The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, March 01, 1900, Image 7

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Do Things
by Halves.
ftiiws the condition of
txe&lth could be de
ns hdf-sick and half-
You may not be ill
I) go h bed but too Hi to be luippy
i km' in your home or your business.
,.bc uhi!!y tuetl ? Your dragged
fet'inq b d"e Pr blood And
y-ltkt. Ilskt yw blood rich by us
I'fd's S.irsnprilU. It uvrlts to
k'tn; thtrt is nothing like U.
I jfl' Feeling - "My husband
l itme heme from tvorh so tired fie
''imffy move. Ik begin Uking
'itjirsjtpjrill "d it cured him. It
'' fy aH't headidics." Mrs. A. J.
! , V Oih St.. FaU ver. Mrs.
i. jpiiHrtirc Il7r III : thi-nun lrrltntll( t'u
I'fc'ilc i- Liki"wft!i'"ii.(j'' Mr'niipariiia.
sfetluiial Beverage of England.
I : an enormous Increase In
tiro pt ion of whiskies Imported
.cotlsiul and Ireland Into Eng
Jf tne present r.te of lucreaan
iphlt tride Is maintained, Eng
rlll presently havo adopted
fas tlw national beverage.. He-dig
ground aa the people demand
Jng stronger. Tho dlscuRslon of
Itlvc mi rlts of the whUkien has
cut !! Interesting incident
.ir:rt timo since 4 vat contaln-
gallons of Scotch whisky for
feiimpilod of the members of the
f commons was built, and that
Jces9 will Boe provisions made
tidequHte supply of the Irish
He Found hums,
rpyose there are soverul lines to
ii?" hi querlel at a railroad
office the other day. ' "Well,
reluctantly replied the agent,
Eyou want the shortest and
t Duo " "That makes no
fjee to me," interrupted the eall
'wunt a line controlled by moral
Jces. Is the president of your
rellglou man? I can t nay as
t, but I know that two of our
ben and three fireman lately
th Bulvatlon army and that
tard of directors discourages
pnd ber." "That's moral Influ
(aM the traveler, as be brlght-
p, ana you may give iuw u iu-k-
ttew York."
v t.'Me with health
'l')n t" e easiest and
.&-f . oip Is the best
"ifeVJ I.
wdicino In the
e. "pu'khsin's VtgtUble Compound j
it (
1,1 Row. everywhere and
" of women have
I u cz:? 3d ot serious kid"
F:r: xgements by It.
Snkham's moth
9 the endorse"
the mayor, the
'ar and others of
iefcno has the
vent of an un
J multitude ol
women whose
are oonstantly
In this paper,
man should read
Inkham advises
J women free ol
iHer address Is
,l EAT
u. at, j our uruAtb wwici ii,..
ir.f l
, Naul,
! .rtoulium. Sl.,t'luuliinII.Ohla
iii - ! """
II. t
B1 t'uo
v,?,v'u'i'.l,0", T no
weuiuiii.ur (irl,v. 1(jo, (juu.
i. k rt. an
n Runco union
"- '"- MADE
I Othur nuk.l
wil by over
uu.uuo weiirer.
Hulnt have W. L.
- " biiu iinL'a
I on unttom. lake i
mme claimed to bt
iiitm il
V will Bn . I. I
i nte aim m. ,kUii'
' 7wil,1!e,' , Sute ki,ul ' ilhcr,
.flaws' A
I "' uo lee un.
It I !"" urrrMl'iil.
IV J '"t Iviirtli.,!
a.ui cola.
, Ma.
Subject: A Ilrllajlon or Olioele Spirit,
imllain llenntinrerl at Neeroinnnef and
Delation lis DUrlples ArA lioomed
Jt Cu Inannlly Ainont; Irs Vlrtlnn,
ICnpyrtRht iww.)
WAHnimiToN, D. C In tliM difieounc
Dr. TulinnRo iIIsuiihsos n tlinmn never mor
under exploration thun nt tbls time 9ml
wnrns peoplo iiKiilnpt wlntt ho anils n m
IlKlon of Kliintnj text, I Hniiiuel xxvill., 1:
"lieholJ, tliere Is n womiin Hint lintli n
fit in 1 1 1 n r spirit nt Kn-dor. And Hnnl dls
KiiLind lilmsnlf nml put on otlmr riilinont.
a ml lie went, nnd two men with Mm, aud
tliey cumo to the womiin liv nlnht."
Troiibln to tlio riRht of lilm mid trouble
to the lett ol liiin. Niml kimir not what to
do. As a lust resort hu concluded to seek
out n xplrltunl niedium or n wltcli or any
thlnfi tlmt yon pleneto onll Imr n womnn
Wlio lind eoininuiileHtlon wltli tlio spirit!
ot the eternal world. It was very dllTI
eult tiling to do, tot Hnnl lind either slain
nil tho wllclies or eompidleil thorn to stop
buHuesR. A scrviiiit ouo day snld to Kiiik
Hnul. "I know nt n spirltuiil mud In in down
nt the vllliiRO of Bn-dor." "Do you," snld
the klnif. Mi; lit rnlln. Biml, iuttlll oil
his kiiiKiy robes ami piittlnK on tlin dress
nt n plntu eltien, with two stirvnuts, Koes
out to hunt up liiin medium.
Huul mid 1Mb BorvnuiH nfter nwliile
remrlied tlm vllliiKe, nnil tliey sny, "i
wonder It this Is tlio house, " mid tliey look
In, mid tliey see tli IiugKiird, wnlril and
slirlvulod upspliiiunl medium slttin ; liy
tlio iiRlit mid on tin) tu Id ii sculptured
InuiKes and divining rods mid poisonous
herbs nnd bottles and vases. Tliey sny,
' Ves, tills must lie tlio plnen." Ono loud
rnp brings Hie womiin to the door, and as
Him stnnds there, holding the cnndlo oi
lump nliove tier head and pnorlnn out Intr
the dnrkunss, she says, "Who l hure'r'
Tho tall klu if informs her tlmt lie lias ecinc
to hnvo his lorlune told. When sho liunri
that, she trembles nnd nlmost drops tht
IlKlit, lorslie knows tliere Is no clianno ini
it foriune teller or spiritual medium In iV
tliulniiil, llut Haul IisvIiib sworn that nc
hnrm shall onme to her, sho says, "Woll,
who slinll I LrliiR up from tlio (lend?" Haul
snys, "llrlnR up Hiiiniiel." That ivns tlie
Iroplii't wlio had died n little whilo before,
see lier waving n wand, or stirring up
some poisonous herbs in n caldron, oi
litnr her muttering over some inonutn
Hons, or stamping witii her toot as she
cries out to the r oa I in of tho dead,
Hum m l , Hainiiell" I,o, the froezlug hor
rorl Tim floor of t lie tenement opuus, niic!
tlio gray hairs flont up ami tho forehead
the eyes, the lips, the shoulders, tho arms
the feet the entiro body ot tho diuiii
Hmnnol wrapped in sepulchral robe, np
peurlng to tho nstoulsliud group, whe
stugger back mid hold fnt nnd catcL
their breath mid shiver with terror.
Tlio dead prophet, white nnd awful from
the tomb, begins to inovn his ashen lips
nnd he glares upon King Saul and crlei
nil: "What did you bring mu up furl
What do you mean, Kiug Saul?" Haul
trying to compose and control hlmsolf,
makes this stammering mid afTrlglituil
utterance us he says to the dead prophet
"The I,ord Is against me, nnd I hnve conu
to you for help. What shall I do?" Th
lend prophet strotohed forth Ills linger tr
King Hnul and snld: "file to-morrow
Come with me iuto the sepulcher. I air
going now. Come, come with me!" And,
Jo, tlio floor again opens, nnd the feet ol
tneneuu prophet disappear anil the arm!
and the shoulders mid tlio forehead! Tin
floor closes. Oh, that wns mi uwful sennoo;
To unhitch tlio door between tho present
state and the future state ull tho lingers ol
superstition hnvo beon busy. Wo hav
books entitled "Footfalls on tho Bonn
darles of Other Worlds, " "Tlio Dehataldi
Land Between This World nnd tlie Next,'
"Kesenrnhes Iuto tlie Phenomena of Spir
itualism" nnd wholo libraries ot hocui
Focus, enough to deceive tho very elect,
shall not take tlmo to rehearse tho his
tory ot divination, Delphic oracle, sibyl oi
palmistry or the whole centuries oE iui
Modern spiritualism -proposes to opei
the door between this world uud the uexl
and put us Iuto oommunlcatiou with tin
deud. It hns never yet olTorcd one reusou
uble credential.
When I II ud Hnul lu my text consulting (
familiar spirit, I learn that splrltuuliiui Ii
a very old religion,
Hpirltuulisin In American was born la the
yeiTl847, In Hydesville, Wayne Couuty,
N. V., when ono night there wns n loud
rnp beard ngnlnst the door of Mlohae
Weekman; n rap a second time, n rap t
third time, mid nil throe times. When th(
dpor wns opened, there was notlUng found
there, the knocking having bueu modi
seemingly by invisible kuuukles,
After awhllo Mr. Fox with bis fnmll)
moved Into that house, aud then they had
kanglugsnt the door overv night. Out
night Mr. Fox cried out, "Are you a spirit?'
Two rups answer In the nfllriuatlvo. "Are
you an Injured spirit?" Two raps noswai
In the nfllrmntlvu. Then they knew right
away that It was tho spirit of a poddlei
who had been murdered In that house
years before and who hud been robbed ol
hlstSOO. Whether the spirit of the peddlei
came bank to collect his 4500 or his bono:
I do not kuow.
The excitement spread. Thoro wr.s a uni
vernal rumpus. Tliu Hon. Judgu Edmonds
declared In a book that ho had actually
seen u bell start from the top shelf of u
closet, heard It ring ovor the people thai
were stuudlngiu tho vloset: tliou, swung by
invisible bauds, it rang over tlio peoplo It,
the back purler and (United through tin
folding doors to tlio front parlor, rang ovei
the people there nnd then dropped on the
floor. A Heuator of tho United Htntus. nf,
terward Governor of Wisconsin, had hit
head quite turned with Bplrlluullstlo demon
strations. Tho tables tipped, and the stool
tilted, nnd tho bedsteads raised, and tho.
chairs upset, and It soemed as If tho spirit!
everywhere had gone Into the furuitun
business! "Well," the people said, "wo have
got something now In this country. It is u
new rullgloul" Oh, no, my friend, thou
sands of years ago, we flud la our text, i
spiritualistic sonucol
Nothing In the spiritualistic circles of
our day has been more strange, mysterious
aud wonderful than things which have
hoen seen In past centuries of the world.
In all ages there have boon necromancers,
those who eousult with the spirits of the
departed; charmers, those who put tholt
subjects In a mesmerlo state; sorcerers,
those who by takiug poisonous drugs sue
everything and hear everything and tell
everything; dreamers, peoplo who in theli
sleeping moments can see the future world
and hold consultation with spirits. Vus,
before the time ot Christ, the lirnhinaui
went through all the table moving, nil tht
furnituro oxcltoment, which tho spirit!
have exploited lu our duy, precisely tht
tame thing over and over again, under thi
manipulation of tho llrahmans. Now, dc
you say that spiritualism Is different frotr
those? I answer, all those delusions 1 liav
mentioned belong to the sumo family,
They are exhumation from tho unseen
What does flod think ot nil these dolu-
plou? Ho thinks so severely of tlieia that
lie never speaks of them but with livid
thunders of Indignation. He says, "I will
bo a swift witness against tho sorcerer.'
Ho hays, "Thou shall not suiter u wltcli to
live." And lest yon might ninko some Im
portant distinction between spiritualism
and wltcliernlt Ood says lu so muuv words.
"Tliero shall not be among you a cousultui
of familiar spirits, or wizard, or uecro
unmoor, for thoy that do those things nre
nn abomination unto tho Lord." Tho Lord
Ood Almighty In a score of passages which
l nave not now iiilo to quote ulturs His lu
dlguntlou against nil this great family of
uuiUHions. Alter that pe a spiritualist II
you uarel
You loso a frleud; you want tho
itual world opened, so that von
uavo coinuiunicuuuu ttilu mu..
highly wrought, nervous nnd dlsi
.1. W Wt IIIIU14 JTU, MM", I'M. J. 1.
In Dial fmm,,il,.,iHn 'I'lw.l' id Mil
hat spiritualism. It' takes advant'l
ot one la a moment of weakness, wb lh
may come upon us nc any lime. ,
lose a frleud. The trial is keen, shar
sunocoiiug, almost maddening. i
could marshal a host aud storm tlie
eternal world and recapture our loved
oue, the host would soon be marshaled
The house is so lonely. The world is to
nam. Tue separation Is so InsuftorHble.
But spiritualism says, "We will open the
future world, and your loved oue cuu come
back aud talk to you." Though we mijky
not hear his voice, we may heur the rap
of bis hand. Bo, clear the table. Bit down.
Put your bands on tba table. Be very
iulet. tli minutes gone. Tea minotes.
No notion of !' table. No muniMS Irutn
Hie future world. Twenty minutes. Thirty
minutes. Nervous excitement nil the time
Increasing. Two raps from tho future
world. The letters of the alphabet aro
called over. The departed friend's nnmii
Is John. At the pronunciation of the let
ter J two rnps. At the pronunciation of
the letter O two rnps. At the pronuncia
tion of the letter H two rnps. At the
pronunciation of the letter N two rnps.
Tliero yon hnve the whole name spnl od
out J-o-h-n, John, Now, tho spirit being
present, yon say, "John, are you happy?"
Two rnps Rive nn nfllrmnllve answer.
Many years ago the steamer Atlantic)
stnrted from Europe for the United States.
Getting mldoeean, tliu machinery broke,
and sho floundered around day after day
and week after week, nnd for n whole
mouth nftor she was dun people wondered
and llnnlly gavn her up. There was great
anguish In the cities, lor there were many
who had friends aboard that vessel. Home
of the women In their dlslro-s went to tho
spiritual medium and inquired as to the
fate of that vessel. The medium called up
the spirits, nnd the rapping on tlio table
Indicated the steamship lost, wltli nil oil
board. Women went raving mad mid were
carried to tho lunatic asylum. After
awhile one day a gun was heard on quaran
tine. The flag went up on the shipping,
and the bells of tlie churches were rung.
The boys rau thro igli the streets crying:
"F.xtral The Atlantic Is safe!" There was
the embracing an from the dead when
friends came ngaiu to friends, but some ot
those passengers went up to And their
Wives In the lunatic aslum, whero tills
cheat of Infernal spirltumisin had put
I bring ngnlnst this delusion a mora
fearful Indictment It ruins the soul tin
mortal. I-lrst, It mnkfl a man a quarter
of nn Infidel; then It makes him half mi lli
lldel; then it makes him it wholo inudot.
If Clod Is ever slapped In the face, It Is
when a spiritual medium puts down tier
huud on the table, Invoking spirits de
parted to mnkon revelation. Ood has told
you nil you ought to know, nnd how dure
you bo prying Into that which Is none ot
your business.' You cannot keep the llllile
In ono hand nnd spiritualism In the other.
Ono or the other will slip out ot your grasp,
depend tipnti II, Splrltiiullsm Is adverse
to tlie lilble, in the fact that It lias in
these last days culled from the future
World Christian men to testify ngnlnst
Christianity. Its mediums call back
Lorenzo Dow, the celebrated evangelist,
and Lorenv.o Dow testllles that Christians
uro idolaters. Spiritualism calls back Tom
I'ulne, and bo testlllos that he is stopping
In tlie same house In heaven with John
Ilnnynn, Thev call back John Wesley, mid
ho testlllos against tin) Christian religion,
which bo nil tils lite gloriously preached.
Andrew Jackson Davis, tlio greatest of all
luospirlttialists, come to the front and de
clares that tlio KeirTastiimeiit Is but "tho
illsinnt euho of n harharla age" und the
Jliblo only "one ot the pen und ink relies
of Cnrlstianlty."
I hnvo iu mv hnnsn a book used In snlr-
Itunlistlo service, It contains a catechism
mid a hymn hook. Tlinentecliism has
questions nnd npswers:
u. nulls our ciuoi baptism? A. fre
quent ablution lu water.
U. What is our Inspiration.' A. Krusli air
nnil sunshine.
Q. What ,1s our love fonst? A. Clear
conscience nnd sound sleep.
i). wuat is our prayer.' A. ruyslenl ex
Aud then it goes on to show that a great
proportion of their religious servloe Is a
system of calisthenics. Then when they
want to arouse the devotion ot tue people
to tliu highest pit cli they give out the
liym on tho elxty-lirtii page:
Tho night bath gathered up hor silken
Or, on the flfteouth page:
Coma to tliu woods, holgh ho!
"Dut," says some ono, "wouldn't It bo
of advantage to hoar from the future
world? Don't you think It would strength
en Ohristlnus? There uro a grout many
materialists who do not believe tliero are
souls, but if spirits from tlie future world
should knock nnd talk ovor to us they
wouiu ne persuuiieu. ro that l answer in
the ringing words of the Hon ot Ood, "It
they believed not Moses und the prophets,
neither will they be persuaded though ono
rose from the dead."
I believe those oce the days of which the
apostle spake when ho snld, "Xa tho latter
timos some shall depart from the faith,
giving need to seducing spirits." Audi
ences lu this day need to hnvo reiterated
In their heitrlug tho passages I quoted
some minutes ago. "There shall not be
among you a cousulter of familiar spirits,
or wizard, or noorotnuueer, for they that
do these things aro an abomination unto
tho Lord," uud, "Tho soul that turuoth
after such ns have familiar spirits I will
set Mysolt against them, and they shall he
cut off from their people."
Ilut I invite you now to n Christian
noanco, a noonduy soancc. This congre
gation Is only one great family. Here Is
the church table. Come around the church
table; take yourseuts for this great Chris
tina seance; put your lilble on the table,
put your hands ou top of the Bible aud then
listen and hear If there aro auy voices com
ing from the eternal world. I think tliero
nre. Llstout "Secret things belong unto
tho Lord, our Ood, but thing that are re
vealed belong uuto us nnd to our chil
dren." Purely that ts a voice from the spirit
world. Ilut before you rise from tills Chris
tian seance I want you to promise mo you
will be sutlslled with the Divine revelation
uutll the light of tho eternnl throne breaks
upon your vision. Do not go utter tlio
witch ot En-dor. Do not sit down at table
rnnplugs elthor In sport or In earnest.
Teach your children there nre no ghosts
to bo seen or heard lu this world save those
which walk on two feet or four human or
bestial: ltomembor that spiritualism nt
the best Is a useless thing, for It It tells
what the Illhlo reveals it Is u snperlluity,
and if It tells what tho Uible docs not re
veal it Is a lie.
Instead ot going to get other peoplo t.i
tell your fortuno toll your own fortune by
I Hitting your trust in God aud doing the
icst you can. I will toll your fortune. "All
things work together for good to them
that love God." Insult not your departed
frlouds by asking them to ooine down and
scrabble uudor un extension table, lie
member that there Is only oue spirit
whoso dictation yon bavn a right to
invoke, and that Is the holy, blessed
and omnipotent spirit ot God. Hark!
He Is rapping now, not on a table or
the floor, but rapping on the door of your
heurt, and every rap is an Invitation to
Christ aud a warning of judgment to come.
On, grieve Him not awayl Quonoh Hliu
not. He has been all around you this
morning. He was all arouud you lust
night. He has been arouud you all your
lives. Harkl There oomes a voice with
tender, overmastering lutouatlou, snylug:
"My spirit shall not always strive."
Vou Can Nave) It A I.
The la-ly whose linen yon envy, oea
"Bed dross" and "Hublnger'a Best"
Isundry starch. It Is easy to make yonr
elf an ohjeot of onvy also. Ask your
grocer, be nan tell you Just bow you
enn get ono largo MR package of ."ltd
Cross'' starch, ono largo 10c. paekngn of
"Huhlnger's Host" starch, with tho
premiums, two beautiful Hhakespsnre
panels, printed In twelve beautiful coU
)rs, or ono Twentieth Century Olrl cut
sudar, all for Sc.
Uupos t;nilila tn Plnd the rinre Where
Thev Were Huiilil.
Hid you over hear nf a cork aufe?"
naked a drummor who represents tha
latest thing In chilled-steel and bur-g'.ar-bulTlliig
tlm locks, according to
tho New Orleans Tlmea-Democrat, "A
far aa I am aware," ho 'continued,
when overy'uudy had clioruad a nega
tive, "only one of them wan over built.
It waa mado by an Ingcnlona Dutch
mechnnlo for a one-l.lino famous con
fidences man, named Dr. Raggs, who
operated In Denver, Salt Lake and
'Frisco. The safe waa n folding affair,
made of paper on a backing of sheet
rork, and when It wa:i opened up It
waa nix feet high, and looked exactly
like the real thing. As It was always
placed in a corner. It had only two
aides, hue every visible detail waa com
plete combination knob, hinges,
lettering, hnlt-headx and all. When
folded It could be carried In un ordi
nary drrsa-aiilt cane, riagga used the
thing In u fake lottery office, which
was of ltsolf a marvel of trick furnish
ing. When the victim entered the of
fice It looked like an ordinary business
establishment, with desks, railing,
niapa on the walla, aafe In the corner,
and several elcrka at work on Imoka,
The Instant lie left a roll-top desk waa
opened Intn a bed. The railing was
folded together and allpped Into a
closet, u table was transformed Into a
washstand, a cabinet turned into n
bureau, tho eafe was put awuy in Ha
case, tho curtains were pulled down,
and tho room was to all appearances a
Bleeping apartment. By that means the
poor dupe waa never ablo to find tha
place where lie hnd been bunkoed. I
aaw IJaggtt' old cork snfo when I was
laat In San Francisco, it Is now owned
by a cigar dealer, who bought It ns
a curio, aud whtle It la pretty badly
battered, one can still see plnlnly that
it waa a wonderful piece of mechanical
Beauty la Blood Deep.
Clean blood menus a clean skin. No
bcautv without it. Coscarets, Candy C'athar
tio clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im-
Curities from the body, llegin today to
nnish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by tailing
Cam-arete, beauty lor ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 2jc, 50c.
In time of war Franca piitsll'O out of every
HUM) of her population in the Held: Germany,
Mil); ltus.-in. 'Jin.
Dearneas Citnnnt Re Cared
by looal applications, a they cuu not reach tlie
diseased portion nf the ear. Tliero is only one
wav to cure deafness, nnd that is by constitu
tional reuiiMllee. Deafness is osiised byanln
named couditlou ot the mucous lining nt the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube get In
tlumed you have a rumbling sound or imper
fect liesring, nnd when it Is entirely (dosed
Deafness is the result, and unlese the lnflaran
mstlnn UUD be taken out and this tube re
stored to It normal cond.ta m.henrlng will be
destroyed forever. Nine iscs out of tun are
osiised by catarrh, which leuothliis hut aula,
flamed condition of the nuiroii surfaces.
We will give One Hundret Dollars for any
esse of Deafness (i-hummI hv cnt irrhltbtoan
nntbo cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure, tieud
lor oiroulars, free.
V. J. Chsnbv A Co Toledo, O.
Sold by Drunglxt-.
Hall's family 1111- lire the best.
Nashville, Teun., has no public park be
cause tho law creating a park commission
was held to be unconstitutional. A new law
will be framed.
OstrUk HMilleil Ills Spi-eoh,
Anybody who heard Senator Allen
ot Nebraska, deliver tils famous fifteen-hour
Bpeech agalnBt the bill for
the repeal at the Sherman tsllver bill
would hardly believe that anything
coud stump him. Yet there is an ex
perience In the senator's life which
shows that, after all, he In like unto
other mortals, says the, Washington
Post. "I waa campaigning In my
state once," said tho senator, "when I
hud occasion to speak at a fair
grounds. The grand stand was full,
und the occasion seemed to be full ot
promise for an orator overflowing as
I was with political gospel, Just as I
bad commenced a mtm brought out an
ostrich hitched to a sulky. I don't
know whether you ever saw the trot
ting ostrich In the east, but out west
he was a great attraction. Well, aa
soon as that bird began to run around
the track I wasn't In it. The ostrich
monopolized the attention ot every
man, -woman and child. When the
bird stopped the people listened to me,
but when he threw out his long Jegs
again there was a roar of laughter and
applause which drowned every word I
uttered. Finally, I gave it up. I let
the trotting ostrich have everything
his own way."
The winter draperies ot ' a house
onvert ugliness tato batuty.
They Trent Around Him Like He Wat
a Bwmmp.
New York Tribune: "I heard a cap
ital story last night." said Oeorge
Cabol nf St. Louis at the Hoffman
House. "Years ago In a western fron
tier town a traveler, footsore and
weary, arrived one afternoon, and
made his way down the one street of
the burg. He was suddenly startled
by the sounds of shots, nnd looking up
discovered four men shooting at one
another. Tho men were standing at
the four corners nf an Imaginary
square, nnd each shooting at the man
catuoorner to him. Helng In what, be
supposed a safe position he panned to
watch the outcome, of the fray, when
a bullet, going wide of its Intended
mark, cut by his car. That roused his
wrath, and drawing his pistol be drop
ped the man In his tracks who had
all but dropped him. Another bullet
flying wide from Its mark, but near
to the stranger, caused him to lay out
one of the other pair, and the two re
maining men sought safety in flight.
In that particular town duels had been
previously comparatively harmless
amusement, owing to the poor marks
manship of the contestants, but the
man who could shoot had arrlvrd, and
the Inhabitants, although they turned
out to greet him In a hotly and grant
him the freedom of the city, did so In
manifest awe and trepidation. When
ever he told the story afterward he
used to wind It up impressively by
Raying: 'And, boys. In that town after
that they went around tne as If I had
been a swamp."
quite a Different Thing.
Mr. Doe I am surprised that you
put up with your son's extravagance.
Mr. Iloxe O, I don't, I merely put up
for It. New York Journal.
Each package of Tutsan Fauklkss Dts
colors more goods then nny other dye and
colors them better too. Sold by all
Ther nre 35 Sac nnd Fox, K5 Chippowas,
250 Kicknpoor, 2S0 Iowna and 5H4 Pottawn
tomles now on tho Pottawatomie reservation
in Kansas.
Doa'l Tobacco Spit snl Smoke Tsar Life Asy.
To quit tobacco easily nnd forever, be mar
nello, full of life, nerve and vluor, take No To
Uao, the wnndnr-worl'er, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, Mo or SI. Curo guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling tteuiedy Co., Chicago or New York.
Ice-making by electricity is suggested for
central stations in summer, when loo is In
demand and electric lights urn little needed.
5trs. VVInslow's Soothing Syrup for children
ti elhltig.sol tens the Kiiiiis,rodti('inK I ulln mms
lion, sliuyb pain, curt wind co'lu. a Uottl:.
Tho Paris nutomobllo manufacturers ob
ject to having numbers put on their vehicles,
ou the ground that It would mar their looks,
Tn Cure n Cold In On Dny.
drut-'gl-t i-efnud the m utejr If it falls to cure.
K. YY, Gsors'S slxnsture In on each box. -'5c.
There are about l'J.530 persons ou tho pay
rolls of the city of Boston, and the estimated
population of the municipality Is 500,(100.
To Care Constlpntlo Forever
.Tske (UiM-uroti Candy Csthsnle. lOoorff.
U(I.C fail to cure, druggists refund saoaey.
In 1HD1 a society for the promotion of the
study of foreign language was founded la
l'srhi. It now has over 3,003 members.
Vita I. it view, debilitated or exhausted cured
by Dr. Kline's Invigorating 'tonic. Khsk II.
trial buttle tor X week's treatment. Dr. Kline,
).ilUl Arcu St, i'hiUdelptiln. rounded is; I,
Some ot the Boer rifles taken by the llrlt.
isb are double-barreled miiKzle-londers of a
puttern made over thirty years ago.
I believe Plso n C'urn I'nr Consumption unveil
my boy'H iife lsHtsuuiiner. Mis. Alms; Done.
I.Asa, l,e Hoy, Mlou., Oct DO. 181H.
For calling another man a liar through
the telephone n citizen of llooue toiinty,
Iowa, hud to pay a line of 3.
IIoiv Are Tour Kldoeya f
Dr. Ilobbs' Rv-trns-its Pills en re all klrtueir Uli Mane
pie trim. Add. Slurllug- Huiuud; i:u.,CJliii;oor N. IT.
A Terosf stock comi auy, with a capital of
.ViO.OiO, has been formid in Milan for the
pcrfoi'ii.aiicu of church music.
The llest riexrlpllon fur ClillU
and Fever Is a bottle of liuovs's Tsstci.vks
( nil l Tonic. It U simply iron iiu-l ijinniue In
it Uuieluss form. No emu uo pay. Price too.
Thirty-six foreign vessels, having un ng
gregatu tonnage of 67,5511, met with disaster
in Aiinirhiuu witters lust y nr.
Educate Tone Bowota With CasMreta,
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
tOe, Hie. It G. O. O. fall, druggists refund money.
Ia the mouth of December 7.000 men nn
pliid for enlistment lu the United Hiatus
army, and 1.661 w re accepted.
Cures stl Throet and I.ung AnVclious.
v Getthrceonine. Refit iiihititute. A
Vis sure
Dr. Mmltt Wi curt Vjr.tiia. 7W j.'a
What a lot of trash
is sold as cough
cures. The hollow
drum makes the
loudest noise the'
biggest advertise
ment often covers
Sixty years of
cures and such testi
mony as the follow
ing have taught us
what Aycr's Cherry
Pectoral will do.
" I had a most stubborn cough
for many years. It deprived me
of sleep and made me lose flesh
rapidly. I was treated by many
eminent physicians, but could get
no permanent relief. I then tried
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and I be
gan to get better at once. I now
sleep well, my old flesh is back,
and I enjoy myself in every way
at the age of seventy-four." R. N.
Mann, Fall Mills, Tenn., Feb. 7,
It's tie do-is you-would-be-done-by
cough medicine. Try
a 25-cent bottle.
CHOICE Vegetables
will always find a ready
market but only that farmer
can raise them who has studied
the great secret how to ob
tain both quality and quantity
by the judicious use of well
balanced fertilizers. No fertil
izer for Vegetables can produce
a large yield unless it contains
at least 8 Potash. Send for
our books, which furnish full
information. We send them
free' of charge.
y3 Nsiibau St., New York.
Tlio Ijohc Ink nutdo, but no dearer
man nn jiuortHt.
Vfm wUta to ffftin tUiaatr Jtt .CO
iPkf biftrl'it fciorlttruciimtrHiC t
ovrwnrrjr am Juo.
11 1j K.di-ii,
Krlf Rip Cl)tft
Kftrlr Dinner Ouiuu,
Urilfiaut ft lowr bead.
Abov 10 Pkgi. nurtb 9100, w will
uai i you irea, iuMiur with iu i
riiv iaiiog, triii ut III about
iih ruoctint ut tliia autira) A io,
ttmpa. VV iovita ruurlrkJ. And
rtfiavrou wmi arr ut wiiueai.
PrliaaoM Halaar'a lyuA.
aatafltatToMtoOi.n.o,rtb A C
johi a. alii a. hsd ., i.i can a ft, Kit,
ti t
lA.'.w.ii'. ir- T.1 I
Ma. I, I Cw, v I t cm M.
Ka t ll'-S M. tfX I -. Ii
ha. . ci. It. V&Itoo" U
N.i. , 1 ). Ii LliiiWvlli
Ca. i, ID ! m I Clmm mm Ttrm
H II Onm Sit 1 tna-m .viUa
hi ktA. rA,
In the country it is hard to get help for the house
hold work. Wives, mothers and 'daughters who do their
own work should have the very best of everything to
do it with. Ivory Soap is the best; it cleans quickest
and is easiest on the hands. It floats.
A WORD OF WARNINCi. Thr r many white soaps. cti rrpresrnted to t "just (P"
m the 'Ivory '-, " th,-v ARB NOT, hut llln all countirft-lte, la k tlie peculiar mni rcmulur-le quilnw
of tlie genulnt. Ask for "Ivory " Siisp and Insist upon jft?iiln(r It.
1 f
Red, Rough Hands, Itching, Burning
D,f .J D.uf..t P. r 1 ' i
a anna, tnu a dimui rmger nnas.
One Night Treatment
Soak the hands on retiring in a strong, hot,
creamy lather of CUTICURA SOAP. Dry,
and anoint freely with CUTICURA, the great
skin cure and purest of emollients. Wear, during
the night, old, loose kid gloves, with the finger
ends cut off and air holes cut in the palms. For
red, rough, chapped hands, dry, fissured, itching,
feverish palms, with shapeless nails and painful
finger ends, this treatment is simply wonderful,
and points to a speedy cure of the most distress
ing cases when physicians and all else fail.
ore Hands 8 Years Cured,
Pain So Intense Would Nearly Twist Fingers From Socket. Ham!s
Puffed Up Like n Toad. Water Ran Through Bandages to
Floor. Had to Walk tlie Floor Until Would Fall
Asleep. Fingers Would Peel Like an Onion.
Doctors Could Not Cure.
Eilit yenrs ago I a;ol, sure lnuuls, t'uiiimiinnj: with a 1iiruiu snnsUon
on my llngi'M mni on Kin of the IiiiikI. AVIkmi l-itilibi'il tliem, you could
Hon little wliltif plniili's. 1 fi-lt like tw ining my Anger on! of tin ir aockets.
1 hail high fcvi-r, hiii1 fold rlilll run over trie, ami o I kepi It. going until
I wan tired out. NlgtiM. 1 liuii to walk tlm floor until I fell asleep. Mv
hinnU iK'eleil like, an onion, the linger nulla got loow, unit the, watar
rau out, unit w herever there waa a lilllo pimple there the burning fire wai
tlmt, happened at. lemt ten tiiueii. I uni i iiiinlng u liliu-k'mllh hop, honie
Nhoeing, anil 1 would not ahut. up the, uliop for nny lunly, .huL it waa hard.
My lutnil puffed up worm limn :i to.ul. When I drove liorso nails, Uio
wuler from my liuuil ran througli tlie linudage, on o the floor. My cus
tomiMS rtifused to look ut my hand. I h:id a friend Hike m to the doctor;
he. guvo naolutioii of aoiuething to hnllie tny liunda. 1 went to auothcr
doctor, I think, for a year. I found vmr ailverlincmcut In a L'llca newa
paper, and 1 got, the ( i tioi ka remedieH. A aoon nn J used them I began
to gain, and after unlng u limit iiimntily of them J wai entirely cured. J
Id not take fifty dollar for a cuke of Ci'THH'HA Soaf If 1 could not get
any more. I would not suffer unv more :m I illd. for the whole pmintrr '
tcli. 'Ji, 18!8. t'ASl'KK I'lK'lXt'III.EIt, Pembroke, Cienesee to., N.
Complete Externa! and Internal Treatment tor Eiery humor,!illii(ur Cctickha Hiiir Ciic ), tn i-lraiiu ill. akin nt erutu and
SCMli-. Hvlia Mitl.D lii. tblckeD.ii cutlrln, i;tTII'UIU 4I1STMIMT (bo. I,
. " 'nliilly allay Itihlnn, lufl.niin.llou, mid iriilaltim, aud aoiUi.anit
THO bOtf i9l.20 liial, ami I'lTiniHi K,,l IT (&Uc), to cool aud rl.anM Hi' liluo.1.
A Vlaui I Nit laufUn muat torturing, rlltflrurlm,
ml hiimlilallii kin, aeilp, and bitmd bumiiri, Uh luaa ut hxlr, wheo a I la. fallt. Void
iliroiitriiiiut Un- wnrlil. I'.. Trail linu. xu Cuia. Hour., Uola l'ron., Uuatun, V. H, A. " All
.ticul Uu- tikiu. bcl)!, ami llalr," Umt.
millions of Women Use Cuticura Soap
I'.K-lin ivi'Iv On- iirpKervliift. purtfylnn, and beautifying the akin, for cleiimlna- Uie aralp of
ennt, M-.ilin, nml ilanrtrutt, nnil tlm Hupping of fulltna; hair, for aofu-ulnn, white nln,ant
aiiiilliliiK ml, roiiKli, nnil toia iianila. In the form of bmha foraunoylUK lirlutlona, lullam.
iikuIi.iih, ami rlinflngt, or too fi-i-e or nffi-nalve ii-ripii-atlnn, In tlie form of wiuliua for
nli-oralivo wi-ukni-tiiii-a, and for inuny aannllva antlnrptlo purposra whkh rrnillly luirscat
(hi'iiiM-lv tj wnaii-n, and i'pi-iiully mothc-ra, and fur all Uia iur)oaiia of tlie toilet, bath,
and nur.i-ry. No amuuiitof iiarauaalon can Imlui-e thoae who hare euro tiard It to use
any othur, puprelaily for preserving and purifying the akin, ai-Jilp. and hair of Infant, and
i-hlldien. I I li r Hi SoAI'ronihlncadrPrate emollient prupBrlleadertvud froniCUTICuai,,
the Kieut Llu cure, with tlie puri-atot cluHnnIng IngredlniiU aud the inu.t retrrihlng ot
flower oilora. No other mtdtcatrtt soap etr roinpounded is to be compared with It for
preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, sculp, hair, nnd hsnds. No other foreign
or (loiiiL-tl'c toilet soap, however espdite. Is to be compared with It for all the purpose
. of tho toilet, liutli, aud nursery. Thus It i-oinliluea tu inb Boar at Okl I'Kli'B, via.,
Twkktv Kivk t iiN'rs, the -i' skin and coinpluilou soap, the l4T UiUet aad suf
Vahy soap lu the world. ,
Don't Stop Tobacco Suddenly
It 'njnre nrrvous system to do so. HA fin
( I llllll the only cure that REILLY CURES
and uotihV yon when to slop. hold wlio a
KiiiranU. tnat tnr. nnira will core any ease.
WfcW-wvnw h rr(j iBu,aUO,, u mW
curm yuu. A tall i nurgisU or bv mall prepaid,
l a box: 8 bui.s .) booklet fr... Wr te
M'HiK Ml MlfAf. 0. LaCr.w.. UU.
amek raltstf d mm aumi
adMtUiaoniaia a.nd KtsiavA' traLaaa.ib,
imm- Buoa uf tMUuiuniaii
Ifsflltoi.1 .Ith I TU. ...' fy. Hf.a
SurtsyaatSM I I llwinpeii a.i
Qthemii i icm nm i ADPorAio t
Most 11 fed of potato oo Mrtli i umv - JI
Cat) (if IrVlla AO (UM ftUUHt Ki. Jv
ur i lUrltMt Mis WhIi PuUuj. i M
Lmrfml (Wrm fcad gtH wad 3
up ft UM, 9eoa iuwii4uiio.k
w atta Ualalai. k 0
r '-rrrr
Hp, " CilSi'fTsrit
"up. Ta.14). (Jood. '
Counh brruD. Taauia (loud. TJaa I
ID lime, mid hr dmirirtrtA
-- - -fHl I In