod crcuin choose with cay
cuae peoper nud mustard. Fry tho
bread in buMor. As (ho bread browns
rouiovA to a pnu. Bprinkln with the
fjtit-d clioes ) and pluoo in a hot oven
uutil tho ohecso his melted.
Chick-n Cutlets Cook half a cup
fill of floi r in ouo-third of a onpful of
batter, add fne cupful of stock, one
third cf k. cupful of milk, a beaten
egg nd a pint of chopod ohioken.
Hcas -i with lovol tonspoonful salt,
Koltiipoonful popper. Wheu cold form
into citlots, dip in ogg and bread
crumbs, I':'ore n duchess potato mix
ture av ind the nrtgo of each. Bake
uutil brown. Fill tho spaces with
pens. Only one-iir,f cnu of peas ia
Subject! Tim Hrstltadea, Mall. Iv 8,1 to
v., It Oolden Tut. Mull, v., S
Mrmory Versa, n-f)-f oininrntury on
the liny' Lesson.
3S. "Grant multitudes." Attracted by
His great mlrceles. This even according to
the Jews was one proof of the days of thn
Messiah. "Decapolls." A country cast of
tho sea of Galilee, containing tea cities.
Thus we seo that His fame had spread,
nnd thn people were coming to Him from
all dln-cilons.
1, "Seeing the multitude." Ho was Im
pressed with their great need. "Into a
mountain." Nenr tho center of the west
roust of the sea of Galilee, a few miles
bnek from the seashore, now culled the
"Horns of Hnttln." He could be heard
mucn better In thn mnuntnln. "When Ho
was set." The usual position for teaching
among the Jews. They stood to read the
Scriptures but sat to teach. "His disci
p'.es came unto lllm. Ttier occupied a
position near to Him and the multitude
was farther owny.
'J. "Opened His moutb," The expression
marks the solemnity and importance of
the discourse. The Lord tins given us a
mouth, and we must open It and confess
the truth without fear. ' And taught them."
The moment has come when the principles
of the new covenant are to be enunciated.
8. "lllassod." Happy. The dispositions
here rucominanded are not only the way to
future blessedness, but they also imme
diately confer the truest and most noblu
happiness. "Poor in spirit." All the
beatitudes ere utilised to unlikely condi
tions,) show that the judgment ot Christ
and of the world are dllTereut. One who
Is deeply sensible of his spiritual poverty
aud wretchedness. Tho geueral oplnlou Is,
happy U the person who Is rich, and
great, and honorable In the world. The
philosophers did not reckon humility
among their moral virtues, but Christ puts
Iks first. "Theirs Is." Now, at this pres
ent time. "The klngdnn of heaven."
The kingdom of heaven aud tho
kingdom t God mean the same thing,
nnd have reference to that spiritual king
dom which Christ sets up In the hearts of
Ills children. Pan I deilnes the kingdom of
ot God ns being, "(llghteousnuss, peace
and Joy In die Holy Ghost." Horn. 14:17.
Ilut why called a kingdom? 1. Because it
lias Its laws the precepts of the Gospel.
'J. Its subjects all who believe In Jesus
Ohrlst. S. Its King tlie Hoveiclgn of
heaven nnd earth. It Is culled tliu king
dom of heaven because God desigas Uis
kingdom of grace here to resemble the
kingdom of glory above.
4. "They that mourn." Thnt Is, those
who, conscious ot their spiritual poverty,
mourn. 1. Ou neeouut of sin aud It conse
quences, a. because of having offended a
holy nud righteous God. "They shall bo
comforted." The Lord comforts hy speak
ing the words ot pardon and pencn to their
besrts. True Joy it- frequently tho Irult of
sorrow. This promise Is positive, "shall
be" comforted. Our bord In pronouncing
"the poor" and "tlie mourners" happy
does not say that a state of poverty
nud mourning is to be desired; hut they
are pronounced happy because, seeing
their spiritual poverty and mourning on
account of their sins and b irronuess ot
soul, they have the promise of thn "king
dom of heaven" and "the eo.nfoit ot tho
Holy Ghost."
5. "The meok." They who suffer in
love, or love in patience; they who, In the
strength of love, boldly yet meekly, meek,
ly yet Ouldly, bear Injustice, and thereby
conquer. When this dun composure ol
mind bus reference to God, It Is termed
"resignation;" when It Is exerted towards
men, it Is "mildness nnd gontlnneaH;" when
we consider it with regard to ourselves, wo
style It "patlenoe." The meek can be cool
wheu others are hot, and huve the rule ot
their own spirits, "inherit the earth." The
land; an expression frequently used by the
prophets to signify the laud ot Canaan.
Underfills figure our Lord promises the
nbundanco of spiritual good provided for
in the Gospel. The Cnuaau ot perfect rest
und Joy uud peace Is tho Inheritance ol
those who are truly meek.
6. "Hunger and thirst." A figurative
expression. Hunger nnd thirst are thn
strongest of bodily appetites. "After right.
eoiisuuss." The state, or quality, of being
right with God: exact rectitude; holiness,
o iinpreliendlug holy principles, and nflee
tlous ot heart, and conformity ot life to
the divine law. Righteousness here Is
tnkon for all the blessings of the New
Covennat; a fnll restoration to the Imago
of God. "Shall be filled." With right
oousness. Everything olse falls to satisfy.
God tins Himself created the desire uud tie
will satisfy the soul. Hplrltual hungering
uud thirsting Is an evidence ot spiritual
7. "The morelful." The mercirul are
those who wtep over the calamities of
othors, who feed the hungry and clothe
the nuked, admonish those in error nnd
pardon the o (Tend lug. The merciful brave
ly address themselves to the wants of tho
world. "Obtain mercy." As wo deal with
others God will deal with us. Mercy is
pnrolinsud at tho price of mercy itself.
H. "Pure in heart." The heart is the scat
of the affections, the desires, tho motives,
tho will; with the pure heart these will all
bo pure. ' Tho heart Is purified by fatth.
Acts 15:9. True religion consist lu heart
purity. "See God." That Is, possss and
enjoy God. None but th j pure ure capabio
of seeing God,
9. "Tho peacemakers." Those who avoid
contention themselves, nnd labor to restore
peace wherever it Is broken. "Tliu chil
dren of God." God is tlie fathor of poacB,
and those who promote It are said to bo
His children.
10. "I'ersocutod." Those who aro pur
sued by an enemy. "Fined, Imprisoned,
banished, scourgod, tortured, always de
livered unto death aud accounted as bbeep
for the slaughter." '"For rlghl oousness
anke." Duca'.iso of right doing. "Kingdom
ot heaven." Hee on verso 8.
11. "Itevlle." To slander; "to he abusive
in speech or aot." "Falsely for My sake."
It must not only bo raise, but "for His
sake;" because we are Christians and are
bringing forth fruit unto holiness.
la. "Hejolce." F.ven rovllers contribute
to our bldsseduess. To bn persecuted for
Christ's sake Is to be orowued. Itnv. !i:10.
"lie exonedlng glnd." Leap for Joy. Tuere
are cases ou record where this has literally
been done, "The prophets." We are to
have au Inheritance with the prophets.
Persecution has been tho portion and thn
proot of the most eminent saints lu all
TKACitiNns. When Jesus opens nis mouth
we should open our hearts. Jesus Christ
never saved a soul that He did not govern;
nor Is He preclous,to any person who does
not feel a subjection to thj) Divine will.
The seven ileatltndes form un ascending
line, iu which the uow life Is traced from
stags to stage, from its commencement to
Its completion. Zt Is Impossible to (eel
fionr In spirit without, nt the same time,
onglng (or the riches of the Hplrlt of God.
Iho meek inherit the earth.
Moly Itlto liependtil on Toas of Fenny.
fly the toss of a penny It was under
taken a while ago to decide on the
consecration ot a cemetery In England.
The town was Stow Market, a place
of about G.000 Inhabitants, In Uuflolk
county. The district council ot the town
met to decide upon what parts of the
burying ground should be consecrated,
and, es no agreement could he reached,
W. C. Ransom, ono of the councilors,
met (he chairman at the cemetery and
with him fllppod a penny. Ransom
won and chose a strip at the left side
ot the ground to be consecrated. The
two parties to the flip reported the re
sult of the choice to the council, but
the rest of that honorable body re
fused to accept this means ot arriving
at h decision. In the meantime the
church authorities made up their
minds to apply to the court for a
mandamus to compel the rite of conse
cration to be carried out decently and
In order.
Daisy Madders (sentimentally) Tell
me, Ahner, why do you love me so
much? Abner Appledry (practically)
Darned If I know.
Don't thee wed for money, friend;
For money hath a sting;
Don't thee wed a pretty face; V
'Tis but a foolish thing;
Don't thee wed for place nor fame;
'Twill disappoint thy hope;
But when thee marries, choose a girl
Who uses Ivory Soap.
cowsiqht waa av ret esocTrs a QftMair. co. omciHsan
For lllark F.yaa.
It Is often the case that pcioplo mec.l
with accidents and' bruises that cause
disfiguring' and discolorations from
which they suffer not n little embar
rassment und annoyance. - It is worth
while to know that there la a Himpft
remedy, and ono quite within the reach
of everyone. Immediately after the
accident, mix an equal quantity ''of
capsicum nnnuum with mucilage made
of gum arable. To this add n few
drops of glycerine. The bruised sur
face should be carefully cleansed and
dried, then painted all over with the
capsicum preparation. I'Re a camel's
halr brush nnd allow it to dry; then
put on the second or third coat as noon
ns the first la entirely absorbed. A
medical Journal is authority for the
statement that it this course is pursued
Immediately after the Injury, discolor
ation of thn bruised tissue will be
wholly prevented. It Is also Hald that
this remedy is unequtiled as n cure
for rhetimntlsra or stiffness of tho
a-nngavlly of Anlnaaia.
It is said thnt the giant tortoise ol
the Seychelles Islands is the longest
lived animal In tho world. Tho known
age ot ono now livlug Is ISO years, and
this dates from the time tho creature
was full grown. How old It was at the
time ot Its capture no one Is able tc
conjecture. A tlno specimen has been
presented to the Zoological Society ol
London. It weighs about a quarter ol
a ton and Is an exceedingly lively ani
mal. Mho Dntad on Tliam.
Laura They are going to liuve such
a lovely feature at Mrs. Hiup's nexl
function; a real professor of the black
art. Flora Oh, I do hope I will be
invited. I just dote on those funny
minstrel acts! Indianapolis Press.
Daafoaaa Cannot lie Curod
by local applications, ns they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the Mar. There is onlyona
way to cure deafness, and thnt Is by constitu
tional remedies. Ikeafness Is caused hy an in
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Kuataehlan Tube. When this tube get In
flamed you have a rumbllns sound or iuiuer-
set hearing, and when it is entirely closed
Jeaf nana la the result, mid unless tho Inflam
mation can be taken out nnd this tuba re
stored to its norm. 1 1 ronditt "li. hcnrinir will he
destroyed forever. Nlnaowesout, of tan aro
oausea by caturrh, which is nothing hut au in
Uanied condition of the mucous Nurfaees.
We will itlve One Hundra l Dollars for any
ease ot DeafnaHS (caused hy esttrrhlthatoan
not his cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send
tor oironlara, free.
F. .1. CurNKV & Co., Toledo, O.
flold hy DriiKtrlsr.s. ;,v.
Hall's Family 1111- lira the best.
Arl.ona has something llko 100,0X1 popv
iatiou. Don't Tobacco Spit aud hnioke Your l ife litsy.
To quit tobacco easily und forover. be mag
oetlo. lull of life, nerve und viuor, take No To
Hoc, the wonder worker, thai makes weak moo
trong. All druKirlsts, COo or (I, Curoguaran.
teed, llooltlet uud sample free. Address
Sterling itvuiedy Co, Chicago or Now York.
l'rofcssor Aiassiz's exploring expedition
with the Alluiiross has found the ocean live
snd n-lialf inllis deep near tho Uh.iid ot
I oiiga at Lua.
Hweat nnd fruit nclds will not dlsenior
goods dved with I t inah I'iuki kis Vim.
Hold by all druggists.
The Delaware, I.acknwituus nnd Western
itnnounocs that It will put in a I lock slurni
lyslum between Huboknu nnd llaekcttstown
this year.
Vitality low, deblllut.vl or eihsustedenred
by Dr. Kline's liiviKnruilntr Ionic. r'ui.K $1.
trial bottle for V week's treatment. Dr. Kline,
l.C.UJl A mb St., Philadelphia. Founded ls.'l.
ltonton Is agitating the question of cur
tailing tho ringing of church bells.
law Am Your laldnrya t
Dr TTobba'thuirnnuaPlllB.'ureiiM kldnar Ills. Pain.
ptafrett. Add. DUirllna tumecyCu.,(:iijcutfour N. v
The Unnk of Austr.u-lluugnry hods
1 40,000, OtW fuore gold than it held a your
The Ileal I'reacr litioo for Cbllla
and Fercr Is n boitln of (inovs's Tastsi.kss
Cuii.l Tonic. Ii Is alniply Irou and quiiilno In
a bunnies bu m. No cure uopay. 1'rlca boo.
The average cost of a lirltlab soldier Is XM
a yenr. The riwisa soldier oosts about li
u year.
SI rs. Wlnslow'sKoothliiR Hrrupfor children
alia) e puai, cure, wluduoliu. &e. a uolUo,
It is predicted that our whole remaining
area of white pine forests will be practically
denuded withiu five years.
To Cora tlouatlpatlon Forevar.
Take Caacareta Gundy Culharllo. loo or Ha.
It O. C, C lull tooure, druKiiisW refund muuay.
At Zurich the theological faculty of the
uulverslly tluds ttint It has only eight stu
dents (or tea professors this wluier.
For Whooping Cmish, Pinn's Cure Is a
rnaaful remedy.- M.F. Diktsm,; Ttiroop J
liruuklyn, N. Nov. it, invt,
The new automobile stages running on
Filth nveuue, New York, are bulil to so
coiuinodftlejust thirteen persons.
KdnceeeTonr Howals With Faaearota.
Candy Ontbnrtlc, ours conatlpnllnn forevar,
lOu.ijOs. II O. C. O. full, druiwlsis refund mouay.
It Is reported from Ht. Petersburg that
the ltussluo fleet lu foreign waters wlrl r
mala almost uuchunged this year
'Both sny wile and myaolfbaT ban
using CASOAKK.TH and ther are the txait
medicine wa huve ever hud In the house, t-sot
week my wife was frantio with heartache for
two days, she tried some of vourOASCAKKTH,
and thev relloved the puln In bcr head elmont
Immediately. We With recommend Cascareta."
Oh a STsnrroMt).
l'lttsburg Safe & Deposit Co-, Pittsburg. Pa.
raaoi mash KtaiaTiaiD -y
Pleasant, Palatahla, l-otant. Taste Clno.. P
Owe, iwTer Sicken. Weaken, or Uripa. Idn. ij.'Jio.
'" Swwlr PJww. OK. trm TaA. VI
CHOICE Vegetables
will always find a ready
market but only that farmer
can raise them who has studied
the great secret how to ol
tain both quality and quantity
by the judicious use of well
balanced fertilizers. No fertil
izer for Vegetables can produce
a large yield unless it contains
at least 8 Potash. Send for
our books, which furnish full
information. We. send them
free of charge.
S'litl'i St., New York.
Wair.ah to f tin thirr K'"f
uiwouiiimrri, ma naooiTi-r
I I'Kal. CltF liinlsn Unt. Im
TWff niTt KmiMsUitrururatMiTiAo
lit. UrtlNll JTrHrV IjafllUOO. H e
Htruwbcrtjr Mttloa. lto
li Dt,- Kndi.h, loo
JKtrly Din nrr Onion. It a Fiowar 8 da. la
Worth I.OO, for U mU. tUi
AtxiTrn PkKi.oPth tl.oo, will
sil von
trpfl, mueUtar mb our (:utalog,t.lhnf all ahonl
u rue i in u i wm notice I4r,
taiu. Wh liifitu rourtrado. tud
i know whD yna oaco try M irr'l
wtMMl rou win nrr an witncitt,
'ttktlHI friiMOn Htliiir'a IlloO- nr.
nt aftrlieiit .Mnitto uiftni onoartb A ; -m
S3 & 3.50 SHOES
fWcrth S4 to $6 com par tjd A
witn oiner manes.
lutlonMst lir vr
Th peuulM have W. L. I
houirUa' n.ime and price I
Muntcd on iMittom. iakt
no tulnuf ute v-uiiucrl to b
as rood. l our dealer
thoultl keep them li
st we will aerul a Mir
tn rtx-iiit ol nHce and c.
extra (or CoWtliro. Nttta kind of leather,
tite, and width, plain or can toe. Cat tree.
W. L DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, Maaa.
Want to laarn all about a
Uuraa? Buwtolvk Out a
UoodOaa? Know Imperiao
tliius and so Ouard aaalnat
rraudF Iatevt Dlaaaw and
Kffaet a Cura whan sauia
poaalldaf Tall Um Aca
Ika Taathr What lo call tha Dl ffaraat Parts of tka
Anliaalf How to Shoa a Nora. Pruaarlyf All tola
aud othar Valaaula larunnatlou uan ua abtalnad ft
raadlua; our lOO.PAUK I l.l.l'HTIUTKU
IIOUnK BOOK, wkaih wa wiU forward. Boat
Baas, aa raoalpt of aaly til aaaU la ataataa.
lit Irfwwarat Hl N. T. Otis.
t ura 1 oagba aud Colds.
I'rovaata Coaauaitlua.
All traalaia, Sea.
F.a Refunded
Patent advartliMal
I ri-a. I rea ail.
vlea aa. lo niilvutakllliv.
Hemt f r luvantora'
truiutf rllKK. .in. . u. hntlKNsA l n..
. HIT I III! Ml.. V a,,..l. It. 1 1.
UraueUaai OhlraKo, Clava.aud aud Inaru.t.
article uad by all taleuhi no ul m rll a,a r.m
sailer: Dooativiwiiuiii: proAla, S4.(A a day. 1-wrtlctiUro
lor atamu. BTavMKa a uhmkm, w-a I aatisi N. x.
oawia. busja ol lawiiiuisnieua i
i.k ra'la' aaaauraa aoraa
aud lOttava' Uaatasaeb
Afvaa. Ikr. . M. aasaa'sauaa. Smi a. AUaaaa, a.
0Bt i'outth ttjrrup. fuua .m
in t live- nti tT Unieitm
I IB fl
1 I !-
u I X
by V I