lilt. hLVtrai. About six thousand men employed In the (trim I to qunrrbwof New Kngliind tin ve struck for 3 ixt dsy and an eight-hour day. At Burr, V(., irhore two tliuuaud tnenae em ployed, a Oomproml-e has been off. -etc, I. The biifn of J.'H. Whet sell, near Martin burg, W. Vs., wns destroyed by an luoen diary flr. Farming Implo.nout und stock were uIho lost. Id IllrlinioiKl William Miller, convicted of the inurdnr ot Beverly Cur s.hin, was sen tenced to eighteen years In the pHiiltentl.iry. llev. F. J. Brooke, of Ktnuiitori, Vii., Iiim accepted n mil to the Second Presbyteilan Church of Alexandria. A passenger train was wrecked nu Plain ville, Ut. Two tr.iliiuion wiTj killed und nine passengers injured. John K. Mnhrer, olio of the pioneers of At lantic City, died on rallroud truln near Niagara. Charles H. I.iiIr, of Chicago, shot his bro th fr and fain s stcr-iu-liiw while Intox untod. Another shipyard luny b established la llii.'hmoud, Vs. I'nusuiilly heavy und 'deep snow storms were reported In nil parts of the Wmt. BuH road truffle was vnry mueh Impeded, t.t.f oago, HI. Louis and Kansas City suffered. Miss Km ma Sehrnldlapp died at Kansas City, Mo., making thn third fatality that ro. suited from the collision on tlie Missouri l'n. -Ill (! Ballrond, near Independence, Mo. Wilbur H. Stewart, proprietor of a paper at Mullan, Idalio, gave evidence of tbu hor rors of th "bull-pen" before the House In vestigating nommittee. In a row lb it follotvel a Washington's Birthday celebration ut Pllaros de Tlerra, Mexico, tbrno Americans und five Mexicans were killed. .Seventeen universities have formed an or ganization whose purpose la to establish a uniform grado for the decree of l'b. 11. Frederick Kali lor, n I'hlladelphla book seller, waarsant to nrleon for one year for selling copies of laudet's novel, '-Sapho." John Glean, a farmer, near Bluofleld, W, Va., killed his daughter and her lover, Al bert Marsh, and then killed himself. I. OQ Curry, thn train robber, was killed by ofllcers at liodeoo, Ho. Kdward Ooxon and Hnrry Henderson, two boys from Manchester, Va., who had started out to be road agent, were caught In n car at Don Air, near Hlchimmd, and gent to the Reformatory. The passengers wero taken off the Allan Line strainer Cfllifornlnn, which went on the rocks on the Maine coast. It la thought thu teamer will be a total loss. Judge Jenkins, In tho United Htatea Court, In Milwaukee, appointed a receiver for the United States Milling Company, other wine known as the Flour Trust. Vice Chancellor Pitney, la Jersey City, di rected the payment of a. thirty-Ave per cent, dividend to the creditors of the Middlesex County Bank. Emmet SauBderg, from N'ansemond county, Va., drank throe ounces of laudanum at Newport New, fie may recover. Frlnea Pouiatowskl, of Han Francisco, Li reported to nave bought the Ialand of ltosllan, In the Philippines, for 500,000. Thn fine residence of Robert Johnson, on the Hudson, at Mt. Ht. Vincent, was burning while be slept In an armchair. Peter Wllbelm, a veteran, died In York, and, In accordance with but requost, will have four negroes as pallbearers. George Wooley Allen, of tho Philadelphia Evening Telegraph, died at bis home in Phllauolphla. Wilson Waknlln, a prominent farmer ol Brock, Nnb., killed his wife and then coin inltted siilnide. T. C. Fell and Lis wife were nearly burned to death in their homo in Portsmouth, Va. President IT. M. Comer, of the Central roud of Georgia, died in Savannah. Four men were killed by the falling of a:i elevator in a mine arScrantou, Pa. II. L. Grubb, a lunatic In Portsmouth ( Va.) jail, tot fire to his cell. The firm of Simpson & Co., glover?, ol Boston, made on assignment. Iir. Scliurmnn, former head of the Philip pine Commission, in nn address In Chicago, ays that tho form of government find con Htilutlon to be givon thu Filipinos is thosiimc as that outlined by educated Filipinos. Cas'ilor Vdentlne, of tho Middlesex County (N. J.) Bunk, now serving u term, was drralgued on additional Indictments. Ho was remanded to await tho expiration ol his present sentence. The American Ncyspnpor Publishers' As soolatlou, tu convention In New York, adopted resolutions asking Congress to in quire luto thu unjuslillod increase iu tin1 prlco of paper. James Bowling, while cutting wood iu the Mountain View neighborhood, near Fred ericksburg. Va.. was struck by a falling true, and died from the injuries received. L. I). Newell A Sou's llry goods house, at Frovldono, lt. I., was burned, Aiiumburol girls narrowly escapud, Loss HOO.O K), George li. lOvans, stamp clerk nt the New port News (Va.) Postofllce, was released on ball on the charge of Intercepting letters. The Masonic Temple, the Opera House and other buildings at LondonOnt., were de stroyed by Ore. Losses uggreguto 200,M 0. One life was lost, several persons Injured, and property valued at tS '0,000 was burne.l in the millinery district of Philadelphia. Michael Hullivan, Jr., who robbed hlr aged father In Philadelphia, returned to the house and committed suicide. Walter Wood, accused of the murder ol Jack Oloyou in Newport News, Va.. was ac quitted on his second trial, The Metropolitan Hotel, at lilrmingham, Ala., was burned, together with other pro erty. Three persons were Injured by the fall ol platform at Karl's factory, In Norfolk, Va. Mrs. F P. ITayes, the wife of JJr. K. 1'. Hayes, a dentist, formerly of Chicago, but now wtu , offices at the, Hotel Kndleott, In New York, was shot and killed In her apart ments In that hotel by l)r. Frank 1). Con well, nn assistant of I'r. Hayes. Conwull then shot and killed himself. The United Htates transport MuPherson. with a broken shaft, was towed Into Norfolk by the fruit steamer Admiral Hampson. John brashmau tilled Miss Jlessie Millet In Mobile, Ala., and had a narrow escape from bulug lynahed. An orgnul.ntlon was formed of twenty three unions of the bulldlug-trude employer tu Philadelphia. Daniel Audel was arrested In Petersburg Va., ou the charge of attempting to pass u bogus check. Machinists employed by A Chal mers and Crosby A. Co., in Chicago, went tin a strike. An liivei.tlKiilion Is being made of tin' trouble among tho olllcers of thu Lulled Mlatfs hospital ship Missouri. i Gabriel lllshop is ou trial lu li ith, N. V,, OU the charge of having murdered F.verttt Ausllu with dynamite. business Arms were burned out In the destruction by lire of a building ou Jef ferson street, Chicago. Ernest Mllller, of Savannah, Us., deserted by his wife, nud sk-k, tried to commit sui cide lu l'hlludulphln. Dr. J. M Hanger, n prominent phys'clau ot Htuuutou, Va., dropped dead In his stable. Five persons were seriously Injured lu a street ear wreck at Atlauta, Utt. I.ittl Mildred Itonwlck was nearly killed by rats while lying lu a crib la her home iu Philadelphia. Mrs. Edgar Burr Bsrtrnm took three poi sons on the street la (ireenwlcb, Ct., but her titn was savvd XIX MCrjEAiH. I AKKO W1N1 TltAOICDY IN LOIXJl'.O IIOIXK UltK. rWO OTHERS BADLY HURT. lullillng If ad I3'l Small ltnoms -Ninety Were Occupied - lllaze DUenvered From the Ontslde Ilerole HT.irts of Police anil Firemen to Have Llves-tlouno Little tHiiiurtj, New York, (Hpeclal.) Hlx persons were turned to death and two were Injured iu a Ire which occurred In a soven-story lodg inuse at 4 to4H Bowery. Kkiiphuu Carney, 73 years oh), was burned ibout tho body, face and hands and removed 0 a hospital, where he dlid. Martin Galln rber, 63 years old, was burued about the a-'e and hands and also removed to a hos ltal. Edward Walker, 47 years old, was nirned, but iiTter having bis wounds dressed vmalued nt tho lodging house. The lire was first discovered shortly nftei 1 o'clock. Hmoke wns pouring from the vlndows of the llfth floor, nnd the flames vere making rnpld progress. Tlie lodging house was cut up Into 132 ooins, and 90 of these small plaues were oc cupied when tbe Are broke out. Policemen nt lu nn nlarm and burst Into the plnce to irouse the inmates. They nolllbsl tlienight h'rk, who Immediately rang the alarms nil ver the house. Tho hallways wero instantly filled with a rrowd of excited people. The policemen orced their way to the upper floors In an ffort to rescue some of tho helpless, or any vho might bo overcome with smoke. They rarrled out Thomas Harper, n one-legged nan, and Kdward Walker, who had been mi rued and partially overcomo by the smoke, ttepheu Carney wns found lying on the flooi li bis room. The flames had already burued he old man's hands, face nud body, but n )olIcoman picked him up and carried him ut of the building. The firemen succeeded In extinguishing lie (lames without great loss to the build ug. After tho fire was out thoy began u ivarch. Tho bodies of all live of the vlctiuit rero found on the fifth floor, where tho flr lid most damage. Buttle was suffocated In lis bed. John Clark was found on the flooi t bis room, dead, as was also Edward Doyle. Tho colored man was found dead at a win low and the uuldeutlfled man had been vereome Just as he was dragging nlmsell !rom the window to the fire-escape. All the bodies wero taken to the morgue. The damage to the building amounted :o about 2,H0'. The place was conducted jy Domluluo Mllano, and was a cheap Bow 9ry lodging house, SHKLUON KDITION IIOOM. Fondest Mopes of Originators Surpassed -Postmaster Culls for Help. Topekn; Kan., CHpecial,) At the close ol ouslness In the Capitol counting-room Hun lay night the subscriptions fur the Hheldon sdltlon, beginning with the Issue of March 13, passed the 100,000 mark, with a bushel basket full of letters unopened. An express wagon hauled to the Capitol .'f)lce a load of letters which will require the services of a dozen extra clerks to open :tud put ou the mailing list. It is thought tho rush has only com menced. Tuis unique venture, In a business way, Is surpassing the fondest dreams of the originators, and to handle It the Capitol ueeds the facilities of the largest metropoli tan dull y newspaper iu tho United Htates. Hubscrlptlous are coining from every civil l.od quurter ot the globe. The Topeka Postolllce Is already clogged, and Postmastel Guthricr has telegraphed to Washington twl.e for additional help. tilVKS AWAY till MALAItV. Congressman Sibley Uivdes It Among Five Iluspituls In His District. Franklin, Pu (Hpeclal.) Hhortly aftei the election of Joseph Hlbley as Cougrets man from the Twenty-seventh district he announced that he would divide bis salary for his two years' term among tho live hos pitals in his district. Iu fulfillment of this promise, the ofllclals ot the projected hospital lu this city have received u check for 1,000 from Congress man Sibley, audacheck lorthesame amount was received by each of tho hospitals lit Ull City, Warreu, Bradford nud Kane. At the end of his term euch hospital will have re ceived fc'-'.OUO. While Mr. Klblpy represented the Erlo Cruwford district ho took similar action with his salary, dividing it among the lubor organizations ot the district. TOItfc DOWN TIIK I'l.Ati. Mayor of Omiilia M as .Surprised to l lad u Ited ilag lu Its l'luee. Omithn, Neb., (Hpeclal,) Una of the inci dents of the healed municipal campaign Just closed was tho tearing down and de itroylug of an Aiuerlcnu Ilag and the sub stituting therefor a red rag ou a flagpole in Mayor Moore's yard. Ho wns astounded to see the red cloth tlyiug where, erstwhile, the Htars uiid Hirlpes Quitted. As the rope was cut, his Honor had to call on the lire department to ruu up a ladder and take down the red cloth. He then ran up a brand-new American ling to the top of the mast and says ho does not propose to let any one pull It dowu. The work Is thought to have becu done by political opponents. Secretary Hoot's Cnbau Journey. Tampa, Fla., (Special.) Secretary of Wai Boot and his wife and General Ludlow and party have not yet departed for Cuba. Thoy loft i'ort Tampa aud went to Egmont Key, where they expected to meet the transport Hedgwlck, and proceed to Havana. The transport fulled to arrive, however, and the party returned to I'ort Tampa. To Hunt Down (joebel' Murderer. Frankfort, Ky., (Hpeclal.) The Uenio latle Hcniitu passed the bill for the appoint cnont of a committee to hunt down the per ion or persons who assassliiated Gov. Goebel and appropriating f 1011,00(1 to carry on tht work. The bill has previously passed tht House, and uow goes to Governor Bccknuir for approval. The Uepiiblli.'iiii Senate, sitting in the saint lua'l, took no part iu the proceedings, SK NT Til hTATK I'ltlSOV. Walter r'uniNMurtli, It Is Maid, Hum I'ort) Wives. Chicago, i Special.) Waiter L. Faras worth, I IgamlHt, was sentenced to the pen! I. mllary by J udge Baker, lli'ls said to bavi forty wives In various purls of the country He was Indicted ou four charges and ac kiioivh dged ho had boon married four timet without the formality of a divorce from any ono of the four wives, all of whom are 11 v mg. Farusworth was known us Bradford ui.l by ether mimes, ills reul name is said to bo Urtou. He has relatives In Baltimoru. where ho once lived. May Get u Port from Portugal. London, (By Cable.) The (Standard says We believe that negotiations for England' acquisition of it port III Portuguese East Africa, giving easy access to Ithodeslu, urt 3ii foot and are likely to succuud, lu vlow ol Ihu turn tho war bits takeu." A Dangerous Lunatic. Birmingham, Ala., (Special.) bborlfl Cooley, of Chilton county, was struck on the head by a crazy prisoner named Campbell, In the Clinton Jul!, aud fatully wounded Campbell killed Dan Jenkins, colored, whe bad been placed to watch him. Campbell weaned. f riUlYl WASHINGTON. Miss Lllllau Pauncefote, daughter of tho British ambassador, Was married In Rt. John's Church to ltofcort Bromley, ot Htoke Hull, England. The consideration In the Senate of the Hawaiian Government bill furnished the oc casion for an attack by Mr. Tillman on Hon ator Morgan, Iepresei.tatlv8 Mudd Is preparing to de feat the annual attack of the New England members on tba Naval Academy appropria tion. Commander Hodges, of the Nero, submit ted his report upon the survey he made of the cable route to our Fnclllo possessions. Tho House committed henrd additional evldenco In the charges agninst tho military officials at the Coucr d'Aiene mines. A number of civilians were appointed to lieutenancies. The Navy Department accepted the Wag ner typewriters. The defense In the Montana bribery charges considered Its testimony, nnd At torney General Nolan, the llrst witness In rebuttal, was placed on the stand. Ex-Senator Gorman, It Is reported, will prepare the Democratic national platform, Bud may name tho vice presidential candi date. Vice presidents were elected by the Daugh ters of the Amerlcnn Itevolutlon. Iu the afternoon they were received by Mrs. Dewey. The Commltte on Commerce favorably re ported a bill for the appointment of a com mission to visit Asia in the Interest of trade. The Bopubllcnn conferees of the two houses ngreeS upon a compromise fluauce mil, wntca wns presented In the Senate. Mr. Minefield, of Maine, made the chief speech In the House, bitterly denouncing the proposed Puerto Blcnn tariff. John McNultH, of, Chicago, died suddenly nt the Hamilton House. Mr. MoNulta was In the city in connetlon with tho reorlvershlr. of a national bank, nud at one time was Identified in u similar capacity for the Whis key Trust. (Senntor Clark's son and Bev. Alport B Martin wero witnesses before the Benats comililtte Investigating the Montana briber) charges. Tho rigid meat Inspection law adopted by tho German Beichstag Is an obstacle to the proposed reciprocity law with this oountry. The Htate Department has decided to dc mand nn Indemnity for tba killing of the young American Pears by a sentinel la Hon duras. Speeches wero made In the House on the Fuerto Blco Tariff bill by Representatives McCaull, Uroavouur, Money and others. Itepresoutntlve Blohardson Introduced a resolution directed against tba Tin pi ate Trust. F1VK OV A FAMILY KII.LKD. Oevupants of a Carriage Struck by an -press Near Itochester. Geneva, N. I., (Special.) Shortly aftei midnight Saturday night the midnight ex press on the Lehigh Valley Bullroad struok a carriage containing seven persons ut Tut tie's crossing, about twenty-Ova miles east from Rochester, Instantly killing five of the occupants, fatally Injuring another, and badly bruising the other. The family had spent tho evening nt a friend's house near Tuttle's crossing and started home a little before midnight. The carriage In which they rode was a three seated affair. Porter Smith nud his son Gardner occupied the front seat. Before reaching the crossing, tho carriage was stopped, and Mr.jmlth listened for the train, but did not hear It in the howling gale. The horses bad Just crossed the track lu safety, when the engine of the expresi train crashed down upon tbo carriage und Its occupants. Gardner Smith, who wa least Injured, crawled to a station near by and secured assistance. The bodies of Mrs. Smith nnd her daugh ter Miranda wero carried for a ratio on the cowentchor of the euglue. The bodies ol the littlo girl and her two brothers werr found near the scene of tho accldeut. 7,000 UIOH SCHOOL UL'H.NKD. llerryvllle's line Structure Completely Destroyed. Berryvllle, Va., (Hpeclal.) The BerryvHle high school building, with all its contents, was destroyed by Are. It Is supposed that the 11 ro originated iu tho bnseiuent, where the furnace was located. Tho wind was blowing a hurricauo, aud sparks and burn lug fragments woru curried to a distance ol over half a mile over tho town, and the neighboring buildings wero only saved from destruction by being couted with u sheet ol Ice and snow. The school building was ono of tbu finest In tho Htate. It wits a large two-story brick structure, equipped with nil modem lin provemeUts, and was erected Ave years ngo at a cost of 7,0J0. Building and couteuta were Insured for l,60.i. Just six years ago the school building standing on the sumo spot was destroyed by lire, the origin ot which was never known. There will be no Interruption In the school session, the several departments having been located In buildings lu town. FIELD OF LABOR. Japau has a labor paper. Dallas has a labor temple. Artlflclul cork gains favor. Connellsvllle bus 20,073 coke ovens. There ure 30,000 union Iron inolders. Kansas City is to have a labor temple. Tokyo, Japan, has many labor unions. Atlanta Is to have a tl,0U0,003 cotton mill. Unoki Ham buys 10,000 typewriters a year. Umaha Is to haw a chambermaids' unlou. Kansas City has a dance prompters' unlou. New Orleans has the largest floating dry dock. Brooklyn Paperhangers' Union was organ ized in im. Cleveland wood-carvers were eonceded the eight-hour day. Cincinnati wood-carvers were conceded an udvance ot 10 per cent, Clnulnmiti barbers want shavers to puss an examination as to ability. The State ot Washington furnished over 500,000 tons of coal to California last year. A number of uulons lu Georgia have be gun preparations for the next Labor Day celebration. Anderson (Iud.) carpenters have been con ceded tlie eight-hour day und !)0 cents per hour. Work performed by New York cabinet makers ou Lincoln's Birthday must be paid for at double rules. The park laborers ot Brooklyn have been organized Into a local assembly of the Knights of Labor. Fifty-eight per oeut. of tho 7,125 employes ot the Pullman works Were boru outside of the United Htates. Cincinnati Building Trades Council de clares that one of tho deputies of tho build ing inspector's office should bo a pruotlcal plasterer. Iu China there are no native factories, In dustries bulug still In the cottage stage, aud agriculture employes more people thun any sort of trade, Sun Franelsoo, Dearer, and Chicago all have trolley funeral services, ami now Mil waukee U considering the proposition. The United Garment Workers of America have forwarded to Paris, for the social uud euonomlu section ot the exposition,, two large V iures Illustrating the ooutrast between a weatshop and a model clothing faotory lu .tie Viid -Jwt UilUNJt UAflUKbl). LIO.V or MOUTH AKItICA FOHCKD OUT lOF A HOPKI.liSS POSITION. HIS GALLANT STRUGGLE. Assured of a Sale Conduct to Capo Town and Kind Treatment-All Ills Artillery Captured -Lnd of the Ten-day Siege on Moilder Itlver Gen. Hobs" tho Hero of ths Uour In London and tha Colonies. General JlgJierts has f orced tho surrender of Cronje, and he Is a prisoner In the Field Marshal's hands. With him were captured his wlfo, personal itafTand about 4,000 raeu, with all their srtlllery and armp. Sate conduct for the captive has been guaranteed by tho Field Marshal, and they will bo sent to Cape Town nnd delivered to the Commnuding General there. Thoy iu sssured of kind treatment. There is tinlvnr.iil ..l,.l,.i,... i irnnin.i .-w.u.ub ... U , ...... nd throughout tho colonies at the news of ni" cupuuiuuon. The novt nu.vo ia n r. ........ i A t nn ro fouteln, but It is expected that ltoberts will "" miunier army to meet. General Itullei Is one of great difficulty. lu his recent ndvnnce ho met with heavy losses under thn n ln,,.,i,... n-... ,.i n. n. ....... Both sides wero under a terrific ballot metal, and an armistice bus boon agreed upon for lUo burial of tho dead. Hunnllca Iiuva riianhmi t t..i..un.iiii ... ... burghurr suout tho Idea of being obliged to raise tho siege, Tho gurrlson la the city Is so hemmed tu that It cun do little to aid the rescuing force. SlllllKMlFK OF IKONJK. How the Moo or South Africa Wi Obliged to Abandon Ills Poult Ion. London, (By Cablo.) The War Office has received the following dlsputch from Lord ltoberts: "Paardeborg. General Cronje and all of his force capitulated unconditionally at day light and la now a prisoner In my camp. The strength of his force will be communicated later. I hope that Her Majesty's Govern ment will consider this event satisfactory, occurring as it does on the anniversary of Majuba." The War Offlce also received the following additional dispatch from Lord Boberts: "From Information furnished dully to me by the Intelligence Department it became apparent that General Cronje's force was be coming more depressed and that the discon tent of the troops and the discord among the leaders Were rapidly Increasing." "This .feeling was doubtless accentuated by the disappointment caused when the Boer reinforcements, which tried to relieve General Cronje, were defeated by our troops on February 113. 1 resolved, therefore, to bring pressure to bear on tho enemy. Euch night the trenches wero pushed forward to ward the enemy's laager so as to gradually contract h's position, aud at the same tin e I bombarded It heavily with artillery, which was materially aided by the arrival ot four six-Inch howitzers which I had ordered up from Do Aiir. "In carrying out these measures a captive balloon gave great assistance by keeping us informed of the dispositions and movements of tbo enemy. At 8 A. M. a most daehiua ndvauce was Inude by the Canadian Begb meut and some ouirlneers, supported by the First Gordon Highlanders und Second Shropshlres, resulting la our gaining a poiut some 6 :0 yards nearer the enemy and within about W0 yards ot his trenches, whero oui men lntrenahcd thoiuselves and maintained their positions till morning, n gallant deed worthy otour colonial comrades, aud which, I am glad to say, was attetidcd by compara tively slight loss. "This apparently clinched matters, for, ut daylight, a letter signed by General Cronje. In wbli h he stated that lm surrendered tin conditionally, was brought to our outposts uudur a Hug of truce. "In my reply I tald Geuernl Cronjo ho must present himself nt my camp, aud that his forcomust come out of their laagor after laying down their nrins. By 7 A, M. 1 re ceived General Cronje nnd dispatched u telegram to you announcing tho fact. In the course ol conversation he asked lor kind troutmeut ut our hands, and nlso asked Dial his wife, griiudson, private secretary, adju tant nnd servants might accompany him wherever he might be sent. I reassured hi in and told him his request would be complied with. I Informed him that a general officer would bo sent with him to Cupo Town, to Insure his being treated with proper respect ou route. He will start Immediately uuder charge of Major-General Pruttyiuaii, who will blind him over to thegeuerul command ing at Cape Towu. "The prisoners, who uurnber about 3,0i,0, Will be formed Into commaudos uuder our own olllcers. They will bo railed to Cupo Town in detachments." l'OH COM I DLK VTK MONI MKM. fcoutti Carolina to Kreet a Granite Shaft at 1'hlckiiiuauga. Columbia, 8. C, (Hpeclal.) Tho Legisla ture has made an appropriation of tio 000 tor erectlug a monument ut Chlckamauga. A haudsomo shaft of South Carolina graultu will be set up, surmounted with u bron.o palmetto tree. The commission con sists of Governor MoSweeuey, Adjutant General Floyd, General C. I. Walker, Coin mauder South Carolina Division Uullud Con federato Veterans. The monument will be ereotod on Shod grass Iilll, slid there will be markers for Kershaw's, G hit's and Muulguult's Brigades, aud Culpepor's Battery. ' Killed 11 y Explosions. Marietta, O., (Hpeclal.) Three men wors klltud In the oil llelds near this city by ex plosions of nltroglyoeriu. Harvey Benedict uud Chester Campbell, -of Wllllamstown, were blown lo atoms while preparing to shoot n well. A few minutes later, near the scene of the first accident, a loud of nitro glycerin exploded annihilating Samuel Fleming, his team and wagon, aud shaking tho country for miles around. F.xpouses of One Commission. Washington, (Hpeclal.) The secretary of the Industrial Commission submitted to Cou gress a report showing the work performed by tho commission, Its method.!, tto. The uurnber of wltuosses examined up to Do comber 81, lH'J'J, was B73 und tbo expenses ol tho commission to the sumo date SU,77. Carter's Last Chance Gone. Washington, (Speclul.)-The United Htutes Supreme Court denied the applien lon of t'aptalu Oberliu M. Carter to bring his case Into that court. There wus no written opinion. - TltANsl'Oltl' HANCOCK' DI.AI. Slie Brought 03 Hollies From the Phil, ipplue Islands, Hau Francisco, Cala., (Hpeclal.) The work of moving the dead front tho trans port Huuccck commenced Tuesduy. Tho Hancock brought 503 bodies from tbu Phil ippines, which, with those thut have been returned on other transports, makes a total ot 1,180 bodies received from thu Islands. Tt e bodies will be iu it nt tho Presidio whan by a detachment from Buttery O Third Artillery, which will escort them to tho buildings, where they will await tho dU poti&l ot relatives. LUUli bltUL LNULL). Entry or British Troops Inta Laitysmlth The Garrison was Living on Half a I'niind of Meal Per Man. London, (By Cable.) Tho War Office hat received tho following despatch from Own. Buller: "Gen. Dundonnld, with thn Nnlnl Carbln eors and a composite regiment, entered L'tdysmltli Wednesday night. The country between me nn 1 Ladysmlth Is reported cleat of the enemy. I am moving on Nelthorpe." Subsequently Gen. Buller wired as fullows: "I have Just returned from Ladysmlth. Except a small guard north of Hurprlse Hill, the whole of the enemy lately besieging the town have retired In hot haste, and to the south ot thu towu the country Is quite clear of them, , "The garrison wero on half a pound of menl per man a day, and were supplementing the meat ration by horses and mules. "The men will want a Utile nursing before being fit for the Held." A FT Lit TIIK What Was Seen In the Camp-Hours Did Not Show Drooping Spirits. London, (By t'ublo.) With such detor mined enemies, says a special correspondent, telegraphing from Faurdeberg, under date of February 27, ono would suppose that the Boers would have destroyed their guns, small arms nnd ammunition before sur rendering. The only thing injured, however, was a Viokers-Maxlm piece, which had boen hit by a British shell. A British officer and nine British soldiers, who wero prisoners, had been provided with deep holes by tho Boers and kindly trented. Tho Boors Inquired anxiously whether Bloetnfoiitolii wus lu possession of the Brit ish. When tho order came for tho Boer prison ers to cross the river to the British enmp they took all that they conld carry of such thlugs as pots, pans and blaukets, throwlug their rifles In two heaps that gradually Increased to huge proportions. As tho ford had been swollen by a heavy rain, the Boers took off their trousers and waded across. Tho sceno looked like play rather than war. The men laughed nnd splashed euch other In the wa ter, but amoug them were some grim faces, which looked with disfavor upon such sportlveness. KENTI CKV S lYll'DDLK. Court of Appeals Tos'panes Argument Docket I'ntll the Spring. Frankfort, Ky., (Spcclal.)-Tho Court of Appeals entered an order postponing the ar gument docket till the spring term, which begins In April. The order of the Chief Justice does not glvo tho reason for this ac tion, but merely states thnt tho judges will hold their consultations, at which cases will be decided as usual, nud thnt the court will convene on tho bench whenever the occasion demands it. Iu Democrutlo circles It is said this action was taken on account of stories that the lives of two ot the Judges had been threat ened. The agreed case Involving contests for Governor and Lieutenant-Governor will be argued at Louisville beforo Judge Fluid on a demurrer, filed by Bopubllonn Gover nor Taylor's attorneys to tho petition of Democratic Goveruor Beckham. Tho two faatlons of the Htnto government are proceeding eaoh In full operation, but with nothing approaching a clash pending the litigation over the offices. The treasury of the Democratic faction of the State gov ernment was replenished by payment Into it of about $25,000 from officials of Jefferson county. The Democratic officials think thai the example set by tho Jefferson county officers will be followed by Democratic offi cers in a majority of counties whero they are In control, nud that In u few days they will uavo enough money to pay current ex penses. ItKIIKI.S CAI'Tl UH THAIN. Escort of Cavalrymen Caught lu nil Am bush Prisoners ou u Trnnsport. Manila, (By Cable.) A hundred Insur gents seven miles from Hau Fernando de la Union ambushed ten men of the Third Cav alry who wore escorting a provision train. The Americans scattered, and while return ing to camp one man was killed. The in surgents captured four horses nnd a quantity ot provisions. A subsequent reconnaissance of tho locality developed the fact that there wero entrenchments there and a force of Filipinos, estimated to number HOJincu. The Third Cavalry is propuriug to drive the In surgents out. The recently-purchased naval transport A lava, sent to Biigay, In the Gulf of Liber ate, for Hpunlsh prisoners, has returned hero bringing 500 persons, Including priests, offi cers, soldiers and civilians uud ten Ameri cans. The navy officials being Informed thut the prisoners wero carelessly guarded, hurried the Alava to Bngiiy, manned t y twenty blue jackets. Six officers from the Brooklyn and llfty murines accompiiulcd thu transport. IN A LIVING TOHU. t wo Miners Ilruught Out Dead, One I'utnl ly Hurt, and One Will Iteeuvur. Bedding, Cnl., (Special.) All through the night the resellers worked In two-hour shlfls to save the eight mu imprisoned by the cuve-iu at the Iron Mountain mine, so far only four mon buve been taken out, two dead. Una has succumbed to his Injuries nud the fourth will probably live. ' But slight hopes ure holdout for tho safety of tbo other Imprisoned men, as the air pump Is broken. A second cave-In occurred iu the copper level of the mine, Injurlug four rescuers, but none very bndly. Murder Done While Drunk. Chicago, (Special.) Charles IJ. Lute snot nud seriously wounded his brother, 1). Luu, ut the latter's art store, 506 West Mudlson treot. He then llred two shots at his si t r-lu-law. killing her instantly. Charles l.ut: was formerly employed by .Mr. aud Sirs. Luu us muniiger. He was discharged lust rail. Ho entered the atora lutoxlcated, and a quarrel ensued Immediately, which ro iulted In the shooting. Tho murderer mudo uo attempt to escape. Killed by Burglars. Wheeling, W. Vn., (Hpoclnl.)-Two masked men burst in tho door of James Horvey's residence, near Klin Grove, evidently bent on robbery, llcrvey, who was sixty-live and supposed lo have money lu the house, grap pled with them, when a shot was llred, kill ing Hervey instantly. It passed through his head. Thure Is no cluo to the murderers Virginians After New Building. Washlugtoti, (Special.) -A delegation from Norfolk mid Portsmouth visited Washington lu the Interest of a new public building iu Portsmouth. Miners and Puinturs Strike. Wheeling, W. Va., (Special.) Two hiin dred meu employed by the Pittsburg Blitck Coal Company mid liosu A Morgan's ml.ues at Bullalre went on a strike because the mauugemeut refused to recognize the eight hour sculo for outside labor. ' U iiou painters lu this city struck for an advance iu wages from ti.VJ for eight hourf to t8. An effort will bo mudo by tlie liosao to 1111 their places. , Hank Chartered. Washlllirton. iHnnelnl Th. f li cit the Currency bus imitwrlil ihu i'iii-y.Jr,u' Nntloual Bank of Covington, Va,, to Wglo ousuiusa wttn a ospltul of 150.00 J. t-LUnucU lU ucHlrl. Fonr Men Meet nn Awful Fate In tht Shaft of the lu lur t eal Company. Hertuitoil, Pa., (Special.)-Four men were killed by being thrown from a descending carriage In tho Mount' Pieasant shaft of the Fuller Coal Company, In West Scruuton. The victims iiroi Frank Woodward, aged 24 years, of 517 Forest court, drill machine operator! mar ried. John Began, ngtd 85 years, of 251 Ball foad avenue, laborer; leaves widow and three ihlldren. Thomas Williams, aged 83 years, of 1807 Liifayctto street, laborer; loaves widow nud .Wo children. William Gilbert, aged 41) years, of 219 Korth 1'ilmoro avenue, driver) leaves widow soil six children. Ten workmen hnd entered tho enrrlnge to bo lowered luto the different mine workings, tlx of whom got off nt tho Dunmorn vein. When the carriage began Its further descent toward tho foot of the shart It struck one of tho faus ntthe Chirk vein, which are used to hold the onrrlngo when cars aro bolug run In nd out of the opening. There wns a crash, and the floor of the :nrrlngo Was separated Trom Its holdings on one side, throwing the occupants into the shaft, ull of them fulling headlong to the bottom. Began and Gilbert wero instantly killed, their bodies being horribly mangled. Williams and Woodward were found, but died si o-lly afterward. Just what caui-od the accident is hard to determine, but tho general supposition of the em ployes, who are familiar with the workings, Is that some one who got off the carriage ou the previous trip had neglected to lock the fan, and It slipped out of plnco, causing the collision when tho carriage was' lowered afterward. DIED IN THE KI.EVTKIC CIIA1K. Electrocution of Antonio l'. rrnro in Slug Slng-lteeeived Five Shocks. Now York, (Special ) Antonio Ferrnro was electrocuted nt Sing Hiug Prison foi tho murder of Luclane Muchio In Brooklyn on April 4, 1H'J8. The electric current was turned on at 8.20 A. M., and live shocks wero ndmlnlstered before the n I tend lug physicians wero satis fied that he was dead. Uo was pronounced dead nt 8.2H A. M. The murder ot Muchio was the result of a quarrel over a fancied wrong on the part ol Fcrraro. A Drop to Death In a Mine. Hcranton, Pa., (Hpeclal.) Four men were killed lu the Mount Pleasant mine by the trenklng of n mine carriage. Their names are William Gilbert, Thomas Williams, John Began nnd Frank Woodward. Tho men were descending on the mine carrlaga to thi sixth vein. When It reached tbo fifth volu thn carriage, which was going down at rapid rate, struck an adjustable shelf whlob was left projecting, breaking the bottom o' the carriage and dropping the men to the pit, seventy-five feet below. A Lady Fatally Hiirned. Charleston, W. Va., (Special.) Mrs. Bur glss, aged 60 years, wlfo of George Burglss of Blchlancts, Groenbler county, was horri bly burned by her clothes catching lire. 1'. appears that she was lying on a rug In frou' of the tiro In the family room, watting foi the return ot ono of her sons, the other mem bers of tho family having retired. Sho foi asleep, and in u short while tho fntnlly wert awakeuud by screams, and when they reachet the room they found her wrapped lu flames Killed a Young Woman. Mobile, Ala., (Special.) Bessie Millet aged eighteen, was shot nnd instnntly klllec hero by John Drnshmnn. Both wero opera tives nt a canning factory, Drnshmno claims tho girl assnu tod his mother, and ho shot nt her not Intending to Injure hoi seriously. Throats of lynching were mudo nud tho rope for tho purpose was on thi sccuo when Driishmun was rescued. Hllrial of S3 Demi Soldiers. Washington. (Special.) The bodies of N soldiers who died In Culm were burled In thf Spiuilsh-Americiin section nt Arlington Cem etery. Tiie burial services of tho Episcopal and Catholic ehurehns were rend rspflelie ly by Bev. Dr. B. II. McKIm nud Rev. Fathei Ueuo Holland, of Georgetown. University The cavalrymen ut Fort Myer and tho fill band ot the garrison were present. Found With Ills Throat Cut. Parkersburg, W. Vn., (Special.) -Join; Sandy, a well known citizen of IV.tcbh county, was found with bis throat cut fron ear to ear In tho woods near Central Station The Indications are that Sandy committed the deed on the railroad track, wandering off afterward. To uinko sure of accom plishing bis purpose hn bound tbo blade o a rasor Into its handle tightly with n cloth Ho loaves n widow and family In good elr cumsUiuces. Accidentally Shot. Cciitrovllle, Md.. (Rpeelal.) Zell Print, ut oystcrmuu residing ou tho John Embert farm In the luwer part ot Qneou Anne's county near Guy's, accidentally shot himself through the left arm, tearing the flesh almost entirely off about thn elbow. He had been oysterlng and carried bis gnu with him, Ouruturulnu it heavy breeze struck III in unawares, caus ing a part of his bout sail lo catch in thnguu, discharging It, the entire load piifMne. through bis arm. :iO,000 I.o.t In Thirty Minutes. Lynchburg. Va., (Special.) A flro broke out at 7 o'clock in a large brick building at Main nnd Sixth streets, and lu less than thirty minutes the entire structure was in ruins. The building was occupied by lh Lynchburg Paper Box Compnuv, tho Provi dence hat fnctorr. and u furniture factory Loss, about AUl.OuU Accident u I be 1.. A V Floinllton. Ala., (Special.)- A iiorllii'otind passenger train on tho Louisville a' d Nash ville Itailroiid struck nu open switch neat this place. The etililim und baggngo cm were overturned, but none of the other carl left the track, l'iiuman Sam Adams, r negro, wns crushed to death, uud Luglneei Goings Injured. None of the pu.-scugi.-r Were Injured. A Montreal 1'lienlre Itiu-ned. Montreal, Que., (Special.) Tim Theatre Krancals uud nearly the entire block on St. Catherine street between St. Dominique am) Cadleux streets, wus burned. Loss, IrlOO.OOO Itiiilroud President Dead, (savannah, Ga., (Special.) President II M. Coiner, of the Central llallrond of Goor glu, died hero. Ho has I. ecu ill for some time The Ariosto u Wreck Cape Henry, Va., (Special.) Efforts tc save llio steamer Ariosto, ashore at Ocra euke, N. C., bavu been given up. Sliu U being stripped. Allcuod Triiiii-ltutiber Cuugliu Ctlpplo ( reok, Col., (Special.) Bob Curry, alius Bon Lee, alleged to be ono of the men who robbed tbu Union Paelllu train nt Wil cox, Wyo.. iu June, Htll, was arrested lior by u sheriff's posse. The arrest was the re sult ot Information received from Dodson, Mo., where Lewis Curry, another of tlm robbers, was killed by tho officials. Proposed suit Mill at Suffolk. Suffolk, Vn., (Sieclal.) A cotntnlltisa from the Suffolk Biisliicss Men's Association wen) to Norfolk to Inspect a silk plant uow build ing there, nnd along whose plan It is pro posed to construct a mill in Suffolk if (50,0011 be subscribed. B -n lh LATEST NEWS tiij r lb WAYNESBORO's-i- "tine" ' Two llutlnes. Ileu11" ty Tenants Destr,w(indr ters of Ten Secret ti,,sndrni Out-Serlons Ouil,rMl",r Vnlverslty-A MrUJtnJ- tits ai Between tho hour, ot err n U., Waynesboro wasn't thrr istrotis Are In Its lilt,Jtl ft,uG blowing, and had it M iU , of tbo volunteer llrem. idrog (ast end would Imvo ,ibnck was the loss Is nmru th.. drn' lie total destruction ut" t Urenlsholts blocks, i , snd finest buslucs9 i,wl I. Wolff block was 0lVw V-T:' Wenlc t,i ,,,,,, ,. I'mrS ' , - VI, ItJ, lock and fixtures. To, Jurred by Wolff l',r,M .old, to more than a)ii :f "i0 nun nn.... .' Smith, dry goods, ra) n,, 3. Dr. F. 8. BrenlshoU, f 4,000; J. If. Htlne, d,,,, I AW lurunoo tsoa i C. w. ;v lers,' loss 10,000, liisuran,,,,; Jmitl: grocer, loss tlO,K), In. -.ban i ocret orders had llieir I i tliot building. Their riy - - .alio Strike of Mii trl Trouble of nn m,,,, rn 1 broken out at tho W.r.jg si Pennsylvania. At the "i WM siuiieniB tiackcii i ' . they would not return. members of tho Fresh, libontorn elsuMea 'ri... , a book which wus iiUtr n?P' of a professor. It cum., I10' faculty assessed tho ; Lei; for tho loss of thn , laud wanted to buy n new Ik. ,(ing! of tho ono stolen lay ohi. r sli talned tho faculty n.fu C proposition. Tho tui. Lng ( strike, and it Is wild than th(. to remain awny from U.Lt. , trouble seems to be m ;" a usually the case In eiw wa &'t t . " .. ke bi irmiunil r roll! Hi While returning honif! U dnmrlitnp nf fl 1 . Goshen Township, sli,p' N 1 fell twelve fuet Intu t,e Chester Creek, which 1...,' I'; its ombankmetits by the : lakiu sister soreamed for help, jgittf lives in the neighborhood fe g lng Into the chilly water .:,tt fl effort to rescue the little Wrt to get out. Harry Huttt,on(j sceue at tins juncture nLJs,f ..i.n.i .1 i . SI" i uuuu wwo urrtglfe, child had been ' TSau t she T. no! i few the flood and narrowly ticturii hlJJj. god from f ' carried ai' iir-n.u-lvi. All n't Three llnllrt. in, At Cranberry workmen-!''., of a man lying near a tt , ' . borry Colliery. The nn:. . downward lu a pool of hi iy"1'' crushed aud the Wily rid ' The Interior of the shnci irsat terrible struggle hud t;,i-.rti u It Is evident that morcttii:.' sb the victim. At the corot rjld bullets worn found in the Jyg I V131 was well dressed. He old, weighed 165 pound.-, in height and has iiut.v yea f mum Crtcihn1 r At Cluno, a brut to i itthd ter e lllgist rale's V j Charles J. Fame, a ju-i (omf St. Clair, oommlttn 1 sui jya, bis brains with a plstul, i t toon years lieutenant InCi011 Ilcgiment, nnd was tli,.,,qwa" Clair Sons of Veterans. fiom of Ht. Clair Borough Cow fade years of ago und leaves tM si children. .Vas je wi Two Persons Acclm Near Buabklll, as Vre& 'Jhp nmliiliig a revolver, it wi lt! passed through his left li wh hired the body ot his kit othy Miller, u hid oflSyfi-jd o lng over Townscud. Millf'fl oil tlie llrst nud second ribs. ' juile up, avoiding tho heart if- jyi shoulder. 8U i, I Broke Alexander to denth while at his wr-l wo Ho Wns riding on the en-L; ) betweeu the cab anil bp '4n life win crushed out. n jja , taak Nu hVhllilt At II meeting of th" P'- land Commerco the tuanulieiu' tabli ported adversely on tin' ,r r chamber make an exhibit 4 position. The rejiort ' ' chamber. .', : lu line w jt The WoatbiTwax ""' L ,a ;uuy, whloh was started In f ' years ago, has moved its , njn lo Boouton, N. J. .i ,i Cyrus 8. ShaelTcr, a HWUe i the Pennsylvania system, s; dun for orders near Greens' ? stepped from the tralu lw fust express tralu and In-, m , Cornelius Sharp, ag12lay i N. J., was admitted to II j' h with both legs cut off. U Lehigh Valley frciitlil w uuder the wheels. Wiviami Ostrloh Spoil"1 Anybody who Itcurtl i'r. of Nebraska, deliver t,' tecn-hour speech nua'to the repeal of the Hlit 'i. would hardly bellovc f coud stumD him. Y" ' perlence In tho s""1 uhnwa thnt lifter till. other mortals, nays l?f' TWt 'T . wen I'SDID". Btnte once," suld the f: Uud occasion to el""" grounds. The grand unu tue occasion kmc promise for an oraio' J. I was wltU political sl hi. bad commenced a nw" ostrich hitched to : know whether you e,,,: tlug ostrich la the ho was a great atti ly noon aa that bird t)i'B tho track I wasn't W'jM s monopolized the atWisi'., titan, woman and ctip bird stopped the peopK M' but when he threw 1 again there wns a raf CK, ,' applause which droW"M uttered. Finally, I P"jf ,H the trot tln ostrich W 11 hla own way." ( Tho whlaper of H. Man l.A Kan l rarlhSf ' IUI1 M ,1 UUUI VI li..- call of duty. of rua. dati fee l th.e HU r yo l,ll IC.